Aria's Advisor (Mass Effect SI)

arthurh3535 said:
This last part... I really didn't like it. The SI is way too smug and capable in his own mind.
Damn, if you thought the edited version was too much, I'm really glad you didn't see the first draft.

Sadly, that's part of my own attitude. I try to give Vasir a lot of chances, even though I regularly go off-topic and wander around blindly, but in the end I don't like dealing with people who are incompetent or slow (not that Vasir is slow, she just didn't believe me), and Vasir kept interrupting me, so I got a bit peeved.

Of course, double-standards everywhere, as I was doing the exact same thing to her.

Eh, it's hard to be a perfect being. Which is why I don't care too much about it. I'll be honest, I'm a knight in sour armor, arrogant prick, and an insane pervert all rolled up into one big unlikable asshole.

EDIT: Also, I'd like to announce that SB has helped me with my primary purpose, helped me fulfill the goal I had in mind when I posted this here. The various tips, advice, and other indicators have helped me edit and forge a much more precise work than I would have normally made.

I came about this realization when I looked at the file on my computer, read it, and couldn't bear to read any more of the unedited draft. So I'm going to be taking the edited version off of SB and posting that to

This is the original reason I posted this story to SB, because I knew that my own judgement was shit, and I am glad to see that after one new chapter, SB is helping me just like I wanted.

I will be continuing to use SB as my primary posting site, posting the final finished copies to the CrW Archive and my account. Together, with all the support and the criticism (most of which was correct), SB has restored my faith in writing after the long drought of

...Thank you all.
Mercsenary said:
Now I want a

"What? Whats going on?!"

"The Dreams Collapsing Vasir."
Xeno Major said:
Chapter Four

A light spread of gunfire, echoing oddly in the dome, as I run, running faster than I have ever run before, because I'm not sure if I can outrun the Cerberus gunmen chasing me. My omnitool beeps piercingly, impossibly loud with a pulse reminiscent of an old sonar ping, but I ignore it. They should be around here, I think, but I can't remember who they are.

The dream is collapsing, I hear Arthur say, but I ran past him and turn the corner, before gunfire cuts him down. I dive through a crack and roll, utilizing my very limited parkour knowledge to try to evade the gunmen, but it is too late...


A wave of unearthly pressure and impossible noise roars out, resonating so damn loud that I can practically feel my bones shaking.

That's…. that's Harbinger. Oh-God. Oh my God, I'm dead. I'm so dead-


I rocket upwards, sitting up rapidly and wincing as my head swells with the start of a migrane.

What the fuck was that?

Clasping my head as my pounding headache makes itself known, I groan and kick away the sheets. My omnitool is blaringwith an alarm and so I smack the off button. Perhaps I hit it a little too hard, because now my wrist hurts from the blow.
hpackrat said:
Why is it that every SI eventually tells someone about their origins? Is this like the Vegan joke?
Some people just need to confess and share things. Others get found out, and mind raped by a sexy middle aged cthulhoid renegade Spectre and have their mind stripped bare in a fashion more violating then the most traumatic rape.
hpackrat said:
Why is it that every SI eventually tells someone about their origins? Is this like the Vegan joke?
Well, quite frankly, it gets boring to be the only one in on the joke. It just gets old to be the only sane man in a world of crazies.

Hell, that's why I brought this story to SpaceBattles after having it only on for so long.
Larekko12 said:
Some people just need to confess and share things. Other get found out and mind raped by a sexy middle aged cthulloid renegade Spectre and have their mind stripped bare in a fashion more violating then the most traumatic rape.
Damn it, I liked my old sig.

Mercsenary said:
We're missing something.... hmm...

Oh right.

What the fuck is Aria going to do? To us? To the Council? To this situation. I mean her help just fucking tried to blackmail the council and got blasted into a wall for his troubles and now he's GONE.
I have a feeling her To-Do List looks rather like this.
  1. Sit Menacingly and wait for their explanation.
  2. Sit Menacingly and wait for our explanation.
  3. Abuse the situation so only she comes out on top.
  4. Make everyone involved pay for the surprise.
Welcome back, sorry for the slight delay, and enjoy the first snippet of Chapter six!

Chapter 6.0 (Snip 1)

It was quiet in the meld after that, silent for a moment. Of course, I started to consider how a mental meld could be quiet, because a person couldn't just stop thinking, but the answer popped up from Vasir's own memories, her subconscious letting me know that the silence merely meant the Vasir was in complete shock.

Of course, by 'letting me know', I mean that I read her mind; that I'm reading her mind. The meld is no longer oppressive, no longer a domination of will with Vasir crushing me beneath her.

Say I believe this craziness, Vasir projects slowly, her thoughts hesitant. What would we do then?

Say? Say? Darlin, you can see my damn memories, you know that I'm legit.
Or a very, very elaborate fake.

Fine, then, let me prove it.

You can't, Nick. Everything you do or say could have been arranged by an organization.

Unless I predict something happening; unless I predict numerous things happening, things beyond the capability of one group.

Okay, Nick. Bedazzle me.

Garrus Vakarian, squadmate of Commander Shepard, is in C-Sec right now, and will be departing for Omega if he hasn't already. He's gathered or will gather a squad of twelve individuals, including Lantar Sidonis, another turian, and together they'll wage a war on crime on Omega, conducting raids against the Blue Suns, Blood Pack, and Eclipse, and everything in between. They'll try to avoid civilian casualties, but they don't mess with Aria because she's the only thing even resembling authority on Omega.

You could have engineered that.

Another, then. Liara T'Soni, Shepard's asari scientist on the squad, is now directly competing with your former boss to recover Shepard's body. The Broker wants the body because the Collectors are paying him for it, and in desperation T'Soni is working with Cerberus, who are going to try to resurrect Shepard with extensive cybernetics and other bizarre science, under the code-name Project Lazarus. Biblical references always were the most obvious, but unlike almost every other Cerberus projects, this one will actually work (well, technically...). Shepard will be back two years and twelve days after the Collectors killed her, and after that, T'Soni will set her sights on the Broker himself.

Right, that's when I'm supposed to get involved, according to your 'memories'.

Isn't that nice? I can actually tell that you put airquotes around that! This meld has a lot of useful abilities, almost like someone tried to balanced the horrible mind-rapey-ness of it.

Focus, Nick. She thinks of how the boy gets easily distracted, but, of course, the boy hears that thought and gives unspoken approval, as well as an idle image of some human dressed in a tweed jacket and wearing a bow-tie. She snorted once, then tossed the image aside.

Yeah, that's where you normally come in to play in the games. You're an enemy to Shepard, despite appearing quite good, and we never get the chance to convince you to help us take out the Broker. I always thought it was a waste of a perfectly good Spectre.

You know, if I wasn't reading your brain, I'd take that as flirting.

You know what I meant, Vasir. With a veteran Asari Spectre on our side, the Council wouldn't be as much of a problem, and we could prepare for the Reapers properly.

Which brings me back to my point. If I believe this stuff, then tell me what the next part of your plan is, now that you've failed to blackmail the Council?

Who says I failed?

You got thrown into a wall, I'd take that as a failure.

You're smarter than that, darling, don't try to play stupid around me, it'll just get you scathing sarcasm. You know just how curious Sparatus and Valern are, now that I've hinted about Asari superiority.

Actually, I don't. I didn't get any chance to see what happened in the Council chambers, Tevos had the recording wiped instantly.

Oh. Well, basically…

I draw up the very recent memory, projecting it over to her and meshing my mind fully with hers, sharing my insight and my thoughts during the memory. Huh… that gives me an idea about using the meld to recall memories perfectly…

…ah. So she cut you off just before you said Thessia.

Yup. So Sparatus and Valern are going be investigating into the Asari veeerry carefully. Still, I'm annoyed I didn't get a chance to finish.

Finish? What, so you could start a civil war? How in the Goddess would that help prepare for the Reapers?

First of all, screw Athame, he was a scientist, not a god. And yes, I think that I should have finished, because if I only got out one piece of blackmail, it would start a civil war. If I can say everything I want to, I can get unparalleled access to the resources of the Council. You didn't think the Salarians and the Turians were clean as a whistle, did you?

No, I've seen too much for that. But all the possible blackmail you could have wouldn't be enough to get what you want, Nick, you have to know that.

Oh… darling… you didn't process my memories at all, did you?

I can process the memories of a simpleton easily, but your mind is just fucked up enough that I'll need more time, punk. It's not that you're a genius, it's that you are the craziest fucking human I've met in all my life. See, you've even got me swearing like a human.

Heh. You're welcome. Here, let me show you what the Turians and Salarians have to fear from me. For an added bonus, I'll even tell you how this works in my favor, if you can't figure it out quickly enough.

With that, I pass forward the memories of the turian bomb on Tuchanka, then the ones of Mordin's confession about the modification of the Genophage. Just for an extra touch, I add the ones of the Salarian STG base in the third game, as well as the sabotage in the Shroud.

So yeah, if I was to tell the krogan of the bomb, combined with the genophage modification, they'll get sufficiently pissed off that I could restart the Krogan Rebellions, albeit temporarily. The krogan wouldn't have the reproduction numbers to properly overwhelm the Citadel, but there are still more than enough krogan to cause a serious dent in Citadel numbers. If the krogan could move fast enough, they could decapitate the Council. After all, there are no better shock-troops than krogan berserkers, eh?


Lost for words? Heh.

You'd unleash the krogan on the Council, just to make a damn point?

Yes. In a heartbeat. Care to know why?

Yes! Why in hell would you do such a thing? You'd weaken us for the Reapers catastrophically! We'd have no chance at all if we had to re-wage the Krogan Rebellions again!

Because I could get the genophage cured. Because I can talk to Wrex and convince him to settle the debt after we destroy the Reapers.

Genophage – cured? No, that's impossible! The krogan have tried, believe me! I've shut down a dozen of Warlord Okeer's projects to cure the genophage; it isn't that simple!

It is. Remember Mordin? The best damn salarian in the galaxy? He modified the genophage, and he still has STG access. I know that Mordin's feeling guilt over his actions; he's a true saint, in every meaning of the word. If I tell him about the Shroud sabotage, about the research his student, Maelon, will start soon, he'll help me shut down Maelon's genophage cure. Then, taking that data as well as the surviving krogan females, we could work on a genophage cure with less barbaric means, and since Mordin has access to the original genophage data where Okeer didn't.

Mordin's right on the edge of his decision to help the krogan, he won't need too much of a push to get to work. All we need to do is make sure the Dalatrass, that bitch, won't interfere. To do that, I need to gain the support, willing or not, of the Council.

That will never work, and you know it.

Yeah, it was a stretch... Still, it was only a first draft, I hadn't had as much time as I wanted to refine that idea.

Honestly, why in hell would you come to blackmail the Council then? It doesn't make sense.

Mostly, it was to see if I could. If I could influence politics or opinion at that high of a level. If I could, then I knew that I was – that I had the possibility of becoming a major player in the Great Game.


'Though' what? What are you hinting towards now, with your usual fucking bluntness?

Well, the whole Korgan thing was just so that I could get access to a Spectre or a ship. I suppose then that it worked out, since I got you on my side, and you have a ship, do you not?

I do, and what would you be planning to do with a ship?

Nothing major, I swear. Just more preparation for the War.

Tell me. Now. Before you start a war.

It's really nothing! It shouldn't be that hard to do, and no one would know until the War started, I swear!

The more you say 'I swear', the more I get worried. Tell me what you plan to do with my ship.

Well… first I have to send a few message probes through a Mass Relay…. then I go to where the probes were sent.


The Tikkun system. Fascinating place, really, with a good sized industrial base that has room for expansion, and a nearly abandoned nebula just full of resources. Even better, nobody has touched the space for a good couple hundred years, so we don't even have to beat off the pirates or anything!

Though the meld should prevent her from feeling such a physical reaction, Vasir felt her skin chill as the pieces clicked.

You… insane… demented idiot. They'd never work with you, they've destroyed every ship to ever try to get past the Veil! How in the Goddess's name do you think you can convince them to work with you?

I'm going to tell them that I know the future, drop the names of a dozen terms that only they use, and then see what happens. Best case, I become their messiah. Worst case, I get a story out of it. Wait, no, worst case, I die, and they prepare for the Reapers anyway. If I can get the Von Neumann machines to start preparing for the Reapers two years ahead of schedule, I'd consider that worthy of my life.

Besides, if anyone was going to believe me, it'd be the Geth. They're logical like that.
...It could work.

If anyone could fight the Reapers it's the Geth. If only because the Geth ARE a true Von Neumann culture, while the Reapers number's are limited to the biomass they can scavenge (and it apparently takes an absolute boatload of that to make one).
Depends on the timeline. Pre Sovereign it took a fuckton. Post, they back engineer a lot of his crap and do a lot better when the reapers actually show up.
Three dreadnoughts for an even fight, four to reliabily kill a Sovereign-class.
John117xCortana said:
They still needed a lot of dreadnoughts to kill a Sovereign class. And they only have a few dozen dreadnoughts.
Heh. Nope.

Blackraptor said:
What's stopping the Geth from shooting you down before you can even get a word out?
Xeno Major said:
Well… first I have to send a few message probes through a Mass Relay…. then I go to where the probes were sent.
John117xCortana said:
You're best chance at getting the Geth to help you would be making contact with Legion.
If I can find him, which is unlikely.
John117xCortana said:
Still it takes a lot of firepower to kill one. How many dreadnoughts did they need to take down a Sovereign class again ?
This is a race of Von Neumann machines... all you need is enough time, and I have two years.
Truly a suicidal protag we have here.

Either way, it should be....fascinating how he goes about convincing the Geth once that scene happens, if it happens.
John117xCortana said:
Legion was following Shepard's trail. Your best chance would be the SR1's final resting place.

If the Geth had that many dreadnoughts how come we only saw one in ME3 ?
Because game balance.

I straight up laughed at the Quarians invading Rannoch. No way in hell would that work, electro-weapons or not.

Obviously they have a little trouble understanding machines, since they started a war with their own creations, but you'd think that one of them would understand the concept of a Von Neumann machine.
I'm sure quite a few Quarians did.

Those unfortunate few got killed in their defense of the Geth
John117xCortana said:
The best choice is to make both the Quarians and the Geth make peace. But If I had to choose between the Geth and the Quarians, I'd choose the Geth because they are the ones who were more open to the ideas of peace and they acknowledged their own faults during the Morning War and they want to repent. The Quarians started this whole thing, they'd rather go to war than make peace. If they are going to die because of their own choices, because of their own mistakes, because of their stupidity, because of their stubbornness of not wanting to admit that they were wrong then I'll simply stand by and watch them die.
Gotta agree with you there, the only reason I tolerated them was because of Tali...yeah, I am that shallow.
Aren't today's quarians the kids who inherited all that BS and have never been able to grow up in the fresh and clean air. That seems like something to build up a lot of resentment over a couple of generations.
The younger Quarians grow up in a propaganda heavy and shitty environment. No wonder they want to kill all the Geth without asking questions.
Larekko12 said:
Aren't today's quarians the kids who inherited all that BS and have never been able to grow up in the fresh and clean air. That seems like something to build up a lot of resentment over a couple of generations.
I doubt it helps that their society seems to teach that all their problems are caused by the Geth, and I doubt Tali is the only one who had home problems because their parents were so consumed with the Geth.
Dragonhulk said:
When you have someone with a strong cowboy mentality like a Specter telling you your plan is insane it may be time to rexamine your decision making para-dime. In other words if the people just staying out of the nuthouse call you insane you probably are.
Maybe, but this is Spacebattles, no one has every accused us of being too sane for our own good.