Are You Afraid of the Dark? [Worm AU fanfic]

Danny just needs to kill a gang member (or 5) with a carrot.
Then all the references will be perfect.

John Wick and Shoot 'Em Up, all good.
Two things struck me as odd in this fic. The first thing is that it seems strange that the empire would target a white man as a demonstration for the newbies. There are sure to be a decent amount of black people still in BB and I feel like kaiser would be trying to appeal to the white demographic to make the empire seem like a much better alternative to the "foreign trash". Attacking their own people goes completely against their agenda.

The second thing is the people at mcdonalds actually caring what kind of weird ass orders they get. At the mcdonalds I worked at in high school, there was one guy who would come by and order 6 grilled chicken patties 3 times a week for his dogs, and orders with just the patty are not uncommon.

Great fic so far though! It'll be interesting to see how Danny and Taylor will interact, most fics kind of just push him to the side and ignore him.
So, Danny's gonna trash a dog fighting ring... Decent chance he could run into Bitch. Danny gets Bitch to turn his mark into a chew toy. Then, since Danny is fluent in both Power and Badass, gets Bitch to take him plus mark back to tattletale for a proper interrogation and recruit a friend to help him break the news of Chewie's demise at the hospital. The next day they rename Grue to Umbra and Danny takes the name Elysium and team


is born. Maybe just a temporary thing depending on how out of hand plan Kick Kaisers 'Kids' goes.
Wow, Ack your crossovers are so very awesome these days. I look forward to seeing how the Dark changes the dynamic of things.
Ve haf vays uf makink you auk.
I'm Ack. Auk is someone else.
Two things struck me as odd in this fic. The first thing is that it seems strange that the empire would target a white man as a demonstration for the newbies. There are sure to be a decent amount of black people still in BB and I feel like kaiser would be trying to appeal to the white demographic to make the empire seem like a much better alternative to the "foreign trash". Attacking their own people goes completely against their agenda.

The second thing is the people at mcdonalds actually caring what kind of weird ass orders they get. At the mcdonalds I worked at in high school, there was one guy who would come by and order 6 grilled chicken patties 3 times a week for his dogs, and orders with just the patty are not uncommon.

Great fic so far though! It'll be interesting to see how Danny and Taylor will interact, most fics kind of just push him to the side and ignore him.
They aren't going after Danny because of race, they're going after Danny because they're criminal assholes and he messed with them.

The girl was new. :p
I loved that film. I reckon coil is going to be the guy who runs the hotel continental equivalent.
Faultline is more probable. Coil is too much of a backstabber to keep such an outfit going for long before one of his simulations show that a betrayal would advance his position beyond short term consequences. Faultline on the other hand is completely neutral and a sticker for the rules, and she is used to the service industry as well.
Faultline is more probable. Coil is too much of a backstabber to keep such an outfit going for long before one of his simulations show that a betrayal would advance his position beyond short term consequences. Faultline on the other hand is completely neutral and a sticker for the rules, and she is used to the service industry as well.
I can see that, yeah.
Woo! Nice, Danny is a badass normal, he is Baba Yaga, The boogieman, or more correctly... hes the one you send to kill the fucking boogieman!

just watched the movie for the first time and the story got better and we now have a reason why Taylor has the nickname she does in the main story line as the queen of escalation. For their sake i hope the dog is alive and he recovers it just fine and they leave it at that for whoever he kills along the way. If it is dead and he follows through like john did in the movie then Danny is likely to get killed by the para-humans and Taylor will find out and then that is the end of the Empire. Skitter mostly went with the flow and was that scary, imagine her with a purpose.
just watched the movie for the first time and the story got better and we now have a reason why Taylor has the nickname she does in the main story line as the queen of escalation. For their sake i hope the dog is alive and he recovers it just fine and they leave it at that for whoever he kills along the way. If it is dead and he follows through like john did in the movie then Danny is likely to get killed by the para-humans and Taylor will find out and then that is the end of the Empire. Skitter mostly went with the flow and was that scary, imagine her with a purpose.
Now there's a fun thought: A Skitter that starts at 'Pulp the Empire' and goes up from there. Such a situation would end up with a purely villain Skitter, one made out of the worst nightmares of the Protectorate.
I wonder if Danny is going to take out the entire empire one member at a time just because they tried to mess with his family. Snipers everywhere, gang members falling everywhere, parahumans taken out at home. I'm getting some Godfather vibes now.
This pain train has no brakes.

God, if the Empire doesn't break apart from Danny, they will if Chewie dies and Taylor finds out. Skitter Claus is comiiiing to toooown~
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This pain train has no brakes.

God, if the Empire doesn't break apart from Danny, they will if Chewie dies and Taylor finds out. Skitter Claus is comiiiing to toooown~
The weather outside is frightful, Danny thinks its delightful.

No matter which way you go, Baba Yaga is coming for you!
Skitter knows when you are sleeping,
She sees you when you are awake.
She knows if you've been bad or good,
So be good for goodness sake.