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I'm looking at that hidden skill that we already have experience in and thinking about our background... it's a stretch, gun crime is pretty rare in Japan, but am I right in saying that the hidden skill is us knowing how to dome a bitch?
How would we progress with culinary knowledge in an achievement-based system? Right now, it's simple, we cook, we progress by percentages, but in an achievement style system, the points of progression become... a little murkier, I suppose.
Would it be things like 'create a full course meal using this culinary style,' 'Earn 1000 wingwongs using Italian dishes,' so on? Because something like that might work for general progression, each achievement adding a static bonus for the style in place of , then you could add in some more difficult or impressive achievements for better boons like new recipes and ingredients. Overall, I think an achievement system for culinary knowledge could work just as well as treating it like a skill- I certainly don't think it would detract from the quest.
It's up to you, but I don't think there's any inherent risk in changing over, so it's just a matter of what you're most comfortable with.
Also, purely out of curiosity, if we'd taken the drugs option for our free time, what kind of benefits would that have given, and how hard were you gonna go there? Are we talking the odd, ah, jazz cigarette, or something a bit harder?
No it isn't firearms, it actually has to do with a roll I made someone make a few turns ago.
Culinary knowledge would go up from cooking dishes of a particular cuisine and recipe development. So if you don't know any Indian dishes but through experimentation and ingredient knowledge manage to develop a korma curry, you would gain some points in Indian culinary knowledge. I think I would eliminate it as a percentage and just switch it to a pool since I think perfection in a cuisine is probably not possible. You can dedicate decades and get close but pure perfection? I don't know about that.
Upon successful milestones then you get to use the points to upgrade your culinary skills, buy ingredients and do recipe roulette. I think I might have this replace one of the other culinary systems I was going to use to give you skill blocks and stuff. I think this might better represent achievements as a chef than strictly fame or fortune might have done.
I've been tossing a few ideas around to try and streamline the progression system for the cooking. I don't want things to get too complicated in terms of systems as that's hard for me to manage but I want it to be meaningful.