[X] New Support Program (Float: Size 6 – RAM 0.7 – The navi is capable of float a few inches off the ground, their speed in this state stays the same).
4.1 Second Week of September.
[X] Speed stat goes up by 2 point permanently.
F++ >>>>> E
This week was interesting, on one side, all my friends and I manage to pass the first test to the world tournament, Chie and Connie had an easy time deleting their target, on the other hand it seems like Connie was having problems with her mom again.

I could help but sigh, they had always had a complicated relationship since I know them, but I know they love each other so hopefully they can resolve their problems.

And thinking about problems, it seems like here have been more problems with these new "Shadow" virus, fortunately no all of them are as powerful as the knight that Neptune and Forte fought, but they still cause a lot of destruction of they own, hope they find a solution to them soon.
Select 5 actions for the next week:

Social Events:
[] Spend time with mom training hand to hand combat.
[] Connie wants to show you a matrix program shop where she bought a lot of her own.
[] Chie wants an exercise partner.
[] Yosuke wants some "training"?
[] Hana asked if I wanted to play some new games with her and Neptune.

[] Spend time with:
-[] Write who.

[] Battle Training:
-[]With who?

[] Train (Stat):
-[]With someone?

Week Event: (Must spend 1 action here)
[] I elegant redhead wants to talk with me after school.
[] I find a mysterious… guy? In the park calling me by my name.

[] Do Homework.
2.5 School Points.

[] Look for a Virus Busting Job.

[] Investigated the rumors about ghosts at the matrix.
[] Forte's Lullaby: A dream of the past
Credits: 1020

AN: Ok third week overall, the last week was just a little introduction to shadows, now the persona act, begins!

AN 2: I add the spend time with, action so you can select one person and focus on social links with them, the only rule is that you must had seen their first event before being able to spend time with them in this way.
Social Events:
[X] Spend time with mom training hand to hand combat.
[X] Connie wants to show you a matrix program shop where she bought a lot of her own.
[] Chie wants an exercise partner.
[] Yosuke wants some "training"?
[] Hana asked if I wanted to play some new games with her and Neptune.

[] Battle Training:
-[] Chie

[] Train (Int):
-[] Connie

Week Event: (Must spend 1 action here)
[X] I elegant redhead wants to talk with me after school.

Aoko? :V ...yes, I know who it is. Let me dream dammit.

[X] Do Homework.
2.5 School Points.

[] Look for a Virus Busting Job.

I have no idea what I'm doing. Someone stop me.

I really wish we had more actions.
[X] Connie wants to show you a matrix program shop where she bought a lot of her own.
[X] Hana asked if I wanted to play some new games with her and Neptune.
[X] I elegant redhead wants to talk with me after school.
[X] Do Homework.
[X] Investigated the rumors about ghosts at the matrix.
[X] Look for a Virus Busting Job.
[X] Connie wants to show you a matrix program shop where she bought a lot of her own.

[X] Battle Training:
-[X]With Chie

[X] Do Homework.

[X] I elegant redhead wants to talk with me after school.

First: Continue virus busting. This is where we get paid for grabbing free power-ups and we should continue until it stops. Plus grab more money before we head out to spend it.

Also, virus busting first, then program shop so we can spend our pennies.

Keeping doing homework, get that Int increase so we're adult smart.

We should really be spending time with our friends, so since we're going to the shop with Connie, might as well hang with Chie.

[X] Investigated the rumors about ghosts at the matrix.

Those are old Megaman bosses and supposed to be pretty tough. Kinda inclined to get going for low-hanging fruit. If you look at the rankings, we're mostly at basic netbattling levels. We just get lucky and punch out of our weight class now and then, usually with friends nearby.
[X] Look for a Virus Busting Job.
[X] Connie wants to show you a matrix program shop where she bought a lot of her own.

[X] Battle Training:
-[X]With Chie

[X] Do Homework.

[X] I elegant redhead wants to talk with me after school.

... I kind of want to do Video Games with Hana and Nep. Mostly because I can somehow see them finding HDN and reprogramming it for matrix/Navi use. And then things get trippy.
... I kind of want to do Video Games with Hana and Nep. Mostly because I can somehow see them finding HDN and reprogramming it for matrix/Navi use. And then things get trippy.

Ehh. We're kinda blatantly favoring Hana and Neptune as of late, and I think Samus at least is disappointed. Feel we need to find time to give each of them a fair shake.

@Astaroh-M Serious question though, are you expecting us to bond with all the characters listed in charge to do their quest lines? Cause given how many there are and our action economy, that seems like a pretty tall order.

And did you upgrade our Ranged Attack from the Sniper Joe? I could have sworn it was supposed to be higher than that but I'm not sure.

EDIT: Yeah pretty sure it was supposed to be upgraded.

Incidentally, once our Ranged Attack gets a +, with Exploding Bullets our default shot is a D ranked attack on impact. A charged shot is going to be D+++, almost a C ranked attack. Starting from E+.
Last edited:
[X] Connie wants to show you a matrix program shop where she bought a lot of her own.
[X] Yosuke wants some "training"?
[X] Hana asked if I wanted to play some new games with her and Neptune.
[X] I elegant redhead wants to talk withme after school.
[X] Look for a Virus Busting Job.
Ehh. We're kinda blatantly favoring Hana and Neptune as of late, and I think Samus at least is disappointed. Feel we need to find time to give each of them a fair shake.
Oh yeah, I know. It's why I'm not actually voting for it.

@Astaroh-M Is how we cannibalized shockwave to repair Earthbreaker strange, or would other Navi's do the same if they had damaged data and bought something similar? I mean, if they had a damaged in-built weapon and bought a new one, would their systems cannibalize it to help repair the original?
@Astaroh-M Serious question though, are you expecting us to bond with all the characters listed in charge to do their quest lines? Cause given how many there are and our action economy, that seems like a pretty tall order.
Nah, that would be too much, you will have to choice your favorite people to spend time with.

And did you upgrade our Ranged Attack from the Sniper Joe? I could have sworn it was supposed to be higher than that but I'm not sure.
Sorry! Fixed.

@Astaroh-M Is how we cannibalized shockwave to repair Earthbreaker strange, or would other Navi's do the same if they had damaged data and bought something similar? I mean, if they had a damaged in-built weapon and bought a new one, would their systems cannibalize it to help repair the original?
Nop, Forte is a special snowflake like that, though usually in case of corrupted data people go with programers to help them.

And before you ask why Gig hadn't done that, I'm planing to have it as an option after Forte next social event.
Oh yeah, I know. It's why I'm not actually voting for it.

Fair. I'm kinda favoring Mom myself, at least from a skill perspective. Tactics seems to be what gave us default choices in battle situations, and favoring more effective default choices is a good thing.

Nah, that would be too much, you will have to choice your favorite people to spend time with.

Hmm. Good to know, although that will be made more diffcult by throwing too many people our way. Too big a monkeysphere.


Nop, Forte is a special snowflake like that, though usually in case of corrupted data people go with programers to help them.

And before you ask why Gig hadn't done that, I'm planing to have it as an option after Forte next social event.

Good to know. If we didn't need to choose to meet someone new, I would have chosen Forte's Lullaby as it was.
Nop, Forte is a special snowflake like that, though usually in case of corrupted data people go with programers to help them.
:/ Navi's not having a self-repair function seems a bit... *Shrug* Also shoots an omake idea I had in the foot. And head.
Good to know. If we didn't need to choose to meet someone new, I would have chosen Forte's Lullaby as it was.
I think that's going to happen every week. Which is kind of a dick move, but plot.
:/ Navi's not having a self-repair function seems a bit... *Shrug* Also shoots an omake idea I had in the foot. And head.

Ehh, they probably do, just that once it's corrupted it may be beyond preset basic programs to diagnose and fix.

I think that's going to happen every week. Which is kind of a dick move, but plot.

Yeah. Though I suspect Hana/Neptune is gonna be the 'winning' girl just on account of having the most dramatic personality.
:/ Navi's not having a self-repair function seems a bit... *Shrug* Also shoots an omake idea I had in the foot. And head.
Navis can repair themselves is just... the best example that I can think about is, you can restore your computer to a old state to fix some mistake on it, right? But what happen when the problem is a damage hard drive?

Is the more similar example that I can imagine, Navis have a Core Program, as long as that program is ok they can come back even if they are delete because usually the Core Program have backups in the operator handheld, Forte's Core on the other hand... it was damage because *spoiler* and that cause the corrupte data.

I think that's going to happen every week. Which is kind of a dick move, but plot.
From next week you will have more freedom about how to continue this arc, is just that I have to guide you a little to someone that knows what is happening. :V
4.2 Second Week of September.
[X] Look for a Virus Busting Job.

[X] Connie wants to show you a matrix program shop where she bought a lot of her own.

[X] Battle Training:

-[X]With Chie

[X] Do Homework.

[X] I elegant redhead wants to talk with me after school.
I knew that the shadow viruses were a problem right now, but looking at the job list of this week I could really see the chaos that they were causing, dozens of jobs all asking for help with these things, they need to be stopped.

[] Without operator, no service!: The owner of a restaurant is having troubles with some shadow viruses that look like tables.
Throw a D25 – Gain (60*Dice number) credits.

[] A matter of faith: It seems like some shadows are attacking the matrix of a church in the city.
Throw a D15 – Gain (100*Dice number) credits.

[] Bad kitty!: Some lion like shadow are causing havoc in the matrix of the zoo.
Throw a D10 – Gain (150*Dice number) credits.
[X] A matter of faith: It seems like some shadows are attacking the matrix of a church in the city.
Throw a D15 – Gain (100*Dice number) credits.

Let me guess, this is their preacher.
Ok, the vote is close, someone throw a D15 and let's see if the RNG gods are with you.
Hmm, probably would have gone with restaurant or lions myself, just to make sure we get a new virus (dunno if shadow virus is unique enough), but it's hard to argue with that money.