Bearing the Torch of the People (Central Planning Fantasy Edition sequel/sidequest)

I'm pretty sure the "autopilot" Kanna is trying to design is like the autopilot on modern airplanes, i.e. it can maintain a heading/speed/altitude for long cruises but it's not going to do fancy maneuvering or takeoffs/landings. Which is still a significant feat, our magical computers are much less powerful than modern electronic digital computers and programming as a field basically doesn't exist so she has to come up with it all from scratch. But it's absolutely not going to be an AI/replacement for a real pilot unless we roll a quadruple crit success or something, it's 3D cruise control.
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Very divided vote and not too many voters yet so it stays open for now. I'll go work on smth else.
I really do wish that people would give autopilot a chance. Unless people are planning to leave next turn, we will be have more chances to hire a crew and study up on our politics.

Cards on the table, I just think it will be harder to convince people to vote for autopilot after we have a crew than before. I also would like to think that getting the autopilot could make getting the crew cheaper since we would not need as big as a crew to fly the ship.
Adhoc vote count started by MrRageQuit on Feb 29, 2024 at 9:36 AM, finished with 84 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan The Bare Necessities (Cheap)
    -[X] Brush up on Theory
    -[X] Recruitment Drive
    --[X] Appeal to patriotism and adventure: Difficulty 8, 0R
    -[x] Lifter Efficiency (Design)
    -[X] Marie: Long-Term Living
    [X] Plan Airship Modifications
    -[X] Long-Term Living: The cabins and facilities currently on board can only be described as 'spartan'. Aside from a few loner types who are content to live out of a suitcase and inside a steel can, it will be difficult to maintain long term comfort aboard without various upgrades. Better rooms, better kitchen equipment, and more. (1 R) (Organize, Airship) (Difficulty 5)
    -[X] Shield Emplacement: A basic magical shield device is perhaps the most important upgrade you can make. The 51st is a transport ship, not a combat vessel, and anything to provide an ounce of proper survivability is badly needed. It will be powered off onboard mana stores easily enough. (1 R) (High Priority) (Magic, Airship) (Difficulty 6) (Kanna)
    -[X] Autopilot: Designing a magical computing system to assist with most basic station keeping and maneuvering tasks is plausible, though it will likely require extensive customization and refinement to become practical. Still, allowing the ship to operate semi-autonomously could be very useful. (2 R) (Magic, Airship) (Difficulty 9) (Kanna + Marie)
    [X] Plan: Hands and Shields
    -[X] Shield Emplacement
    -[X] Brush up on Theory
    -[X] Recruitment Drive
    --[X] Offer pay for service: Difficulty 6, 3R
    -[X] Marie: Long-Term Living
    [X] Plan: Hit The Books
    -[X] Read War Reports
    -[X] Industrial Plans
    -[X] Brush up on Theory
    -[X] Marie: Shield Emplacement
    [X] Plan: More Hands and Knowledge v2
    -[X] Intensive Study Spoken Halvean
    -[X] Shield Emplacement
    -[X] Recruitment Drive
    --[X] Appeal to patriotism and adventure: Difficulty 8, 0R
    -[X] Marie: Recruitment Drive

[X] Plan The Bare Necessities (Cheap)
-[X] Brush up on Theory
-[X] Recruitment Drive
--[X] Appeal to patriotism and adventure: Difficulty 8, 0R
-[x] Lifter Efficiency (Design)
-[X] Marie: Long-Term Living

2 Omakes available (1 used on failure, 1 used on QM discretion)

Speechify D5 (3 dice) - 2 success
Speechify D8 (3 dice) - 2 success
Optimize Magic D8 (9 dice) - 3 success (Kanna is not called an archmage for nothing...)
Marie Organize Airship D5 (4 dice) - 2 success
Rockeye threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 16
2 2 8 8 6 6
Rockeye threw 4 10-faced dice. Total: 26
10 10 3 3 5 5 8 8
Rockeye threw 10 10-faced dice. Total: 58
10 10 4 4 3 3 9 9 4 4 8 8 4 4 7 7 4 4 5 5
Rockeye threw 4 10-faced dice. Total: 19
5 5 3 3 8 8 3 3
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Great rolls, let's hope we can transition the big win in design solidly for installation.

Edit: I forgot to ask, can we mount more than one weapon type? Something like a D6 for AA but also have a D8 (alternatively could we have a D8 that was like an upsized basic and then one of those elemental/acid D8s). I like the idea of having a big enchanted laser or kinetic weapon that's as dangerous as an elemental weapon.
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Week 3
The week passes in a blur of papers, books, and crystal ball calls. Kanna is hardly aware of it until everything is over.

Brush up on Theory Speechify D5 (3 dice) - 2 success

First, the matter of communist theory. It seems that quite a lot of ink has been spilled on the topic- The Velkonists most of all, defending their faith in the old leader's vision and plan. They call for strong central control, the better to keep reactionary forces that would re-impose capitalism and classism at bay. But there are a huge number of theories and debates, on the matter of vanguards, on markets, on just how far private property ought to be allowed to extend, on how to treat compromisers and wreckers and a dozen other topics. All important, all interesting, but none quite what she needs.

So Kanna returned to the beginning. To Velkon's first writings, and the shattering war. What worked, back then? What didn't? What inspired people into kindness for their fellow sapient, to throw off the chains of the oppressors? Some colleagues at the various Colleges are happy to help out and discuss the topic, even if she can only spare an hour here and there. The more difficult part will be translating it for Halvean cultural context. The end result is an annotated collection of early speeches and, essentially, a manual for planting the seed...

(Kanna is now passingly familiar with Communist theory, and has a basic manifesto that is not adjusted for culture to work with as propaganda and politics.)

Recruitment Drive --Appeal to patriotism and adventure: Difficulty 8, 0R Speechify D8 (3 dice) - 2 success

"Fought in the mountains versus the Goblins... Fought in the blood mire... Fought against orc raiders... Curious blank spot during the Liberation of Sarlonne..."

Kanna glares lightly at 'Sarge', who insists on using the nickname over anything else.

"You're a spook. I'm an iconoclast on the outs. But you're not coming in here with orders and vague threats, and instead are politely asking. So... Why?"

The man in front of her has a distinct soldier's bearing, more than a spy's. The three others accompanying him are similar- Twitchy, slouching, watchful, wary.

He grimaces and looks around, trying to escape Kanna's intense gaze. "Ma'am, let's just say... Our patron in the service has reason to hide us for now. Their boss might not be especially happy about the exact manner in which we completed our last mission. They also have some interests in getting more reliable information from Halve. We're not spying on you. We're putting our asses out and seeing who shoots at them, and also making sure the side we don't like has a fucking lot of trouble tying things down. Also, to be frank, trying to keep you from blowing yourself up."

She steeples her fingers and glares some more. "I see..."

[]Accept: Gain Sarge's Crew, four soldiers by the names of Sarge, Eyes, Brick, and Pyro. 'Acquire weapons' action turns into an auto-success.
[]Decline: You'll hire some of the more generic deckhands and helpers who have applied to the call to arms, with fewer suspicious loyalties.

Lifter Efficiency (Design) Optimize Magic D8 (9 dice) - 3 success (Kanna is not called an archmage for nothing...)

Most of Kanna's thoughts are on the enchantment schematics slowly taking place in her head, and then on dozens of blackboards and sheets of scratch paper. The thing about airship lifters is that they reduce gravity. That's it. Simple, easy to construct, easy to optimize, fairly reliable, and good enough for most purposes.

But instead of simply reducing it... Why not point it somewhere else? The fundamental principle seems to work, as exemplified in a used fire extinguisher tank that punched a two foot deep hole in the flight range during testing- Suddenly accelerating downward under three gravities makes one hell of a dodge - hold on, this is the exact way that Glitterdawn Dragofly fighters work, isn't it? The fast swoops accompanied by abrupt changes in direction. It is! Hah, anything they can do, Kanna certainly can! But making it practical is another matter...

Just need to find the most restrictive conditions where it will work... Doesn't need to apply to the entire hull... What if she adds this chain there... Wait, no, hmm...

After that, most of a day dissolves into a haze of theory-crafting and prototyping. The end result... A box the size of the standard airship gravity reducer, that at a simple command from a control loop, can instead point gravity in arbitrary directions for a few moments. Theoretically, amazing for dodging. They'll need dozens, though...

Marie: Long-Term Living Marie Organize Airship D5 (4 dice) - 2 success

There is not much to say as far as Marie's work goes- The 51st is simply not that large of a ship, in the end, but by making use of some of the overlooked spaces and packing supplies of food and the like in new ways, she's managed to extend the four spartan cabins into six minimally acceptable ones, along with creating a proper bath, onboard water recycler, and a few odd nooks for reading or relaxing. The rest of Marie's time seems to be occupied joining in Kanna's lessons on Halvean, for the most part.

You have 15 R. Use them well.

Maximum of EIGHT turns remaining, though the longer you linger the more the war develops without you.

Kanna Dipolous, Archmage, Former Minister of the Economy, has FIVE stats and THREE actions.

Organize: 3
Optimize: 4
Precaution: 2
Speechify: 3
Magic: 5

Marie Mapleseed, Shipbuilder's Apprentice, has THREE stats that you know about but can likely learn or reveal more. She has ONE action that you, the players, control. She will choose her own activities for the remaining time.

Airship: 2
Organize: 2
Magic: 2

Third turn, plan vote:

[] Intensive Study Spoken Halvean: Kanna is beginning to learn the language, and currently sounds like a child who has not yet mastered grammar. Speeding this up could help make a good impression. (Speechify) (Repeatable) (Difficulty 7)

[] Intensive Study Hanji: There are quite a lot of characters to memorize and practice. Slow, plodding work at assembling pages of notes is ongoing passively, but it could be sped up. (Organize) (Repeatable) (Difficulty 7)

[] Adjust Manifesto for Halvean Culture: Many of the speeches and political theories rely heavily on the unique Chelskan experience and culture, ranging from local idioms and the custom of men defending women and children, to the experience of the Shattering war and hatred of necromancy. Making sure it is properly adjusted for new context can only help the revolution. (Speechify) (Difficulty ?7?)

[] Target Practice: You are not a soldier, and likely never could be. For all that you have dodged multiple assassination attempts, it was as much luck and paranoia as personal skill. Getting some actual foundation in magical combat from a warmage would only be prudent before heading to a warzone. (Precaution, Magic) (Repeatable) (Difficulty 5)

[] Prepare Combat Gear: Your usual, everyday magical equipment simply won't be enough. Going to a warzone with JUST your boots of flight, three protective amulets, hat of winds, emergency adrenaline ring, four wands, emergency grenade crystals, and bag of glitterdust? You'd be practically naked! You need to make more gear. (2R) (Precaution, Magic) (Difficulty 7)

[] Read War Reports: Getting a detailed picture of what the current material situation with Glitterdawn is like would be a boon if you end up actually fighting them. Which you almost certainly will. Getting access to these sorts of reports when you're no longer a minister requires some favors called in, though. (1R) (Precaution) (Difficulty 4)

[] Acquire Weapons: If you want to help equip freedom fighters in Halve, you'll certainly need war material to give them. Actually getting permission for anything more than small arms might be difficult, of course. And they'll be heavy and bulky. But no war can be fought without weapons. (2-8R if successful?) (Bulky, may even take up 2 cargo slots) (Speechify) (Difficulty 6)

[] Magic Supplies: All the bits and sundries of a well equipped wizard. Slide rules, crystal balls, mana crystals, spell circle stencils, compasses, field analyzers, wands and amulets and gold wire and so much more. You already have some of this, but there's not really such a thing as 'enough supplies'. (1R) (Organize, Magic) (Difficulty 6)

[] Industrial Plans: You have a great resource for how to build up from nothing at all on tap- Your old friend Hornzollar, and all the reports from that first era. Brushing up on the challenges and solutions of early Chelskan industrialization could help you pull Halve out of its current colonial state, too. (Optimize) (Difficulty 6)

[] Machine Tools: Some of the older series of steam equipment are still available from failing co-ops. From what you've read, the industrial situation in Halve is far from ideal. Bringing in some of the machines they're least likely to be able to build locally could help the situation greatly. (1-3R?) (Bulky, may even take up 2 cargo slots) (Organize) (Benefits from Industrial Plans being done) (Difficulty 5)

[] Acquire Seeds and Cuttings: The humble potato, the recently developed meat-tree, and everything in between- Revolutions in agriculture require seeds to start with, after all. This covers the seeds themselves, as well as preservation equipment, relevant manuals and supplies from floramana to fertilizer, and everything you need to start a small farm. (1 R) (Bulky) (Organize) (Difficulty 4)

[] Medical Studies: You know that anti-aging therapies are a thing, but you've never actually taken the time to look into them personally. What's the state of the art? Can you improve on it by leaning on your deep connection to magical theory? It might be a bit hubristic to assume a 'yes'. (Difficulty ???)

[] Acquire Precious Metals and Hard Currency: Not exactly a very difficult task, it just requires filling out a lot of paperwork and pushing things through the bureaucracy. You'll only get so much at a time, but small amounts of silver, gold, osmium, and foreign banknotes (especially Grenoble ones) could make things easier. (2-6R?) (Organize) (Difficulty 3)

[] Consulting Work: You're famous enough as an immensely skilled wizard that you can probably earn some favors and money with a few short gigs here and there. It's an inherently short-term thing and getting rich quick is difficult on purpose, but if needs must... (Gain 1 R per success) (Magic) (Difficulty 7)

AIRSHIP actions: All of the below actions are considered to have the Airship tag. If you have both Kanna and Marie work on the same action, add their dice totals together.

Current upgrades: Improved Living Quarters

Currently, you have cargo space for four BULKY items as cargo. You can take two upgrades without impacting storage space. Past that, every further upgrade consumes a storage slot.

[] Weapon Mounts: Preparing dedicated emplacements for weapons to be mounted is a necessary prerequisite for having an actually armed airship. You can prepare the mounts even without working examples of what you want to put there, but it's better to know what's going to be mounted first- Be it Skal autocannons, rockets, or something of your own make. (Precaution, Airship) (Difficulty 6) (Best paired with purchasing or building weapons)

[] Enchant Ship Weapons (Magical): There are a huge variety of destructive magical effects you could build into proper weapons for the 51st, ranging from simple lightning or fire to more exotic effects like disintegration, cold attack, acid, or worse. The more exotic the weapon, the less likely a foe has shields that will stop it. (2 R, only consume 1 R on failure) (Does not consume an upgrade slot if you mount it as a ship weapon) (Precaution, Magic, Airship)
-[] Basic: Kinetics, explosives, lasers. Difficulty 6
-[] Advanced: Fire, lightning, cold, acid. Difficulty 8
-[] Exotic: Disintegration, spatial distortion, biological attack, ???. Difficulty 10

[] Lifter Efficiency (Build): Not only has Kanna produced a more mana-efficient lifter unit, but it also has an added feature that allows momentary redirection of gravity- It's much better for sudden dodges than careful maneuvering, though. The next step is to build dozens of them and install them all throughout the ship. (4R, save R on multi-success) (Magic, Airship) (Difficulty 7)

[] Turbine Efficiency (Design): Every day the efficiency and build quality of Chelskan turbines increases. By learning what the cutting edge of combustion to power conversion is and installing it aboard ship, we should be able to increase the speed and fuel efficiency of the 51st somewhat. (Optimize, Airship) (Difficulty 7) (DESIGNING the upgrade only, not installing it yet)

[] Backup Engine (Diesel): Installing a whole additional engine in case the first one breaks down is naturally a fairly difficult proposition, but it would serve as a useful backup should the turbine require maintenance or break down- Or be damaged in combat. A large diesel motor and fuel tanks are easy enough to acquire, hopefully. (1 R?) (Precaution, Airship) (Difficulty 4-6?)

[] Lightening and Space-Saving: There is only so much space on board the 51st, and with the number of modifications and additions you want to add, you don't want to eat into the already cramped onboard spaces too much. Replacing the usual shortcuts with better build quality items will go a long way to saving some weight and space. (2 R) (Gain additional upgrade slot, possibly gain additional cargo slot) (Optimize, Airship) (Difficulty 7)

[] Shield Emplacement: A basic magical shield device is perhaps the most important upgrade you can make. The 51st is a transport ship, not a combat vessel, and anything to provide an ounce of proper survivability is badly needed. It will be powered off onboard mana stores easily enough. (1 R) (High Priority) (Magic, Airship) (Difficulty 6)

[] Autopilot: Designing a magical computing system to assist with most basic station keeping and maneuvering tasks is plausible, though it will likely require extensive customization and refinement to become practical. Still, allowing the ship to operate semi-autonomously could be very useful. (2 R) (Magic, Airship) (Difficulty 9)

[] Lengthen the ship: It's not actually all that radical a course of action. These things are built simple and tough. The maneuver would essentially be cutting the front off and installing a large new section between the cargo bay and fore areas. More low-pressure tanks, more lifter units, more storage, more everything. You can get it done quick with copious use of magic. (5 R on start) (Magic, Airship) (Difficulty 5) (Requires 4 successes total) (Gain two more storage space and one more upgrade slot)

Please let me know if you have any questions, and refrain from voting for the first few hours to allow discussion and planning. Plans should specify who is undertaking which actions.

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[] Accept: Gain Sarge's Crew, four soldiers by the names of Sarge, Eyes, Brick, and Pyro. 'Acquire weapons' action turns into an auto-success.

Let's face it. We need the help.

[] Plan: The Key to War is Intel
-[] Target Practice
-[] Read War Reports (1R)
-[] Industrial Plans
-[] Shield Emplacement (1R) [Marie]

This way, Kanna knows exactly what she needs before she goes getting Weapons, Machine Tools, and the Combat/Non-Combat Magic supplies.
[] Plan: Intel and Installation
-[] Read War Reports (1R)
-[] Industrial Plans
-[] Lifter Efficiency (Build) (Kanna and Marie)
[]Accept: Gain Sarge's Crew, four soldiers by the names of Sarge, Eyes, Brick, and Pyro. 'Acquire weapons' action turns into an auto-success.
[]Decline: You'll hire some of the more generic deckhands and helpers who have applied to the call to arms, with fewer suspicious loyalties.
First question is if we trust whoever is running the military spy organisation to not stab us in the back. And the answer is a resounding no.
Second question is whether we think their sudden yet inevitable betrayal will cause more trouble than they saved up to that point. Which is a maybe.
Final question if it will be entertaining to take them even if they are backstabbing spooks. And the answer there is very much yes.

The end result... A box the size of the standard airship gravity reducer, that at a simple command from a control loop, can instead point gravity in arbitrary directions for a few moments. Theoretically, amazing for dodging. They'll need dozens, though...
Wonder if she has any prior knowledge of high g-acceleration and the dangers thereof?

Still think it is a waste to read war reports before we are about to go.
Language and shields are the priority. Might as well get some weapons if we are taking the spooks.
I'm not convinced that anyone would be able to send orders for a sudden and inevitable betrayal.
The downside for taking the soldiers is that they have other motives, which will attract additional heat and surprise events.
Four soldiers and a 'specialist' is to be expected when we asked for adventurers, so I don't see any reason to turn them down. We wanted manpower, and we've got it.

As for this turn's plan, I think we should spend a turn or two with Kanna focussing on getting the Airship up to a minimum level of readiness. The situation could change quickly, so we may have to leave without warning. It would be good to have the airship in a decent state if that happens.
[] Accept: Gain Sarge's Crew, four soldiers by the names of Sarge, Eyes, Brick, and Pyro. 'Acquire weapons' action turns into an auto-success.

Because named characters are more interesting than nameless mooks and taking them will make the people who could order us shot less inclined to do so because we have their agents watching us.

And say we do recruit nameless mooks... Who is to say one of THEM isn't ALSO a spy? Better the devil you know and all...
Looking at what we need as a minimum:
[] Shield Emplacement: A basic magical shield device is perhaps the most important upgrade you can make. The 51st is a transport ship, not a combat vessel, and anything to provide an ounce of proper survivability is badly needed. It will be powered off onboard mana stores easily enough. (1 R) (High Priority) (Magic, Airship) (Difficulty 6)
Marie: ~90%
Kanna: ~93%
Marie + Kanna: Overkill

[] Weapon Mounts: Preparing dedicated emplacements for weapons to be mounted is a necessary prerequisite for having an actually armed airship. You can prepare the mounts even without working examples of what you want to put there, but it's better to know what's going to be mounted first- Be it Skal autocannons, rockets, or something of your own make. (Precaution, Airship) (Difficulty 6) (Best paired with purchasing or building weapons)
Marie: ~74%
Kanna: ~74%
Marie + Kanna: ~91%

[] Enchant Ship Weapons (Magical): There are a huge variety of destructive magical effects you could build into proper weapons for the 51st, ranging from simple lightning or fire to more exotic effects like disintegration, cold attack, acid, or worse. The more exotic the weapon, the less likely a foe has shields that will stop it. (2 R, only consume 1 R on failure) (Does not consume an upgrade slot if you mount it as a ship weapon) (Precaution, Magic, Airship)
-[] Basic: Kinetics, explosives, lasers. Difficulty 6
Marie: ~91%
Kanna: ~98%
Marie + Kanna: Overkill
-[] Advanced: Fire, lightning, cold, acid. Difficulty 8
Marie: ~75%
Kanna: ~90%
Marie + Kanna: ~95%
-[] Exotic: Disintegration, spatial distortion, biological attack, ???. Difficulty 10
Marie: 34%
Kanna: ~51%
Marie + Kanna: ~67%

May as well build what we've designed:
[] Lifter Efficiency (Build): Not only has Kanna produced a more mana-efficient lifter unit, but it also has an added feature that allows momentary redirection of gravity- It's much better for sudden dodges than careful maneuvering, though. The next step is to build dozens of them and install them all throughout the ship. (4R, save R on multi-success) (Magic, Airship) (Difficulty 7)
Marie: 87%
Kanna: 92%
Marie + Kanna: Overkill (but cheaper)

Other interesting options:
[] Turbine Efficiency (Design): Every day the efficiency and build quality of Chelskan turbines increases. By learning what the cutting edge of combustion to power conversion is and installing it aboard ship, we should be able to increase the speed and fuel efficiency of the 51st somewhat. (Optimize, Airship) (Difficulty 7) (DESIGNING the upgrade only, not installing it yet)
Marie: 64%
Kanna: 87%
Marie + Kanna: ~93%

[] Backup Engine (Diesel): Installing a whole additional engine in case the first one breaks down is naturally a fairly difficult proposition, but it would serve as a useful backup should the turbine require maintenance or break down- Or be damaged in combat. A large diesel motor and fuel tanks are easy enough to acquire, hopefully. (1 R?) (Precaution, Airship) (Difficulty 4-6?)
Marie: ~84%
Kanna: ~84%
Marie + Kanna: ~97%

[] Autopilot: Designing a magical computing system to assist with most basic station keeping and maneuvering tasks is plausible, though it will likely require extensive customization and refinement to become practical. Still, allowing the ship to operate semi-autonomously could be very useful. (2 R) (Magic, Airship) (Difficulty 9)
Marie: 59%
Kanna: 67%
Marie + Kanna: ~85%

Hmm. Doesn't seem worth doubling up on much. Marie knows her way around an Airship.

[] Plan: Applied Magic
-[] Lifter Efficiency (Build) (<5R)
-[] Weapon Mounts
-[] Enchant Ship Weapons (Magical) - Advanced (2R)
-[] Shield Emplacement (1R) [Marie]
I think we have to go full airship this turn, between needing to get basic offense and defenses (design/build/install) and wanting boosted range or storage capacity there's a bunch of actions that need to be done. Looking at just lifter and a shield that's possibly 5R of the 15.

Do we have to buy a weapon and then enchant it (4-10R) or does the enchant action count as building a new weapon (2R/weapon)?
The magic weapon option is building, from scratch, a magical cannon-scale weapon, for 2R and the enchanter's time and effort.

Note that *mounting* the magic weapon, as a weapon mount, counts as an Upgrade.