Avatar: Between Two Doors

What do you mean rushed the platform? Like, she was weirdly in the courtyard, but it wasn't like she was attacking Azula, she was just in the general area. As long as she didn't interfere, I feel like we're not meant to think that she was breaking the rules?
Nah, not really?

Also, no, Zuko and Katara couldn't have seen the smirk, but weirdly they are thinking beings who have brains. They can know that no, Azula didn't accidentally aim the highly aimed and directed lightning attack at Katara because her finger slipped?

Literally nobody, not even Azula's own supporters, would believe such a claim... and frankly Azula wouldn't even make that claim to be honest?

Azula missing by a couple feet during a mental break down isn't an unreasonably assumption in the eyes of the law, particularly since she was already fighting sloppy.

Like I said though, that was just kind of a side thought. The main one was that, by law, you would lose when your backup rushed the duel stage.
Had Azula defeated Katara in their fight, I would imagine the Agni Kai goes down as an Azula victory, with her attack on Katara being dismissed as a Masterful Bluff or something.

But Azula did not defeat Katara, and so instead it was correctly recorded as an attempt to cheat. C'est la vie.
What do you mean rushed the platform? Like, she was weirdly in the courtyard, but it wasn't like she was attacking Azula, she was just in the general area. As long as she didn't interfere, I feel like we're not meant to think that she was breaking the rules?

She ran up into the fight area from the sidelines after Zuko brought up lightning, behind him and slightly to the side. Your opponent's supporter can't just run up into the fight area mid fight and that be considered lawful.

Edit: The protagonists were never against playing dirty to win with hiding as the enemy and such to infiltrate or attack the enemy because they had to to win against such an overwhelming force. I always took it back in the day that they won there via doing the pragmatic thing, not the lawful thing.
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I have no idea what the rules of an Agni Kai are, or if they're written in some supplemental material somewhere, but let's be real, they don't matter. What matters is who was standing at the end of the fight. The victors write the history books and all that.
Chapter 24: Dockets
Chapter 24: Dockets

The first step was the lamest of all. Everyone talked about the difficult first steps of a treacherous journey. Earth Sages loved to wax on about that, she'd learned that much under the guise of learning philosophy. But whenever people said "the first step is the hardest" they didn't seem to actually mean the most boring, the dullest, the most aggravating.

She had to talk to some paper-pusher and ask to be set upon the docket. Toph thought she'd just be able to talk to Zuko, because she did so all the time. But apparently if she had an 'important meeting' with him, she was supposed to use 'official channels' to 'reduce the impression of nepotism.' Ty Lee had been skeptical as well, but Toph… Toph really cared about this. She didn't want to really care about it, because it was lame to get all worked up about stupid paperwork.

But she didn't want to do anything wrong. She didn't want to make a single mistake. So here she was, standing there.

"The next available meeting will be in three weeks," the jerk said. The problem was, he was telling the truth. If he was lying, she'd know.

"You really don't have any slots open at all for anyone?" Toph asked, honestly just trying to see if this was some sort of trick where it was like, 'There are slots available, but not for an Earthbender' or whatever.

"No," truth, "I am sorry." Lie. "Things have been getting a lot busier lately, and the Fire Lord is dealing with matters of such importance that if he could forego sleep, he would still be overbooked." True. "This was the earliest I could find." True. "I am happy to do so for the friend of the Fire Lord." False. "We have great respect for your contributions." Lie. "I believe the Fire Lord will be happy to see you, if it really is something so important that you've come to me." True.

There were shades that Toph was still working on figuring out, ways that a person could tell the truth without telling the truth. And of course, knowing someone was lying wasn't enough with some of these jokers. They'd tell the truth as a lie, and in their heartbeats and pulses it'd come across as a lie, or tell something that was probably a lie and think it was the truth. It was all mixed up, but she could tell it clear enough. The tricks were easy.

"Thanks!" Ty Lee said, bouncing up and down. Ty Lee was never hard to read. She was never even trying to deceive anyone. Well, she'd probably done it at least once. She seemed the sort to smile and say she was great when she wasn't. Sometimes when she talked about Azula, her voice was fond and her heart rate even. Sometimes, very rarely, a fond voice and a raised heart-rate whose meaning Toph did not understand. But often the heart was racing, the voice was chipper, and fear and suffering seemed to thrum like a pipa played out of tune.

"Sure then. Three weeks." Toph grunted, thinking about all the things that could go wrong. But Azula wouldn't be tried in three weeks, apparently people were talking about it taking months even if it went fast, and that it probably wouldn't go fast. That meant she had time to figure this out, time to save Azula.

She wasn't going to ask permission, because that was stupid, but she was sure that Azula would be fine with it if the risk was her getting her head chopped off. Or dying some other horrible way, because Firebenders had invented a lot. Treason had been punished under Ozai by being burned to death in several cases. That's just sort of how it went.

"Azula was lying to me," Ty Lee said seriously. Toph was halfway laying on a table, having listened to Ty Lee ramble her way through a half-dozen books in the last hour. She sounded confused. "I don't know why?"

"Oh, what was she lying about?" Toph groaned, not sure whether it was serious or not.

"She once told me the definition of insanity was trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, but in this dictionary that's not the definition at all." She seemed confused about it, as if she had just heard Azula say something like that and decided that it had to be the absolute truth. "Oh well, I'm sure she just got it wrong."

Toph turned, "So what is the definition of insanity?"

"The state of being in madness, colloquially crazy. And then madness is…" There was the sound of Ty Lee flipping through pages. "A state of disordered reason or intellect, in which the patient raves or is furious." She considered it for a moment. "No, don't we need a legal definition?"

"I think so," Toph said. "There's always special terms for it." Well, she vaguely knew that because advocates and judges always made a big deal about statutes and definitions. It was just the way things were.

It sucked, though, and they had to keep on digging.

And digging.

It actually took the better part of a few days to actually figure out where the right law books were, and of course Toph couldn't actually help with any of it other than scaring off anyone who wanted to interrupt.

Insanity turned out to have a specific definition: when a person can be demonstrated to have had an impaired mental faculty at the time of the crimes, or a severely impaired ability to sort reality and make judgments of either fact or ethics, and that impairment is judged not to be of 'psychotic nature' and yada yada yada, blah blah blah.

So that thing was, Toph realized, they'd have to be able to prove she was seeing and hearing things at least a while back. And they'd have to look up all the stupid, made up labels that Fire Nation had created, many of them with special gradations supposedly designed to register people as 'fit for duty' because they had some lesser version of a disqualifying…

Toph fell asleep the first time they tried to go through it all. But the second time she started to have ideas about how they could argue it. It wasn't as if they needed to exactly prove it in a court, they just needed to give Zuko enough reason to actually think that it was something he could do and justify for all those boring people. Plus, if she was a little… unwell, it'd be a way to discredit her. Toph was vaguely aware of that, but between her living and a few stupid nobles thinking she was crazy, and a bunch of nobles thinking she was sane whilst she was buried in some unmarked grave or something… Toph knew which one she'd choose any day of the year.

But she also understood which one Azula would probably choose. Toph might choose something like that, if she was really faced with it. Earth did not back down easily, either. So the secret was to… not tell her. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her much, and if it did Toph'd just rub some dirt in the wound and it'd be fine.

"So I'll say," Toph said, pacing in front of Ty Lee in the library, "What?" That was what she was asking. She was starting to get an idea, but it was just the very, very beginning of an idea and no more than that. She was left scratching in the dirt, which was fun enough, but not fun when she couldn't do anything about it.

Something about… Azula, the way she'd acted when she was fourteen? How much parents sucked? This was true. Parents sucked so much, so much of the time. Toph's parents, Azula's parents… her father at least was terrible and she clearly had no lost love for her mother.

Honestly, it didn't mean her mother was terrible but did mean her mother sort of failed. She even hated Iroh, and Iroh was generally great. She knew at least some of it was Azula being Azula, but she honestly did want to talk to the old guy and see if she was missing something.

She had to be missing something, right? She'd seen just how much Iroh was willing to sacrifice for Zuko, at a time when Zuko was doing stupid stuff and trying to kill the Avatar. So she knew it wasn't just doing bad stuff. Iroh didn't just… no, no point in wondering about it.

Even if it was…

"What what?" Ty Lee asked.

"What are we going to do? We have to get some big fancy shmancy proposal together, and we have ideas but none of us are… that." She'd done it because it was important and because she was worried about getting something wrong, but she was also aware that it was against every one of her inclinations. But this was her best chance to solve things. It was her only chance, even, and Toph did not lose or fail, not at anything!

…she could do it. She had to believe in it.

"So, when did you start seeing stuff?" Toph asked, right towards the end of a two hour conversation. She'd tried out a few new nicknames, including Stabby, but none that she was going to bring into rotation. It was important to do new and interesting nicknames for people, when you were getting to know them. Or just because they'd done something new. Azula talking about exactly how she was supposed to use those knives definitely fit. She'd only had time to look over the knives, and practice a vaguely described stab or two. But the actual knives were metal, so she could easily feel out where she was trying to stab.

So honestly, she could see herself figuring it out a lot easier than figuring out wrestling or anything like that. Though the thought of being able to just slam people into the ground was pretty fun. Maybe her character in the stories she and Azula were making would do that.


"Y'know? Stuff," Toph said, vaguely. "People who weren't there. I was just wonderin', could it be some spirit nonsense?" She actually had been thinking about that, considering how little any of the Fire Nation sources seemed to agree about the nature of "madness." Was it hereditary, a result of "congenital idiocy"? Apparently according to most of the current experts a woman who liked another woman had a case of madness, same with a man and a man, and considering Zuko changed that law, who knew what other crazy nonsense they were saying and pretending was backed by… facts and so on?

She had no idea. So sure, it could actually be Spirits doing crazy or terrible things. It could be some sort of imbalance, it could be half a dozen things. Toph wouldn't normally care, but now it was a good excuse… and she probably should care.

"Do spirits truly do that? Interfere in such obvious ways? It was… it was after father made me Fire Lord. My mother talked to me. I knew it wasn't her, but… but that didn't matter," Azula admitted, as if it pained her. "It didn't make it feel any less… distracting. It was part of the reason why I lost to dear Zuzu. After that, I saw things every so often. Visions to torment me, but I cannot say in truth how often they've happened. I only know about the obvious cases."

Oh! There were the visitation logs. If she could get Ty Lee a chance to read those… that's what she had to do. Talk about visits and try to figure out which were real and which weren't. If she could find even a single case beyond hers of a visit that didn't happen, then it would make her point. Because why would Azula lie about visits where the ghosts that she had once known insulted and belittled her? What did it aid her?

If she wanted sympathy surely she'd portray them as real and use the fantasy meetings to try to turn her against Zuko.

That's what Toph thought, as she changed the topic, but asked about this and that, trying to put together some clear vision. It was like standing on sand, trying to figure out the truth… and how she could use it.

She hated having to think like this, but she was doing it anyway.

Toph could not tell if the asylum looked terrible, but it smelled like pee and despair. But also bleach, and other cleaning supplies.

"I hope," the tall, nasal-voiced Doctor Yasyu said, "That Lady Beifong doesn't have… objections to this place. Oh, how its star has fallen since the… well-intentioned reforms of the Fire Lord."

"I asked for a tour," Toph said. "But tell me about 'em."

"Well, you know how we help keep insane people locked up, so that they don't trouble the rest of the populace, but it is more than that. We wish to also improve their health, whether through the fire cures, the water cures, the steam cures, or indeed several brands and versions of therapy, good diet, and exercise. We have to keep abreast of the latest developments, but the Fire Lord wants to replace it with some sort of scheme involving a living compound, with therapists and others assisting, for all but the most disturbed and in need of… it is all bleeding heart nonsense, and let me be clear, we can have sympathy and empathy without misunderstanding the pernicious nature of madness and the absence of reason, and the way it tends to catch and spread if not kept contained and away from normal people."

The speech was long and boring, and it continued for a little longer. However Toph had a question. "Fire cure?"

"Those whose nerves and will have been broken by their inability to stand up to battle can be made stronger and reforged by giving them Firebending exercises and facing them up again and again with the dangers they shy from, until they realize how to fight their way through them and can be returned to the front. It has also had some success for helping those who have been attacked by bandits and criminals. There can be no good in coddling people, of making them think fire is something to fear, rather than something to use. The anger that fuels Firebending is far better," he declared, "Than the helpless fear and impotent despair that so often dogs them. Water cures are done for those who are too angry, whose blood is too heated, and who therefore need a balance… and steam for those who need to sweat out their impurities. There are methods for each and every thing."

By this point they've begun to walk, "And they're methods that work on the mad, the insane, and the delusional. You can be too kind."

"You can," Toph agreed, because this at least she understood. But she heard shouts and groans, people yelling and arguing, and in no way did this seem a kind place. He meant every word he had said. Only once had his pulse even shifted. He might be exaggerating how much the Fire Cure helped, and no doubt he had some fancy-smancy reason, but she knew that this would… this would destroy Azula.

But whatever he complained about, house arrest and… she didn't know, a therapist, maybe some good food. That could help, maybe? Honestly, Azula needed the sun and someone to talk to. Also to stop being a jerk, or at least learn to aim her jerk-ness in a better way.

By the end of the tour, she felt a little sick and doubted the plan a little… but she could figure that out later.

Step one: save Azula by convincing Zuko to show her mercy when she'd never show him mercy.

Step two: reform the entire crazy industry!

(Why did the second step sound easier than the first?)

VM AN: Laws around insanity pleas are really quite complex, actually! It isn't nearly as straightforward to plea out on insanity as you might think from like, TV or films? The rules are stringent. Azula probably has a case for being mentally unfit to stand trial, but not for insanity at the time of the offence.

TL AN: Only the finest in 18th and 19th century medicine here!
but between her living and a few stupid nobles thinking she was crazy, and a bunch of nobles thinking she was sane whilst she was buried in some unmarked grave or something… Toph knew which one she'd choose any day of the year.

But she also understood which one Azula would probably choose. Toph might choose something like that, if she was really faced with it. Earth did not back down easily, either.
I was amused by this section. Toph saying, I'd definitely choose my life over my pride, then immediately being like, well, maybe.
Chapter 25: Presentations, Part 1
Chapter 25: Presentations, Part 1

"Presenting the Lady Toph Beifong, Earthbending Sifu of the Avatar, Advisor to the Earth King, Hero of the coming of Sozin's Comet, and thrice champion of the Earth Rumble, with Lady Ty Lee, Warrior of Kyoshi, to petition Fire Lord Zuko, honoured be his name, Protector of the Fire Nation, Scourge of her Foes, Defender of the Fire Sages, Lord by the Sun's Grace." The Herald bellowed, slamming the butt of a halberd into the stone floor, the bronze ferrule ringing like a bell on the flagons.

Toph could feel the entire chamber, and hear it too - other than the herald, it was just the three of them, and she felt the herald bow as he moved to leave. The words echoed a little around the great hall. There was an odd sort of tension she wasn't used to with Zuko; it didn't feel like Toph was going to talk to her friend Zuko. She was a supplicant before the Fire Lord, here to ask him to intercede for her friend. It was an odd position, and one she was uncomfortable with.

She padded through the chamber in silence. She could feel Ty Lee trailing behind her on her left hand side as she went, the stone underfoot shiny, unyielding and cold, then rapidly warming as they came closer to Zuko's throne. Once it became so hot that it edged on uncomfortable, she stopped.

"Really, Zuzu?" She asked, "The full title? I'm honoured!"

Zuko let out a little burst of surprised laughter, sounding distant behind the gentle crackling of the fire around his throne. "Why Lady Beifong, of course the full title! I'm receiving an official visit from an ambassador of the Avatar and the Earth King, aren't I?"

"And most importantly - three time champion of the Earth Rumble," Toph replied, "My proudest achievement!"

The tension dissipated as they laughed, and Toph felt Ty Lee settling in at her back, supporting her silently.

"You're probably wondering why I wanted an official appointment." Toph said at last.

Zuko felt muted, up on the throne like he was. The wall of fire, the brickwork that lifted the throne so he could see over it, it all made her sense of Zuko indistinct, even fuzzy. It made it hard to get a read, as he straightened in his seat. "Not only for the novelty, then?"

"Well, it didn't hurt," Toph said, "But you know how boring I find all the endless rituals you have here."

"The Earth Kingdom isn't much better," Ty Lee interrupted, "When the Earth King came to visit Kyoshi Island with his bear last year, I had to learn an hour of different bows and phrases!"

"So," Toph said, "Not only the novelty. It needs to be official? An official meeting, written down so everyone knows it happens, you know?"

They had to do it right, so it wouldn't look like Zuko was being controlled by the Avatar, or like Azula's friends were trying to get her off, or any other sort of corruption, but instead would be "proper".

"Very well," Zuko replied after a moment, "What do you want an official meeting about? I assume this is about Azula, but what exactly is it that needs all that pageantry?"

"I don't think-" Toph began, then cut herself off. "We don't think it's right to put her on trial for all these things?"

Zuko sighed, long, heavy and hard. "Why not?"

It was barely a question. Toph could feel an exhaustion through him, like he was just going through a conversation he had already predicted.

"They aren't fair," Ty Lee said, "Most of these are just fighting the war! Dressing as a Kyoshi Warrior? Commanding a military unit that killed people? Tricking people by pretending to surrender?"

"She did everything she has been accused of," Zuko said, "You can't deny it."

"Well no, but-" Ty Lee began, a little uncertainly.

"There's no but, Ty Lee," Zuko said wearily. "She broke the laws of the Fire Nation in times of war. Some of the charges may be frivolous, but they are still within our laws. I can't just pretend she didn't break them."

"But she wasn't the only one," Toph said, "There's no way Sparks was the only Fire Nation commander to do things like this! It was a hundred year war, Zuzu! Everyone was doing all of these things!"

"And I'm trying to hold everyone to account, Toph." Zuko said, "And that starts with not letting people off for crimes because everyone was doing them."

"But why Azula first?" Ty Lee asked, "Surely there's people who've done worse, people who were adults when they did it?"

"Do you think I haven't been trying?" Zuko said bitterly, "The resistance to bringing any of these people to trial has been impossible. Half the judges in the Fire Nation think my father should still be ruling the country, and the other half think the Fire Nation was tragically led astray by bad leaders! If Azula is in the first few we are able to try, it means it doesn't look bad, we look like we're embracing responsibility. I don't want this, but…"

He trailed off, sounding defeated.

"But you helped her," Toph said bluntly, "You helped her kill the Avatar and take over Ba Sing Se, and your attack on the Kyoshi Warriors was way worse than hers! And Ty Lee and Mai helped her with a lot of the rest! How can you try Azula and not yourself and them? Doesn't that look irresponsible?"

Ty Lee didn't react at all, her heart beating steady in her chest, but Zuko's heart sped up a little, and the muscles in his forearms tensed as he clenched a fist. He wasn't angry, she didn't think, he was just unhappy.

"Yes," He said simply, "We were there, and we helped her, or we did worse, even! But we've all made amends, whilst Azula is still in her cell, spitting venom."

"What other options have you given her?" Toph asked hotly, "She's locked up! You can't expect her to be gracious, she's a prisoner!"

"Do you think it would make a difference?" Zuko snapped. "Do you think if Azula were free she would be trying to make amends with those she's hurt?"

"No," Toph grumbled reluctantly, "But she's still young, we're all still young. Why can't you just try adults who committed their crimes as adults? Generals and advisors, even your father! Why Azula?"

"Politics," Ty Lee said it like a dirty word, "Generals and advisors have allies."

Zuko sighed. "Yes. I've gotten the worst of my father's Generals - General Bujing, War Minister Qin and their ilk - in the preliminaries of their trials, but it has already cost me a great deal of political capital, and-"

"And Azula is easier?" Ty Lee's tone was sharp. "Azula's only got Toph and I to speak for her! There's no one in this new Fire Nation you're building who will stand up for a teenage girl being tried as an adult. On Kyoshi Island-"

Ty Lee's anger was like a physical thing; she stood like a dancer, light on her feet - it always made her a trial to spar with, and had been a nightmare when they were true enemies, but now Toph could feel the ways her pose was shifting, the clumsiness that anger and indignation brought. It was almost enough to make her miss the fire around Zuko's throne flaring up like someone had thrown a vial of blasting jelly on it.

"Alright, Ty Lee!" He almost shouted, then palpably reined himself in. "Yes. Is that what you want to hear? It is politically useful to try Azula now. She made herself the face of the fire nation! When people from the Earth Kingdom think of evil firebenders, they think of Azula. When people from here think of the people who commanded us to war, they think of Azula. They either want to make her the Fire Lord or string her up, and they either think I'm scared of her, or think I'm protecting her, and either opinion leads them to think the Fire Nation should stop trying people for what they did in the war."

Silence reigned for a moment, broken only by Zuko's breathing, hard and furious.

"So yes," He continued, exhausted, "It is political. We can't all run away to Kyoshi Island and pretend none of this is real, Ty Lee."

Ty Lee only reacted for a moment, and Toph felt the other girl palpably releasing her own tension, then shift more clearly behind her, head down.

It was as clear a signal as she was going to get.

"You can't try her," Toph said, "She's not fit for trial."

The words felt strange in her mouth - it was a solution to the problems Zuko raised, it took Azula out of view without killing her, it silenced anyone who thought he was scared of her, anyone who thought he was protecting her, and it would be good for Azula to be seen by professionals, but for all that, it tasted like betrayal.

"What do you mean?" Zuko asked, "Not fit for trial?"

"She…" Toph took a breath, thought about it, "She's not well. In the mind. She sees things that aren't there, hears people say things they didn't say. She can't tell what's real, not for certain, so you can't put her on trial. It's not fair!"

"What?" Zuko asked with a real sting of surprise, "How do you know? Since when?"

"When your father named her Fire Lord," Toph replied, "Or at least, that was the first time she knew. She saw your mother, just before the Agni Kai with you. She doesn't know what's real, Zuko. She isn't mentally competent to understand the charges laid against her."

She had thought about this a lot since Azula told her - it had been the first time Azula had known it wasn't real, because it had been her mother, who was missing. But Azula didn't always know that a hallucination wasn't real - she had thought Toph had visited at times when she hadn't, and hadn't seemed to be surprised when she found out she hadn't, not really. She could've been hallucinating for some time before, and no one would've noticed, necessarily.

"Is that so?" Zuko's voice had a coil of suspicion through it. "Did she tell you that?"

"I found out," Toph said coolly, "She didn't want me to know. She would rather go to trial with everyone thinking she did it all on purpose than have people know that she isn't mentally competent, that some of what she did, she might not have even known she was doing it!"

"Toph," Zuko sounded disappointed, "Azula always lies. She made you think she was crazy, like she's made Ty Lee think she's sorry, or used to make me think she cares. She's letting you think she didn't want you to tell me because it makes it more convincing. I'm sorry, I should've paid more attention to what she was telling you."

"I can tell when she's lying!" Toph said indignantly. "I'm not a child, and she hasn't manipulated me! She wouldn't even want me to tell you this!"

"I'm sure you believe that," Zuko said, "But you don't know her like I do. I would be only too pleased to believe this is true, Toph - I don't want my baby sister to be dragged in front of a court, but it's too convenient, and I just don't believe it. Azula is as sane as we are."

He wasn't even lying, that's what brought Toph up short. Every word he said was true. He meant it all but-

"What would convince you?" She asked, bluntly, "What evidence would you need to have to believe Azula is seeing things?"

"Any reasonable evidence," Zuko said tightly, "That isn't just Azula's words dripped into the first sympathetic ear she could find."

This was a lie. Toph wondered, briefly, if he even knew it was a lie. He wanted to believe Azula wasn't in her right mind, wanted to believe there was good reason to avoid trying her, but he didn't. He didn't and he wouldn't.

"Does it matter?" Toph said quietly, after a long moment. "Does it matter if Azula is actually mentally incompetent? Does it matter if she's lying? If we believe her, she doesn't need to go to trial, doesn't need to be dragged out in front of a crowd to be sentenced by some judge who doesn't care about her. Isn't that worthy in itself?"

So what if it's corrupt, she wanted to shout. Who cares if Azula is lying? Why can't she just be saved from this because she's Zuko's sister?

"Toph," Zuko said softly, "I know you're friends with Azula, but we can't just let her get away with this. You know that. She's my sister and I love her, but that doesn't mean she didn't commit the crimes she committed, and there's no avoiding that."

It was true - he was telling the truth, she could feel that. She could also, however, feel that it was tired. 'She's my sister and I love her' was worn thin, and felt like obligation. He loved Azula because she was his sister, and you have to love family. No more or less than that.

Toph felt it like a stab wound. It was pointless, then. Setting up a meeting, telling Zuko things about Azula that she had learnt in confidence, all the time in the library with Ty Lee, and why? Zuko was never going to change his mind about this, because Azula was an obligation to him, no more or less.

"Oh." She said, "Right. I see. Well--"

She could feel her eyes prickling, getting wet with unshed tears, and she couldn't get the words out.

"We're sorry to have wasted your time," Ty Lee said smoothly, "But thank you for listening to us!"

"Right, thanks." Toph said, "I'm gonna go, uh, look up that Captain Tai Tsai, I think? Thanks anyway, Zuko."

Toph turned on her heel, pushing past Ty Lee and heading to the exit. She wiped at her eyes angrily as she stomped back towards her rooms.

veteranMortal: So! That went badly. Trying to establish the sorts of arguments Toph would make and how they would go. Hope it worked?

The Laurent: It very much was a case, and not the first and not the last, where Zuko-Toph communication kinda shuts down way too early because one or the other of them realize the other's not going to be convinced and so don't say… well, things they should probably say.
I wonder if there is some kind of spirit magic Aang can do to help prove it.
Otherwise, I hear it's hard to execute people when the land beneath the gallows keeps turning into quicksand and mud.
The Laurent: It very much was a case, and not the first and not the last, where Zuko-Toph communication kinda shuts down way too early because one or the other of them realize the other's not going to be convinced and so don't say… well, things they should probably say.

yeah, you can kinda see the point when zuko goes from cordial to "oh, she's been taken in by my manipulative sister" and when toph starts to assume he won't care about the evidence she gathered.

Her decision looks to be made by the end of this update, so looking forward to her break out attempt.
Her decision looks to be made by the end of this update, so looking forward to her break out attempt.

Is that the way you think it's going to go? I'm not so sure, if only because narratively I'm not sure a breakout would be satisfying, and there's not a lot anyone, except maybe Aang, could do to stop Toph if she decided to break Azula out. Unless there are a bunch of other earthbenders nearby?

Edit: Side note: the point where I have to suspend my disbelief the most in Avatar the Last Airbender (outside of the basic, magic is real bit) is that the Earth Kingdom was ever seriously threatened by the fire nation. Earbenders should make war against them (at least before the inventions of planes and rockets, and that only lets you do damage, not actually take and hold territory) basically impossible. How are supply lines supposed to exist in the face of earthbenders?
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Is that the way you think it's going to go? I'm not so sure, if only because narratively I'm not sure a breakout would be satisfying, and there's not a lot anyone, except maybe Aang, could do to stop Toph if she decided to break Azula out. Unless there are a bunch of other earthbenders nearby?

I feel like we could be in for some 'life changing road trip' thing with Toph and Azula on the run, basically.
Edit: Side note: the point where I have to suspend my disbelief the most in Avatar the Last Airbender (outside of the basic, magic is real bit) is that the Earth Kingdom was ever seriously threatened by the fire nation. Earbenders should make war against them (at least before the inventions of planes and rockets, and that only lets you do damage, not actually take and hold territory) basically impossible. How are supply lines supposed to exist in the face of earthbenders?

Most Earthbenders aren't actually nearly as good as Toph/Bumi, or even as good as the Dai Li/Earth Rumble fighters, and the Earth Kingdom is so dysfunctional that there's no serious large scale effort to train them to be anything other than close-range artillery, which is essentially what all benders act as.
Zuko is a trueborn politician. Juggling arguments from "this is justice" to "this is politically convenient" and "I love her" to "she always lies" without a hitch.
Chapter 26: Presentations, Part 2
Chapter 26: Presentations, Part 2

Azula had an idea. It was a stupid idea, and she did not know how she was going to voice it, because it was one of those ideas that had nothing to do with the fact that within a few weeks she'd start meeting advocates and fighting for her life. Nothing in the subsequent meetings had made it any less clear that it was going to be a full show trial, a kangaroo-lion court roaring out her guilt for all the world to hear.

That was half the point. She was not stupid. He needed her to seem a madwoman, and even worse than that, a monster. He needed her to be dangerous, evil, untrustworthy and unstable.

He had to make an example, and she was a very good example to make.

All of this should have been filling her head, but whenever she thought about it she felt the fire and anger rise pointlessly.

So instead Azula found herself thinking about petty things like training routines she could do even in a small cell, or training routines Toph could do. Or her writing.

Of course, such trivial activities as writing a story was far beneath a Princess, but she had nothing better to do.

Her latest thought, though, was even pettier. It was about the writing, sort of, but more about where it was all going. And whether there was perhaps a way to… give it some grandeur beyond that of a bunch of paper in her room.

As the door rumbled open and she tried to focus on the feeling of the shaking she said, "You know Toph, I've be… ah, it is not Toph. Which means, who is it? Ty Lee? Mai finally visiting me again for the first time in a month or two? No, it is--"

"It's me, Azula," Zuko said, and he sounded tired. He sounded uncertain.

"Well, well, Zuzu," Azula purred, and she smirked. "What brings you here? Shouldn't I just tell you to talk with my lawyer, once I have one?"

"I… we're going to move towards that part of it, once we've formalized charges," Zuko said. "There are advocates who are willing to talk with you," he said, and… was his voice gentle? No, not quite, but it was not as hard as it could be. "And there's an advocate who talked to me. Toph tried to convince me to pardon you, or rather rule you… incapable of standing trial."




No she couldn't have.


"Mentally incapable."

Azula realized that she'd been betrayed. All those secrets she'd shared, all those weaknesses.


"She says you've been seeing stuff, but… I think she just wants to help you, Azula," Zuko said, quietly. "But she does not understand… she doesn't." He trailed off, because of course she knew. Of course she knew that every day she existed, credible and an alternative to Zuko, was another day that his grip grew weaker. She had to imagine he was truly, truly desperate, and ruling her as a genuine madwoman, what good would that do? Who would believe it was true? Who wouldn't think that this was just a game, just a trick!

After all, Toph had proposed it to try to save her life.

Azula realized that for a moment, but right then it did not matter. Her blood burned hot, but she tried to rein in her temper. She still had a chance to save something from this.

Azula began laughing, "And she believed it?" She couldn't help it, the laugh came out high and cold. "It's good to know that I can still fool her, even when she likes to pretend that she can tell when I'm lying now. Of course I'm not seeing things. I'm terribly, terribly sane Zuzu, and did you think for a second--"

"No, I didn't," Zuko said, his voice dull and blunt. "Not even for a single second. You don't have an excuse. You've always been smart, in control. Except at the end of that fight… and I know it was a bad moment, not anything more than that. I don't want to keep this up, but I have to." Zuko was presenting a face of reluctance. "There are millions of lives that would be at stake if I failed. This prosecution is going to continue, and all of the things that are on the table are… on the table. They are possible. I.. I don't want to--"

"Don't lie to me, Zuzu. You'd prefer not to, but that's not quite the same thing," Azula said, with a sneer. "You're a greater fool than Toph."

"She stuck up with you when--"

"When what?" Azula asked, her voice growing harder and harder. "When what, Zuzu? I am not your concern, you have made it clear." It felt for a moment as if she was being seen and not seen. She hated it, this feeling. She wanted to yell at him, to shake him, to burn him until he understood that he could not have it both ways. He could not preach his saccharine nonsense and also treat her the way a Fire Lord should treat a rival.

"I don't want this to happen. I certainly don't want to sit in judgment of my sister, convicted of capital offenses."

Azula couldn't help it. Her laughter, her giggling, was almost helpless. She couldn't control it. "If you didn't want to murder people to make an example of them, you shouldn't have been the pretender to the seat of Fire Lord."


"Even if I made any mistakes, and I did not, I was acting according to the wishes of the Fire Lord and trying to do what was best for the Fire Nation. And now you declare that treason? How many thousands, tens of thousands, have you convicted of this treason, this 'following orders'?" she asked, she demanded. She knew that it wasn't entirely… accurate. After all, she had helped coordinate plans, she was not some footsoldier. But where were the cell complexes for all the Generals? Where was the purge of the bureaucracy? Azula would not have settled for half-measures, for simply making an example of Zuko.

She hadn't wanted to do even that, but it would be far easier to make examples of Generals who defied her will. Scholars, politicians, bureaucrats, nobles.

Toph tried to make her look soft and broken to save her life, but Azula wanted to remind him that she wasn't that at all. "You're going to march me to my death--"

"You might not be sentenced by a death sentence, if you are found guilty--"

"And pretend it's not your choice, Zuzu. That you're just reluctantly doing what needs to be done. Pathetic."

He truly was pitiful, and she had to make him angry. She had to break him of any delusion that she was weak, vulnerable…


She wasn't.

She would hate nothing more than she'd hate his pity.

The thought that Toph pitied her enough to use these things to try to save her was already enough to make her feel like she wanted to burn down something.

"I don't know why I bothered, and I don't know why Toph was fooled by your act," Zuko said, quietly. "I'm sorry it came to this, but I've given you more than enough chances already. At a certain point--"

"At a certain point," she interrupted with a sneer. "You get tired of pretending." Pretending that he actually cared about her. Pretending he was anything other than a coward, but apparently not too much of one not to know that he had to seize his throne and hold it in fire and blood.

He was acting like a real Fire Lord in killing her, and she told him that, and loved the sounds of outrage and disgust that followed.

She'd done it. He stormed out, and he did not think she was crazy. He thought she'd fooled Toph, because it didn't seem as if he thought much of Toph either. Really, just because they were… friendly acquaintances? Or had been, before this betrayal?

It felt like victory, but a hard won victory at that.

It was the kind of victory that left her stewing and pacing. Really, she knew she was hurt by Toph's scheming, but at least she hadn't underestimated the genius bender.

Well played, what manipulation and disregard. Truly, truly impressive.

Azula resisted punching the wall, but it took a moment. She didn't want to burn anything either, it wouldn't help at this point.

Though at this point, there was also no point.

"Hey, writer," Toph said, though she sounded subdued. It had been over a full day since they'd last spoken, but Toph's tone of voice was almost normal.


"You told him," Azula said, slowly, carefully. She didn't know whether Toph would say sorry. She seemed like perhaps she was the kind of person who would never apologize for their mistakes, which was a truly frustrating fact to deal with.

Someone who would simply do things that hurt others and bluster on through or pretend it didn't happen because that was easier.

Truly, truly annoying.

"Did you really believe--"

"Cut the mud," Toph said, sounding downcast. "I didn't lie."

"Oh, but I did, I--"

She trailed off, because she felt the press of the bracelet against her.

"Woulda come yesterday, but Captain Tai Tsai challenged me to a rematch," Toph said, her tone too breezy. It was the kind of empty pleasantries that clearly hid something else. But Azula could see through it. She wanted to move on.

She wanted to not have done this, not to have betrayed Azula's trust. Yet, no apologies were going to come. The thought came again, but now it was almost wry.

Of course she would not apologize for doing whatever it took to get what she wanted. And… what, that had been Azula's life?

How touching.

She leaned back from where she was sitting and said, "Is that so? Is that really why you're here today, and not yesterday? Zuko visited me, I know everything you did--"

"Yes, everything I did, Princess," Toph said with a snort. "Really threw myself out there. Doesn't matter." She sounded exhausted, and Azula realized that if she was arguing about Azula's "madness" then that'd involve finding a way to read a bunch of legal nonsense about how to tell if someone was "too crazy to try."

Azula had nothing but contempt for the whole idea. She'd made her choices herself, and even if some of them could have been executed better or had flaws, and it may be possible to admit this, if only in the privacy of her own head, they were her decisions.

"So I'd rather talk about something else, honestly? It was really lame," Toph said, and Azula felt the weight of the bracelet, and Toph squeezing her with it.

Azula could start a fight now. She'd done it before. She'd done it for less.


She considered it. She considered truly if she was okay continuing to talk to someone who'd betrayed her, who'd left her exposed and vulnerable and at the mercy of her political enemy, her brother.

Someone she could not trust with the deepest corners of… anything, in case she found use of it. (But was that so unusual? When she'd thought she could do so with Toph in the first place.)

The bracelet squeezed again, and Azula made a decision.

It was okay, and perhaps it had to be.

This far, and no further.

This close, and no closer.

This deep, and no deeper.

It was comfort all the same, something she could act grateful towards, and perhaps even almost mean it.

Toph had, Azula must believe, tried her best and came up empty. Her schemes and games had not swayed her any further than this, but it was further than she'd swayed anyone else. She would not let herself be happy and content, but there was no point in burning the final bridge. Not yet. There was a while before it may be time to simply say all the things she wanted to say. Or not.

She would judge it, moment by moment.

"Well, well well," Azula said, heart burning but voice amused and cold, "Tell me what our good Tai Tsai did then?"

TL AN: Someone's dramatic. That's the end of Part 3: Madwoman.

VM AN: Azula responding to a perceived betrayal without burning the relationship down is real progress! Really excited to see how people respond to Part 4, honestly!
But I find it extremely unlikely that firebending duels, which can be to the death, consider bystanders catching stray shots at all in the win or loss of the match itself given it's a fire(and lighting is allowed?) duel that often has an audience close at hand
A lot of firebending is about control. We learn about it with Jeong-Jeong and Zhao in "The Deserter". And it's not just a White Lotus thing; we see Azula is always perfectly controlled until the very end. I find it perfectly believable that such a lapse in control would be considered dishonorable.
EDIT: Wait, why did SB display that post after mine? Should I delete this?
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