Rejection 1.7
The girl could warp space. Such an ability was extremely annoying to deal with, but he had felt her negativity before. The anger, frustration, jealousy, inferiority…he felt it, and it was telling. She was young, and had gained proficiency in her skill but not mastery. He was not particularly fast by the standards of a Servant, but even a slow Servant was far faster than a human.
He could reach her before she had time to react, of this he was certain. Even so, Angra Mainyu reached into the Grail's power in preparation for what came next.
They moved. In a single motion a strange weapon appeared in their hand and was thrown. It could function as a throwing dagger or shortsword, and several blades branched off from the handle, like demonic claws or fangs, The black blade curved in a downward arc, and the green girl almost didn't react in time. For a moment the weapon, Zarich, slowed, but she still had to roll to the side to dodge the blade as it fell.
By the time she was upright Angra Mainyu had already closed the distance. The girl's mouth, one of the only parts of her face visible, opened in shock.
"Boop." Angra Mainyu made them say as their knuckles met her nose.
The girl fell back, her nose bleeding and her breathing becoming slow and even. Angra Mainyu made them smile as their body lifted the green girl and threw her over their shoulder.
Maybe they could find a big sack somewhere. Angra Mainyu always wanted to try his hand at being a Santa Servant. Admittedly, the only gift he'd have in the hypothetical sack would be for himself, but it was close enough.
Miss Militia was starting to get just a little frustrated with the situation as more of her bullets proved to be entirely ineffective at hurting the blonde man currently rampaging around the PRT dragging around Armsmaster by his ankle. "Come! Come! Come! Come!" The man had began shouting that like some sort of demented mantra as he chased Miss Militia through the Rig (and away from the agents he had nearly killed).
He was fast, as evidenced by the fact that he had been able to dodge everytime one of the automated turrets tried to spray him with containment foam, yet he hadn't caught up with her yet. No. He had
chosen not to catch up with her yet. His frenzied expression only became more euphoric the longer the chase lasted. He wanted to see her struggle before she died.
And then Armsmaster woke up.
Miss Militia had never heard her colleague swear before, so was quite shocked where she heard his dull monotone voice uttered a small "what the fuck" as he was dragged along the floor, bouncing as he did.
Turned his head to look at the armored man out of the corner of his eye, one side of his savage grin clearly visible to the hero. The hero who found himself both confused, concerned, and annoyed. "Sup, Master! Had a nice nap? Hahaha! You just stay right there! I and 'I' will
protect you! HAHAHA!"
"I do not know - ow - who you are, or - ow - what you are prot - ow - ecting me from - ow - but I need you to let me - ow - go. "
Armsmaster scowled. Okay, so clearly
something was going on, and clearly this stranger wasn't going to listen to him.
So then, it was time to work backwards to figure things out. Last he remembered, he had been talking to the new cape, the Holy Grail as she called herself, and suddenly felt a great deal of pain in his hand before he passed out. Then he wakes up, is being none too gently dragged around the Rig by a blonde stranger, another new cape to fill out paperwork for, who not only seems to be chasing Miss Militia but claims that he is protecting him from something.
Presumably Miss Militia, which makes no sense, since she'd probably never attack him.
Now, that didn't really tell him much, so he needed more details. What had that girl said last? Something about him…oh. He had apparently met whatever criteria she had and decided to give him powers so he could participate in the war she had been talking about.
What had she said?
"I've decided to make you a Master…"
Wait, was this blonde man a projection?
His projection? A…sentient one?
There were many things wrong with that line of thought, he knew, but the pieces seemed to fit. Still, if it was his projection then surely that meant that he could control it, or at least dismiss it, somehow, right? Armsmaster attempted to use the power of his brain to make the monster go away.
It didn't work.
It didn't seem to respond to verbal commands either, so then, if this
was in fact a projection, how was he supposed to control it?
Armsmaster felt…something. It was on his hand, or in it, or maybe above it. No, it was taking up all that space all at once somehow. Whatever it was, he felt power there, like he had been connected by the hand to a wire feeding him energy from a great battery. Remembering how his hand had hurt before he had passed out, Armsmaster focused on that spot. He felt that burning again, but weaker, hardly noticeable at all. The blonde maybe-projection's eyes widened.
"Oh no! Fuck that shi-euurgh! NO! NO! I WANT TO BE OUT!"
Armsmaster lost focus as he turned his attention back onto the blonde, and he felt the burning fade. The blonde man had stopped, letting him go and holding his head in his hands as he pleaded with someone that was not there.
Armsmaster slowly stood up, and he could see Miss Militia a couple yards away with a gun at the ready.
With one final shout, the blonde man stiffened, then ever so slowly stood upright. His eyes were green now, and his hair had somehow become neater. He looked around, seeming lost for just an instant, before his gaze landed on the blue armored hero. Armsmaster's visor helpfully informed him that based on visual analysis of the man's breathing patterns, the heavy rising and falling of his chest, combined with his wide eyes implied that the man was afraid.
Well, that or in love, or shocked, or shocked and tired, or…well, okay, that program needed work, but he was going to bank on that man being afraid.
The man bowed shakily, one hand pressed against his chest. "I…I'm sorry, it...its better now. I didn't…didn't mean to frighten you, Master. I cannot always control…'him'."
Armsmaster frowned. "Explain."
The blonde straightened again. "My name is Henry Jekyll, and the…gentleman that was just here was Hyde. I have been summoned here under the class of Assassin as your Servant to fight for you in this Holy Grail War."
Vista woke up with a splitting headache. A splitting head made worse by the forceful finger repeatedly tapping on her visor.
"Would you quit that!" Vista did not whine. Nope. She did not.
The finger retreated, and the green clad girl could now she who that finger belonged to. The bloody hospital gown girl was seated on an old rotting wooden chair so close that the two girls' knees were touching, the same cocky grin on her face that she had worn when Vista had tried to stop her. Vista looked around without turning her head, taking in the bare cracked walls and the piles of trash on the floor, as well as the window to her left, the only source of light in the room, which was covered in filth and mud. She guessed they were in an abandoned building in the docks, mainly because there were a lot of abandoned buildings in the docks, to the point that if she were on a gameshow and asked to guess the location of a specific abandoned building she'd pick the docks simply because the majority of such buildings could be found there.
Vista also noted that she was currently tied to the chair she was on.
The bloody woman's smile was like broken glass, sharp and jagged. "Good. You're awake. For a second there I thought I lost you. Would have been such a shame for you to die before you could accomplish that which you have dreamed of."
Vista narrowed her eyes…not that the bloody girl could tell, but it made Vista feel better. "So, am I being ransomed, used as a hostage or…?"
The other girl blinked owlishly at her, then laughed. "Oh no no no. Nothing like that! I just have a few questions. I ask, you answer, and then I let you go back to your absolutely stellar life where everyone treats you like a grown up."
…she was going to punch this smug bitch. Right in the nose. And she'd say "Boop."
Maybe being on a team with Shadow Stalker had more of an effect on her than she'd care to admit.
"Listen", the bloody girl began after noticing the young heroine's deepening frown, "I have no plans to hurt you or anything like that." So she says after knocking her out and kidnapping her. "I just want to ask some questions, okay? That's all. So can we just get started already?"
Vista didn't respond for a long moment, then breathed in deep through her nose. "What do you want to know?"
The bloody girl smiled. "Why did you become a hero?"
"I…I became a hero because I looked up to them as a kid, you know? Heroes like Alexandria were role models for everyone my age. I mean, I know its a bit childish, but I eventually came to realize, to understand, that I was doing the right thing, and so that's why I keep doing what I do, you know?"
The girl who called herself the Holy Grail stared at her, a piercing gaze that made Vista squirm in her seat. "Oh, I think I know. I know a lot. I know you aren't as satisfied with your job being as a hero as you let on, I know that your opinion of the other heroes isn't as high as you say, and most of all I know that
you are lying."
Vista froze. Something in the girl's voice changed, and for a moment it was like she was drowning in tar, burning all over and struggling for air. For a moment it felt like the world tilted and she was about to go tumbling into the horizon. For a moment Vista thought she was going to die.
The bloody girl leaned forward, completely invading Vista's personal space, and laid a hand on the younger girl's knee. "You don't need to lie to me. I won't judge. No need to give out those nice little fuzzy white lies that I'm sure make everyone else feel so much better. Tell me the truth. Please?" The girl was still smiling that smug smile, but now there was a hint of tenderness in her voice. Like honey, yet still that honey burned like tar as it washed over her skin.
Vista found herself swallowing, her throat contracting around her own heart beat. "The truth, huh?" Vista closed her eyes. "Fine. Fine. Okay. The truth. The truth is…I never chose to be a hero. I became a hero because my parents made me go to the PRT when I got my powers, and the PRT made me join the Wards program and the Wards program made me be a hero. Honestly, had I been given the choice, I don't know what I would've done with my powers." Vista clenched her teeth. "Would I have tried going independent? At my age? Hah. No way. I'm not that dumb."
"So then what would you have done?"
Vista shook her head, laughing under her breath. "I don't know. Pretend I didn't have powers? Run away from home? Does it matter? Not like I ever got the choice."
"You still don't have a choice, do you?"
The green heroine scowled. "Listen, if you are trying to turn me against the PRT you ha-"
"Answer the question."
Silence, then a sigh. "Yeah. I mean, the Wards is a government program. Lots of oversight, lots of older capes telling us what to do. I'm the youngest too, so they treat me with kids gloves."
"If you didn't choose this life, if you don't enjoy it, then why try so hard?"
"Because…it's better than the other options, right? I mean, it gives me a reason not to be home. To escape, I guess. And where would I go if I tried to leave the PRT? It may not have been my choice whether or not I became a hero but I wasn't lying when I said I thought this was the right thing to do. I have morals."
The Holy Grail hummed and leaned back in her chair. Vista found it suddenly easier to breath. "So then, what you lack is choice. Now then, moving on. Let us play a game of hypotheticals real quick. Let us say you were never pushed into being a hero. Let us say that you didn't come into your powers until…hmm…right now. At this point you'd still be an unknown to the PRT, and the only person in this situation who would know about you would be me, and I assure you in this hypothetical situation I wouldn't tell a soul. What would you, the you of now, do? Would you try to live a normal life, run away, be a hero?"
The younger girl furrowed her brows in thought. "I…I don't know."
"That isn't going to cut it."
"I…no, no this is easy. I would still be a hero."
"Oh?" The Holy Grail crossed one leg over the other, almost kicking Vista as she did so. "May I ask why?"
"I don't want to run away from my problems. I'm not a little kid anymore. And trying to live a normal life…my life wasn't so great before. It's better now, and I don't want to go back to that. Not how it was. But…I'd want to at least try being independent. I mean, I know it is dangerous, but at least I'd be doing things for myself, making a difference instead of being given patrols where there is no crime and being made to show up at all those PR events. I want…I want…"
"Yes? I don't know. I don't want to rule or anything like that."
"There are a lot of different types of power. Power over one's own fate, one's own life, one's self…that sounds like it is what you want. It is an admirable thing, really, and not so strange a desire. There are many adults who are content to let the world decide their lives for them, but you want to forge your own path. You want to prove that you are the master of your own destiny, whether it be to yourself or others. Is that right?"
"Yeah…I…yes. That's right. I just…I just feel helpless. I have this power, but no one seems to believe that I can do things for myself."
"I believe in you."
Vista's eyes darted up to meet the gaze of the strange girl across from her. "What did you say?"
"I said I believe in you. I believe you are strong. I believe you can master your own fate. Get what you want out of life. You are still young though." She rose a hand to stop the rebuttals on the tip of the heroine's tongue. "You don't seem to fully understand yourself, or what you want. You sound so unsure of every word that you utter. Maybe it is precisely because you haven't been given the opportunity to be independent yet, or maybe it is just a matter of age, but you are dominated by what you want, what you desire, not what you feel or what you believe."
The girl seemed different now. Almost wistful. "You are figuring out who you are and what you want, but there is still so much of life that you haven't experienced. You could figure yourself out now, but in a few years you'd have to do it all over again. Man. Being human is pretty rough, right?"
Vista didn't reply.
"...well then. So what you lack is choice, what you want is power, and what you need is growth. Do you think you can fulfill all of that on your own?"
Vista didn't reply.
The Holy Grail sighed. "I guess not. People aren't really supposed to handle these things on their own I guess. You know, you remind me a lot of a little arrogant brat I once knew. He thought he had what he wanted all figured out too, but really he was just being childish. He found a dream to chase in the end though, or maybe he borrowed it? …damn, do all kids get their beliefs that way? Hah. Something to think about I guess."
The older girl stood up, pushing her chair back as she did so, and stretched. "Well, to be honest, I had been hoping for something more concrete to work with, but these things never go as planned it seems. So, you lack choice, want power and need growth. But most of all I guess you could use a guide, or maybe a teacher, to help you find all these things. Because, really, getting independence before choice seems a little backwards, don't you think?" The girl let out a laugh that washed over Vista, but didn't burn her.
The girl who was bound stared up at the laughing Grail and found herself…anxious. Anxious about the future. About where she would take her life with this growing understanding, and anxious because she wasn't sure she was ready to deal with all this. For the first time in a long time she felt her age. She wasn't sure she was ready to be unbound.
Angra Mainyu had faith in her though.
"Young hero…"
[] "…you are now a Master."
[] "…you are free to go."
Quick AN: I think it may be a little confusing, but I don't want to delay this any longer, so let me just clarify: Armsmaster did not use a command seal. He activated it, and that was enough to surprise Hyde (having sensed its activation), giving Jekyll the opportunity to retake control. Armsmaster never actually gave a command (or knew he needed to), and thus the command seal was not used up. Anyways, good night!
EDIT: I did not realize how long this chapter got. I get too into these Holy Grail interviews. Haha.
EDIT 2: Fucking threadmarks