Azur Lane - Gaming Thread

Not too sure now about it being the sailboat faction, but they did say we are getting a new faction towards the end of the year, and that said faction will get a UR. Current thought is that they are finally going to unite the French boats.
Given what Code G and Fredrich were up to at the end of the latest event, I think there's a reasonable chance the new faction will be reprogramed and/or defected Sirens. They have options for URs, IMO most likely Hermit, whereas the French don't really have any good ones. Clemenceau is a Richelieu-class, and the other 3 of the class are all SR/PR, so I don't expect her to be UR. While Yorktown II shows that Manjuu is willing to make one ship of an otherwise SR class a UR, she's also the only example to date, so I wouldn't hedge my bets on any specific ship getting the same treatment. None of the Alsace-class were ever actually laid down, AFAIK, so they ought to be PR/DRs, not SR/URs. As an aside, I think Champagne might be loosely based on the Alsace-class, but I'm not entirely sure where WoWships gets some of their fantasy designs from. Bismarck Zwei shows Manjuu is willing to simply make shit up for the sake of plot.

I guess they could make Jean Bart Deux the reunited French UR, but IMO that would just be bullshit when the Eagle Union is still missing one of the SoDaks and doesn't have either of the only two real CBs.
Edit: We're also missing HMS Anson, the fourth of the KGV-class.

Edit 2: Okay that was a bit too much salt. While I'm not terribly fond of Jean Bart's personality, it's not like Manjuu has any obligation to include every historical WWII warship. That would be far, far, far too many Fletchers, so TBH I'd rather they didn't get literally all of them.

Unrelated, it looks like Bismarck Zwei doesn't like me and will likely be the first UR I have to get by hard pity. It'll be nice to get her so I can have spare coins again.
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Okay, so I'll happily accept Jean Bart Deux or any other ahistorical Type II shipgirls thanks to how stupidly powerful and adorkable Bismarck Zwei is. Swapping Musashi for Zwei in my Algerie META showdown team and doing some gear reworking lead to this:
Ahahahaha! One run kill! Finally! That makes Algerie the second META I've managed to achieve that against, the first being Arc Royal, I think. Zwei's black hole was a huge part of what made this possible, though NJ seems to have slightly higher DPS. I only manage a one-run kill after swapping NJ to flagship so she'd get Plymouth's buff. While Vanguard doesn't do much damage on her own, her buffs to NJ and Zwei were also necessary, for me at least.

I'd wager there's also a carrier based team comp that could one-run Algerie META with enough Tenrais, but I only have one Tenrai. I do have three UR Twin 457mm guns, so I go with UR BB centric teams for this sort of thing.

I'm still hoping for the (technically historical) CV Amagi Ni to be the next non-USN Type II shipgirl, but Zwei sold me on ahistorical Type II's being worthwhile additions to the game.
Just passing by to point out that, as of the Fool's Scales event, we finally have a proper grasp on what is going and how things ended up like that.

Only took five years!:V

So, uh. Spoilers, I guess.

It started in world kind of like ours, but also very different.
In that world, the Tunguska event was caused by a meteor, which carried some very funky matter.
How funky? They couldn't even find meteor at first because it's matter was scattered upon impact, and it all replicated the properties of what other stuff it touched, blending in with the scenery.

Once they identified the the funky matter, they researched the hell out of it.
One of the results of that research was of some Tesseract-looking cubes that could generate clean energy seemingly without limit, which were quickly incorporated into other technologies all over the world.

Further research into the funky stuff also led to the creation of the first botegirl. Code G, A.K.A Enterprise, with many to follow.
It was at some point here too that what would become the Sirens were created. As a more conventional form of weapon based on the technologies available. Cause there was a war brewing in the background.

It took them a bit too long to realize that the seemingly unlimited energy that the cubes could generate was coming from somewhere. From higher dimensional space, of which they knew very little. And that's when things started going wrong.

Research into how botegirls work went south when one Bon Homme Richard underwent a horrifying transformation. Becoming something that know nothing but destruction and the corruption of others into doing the same.

Maybe related to the above. Humanity came into contact with something in those higher dimensions the cubes tapped into. Maybe multiple somethings. Entities of concepts, more than matter. Of truly alien nature.

And then they came into conflict. Because of course they did.

Humanity was annihilated. The KANSEN tried to fight the invaders but were almost all wiped out too.

The Sirens, cold calculating machines that they are, came to the conclusion that there was no winning that fight. They decided to let their home burn while they traveled to alternate universes, looking for something that could defeat those enemies. Using alternate Earth's as testing grounds.

An unknown amount of tries later, their modus operandi become to give humanity some select goodies for them to create KANSEN. Then the Sirens make themselves into a global threat to push humanity and the botegirls to their absolute limits and study the results. They also manipulate things in the background, conspiring with locals to orchestrate conflicts that mirror those of World War I and II.

That is all in an attempt at forcing an "awakening" in the KANSEN. A state where they would gain incredible power due to their own extradimensional nature, while retaining their self control.

In many of the "failures", where humanity went the way of the Dodo once again, there were survivors. KANSEN that threw away everything to become better weapons and it was still not enough. Those poor souls undergo a process called simply METAmorphosis, which grants them great power but also leaves them as broken husks. Many of those, including Code G, came together to seek revenge on the Sirens.

The game starts in one of those "testing grounds". Iron Blood (not Germany) and the Sakura Empire (not Japan) broke away from the alliance that pushed back the first major Siren incursion, due to disagreements on how the world wide threat is being addressed, throwing the world into conflict.

In truth, the KANSEN, who do know how WWII is supposed to play out to some extent, were doing everything in their power to break out from the control of the Sirens to prevent that fate. With the Iron Blood in particular going behind everyone's backs and collaborating even with their supposed enemies to strike back and hurt the Sirens in a true and lasting manner.

Meanwhile, some rando from the Eagle Union (not America) navy, with more ties to this crazy plot than anyone could have imagined, gets posted on a base and given command of a few KANSEN. They now have to deal with all that stuff described above.

Tl;dr? Anime Girl Skynet tries to save the world from Cthulhu through the power of God and Anime, is really bad at it.
Well, looks like sailboat faction is, in fact, getting a massive boost, with three new ships coming in
