[X] Plan: Ultimate Psychic
-[X] Psychic: Will, Intelligence, Knowledge, Psychic powers ½ off, Strength, Durability, Luck, Agility 2x
-[X] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
-[X] Aerokinesis (10)
-[X] Immortal (10)
-[X] Teleportation (5)
-[X] Telepathy (5)
-[X] Telekinesis (5)
-[X] Cryokinesis (5)
[X] Plan: Leader of Men
-[X] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
-[X] Cult of Personality (25)
-[X] True Charisma (25)
-[X] Stubborn (+10)
-[X] Pride (+10)
-[X] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
-[X] Future Sight (10)
-[X] Honor Code (+10)
-[X] General's Presence (5)
-[X] Battle Intelligence (5)
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[X] Plan: Leader of Men
-[X] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
-[X] Cult of Personality (25)
-[X] True Charisma (25)
-[X] Stubborn (+10)
-[X] Pride (+10)
-[X] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
-[X] Future Sight (10)
-[X] Honor Code (+10)
-[X] General's Presence (5)
-[X] Battle Intelligence (5)
[X]Plan witch king
-[X]Mage: Will, Energy, Magic, Luck powers ½ off, Strength, Endurance, Durability, Health 2x
Ritual Magic (10): Perform a number of rituals that achieve different temporary and even permanent effects via the Ritual Creation (Magic) and Ritual Performing (Magic) skills.
Elemental Magic (50): Have control over all 5 elements and several sub elements via the Fire (Magic), Water (Magic), Earth (Magic), Lightning (Magic), Wind (Magic), Lava (Magic), Ice (Magic), and Sand (Magic) skills.
Defensive Magic (10): Create barriers, shields, forcefields and more via the Defense (Magic) skill.
Transformation Magic (10): transform the character as well as others (an opposed Will check) via the Transformation: Self (Magic) and Transformation: Others (Magic) skills
Godly Charisma (30): Gain Charisma/2 bonuses to all social interactions, including persuasion, negotiation, and leadership or management rolls.
Honor Code (20): This character has an honor code that they must follow. It can be anything from not killing, to not attack others from behind or when they're not looking, to fighting down to the opponent's level, to not attacking women and kids. This is all to the GM's discretion, but usually one major thing is 10, and around 8-10 or so is 50- not to use magic unless it is for the good of humanity, never kill humans with magic
Stubborn (10): This character always believes that they are right and will not back down without a DC 50 Will check, and the check cannot be made without good reason.

Intelligent Efficiency (10): Learn skills 5 times as fast.
Energy Absorption (20): allows the ability to absorb Energy projectiles and add the Energy to the character's own.
Pride (10): This character is very prideful and thus cannot run or back down from someone or something that damages the character's pride without a DC 50 Will check
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While the Leader of Men is pretty interesting...

I feel atracted to the magic right now. No Charismatic bastard, just magick the tears away.

[X] Plan: Ultimate Psychic
-[X] Psychic: Will, Intelligence, Knowledge, Psychic powers ½ off, Strength, Durability, Luck, Agility 2x
-[X] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
-[X] Aerokinesis (10)
-[X] Immortal (10)
-[X] Teleportation (5)
-[X] Telepathy (5)
-[X] Telekinesis (5)
-[X] Cryokinesis (5
I do not like the Psychic plan, because we are not made to be on the frontline, given how low our Durability, Endurance, Agility and Speed stats are, so we really should stick to being a support unit that can support without having to be in the thick of battle, so I feel like Leader of Men is a better and safer plan to take here.
The witch king combines good support with great support and utility magic, and some ability to work on our own if needed thanks to some powers there
Its Not That i dont Like Plan: Lead with Will and Technology I Just Feel Leader of men is a Better plan Based on are Sats.
Voting Closed
Adhoc vote count started by Black King on Aug 13, 2020 at 8:50 PM, finished with 26 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Leader of Men
    -[x] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
    -[x] Cult of Personality (25)
    -[x] True Charisma (25)
    -[x] Stubborn (+10)
    -[x] Pride (+10)
    -[x] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
    -[x] Future Sight (10)
    -[x] Honor Code (+10)
    -[x] General's Presence (5)
    -[x] Battle Intelligence (5)
    [X] Plan: Ultimate Psychic
    -[X] Psychic: Will, Intelligence, Knowledge, Psychic powers ½ off, Strength, Durability, Luck, Agility 2x
    -[x] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
    -[X] Aerokinesis (10)
    -[X] Immortal (10)
    -[X] Teleportation (5)
    -[X] Telepathy (5)
    -[X] Telekinesis (5)
    -[X] Cryokinesis (5)
    [X]Plan witch king
    -[X]Mage: Will, Energy, Magic, Luck powers ½ off, Strength, Endurance, Durability, Health 2x
    [X] Plan Simple min-maxing
    -[x] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
    -[X] Luck of the Gods (25)
    -[x] Cult of Personality (25)
    [X] Plan: Lead with Will and Technology
    -[x] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
    -[X] Stubborn (+10): This character always believes that they are right and will not back down without a DC 50 Will check, and the check cannot be made without good reason.
    -[X] Vengeful (+10): This character is vengeful and will payback all who cross them the wrong way. To not take revenge on someone and to let someone go after wronging the character, the character must pass a DC 50 Will check.
    -[X] Honor Code (+30): This character has an honor code that they must follow. It can be anything from not killing, to not attack others from behind or when they're not looking, to fighting down to the opponent's level, to not attacking women and kids. This is all to the GM's discretion, but usually one major thing is 10, and around 8-10 or so is 50.
    -[X] Technopath (-50): The character has a deep relationship and control over technology (usually high end such as computers and electricity based technology). This gives them a +20 on all Knowledge checks dealing with such technology as well as a +20 to creation and repairing checks to such technology. The control of technology is handled via the Technopathy skill.
    -[X] Sexual Enticement (-5): Gain an Appearance/10 bonus to all social interactions with the opposite sex.
    -[X] General's Presence (-5): Boost your allies' stats in battle by 1/10 just by being there. This is cumulative with the commanding, strategists, and battle knowledge skills, as well as any other powers, skills, or abilities.
    -[X] Battle Intelligence (-5): Gain Intelligence/10 to every roll that has to do with combat, using the character's vast Intelligence and logic.
    -[X] Ambidextrous (-5): The character counts all limbs as dominant.
    -[X] Unilingual (-5): The character can speak all languages and only has one languages skill.
    -[X] Divine Aura (-10): Opponents suffer an Appearance/5 penalty to all attack rolls.
    -[X] Super Will (-5): Raises Will by 5 points.
    -[X] Super Will (-10): Raises Will by 15 points.
Race Customization Pt. 3 - Skills
So you have your powers, and you have your stats but...how skilled are you?

You have 150 points to spend. This is also extensive.
[] Write-In/Plan

Reading (Intelligence): Read with comprehension and great speed. For every 5 rolled, read 1 page per second faster.

Research (Intelligence): Research and gather information and knowledge on a topic via books, internet, and other resources.

Computers (Intelligence): Know how to use computers to a sufficient level, be computer literate.

Programming (Intelligence): Create programs, code apps, edit and use code to do a plethora of different assignments, script and development languages. To take this skill, the character needs a 5 in the Computers skill.

Hacking (Intelligence): Infiltrate networks, databases, websites, games and general computer security. Get access to secure, private, sensitive information and change things to your liking. To take this skill, the character needs a 10 in the Computers skill.

Creative Writing (Intelligence): Write and create stories, poems, use literary devices, the process of good writing and creating stories.

Music Writing (Intelligence): Write and create music, whether it be lyrics, actual music, rock, classical, and more. Write music for any instrument and more.

Improvisation (Intelligence): Use the environment and items around the character as sufficient weapons for battle.

Strategies and Tactics (Intelligence): Develop and use strategies for battle, business takeovers, marketing plans, and any other situation that can use strategies and/or tactics. For every 5 rolled, gain +1 for the character and the character's allies to the action which the strategy is developed for.

Battle Analysis (Intelligence): Analyze styles and people in battle. For every 5 rolled, gain a +1 to any combat and battle rolls against said person for every second of fighting.

Design: Armor (Knowledge): Create the designs, the theory, and the plans behind different types of armors.

Design: Cars (Knowledge): Create the designs, the plans, and the blueprints for new and existing Cars, Trucks, and Sports Cars.

Design: Aircrafts (Knowledge): Create the designs, the plans, and the blueprints for different Aircrafts.

Design: Weapons (Knowledge): Design the theory and idea behind different weapons of any type.

Design: Buildings (Knowledge): Design different levels, blueprints, and the interior and exterior parts of different types of buildings.

Design: Clothes (Knowledge): Design clothes that are stylish and that look good, from shirts to pants to shoes and more.

Breeding (Knowledge): Breed different animals for competition and for commercial reasons.

Medicine (Knowledge): Know how to apply medicine and cure diseases and prescribe antibiotics and the like. To take this skill the character needs to have a 10 in First Aid.

First Aid (Knowledge): Apply minor first aid on other people, place bandages on cuts, use antiseptics and stop bleeding on minor wounds.

Poison (Knowledge): Concoct and create different poisons and apply them onto and into different substances and items. To take this skill the character needs a 5 in the Chemistry skill and 5 in the Botany skill.

Botany (Knowledge): The study and Knowledge of different plants.

Mapping (Knowledge): Creating maps and finding routes to different places and areas.

Trapping (Intelligence): Placing and creating traps for battle, capture, or other reasons.

Trap Disarming (Knowledge): Disarming traps, bombs, and other like things.

Problem Solving (Intelligence): Analyzing problems, coming up with solutions, causes, tests, and simply evaluating the overall situation. To take this skill the character needs a 5 in the Logic skill.

Logic (Intelligence): Applying logic to life, such as a riddle or a conundrum, think logically in the face of adversity.

Business (Knowledge): Run a business successfully and efficiently, make money, handle money for others and advise them on business ventures.

Politics (Knowledge): Know how to get past the red tape, how to get bills and laws passed, who to talk to about what and how to get things done and bypass certain levels of people to get what the character wants.

Robotics (Intelligence): Create and build robots that can do anything from pick up trash to fighting battles. To take this skill, the character needs a 5 in the Electronics skill.

Artificial Intelligence (Intelligence): Create artificial Intelligence that can remember, interact, and even possibly learn from others.

Video Game Creation (Intelligence): Make, design, code, and create video games that can be used educationally, commercially, or for entertainment.

Language (Knowledge): Have Knowledge in writing and speaking of a certain language. At level 1, basic phrases are known, at level 5, the character can speak and write the language well, at level 10 the character is a master of this language. This skill has to be taken once for each language the character knows besides their native language.

Decryption (Intelligence): Decipher puzzles and hidden messages in any medium, including computer packets, literature, and riddles.

Encryption (Intelligence): Hide messages deep within written language, something that's built, encrypt data on a computer, and more.

Mathematics (Intelligence): Figure out and solve math problems from angles to proofs, to algebra to addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more.

Physics (Intelligence): Gain a boost in figuring out thing such as the velocity, momentum, acceleration, pressure, power, and other types of problems that have to do with physics. To take this skill, the character needs a 5 in the Mathematics skill.

Chemistry (Knowledge): Know how to use and mix different chemicals for different effects.

Biology (Knowledge): Know about the human and animal body, how it works and what's inside of it.

Anatomy (Knowledge): Know how to manipulate and affect the human body for different affects. To take this skill, the character needs a 5 in the Biology skill.

Genetics (Knowledge): Learn how to manipulate genes of different animals and humans for different combinations and results. To take this skill, the character needs a 5 in the Anatomy skill.

Acupuncture (Knowledge): Know how and where to place needles into the body for a relaxing and paralyzing affect. To take this skill, the character needs a 5 in the Anatomy skill.

Self Defense (Precision): Self Defense is knowing how to defend oneself in a fight at close range. It is not necessarily overly skilled, but one who is at level 10 Is good at not getting hurt, and can pack a punch. Damage is done with a Strength roll/10. At levels 5 and 10 it lowers delay by 1.

Martial Arts (Precision): Martial Arts covers several different styles of martial arts, some of which have different ways of doing damage, using different stats from Strength, Agility, Precision, and Dexterity. A martial artist is very skilled and can also make wrestling checks, tumbling checks, and attack checks with this skill. For different Martial Arts: Karate uses Strength, Kung Fu uses Dexterity, Capoeira uses Agility, Ninjutsu uses Agility, Sambo uses Strength, Judo uses Dexterity, Juijutsu uses Dexterity, Sumo uses Strength. . At levels 1, 5, and 10 it lowers delay by 1.

Weaponsmith (Dexterity): Create, build, and construct different types of weapons from guns to swords to staffs, and more.

Jumping (Strength): Focus your Strength and athleticism on increasing your jumping ability. Every 5 rolled increases your jumping by 1.2x vertical and 1.5x horizontal

Climbing (Strength): Focus your Strength on climbing things from cliffs, mountains, ropes and more. Every 5 rolled lets you climb Strength/10 in m at one time.

Acrobatics (Agility): Make tumbling checks, do backflips, front flips, cartwheels, put out a fire by stop, dropping and rolling, and jump out of a building or a car with reduced damage. Every 5 rolled reduces damage by 1.

Running (Speed): Increase your running Speed and/or run for longer. Every 5 rolled either increases your Speed by 1m/s or lets you run for 1 hour longer.

Swimming (Endurance): Used to successfully swim in deeper waters without drowning, and increasing swimming Speed. Every 5 rolled increases swimming Speed by 1m/s. Swimming Speed is ((Speed+Strength)/40) m/s.

Throwing (Precision): Throw different items and weapons in an attempt to hurt an opponent. Can also be used for throwing items to people and can be used to throw items longer when not in battle. For every 5 rolled, 10m is added to throwing length.

Weapon (Precision): Wield a weapon, either close or ranged, with high amounts of skill. This is used mostly as an attack roll in combat and has different categories for different types of weapons. The different categories are: Sword: Slicing, Sword: Piercing, Sword: Blunt, Knife: Slicing, Knife: Piercing, Dagger: Slicing, Dagger: Piercing, Scythe, Hammer, Axe, Staff, Spear: Slicing, Spear: Piercing, Gun: Rifles, Gun: Handguns, Gun: Heavy Assault, Gun: Shotgun, Gun: Specific (ie. Weather Gun, Laser Gun, etc.), Bow and Arrow, Crossbow, Nunchaku, Taser, Stun Gun, Hidden Blades, Trench Knives, Whips, Chains.

Sewing (Dexterity): Sew, knit, and stitch different pieces of cloth together. Make pillows, possibly clothes, sweaters, and more.

Boxing (Precision): Another form of close combat fighting, Boxing is a martial art that relies greatly on Precision, Dexterity, and Agility to survive. Due to the different styles of boxing, the player can choose which type of boxer they are, one that uses Precision, one that uses Strength, or one that uses Dexterity for damage. At levels 1, 5, and 10, it lowers delay by 1.

Driving: Cars (Knowledge): Drive cars, trucks, and sports cars expertly and with control in hard to drive situations. At levels 1, 5, and 10, a type of vehicle is affected by this skill (ie. Cars at level 1, Sports cars at level 5, Trucks at level 10).

Driving: Bikes (Knowledge): Drive bicycles, Motorcycles, and Quads expertly even when it seems impossible to drive and control them. At levels 1, 5, and 10, a type of bike is affected by this skill.

Piloting: Aircrafts (Knowledge): Pilot Aircrafts with expert Knowledge and control without dying or crashing. At levels 1, 5, and 10, a type of aircraft is affected by this skill.

Control: Animals (Knowledge): Ride on top of animals as a form of transportation without them attacking and without falling off.

Armorsmith (Dexterity): Craft, create, and build different types of armors, from medieval, to Chinese, to bullet proof body armor, and more.

Wrestling (Strength): Grapple an opponent and crush them with wrestling prowess. Hold them still, throw them, slam them and more. This skill uses Strength to do damage.

Surgery (Knowledge): Perform difficult and even possibly life-saving surgery. To take this skill, the character needs a 5 in Medicine and 10 in Anatomy.

Hair Styling and Cutting (Dexterity): Cut and style hair into different shapes, designs, and more.

Gardening (Dexterity): Plant trees, flowers, and other plants and upkeep a garden in good shape. To take this skill, the character needs a 5 in Botany.

Mixing: Drinks (Dexterity): Mix drinks, work at a bar, and create unique, special concoctions.

Electronics (Knowledge): Create, improve, and repair electronics such as TVs, radios, and more.

Cooking (Knowledge): Cook, bake, fry, grill, and broil anything. Any type of cooked or prepared food can be made with a high enough skill level.

Repairing: Cars (Knowledge): Repair cars, trucks, and sports cars when they break down or have a problem.

Repairing: Aircrafts (Knowledge): Repair planes, helicopters, and even spaceships when they break down or have a problem.

Typing (Dexterity): Type extremely fast and efficiently on a computer.

Shield (Precision): Block an attack with an opposed Precision roll with a type of weapon, shield, or object.

Parry (Precision): Parry an attack with an opposed Precision roll with a type of weapon. A successful Parry increase the opponents relay by as much as the Parry roll succeeds. This allows for an attack afterwards with a +2 bonus to an off-balance opponent.

Stealth: Sneaking (Agility): Walk and run quietly without being heard or detected. People can still see the character, but hearing them is difficult.

Stealth: Hiding (Agility): Walk and run around without being seen. Without the Sneaking skill, others can still hear the character, but cannot see them as well.

Street Fighting (Strength): Street Fighting is fighting dirty, brawling, using headbutts, knees, swinging wildly, tackling, and more. Strength is used to both attack and do damage. At levels 5 and 10, delay is lowered by 1.

Deflecting (Precision): Deflect projectiles out of the air with a weapon or bare hands. To take this skill, the Power is needed.

Catching (Precision): Catch projectiles out of the air with bare hands and either throw them back, or dispose of them some other way. To take this skill, the Power is needed.

Bracing (Durability): Brace for an attack, reducing damage by 1 for every 5 rolled.

Instrument (Dexterity): Play an instrument of choice such s Piano, Trumpet, Saxophone, etc. This skill is taken once for each instrument.

Writing (Dexterity): Write fast and legibly without tiring much. The physical act of writing.

Painting (Dexterity): Paint pictures, scenes, and more with delicate strokes.

Drawing (Dexterity): Draw people, places, things, and more with subtle movements of the pencil.

Pottery (Knowledge): Create different pots and vases by molding them out of clay and other material.

Computer Networking (Knowledge): The physical act of setting up a computer network using vast Knowledge and experience.

Sports (Precision, Strength, or Speed): Play a sport well, using the correct stat. Basketball is Precision, Football is Speed (Precision for the QB), Hockey is Precision, Golf is Precision, Bowling is Strength. Other sports are up to the discretion of the GM.

Cleaning (Knowledge): Clean tables, objects, rooms and more until they are spotless.

Pick Pocketing (Dexterity): Reach into people's pockets and extract money, wallets, and the other contents of their pockets without them noticing.

Persuasion (Charisma): Persuade others of a certain opinion or to perform a certain action. It is opposed by a Will check.

Negotiation (Charisma): Negotiate different prices, different rewards for missions or pay for a job, or even for bartering or trading in goods.

Seduction (Appearance): Seduce members of the opposite sex, get them to do what they want and get a bonus to all social interactions with them. For every 5 that the Seduction check succeeds the Will check, add +1 to all social interaction checks.

Information Gathering (Charisma): Blend in and gain tidbits of information from people in the town, in the city, on the street to combine into a full report on the happenings of late.

Impersonation (Charisma): Impersonate another person, learn and act out their mannerisms, speak how they speak, walk how they walk. Best used with a disguise check.

Deception (Charisma): Lie and Deceive others to belief the words that are said.. This is opposed by an Intelligence check, or if it applies, a Knowledge check (if they're an expert on something).

Teaching (Knowledge): Teach others what you know in a helpful manner that Speeds up their learning. For every 5 rolled, cut their learning time by a fraction. (1/2, then 1/3, then 1/4, then 1/5, then 1/10 and so on).

Presenting (Charisma): Present an idea in a way that convinces others that it is cool and worthwhile to try or entertain. This is opposed by a Will check.

Disguise (Intelligence): Disguise yourself as something or someone else entirely based off of Appearance. This is opposed by a Knowledge check (if trying to fool someone that knows them) or an Intelligence check.

Gambling (Luck): Roll dice, play cards, win the lottery, play the casinos. Cheating can be done by substituting Intelligence for Luck.

Fishing (Luck): Go fishing and be successful, find fish, get a catch.

Managing (Charisma): Manage others to work efficiently and at a better pace and more intelligently. For every 5 rolled, +1 is added to the Speed and how well the people work.

Leadership (Charisma): Lead and inspire others in battle with your Charisma and aura of a leader. For every 5 rolled +1 is added to your allies' combat rolls.

Speaking (Charisma): Speak well and convincingly in public, deliver speeches and toasts and other such things.

Singing (Charisma): Sing different songs well and in different tones. Hit good notes, low notes, high notes, and control your voice.

Dancing (Agility): Dance well in public, be desirable and cool when you do so. Have good body control and look coordinated when doing dance moves.

Future Sight (Will): Use this skill to see the future and the past if one is skilled enough. To see the future it is a DC 65 check, with each extra 5 allowing dictation of time, place, person, type of event, and more for each 5. To see the past is a DC 60 check and the same criteria applies.