Astrid Ivanovich and The Spinner's Key [HP]

The attribute build is now locked in, but the studious and spellmaking talents are tied at 7 each. Gonna need a tiebreaker, then I'll start the update.
Prologue - Skills and Assets
[x] Finesse/Spirit/Intelligence
[x] Studious

You've proven to be a very well-rounded child thus far. You possess grace and precision, charisma and tact, cleverness and cunning in equal measure. You are perhaps not a prodigy in any of these things, but the sheer variety of your talents speaks well of your potential -- the potential that is only enhanced by your frankly staggering thirst for knowledge, which you've unleashed upon your schoolwork to great success.

Seeing how there are no magical primary schools (that you know of, at least), you and Maggie have been home-schooled your entire lives, with Mum as your teacher. It was she that helped cultivate your work ethic. Knowing how capable you truly are, she accepted nothing but the best from you, and rewarded each perfect score in English, arithmetic, and Muggle science with what you found truly interesting: magic. Sometimes, this took the form of a new textbook. Other times, you got a private tutoring session with Dad. Either way, you made good grades , built yourself a solid academic foundation, and picked up some magical knowledge on the side.

Administering some mysteriously obtained Hogwarts exams to you, your father found you to be at the first year level in two Hogwarts subjects, both practically and academically. What were those subjects?

(Choose two of the following. Options may not be chosen more than once.)

[ ] Alchemy
[ ] Ancient Runes
[ ] Arithmancy
[ ] Artificing
[ ] Astronomy
[ ] Charms
[ ] Dark Arts -- you took the Durmstrang test for this one
[ ] Defense Against the Dark Arts
[ ] Divination
[ ] Flying
[ ] Herbology
[ ] History of Magic
[ ] Magical Creatures
[ ] Muggle Studies
[ ] Potions
[ ] Transfiguration
[ ] Actually, you're only at first year level in one subject. You asked for half your academic prizes in galleons, and have two extra to spend at Diagon Alley when you go.

Of course, one's advantages come not only from their education or their natural gifts, but also from their experiences in life. Being a somewhat outgoing girl, you've seen a bit of what the world has to offer you, despite your relatively sheltered upbringing. What are the most valuable connections and assets you've picked up along the way?

(Must choose one of the following.)

[ ] You learned how pretty you are in recent years, and have learned to use it to your advantage. Flirting will get you absolutely everywhere, you've found.

[ ] You learned how pretty you are in recent years, and can use it as something of a distraction. You can bat your eyes -- then duck out of the way before your opponent knows what happened.

(In addition to the above, choose one of the following.)

[ ] You've always been fascinated by wands and wandlore. You have something of an eidetic memory when it comes to wand characteristics, and can usually tell someone's basic strengths and weaknesses by analyzing their wand.

[ ] You've learned that, in the long run, stress is a waste of time. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. It would take an absolutely inhumane amount of work to make you have a stress meltdown.

[ ] You talked with your parents about the importance of building up your savings for when you graduate -- you showed them the Little Gringotts pamphlet and everything -- and they've agreed to give you ten galleons at the start of every year, in addition to your allowance of one galleon a month. Whether you actually save these galleons is up to you. Maturity, and all that.

[ ] Dad taught you and Maggie Russian as you were growing up. You're now bilingual, an effectively native speaker of both English and Russian.

[ ] You've always been kind to Tasha, and count her as a friend. She's told you about her experiences, and you think you understand the plight of other sapient, magical species a bit better as a result.

[ ] You and Maggie had a lot of time to kill growing up. You are an absolute fiend at all manner of wizarding game, including Wizard's Chess and Exploding Snaps.

[ ] You got into scrapes and tussles with bullies whenever you were around them, and even though you didn't always win, you certainly toughened up a bit. You can take a punch relatively well -- but you still hope you'll learn a spell that protects you from stuff like that, because it's not fun.

Last post of character creation, then we're off to Diagon Alley! Also, if any of you are wondering why some of the listed perks are not here, I'm house ruling that those can only be taken after you've made the IC connections within Hogwarts to justify them.
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[X] Artificing
[X] Dark Arts -- you took the Durmstrang test for this one

[X] You learned very young how pretty you are, and have learned to use it to your advantage. Flirting will get you absolutely everywhere, you've found.

[X] You've learned that, in the long run, stress is a waste of time. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. It would take an absolutely inhumane amount of work to make you have a stress meltdown.
[ ] You learned very young how pretty you are, and have learned to use it to your advantage. Flirting will get you absolutely everywhere, you've found.
An eleven year old girl, really? Did she grow up around pedophiles?

[X] Charms
[X] Dark Arts -- you took the Durmstrang test for this one

[X] You learned very young how pretty you are, and can use it as something of a distraction. You can bat your eyes -- then duck out of the way before your opponent knows what happened.

[X] You've learned that, in thelong run, stress is a waste oftime. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. Itwould take an absolutely inhumane amount of work tomake you have a stress meltdown.

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[X] Artificing
[X] Dark Arts -- you took the Durmstrang test for this one

[X] You learned very young how pretty you are, and have learned to use it to your advantage. Flirting will get you absolutely everywhere, you've found.

[X] You've learned that, in the long run, stress is a waste of time. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. It would take an absolutely inhumane amount of work to make you have a stress meltdown.
[X] Dark Arts -- you took the Durmstrang test for this one
[X] Defense Against the Dark Arts

[X] You learned very young how pretty you are, and can use it as something of a distraction. You can bat your eyes -- then duck out of the way before your opponent knows what happened.

[X] You got into scrapes and tussles with bullies whenever you were around them, and even though you didn't always win, you certainly toughened up a bit. You can take a punch relatively well -- but you still hope you'll learn a spell that protects you from stuff like that, because it's not fun.
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I'll change the wording on that to make it less creepy, but it's more meant to imply that you noticed getting attention from boys your age that other girls didn't get.
When I was younger then 11, boys either thought girls were icky or treated them just like another boy. Most boys begin puberty at 10 or older, and they start to notice girls when they start to get hormones. Given how it is worded as her learning it "really young," I don't see that being possible.

On another note, while I don't think that you have done anything wrong yet, this site is very strict about the sexualization of minors, so be careful.

A better way to do would be describing it as her using her "cuteness" to get things as a child, possibly from her parents. Like pretending to cry and making puppy dog eyes.
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[X] Dark Arts -- you took the Durmstrang test for this one
[X] Defense Against the Dark Arts

[X] You learned how pretty you are in recent years, and have learned to use it to your advantage. Flirting will get you absolutely everywhere, you've found.

[X] You've learned that, in the long run, stress is a waste of time. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. It would take an absolutely inhumane amount of work to make you have a stress meltdown.
[X] Charms
[X] Transfiguration

[X] You learned very young how pretty you are, and can use it as something of a distraction. You can bat your eyes -- then duck out of the way before your opponent knows what happened.

[X] You've learned that, in thelong run, stress is a waste oftime. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. It would take an absolutely inhumane amount of work tomake you have a stress meltdown.
When I was younger then 11, boys either thought girls were icky or treated them just like another boy. Most boys begin puberty at 10 or older, and they start to notice girls when they start to get hormones. Given how it is worded as her learning it "really young," I don't see that being possible.

On another note, while I don't think that you have done anything wrong yet, this site is very strict about the sexualization of minors, so be careful.

That...was not my intention at all. As a girl myself, I recall boys having crushes on girls as young as kindergarten. I corrected the "really young" wording, as I can see how that would be misinterpreted. If you still think it's objectionable, I'll change it to cuteness, but the perks in the book specifically referred to physical beauty/'prettiness' in both instances.
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[X] Charms
[X] Defense Against the Dark Arts

This will give us the most versatility and allow us to build up a massive repertoire of spells.

[X] You learned very young how pretty you are, and can use it as something of a distraction. You can bat your eyes -- then duck out of the way before your opponent knows what happened.

I prefer batting our eyes to distract someone rather than flirting with them.

[X] Dad taught you and Maggie Russian as you were growing up. You're now bilingual, an effectively native speaker of both English and Russian.

Heritage is important. It would be embarrassing if the heir of a prominent Russian wizarding family can't speak the language.
[X] Artificing
[X] Defense Against the Dark Arts
[X] You learned how pretty you are in recent years, and have learned to use it to your advantage. Flirting will get you absolutely everywhere, you've found.
[X] You've learned that, in the long run, stress is a waste of time. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. It would take an absolutely inhumane amount of work to make you have a stress meltdown.

Never seen much Artificing around
[X] Artificing
[X] Charms

[X] You learned very young how pretty you are, and have learned to use it to your advantage. Flirting will get you absolutely everywhere, you've found.

[X] You've learned that, in the long run, stress is a waste of time. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. It would take an absolutely inhumane amount of work to make you have a stress meltdown.
[X] Charms
[X] Dark Arts -- you took the Durmstrang test for this one

[X] You learned very young how pretty you are, and can use it as something of a distraction. You can bat your eyes -- then duck out of the way before your opponent knows what happened.

[X] You've learned that, in the long run, stress is a waste of time. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. It would take an absolutely inhumane amount of work to make you have a stress meltdown.

Managing anxiety is kind of boring, but man oh man do I wish I could handle anxiety better and understand how much of a killer it can be.
[X] Dark Arts -- you took the Durmstrang test for this one
[X] Defense Against the Dark Arts

[X] You learned how pretty you are in recent years, and have learned to use it to your advantage. Flirting will get you absolutely everywhere, you've found.

[X] You've learned that, in the long run, stress is a waste of time. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. It would take an absolutely inhumane amount of work to make you have a stress meltdown.
[X] Artificing
[X] Charms

[X] You learned very young how pretty you are, and have learned to use it to your advantage. Flirting will get you absolutely everywhere, you've found.

[X] You've learned that, in the long run, stress is a waste of time. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. It would take an absolutely inhumane amount of work to make you have a stress meltdown.
[X] Defense Against the Dark Arts
[X] Charms

[X] You learned very young how pretty you are, and have learned to use it to your advantage. Flirting will get you absolutely everywhere, you've found.

[X] You've learned that, in the long run, stress is a waste of time. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. It would take an absolutely inhumane amount of work to make you have a stress meltdown.
[x] Artificing
[x] Charms

Just voting for these two. I'm particularly curious how the QM will handle Artificing in a way that'll be reasonable enough to use in a quest yet whimsical enough to fit canon's delightfully deranged magical system.

My next top options would be Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and DADA--cursebreaking adventures, ahoy!
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[X] Artificing
[X] Charms

[X] You learned how pretty you are in recent years, and have learned to use it to your advantage. Flirting will get you absolutely everywhere, you've found.

[X] You've learned that, in the long run, stress is a waste of time. You've learned to manage your anxiety and persevere. It would take an absolutely inhumane amount of work to make you have a stress meltdown.