Aramata Yandere (Competitive Game)

Done. Sorry for the inconvenience, uh, so. . . can we began the shenanigans immediately? Or is this more of introductory post for everyone at the start?

Ideally, you all would make a semi-introductory post for RP purposes and the roll there would be something mundane with a Get Item or Gain Clique that would be easy to work with and not require a lot of writing around.
So no going after the prize, itself, eh?

You can try, but I doubt highly you'd get more than a handful of Affection Points. Sempai might be intrested in romance, but c'mon. He lived in Caracas and Valencia. Those are real places, by the way- apply a little Google to the names, and you'll get a guess at some things and learn that flinging yourself at him like a romantic munition isn't going to work for shit.
You can try, but I doubt highly you'd get more than a handful of Affection Points. Sempai might be intrested in romance, but c'mon. He lived in Caracas and Valencia. Those are real places, by the way- apply a little Google to the names, and you'll get a guess at some things and learn that flinging yourself at him like a romantic munition isn't going to work for shit.

Not like, that. He's the new guy. I'm attempting to befriend not outright seduce (not at this time.)
Not like, that. He's the new guy. I'm attempting to befriend not outright seduce (not at this time.)

Okay, that makes more sense. You're still gonna want to make an Affection Points roll, which I'll atach and eddit to this post for a demo.

Edit 1: Ten successes, not bad. Let's see how much of that goes whiff.

Edit 2: Lost three dice. Darn. Time to roll Affection, then. Remember, only 5 and 6 count for Affection Points gained.

Edit 3: Holy shit, thank you based RNGesus. Six successes there, so I now have 6 Affection Points.
7734 threw 7 6-faced dice. Reason: Lust Total: 26
2 2 5 5 6 6 1 1 6 6 5 5 1 1
7734 threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Pride Total: 16
1 1 4 4 5 5 1 1 5 5
7734 threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Avarice Total: 19
3 3 6 6 6 6 4 4
7734 threw 7 6-faced dice. Reason: Wroth Total: 25
5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 1 1
7734 threw 7 6-faced dice. Reason: Affection Gained Total: 33
5 5 1 1 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 6 6
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Kek, I assume my only opportunity is to meet up with him is lunchtime? I somehow failed to notice him leaving via obvious car. D'oh. Aaaand I wanted to catch 'em depressed and shit.

Relevant stats? Or everything?

Edit: I think I done goof'd, it was supposed to be three stats and not dumps?
Murderhobo of Nod threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Lust Total: 19
6 6 3 3 3 3 1 1 6 6
Murderhobo of Nod threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Avarice Total: 9
5 5 1 1 1 1 2 2
Murderhobo of Nod threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Sloth Total: 1
1 1
Murderhobo of Nod threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Wroth Total: 17
3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6
Murderhobo of Nod threw 7 6-faced dice. Reason: Envy Total: 32
2 2 6 6 4 4 6 6 5 5 4 4 5 5
Murderhobo of Nod threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Pride Total: 3
3 3
Murderhobo of Nod threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Gluttonny Total: 23
6 6 6 6 1 1 6 6 4 4
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I'd love to get some clarification on the Clique rules, now that I think about it, mainly the method of gaining them.

Since the stated method (Roll more than half of a skill with that skill) actually only really counts a difference between odd and even skills, read as written, it would actually be easier for me to use my Gluttony Skill (4), than my Lust (5) or my Avarice (7) skill, since Lust I'd need to roll 60% (3) successes, Avarice I'd need ~57% (4) successes, but Gluttony I'd only need 50% (2). So ironically, using my lowest skill nets me the easiest time of it. This... seems faulty to me.

@7734, any clarification on this?
No shit, there I was, when senpai finally noticed me.

But, real talk, does the conversation go anywhere?

I'm thinking about it, but I'd need to slap in a narrative framing device. Ehhh... we'll see what other people post.

I'd love to get some clarification on the Clique rules, now that I think about it, mainly the method of gaining them.

Since the stated method (Roll more than half of a skill with that skill) actually only really counts a difference between odd and even skills, read as written, it would actually be easier for me to use my Gluttony Skill (4), than my Lust (5) or my Avarice (7) skill, since Lust I'd need to roll 60% (3) successes, Avarice I'd need ~57% (4) successes, but Gluttony I'd only need 50% (2). So ironically, using my lowest skill nets me the easiest time of it. This... seems faulty to me.

@7734, any clarification on this?

Minus the fat that for this you round down on odds (which I need to put in), you're right on the money. You also discovered why I made it a pick-stat roll instead of a set stat roll.
I'm thinking about it, but I'd need to slap in a narrative framing device. Ehhh... we'll see what other people post.

Minus the fat that for this you round down on odds (which I need to put in), you're right on the money. You also discovered why I made it a pick-stat roll instead of a set stat roll.

... That still makes Lust my best skill for this, and not Avarice, which makes sinking so many points into it feel a bit cheap. On top of that, anyone with a 1 in any of those stats just gets Clique whenever they want them, apparently. It doesn't really feel right from a mechanical or a narrative standing (Why would the rich girl have an easier time flirting for Clique than paying/calling in favours?) It actually makes LOWER stats have an easier time of it.

EDIT: If I may suggest an alternative system, rolling the amount of Clique members you have + 1 successes scales with more Clique, and eventually would require people to devote Clique to get more Clique, meaning after they get about half their start in Clique, getting more means less Clique actions for a reliable chance of success. Otherwise i simply should have put 1 into Greed and just spammed Clique, requiring 0 successes.
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. On top of that, anyone with a 1 in any of those stats just gets Clique whenever they want them, apparently. It doesn't really feel right from a mechanical or a narrative standing (Why would the rich girl have an easier time flirting for Clique than paying/calling in favours?) It actually makes LOWER stats have an easier time of it.

Well, now that you mention it I may want to write in the rules "No solo dice for Clique tests". As for Narrative Purposes, your Clique and your friends are mechanically different, but narrativly similar. Think of it this way- you're rich as sin, and people know that, so you're surrounded by toadies. But the natively important Clique members, though, alias your friends? You learned with them the hard way that when money talks people are not obligated to listen.

In other words, separate the story and mechanics a little. Its often necessary in a rules-light game like this.
In other words, separate the story and mechanics a little. Its often necessary in a rules-light game like t

I actually disagree on this point. Rules-lite systems need to integrate story and mechanics (I mean, all systems do, that's the point of having the mechanics. To help tell the story.) Plus, my character is literally built around the phrase Money Talks. So having that taken away from me right as I start makes me feel cheated.
later today, got some hw i need to clear up first
I actually disagree on this point. Rules-lite systems need to integrate story and mechanics (I mean, all systems do, that's the point of having the mechanics. To help tell the story.) Plus, my character is literally built around the phrase Money Talks. So having that taken away from me right as I start makes me feel cheated.

The idea behind the mechanic is that it doesn't matter what the stat you were using to roll for the Clique Growth roll. The reality is not matching up to the expectations because one, I am not a genius with math; and two, you are helping me playtest this. Things are not perfect, and at no point do I promise they will be.

That said, let me explain the math behind this. There are 6 total options on each dice. Three are successes, three are failures. We can model this as a 1:1 ratio, or even odds. Hell, we could be flipping coins right now, but that gets old fast. So, let's math this.

For your first dice roll, you have 50% odds of success.
For your second dice roll, you have 50% odds of success.
For your third dice roll, you have 50% odds of success.
For your fourth dice roll, you have 50% odds of success.
For your fifth dice roll, you have 50% odds of success.
For your sixth dice roll, you have 50% odds of success.
For your seventh dice roll, you have 50% odds of success.

Because I'm being nice and letting odd stat numbers roll down to the closest even half, you need three successes. Now, you're going to have to provide a solid bit of math backing your numbers up, because I spent a solid hour trying to figure out how you got your percentages and got dick-all for it. This is not me being mean and angry- this is me being legitimately confused here, because I need good numbers for this to work. If mine are bad, then I need to redo things. If yours are bad, then this can just get swept under the rug.

later today, got some hw i need to clear up first

Do what you need to do.
It's a straight 50-50 on even dice, but with odd dice the probability of success depends on the total number of dice rolled. Think of it as having the lower odd number, and then having a bonus die. So you get an additional 50% chance of adding one point to your roll, which is only significant if you would otherwise have failed by one. The odds of that situation occurring are dependent on how many dice are being rolled.

It doesn't make that much of a difference overall, but the perception of difference is everything.

I think @Luigilewis889 's suggestion is a step in the right direction. Not sure if it's what you want to go for, but better.

If you want a simple 50-50 every time then just make it a coin flip.