Be Forever Yamato: Rebel 3199 (Yamato yo Towa ni: Rebel 3199)

Washington State
Guess we might as well start a new thread for this now that news is starting to heat up.

Be Forever Yamato: Rebel 3199 Anime's Story to Start in the Year 2207

In a stage talk event for the Uchū Senkan Yamato 2205: Aratanaru Tabidachi - Kōshō -STASHA- (Space Battleship Yamato 2205: The New Voyage Part II: Stasha)...

Instead of a movie, as the original was, this is going to be another 26 episode series, with people speculating that it combines Be Forever and the Bolar War. It'll be interesting to see where they go after this, because they're running out of stuff to remake :)

I never really saw either part this is rumored to be remaking, so I'm excited to see it with fresh eyes, rather than knowing basically what to expect, as I did with 2199, 2202, and the New Voyage.

Just to add in the other articles ANN posted before this thread was started:

Be Forever Yamato: Rebel 3199 Anime's Tagline Teases Different Future

The official website for the modern Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato anime remakes posted the tagline for Yamato yo Towa ni: Rebel 3199, the next...

Be Forever Yamato: Rebel 3199 Anime Confirms 26-Episode Length With Garman Garmillas, Dessler

In the "Online Yamatalk" event for the Uchū Senkan Yamato 2205: Aratanaru Tabidachi - Kōshō -STASHA- (Space Battleship Yamato 2205: The New Voyage Part...

As a bonus, ANN posted an article about 2199, and I don't feel like necroing that thread just for this:

Unjustly Ignored — Why Star Blazers 2199 is More Than Worth Your Time

Star Blazers 2199 is an essential slice of space opera and easily approachable to franchise newcomers, so why isn't it finding its audience?
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I'm still trying to avoid "spoilers" for the second half of 2205 (odd for me, I'm unusually not one to care about these sort of things), so I'm dancing around any information about 3199, but it's an interesting twist on the very successful, very good, but generally conventional recreations that were the first and second seasons (2199 and 2202). I'd have been content on them to stick with that formula and move gradually through 2207 (as far as I can tell, it'd be easy with the very marketable cast that is still around out of 2205, but I suppose they wanted to challenge themselves a little?
I'm still trying to avoid "spoilers" for the second half of 2205 (odd for me, I'm unusually not one to care about these sort of things), so I'm dancing around any information about 3199, but it's an interesting twist on the very successful, very good, but generally conventional recreations that were the first and second seasons (2199 and 2202). I'd have been content on them to stick with that formula and move gradually through 2207 (as far as I can tell, it'd be easy with the very marketable cast that is still around out of 2205, but I suppose they wanted to challenge themselves a little?

I guess they want to avoid a super compressed timeline where earth is under constant attack by every galactic civilization, like they did in the original series. As it is, they had to invent the time vault just to have the Comet Empire saga happen 3 years after the original series.
Well it would make more sense to have three to four years of relative peace between the end of the war with Gatlantis in 2203 and whenever the problems happen in 2207. Unless of course we also get Earth attempt to be neutral between Galman and Bolar.

I wonder if current events will shift any story with the Bolar?
I wonder if current events will shift any story with the Bolar?

As with the Gatlatian expedition in Ark of the Stars (which, as between-episodes movie I adore and actually imported), the Bolar Federation present in 2205 pt. 1 is still very much an unknown. Moreso in fact; they only appear for less than half of the first episode in person, and we don't know what explanation if any is given for their occupation of the Galman homeworld, which matters as they seem to be leaning on thee most logical explanation of the Galman (an ancestral splinter of the otherwise ultranationalist colonial Garmillians), which in turn invites questions as to what they were doing there. A big reason 2199 and 2202 are good, I'd argue, was a heavy re-examination of the designated antagonists (in 2199's it's more subtle humanizing, whereas in 2202 they were basically complete written to avoid the problem of Generic Klingon Warriorpeople). I'd like to think we'd get the same treatment in 2205 with the Bolar Federation, since there's a pretty obvious setup of the Dark Nebula are an exotic as well as immediate threat (despite losing a planet to Garmillas, the Federation didn't turn around and...blow up Garmillas), whereas the Bolar are just out of their depth.

Or they might've served their whole purpose in that first episode, which would be kind of a disappointment. Sort of how I would've liked to see more of Colonial Zaltz and the Alterian diaspora (what's left of them), but there's a practical limit to how much worldbuilding the Bolar deserve in two four-episode chapters (especially if they're bowing out of war that was the primary thing they did originally).
Excited! Some good mechanical stuff in there!

Just hope we get some Dezarium 1/1000 models. The pickings for SBY models has been very sparse since 2199...
We will almost certainly get an Arizona model kit. The hope for Dezarium stuff will also be there, but we also seem to be getting Galman-Gamilas ships too.
I kind of hope we get that black and red ship as a model kit. and maybe the escort ships we missed from 2202.
Some ship news for Rebel 3199:
Rebel 3199 Ships

Mostly Earth Federation ships.
The unmanned battleship and destroyer from Be Forever, Yamato are there, the battleship named Gladiator and the destroyer as Ajax. The unmanned ships are part of the Air Force.
There is also the Asuka-class supply carrier.
Dreadnought-class battleship in Martian camo
Andromeda-class battleships Aldebaran and Alpheratz
The Patrol Cruiser and Escort seen in Yamato 2202 (Bandai had a prototype 1/1000 scale model of those just before COVID hit in 2020...they will probably release it this time)
Also a Dark Nebula weapon of some kind. Labeled as "Grand Reverse"
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We're probably bound to get most of those (since yamato, for all me like it, is made to sell kits) but I'm exicited to get those cruisers. I've never really liked the design of the two ships at the top.. I've always thought they were on the ugly side, and were getting away from the design philosophy of yamato. But we'll see how they work as kits.

(asio why is that dreadnaut class pink? whatever, I'll still buy it)
The Automated Fleet seems to be part of the Earth Federation Air Force, which is a new thing.
Yah, I noticed that. Didn't know what to think about it. (maybe to keep it away from the cosmo navy, and the star force?)
Glad to see some more information about it after those months; my tastes in ships is thoroughly conservative here, so really the Andromeda- and Asuka-class ships catch my eye.
The alberan, with it's blue paint job is just really striking looking on my shelf. I do kind of wish they'd refined it a bit, so it wasn't just a copy of the andromeda (who's design I do like, but still....) I do understand that's the point of the class designation, but they refined the yamato a bit for 2202.

(doing edge translate, it says the pink one is martian camouflage. Okay.)

I did have a thought. AF=air force. AF=automated fleet. is it possible they call it the air force to hide that they're unmanned?
And more news

Rebel 3199 character designs early

Only three characters shown so far.
Alphon (from Be Forever, Yamato).
Kintano Seiya (Current combat operations chief of the Yamato, Kitano Tetsuya, older brother) Was in the PS2 version of Be Forever, Yamato.
And Mori Yuki in an update to her ground uniform. (Did it always have the rank on the sleeve?)
EDIT: It seems that uniform Yuki is wearing always had the rank on the sleeve, just that last time we saw it was 2202, and she was a lieutenant, with three bands. Now as a Commander, she was a chevron and two bands.
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Around 8 years. They left in February of 2199, and now its sometime in 2207. Kodai was 20 when they left on Yamato for the first time. He's approaching 30 now.
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Oh, that long, then. Alright. (the new voyage was in 2205, and it's 2 years later, then? With the way it ended, I thought 3199 would be more immediate than that)
The Story bit in the main website saids its been two years since the lose of Gamilas and Iscandar, which suggests that its now late 2207, since the events of 2205 was like October 2205 to probably December 2205 (with Yamato supposed to return home about March or April of 2206 after a six to seven month mission to Iscandar and back).