The One-God of the Christians? That is who you are saying has a sense of humor?" she asked, disconcerted by his touching her, even if it was only her hair. She swatted at his hand, but he just moved to another part of her head.
"Uh-huh! Where I come from . . . the country where I now live . . . doesn't worship the Norse gods."
"Stop your wandering fingers!"
She took his wrist and placed his hand on the table.


I'm morbidly curious as to the context of this quote, if only to see whether it makes this less creepy or more.

I'm morbidly curious as to the context of this quote, if only to see whether it makes this less creepy or more.
Well they were talking about how he peaked at her when she was naked when she was 11 and he was 14 and told everyone she had tiny breasts and he starts picking stuff out of her hair.
I feel like we need even more contextualisation here, or perhaps less.

I'm not really sure what could possibly make that less creepy. Maybe the Mad Scientist that invented the time travel portal and put it in that area also invented a ray that slowly turns humans into chimpanzees? That's just about the only context that would make this less horrible, but in that case, why can't see read about this guy instead? He sounds loads more interesting!
"Navy SEALS can do anything!"
"So you're smiths?"
"Do you farm?"
"Not really."
"Of course!"
"With a bow and spear?"
"Oh, well no."
"I like getting sun the natural way."
"What does that have to do with tanning hides?"
"Well, nothing I guess."
"I don't even know what that is."
"Wood working?"
"I can put together Ikea furniture."
"Sure! What kind of poles do you use?"
"We use nets."
"Hmm, never done that before. But hey, we can fight! "
"We've clearly been on our own for some time now and have either been able to defend ourselves or have not been threatened in any serious way."
"I...guess that is true..."
"So really you have no skills that are of use in our current lifestyle. Why don't you just disappear like all the other men within a hundred mile radius!"
Go back to Norway before his sister left? This could be heading into time-travel paradox territory, if he goes and kills viking Hitler then his sister won't be raped and still has her lands, so she doesn't leave Norway, so she doesn't meet him in California, so he won't hear about what viking Hitler did and travel back to save her.

Go back and try to kill viking Hitler's parents before he can be born. Fail in your attempt at doing so and start a feud between your family and his, which is what causes him to attack your sister and motivate you to go back in time in the first place.
It seems that he arrives on a day that's offset by the same exact length of time he was gone apparently? Like, his sister when she arrived in America was the same comparative age to him and when he goes back Hilda 3 years younger than him still but there's some continuity errors with that it seems?

I dunno, this kind of thing was handled better in harder science fiction

...Ah, I see.
I wish I didn't, but I do.
*Tries to stave off the slowly building headache*

Thought For The Day: Be strong in your ignorance. Knowledge brings only suffering.
...Ah, I see.
I wish I didn't, but I do.
*Tries to stave off the slowly building headache*

Thought For The Day: Be strong in your ignorance. Knowledge brings only suffering.
As the good book says: ''For in much wisdom is much grief. And he that increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorrow.''.
Something, something, 40k theocracy, something.

(Did I do it right? ;))