Bearing the Torch of the People (Central Planning Fantasy Edition sequel/sidequest)

[X] Plan: Hands and Shields
[X] Plan: Hit The Books
Get the autopilot. Rather than spending money on a crew to handle the ship, get a crew that can help a revolution. :3
A basic autopilot isn't going to be able to do anywhere near the maneuvering and maintenance work that a proper crew can do.
A basic autopilot isn't going to be able to do anywhere near the maneuvering and maintenance work that a proper crew can do.

If you want to assume the quality of the autopilot before we even build it go ahead, but having some parts of the ship being automatic will still make it easier to maneuver than a poorly trained crew.
Maybe, but put it this way: Do you want someone doing good evasive flying when we run the blockade?

I'm not thinking the autopilot will be solely flying in combat, I'm expecting it to do stuff like fly on a set course for an extended period of time and do stuff like keeping the craft level. Stuff that could let you run a skeleton shift during parts of the journey and then you've got more talented people you can scramble if an alert happens.

Another possibility would be something like an autopilot streamlining different controls so it takes half the people to get the same performance. We'd still have a few talented pilots but we'd only need one to be doing maneuvers instead of 2-3 working together for every shift. Ditto stuff like that for engines (regulators/presets), control surfaces (mechanically assisted control linkages), etc.

Then when we go to recruit crew we need fewer flying specialists and can have more of other types.
I'm sure we can automate many things.
We will fill the gaps whichever way this goes.
We might even end up with a pilot and an autopilot if that ends up looking good. Having a good pilot resting in case of unexpected attack could be useful.
It's not going to be a magical AI so letting it do anything but the most simple tasks is asking for disaster.

[] Autopilot: Designing a magical computing system to assist with most basic station keeping and maneuvering tasks is plausible, though it will likely require extensive customization and refinement to become practical. Still, allowing the ship to operate semi-autonomously could be very useful. (2 R) (Magic, Airship) (Difficulty 9)

Like, I get where you are going with this, but it is very much a Magical AI :V

The reason the requirement is so high is specifically because we know that a basic computing system is not enough.
Maybe, but put it this way: Do you want someone doing good evasive flying when we run the blockade?
For me I want to do both, get crew and get the AI. AI is harder to do than find crew so I want to do that first so we have more time to either get it right or hire the necessary crew if it fails.
There is a difference between sophisticated algorithms to achieve a desired result, and an "AI" I.E. something that utilizes feedback/machine learning techniques of some kind. The idea of infomorph beings is in the popular consciousness though, but Kanna is not expecting to make a computer baby here. More something that tries to make the number labelled "how am I flying?" go up as much as possible
My reach goal would be blind spot monitoring and parallel parking. If it could also do weather mapping like a 3 mile radius for stuff like wind-speed and temperature differences that could also come in handy for preventing damage.
[X] Plan The Bare Necessities (Cheap)
-[x] Brush up on Theory
-[x] Recruitment Drive
--[x] Appeal to patriotism and adventure: Difficulty 8, 0R
-[x] Lifter Efficiency (Design)
-[x] Marie: Long-Term Living
Especially since at the end of the day, this is still just a little transport vehicle. Not something to take against dedicated Fighter Aircraft.

If we purposely try to start something in a dogfight, we are going to have a bad time, crack crew and actual AI or not.

The computer letting us fly with a smaller crew is enough.
On airship weapons
At any rate, if you manage a difficulty 10 exotic weapon, lone fighters and other small ships will be scared of getting close enough to be "Power word: Scrunch"-ed by a dedicated spellframe/weapon for "Scrunch", this on top of potentially Kanna laughing her ass off and dumping the whole ship's battery into a single shot spell to ruin someone's day.

A Difficulty 10 weapon would likely be threatening even to cruisers, actually. Especially at first when no enemy shield operators know they need to defend against "Power word: Scrunch".

Basically: Skal autocannons or a D6 weapon if you want to drive off enemy fighters, annoy corvettes. D8 weapon if you want to drive off corvettes and swarms of fighters. D10 weapon if you want to pose a credible threat to a Real Warship (TM). Just be aware that the super-disproportionate punch of D8 and D10 weapons has a limit of "until the enemy figures out and implements a magical countermeasure to whateverthefuck".

(The fact that exotic magical attacks are defendable-against in theory if you know to expect them is part of why Chelskan fleet and army doctrine goes for More Dakka, No More Than That, with an option for "haha no magic for you" on a strategic scale- Who wants their expensive Rust Monster wunderwaffe to become useless once the enemy defends against it? At most, at that point, it becomes an extra burden on their preparations and attention, not the I Win button such projects are hoped to be.)
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Could we try to make something with the Chelskan mentality. An upgunned magiccannon that did less damage than an exotic weapon but more consistently?
Also, the d8 and d10 would still be threats after the enemy figures them. Just not nearly as much.
Especially since at the end of the day, this is still just a little transport vehicle. Not something to take against dedicated Fighter Aircraft.

If we purposely try to start something in a dogfight, we are going to have a bad time, crack crew and actual AI or not.

The computer letting us fly with a smaller crew is enough.
It is not enough a magical algorithm is likely to still fuck up just as bad and even more than a regular pilot, relying on something to much is very bad especially when going to a place were the ability to repair it is not guaranteed.
It is not enough a magical algorithm is likely to still fuck up just as bad and even more than a regular pilot, relying on something to much is very bad especially when going to a place were the ability to repair it is not guaranteed.
I am unimpressed that you think that magical genius Kanna that created the Safework Field would create something that shoddy. Especially since you could say the same about every other project to improve the ship. Why bother designing a more efficient lifter or turbine when it could break and we cannot fix it? Your doomposting is banal, stop it.