Awake, Arise, or be Forever Fallen (SI Multi-cross/Original Setting Roleplay)

Huh, this is nice.

I was kinda dead for the last week or so so I didn't catch it. Can I get a waitlist spot?
Sinner: Iratus - Grand Necromancer
Sin: Pride, Wrath, Pride, Lust

You know, I've always known this day was coming. I just didn't expect, well, this.

I'm not sure how my current predicament fit into the whole "eternal ironic torture" part because this has been an objective improvement overall. I am in hell, but that doesn't count. Being in Disneyland doesn't mean you're enjoying Disneyland, you know?

I guess my torment is to ponder over the existence of an actual Hell, thus a cosmic-enforced morality system that span not just distance and culture but also universes? The implication of a divine governance of some sort, thus proving that all that happened to me, to everyone, was not simply the results of unthinking cause-and-effects, but by machinations of higher beings arranging all the suffering of this mortal coil?

Could they have simply created an objectively perfect existence, filled with objectively perfect life, yet didn't? Did they want texture upon the mortal plane? Sinners to populate Hell with?

I... need answers.

I don't necessarily want to go back, but I need answers, and I think there had been a few mistakes regarding the whole Iratus situation. I might have done a few hell-worthy shit, but I didn't fucked dead people and I definitely didn't attempted planetary genocides.


Unless the shit that happens in games count. In that case, does my action shape these world or does the event of such worlds echoes in my decision?

I definitely need answer.
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From my viewpoint, however, I see our assailants. Some kind of demonic cyclops slug, and a liquid metallic mechanical shapeshifter, not much different from a T-1000. Monsters, both of them! I never thought I'd see an honest-to-goodness Terminator in the (synthetic) flesh.
Aren't we not supposed to have any meta knowledge of fictional characters, etc, that show up? Or does that only apply to PCs?
I was referring to the T-X, which might as well be a T-1000 in my perspective.
I was under the impression we had no knowledge of the other sinners
I was referring to the T-X, which might as well be a T-1000 in my perspective.
What I was getting as is that the Terminators (all of them) are from a fictional series. We're not supposed to have any form of metaknowledge about the fictional series that our own characters and each others characters come from, so I was assuming that that applied to everything from fiction that shows up; if that's the case, you shouldn't know what a Terminator is at all, regardless of the specific model. Hence, me asking whether the 'no meta' rule only applies to PCs rather than to everything and everyone as I'd assumed.
What I was getting as is that the Terminators (all of them) are from a fictional series. We're not supposed to have any form of metaknowledge about the fictional series that our own characters and each others characters come from, so I was assuming that that applied to everything from fiction that shows up; if that's the case, you shouldn't know what a Terminator is at all, regardless of the specific model. Hence, me asking whether the 'no meta' rule only applies to PCs rather than to everything and everyone as I'd assumed.

I'm just assuming that any series that has the characters that we are using have been magically removed from our memories.

In that case they wouldn't know where the Terminator is but they could equate it with other robots like a borg cyberman, Necrons etc. so you can still make broad assumptions based on the fact that it's a robot.

For others we won't be able to pick out the exact person but we would be able to pick out the character. For example Aries is Broad enough to know "hey that's the Greek god of war" but you wouldn't know which version of the god you're dealing with ( for example DC ares vsGOW Ares)

Or for DIO did get that he's a vampire which means he sucks peoples blood and is hard to kill . But you wouldn't get Jojo specific abilities like his laser eyes
I'm just assuming that any series that has the characters that we are using have been magically removed from our memories.

In that case they wouldn't know where the Terminator is but they could equate it with other robots like a borg cyberman, Necrons etc. so you can still make broad assumptions based on the fact that it's a robot.

For others we won't be able to pick out the exact person but we would be able to pick out the character. For example Aries is Broad enough to know "hey that's the Greek god of war" but you wouldn't know which version of the god you're dealing with ( for example DC ares vsGOW Ares)

Or for DIO did get that he's a vampire which means he sucks peoples blood and is hard to kill . But you wouldn't get Jojo specific abilities like his laser eyes
I've no issue with or argument with that being the case, but what prompted my question was that Ube did recognise the T-X as being a Terminator specifically (albeit a different model). To be clear, if we do retain the knowledge of non-PC specific fictional worlds that show up in this RP and thus are able to recognise characters from them I've got zero issue with it- I just want word of GM on the topic, because the ruling on PC-based metaknowledge gave me the impression that this wasn't the case.
... Dio has laser eyes?

He really scares me.
Eh... sort of. It's actually super-pressurised liquid (I think spinal fluid?) that he squirts out of his eyes with enough speed and force to cut through stone.
... Dio has laser eyes?

He really scares me.
I've no issue with or argument with that being the case, but what prompted my question was that Ube did recognise the T-X as being a Terminator specifically (albeit a different model). To be clear, if we do retain the knowledge of non-PC specific fictional worlds that show up in this RP and thus are able to recognise characters from them I've got zero issue with it- I just want word of GM on the topic, because the ruling on PC-based metaknowledge gave me the impression that this wasn't the case.

Eh... sort of. It's actually super-pressurised liquid (I think spinal fluid?) that he squirts out of his eyes with enough speed and force to cut through stone.

Yeah he shoots high pressure "Vampire essence" from his eyeballs in something that looks like a beam

Skip to 1 14.

It's got a good bit of power to it but it's most lethal Aspect is who the fuck expects someone to shoot a liquid laser out of their eyes?

As a bonus the "Vampire essence" is also what turns people in zombies so it doubles as a potent posion if it doesn't kill and they can't use some technique to remove it from their bodies.

On a related note Ax if you want I can upgrade you to a vampire. Normally vampires can only turn humans into a zombie but DIO being DIO fiqured out a blood transfusion can turn a human into a Vampire.

Azula as a vampire I would be terrifying. Her bending gets amped to high hell as her Chi (firebending energy source) is enhanced ( and it doesn't suffer from the Hamon destroying vampires thing) her base physicals are a lot higher then a JOJO verse human so her vampire form would be much stronger. To the point where in a physical fight she could probably tear DIO to bloody bits with if not ease then little effort.

That's of course not getting into the other advantages of vampirehood such as the creation of zombie minions, great regen being able to survive as just a brain and that's not all it comes complete with Jojo level posing and meanicing sound effects
One part posted and the next soon to follow. Sorry for the delay have had some family stuff the last few days but I am back on a more regular schedule noe.

Apologies for playing with your characters backstory without first running it by you like that @NSMS , the possibility was to interesting not to offer once I thought of it but you are free to reject that option and the narrative-version of events which allows it if you like.
One part posted and the next soon to follow. Sorry for the delay have had some family stuff the last few days but I am back on a more regular schedule noe.

Apologies for playing with your characters backstory without first running it by you like that @NSMS , the possibility was to interesting not to offer once I thought of it but you are free to reject that option and the narrative-version of events which allows it if you like.

So why does it say I was quoted? Did I miss something
One part posted and the next soon to follow. Sorry for the delay have had some family stuff the last few days but I am back on a more regular schedule noe.

Apologies for playing with your characters backstory without first running it by you like that @NSMS , the possibility was to interesting not to offer once I thought of it but you are free to reject that option and the narrative-version of events which allows it if you like.
Nah, it's not a problem.

Also, um, oops? I wasn't expecting the cage to be quite that fragile... :oops:

How far away would you say ares is and how shiny is his armor?

Want to know if I could notice him before he gets too close. I imagine smelling the blood of an actual God would trigger me and DIO quite a bit one part fear ( what the flying hell is that!? Nothing like that exists!) and the other well I imagine god blood smells really tasty.

Need to know if I have the time to compose myself
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So why does it say I was quoted? Did I miss something

I accidentally included a quote from you in the latest post, once I noticed it I removed it but the alert was already sent. Sorry.

Nah, it's not a problem.

Also, um, oops? I wasn't expecting the cage to be quite that fragile... :oops:

Glad to hear it. Well to be fair you hit something that can be hurled through buildings with enough force to pancake a van. The cage while durable wasn't made to handle something like that.

Just confirming if you take the second or third option you are free to write the actions of your new minion.

Option two gives you a classic Terminator, not exactly a social being but it will obey your orders without question. Option three gives you Molly Carpenter circa Turn Coat with her personality largely intact just compelled to obey the Skinwalker.


How far away would you say ares is and how shiny is his armor?

Want to know if I could notice him before he gets too close. I imagine smelling the blood of an actual God would trigger me and DIO quite a bit one part fear ( what the flying hell is that!? Nothing like that exists!) and the other well I imagine god blood smells really tasty.

Need to know if I have the time to compose myself

I'm writing that part of the reply now, you'll have enough time to smell Ares approaching but not much else so I'll handle it.
Glad to hear it. Well to be fair you hit something that can be hurled through buildings with enough force to pancake a van. The cage while durable wasn't made to handle something like that.
I want to complain to the designer! What were they thinking, not even building the thing sturdily enough to withstand the force needed to crush one measly vehicle?! Stupid shoddy construction, don't build them like they used to, why back in my day, grumble grumble...
Just confirming if you take the second or third option you are free to write the actions of your new minion.

Option two gives you a classic Terminator, not exactly a social being but it will obey your orders without question. Option three gives you Molly Carpenter circa Turn Coat with her personality largely intact just compelled to obey the Skinwalker.
Egh... I'm incredibly tempted to grab Molly, but I just can't justify it to myself IC. Having a competent and perfectly loyal minion would be very valuable, especially if/when I put her through Skinwalker 101 and she starts to come into her own magically, but there are two big obstacles in the way; weakening myself in an unknown situation surrounded by unknown threats is an incredibly foolish thing to do, and Molly is an investment that would in all likelihood take years to pay off. Until then, she's a squishy part-trained wizard whose skills I outclass in every way.
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I want to complain to the designer! What were they thinking, not even building the thing sturdily enough to withstand the force needed to crush one measly vehicle?! Stupid shoddy construction, don't build them like they used to, why back in my day, grumble grumble...
Egh... I'm incredibly tempted to grab Molly, but I just can't justify it to myself IC. Having a competent and perfectly loyal minion would be very valuable, especially if/when I put her through Skinwalker 101 and she starts to come into her own magically, but there are two big obstacles in the way; weakening myself in an unknown situation surrounded by unknown threats is an incredibly foolish thing to do, and Molly is an investment that would in all likelihood take years to pay off. Until then, she's a squishy part-trained wizard who skills I outclass in every way.
I wouldn't take the terminator, either. What's the point unless they look like Arnold Schwarzenegger?