As you are vacating your position as Director of the Minstry, you will have to choose to direct a successor to serve as its future leader.
The Director of the Minstry is your POV character. Their bias will colour all of your reports, they will change the possible options available to you and they will be responsible for shaping the future of everyone under your command. There is currently no term limit or mechanism to remove the director from their position and you will not be able to simply resign as director. For however long they can stay in their position, you will be stuck with this devil!
Additionally, please keep in mind that these descriptions are from the POV of your currently leaving Director. When they talk about amberley being politically loyal, that means that you will be more free to act politically when playing as Amberley, because your boss trusts you.
Lucifer had never been truly interested in matters beyond his goal of rending down heaven, ignoring all other factions as worthless distractions. While some individual generals had managed to strike up deals and the old Satan Leviathan mantained some relationships as part of his intelligence network, many of the more isolated factions have likely never seen a devil in their life.
Dibalis believes that this approach is a mistake. After deserting early during the War against Heaven, she has met a multitude of foreign factions during the exile and amassed both support and friends among these adventures. As a result when she realised the death of Lucifer and the impending conflict in the underworld she managed to rally a small group of experienced warriors to her banner and return back to the underworld hoping to fight for a better future.
The geographic position and compatible ideological outlook of Free Devils quickly found her joining our cause, with her magician support bravely fighting for a world they would not live to see.
After the war, with many of her contacts and friendships destroyed by the ravages of time she joined Satan Leviathan in her creation of the first underworld diplomatic office, rapidly climbing the ranks and being put in charge of all movement through the Gate, including both trade and personnel movement,
Her success in managing the merchant flows with madagascar meant that she has been able to branch out into the other, even more important trade route of the underworld, with an increasingly large amount of the ministry export being placed directly or indirectly under her - a takeover so efficient the Department of Extraction had not even realised it before she brought it to our attention.
As expected, she believes that the future of the Underworld and especially its Free Devils lies in opening up cooperation with the outside world, opening up trade and exchanges with foreign factions and possibly even the mortal humans, with the Morning Star Road turning into the beating heart of our economy.
- Cooperation with the Satans? We cannot build a future without allies and while the New Satans are not ideal, they are still preferable to Lord Bael while we are securing them, especially with the New Leviathan amongst their number
Dis has always been a fortress town, expected and ready to be at the frontline against Heaven, supplying Lucifers armies and preventing retalitions. As such, in addition to the Governer General of Dis who is responsible for the city and large swathes of the surrounding territories, the Dis garrison, nearly an army by itself had its own independent leader tasked with punishing enemy attacks and raids. While it increasingly failed in its broader task as the war progressed, with entire angelic armies bypassing the city, the garrison under Commander Dabusal ensured Dis would remain in Devil hands during the entire war, even after its Governer General died in an angeic raid forcing Dabusal to take over his duties. After the end of the war she was a hero, a veteran leader who succeeded where so many others failed.
Yet, against all expecations, when called upon by the Satan Descendants to supress the unrest brewing in his city, Dabusal, by now its Governor-General in all but name, defied their orders, preffering to join the Free Devils surrounding her in open rebellion. Leading nearly the entire Dis garrison, still a sizable force despite attrition during the War against the Satan Loyalists, Dis would end up the first victory for our cause and an invaluable one at that, offering a base of operations to operate out of and an already established and organised core of elite troops to rally around.
Quickly confirmed as Dis' Governor General, she immediately went to work securing the sizable territories subordinated to the city, preventing enemy raids during the civil war and then working together with the Ministry and Underworld Guard to secure the crumbling city following the conflict. Even without much Ministry investment, she has worked to prevent further damage to Dis, confident that it would shine brightly once more as the center of the Underworld's foreign interactions and the exploitation of the endless bounty in the West.
She is without a doubt one of the most experienced administrators this side of the Underworld, with a history as leader of devils spanning back to our initial creation and large experience ruling what is still one of its greatest cities. An outspoken advocate for her city, there is no doubt that she would ensure its recovery, placing it as an essential part of her preferred strategy of building up a core of productive territory along the Morning Star Road, which can benefit from concentration of investment and serve as the center of a reborn underworld in the future.
- Cooperation with the Satans? It is essential to always be careful when dealing with Sirzechs and his ilk, but it cannot be denied that taking their deals may sometimes be neccessary
One of you first allies and unquestioned supporter of your cause to improve the lives of Free Devils, Amberley is a close friend and has been responsible for leading all political actions carried out by the institute in recent years, fighting against both the Clans and New Satans. Though she does not have your sheer charisma and popularity, she is still one of the foremost political experts in the entire underworld and is well connected both in the high halls of leadership but also with the common free devils that are both your greatest strength and yet frustratingly opaque.
Putting her in Charge would in effect mean that you will switch places, with her leaving her post as leader of the institute to take your position as head of the ministry, while you will be the leader of the Institute as former head of the ministry. There is no doubt in her political loyality, ensuring that the ministry continues to move forward in the correct direction without requiring external direction.
She believes that the Ministry needs to continue to develop the many systems of the underworld still in ruins, as the lacking food, clothing, healthcare, infrastructure, housing and a hundred other factors hold back the potential that lies in the common devil and simply needs to be unleashed
- Cooperation with the Satans? The most important factor of the New Satans is their political position. We require them as the bulwark against the Clans, but they are not our allies. Still, any mutually beneficial deal will prove our worth in the long run, when our superior organisation takes advantage.
The current head of Extraction in the Ministry, Liveche heads the largest department of the ministry and was responsible for much of the effort to stabilise the budget.
Known for his laid-back and calm demeanor, his efforts to improve production and prevent catastrophe recently have caused him to be more serious, ensuring no accidents or oversights can cause Problems
He is a proponent of further expanding operations to make the great swathes of fallow and useless land under our control profitable, with further exports allowing us to finance internal expansions and attracting immigration.
As a member of the ministry since day one, he is well known and expected to fit relatively easily into his promoted position, though he will need to select a replacement and accept some disruptions to the extraction department.
As expected, he is a believer in further expanding extraction operations, developing new mines, finding new customers and diversifying our production for export, with the profits from these operations allowing us to go further than trying to do everything ourselves. He is convinced that achieving Autarky is impossible and while the Clans continue to buy our Gold we will gladly have them pay for our ascent.
Promoting Liveche will prompt you to select a new Head of Extraction this turn
– Cooperation with the Satans? Whether it is the New Satans or the Clan Council, we should always have one goal: Take advantage of whatever they offer to build our better tomorrow
AN: Ill be sleeping and only able to answer questions or correct stuff tomorrow