Artifact Daughters (or: Moe Item Girl Raising Sim)

Carving out the future (pt.6)
While collecting the shield now would be nice, this would obviously be an event flag for a scripted battle in a video game. Plus, if removing one artifact activated all these symbols and lights, there's no telling what removing more would do.

Sure, you could just embrace protagonist logic, but plot armor and reloads aren't a thing. Geez, maybe you should of said no and just... do what? Ignore the existence of magic?

What you do know, is that you haven't gotten harassed by magic robots or bound spirits yet. So, you could probably get Sabrina's vessel without issue. Turning to look at Sabrina, you wince a little at her soulful silver eyes looking back at you. She definitely seems worried for that shield...

"We should hold off for now Sabrina, I'm worried removing the shield might trigger something. Your sword wasn't put back, so we should get that first. Besides, we should look for your sheathe too, remember?"

Frowning a little, Sabrina glances at the shield. For a moment, you're worried she might free the shield anyways, but she turns away as she rubs her arms again. "We, we have to free her later, o-okay?"

Rubbing your neck as you focus on her, you let out a sigh and give a look of reassurance. "Yeah, if nothing comes up, then we'll come back for... her. Even got a name in mind already."

That causes Sabrina to smile a little, and you proceed to slide back into the hallway. Glancing around, you're... a little disappointed something didn't happen? God, it hasn't really sunk in fully has it?

Still, it seems just entering a room doesn't trigger anything, and the symbol is even still present above the doorway. You'll know for sure what it means once you return to Sabrina's vessel.

Though you continue to be cautious, and even re-examine things as you pass, there really doesn't seem to be anything new. Still, since you aren't in a rush like yesterday, you actually notice that this route doesn't seem nearly as long as the starting hall.

Hmm, was the vault extending too far for Amirose's Tree, so they stopped here? Alternatively, given all the symbol-less rooms for the 'shield route', maybe there just wasn't enough artifacts of specific types to merit further expansion?

Whatever the case, you soon shift over to the 'sword route' and start examining the surroundings. Unlike the other route, the majority of these doorways have symbols above them, and in fact you only spot two that lack one.

Then there's the runic lights, which actually seem brighter than the starting route. Other than that, the only thing to catch your attention is the symbol above Sabrina's room. Specifically, the fact it is fading in and out somewhat erratically, like it is confused.

Huh, that's not... concerning. Peering through the doorway, there's definitely green lights all over the place like the shield's room, and once you slide through it becomes clear the stand got a similar change.

Looking over to Sabrina's broken vessel, your gaze lingers on it. Because of your carelessness, your want for something exciting, you accidentally created a person and are now slowly piecing together an age of magic.

Isn't that funny? Being cautious then would of resulted in you just calling up some news channel and getting fifteen minutes of fame, whilst being barred off from coming back and Sabrina never being reborn- lest not by you.

Speaking of Sabrina, you spot her fixating on the presence of her broken vessel. Blinking, you're surprised by the embarrassed look on her face. Wait, no, you did swing her vessel around like an idiot and broke it by pure accident.

Wow, you must really be ruining all her notions of you being some badass that specifically chose her of all options. You'll definitely need to figure out why she knows some of this magic stuff, eventually anyways.

Seeing Sabrina approach her broken vessel, there's a reverential air about her. The whole reason you chose to come now was to help her process being a human, so you won't interfere.

Still, you decide to briefly analyze the room while she has her big personal moment. Overall, you don't spot any obvious signs of hidden extras or secret passages, though it might be magically hidden. In which case, you can't really do anything, especially since hacking the roots might just make it permanently inaccessible.

"Huh!?" Eyes darting wildly to focus on Sabrina, you stop in place upon processing the sight before you: the shattered blade and hilt sinking into Sabrina's body, as she begins glowing.

Then, you instinctively close your eyes as a bright light flashes out. Blinking your eyes open, you look at Sabrina initially with worry... but soon calm down, as nothing seemed to change.

Wait, actually... did she get taller? She certainly seems to be puzzled by what happened, so it can't be any major change. Still, this wasn't quite expected... "Sabrina, do you... do you know what just happened?"

Sabrina glancing at you, her face seems slightly more mature than before. Curling and uncurling her fingers experimentally, even her voice sounds slightly more grown. "I picked up my vessel, and then... it was like I fixed something wrong with me. I feel... I feel great!"

Smiling at you, there's this twinkle in her eyes, like Sabrina rediscovered something important to her. Speaking of... "Have you sensed your sheathe yet? I can't tell if there's anything hiding it- her in here."

Watching as she glances around the room, her expression frowns as she begins moving about as well. Hearing some slight shifting as a bit of dirt falls on your head, you brush it off as you hear Sabrina make an annoyed "Hmph".

"No, she isn't here, but... she was, back when I was sealed down here. It doesn't make sense though! She should be here, yet there's nothing even broken that seems like her!"

Hmm, maybe the rooms with symbols are making it difficult for her to identify her sheathe? There has to be a reason these rooms are filled with- hearing more shifting above you, your eyes widen as it clicks.

"Sabrina, does this place employ-" You abruptly stop yourself, as an arm of dirt emerges from the wall behind the artifact stand. Soon, a leg 'pulls' itself free, and a crude body of compacted dirt steps forwards.

Sweeping its gaze between you and Sabrina, the thing is voiceless, yet its purpose is clear: that thing is the missing security measure. Did it react to Sabrina absorbing her broken vessel? Whatever, you two need to act fast.

-- How do you handle this?

[] Have Sabrina attack it, she's the one with superpowers.
[] Fight it yourself, what kind of 'father' makes his kid fight a monster?
[] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
[] Run for it, you have no idea how difficult this thing is!
[] Write-In

-- What do you do after running/winning? (multiple actions allowed if not mutually exclusive)

[] Head back to the shield quickly, better not waste time.
[] Investigate the other rooms, the sheathe might be in one of them.
[] Sabrina got her vessel, time to go for now.
[] Write-In

A/N: Given this is the first fight, it isn't particularly difficult. That said, the one that'd be triggered removing the shield would be weaker, reflecting the theory that section didn't receive as much attention. Regarding there being an encounter at all, it was basically a coin toss- the security system being super confused due to Sabrina's vessel having been removed during the mostly-inactive state.

Future "Forsaken Vaults" that are more intact will be noticeably different, so the "Amirose's Tree Vault" is basically the starter area introducing the basics of Forsaken Vaults. Regarding the Sheathe, I'll admit she wasn't one of the five originally planned, but she'll appear eventually. In all honesty, she'll likely be in a different Vault, more because I hadn't planned on introducing two new Artifact Daughters at the same time.

As for my update rate... I'm mostly updating as quickly as I am to get things rolling. Though if there's a long enough stretch of no additional votes (about 12 hours) after 3 votes, then I'll update instead of waiting hours for a 4th vote.
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[X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.

[X] Find the pace of your enemy, and while Sabrina will be the sword, you'll be the Swamp, and slow it down. Distract it initially, so that sabrina can have a surprise first strike on an enemy unaware of her powers.
I'm wondering if we could maybe make a break for Shield and maybe stack things a little in our favour...
I'm wondering if we could maybe make a break for Shield and maybe stack things a little in our favour...
If we make a break for shield, we could very well trigger a second security system.

Removing "Shield" would indeed trigger a second golem, but it'll look noticeably incomplete & be weaker. Still, one possibility toyed with in the "Shield First" timeline was it being strong enough to break Shield's vessel. Of course, the Artifact Daughters are stronger as AD by pure virtue of the power being inherent rather than an external ability whose control mechanism is too rigid to allow creative/alternative applications.

Just running away won't trigger additional Golems, though that'll be something for more intact Forsaken Vaults. Still, the golem would inevitably catch up, since it can move through the dirt. However, it isn't incredibly fast, and they're more meant to keep things in than out. So it'll stop chasing if Eric and Sabrina straight up leave.

By the way, Sabrina unlocked a new Technique "Throwing Slash", which she could spam to unbalance the Golem. Reach higher ranks, and eventually she could hammer a Golem into the ground or fling one around like a ragdoll.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Nov 26, 2018 at 11:28 PM, finished with 59 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
    [X] Find the pace of your enemy, and while Sabrina will be the sword, you'll be the Swamp, and slow it down. Distract it initially, so that sabrina can have a surprise first strike on an enemy unaware of her powers.
    [X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
    [X] Investigate the other rooms, the sheathe might be in one of them.
    [X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
    [X] Investigate the other rooms, the sheathe might be in one of them.
    -[x] see if we can map out the place.
    [X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
    -[X] If possible try to incapacitate it rather than outright destroying it, for all you know the Vault might take its destruction as a cue to go into high alert or something. If that doesn't work out it's fine, but either way do your best to learn this thing's weaknesses; there's never just one obstacle in places like this.
    [X] Investigate the other rooms, the sheathe might be in one of them.
I'm thinking that if this is supposed to be a (mildly damaged) incredibly secure facility, we should act like anything we do might trigger something. Even if this is the starter vault, we don't know this magic system and we don't know how these traps are typically set up. For all we know, defeating this enemy might put the entire place on high alert, release the other guardians, lock down the other sections... lots of possibilities there.

Right now, I think the best thing to do is to test this thing's limits. Stuff like how vulnerable is it to Sabrina's slashes, can it regenerate damage, how fast is it, can it leave the room, can it pass through the walls or was that just how it was made.

Edit: Ninja'd about the wall part, at least.
[X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
[X] Investigate the other rooms, the sheathe might be in one of them.
[X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
[X] Investigate the other rooms, the sheathe might be in one of them.
-[x] see if we can map out the place.

Proper RPG procedure is to loot everything! (If)After we win
I totally didn't forget to vote while I was writing that post, what are you talking about. :V

[X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
-[X] If possible try to incapacitate it rather than outright destroying it, for all you know the Vault might take its destruction as a cue to go into high alert or something. If that doesn't work out it's fine, but either way do your best to learn this thing's weaknesses; there's never just one obstacle in places like this.

[X] Investigate the other rooms, the sheathe might be in one of them.
Just saying it now, since the votes are mostly the same with just one difference each, I'll probably end up blending the Write-Ins together.

Otherwise I'd have to wait around for a majority vote or let Lady Luck decide. I can confirm the "Investigate other rooms" option will definitely be informative regarding the Vaults.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Nov 27, 2018 at 10:39 AM, finished with 62 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
    [X] Investigate the other rooms, the sheathe might be in one of them.
    [X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
    [X] Find the pace of your enemy, and while Sabrina will be the sword, you'll be the Swamp, and slow it down. Distract it initially, so that sabrina can have a surprise first strike on an enemy unaware of her powers.
    [X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
    [X] Investigate the other rooms, the sheathe might be in one of them.
    -[x] see if we can map out the place.
    [X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
    -[X] If possible try to incapacitate it rather than outright destroying it, for all you know the Vault might take its destruction as a cue to go into high alert or something. If that doesn't work out it's fine, but either way do your best to learn this thing's weaknesses; there's never just one obstacle in places like this.
    [X] Investigate the other rooms, the sheathe might be in one of them.
    [X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
    [X] Head back to the shield quickly, better not waste time.
If we make a break for shield, we could very well trigger a second security system.
Which I think would be worth it.
Sword and Shield is a good combo, and we need more daughterus to drown With fatherly love.

[X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
[X] Head back to the shield quickly, better not waste time.
[X] Take it on together, you might not have power but you can distract it so Sabrina can 'recharge' after attacking.
[X] Investigate the other rooms, the sheathe might be in one of them.

Locate all targets first
Carving out the future (pt.7)
Gripping your shovel tightly, ideas quickly flitter through your mind. You could leave it to Sabrina, since she actually has power, but she's only been alive for a few hours. Alternatively, you could face it alone, so she doesn't risk herself.

Yet, yet you can't just stand back, and you certainly don't want to get horribly injured- for yourself and her. The only way to do this, is to work together to defeat the monster encounter.

"Sabrina, I'll go distract it, so you attack then got it!?" Sparing a glance to see Sabrina look back at you, she seems to be struggling to find the words. Definitely doesn't seem like she expected this, and as for you...

Getting into reach of the, uh, golem you lash out with your shovel. The blade-head sinks into its left arm, and the thing turns to look at you. Oh god oh god, why are you doing this!?

"Hey, don't you dare!" Your gaze flickering to Sabrina, she holds out her right arm and swings down like it is a sword. You're forced to blink and shield your eyes as a shower of dirt explodes from the golem's arm.

Pulling your shovel free and getting some distance between you & it, the thing's arm barely looks attached and yet the golem doesn't seem bothered. Lovely, it doesn't feel pain...

Yet, instead of focusing on you, the golem turns its attention to Sabrina. For a moment, you're not sure what it is going to do, but then- an ethereal sound calls out, something you can't comprehend.

Sabrina, though, looks angry even as she struggles to recover from the exhaustion. Right, better distract the thing again... swinging your shovel at the thing's head, it jerks slightly from the force.

Looking back at you, there's that ethereal sound again- which definitely seems to be coming from the golem. You have no idea what that is about, and you're really not in the mood to guess as it swings a fist at you!

Ducking under the blow, you glance up and realize that was the damaged arm. Eyes widening as dirt from the wall it impacted slithers up its broken arm, you glance over at Sabrina as she yells out "Leave my father alone!"

This time, the broken arm is outright severed, and as you back away from the golem it becomes clear the restoration stopped when it got severed. Huh, so it can swing around broken arms, but can't restore them without direct contact?

Add in the rather simplistic way it has been acting, it definitely doesn't seem overly complex. You'd wager those ethereal noises is its version of sprouting pre-made dialogue, probably calling you security threats or something.

Still, the thing isn't 'dead' yet, and it doesn't waste any time trying to make a new arm- instead it begins stomping over to Sabrina, not overly fast, but still quick enough that it'll reach before she recovers again.

The fact it is even rearing back its arm to punch her... you feel yourself snarl as you burst forward, wailing wildly on the thing as you scream in rage. "Don't! You! Dare! Hurt her!"

Catch. Blinking in surprise, you can feel yourself look horrified by the fact it caught your shovel. Your shovel getting pulled forcibly, too surprised by its catch, you hit the ground and smack into the artifact stand.

Urgh, that, that thing is definitely strong... looking up at it, the golem seems to consider your shovel for a moment. Maybe it thinks that is another artifact? Whatever the case, the golem eventually drops it in casual disregard.

Then, all of a sudden, you see the golem's head jerk slightly- a lot like when you smacked it with the shovel. B-but how did- wait, Sabrina! Getting yourself back to your feet, you don't seem as hurt as you feared.

Still, moving to retrieve your shovel, you glance frantically between the golem and Sabrina- and it seems like Sabrina is doing something, as each time the golem jerks as if hit there's Sabrina swinging her arms wildly like when she uses her power.

Finally, as you snatch up your shovel, Sabrina belts out a scream of rage as she swings faster and more wildly. Glancing at the golem, it barely seems to be keeping its balance, having stopped moving closer.

So, you do the only thing that comes to mind- you swing forcibly at the back of its legs, and with a dirt splaying thud it falls onto its back. Stabbing your shovel in its chest, you bellow out "Do it, now!"

With a mighty scream of girlish rage, you watch as Sabrina chops at the air with her right arm- and nearly lose your own balance at the sheer force of the cleaving blow having loosened your shovel's hold.

Looking down at the golem, you're still panicked and cautious as you examine it. Yet, having been violently and messily slashed into two, it seems to have stopped moving.

Poking and prodding at it with your shovel, it takes several moments until you're reassured it isn't trying to psych you out. Rubbing your forehead, you're surprised to feel sweat.

In fact, your whole body feels exhausted, like you just ran between two classrooms on opposite ends of a school under a minute. Sticking your shovel in the ground and sitting down, you just let yourself pant for a few moments.

… Okay, so, while you probably did better than expected going against a supernatural monster... you have no idea how all those protagonii make it look so easy. Glancing at Sabrina, she seems pretty exhausted herself, yet like every time before she seems to recover pretty quickly- compared to a normal human anyways.

Finally, after you feel recovered enough, you stand back up. Now that you aren't freaking out, looking at the golem reminds you how little is known about this place. While the fact you didn't get attacked again while recovering is nice, it isn't nearly as reassuring as it should be.

Half-casually and half-searchingly poking at the golem with your shovel, you're hoping to find some kind of... control device. In the meantime, you look over at Sabrina and start talking.

"So, uh, do you know what exactly this thing was?" Blinking her eyes at you and then looking at the golem, there's this little smile creeping on her face before responding casually cheerful.

"Other than being target practice? Not really, I was just a normal sword before. Still..." Looking thoughtful, she steps up to the golem and begins poking at it herself. Finally, as your shovel clinks against something, there's a flash of realization on her face.

"Magic, this was magic! I knew there was a reason her room bothered me so much! This thing is like us, but wrong! It just fakes being alive, to prevent us from being born."

Wait, so... it is a magic robot? Huh, rather fitting for something you kept calling a golem. Still, as you examine what your shovel hit, it just seems to be an incredibly compacted sphere- or rather messy more-or-less half a sphere of dirt.

Geez, were they trying to give this thing a diamond heart? Still... the simplistic behavior, lack of overly complex abilities, and a core of dense dirt? You'd reckon this thing was made on the spot, rather than exist pre-made.

Rubbing the bridge of your nose as you let out a sigh, that's both good and bad. Knowing you could get attacked at any moment, yet presumably they'd be just as 'weak' as this one...

"Sabrina, we should be careful as we investigate the other rooms. If you ever feel like another of these, uh, golems might emerge... warn me, okay? This thing was exhausting and time-consuming for us to fight."

Nodding at you in quiet agreement, you can't help noticing the little smile on her face as she glances down at the golem. Mean, should you really be surprised a former sword seems to like fighting things?


Sliding out of the room, you let out a breath of relief when nothing attacks. You were definitely worried for a moment the place might of went on high alert. Sure, it might have, but nothing obvious seems to have occurred.

… Well, other than the fact the symbol above Sabrina's vault room has changed & stopped glowing. None of the other symbol-less rooms have something similar. Maybe that's the vault's way of marking removed items?

Speaking of items... "Hey, Sabrina, do you think all the... magic lines? In these rooms is interfering with your ability to discern what item is in there?" She seems to consider your question for a few moments, and then walks over to the doorway just across.

Placing her hand against the rubble, it is another few moments before she turns back to you. "I think so, I had no idea there was going to be a shield in that other room. We're still getting her, right father?"

Rubbing your neck, you're not sure you want to fight another golem. Sure, they seem to have cores that animate them, but there's no reason to assume those are always in the center of their body.

Still, you haven't ruled out the possibility of hidden compartments, and if there's a shield... maybe you'll find Sabrina's sheathe over there? "Inevitably, yeah, but there's still all these rooms to check. I got suspicions about what the symbols, or lack of means, but we'll need to check the rooms first. Help me clear that one?"

Thus, you and Sabrina begin clearing away doorways & investigating the rooms. Beginning with the one across from Sabrina's vault room, you were initially worried Sabrina might cause a cave-in. Yet after demonstrating her new technique, what should of took half an hour was done in mere minutes.

That first room would prove to be the standard, not having much room to navigate and the artifacts being crushed. Though from what you can tell, for the 'sword route' each vault on the left contained what seems like hammers.

The first room on the right got Sabrina particularly quiet, due to the destroyed artifact looking a lot like her vessel. When you tried asking if that was, her 'family', she just shook her head no.

Overall, as you two got done investigating the rooms of the 'sword route', you decide to jolt out a rudimentary map with your phone. Mostly you just do the basics, though you scribble a few musings like 'weapons section?' and 'first golem here'.

You weren't particularly surprised to discover the symbol-less rooms lacked an artifact, though you were more surprised there wasn't any runic light patterns. Maybe the rooms had to be individually programmed?

Whatever the case, when you began poking around in the closest rooms for the 'main route', you discovered those rooms had vastly more artifacts in them- even whole racks being filled out.

Yet from what Sabrina could tell, those ones would of been significantly weaker, enough she didn't seem sure they could become like her. Still, you found the remnants of things like knives, arrows, and glove/gauntlet-like items.

The symbol-less rooms of the 'shield route' were a little more illuminating, with several having dull runic patterns lining them much like the symbol rooms. Still, they lacked any real light, giving off the impression they were planned to house artifacts but wouldn't be completed until then.

Finally, as you two poked around in the few rooms there with symbols, you found broken shields a lot like the other one and then what appeared to be bows. When you asked, Sabrina didn't seem convinced those bows were companions to the broken arrows.

Then, as you both slip back into the intact shield's room, you look back at Sabrina with worry as she hisses. Gripping your shovel tightly, she blinks and looks at you apologetically.

"I'm sorry father, I just... I think I sense more now? This room will definitely create one of those things, but... I think the room is doing something? O-or preventing something? I'm pretty sure she'll form correctly if broken now, but... something definitely feels wrong."

Well... you haven't yet found any indication of an 'off-switch' for anything magically hidden, and Sabrina's sheathe hasn't shown up yet. Sure there's still the rest of the 'main route' to investigate, but the odds are Sabrina's sheathe just isn't here.

-- What do you do? (multiple actions allowed if not mutually exclusive)

[] Free the shield now and prepare to fight.
-[] Any particular plan?

[] Investigate the rest of the main route's rooms.

[] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
-[] Any in particular?

[] Write-In
Get shield daughter.
Need a plan.
To Tired to make a proper one...
Sabrina uses ranged attacks to attract the golem?
Then Eric breaks the shield vessel to gain the artifact daughter, to prevent golem from getting her Instead.
Then ask shield daughter to protect Sabrina?
Get shield daughter.
Need a plan.
To Tired to make a proper one...
Sabrina uses ranged attacks to attract the golem?
Then Eric breaks the shield vessel to gain the artifact daughter, to prevent golem from getting her Instead.
Then ask shield daughter to protect Sabrina?

Unfortunately Eric currently has no means of speeding up an Artifact Daughter's formation, so it would take her too long. Still, Eric could potentially trigger her ability if her vessel remains intact.

Regarding those 'minor artifacts': The knives' have the Ability "Spirit Rooting", which creates telekinetic barbs/roots to anchor it in place. The arrows & glove-gauntlets are paired items, for triggering a teleport recall. Though they individually have minor telekinetic properties as well, the arrows ignoring wind/etc whereas the glove-gauntlets basically just protect the knuckles when punching.

Mostly I'm revealing their abilities because Eric might never find out, given all the rooms to check and the low odds are finding any intact. Similarly, the Bows' thing is generating telekinetic projectiles whereas the Hammers are basically a counterpart to Sabrina/Infinity Shredders.
Seems to me one could use the arrows and gloves to mark the upcoming Shield-Golem opponent as a recall point, then do teleport-sucker punches to throw the golem off balance, before backing out of range to do it all over again.
maybe pair the arrow with a knife to keep the arrow from getting yanked out if the Golem is smart enough to do that.
Seems to me one could use the arrows and gloves to mark the upcoming Shield-Golem opponent as a recall point, then do teleport-sucker punches to throw the golem off balance, before backing out of range to do it all over again.
maybe pair the arrow with a knife to keep the arrow from getting yanked out if the Golem is smart enough to do that.

I love that, a lot, but that's not how they work. Basically, the idea behind it was to turn the arrows into borderline-infinite ammo by constantly calling them back to hand. Being minor artifacts, only the arrow would be recalled.
Hmm. If Sabrina's instincts are telling her that something's wrong, we should probably deal with the golem first and see if that fixes anything. If not, we can always try carrying the Shield somewhere else before we break the vessel, since Sabrina specifically mentioned it was the room that felt wrong. Also, we can probably find a better way to deal with the golem than our first fight now that we know to expect it. Maybe try having Sabrina attack the limbs or core while it forms?

About the broken artifacts... well I guess that depends on how thoroughly everything's been destroyed. Is it just the wear of time (rust, magic not lasting forever, etc)? Are they actually in multiple pieces? The artifacts in the first room were described as crushed, but was that just from a cave in or did they seem purposefully destroyed? Either way, my suggestion is to search through the rubble a little more carefully and see if there's anything that might be more useful than our current shovel. Also, we should probably pick up a couple of the smaller items (knives, arrows) before we keep exploring just in case something happens and we can't get back to these rooms once we go further in. I don't have much hope of being able to use anything right now, but I assume we're going to be learning more about this magic system later and having them on hand might be useful for a variety of reasons.

[X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
-[X] Gather a few of them together by the entrance in case you need to make a quick getaway, but don't step outside with anything yet since that might set off another trap.
-[X] Grab something intact enough to give you an option against the golems other than your shovel, as well as a couple knives just in case.

I can't really plan in too much detail without knowing how well preserved the artifacts are, but mostly right now I just want to cover our bases in case everything goes wrong.
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[X] Free the shield now and prepare to fight.

[X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
Find something to use other than the shovel
Get the golem core. Maybe it could be absorbed by our daughter as an energy font?
[X] Take the Golem Core from the one Sabrina killed. It might be useful
[X] Investigate the rest of the main route's rooms.

[X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
-[X] Gather a few of them together by the entrance in case you need to make a quick getaway, but don't step outside with anything yet since that might set off another trap.
-[X] Grab something intact enough to give you an option against the golems other than your shovel, as well as a couple knives just in case.

I want to finish mapping the place before we trigger the Boss Activation.
Amirose Vault Minor Hints
I can't say much without providing spoilers, but I'll point some things out.

For example, Eric wondered if Sabrina's unsheathed vessel was meant to decay. Of course, the shield didn't provoke a similar speculation.

There's also how Sabrina's vault room has been implied to be confused, and is also the only one to exhibit multiple unique behaviors- most notably, the golem seemingly only reacting to the flare of magic from Sabrina's Growth Rank increase.

I'll already mentioned things regarding the shield route golem, though there's narrative implications to back it up.

I can confirm there's value in coming back later, Metroidvania style. Specifically, once a means of understanding the symbols is unlocked.

The Artifact Daughters are each meant to have "environmental actions", with Sabrina's thing being clearing out new pathways. I won't blatantly reveal Shield Daughter's ability, but it matches the theme the rest seem to have in the Amirose Vault.

I will say Vitellio is on to something, and if asked outright I'll generally be honest if someone guesses more or less correctly.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Nov 28, 2018 at 9:52 AM, finished with 71 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
    -[X] Gather a few of them together by the entrance in case you need to make a quick getaway, but don't step outside with anything yet since that might set off another trap.
    -[X] Grab something intact enough to give you an option against the golems other than your shovel, as well as a couple knives just in case.
    [X] Free the shield now and prepare to fight.
    [X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
    [X] Take the Golem Core from the one Sabrina killed. It might be useful
    [X] Investigate the rest of the main route's rooms.
    [X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
    -[X] Gather a few of them together by the entrance in case you need to make a quick getaway, but don't step outside with anything yet since that might set off another trap.
    -[X] Grab something intact enough to give you an option against the golems other than your shovel, as well as a couple knives just in case.

Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Nov 28, 2018 at 11:34 AM, finished with 72 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Take the Golem Core from the one Sabrina killed. It might be useful
    [X] Investigate the rest of the main route's rooms.
    [X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
    -[X] Gather a few of them together by the entrance in case you need to make a quick getaway, but don't step outside with anything yet since that might set off another trap.
    -[X] Grab something intact enough to give you an option against the golems other than your shovel, as well as a couple knives just in case.
    [X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
    -[X] Gather a few of them together by the entrance in case you need to make a quick getaway, but don't step outside with anything yet since that might set off another trap.
    -[X] Grab something intact enough to give you an option against the golems other than your shovel, as well as a couple knives just in case.
    [X] Free the shield now and prepare to fight.
    [X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?

Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Nov 28, 2018 at 1:23 PM, finished with 72 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Take the Golem Core from the one Sabrina killed. It might be useful
    [X] Investigate the rest of the main route's rooms.
    [X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
    -[X] Gather a few of them together by the entrance in case you need to make a quick getaway, but don't step outside with anything yet since that might set off another trap.
    -[X] Grab something intact enough to give you an option against the golems other than your shovel, as well as a couple knives just in case.
    [X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
    -[X] Gather a few of them together by the entrance in case you need to make a quick getaway, but don't step outside with anything yet since that might set off another trap.
    -[X] Grab something intact enough to give you an option against the golems other than your shovel, as well as a couple knives just in case.
    [X] Free the shield now and prepare to fight.
    [X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
[X] Take the Golem Core from the one Sabrina killed. It might be useful
[X] Investigate the rest of the main route's rooms.

[X] Maybe collect some of the broken artifacts?
-[X] Gather a few of them together by the entrance in case you need to make a quick getaway, but don't step outside with anything yet since that might set off another trap.
-[X] Grab something intact enough to give you an option against the golems other than your shovel, as well as a couple knives just in case.
Carving out the future (pt.8)
While you doubt you'll find anything else, least until you get some ability for backtracking purposes, there's something that's been gnawing at your mind. Now that you've stopped and actually reflected on it...

That golem was the first instance of magic being shaped you have ever seen. Granted, not a high bar, but still... Sabrina said it was 'like' her, and her magic clung to you. Maybe, that golem core might actually be useful for something?

Similarly, there must be something you could do with those broken artifacts. Very least, you could sell them to historians or whatever without worrying about bad people getting their own artifact daughters to command.

Plus, just maybe, if you investigate the other 'main route' rooms... you might actually find one of those minor artifacts intact. Even better, if you could find a couple of those knives, you could hopefully do a better job against this next golem.

Mean, your shovel was effective enough, but nowhere near as damaging as Sabrina was. If that thing had activated when you removed Sabrina's vessel... there's no way you could of killed it.

Though, it was kind of odd the golem didn't snap your shovel in half... shouldn't these things know to destroy weapons? Whatever, either they're not designed to or damage to the tree above crippled the golem's abilities.

"Hey, Sabrina, sorry to do this again but... I want to get some stuff done, in case this next golem proves too problematic or we set off some high alert thing. We've been pretty lucky so far, but luck only goes so far."

Sighing and rubbing the back of your neck, it isn't particularly surprising to see Sabrina look upset you're putting off the shield again. Intellectually you know she's not even a day old and was previously an inanimate object, but her behavior is so mature you keep forgetting that.

"Fine, father..." Watching her shoot a glance at the shield, Sabrina leaves the room ahead of you. Glancing back yourself and quickly looking over the room, you slide out next.

First things first, you decide to head back to Sabrina's vault room, not being sure if the golem's body will remain indefinitely. Glancing up at the unique symbol above the doorway, it doesn't seem like anything happened.

Then, as you slide into the room, you spot the golem's body where you two left it. Honestly, you're a little surprised, but then again most games give the impression the bodies don't actually fade away.

Using your shovel to pry out the core halves, you plant your shovel into the ground as you examine them. Other than being really compacted dirt, nothing seems odd about the core.

Sticking the two halves together, it does seem like Sabrina's attack reduced some of it to nothing. Might want to retrieve the next core more intact, but in the meantime... you hand Sabrina one of the halves, readied to ask what she senses-

Yet as she makes contact with it, the core half briefly glows green, before that light changes color to silver. Dropping your half, you look over Sabrina worriedly, concern present in your voice.

"Are you alright? Do you feel hurt?" Looking both thoughtful and confused, like she's puzzling something out, Sabrina holds up the half you gave her. Focusing on it yourself, something about it... seems different, though you're not sure what.

"Yeah, I feel... I feel fine. But, it reminds me of when I absorbed my vessel? I do feel a bit stronger, but I'll likely need more before the glowy thing happens again." Huh, guess you found out a use for those cores...

Letting Sabrina drain(?) the other half, as you both begin to leave, you stop to glance at the golem. With its core removed and drained, the body seems to be losing its cohesion.

Watching it even as you slide out of the room, nothing seems to indicate it reforming or being replaced. Still, since you're down the 'sword route' anyways... you decide to poke around in the hammer side, see if there's any intact enough to use as weapons.

You do come across a brownish-black metal shaft that, after a few experimental swings, should hold up if you go all out. Sabrina touches the hammer out of curiosity, without your prompting, though she frowns disappointed.

"Nothing happened..." Raising an eyebrow yourself in curiosity, you didn't need to say anything to get her talking. "I just figured, between my vessel and that core, maybe I could absorb the remnants from the other artifacts. Guess not..."

Watching her look dejected, you really need to find some way to study magic itself, maybe get insight about the 'artifact daughters'. Still, that can wait for now, so say something reassuring... "Well, maybe if we find an intact duplicate in another vault, you'll be able to absorb that?"

Well, that certainly gets her looking intrigued, and even smiles cheerfully again. With sort-of-weapon in hand, you decide to poke back in the few 'main route' rooms you uncovered.

Going through the rubble and examining the broken artifacts, a thought comes to mind. "Since they're significantly weaker than you, would an intact one even stand out?"

Watching her pick up one of the knives, she definitely seems to be focusing on it. Rolling an arrow between your fingers, you're beginning to wonder if the colors of the artifacts mean anything.

Like, all the hammers and the other swords were colored similarly to Sabrina's vessel, then there's these arrows with their brownish-black arrowheads and white shafts. The knives, glove/gauntlet-things, bows and other shields are themselves colored similarly to the first shield.

You're pulled from your musings, however, as Sabrina answers. "I would have to see one for sure, but... I don't think they'd stand out from the broken ones to me." Huh, that's rather fascinating... and means you'll need to come back another time to properly sweep through all the rooms.

Still, you decide to investigate the other rooms, in case any intact ones stand out. As you two check off rooms, you update the map with little RH symbols, so you'll know to return there later. Since you're at it, you also scribble a note about the apparent sentence at the route split, stressing the possible significance.

Though as you gather up the more intact broken artifacts, you and Sabrina do manage to come across a few obviously intact ones. Unfortunately, not knowing what they actually do limits their usefulness.

Still, at least you're the proud owner of an ancient glove-gauntlet, two fanciful looking knives, and an arrow. Though, when you touched the arrow with your new glove, it provokes a confused "Heh?" from Sabrina.

"What, did I just trigger something? I don't hear or see any shifting dirt..." Shaking her head at you, she just has this... confused look as she tries really hard to puzzle out whatever is bothering her. Finally, with a visible and vocal shrug, she responds.

"I honestly have no idea, though I think those pair together? Their magic, certainly seem connected, but something about it makes no sense to me." Looking down at the arrow, rubbing it between your gloved fingers doesn't seem to trigger anything.

Whatever, you'll just experiment later to find out, for now you've got broken artifacts to place down near the entrance. While you're rather relieved no golems showed up when you removed them from their rooms, you're guessing that's more because they ignore broken artifacts.

Regarding the four minor intact ones... either all the other broken ones masked them, or the vault doesn't prioritize them like Sabrina's vessel and the shield. That, or the vault's damage means it is actively ignoring them to conserve energy.

Okay, honestly, you could keep speculating about why... you did remove all four from separate rooms, so maybe that's a factor? Whatever the case, you got a nice little pile, of five arrows, another two knives, and three glove-gauntlets.

It isn't too difficult to remove one of the broken bows, though the best you could find was one broken in two. The others were all messy piles of four/five fragments minimum.

Regarding the broken shields, you'll hold off on that for now. Honestly, you don't want to gather too much all at once, both because removing a large number might trigger something and more pettily you don't want to waste hours on useless junk. Better to confirm a use first before dedicating that much time in a magic dungeon.

The intact shield however... there's really nothing more you could do to put it off. Sure you could try to figure out what these minor artifacts do, but there's no way they'll let you be a heavy hitter like Sabrina. You could always leave, but you're worried Sabrina might just free the shield regardless.

-- What do you do? (multiple actions allowed if not mutually exclusive)

[] Get some quick experimentation out of the way.
-[] Any particular ideas?

[] Free the shield and prepare to fight.
-[] Any particular plan?

[] Gather your 'loot' and leave for now.

[] Write-In

A/N: Regarding the four minor artifacts, that was actually the biggest reason I took so long updating. Ultimately I resorted to an RNG to determine if any should be found, and it was a 93. Hope you know how to shot web, because these things don't have instruction manuals.
[X] Free the shield and prepare to fight.
-[X] Plan: I don't have a bow or know what this does.
-[X] Basically, we re-use the game-plan from before- Sabrina slashes, we distract via yelling and throwing an arrow until we run out, and then we use the Shovel.
[X] Familiarize yourself with your knives, you are going to use them in this fight.
[X] Free the shield and prepare to fight.
[X] Watch out for whatever comes out. Make Sabrina strike first, and when the golem/whatever comes out gives you its back, strike its legs with one of your knives. Use the gloves to protect your hands, and leave the other armed hand on the defensive, because striking with a knife will put your soft bits near the golem. After striking it, raise your guard, using the gauntlets as last-ditch protection, and fall back. Repeat until the thing is dead.
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