[x] Normal Human (The most customization, for both stats and powers). You have 530 stats to distribute, no stat can be above 100.
-[x] Stats: Leader of Men (see below)
[x] Male

Strength: 10 + 20 = 30
Durability: 10 + 20 = 30
Endurance: 10 + 20 = 30
Agility: 10 + 10 = 20
Precision: 10 + 10 = 20
Dexterity: 10 + 10 = 20
Speed: 10 + 20 = 30
Will: 30 + 70 = 100
Health: 30 + 40 = 70
Energy: 20 + 30 = 50
Intelligence: 30 + 70 = 100
Knowledge: 30 + 70 = 100
Charisma: 40 + 60 = 100
Appearance: 20 + 80 = 100
Luck: 50

@Black King Do we spend our 530 stat points on this vote? Or on the next vote?
Last edited:
[X] Normal Human (The most customization, for both stats and powers). You have 530 stats to distribute, no stat can be above 100.
-[X] Stats: Leader of Men
[X] Male
Last edited:
[x] A Wizard (Some customization on which magics can be chosen, no customization on stats)
[x] Male
Last edited:
[X] Normal Human (The most customization, for both stats and powers). You have 530 stats to distribute, no stat can be above 100.
-[X] Stats: Leader of Men
[X] Male
[x] Normal Human (The most customization, for both stats and powers). You have 530 stats to distribute, no stat can be above 100.
-[x] Stats: Leader of Men (see below)
[x] Male
[X] Normal Human (The most customization, for both stats and powers). You have 530 stats to distribute, no stat can be above 100.
-[X] Stats: Leader of Men
[X] Male
[x] Normal Human (The most customisation, for both stats and powers). You have 530 stats to distribute, no stat can be above 100.
-[x] Stats: Leader of Men (see below)
[x] Male
[X] Normal Human (The most customization, for both stats and powers). You have 530 stats to distribute, no stat can be above 100.
-[X] Stats: Leader of Men (see below)
[X] Male
[X] Normal Human (The most customization, for both stats and powers). You have 530 stats to distribute, no stat can be above 100.
-[X] Stats: Leader of Men (see below)
[X] Male
[x] Normal Human (The most customization, for both stats and powers). You have 530 stats to distribute, no stat can be above 100.
-[x] Stats: Leader of Men (see below)
[x] Male
[x] Normal Human (The most customization, for both stats and powers). You have 530 stats to distribute, no stat can be above 100.
-[x] Stats: Leader of Men (see below)
[x] Male
Voting Closed. Update Incoming.
Adhoc vote count started by Black King on Aug 11, 2020 at 10:56 PM, finished with 15 posts and 14 votes.
Race Customization Pt. 2 - Powers. All of the Powers.
Next up, is figuring out what powers you have. Before that, there are classes that can give you discounts on certain powers, but make other powers cost extra.

What is your class?

[] Warrior: Health, Strength, Endurance, Dexterity powers ½ off, Intelligence, Psychic, Magic, Will 2x
[] Mage: Will, Energy, Magic, Luck powers ½ off, Strength, Endurance, Durability, Health 2x
[] Psychic: Will, Intelligence, Knowledge, Psychic powers ½ off, Strength, Durability, Luck, Agility 2x
[] Ninja: Dexterity, Speed, Precision, Agility ½ off, Durability, Charisma, Appearance, Intelligence 2x
[] Tank/Brute: Health, Strength, Durability, Endurance ½ off, Intelligence, Knowledge, Dexterity, Precision 2x
[] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
[] None: All powers are base cost.

Now for powers it gets...extensive. You have 50 points to spend and can take up to 50 in weaknesses for a total of 100. There are... a lot of powers to choose from, so just make your choices like you make a plan with the...

[z] Plan powers
- [z] Super Strength
- [z] Fire Magic
- [z] etc.

[] Free Will/Plan.

  • Super Strength (5): Raises Strength by 5 points.
  • Super Strength (10): Raises Strength by 15 points.
  • Super Strength (20): Raises Strength by 35 points.
  • Super Strength (30): Raises Strength by 60 points.
  • Super Strength (50): Raises Strength by 100 points.

  • Man of Steel (20): Allows Strength to be substituted for Durability on any blunt force attacks, explosions, falling damage, piercing debris or any non-slicing damage in general. It also allows Strength to be used to determine shield rating for these situations.

  • Lifting Strength (5): Allows character to double his lifting weight.
  • Lifting Strength (10): Allows character to triple his lifting weight.
  • Lifting Strength (20): Allows character to multiply his lifting weight by 10.
  • Lifting Strength (30): Allows character to multiply his lifting weight by 50.
  • Lifting Strength (50): Allows character to multiply his lifting weight by 100.

  • Striking Strength (5): When striking and opponent, multiply the character's Strength by 1.5.
  • Striking Strength (10): When striking and opponent, multiply the character's Strength by 3.
  • Striking Strength (20): When striking and opponent, multiply the character's Strength by 5.
  • Striking Strength (30): When striking and opponent, multiply the character's Strength by 10.
  • Striking Strength (50): When striking and opponent, multiply the character's Strength by 25.

  • Charge (10): Give the character the ability to do a charge attack (use Strength as damage with Speed adding 1 to the roll for every 5 Speed).

  • Thunderclap (20): Gives the character the ability to clap his hands and create a shockwave that can hit opponents as far away as the character's Strength/5 meters. It does damage with a Strength roll, character must have at least 85 Strength to purchase this power.

  • Super Jump (5): Allows character to double the character's jumping length, and multiply jumping height by 1.5.
  • Super Jump (10): Allows character to triple the character's jumping length, and double jumping height.
  • Super Jump (20): Allows character to multiply the character's jumping length by 5, and triple jumping height.
  • Super Jump (30): Allows character to multiply the character's jumping length by 10, and multiply the jumping height by 5.
  • Super Jump (50): Allows character to multiply the character's jumping length by 25 and multiply jumping height by 10.

  • Penetration (5): Gives the character an extra penetration level.
  • Penetration (10): Gives the character 2 extra penetration levels.
  • Penetration (20): Gives the character 3 extra penetration levels.
  • Penetration (30): Gives the character 4 extra penetration levels.
  • Penetration (50): Gives the character 5 extra penetration levels.

  • Super Durable (5): Raises the Durability stat by 5 points.
  • Super Durable (10): Raises the Durability stat by 15 points.
  • Super Durable (20): Raises the Durability stat by 35 points.
  • Super Durable (30): Raises the Durability stat by 60 points.
  • Super Durable (50): Raises the Durability stat by 100 points.

  • Invulnerability (30): Take no damage from anything with a penetration level less than 8.
  • Invincibility (50): Take no damage from anything with a penetration level less than 10.

  • Shield (5): Gives an extra shield level.
  • Shield (10): Gives 2 extra shield levels.
  • Shield (20): Gives 3 extra shield levels.
  • Shield (30): Gives 4 extra shield levels.
  • Shield (50): Gives 5 extra shield levels.

  • Piercing Durability (5): Doubles Durability against piercing damage.
  • Piercing Durability (10): Triples Durability against piercing damage.
  • Piercing Durability (20): Multiplies Durability by 5 against piercing damage.
  • Piercing Durability (30): Multiplies Durability by 10 against piercing damage.
  • Piercing Durability (50): Multiplies Durability by 25 against piercing damage.

  • Slicing Durability (5): Doubles Durability against slicing damage.
  • Slicing Durability (10): Triples Durability against slicing damage.
  • Slicing Durability (20): Multiplies Durability by 5 against slicing damage.
  • Slicing Durability (30): Multiplies Durability by 10 against slicing damage.
  • Slicing Durability (50): Multiplies Durability by 25 against slicing damage.

  • Blunt Durability (5): Doubles Durability against blunt damage.
  • Blunt Durability (10): Triples Durability against blunt damage.
  • Blunt Durability (20): Multiplies Durability by 5 against blunt damage.
  • Blunt Durability (30): Multiplies Durability by 10 against blunt damage.
  • Blunt Durability (50): Multiplies Durability by 25 against blunt damage.

  • Elemental Durability (5): Doubles Durability against a certain element (fire/heat, ice/cold, water, lightning, earth, lava, anything else the GM wants to include).
  • Elemental Durability (10): Triples Durability against a certain element (fire/heat, ice/cold, water, lightning, earth, lava, anything else the GM wants to include).
  • Elemental Durability (20): Multiplies Durability against a certain element (fire/heat, ice/cold, water, lightning, earth, lava, anything else the GM wants to include) by 5.
  • Elemental Durability (30): Multiplies Durability against a certain element (fire/heat, ice/cold, water, lightning, earth, lava, anything else the GM wants to include) by 10.
  • Elemental Durability (50): Multiplies Durability against a certain element (fire/heat, ice/cold, water, lightning, earth, lava, anything else the GM wants to include) by 25.

  • Sacrificing Shield (5): Gives the ability to sacrifice yourself and shield your allies and take the brunt of the damage yourself

  • Super Endurance (5): Raises Endurance by 5 points.
  • Super Endurance (10): Raises Endurance by 15 points.
  • Super Endurance (20): Raises Endurance by 35 points.
  • Super Endurance (30): Raises Endurance by 60 points.
  • Super Endurance (50): Raises Endurance by 100 points.

  • Rarely Sleep (5): Allows character to function normally off of 1/3 the usual amount of sleep.
  • Never Sleep (10): Allows character to function normally off of no sleep, ever.

  • Increased Healing (10): Character heals twice as fast.
  • Healing Factor (20): Character heals 5x faster than normal.
  • Regeneration (30): Character heals 10x faster than normal.
  • Extreme Regeneration (50): Character heals 25x faster than normal.

  • Increased Recovery (10): Character recovers Energy twice as fast.
  • Energy Recovery (20): Character recovers Energy 5x faster than normal.
  • Energy Regeneration (30): Character recovers Energy 10x faster than normal.
  • Extreme Energy Regeneration (50): Character recovers Energy 25x faster than normal.

  • Strong Digestive Track (5): The character can eat nearly anything for nutrition. Even metal, plastic, other people, or dirt.
  • Never Hunger (10): The character never hungers, ever.

  • Immunity (20): This character never gets sick. Ever
  • Poison Immunity (20): This character is immune to all Poison.

  • Super Agility (5): Raises Agility stat by 5 points.
  • Super Agility (10): Raises Agility stat by 15 points.
  • Super Agility (20): Raises Agility stat by 35 points.
  • Super Agility (30): Raises Agility stat by 60 points.
  • Super Agility (50): Raises Agility stat by 100 points.

  • Roll With It (10): Agility to be substituted for Durability during blunt damage attacks, explosions, and falling damage to represent glancing blows, rolling during falling damage, and nearly escaping explosions.

  • Innate Reflexes (20): Character can use regular Agility stat during a blind dodge or surprise attack or ambush, rather than Luck+Agility/10
  • Lightspeed Reflexes (10): Character can consciously dodge gunfire with the Agility stat rather than using Luck+Agility/10

  • Counter (10): If the character's dodge roll is more than 10 higher than the attack roll the character is allowed a counter attack with only half of his reactive delay given. An extra counter attack is given for every 10 after that, as well as the half of reactive delay for each attack.

  • Catch (10): If the character's roll is more than 10 higher than a projectile roll, the character can snatch the projectile out of the air. If it's 20 more, he can throw it back, only taking a reactive delay. If there are multiple projectiles, for each 10 the character will catch one, while dodging the others, for each 20, the character will throw a projectile back, while dodging the others.

  • Deflect (10): If the character's roll is more than 10 higher than a projectile roll, the character can deflect the projectile away from him and his allies. If it's 20 more, he can reflect it back, only taking a reactive delay. If there are multiple projectiles, for each 10 the character will deflect one, while dodging the others, for each 20, the character will reflect one, while dodging the others.

  • Fast Reflexes (5): Add two to your agility during an initiative roll.
  • Fast Reflexes (10): Add 5 to your agility during an initiative roll.
  • Fast Reflexes (20): Adds 10 to your agility during an initiative roll.
  • Fast Reflexes (30): Adds 20 to your agility during an initiative roll.
  • Fast Reflexes (50): Adds 50 to your agility during an initiative roll.

  • Super Precision (5): raises the Precision stat by 5 points.
  • Super Precision (10): raises the Precision stat by 15 points.
  • Super Precision (20): raises the Precision stat by 35 points.
  • Super Precision (30): raises the Precision stat by 60 points.
  • Super Precision (50): raises the Precision stat by 100 points.

  • Birds Eye (5): Increase range with a weapon by 5m.
  • Birds Eye (10): Increase range with a weapon by 10m.
  • Birds Eye (20): Increase range with a weapon by 35m.
  • Birds Eye (30): Increase range with a weapon by 50m.
  • Birds Eye (50): Increase range with a weapon by 100m.

  • Critical hit (10): If the character's attack roll is 10 or more higher than the opponent's dodge roll, the character gets Precision/10 added to the damage. If it's 20 or higher, Precision/5, if it's 30, another Precision/5, and so on. This applies to weapons and hand to hand combat, as well as ranged weapons.

  • Multiple Attacks (10): If the character's attack roll is 10 or more higher than the opponent's dodge roll, then another attack can be landed, if it's 20 then two attacks are landed, if it's 30 then three attacks are landed and so on. Each attack gives another half delay. This applies to weapons and hand to hand combat, but not ranged weapons, and cannot be used at the same time as Critical Hit.

  • Called Attacks (10): the character suffers no penalty on called attacks.

  • Counter Attack (10): the character can attack while an opponent is attacking them. If the roll is 10 or more higher than the opponent's, then the character hits first, throwing off the opponent's attack. If not, both hit simultaneously.

  • Skilled Warrior (10): the character can substitute Precision for Strength when rolling for damage with a weapon (not ranged).

  • Skilled Martial Artist (10): the character can substitute Precision for Strength when rolling for damage for unarmed combat

  • Super Dexterity (5): Raises Dexterity by 5 points.
  • Super Dexterity (10): Raises Dexterity by 15 points.
  • Super Dexterity (20): Raises Dexterity by 35 points.
  • Super Dexterity (30): Raises Dexterity by 60 points.
  • Super Dexterity (50): Raises Dexterity by 100 points.

  • Quick Hands (10): Dexterity can be substituted in for Precision when throwing projectiles

  • Quick Catch (10): Same as the Catch power in Agility, but with Dexterity subbed in instead.

  • Quick Draw (10): Draw or sheathe a weapon as a free action.
  • Quick Reload (10): Reload a weapon as a free action.

  • Good with your hands (10): Dexterity can be substituted in for Knowledge when fixing, repairing, and building machines and other projects.

  • Vital Points (10): Make a called shot to an area and ignore up to 5 levels of Shield as you target the vital spots on the opponent's body.

  • Rapid Fists (10): Whenever attacking with your hands, you can roll Dexterity with every 10 giving you an extra attack with no extra delay. Damage is halved on the attacks though.

  • Hit Back (10): After a successful block or Parry, roll an attack check using Dexterity as the stat to hit (opposed by Agility), regardless of your fighting style. This is treated as a free action and no extra delay is given.

  • Super Speed (5): Raises Speed by 10 points.
  • Super Speed (10): Raises Speed by 30 points.
  • Super Speed (20): Raises Speed by 50 points.
  • Super Speed (30): Raises Speed by 75 points.
  • Super Speed (50): Raises Speed by 200 points.

  • Dash (5): Multiplies your battle Speed by 2.
  • Dash (10): Multiplies your battle Speed by 5.
  • Dash (20): Multiplies your battle Speed by 10.
  • Dash (30): Multiplies your battle Speed by 20.
  • Dash (50): Multiplies your battle Speed by 50.

  • Running Attack (10): Attack while running and add your Speed/10 to the damage.

  • Line of sight (20): Attack as many people as are in your cumulative range ((Speed/3)/5) with a running attack.

  • Dodge (10): Gain Speed/10 to your dodge roll while running

  • Super Will (5): Raises Will by 5 points.
  • Super Will (10): Raises Will by 15 points.
  • Super Will (20): Raises Will by 35 points.
  • Super Will (30): Raises Will by 60 points.
  • Super Will (50): Raises Will by 100 points.

  • Mental Resistance (10): Gain an extra 10 to any mental resistance rolls (includes Charisma and persuasive rolls).
  • Mental Blocks (30): Gain immunity to any mental intrusion.

  • Magical Resistance (10): Gain an extra 10 to any magic resistance rolls.
  • Magic Void (30): Gain immunity to any magic attacks directly affecting your body (not fireballs or projectiles, but direct transforming and effects on your body).

  • Increased Health (5): Raises Health by 10 points.
  • Increased Health (10): Raises Health by 30 points.
  • Increased Health (20): Raises Health by 50 points.
  • Increased Health (30): Raises Health by 75 points.
  • Increased Health (50): Raises Health by 200 points.

  • Increased Healing (10): Character heals twice as fast (only warriors and tanks can stack these).
  • Healing Factor (20): Character heals 5x faster than normal (only warriors can stack these).
  • Regeneration (30): Character heals 10x faster than normal (only warriors can stack these).
  • Extreme Regeneration (50): Character heals 25x faster than normal (only warriors can stack these).

  • Fatal Health (5): Gain an extra 5 fatal Health.
  • Fatal Health (10): Gain an extra 10 fatal Health.
  • Fatal Health (20): Gain an extra 15 fatal Health.
  • Fatal Health (30): Gain an extra 20 fatal Health.
  • Fatal Health (50): Gain an extra 25 fatal Health.

  • Absorb Health (5): Absorb 1 Health per hit you land on an opponent.
  • Absorb Health (10): Absorb 3 Health per hit you land on an opponent.
  • Absorb Health (20): Absorb 5 Health per hit you land on an opponent.
  • Absorb Health (30): Absorb 10 Health per hit you land on an opponent.
  • Absorb Health (50): Absorb 20 Health per hit you land on an opponent.

  • Healing (10): Restore (Health/10) amounts of Health to others.

  • Increased Energy (5): raises Energy by 10 points.
  • Increased Energy (10): raises Energy by 30 points.
  • Increased Energy (20): raises Energy by 50 points.
  • Increased Energy (30): raises Energy by 75 points.
  • Increased Energy (50): raises Energy by 200 points.

  • Increased Recovery (10): character recovers Energy twice as fast.
  • Energy Recovery (20): character recovers Energy 5x faster than normal.
  • Energy Regeneration (30): character recovers Energy 10x faster than normal.
  • Extreme Energy Regeneration (50): character recovers Energy 25x faster than normal.

  • Absorb Energy (5): absorb 1 Energy per hit you land on an opponent.
  • Absorb Energy (10): absorb 3 Energy per hit you land on an opponent.
  • Absorb Energy (20): absorb 5 Energy per hit you land on an opponent.
  • Absorb Energy (30): absorb 10 Energy per hit you land on an opponent.
  • Absorb Energy (50): absorb 20 Energy per hit you land on an opponent.

  • Energy Absorption (20): allows the ability to absorb Energy projectiles and add the Energy to the character's own.

  • Energy Projection (20): allows the ability to project Energy in the form of beams, balls, orbs, waves, and more.

  • Energy Shaping (20): allows the ability to shape Energy into different forms and constructs.

  • Energy Manipulation (20): allows ability to manipulate, deflect, reflect, and overall use Energy in different ways than most people.

  • Charging (10): allows the ability to charge Energy for multiple turns, bypassing the Energy use limit for that turn, greatly powering up a stat, skill, or ability.

  • Extreme Intelligence (5): Raises Intelligence by 5 points.
  • Extreme Intelligence (10): Raises Intelligence by 15 points.
  • Extreme Intelligence (20): Raises Intelligence by 35 points.
  • Extreme Intelligence (30): Raises Intelligence by 60 points.
  • Extreme Intelligence (50): Raises Intelligence by 100 points.

  • Eidetic Memory (20): Never forget anything, gain 10 extra points to every check to remember something, gain 5 points to every roll against a reoccurring opponent or style of fighting

  • Battle Intelligence (10): Gain Intelligence/10 to every roll that has to do with combat, using the character's vast Intelligence and logic.

  • Applied Intelligence (10): Use Intelligence as a substitute for Knowledge in building, fixing, repair rolls.

  • Educated Guess (10): Roll an Intelligence check and either call a shot without penalty (if the dodge roll is beaten by at least 5), or dodge an attack (if the attack roll is beaten by at least 5).

  • Mental Domination (10): Substitute Intelligence for Charisma in persuasion, negotiation, leading, and managing rolls.

  • Intelligently Efficient (2): Learn skills twice as fast.
  • Intelligent Efficiency (5): Learn skills 3 times as fast.
  • Intelligent Efficiency (10): Learn skills 5 times as fast.
  • Intelligent Efficiency (20): Learn skills 10 times as fast.

  • Intelligent Resistance (10): Use Intelligence in place of Will to resist mental intrusion.

  • Preparation Time (10): Delay an attack for a number of turns, planning and more, to gain bonuses (Intelligence /10 for one turn, Intelligence/5 for another, and additional Intelligence/5 bonuses for subsequent turns) for each turn of planning.

  • Fast travel (2): Find faster routes and half the time needed to travel.

  • Improvisation (5): Use whatever resources that are around you for battle, create makeshift weapons and use them appropriately

  • Very Knowledgeable (5): Raises Knowledge by 5 points.
  • Very Knowledgeable (10): Raises Knowledge by 15 points.
  • Very Knowledgeable (20): Raises Knowledge by 35 points.
  • Very Knowledgeable (30): Raises Knowledge by 60 points.
  • Very Knowledgeable (50): Raises Knowledge by 100 points.

  • Experienced Practitioner (50): Costs ½ the amount of experience points to gain powers and skills, need at least 90 Knowledge, does not apply during character creation.

  • Art of War (10): Add Knowledge/10 to all rolls having to do with battle.

  • Application of Knowledge (10): Gain bonuses towards learning skills that are related to skills the character already has.

  • Astute Implementation (10): Gain a Knowledge/10 bonus to all repair and building rolls.
  • Expert Implementation (20): Gain a Knowledge/5 bonus to all repair and building rolls.

  • Déjà vu (5): Gain a cumulative Knowledge/10 bonus to a situation that reoccurs (up to GM just how similar it can be, usually is quite general).

  • True Charisma (5): Raises Charisma by 5 points.
  • True Charisma (10): Raises Charisma by 15 points.
  • True Charisma (20): Raises Charisma by 35 points.
  • True Charisma (30): Raises Charisma by 60 points.
  • True Charisma (50): Raises Charisma by 100 points.

  • Charismatic (10): Gain Charisma/10 bonuses to all social interactions, including persuasion, negotiation, and leadership or management rolls.
  • Enticing Aura (20): Gain Charisma/5 bonuses to all social interactions, including persuasion, negotiation, and leadership or management rolls.
  • Godly Charisma (30): Gain Charisma/2 bonuses to all social interactions, including persuasion, negotiation, and leadership or management rolls.
  • Cult of Personality (50): Gain a full Charisma bonus to all social interactions, including persuasion, negotiation, and leadership or management rolls.

  • Presence (10): Substitute Charisma for Appearance in all Appearance rolls.

  • General's Presence (10): Boost your allies' stats in battle by 1/10 just by being there. This is cumulative with the commanding, strategists, and battle knowledge skills, as well as any other powers, skills, or abilities.

  • Divine Appearance (5): Raises Appearance by 5 points.
  • Divine Appearance (10): Raises Appearance by 15 points.
  • Divine Appearance (20): Raises Appearance by 35 points.
  • Divine Appearance (30): Raises Appearance by 60 points.
  • Divine Appearance (50): Raises Appearance by 100 points.

  • Sexual Enticement (10): Gain an Appearance/10 bonus to all social interactions with the opposite sex.

  • Social Attraction (10): Substitute Appearance for Charisma in all social rolls.

  • Aura of Trepidation (10): Opponents suffer an Appearance/10 penalty to all attack rolls.

  • Divine Aura (20): Opponents suffer an Appearance/5 penalty to all attack rolls.

  • Divine Brilliance (30): Others have to make an opposed Will (or Intelligence) check to attack the character. If they fail be 5 or more, they cannot attack on that turn. If they fail by 10 or more, they cannot attack until they win another opposed roll, if they fail by 20 or more they can never attack. But if they fail by less than 5, then they suffer an Appearance/10 penalty to all attacks on the character.

  • Luck of the Gods (5): Raises Luck by 5 points.
  • Luck of the Gods (10): Raises Luck by 15 points.
  • Luck of the Gods (20): Raises Luck by 35 points.
  • Luck of the Gods (30): Raises Luck by 60 points.
  • Luck of the Gods (50): Raises Luck by 100 points.

  • Dumb Luck (10): Gain a Luck/10 bonus to all battle checks.

  • Consistent Luck (10): The character can make two extra Luck checks per session to either gain special items (if the roll is high enough) or to just succeed on tasks.

  • Daily Double (5): The character gets a daily Luck roll that decides what kind of bonus he gets to all of his checks (every 5 is 1 bonus). This is cumulative to other power and skill bonuses.

  • Jinx (10): The character is a jinx, a blackhole of luck that causes others to experience bad luck. When within Luck/5 meters, everyone in range must make a DC 50 Luck check or have a random negative action (decided by the GM) happen to them within |Luck-100| hours.

  • Luck Leech (20): The character is a luck leech, someone who takes luck from others and adds it on to their own. To activate this power, the luck leech and the victim make an Opposed Luck check, with the drain only happening if the leech prevails. If the leech prevails, they take the difference of the two checksx5 to a maximum of 100 and a minimum of 20 and add it on to their luck while subtracting it from the victim's luck. This lasts for an entire day, with only one leech per person per day being the limit.

  • After this test, the leech should make consistent luck checks throughout the day to capitalize on their new, temporary luck, while the victim must do the same to truly experience the woes of bad luck. To the GM's discretion, a luck check should be made on every major decision as well as once per hour or even before an event.

  • Pyrokinesis (10): Allows the character to control existing fire via the skill Pyrokinesis.
  • Cryokinesis (10): Allows the character control over cold via the skill Cryokinesis.
  • Telepathy (10): Allows the character to read minds and mentally speak with others via the skill Telepathy.
  • Telekinesis (10): Allows the character the ability to use Telekinesis via the skill Telekinesis.
  • Future Sight (10): Allows the character to see visions of the future via the skill Future Sight.
  • Possession (10): Allows the character to possess others via the skill Possession.
  • Mind Control (10): Allows the character to mind control others via the skill Mind Control.
  • Psychic Bolts (10): Allows the character to use psychic Energy as projectiles, using the skill Energy Projection.
  • Lightning Control (10): Allows the character to control existing lightning via the skill Lightning Control.
  • Electricity Generation (10): Allows the character to generate electricity from his body, via the Electricity Generation skill
  • Suggestion (5): Suggest thoughts and commands to others via the Suggestion skill.
  • Chronokinesis (50): Allows the character to control time via the Chronokinesis skill.
  • Gravity Control (50): Allows the character to control gravity via the Gravity Kinesis skill.
  • Teleportation (10): Allows the character to teleport via the Teleportation skill and the Portal skill.
  • Projection (10): Allows the character to create a projection of themself that seems real to others and can use the character's abilities via psychic power. This also allows the character to use psychic powers while possession others and even mind controlling them from afar. Uses the Projection skill.
  • Magnetism (20): Allows the character to control all things magnets and metal via the Magnetism skill.
  • Combustion (10): Allows the character to spawn fire on people and things via the Combustion skill.
  • Geokinesis (20): Allows the character to control the earth, the ground beneath them via the Geokinesis skill.
  • Aerokinesis (20): Allows the character to control the very air and the wind via the Aerokinesis skill.
  • Magmakinesis (10): Allows the character to control magma beneath the surface of the earth, as well as Lava above the surface via the Magmakinesis skill.
  • Aquakinesis (20): Allows the character to control water via the Aquakinesis skill.
  • Illusion (20): Allows the character to cast illusions with an opposed Will check that affect a number of senses on an opponent. 1-5 more on the check = 1 sense, 6-10 = 2, 11-15=3, 16-20=4, 21-25 = all 5 senses and so on. Eventually, if the check is won by such a large amount, other senses such as time, balance, and the like can start being affected.
  • Sound Amplification (10): Amplify sounds using psychic power, includes amplifying and muffling sounds in different areas as a form of ventriloquism.
  • Plant Control (20): Control Plant life and have it do the character's bidding via the Plant Control skill
  • Phasing (10): Gain the ability to phase through solid matter via the Phasing skill.
  • Other Substance (10-20): If Ok'd by the GM, the character has innate control over another substance not mentioned with a similar skill fashioned after the Pyrokinesis skill.

  • Elemental Magic (50): Have control over all 5 elements and several sub elements via the Fire (Magic), Water (Magic), Earth (Magic), Lightning (Magic), Wind (Magic), Lava (Magic), Ice (Magic), and Sand (Magic) skills.
  • Fire Magic (15): Create and control fire via the Fire (Magic) skill.
  • Water Magic (25): Create and control water via the Water (Magic) skill.
  • Lightning Magic (15): Create and control lightning via the Lightning (Magic) skill.
  • Earth Magic (25): Create and control earth via the Earth (Magic) skill.
  • Wind Magic (15): Create and control wind via the Wind (Magic) skill.
  • Lava Magic (15): Create and control lava via the Lava (Magic) skill.
  • Ice Magic (15): Create and control ice via the Ice (Magic) skill.
  • Sand Magic (15): Create and control sand via the Sand (Magic) skill.
  • Weather Magic (30): Create and control weather via the Lightning (Magic), Wind (Magic), and Storm (Magic) skill.
  • Summoning (30): Summon creatures, objects, people, and more via the Summoning (Magic) skill.
  • Paper (20): Create and control paper via the Paper (Magic) skill. Also use paper to create artifacts, talismans, spells and more via the Enchantment: Paper (Magic) skill.
  • Light Magic (20): Create and control light via the Light (Magic) skill.
  • Sound Magic (20): Create and control sound via the Sound (Magic) skill.
  • Gravity Magic (50): Create and control gravity via the Gravity (Magic) skill.
  • Shadow Magic (20): Create and control shadows via the Shadows (Magic) skill.
  • Time Magic (50): Manipulate and control time via the Time (Magic) skill.
  • Enchantment (10): Create and modify enchantments on different items, weapons, and objects via the Enchantment: Paper (Magic) and the Enchantment (Magic) skills.
  • Enhancement Magic (20): Strengthen, raise, and enhance stats and skills via the Enhancement: Stats (Magic), and Enhancement: Skills.
  • Chaos Magic (50): Control and create pure chaos, warp reality and destroy foes via the Chaos (Magic) skill.
  • Defensive Magic (10): Create barriers, shields, forcefields and more via the Defense (Magic) skill.
  • Wards (10): Create wards for protection, battle, and more with the Wards (Magic) skill.
  • Weapon Magic (10): Create and modify weapons, summon weapons, transform objects into weapons and more via the Weapon (Magic) skill.
  • Healing Magic (20): Heal others and even the character themself using the Healing (Magic) skill.
  • Necromancy (50): Raise the dead, control an undead army, absorb life force and more as a Necromancer using the Necromancy (Magic), Resurrection (Magic), and Undead Army (Magic) skills.
  • Blood Magic (30): Use blood to Strengthen and create spells, wards, stats, skills, powers, and more as a Blood Mage via the Blood (Magic) skill.
  • Ritual Magic (10): Perform a number of rituals that achieve different temporary and even permanent effects via the Ritual Creation (Magic) and Ritual Performing (Magic) skills.
  • Demonic Magic (50): Use demonic magic from hell itself, hell magic, and cursed, dark magic via the Demon (Magic) skill.
  • Dimensional Magic (50): Create dimensions, travel through them, and manipulate space (and in minor ways time) via the Dimension (Magic) skill.
  • Transformation Magic (10): transform the character as well as others (an opposed Will check) via the Transformation: Self (Magic) and Transformation: Others (Magic) skills.
  • Nature Magic (30): Control Nature itself including animals and plants via the Nature (Magic) skill.
  • Creation Magic (40): Use magic to create life, objects, constructs, and sentient beings via the Creation (Magic) skill.
  • Destruction Magic (30): Use magic to destroy nearly anything at its very core and being via the Destruction (Magic) skill.
  • Explosion Magic (10): create and control explosions with magic ability via the Explosion (Magic) skill.
  • Other Substance (15-25): Approved by the GM, use magic to control and create a substance not specified yet in the rules via a skill that mimics another (Magic) skill.

  • Ambidextrous (5): The character counts all limbs as dominant.

  • Bilingual (1): The character can speak 2 languages (languages each have their own skill).
  • Trilingual (2): The character can speak 4 languages.
  • Multilingual (3): The character can speak 10 languages.
  • Multilingual (4): The character can speak over 30 languages.
  • Unilingual (5): The character can speak all languages and only has one languages skill.

  • Invisibility (10): Gain the ability to turn invisible with a simple DC 30 Will check.

  • Claws (10): Gain claws as a weapon with the same penetration level that the Strength stat provides+1 with a minimum of 2.

  • Foreign Blood (1-10): The character's blood is another substance of choice. The more useful and lethal and weaponized the blood is the closer it gets to 10 (with something such as Acid or Lava being 10 while something such as maybe liquor being around 1 or 2 as it's mostly aesthetics).

  • Extra Limbs (5 per limb): The character has extra limbs whether they be arms or legs. Extra arms give extra attacks (as do legs if the martial art permits it) at a slightly higher delay (Add on 10-Dexterity/20). Extra legs lead to more Speed (The equivalent of Speed/2 for each additional leg).

  • Wings (10): The character has two wings that allow them flight. The character can fly at 10x normal running speed.

  • Tail (5): The character has a tail that acts as an extra limb. It can be used for attack, defense, and more as a free action (on the characters turn) or a reaction (when defending).

  • Giant (10-50): The character is a giant compared to normal humans. At 10, the character is twice the height of a normal man (around 12 feet tall), at 20 the character is 4 times the size of a normal man (around 24 feet tall), at 30 the character is 10 times the size of a normal man (60 feet tall), at 40 the character is 25 times the size of a normal man (150 feet tall), at 50 the character is 50 times the size of a normal man (300 feet tall), the effects of size apply to this character as normal.

  • Transformation (10): The character can transform into another being (with 50 points to its character creation).

  • Multiple Heads (5 per head): The character has multiple heads that all count for a different body part when counting up damage. Each head increases Intelligence or Knowledge by 5, and Will by 10.

  • Poison (10-50): The character secretes poison in a way of choice (blood, claws, sweat, teeth, etc.). At 10 the poison is slow acting and hinders the opponent, giving a penalty based off of a DC 40 Durability check and then a DC 40 Will check (Failure results in a -50 penalty to all rolls, success results in a -20 to all rolls, succeeding by 30 or more results in a -10 to all rolls). At 20 the check is more vicious and if the check is failed, the poison paralyzes the opponent. At 30, the opponent will fade in and out of consciousness (roll a DC 40 Endurance check to stay conscious. With each consecutive roll successfully made, the DC for the next one raises by 10, regain consciousness in 10-Will/10 turns with a minimum of 1), at 40 the opponent will be in serious pain (100-Will/2 penalty to all rolls, plus the prior effects mentioned) and they will die in 3 days without a cure, at 50, the poison kills instantly.

  • Minion (10-50): The character has a minion, a sentient being by their side. The amount of points used to buy this minion is how many character creation points it has.

  • Money (10-50): The character has more money than the usual person. 10 is around $10,000, 20 is around $100,000, 30 is around $1,000,000, 40 is around $50,000,000, and 50 is around $1,000,000,000.

  • Badass (10): The rule of cool, the rule of Badass applies to the character. While not Charismatic, people will still innately like the character and the character will gain a +10 to all social interaction and Appearance checks.

  • Clones (10): The character has the ability to create clones of themself. Clones cost Energy and are made via the Clone skill.

  • Bestow (100): The character has the ability to bestow any ability to any one or thing outside of themselves. A price is usually paid for the power, such as a task or a sacrifice, but sometimes swearing allegiance may be enough.

  • Undead (50): The character is an undead being. Due to this, the character does not need sleep, nor do they suffer from penalties when hurt. They suffer a -5 penalty to all Appearance checks, and have the lowest level of regeneration by default.

  • Technopath (50): The character has a deep relationship and control over technology (usually high end such as computers and electricity based technology). This gives them a +20 on all Knowledge checks dealing with such technology as well as a +20 to creation and repairing checks to such technology. The control of technology is handled via the Technopathy skill.

  • Immortal (10): The character is unable to die via old age, only by being full out killed by another being.
  • Respawn (100): The character can never be permanently killed. Ever. They come back in as much time as their (100-Will)x10 seconds

  • Always Hungry (10): This character is nearly always hungry, and if they have not eaten within the last hour, they suffer a -5 penalty in all actions for each hour they have not eaten.

  • Boring (10): This character is generally dull and uncharismatic, boring. They suffer a -10 penalty on all social checks.

  • Sleepwalker (10): This character unconsciously performs actions when asleep. The character must roll a Will check of DC 50. For every 5 they fail, the actions become more violent and indiscriminate (5 is something as simple as sharpening or playing with weapons, 10 is training/testing out your weapons, 15 is attacking everyone around you unarmed, 20 is attacking everyone around you with armed attacks, 25 is attempting to kill any and everything ever).

  • Need for Sleep (10): This character needs an extra 3 hours of sleep each day.

  • Never Wake (10): This character is unaware of anything while they are asleep. Ambushes, attacks, even being harmed, nothing wakes this character until they have gotten their sleep.

  • Missing Limbs (1-5): For each five, the character is missing a limb or a body part such as an eye, an ear, nose, etc. Fingers are 1 each.

  • Pacifist (50): This character will never fight, ever. No matter the circumstances. To even defend themselves from death so that they can flee, a Will check of DC 50 has to be met.

  • Honor Code (10-50): This character has an honor code that they must follow. It can be anything from not killing, to not attack others from behind or when they're not looking, to fighting down to the opponent's level, to not attacking women and kids. This is all to the GM's discretion, but usually one major thing is 10, and around 8-10 or so is 50.

  • Weak Immune System (10): This character has a weak immune system and must make an Endurance check whenever they come in contact with another human, area, or object. The check is DC 30, unless the person is sick, then it is DC 60.

  • Bleeder (10): This character bleeds from the slightest touch, any attack that does 5 or more causes the character to bleed. If more than 15 damage is sustained for longer than 1 minute or 300 turns, the character must make an Endurance check DC 30, if that fails then they must make a Will check DC 50 to remain conscious. If both fail, the character has 4 hours to live without treatment.

  • Unattractive (5): This character is, for whatever reason, unattractive to the opposite sex. They get a -10 penalty to all social and Appearance checks having to do with the opposite sex.

  • Stat Subtraction (5-50): This character is weak in a certain stat (or stats) and thus have less than usual. The amount subtracted is equal to the amount gained in each stat's own power ruleset.

  • Unskilled (20): This character is unskilled in general. They have only ½ the skills they would normally have at character creation, and new skills are 2x as hard to learn, causing 2x the normal experience.

  • Weak to damage (10-50): This character is weak to a certain type of damage. Against this type of damage, the character divides their Durability instead of multiplying it per the Durability rules of the Piercing, Slicing, Elemental, and Blunt Durability powers.

  • Slow in thought (20): This character's delay is twice as much as it would be usual due to a slow thought process.

  • Double Edge (20): Every time this character deals damage to an opponent, the character deals the same type and amount of damage to themselves.

  • Bloodthirsty (10): This character MUST kill their opponents or any enemies in a scuffle. To not kill, they have to pass a DC 50 Will check.

  • Overconfident (10): This character is overconfident and will rarely run or back down from a fight because of another character's power. To back down from an opponent that is not clearly at least 10x more powerful than you (determined via an Intelligence check DC 30), the character has to pass a DC 60 Will check.

  • Vengeful (10): This character is vengeful and will payback all who cross them the wrong way. To not take revenge on someone and to let someone go after wronging the character, the character must pass a DC 50 Will check.

  • In debt (10-50): This character is heavy in debt and owes money. 10 is $1,000, 20 is $10,000, 30 is $100,000, 40 is $1,000,000, and 50 is $100,000,000.

  • Wild (10): This character was raised in the wild and thus has no Knowledge of social constructs or new age technology. -10 penalties to all social interactions and Knowledge checks that have to do with technology.

  • Soft Shell (20): For one reason or another, this character has soft skin and takes double the damage from all types of attacks.

  • Breathing Problems (20): This character has breathing problems and always has. This character has effectively ½ Endurance for running checks and fatigue checks and can only use ½ of their usual Energy per turn.

  • Bi-Polar (10): This character has another personality that acts totally different from their usual demeanor. If they are usually confident, then this other personality is shy with low self-esteem, if they are usually controlled, then this personality is usually uncontrolled, wild, crazy. This can be combined with an alternate form for a nearly complete transformation. The character must make a DC 20 Will check at all situations to not turn into their other personality, DC 40 in battle, and DC 50 with every 10 damage they suffer.

  • Hallucinations (10): This character often has hallucinations that work much like illusions, with a DC 40 Will check needed to see through them. These hallucinations often happen under duress such as in battle or other stressful situations and can even be deadly.

  • Phobia (10): This character has a phobia, an irrational fear of something. The character cannot go near this thing without passing a DC 50 Will check, and even then they suffer a -5 penalty to all checks.

  • Slow Healer (10): This character heals ½ as fast as normal for whatever reason. Even with others healing this character, they only receive ½ of the benefit. Despite this, Health Potions work at full Strength.

  • Slow Recovery (10): This character recovers Energy ½ as fast as normal. Even if others give them Energy, or they absorb some, they only receive ½, though Energy Restoration Potions work at full Strength.

  • Pride (10): This character is very prideful and thus cannot run or back down from someone or something that damages the character's pride without a DC 50 Will check.

  • Stubborn (10): This character always believes that they are right and will not back down without a DC 50 Will check, and the check cannot be made without good reason.

  • Source (half the power): Halve the costs of powers by requiring the player to need a source for said power. Ex. Sunlight, darkness, shadows, smoke, fire, water, human blood, etc.
[X] Plan: Leader of Men
-[x] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
-[x] Cult of Personality (25)
-[x] True Charisma (25)
-[x] Stubborn (+10)
-[x] Pride (+10)
-[x] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
-[x] Future Sight (10)
-[x] Honor Code (+10)
-[x] General's Presence (5)
-[x] Battle Intelligence (5)

+100 charisma and being able to use full charisma to boost our rolls, along with additional stuff to help with battles

[] Plan: Ultimate Psychic
-[] Psychic: Will, Intelligence, Knowledge, Psychic powers ½ off, Strength, Durability, Luck, Agility 2x
-[] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
-[] Aerokinesis (10)
-[] Immortal (10)
-[] Teleportation (5)
-[] Telepathy (5)
-[] Telekinesis (5)
-[] Cryokinesis (5)

Intelligent efficiency to give us a big boost to skill generation and a bunch of psychic skills to learn.

[] Plan: Ultimate Respawner
-[] Psychic: Will, Intelligence, Knowledge, Psychic powers ½ off, Strength, Durability, Luck, Agility 2x
-[] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
-[] Respawn (100)
-[] Need for Sleep (+10)
-[] Bloodthirsty (+10)
-[] Overconfident (+10)
-[] Pride (+10)
-[] Vengeful (+10)
-[] Wild (+10)

50+60 from weaknesses gives us 110 which we can use for Intelligent Efficiency giving us x10 skill gain, and Respawn so we never die.
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[X] Plan: Leader of Men
-[x] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
-[x] Cult of Personality (25)
-[x] True Charisma (25)
-[x] Stubborn (+10)
-[x] Pride (+10)
-[x] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
-[x] Future Sight (10)
-[x] Honor Code (+10)
-[x] General's Presence (5)
-[x] Battle Intelligence (5)
Nystical I might be wrong but it looks like you still have around 40 points left

EDIT: Ah nvm, you did the calculations ahead of time
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Not sure if I will have the time today to put one together myself, but I'm hoping for a Necromancer plan. Undead hordes are always fun.
[X] Plan Simple min-maxing
-[X] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
-[X] Luck of the Gods (25)
-[X] Cult of Personality (25)
[X] Plan: Ultimate Psychic
-[X] Psychic: Will, Intelligence, Knowledge, Psychic powers ½ off, Strength, Durability, Luck, Agility 2x
-[X] Intelligent Efficiency (10)
-[X] Aerokinesis (10)
-[X] Immortal (10)
-[X] Teleportation (5)
-[X] Telepathy (5)
-[X] Telekinesis (5)
-[X] Cryokinesis (5)

Really like this plan.
[X] Plan: Lead with Will and Technology
-[X] Leader: Appearance, Charisma, Luck, Intelligence ½ off, Strength, Precision, Dexterity, Agility 2x
-[X] Stubborn (+10): This character always believes that they are right and will not back down without a DC 50 Will check, and the check cannot be made without good reason.
-[X] Vengeful (+10): This character is vengeful and will payback all who cross them the wrong way. To not take revenge on someone and to let someone go after wronging the character, the character must pass a DC 50 Will check.
-[X] Honor Code (+30): This character has an honor code that they must follow. It can be anything from not killing, to not attack others from behind or when they're not looking, to fighting down to the opponent's level, to not attacking women and kids. This is all to the GM's discretion, but usually one major thing is 10, and around 8-10 or so is 50.
-[X] Technopath (-50): The character has a deep relationship and control over technology (usually high end such as computers and electricity based technology). This gives them a +20 on all Knowledge checks dealing with such technology as well as a +20 to creation and repairing checks to such technology. The control of technology is handled via the Technopathy skill.
-[X] Sexual Enticement (-5): Gain an Appearance/10 bonus to all social interactions with the opposite sex.
-[X] General's Presence (-5): Boost your allies' stats in battle by 1/10 just by being there. This is cumulative with the commanding, strategists, and battle knowledge skills, as well as any other powers, skills, or abilities.
-[X] Battle Intelligence (-5): Gain Intelligence/10 to every roll that has to do with combat, using the character's vast Intelligence and logic.
-[X] Ambidextrous (-5): The character counts all limbs as dominant.
-[X] Unilingual (-5): The character can speak all languages and only has one languages skill.
-[X] Divine Aura (-10): Opponents suffer an Appearance/5 penalty to all attack rolls.
-[X] Super Will (-5): Raises Will by 5 points.
-[X] Super Will (-10): Raises Will by 15 points.