Astro Force Quest - Be the Redshirt (New Frontiers)

[X] Finish the linguistic analysis and interrogate him. If he wants to make haste for whatever reason, he'd better spill the beans. All of them.

Alright. One more gather info roll if you will, 2d6 that thing.
I swear, if I roll 51 again... Rolling.

Hmm... is that better or worse?
Nevill threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Intel Total: 7
4 4 3 3
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[X] Finish the linguistic analysis and interrogate him. If he wants to make haste for whatever reason, he'd better spill the beans. All of them.

You dial your wristcomm back in and lean close to the incapacitated alien.

"Signals. We're close, I'll feed the UT audio directly into your radio."

"Acknowledged." You turn to the alien, lowering your pistol and attempting to keep your voice even. "That was rude. We were talking."

"Eeeerk... Os you? Who ebwa-po..."

Affirmative beep on the other end of the line. "Keep going..."

"Tathas... webke hands kaake. Aba killed me. I must be dying."

"We have fluency!" The signals officer declared. "Cut your external helmet audio, I'll be your interpreter."

A few buttons on your wristcomm reroutes your audio. "You're not dying, you've just been stunned. You'll be fine in a few minutes." Hearing the signals officer read the translation on a slight delay was a little disorienting. "I need you to answer some questions."

Roll me Diplomacy (2d6) to convince the alien to answer your questions.
You've acquired 4 points of Understanding while establishing communication. Understanding, and any resource, can be spent in a few ways.
- You can spend it while making a solution (which is is, so you can spend now). It'll give you a +1 to the result of every dice you roll!
- You can spend 2 points at any time to learn a "Weakness" of a Threat. For Diplomacy/Understanding, these are usually important values you can appeal to. This will lower the target for successes against that threat.
- Finally, in a "Meeting", you can convert any 2 Resources into a Mission Trait; something you've learned, created, or established that can be tapped for advantage. All you have to do to start a meeting is call up an ally (like the LT or Casey) and share some information; I'll open up the Meeting options at that point.
I'll roll for diplomacy

"I'll tell you anything you want to know, but I have to get back to work. I have no choice. The engine... we're so behind scheduled..." He gave a weak, hacking cough. "Please, when I have answered your questions, let me return to work."

- [ ] "After we're done, you can get back to work."​
- [ ] "Uh, nice try buddy."​
The result for 2 successes on diplomacy is "They do what you want, but extract a cost." So, you going to give you word?
Where is 'if I am satisfied with your answers'?

Who knows what their work involves. Then again, who knows when we are going to be done with them? :p
So, there are problems with the engine... Which works with antimater.... Things are so going to blow up.
[X] If I am satisfied with your answers
Also if we can have someone from engineering to come look at the their engines to make sure it is not going to explode this alien was outnumbered and still choose to fight and now that it's captured its still trying to get to them
- [x] "After we're done, you can get back to work."
Mind control and/or mental impulse chips wonderful.
That is what I think maybe happening to it's either that or the engine is damaged and maybe going to explode do to the alien keep saying thier late and they may have been overworking thier engine to get to where they were going and then we showed up and chased them and shot at them to disable them or the alien is a really dedicated to its work
[X] "After we're done, you can get back to work."
-[X] "Under supervision, of course."
-[X] Get two sections of two officers to set up a perimeter whilst we grill our prisoner.
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[x] "After we're done, you can get back to work."
Which is fairly similar in meaning to 'if I am satisfied with your answers' (after all, we decide when he's done being questioned), but friendlier.
Edit to add:
-[X] "Under supervision, of course."
-[X] Get two sections of two officers to set up a perimeter whilst we grill our prisoner.
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Well, that worked out fairly well in the end.

[X] "After we're done, you can get back to work."
-[X] "Under supervision, of course."
-[X] Get two sections of two officers to set up a perimeter whilst we grill our prisoner.

Just seem like fairly sensible additional precautions to me, although in fairness we can probably assume they'd be happening anyway.
"If I am satisfied with your answers."

After a second, the alien gave a twitch you figured might be an affirmative nod. "What would you like to know?"

Let's get the simple stuff out of the way. "What are you hauling?"

"Passengers. The Esteemed Prince Tewa-fa, his brides, his servants. They are..."
He tapped on the deck plating. "...down below. Under ice where time cannot find them."

"Pretty rough ship for a royal transport."
Your white boots already had a thick layer of black, tar-like substance on them. "Why is that?"

"No time, no hands. The ship struggles. We must keep the passengers safe and heading to their destination. We are so behind schedule, we have no time for anything else."

You just noticed that something was dripping onto your helmet and across your visor. "Evidently. What are you behind scheduled for?"

This question seemed to confuse the alien. "Our arrival. We must get to Tenarr station. We were supposed to have arrived many cycles ago. We will be free when we arrive. I must go back to my work." The alien gestured to the engine hatch. "I must." He was looking forlornly down the hall, and his hands were fidgeting restlessly, but he made no moves yet.

What do you do?
[X] Continue the questioning
-[X] Free? Free of what?
-[X] Why aren't there more hands? Where are the others?
-[X] Why are you in such a hurry? What happens if you don't?
-[X] Why did you attack the cargo transport?
-[X] Where is this Tenarr station of yours? Who can give us the coordinates?

We probably should call a meeting once we understand what the hell is happening.