Awake, Arise, or be Forever Fallen (SI Multi-cross/Original Setting Roleplay)

BTW, since both Azula and DIO are in a mood to enter alliance, I don't suppose you'd mind Ares joining in? Because when he is done questioning Glop and confirms that both of you are about as foreign to this place as he himself, not to mention learns more of the, undobtedly overwhelmingly powerful, Countess and what she could send after him, there is no doubt Ares will want to make any allies he can.
We'll possibly be long gone by then, but if not than I wouldn't be against it.

Azula doesn't particularly like Ares, she likely has something of an intense dislike for metal benders, but she was a princess. She can play the diplomacy game when needed.

Some other things, I'm currently experimenting with "Azula's" voice. I want to keep her somewhat reasonable, but paranoia is a rather big part of Azula's character towards the end. I'm also playing around a bit with the way she phrases things. Azula is powerful, smart, and used to being in charge, and while I balance that out to some extent, "Azula" is still trying to steer the conversation into her own terms, if probably only unconsciously.
@Noob5674, I'm pretty sure we're not in the same room to see the T-X released? Triple-G is on the roof of the cage room, while we're inside of it.
I'm only replying to the first part of Noob's post for now. Anything further will wait on what toxinvictory has to say.
@Noob5674, I'm pretty sure we're not in the same room to see the T-X released? Triple-G is on the roof of the cage room, while we're inside of it.

Pretty much this. The people inside Gurn's cage know the Demon is around but don't have a current line of sight on the creature so they don't know that Gurn is aware of things going wrong and has called up a murder bot to try and regain control.

Welp there goes my hopes to keep DIO's time stop under IC wraps.

Well I have other tricks the Demons are unlikely to know about so not a huge loss
I am merely obeying the old saying, knowledge is power!

At least Ares is likely to keep the fact he knows about your trump card to himself, and thus won't share it with others unless he'll begin to really trust them. Time stop is still an extremely tricky power to plan around even when the time-stopper doesn't know you know, and outside of passive defences there really aren't any other counters, unless you can interact with time yourself.

Although both IC and OOC-wise what prompted me to directly ask Golp about DIO's abilities was the mention of 'growing stronger with stolen power over time' and 'reshaping the world into a design of his choice' in his description of your sinner, so the time stop will be a nice accidental freebie. I didn't watch JOJO, nor did I scour the wiki to learn of his abilities even OOC, so for all I know it could be flowery language, but both Ares and I are now wondering if DIO can steal powers and possesses access to some form of reality manipulation to literally reshape the world.

Hmm, now that I think of it, I probably also should have asked what did Golp mean by Azula having 'struck at a divinity of her world' but given that her powerset, as described, didn't invite nearly as many questions, (control over fire is nowhere near as open to interpretation as 'stealing power') already and no claim of defeating a divinity was made, I can probably put it down to 'hindsight 20/20' and have Ares mentally kick himself he didn't pry deeper.

Oh my, I didn't learn Azula can bend lightning! Oh well, hindsight 20/20. It is going to be quite a shocker (possibly literally) once he sees Azula's lightning in action, not the least because of the fact it is going to bring back unpleasant memories of his original defeat at hands of Zeus, and eventual death from his own redirected lightning.
I am merely obeying the old saying, knowledge is power!

At least Ares is likely to keep the fact he knows about your trump card to himself, and thus won't share it with others unless he'll begin to really trust them. Time stop is still an extremely tricky power to plan around even when the time-stopper doesn't know you know, and outside of passive defences there really aren't any other counters, unless you can interact with time yourself.

Although both IC and OOC-wise what prompted me to directly ask Golp about DIO's abilities was the mention of 'growing stronger with stolen power over time' and 'reshaping the world into a design of his choice' in his description of your sinner, so the time stop will be a nice accidental freebie. I didn't watch JOJO, nor did I scour the wiki to learn of his abilities even OOC, so for all I know it could be flowery language, but both Ares and I are now wondering if DIO can steal powers and possesses access to some form of reality manipulation to literally reshape the world.

Hmm, now that I think of it, I probably also should have asked what did Golp mean by Azula having 'struck at a divinity of her world' but given that her powerset, as described, didn't invite nearly as many questions, (control over fire is nowhere near as open to interpretation as 'stealing power') already and no claim of defeating a divinity was made, I can probably put it down to 'hindsight 20/20' and have Ares mentally kick himself he didn't pry deeper.

Oh my, I didn't learn Azula can bend lightning! Oh well, hindsight 20/20. It is going to be quite a shocker (possibly literally) once he sees Azula's lightning in action, not the least because of the fact it is going to bring back unpleasant memories of his original defeat at hands of Zeus, and eventual death from his own redirected lightning.
Heh I can just see it now where IC you blast Azula only to go oh shit when for the third time you get blasted with your own powers. Probably not lethaly because well it's happened so offen that you'll hold back your bolt but it's still an amusing possibility.

Eh the rewrite Reility thing would only be possible with a lot of research on Hell acquireing 36 "Sinners" that are stand users, having someone I trust to not yonk shit out from under me and briefly committing sucide.None of which are likely. Least of all the me committing sucide bit

And even then it probably will not work because I doubt hell has a vanishing point like the Jojo universes. Eternal damnation being you know eternal.
Why is moving the Labyrinth difficult? That's like, the way a witch gets around.

Also, my personal view on the function of Labyrinths/Witches/Familiars: A Grief seed is a construct that holds Grief in a stable form, and without it, the grief would disperse. When full, "spillover" grief is used to generate a Labyrinth, a larger structure that emulates the stabilizing effect of a Grief Seed on a larger scale. Then, once enough is accumulated, a Witch is created out of the grief contained inside the grief seed. Meanwhile, Familiars are capable of occasionally breaking off with pieces of the Labyrinth, which is used to sustain their essence as they begin the process of turning into a witch themselves. This is done by essentially taking peoples' souls and using them to construct a Grief Seed, which turns them into the witch they were once the familiar of.
Why is moving the Labyrinth difficult? That's like, the way a witch gets around.

Also, my personal view on the function of Labyrinths/Witches/Familiars: A Grief seed is a construct that holds Grief in a stable form, and without it, the grief would disperse. When full, "spillover" grief is used to generate a Labyrinth, a larger structure that emulates the stabilizing effect of a Grief Seed on a larger scale. Then, once enough is accumulated, a Witch is created out of the grief contained inside the grief seed. Meanwhile, Familiars are capable of occasionally breaking off with pieces of the Labyrinth, which is used to sustain their essence as they begin the process of turning into a witch themselves. This is done by essentially taking peoples' souls and using them to construct a Grief Seed, which turns them into the witch they were once the familiar of.

Post edited to reflect this.
@toxinvictory, how magically resistant is the T-X? I ask because my first move of the fight is going to be throwing a fireball at it, and I want some idea of what effect it'll have so I can keep writing after that and keep things moving.
@toxinvictory, how magically resistant is the T-X? I ask because my first move of the fight is going to be throwing a fireball at it, and I want some idea of what effect it'll have so I can keep writing after that and keep things moving.

It's been shielded so magical energy doesn't short it out simply by existing near it but those defences could be breached by enough power. But back to your question the T-X is kind of insanely tough so it would likely shrug off a fireball to the face and try to punch your head in.
Note: my musing on hexing UbeOne's lightsaber is pure IC speculation. IC, with no knowledge of star wars I have no reason to suspect it's anything but a technologically advanced weapon, and thus think it should be hexable. OOC, however, I think some mixture of it being soul-bound or suffused with the force should prevent that.
On a side note, I didn't break my chains with the lightsaber. I used the Force to lockpick them.
That first part I didn't say anything it was just putting air quotes around fire nation because I'm thinking it's a translation error.


So we're making our way towards the castle on our way do the creatures smell like I could safely drink them?