Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

Just as a heads-up for those voting for Rachel because of Cù, you won't get him in his most known class 'Lancer' since there is already one.
If you still want him for Rachel, you can probably summon him as a Caster or Berserker if you still want him with a spear. They are of course some other interesting servants for Rachel and that's why I'm voting for her. While Alec's impassiveness won't develop much of the story. He will probably just stay in a corner laughing as everyone battle and swoops in at the last moment for the win if Lisa manages to convince him to stop lazing around.
i doubt that. if not Alec, then the Servant we choose for him would want the wish.

(edit: or, like Medea during Fifth HGW, wish to be left alone)

but anyway. we are still in the 'listen' phase.
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While Alec's impassiveness won't develop much of the story. He will probably just stay in a corner laughing as everyone battle and swoops in at the last moment for the win if Lisa manages to convince him to stop lazing around.
Alec has shown in the last chapter that he is not as apathetic as he plays at being. He wants freedom. He's now aware that even though he got away from his father, he still under the control of someone. He can't go by his real name or use his actual powers without the risk of his father finding out where he is. He can't live how he wants without the risk of some boss he's never seen taking everything away anytime he wants. Lisa and Brian are the ones on the team who make all the decisions. Alec has no power or control over his own life and by becoming a Master he gets that chance to get it.
He was already set to poison someone he just met on the chance that they were a threat to him. And that's before he found out that he has a chance to compete in a war. Alec could take to the cutthroat nature of the Holy Grail quite naturally.
And wishing for freedom for one's self is such a vague thing. So many ways that it could go horribly wrong. Or horribly right.
Just because the Grail forced him to admit that wouldn't mean he would change overnight and start properly participating in the war. That's not something you can change with just a conversation with some creepy stranger. He can easily get out of Coil's control with a Servant, then his initial wish was accomplished. So what now? Unless Coil himself get a Servant or hire some powerful cape Alec will be nearly untouchable for him now. As I said Alec is not the best choice because of his passiveness. And it wouldn't be worth it for Coil to purchase him, too much of a hassle, so now Alec is free and sitting on his ass somewhere with a Servant, not participating.
Alec doesn't want the responsibility to make choices, too much of hassle for him. He just wants to be free as in no responsibility to participate in some deathmatch or get some zealous Servant with a wish.
So, Rachel, it is for my vote.
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Just because the Grail forced him to admit that wouldn't mean he would change overnight and start properly participating in the war. That's not something you can change with just a conversation with some creepy stranger. He can easily get out of Coil's control with a Servant, then his initial wish was accomplished. So what now? Unless Coil himself get a Servant or hire some powerful cape Alec will be nearly untouchable for him now. As I said Alec is not the best choice because of his passiveness. And it wouldn't be worth it for Coil to purchase him, too much of a hassle, so now Alec is free and sitting on his ass somewhere with a Servant, not participating.
Alec doesn't want the responsibility to make choices, too much of hassle for him. He just wants to be free as in no responsibility to participate in some deathmatch or get some zealous Servant with a wish.
So, Rachel, it is for my vote.
How about we explore Alec first, and then if it looks like you're right, we swap over to the more sure Rachel. It's not like we're choosing right now who we make a Servant.
I like how no one has mentioned that the Undersiders let the Grail sit at the table with them for lunch, despite just getting out of the dumpster. Nasty.

Who would be a good servant for Alec? It would have to be someone that values personal freedom, someone who wouldn't try to shape or change him. Hmmm....

I think that some good Servants for Alec would Spartacus, Drake, and Altera. Spartacus would be focusing on overthrowing any oppressor in his way, while Drake emphasizes personal freedom as a pirate. My personal favorite though would be Altera since she also has a "fake name" and trouble with her emotions. Plus it is said that her actions led to the collapse of the Roman Empire, so it would be fun seeing how she would interact with a certain Master/Servant pair...

[X] Focus on Alec

I did want to choose Brian but I don't think the War needs another serious Master. Alec's laid-back and apathetic personality makes him stand out among the competition. As for Rachel, it's a shame that we don't have the Archer slot open because Atalanta would be perfect for her with their fondness for strays. Although, I feel a character with Alec would be more interesting.
I like how no one has mentioned that the Undersiders let the Grail sit at the table with them for lunch, despite just getting out of the dumpster. Nasty.

I think that some good Servants for Alec would Spartacus, Drake, and Altera. Spartacus would be focusing on overthrowing any oppressor in his way, while Drake emphasizes personal freedom as a pirate. My personal favorite though would be Altera since she also has a "fake name" and trouble with her emotions. Plus it is said that her actions led to the collapse of the Roman Empire, so it would be fun seeing how she would interact with a certain Master/Servant pair...

[X] Focus on Alec

I did want to choose Brian but I don't think the War needs another serious Master. Alec's laid-back and apathetic personality makes him stand out among the competition. As for Rachel, it's a shame that we don't have the Archer slot open because Atalanta would be perfect for her with their fondness for strays. Although, I feel a character with Alec would be more interesting.

Best Saber is indeed, best Saber. Seeing her NP an Endbringer would be great.

[X] Focus on Alec

Rachael might be interesting, but also have to look at long term effects in play. No matter what Alex does with his Servant, it's liable to catch the attention of his sister, and thus bring the Nine into play.
Lowkey. I kinda want to make one of the Nine a Master.
We do need at least one unrepentant terrible person acting as a master, there's one every war and we're lacking one as things stand.

If at all possible, an unrepentant terrible person with some variant of a tragic backstory showing that they were/could have been good if their life had turned out a different way. So Jack, Bonesaw, Mannaquin, etc. Any works.
Okay, I'm going to start writing now. Hopefully I can finish before I have to leave. Anyways, looks like we are going to be shifting focus entirely onto Alec.
Resistance 2.7
Resistance 2.7

The Grail shifted. Muscles relaxed, the body resting into a more natural pose. No longer like a stiff porcelain doll, and now something more malleable. Something like a human, yet not. Something alien, yet something still recognizable. Its eyes focused on Alec, holding him in their gaze almost literally. Alec found himself paralyzed, for a moment, by the uncanny expression. Whereas previous the girl's face was like a mannequin, now it was like a gel imprint of a face moving of its own volition, communicating feeling in all the wrong ways.

Perhaps, he wondered, Brian and Rachel did not notice, because neither seemed overtly shocked or disgusted by the sudden shift of expression. Perhaps his experience manipulating muscle down to the most exact detail left him vulnerable to this kind of shock.

A smile, too symmetrical and eyes still too wide, spread across the Grail's face. So close to being human, yet still off. Wrongness cultivated into horror. Alec couldn't look away.

"I have more questions, for you, Alec, and I would have you answer. You were prepared to kill me. Why?"

Rachel blinked in surprise while both Alec and Brian stiffened in surprise. Brian moved as though he were to stand up. "Listen, no one planned to ki-"

"She can see right through us." Alec cut his teammate off. "There is no point hiding anything." He let out a long suffering sigh, purposefully masking the shaking of his hands as he did so, working to regain control of his motor functions. It wasn't quite Mastering his own body, but he liked to think of it as such.

"Answer our question."

"I didn't know you. I still don't. Of course I'd be ready to kill you if you weren't as friendly as you seemed. And trust me, the corpse bride look does not make you look very friendly in the first place."

"You did not answer my question, but don't worry, I understand it can be confusing, frightening even. When you stand too high up you naturally don't want to look down."

Alec narrowed his eyes. "Could you just get to the point? I don't have all day."

"No, you only have a lifetime." Silence. Long and cold. "A normal person does not meet a new face, in any situation, and considers first how to kill them. Why do you?"

"Is this your way of getting me to see that my family fucked me up? Because I alre-"

The face shifted. A jagged smile beneath dead eyes. The most human expression He'd seen on the girl. "Boy must daddy me proud of you."

Alec's felt his throat tighten for a moment, then he stood up, eyes burning. "What the fuck did you say?"

"I bet your teammates think you just act without thinking, but you do. You think the same thing as your daddy. 'Fuck it!' 'Fuck it!' 'Fuck it!"

"I don't need to take this shit!"

"You're right! You don't! Just go run away from it! And when you hear it coming again, that voice singing 'Fuck it!' 'Fuck it!' 'Fuck it!', you can just keep running!"

"You don't know what you are talking about."

"Man, you know what I think your daddy would do if he was in your shoes? I think he'd stand up, turn around, and walk out this room, away from the little girl hurting his feelings…" The girl cooed at him, her eyes a caricature of pity. Then the jagged smile returned. " a bitch."


Brian stood up, grabbing Alec's arms to keep the boy from completing his lunge. "Alec! Calm down!"

"Oh so angry! I mean, of course you are. How could you not? You never really were in control of your emotions, were you?"

With a loud yell, Alec jerked out from Brian's grip. Brian felt his joints lock up, and he was sent falling to the ground like a wooden plank. Rachel jumped up, backpedalling away from the drama, though keeping her eyes trained on the pair. Alec was upon the Grail then, hands wrapping around her through as he pushed her to the ground. Behind him Brian shouted over and over trying to get him tos top, while Rachel kept watching.

Alec tightened his grip, more and more, then a hand came up, the Grail wrapping it around his face, and squeezed.

Alec screamed out, releasing his grip to instead try in vain to remove the hand on his face. He was knocked aside onto his back, the Grail now above him, on hand on his face, the other resting on the floor beside his head. He beat his fists upward, trying desperately to hit them, but the Grail did not even react. Leaning down, placing the entirety of their weight down, they simply stayed there, looking down and smiling, moving their fingers so Alec could see them.

The brown haired boy's face went red as he thrashed about like a wild animal, muffled screams reverberating around the room. Brian was standing again, but before he could reach the pair Rachel intercepted, pushing him back. She shook her head, but when Brian tried to stand again she kicked the legs out from under him.

Alec felt his eyes water, and no matter how much of an iron grip he had over his own body, he found that that feeling of burning water pooling behind his eyes would not leave. His breathing heightened. He couldn't do anything. He was trapped. He was going to die. He struggled, his vision began to fade. In some corner of his consciousness he began to hear something.


Angra Mainyu leaned down and whispered in his ear, cutting the vision off, leaving the trigger incomplete. The remnant could hear its fellow remnant in the boy cry out for release. Angra Mainyu reveled in its despair, its pain. "I see right through you. You. Just a bunch of broken puzzle pieces that your daddy put together. Nothing about you is you."


The Grail let go, the face returning to its uncanny almost human smile. They sat up, still on top of the boy, looking down at his red face full of panic and honest emotion. "I think this is the most you you've ever been."

Alec didn't hear them. Instead, he was lost.

He hated it. He hated it. He hated it. He hated that he had powers and still no power. He hated that every solution was to run away. He hated that his life was dictated by others. Either by submitting to their will or trying to escape their will. Their will, never his own.

And he hated the small seed of doubt that he felt in his chest. Planted when he was a child, watered now that he was stuck there beneath this girl. He had seen what happened to people under the influence of his family for extended periods of time. Heck, he himself had similar effects on people he was around alot. He had seen them fade away, losing themselves, being broken and put back together the way his father wanted.

He had seen people change. Grown adults, transformed to the point that his family didn't need to use their powers on them anymore.

And he had been a child. A child. The formative years of his life. Far longer than those people.

Was he...was he still under their control? Was he lost before he even had a chance? What did it mean for him then? Was any choice his own? Did any of this fucking shit even matter? What was the fucking point!?

"Nothing about you is you."

Fuck. FUCK.

He had a chance! He knew he had a chance! When he got his powers, when he ran away...he had a chance to be free. To not be controlled. To be himself instead of who his father wanted him to be.

"Boy must daddy be proud of you."


"It must hurt." The face changed. Serene. Still. A mannequin. A doll. A machine. Again. "To have no proof of self. Of will. Of freedom. Like a bird who flies within a glass box thinking it is not in a cage. It would take a miracle to break down those walls..."


[] "...but we can offer that miracle."

[] Shift focus to Brian

[] Shift focus to Rachel

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