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The end has passed, and a storm looms over a broken world.

At its edge, a Captain who cannot fully plot her course plunges in regardless, hoping to find within the storm salvation, absolution, release. She begins to no longer care which comes to her first.

In the flashes of lightning, a Priest sees his gods, and hopes to draw them from beyond the clouds, down to the dying Earth he wishes to gift to them. Ascension, dominion, Unity. These are the prizes he seeks to win.

Against the rain, a Soldier and his family struggle, hoping to dispel the tempest, restore the world to what it once was, give it, and its people, a chance to be what they could be. Renewal, protection, healing. These are their missions.

And in the center of the storm, the man who is no longer a man, and the boy that never was, wait patiently, with eyes that see beyond the gales and the waves.

The storm looms, and the End is nigh. But what End?
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Chapter 1: From a Certain Point of View


Wanderer in the Worldsea
Somewhere in... Terminal Dogma? I think?

Chapter 1: From a Certain Point of View

You know, I don't think I've ever seen her this driven before.

When we were in college… ages ago now, she was light. Airy, almost, even when she'd gust you over by how much she talked.

Now, though, there's so much on her shoulders. It seems to have… pressed the light, all the air, out of her. Left only the side of her I'm sure was at the fore when she was in the SFG. Will it be what helps save us? Only time will tell. And I'm not sure how much of that we have left.

- From the personal journal of Koji Takao

Siberian Oblast Safe Zone, December 2027

Misato Katsuragi, bundled warmly in her scarlet coat against what chill there was left this far north, stood on top of her ship, the vast Autonomous Assault Ark Wunder, and watched two giants be made ready to reach for the stars, with the aid of some binoculars that she placed in front of eyes covered by dark shades.

It had taken a lot of scrounging about, much of it in what was formerly Russian territory, to find all of the necessary components to make her Idea work, some of them even having to be built from scratch, much to the chagrin of Tennison, such as the massive heat shields that would be covering the brilliant crimson Unit-02 and the rather eye-achingly pink Unit-08. But now, they were coming together on what would be the launch pad of their strike out into the edge of space, once the launch window was right. All in all… it would be 3 days before Unit-01, hopefully, was back on Earth, and able to power the Wunder.


She fought to suppress a shudder that had nothing to do with the cold as she recalled without willing it a moment almost a decade and a half old now, the Evangelion, clad in purple and glowing a hellish red, rising into the sky, unfurling terrible, familiar wings of light…

She shook her head as if to physically throw off the thoughts. The words she'd said that inevitably came with them. She almost succeeded, as she had every time. She had other, rather more urgent things to focus on now, anyway.

She pulled out a smartphone, a rather rare commodity in this day and age, dialed the number for the woman that oversaw the construction of these frankly dangerous constructs, and waited for her to answer as she felt the wind blow past her, putting on an earbud to ensure she could hear and be heard.

After a moment, the screen became filled with the face of Chief Engineer Esmeralda Tennison as she stepped away from what was likely directing one or more engineers on the ground, as it were. "Chief," she began, "talk to me. Where are we at in construction?"

Tennison shook her head on the screen as she looked around, descending from one of the massive rockets she was working on as she set about finding someplace quiet to answer her after silent moments. "So far, we're on schedule to hit the earliest launch window that Doctor Akagi has calculated." she began. "The heat shields have passed their physical stress tests, and all of the connection points for the Evas are of sufficient quality that we can be reasonably sure they won't shatter on us."

She sighed quietly. "Unit-02's special arm for this mission is also activating as it should. The tensile strength of the wire has been proven sufficiently for our needs, and the locking mechanisms of the projectiles are primed and ready. It should be completely ready for use within the next few hours or so."

She bobbed her head from side to side. "Other than that, there's been a few minor hiccups here and there, but nothing that can't be fixed quickly and securely once it's noticed."

"Good. And the new volunteers?" Misato asked.

Tennison stepped out of wherever she was and looked back out at the work with a rather impressed expression. "So far so good. Nobody's gotten injured more than a few scrapes and bruises that take them out for a few minutes. Aanderson and Suzuhara get to kick up their feet today, for the most part, the lucky souls. This is a surprisingly good batch of newbies."

She paused for a moment, her face twitching for a moment as she seemed to remember something. "Some of them, I should probably bring to your attention," Esmeralda said, a somewhat grim look dispelling her satisfaction and settling on her face as she began to make her way somewhere. "Not only because they're former NERV, which already raised enough eyebrows around here when they mentioned it. But they also claim to have worked on Unit-03."

A spike of instant, instinctual anger stabbed into Misato's heart before she yanked it out, taking a quiet, quick breath before she replied. "Alright then. That's rare in this day and age," she said levelly. "We'll probably have to keep them away from Asuka for a bit once she finds out, just in case. What are their names?"

A ways away from the Wunder's bow, Esmeralda Tennison, Ymris, got to a point where she could see where they were and searched for where the people she had mentioned were located with a gaze that no mere human, at least none that immediately surrounded her, could ever possess.

She found them over on Unit-08, securing one of the heat shields to the front of the Evangelion, the shield itself locking to the Unit with metal beams that secured it to the body. One of the new engineers, in particular, directed the people around him, seeming to have stirred everyone to order only she could match with his wisdom and knowledge of the Evangelion's strongest points of contact.

The man had long dirty blond hair pulled into a simple bun, and a beard covered the lower half of his face. It was a face that was familiar to her. Who the people were that were with him were less so, but even still, she had her ideas.

"I know the name of the ringleader of the bunch, at least. Daniel Theisman," she said to Misato, not saying how, exactly, she knew the name of the man that she had faced before. "I'll make sure to get the rest of their names later when I next talk to him."

"Make sure that you do," Misato replied. "I'll want to talk to them sooner rather than later."

- - -

3 Days Later

Daniel Theisman, along with several dozen other people, stood atop the bow of the Wunder, watching the twin launch pads intently as the time counted down until launch.

He looked intently at the launch point as the two pilots, one in a rather familiar Plugsuits, one in one that was certainly not, both in distinct helmets, disappeared into the depths of the demented Christmas tree-like construct that he'd had a hand in creating.

'Of course,' he thought with no small amount of amusement as he glanced to the side, 'it was a group effort, thanks to my newly minted engineer friends.'

His gaze landed on Eleanor on his left, holding his hand, of course, but it also landed on those few who he'd made part of his advance element over to his right. Of course, with the rather inescapable fact that they also existed in this Echo as well, some changes were necessary.

Who was, for the moment at least, Shawn Ishihara stroked a dark, full beard, looking out in wonder at the work that was, in some small part, from his hands as Daniel connected to Shinji Ikari's soul.

"So," he said across their link, the words never reaching the open air as he smiled wryly, "how did you enjoy your first actual day on the job?"

To his credit, Shawn barely blinked. "I'm certainly glad you thought ahead to run us through an engineering course as part of preparing our cover story. It certainly gives me a new appreciation for what you and your team did for us." Shinji replied.

He looked over at Anna Sanders, Asuka's nom de plume, with her rather shorter hair, now cut to the shoulder and bereft of her usual clips. "I'm sure the others are as well."

Daniel smiled slightly. "Well, Shawn," he said aloud, causing him to look over at him, "if nothing else, this is going to be a hell of a show."

A smile tugged at a corner of Shinji's mouth. "I don't doubt it." he chuckled in reply.

"Mr. Theisman." a calm, rather deep voice said from behind them.

Daniel looked back and saw a woman standing a little ways behind them, looking expectantly back at him. She was a little taller than him and had short black curly hair done up in an equally short tail to keep it out of the way. Like everyone else here, her uniform was hardly uniform, rugged pants with many pockets over similarly rugged boots, with a shirt that had a jacket over it with a brilliant blue scarf tied around her arm, the one constant on all of them. Around her waist was a well-worn tool belt filled with the implements of her apparent trade.

She looked at him intently with hazel eyes that glittered in the sun that were… familiar, somehow. The name on her jacket read 'Tennison'. She must have been Chief Tennison of engineering then. His superior.

"Can we have a moment?" she asked.

Daniel looked at a watch on his wrist. "Can we spare the moment until after liftoff, ma'am?" he asked. "I'd hate to not be able to see our handiwork do what it's supposed to do."

Tennison considered it for a moment, then shrugged, walking over to come to a stop behind him. "I don't see why not."

They watched as the minutes became seconds, a link to the bridge, likely through Koji Takao's radio, providing an ear towards the goings-on inside that hallowed space.

"Ignition checks complete. System diagnosis complete. Stage couplings secure. 30 seconds to ignition. All programs are verified and running. Increasing power to ACS thrusters. 10 seconds to ignition. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1… ignition."

As the last word was spoken, a booming, constant thunder filled the air, drowning out the cheers of the crew even as far away as they were, as 120 rockets of the first stage of the massive towers, 60 to an Eva, pounded their way into the sky, billows of smoke and fire obscuring the rockets before they emerged, angling towards the point where the floating tomb of Unit-01 hung in the sky. "Operation US has commenced." they barely heard First Lieutenant Hyuga say.

Now nearly deaf, the crowd simply watched the two rockets continue out of sight before Daniel turned to Tennison, glancing over at Eleanor as the crew members around them began to file back into the ship, eager to get to the rendezvous point. "I'll be back. Chief Tennison wants to talk to me for a moment."

Eleanor nodded. "Sounds good. See you in a bit."

Daniel and Tennison walked through the crowd back into the depths of the frankly massive ship, feeling it shift as it, and the fleet that went with it, got underway to move towards the rendezvous point. They walked through the corridors, Tennison turning into an empty rec room and shutting the door behind them.

As the two took a seat, Daniel nodded to Tennison. "So, Chief, what did you want to talk about?" he asked.

Tennison simply looked at him for a moment, seeming to study his face before she chuckled lightly and shook her head. "You didn't even change your name, let alone your face," she said softly, wonderingly.

Daniel blinked. "What are you talking about?" he asked slowly.

"Daniel," she replied, barely above a whisper, seeming to turn the name over in her mind. "Heretic. Fallen one."

Daniel blinked again, then his eyes widened. 'Oh, shit.'

"Ymris. If I'm not mistaken," he said, his guard now up as he connected his soul to Nynrya. "If she tries anything, take her head off. Quick and quiet."

"Yes." Ymris nodded. "I'm somewhat surprised you remember me."

"Where's everyone else, if I may be so bold?" Daniel said slowly, a low and dangerous tone to his voice now.

Daniel hesitated as she seemed to hesitate in turn, a conflicted expression crossing the woman's face for a moment. "Elsewhere." she finally admitted. "I am alone here."

Daniel blinked, taken aback. "Alone?" he said, almost incredulously. Then he paused for a moment, his expression softening. "How long?"

Ymris opened her mouth, then shut it again after a moment. "I shouldn't say." she finally replied, a bitterness tinging her voice.

Daniel nodded slowly. "That long, then?" he said softly. Slowly, he began to let his guard down, bringing his senses back from the Third Peak of amplification. "What about Tavis? Is he off… proselytizing or something?"

A glimmer of flame flickered in Ymris' eyes. "You think I'll tell you simply because I seem to have your sympathy?" she said almost incredulously. "You must be far more naive than I thought."

"I just…" Daniel said, sighing after a pause. "I'd just hate for him to go on a warpath towards me if he were here. Hurt the crew on his way to me. They don't deserve his wrath any more than they need the false god that he champions."

Ymris was silent for a moment, looking down to the side. "Then it's a good thing he's not anywhere in the fleet, then," she said quietly.

Daniel nodded. "That it is."

He looked at her with new eyes, studying her for a moment. "You care for them," he said. "The crew I've joined."

Ymris simply nodded silently, and Daniel smiled slightly. "I can tell how much you care for them, from how much good they seem to say about you. I hope to be able to care for them as much as you do someday."

Ymris looked back up at Daniel, a wondering look in her eyes as they regarded each other silently for a moment. "Do you really believe that caring for the crew and working for the Unity are antithetical to each other?"

Daniel sighed quietly. "Having seen what you're working towards from the inside?" he nodded slightly. "Yes."

Ymris sighed quietly, tears welling up in her eyes before one rolled down a cheek that was still somewhat grimy from their final preparations. "Then… my life is a lie," she whispered.

"Hardly," Daniel replied. "Your life is what is true to you. And it seems, up until now, one of those truths was that the Scions you've thrown your lot in with were doing good. That truth isn't gone. Hell, Receptor Jameson proves you were with the right leader. It's simply changed with your perspective."

"So," he said after a moment, "what are you going to do about it?"

Ymris looked at Daniel with no small amount of shock. "You're…" she finally chuckled softly as she wiped her tears away. "You have a way with words." she settled on.

Daniel's smile grew somewhat sad. "When you've lived as long as I have, there's plenty of places to find inspiration."

Daniel took a deep breath. "Anything else you need from me?" he said.

"Who are the people you're with from 'NERV's Boston branch'?" Ymris asked.

Daniel's smile shrunk. "Besides Eleanor, my wife, I'm with Shawn Ishihara, Anna Sanders, Rachel Andrews, and Ken Nelson."

Ymris' eyes narrowed. "And who are they, really?"

"I'll not say and spoil the surprise," Daniel replied. "Call it a balance for me not knowing where Tavis is."

Ymris' jaw clenched slightly before she sighed. "Fine. Misato's still going to want to meet you all regardless. Probably at the next meal time after the operation. That means you'll be eating with the command and bridge crews. I'll be there."

Daniel nodded as he stood. "Good to know."

As Ymris stood in turn, Daniel offered a hand, which she hesitantly shook after a moment. "I look forward to working under you," he said. "And if Tavis asks, I'm Dave Thomason."

"Alright," Ymris replied.

With that, they went their separate ways, and Daniel made sure he was alone before he put a hand to his face and sighed. 'My name. Of all the things to forget, it had to be my name, didn't it?'

"That is a rather grievous oversight,"
Nynrya replied. "And I'm hardly well versed in covert operations."

"That bad, huh?"
Daniel said as he made his way back to the shared bunk room he, Eleanor, and the kids had been assigned, one of the hundreds across the ship.

The others looked up expectantly at him, Eleanor first to fully notice his annoyance. "What is it?" she asked as he took a seat.

"Well, for one, someone recognized me from before we got on the Wunder," Daniel replied somewhat sullenly.

Asuka, their Asuka, tilted her head. "How could anyone do that? We only got here, what? A month, month and a half ago, this Echo's time?"

Shinji's eyes narrowed. "Unless…" he said uneasily.

Daniel nodded. "There's good news and bad news. The bad news is that it's Ymris of the Scions of Unity."

Everyone's eyes widened before Daniel put out a hand. "Now before everyone tests the limits of our noise dampeners, the good news is that… well, she seems more than a little conflicted over her loyalties."

"She has… gone native, I believe the term is?" Rei said, tilting her head slightly and letting the now rather longer brown hair slip off her shoulder as she regarded him with brown eyes.

Daniel nodded. "If not, then she's real close to it."

Kaworu nodded, blue eyes under brown hair glittering with thoughtfulness as he cupped a chin that was far more in line, like Rei's was, with a regular skin tone. "A good thing, too. She had proven to be a rather… slippery combatant in the past."

Daniel sighed quietly as he remembered the times he saw the glass of people's forms shattering. "Yeah."

He took a deep breath. "Other than that, I've got one more piece of news. We'll be meeting with Captain Katsuragi and the command and bridge crews at the next meal period after Operation US. It seems to be that saying we were former NERV has gotten her attention."

"After what we've seen of here," Asuka said somewhat wearily, "I'm somehow not surprised."

The Children collectively shuddered from the rather… bracing movie night they had undertaken just before arriving.

"How well is our cover story going to hold up under that sort of scrutiny?" Kaworu asked, his brow furrowed in concern. "For all our efforts to fly under the radar, as it were, we didn't elaborate much on the subject."

Daniel nodded as he looked at the rest of the people in the room. "I was thinking about that on the way back. I have an idea. But I'm going to need you all to trust me."

- - -

Dining Section, 10 Hours Later

Daniel took a deep breath as he and the others walked into one of the mess halls of the ship. The last several hours of retrieving both the Evas and Unit-01's tomb had been a matter of rushing and checking, making sure the tow ropes that would drag the coffin towards its destination in the Arctic were secure.

He, Eleanor, Shawn, Anna, Rachel, and Ken all took stock of the room. For all its power, both current and potential, that power had to be focused somewhere to be of great use to the ship and its crew.

And, for as state of the art as it might have seemed, it was clear this wasn't one of those places. It certainly had space for a good amount of the crew. What those crew members had to eat, as they'd come to find out, wasn't always the most appetizing.

Mostly it was scrounged-up MRE packets, a few out of date by an acceptable enough margin, supplemented with what little they could afford to take from the Safe Zones whenever they stopped by. It was a meager meal, by all means, but all had become used to eating as such. They were basically soldiers now, fighting to save the world. What was a little discomfort?

Now, though, they would continue past the several long tables that most ate at, empty along with the rest of the room, save for their current dinner party seated at a close grouping of round tables. 'All this for little old us?' Daniel mused.

"Daniel," Asuka said through a link between their souls as they approached the waiting tables, "I don't think I need to stress how stupid I think this idea is anymore."

"Thankfully, I seem to specialize in this sort of stupid,"
Daniel replied. "For right now, just trust me, enjoy your food, and roll with it, and we should be good."

"You and Misato both…"
Asuka trailed off, a grumbling tone to her words as they retrieved their food and sat down in the space available to them, right in front of Captain Katsuragi, Doctor Akagi, who they now knew was Ymris, and another person, likely the head of security, what with the plate carrier she wore even here in the mess hall.

"Captain," Daniel said as they began to eat. "Thank you for having us."

"You're welcome, Mr. Theisman," Katsuragi replied. "There seems to be far more we have in common than I expected."

Daniel nodded. "Indeed so. I recall you were in command of operations at HQ in Tokyo-3 while we were finishing up Unit-03. Right before we handed it off to you."

Daniel paused for a moment. "For what little it's worth, now, I'm sorry for what happened when it reached you. My condolences to the test pilot."

"Pilot Shikinami survived the encounter with the 9th Angel," Akagi said, the tone of her words almost clinical.

Daniel, along with the others, shuddered slightly. "With all due respect, ma'am… I'm not entirely sure how much better surviving what we saw was."

It was silent as they all remembered, one way or another, watching Unit-01, possessed by the Dummy Plug, tear apart the suddenly seemingly powerless Unit-03.

Then, Katsuragi shook her head slightly. "So, how long were you in NERV's Boston branch? What was your rank when you left?" she asked.

"I was a Captain, actually." Daniel chuckled, a slight smile on his face. It disappeared as he paused for a moment. "As for how long we were at NERV, about 15 years. Since its inception, nearly. But… we were connected to what would become NERV, and its masters, long before that."

All eyes were on them now, and Daniel could feel the anxiety of the others through his link with their souls, projecting calm surety as best he could. It was somewhat hard to do as Katsuragi narrowed her eyes. "And what does that mean, exactly?" she asked quietly.

Daniel opened his mouth for a moment, then shut it again as he shook his head slightly. "You likely wouldn't believe me if I told you. Those few people we have told the truth to never do in the beginning."

"Well, Daniel," Ymris said, "we've been living through what is basically the end of the world for the past decade and a half. At this rate, we'll likely believe whatever story you might have, however wild it is."

Daniel looked over at Ymris, a corner of his mouth twitching up as he shrugged. "Alright then."

He paused for a moment, taking a breath before sweeping his gaze around the tables. He had everyone's attention. Good. "My story, at least, begins with my birth in Mesquite, Texas in the year of our Lord 1914."

Stunned silence was broken by a snort, drawing all eyes to one Midori Kitakami, covering her face. "Okay, nice joke, but come on, when were you really born?" she asked, lowering her hand to reveal a slight, amused smile.

Daniel regarded the woman silently for a moment before looking back at the rather skeptical looking, and in one case outright shocked, faces of the people he sat with. "When World War 2 broke out and America joined the war, the nation was desperately looking for some way to accomplish missions no regular soldier could. Virology and tampering with viruses and other mutagens, in the public eye at least, were relatively new. Not so in whatever black ops lab the government was cooking in." he continued.

"I don't know how many iterations of what they would eventually inject into me the government project I was selected for went through, or how many other people came before me, but when they injected whatever decoction they did into me, it… changed me. Things were sharper, I could lift more, run faster, react more quickly than even some Olympic athletes."

"Once the 'wonder bug' bit me, they looked for whoever else it could bite. That's how the second wave of soldiers came into being." Daniel paused as he glanced to his sides at the kids. "And it started to not matter who they found. Men, women, either one would be able to go into combat. So, these kids are among those that came under my command as we shipped out to the Pacific of what was rapidly becoming a two-front war."

"Oh, come on." Shigeru Aoba finally said, shaking his head as he looked at the woman with the plate carrier. "Toph, surely you can call this bullshit, right?"

Daniel looked over at the woman with no small amount of surprise as Katsuragi nodded. "Yes, Chief Beifong. Is this man telling the truth?"

Toph scrutinized them with clear, hard green eyes, narrowed as she stared at Daniel silently for long moments. "Well, he certainly believes he's telling the truth if nothing else," she said as she leaned back and took a bite of her meal.

Daniel nodded. "We bounced around the island chains ahead of the rest of the Army and Marines, specifically targeting Unit 731 and its… monstrosities."

Daniel shook his head slightly, looking down at his platter. "I can still see some of the things that they did when I close my eyes long enough," he whispered.

He shook his head after a moment of silence before continuing. "After the war, it was found that we aged much slower. Something to do with the way our genes were altered or something."

Daniel sighed quietly. "So they kept us fighting. Into Korea. Several other operations that were very much off the books. Then Vietnam."

"That's where that connection with SEELE comes in," Daniel said quietly, pausing and he saw everyone grimace at the mention of the name. "During the back half of the war, scientists we'd never seen before made their way to our FOB, a location which was very much not known to anyone beyond our command staff, to give us a 'booster shot' of the mutagens that used a different 'carrier agent' than before."

Daniel took a deep breath. "The syringes they pulled out had this deep red stuff in it that smelled like drying blood."

Doctor Akagi's eyes widened slightly. "They used LCL as a base delivery system?" she said somewhat incredulously.

"I wouldn't find that out until decades later," Daniel replied. "Whatever that decoction was, it hurt like hell after we were injected with it. And I, along with everyone else, went to bed looking like we were in our late thirties… and waking up looking like we were in our early twenties. They chalked it up to a neat side effect of the LCL interacting with the mutagens and left it at that."

"We got even stronger, even faster," Daniel said. "Our bodies, joints and tendons mostly, were finally able to keep up with it too, so we could actually go all out with it."

"And that's what we'd do for the better part of the next 2 decades. Bounce from place to place around the world for God and country. Never aging. Considered dead on record because dying in Vietnam was a simpler explanation than… whatever the hell happened to us."

It was silent as a grave as the rest of the room took the story in. Then, Doctor Akagi leaned forward. "If you wouldn't mind…" she said slowly, an intent gleam in her eyes. "I'd like to run some tests on samples from your bodies…"

"Pause and clench. Shinji, maybe shake a little to sell what's next."

Doctor Akagi paused, taken aback as Daniel's expression grew cold. "We spent 5 of those 20 years I mentioned 'having our capabilities tested'. All the way to their limits. And while the physical scars are gone…"

Daniel paused as Shawn dropped the fork that was in his hand. "Sorry," he mumbled as he picked it up again and began to eat, the others following suit.

"The mental scars remain." Daniel continued. "I know you probably mean well, Doc. But we won't be guinea pigs again. Whenever we die, our secret dies with us."

It was silent again for a moment before Daniel sighed quietly. "Anyways, our last mission was a long op in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan in the '80s. We all knew it was a suicide mission. So we just did the best we could."

"Then, in '89, the Soviets pulled out. And we were still alive." Daniel shook his head in wonderment. "We had a chance to live… well, as normally as we possibly could. But someone seemed to have other plans for us."

"And that's when you went back to America, then?" Koji Takao asked, now thoroughly interested as he leaned towards them, Hideaki Tama looking away from the novel he read to look at them as well.

Daniel shook his head. "No. We got detoured by whoever our mysterious patron was to Japan. It was a good thing that half of us were half-Japanese from the West Coast. We worked security for one of the institutes here. It's where we met Professor Fuyutsuki and a few of his students. Along with one Doctor Katsuragi."

He watched as Misato Katsuragi's eyes went wide with genuine shock. "You knew my father?" she nearly whispered.

Daniel nodded. "Not very well. But he seemed decent enough. Certainly was friendly to us. It wasn't long before something happened in his life. He got this… hollow look in his eyes. Like he'd lost something dear to him without meaning to. Some days he'd walk in looking utterly driven. And then… there was one time he had this… manic hope in his eyes. It was that day when he'd told us about his expedition to the Antarctic."

He paused for a moment. "Then, we got to go and wave goodbye at the pier."

Daniel's eyes narrowed as he looked intently at Misato. "I think we might have even seen you."

"I don't remember ever seeing you," Misato replied as she stared at Daniel.

Daniel shrugged. "It was likely a blink and you miss it moment nearly 40 years ago. I honestly wouldn't remember it either."

Daniel paused for a moment before sighing. "Then, we got shipped back to America before Second Impact happened. We got hired into NERV and decided to go into engineering. We'd done enough destroying things, and we'd been instructed in field mechanics during all our soldiering. We were remarkably quick learners of the rest of the essentials, and we were our own engineering team by the time Unit-03 started construction."

Daniel nodded slightly. "We all know how that went, so I'll skip ahead. Third Impact was a real doozy. But we toughed it out, found a vehicle and some protective gear, and made it to the West Coast Safe Zone where you picked us up."

Daniel looked around. "Congratulations. You now know our life story," he said simply.

"I almost still can't believe it." Sumire Nagara said, shaking her head in wonderment.

"I wouldn't myself if I hadn't lived through it," Daniel replied. Then, he shook his head as he turned back to his largely forgotten meal. "Anyway, you all can do with that as you will. We'll just keep working with you all."

"Well, I'm sure Chief Tennison is grateful for the expertise," Akagi said.

Ymris nodded slightly. "I'm sure I'll put it to good use. Especially once we've reached our destination and have to crack into this monolith," she said, an almost unreadable expression on her face.

Daniel nodded in turn. "That's going to be an interesting challenge." he mused. "After all, isn't that the same stuff that used to make up the shielding over the Geofront? Tungsten-carbide reinforced steel?"

Ymris nodded. "We're going to need some really heavy equipment to punch through that. There's not much of that to go around though. So this is going to take time. A lot of it."

"How much time are we looking at?" Katsuragi asked, a serious tone to her voice.

"Sometime into next year, at least," Ymris replied with a shrug. "If we had more equipment, we could certainly make it faster."

"Then we'll send out parties to search for whatever equipment you need," Katsuragi said firmly. "We need to get the Wunder in the air as soon as possible."

The meal wrapped up soon after, and Daniel regarded Captain Katsuragi intently. "Thank you for letting us share this meal with you, Captain."

"Thank you for sharing your life's story. It's… well, quite a storied one." Katsuragi replied.

"That it is. I've learned a lot while living it." Daniel said as he cleaned up his platter. "For example. You live long enough, and you pay enough attention, and you start to realize people have awfully similar eyes. Not just in how they look, but what's inside them. What most people trust is hidden."

Daniel stood, and the rest of his group stood with him. As they walked away, he remained for a moment. "You have your father's eyes, Captain," he said softly.

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Misato to ponder what, exactly, he meant.

. . .

As he exited the mess hall, the others looked at him almost dumbstruck for a moment. "Did that just work?" Asuka said aloud after looking around to ensure that they were alone.

Daniel released a breath as they began to walk. "You know… I think it did, somehow."

Shinji shook his head in wonder. "No wonder you and Misato got along, then," he said quietly. "You may have had two wildly different kinds of crazy, but you still pulled it off somehow."

"I knew it."

The group, all jumping at once, turned to look back at Toph, who, it seemed, had followed them out. "So," she said in a rather accusatory tone as she approached them, "you're lying about the whole 'living for hundreds of years thing'? And that's just to start."

Daniel glanced at those around him for a moment before he stepped forward. "Well, to be honest, it was a bit of an understatement. You have quite the knack for figuring out lies."

"I come by it honestly," Toph replied almost acidly.

Daniel's expression became… impressed after a moment. "You must be a real rock star here then."

Toph blinked, then her eyes narrowed as she looked at Daniel. He could feel the others getting ready for something to cook off. But if he was right…

Toph's eyes widened, then she closed them and sighed before lightly punching Daniel's shoulder. "You know, it took me leaving my very universe to finally figure out what you meant by that," she said with a chuckle.

She opened her eyes again and saw the smile on Daniel's face. "Good to see you again, twinkle two," she said wryly.

"What, no 'Kin', now that you know my real name?" Daniel said, somewhat amazed that he could regard her eyes clearly.

"Come on. It's clear you were just being all mysterious and all that nonsense, even then." Toph shot back.

"So…" Kaworu said, and Daniel turned to look at him and see the look of utter puzzlement on his face, and on all of the others' faces as well, save for Eleanor. "May I ask what is going on? I'm unsure what kind of interaction this is."

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Toph Beifong," Daniel said, motioning for her to follow them as they walked back towards their pods. "Her and a few others are from another Echo over."

"I did mention they were looking for you," Eleanor said with a slight smile.

"Wait. When did you see us?" Toph asked Eleanor.

"Passing by on the Worldsea," Eleanor replied. "I just retraced your steps to find where you'd come from. Surprise, surprise, he had been there but gone."

"And we'd gone looking for him," Toph said, shaking her head slowly. "Funny how that works."

She looked at the kids again. "So… how close did we get to finding you?" she said quietly as they reached their bunk room.

"You managed to make it to the same World Engine as us," Daniel said. "Just different Echoes."

Toph looked at him, blinking in confusion. "What? I'm sorry, we're kind of new to this whole… beyond our world thing."

Daniel smiled slightly. "Don't worry. I think we have plenty of time to get you up to speed. It was good seeing you again."

"Wait till you see how everyone else reacts," Toph said with a scoff. "We're all gathered here on this ridiculously big flying boat. You can be sure everyone will want to see you in the next couple of days."

Toph nodded. "Well, I've got things to do. See you all later."

The group said their goodbyes, and Asuka looked over at Daniel. "So… what's their story?"

Daniel looked over at her and smiled as he opened the door. "Stay a while and listen, and I shall tell you a tale…"

- - -

Daniel found himself in an endless expanse of white. That he was cognizant of this fact was hardly a surprise to him. Lucid, or at least semi-lucid, dreaming was common for Interfacers.

He looked around himself, wondering for a moment what could be waiting for him tonight.

What he found was a familiar sight. It was himself, sitting on nothing. He wore his old Hollow Saint armor, the cape billowing in an unseen wind. He looked up at himself with a clean-shaven face, the mark upon his brow framed by short hair glowing with a golden light as it shifted from one shape to another, always a blade of some kind.

"Fascinating." the Image of him said. "You have changed much since we were last separated."

A feeling of unease began to grow in the pit of Daniel's stomach. "And why would you say that?" he asked, thankful that he could at least speak.

"Not only in your physical appearance." the Image continued regardless, standing up and regarding him intently. "But also in your mind. Our time together left seemingly indelible impressions, it appears."

Daniel felt a tightness in his chest. All his time after he had freed himself, the only way he had stayed sane was looking at the life he'd led, the person that he'd been, as overtly evil. Maniacal, almost, in his dedication to the Scion's cause. Something entirely apart from him. This was getting closer to… the truth.


Daniel turned, and blinked as he saw Nynrya, looking around herself, dressed in simple robes of brown and gold.

"Fascinating. The soul within our implement has become more outspoken."

Daniel felt a spike of fear stab through his now pounding heart as he came to the terrible conclusion. Nynrya simply looked past Daniel towards the Image, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Who are you?" she asked.

"A monster," Daniel said, his voice shaky.

"Hardly." the Image interjected. "I am Hamar'ramah, Guide of War, and foremost among my people."

Daniel looked back at him, desperately trying not to shake. "And what, exactly, are you doing here? I threw you into the Worldsea when I freed myself from you."

"Hardly. The realm of the Mind is no stranger to my passing." Hamar'ramah replied. "I simply bided my time there. The veil that separates this realm from the Mental is thin."

"You are…" Nynrya said in dawning horror.

"An abomination." Daniel spat. "Cobbled together and set loose on Reality."

"Again, hardly," Hamar'ramah replied with a quiet sigh. "We are pieces of Honor, bound together by the threads of the Greater Will and made strong by supping off of the darkest curses."

He paused for a moment as he regarded Daniel. "And yet, we also breed true. Would you call our progeny such?"

Daniel blinked. "I… I didn't know that."

"For all your knowledge, it seems there are still gaps," Hamar'ramah replied. "However, those gaps were not in any area that was useful, so I can hardly be made to complain."

"You did like to use my knowledge, didn't you?" Daniel said acidly. "Make me run your little 'simulations' for you. Even when they were real. Even when the numbers had actual people attached to them."

"And yet, you came to enjoy them, did you not?"

Daniel paused, his jaw clenching as Nynrya gasped, and he could feel the shock and horror coming from behind him. "Is that what you're here for? To remind me of the worst part of myself? Of how I numbed myself to the simulations and the violence and the death, not caring if they were real? Making myself complicit? Not caring enough to try and stop you before…"

He paused and found himself somehow heaving for breath. He could feel the eyes starting to open again, begin to weigh on his back. "Is that why you're here?" he finally managed to force out.

"No," Hamar'ramah replied. "I am here because I sense a champion awaits me here. Our previous connection simply favors you."

"No. No, I won't be your slave again. No!" Daniel shouted, clutching at his head. "Get out of my head! Get out! OUT!"

Daniel's eyes snapped open, and he gasped for breath. As he regained control of his body, he nearly bolted up in bed, stopping just in time to narrowly avoid hitting the bunk above him. His breath, as in the dream, was heaving. Closing his eyes, seeing the face that had once been his… it was out of the question.

He turned his body, and sat in the bunk with his body leaned over, his elbows on his knees and his hands in his face as he rubbed it for a moment. Getting out his clear-pad, he checked the time. 0337.

Daniel sighed quietly, rubbing his face once again.


He heard Eleanor's words, and felt the next ones die in her mouth as she established a connection—had it been broken in the night?—and climbed off her bunk and came to sit next to him. "He's… he's here?" he asked, no small amount of fear in her voice.

Daniel shuddered slightly as he nodded. "Yes," he whispered. "He is."

Eleanor put an arm around Daniel's shoulder, hugging him to her as he wept silently from the memories that poured back in.

. . .

Shinji, or Shawn as he had to remind himself he was supposed to be named here, stretched as best he could in the bunk, yawning cavernously as he got out. He looked up to his wife (his wife!) and jostled her slightly. "Wake up, Anna," he said quietly.

Asuka moaned and grumbled wordlessly as she took Shinji's hand, then brushed her lips across his fingertips. "S' a stupid name." she finally said, and Shinji couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Yeah, well… I guess we'd better get used to it." he chuckled softly.

Then he blinked, looking over at Daniel and Eleanor's bunks, weren't they usually…

He found the both of them slumped together, asleep and leaning against the back wall of Daniel's bunk.

"Uh…" Shinji said uncertainly as the others began to stir and make themselves ready.

Daniel's eyes flickered open, red and puffy and… tired in a way that Shinji wasn't sure he had ever seen before. Eleanor's eyes fluttered open only moments later.

"Mornin', Sh…awn," Daniel said as he leaned forward, rubbing his eyes before he stood.

"Daniel?" Shinji said almost incredulously. "Is… something wrong?"

"Yes," he said frankly, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "But right now, we can't deal with it. I'll explain later."

He took a deep breath, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head. "Now, I hope you all are ready to don your protective gear. We get to start cutting open the tomb of Unit-01."

"Start, perhaps," Rei said as she slipped on the jacket and tied the bright blue handkerchief around her left arm. "I feel this is a process we shall soon become familiar with, however."

"Yep," Eleanor said as she finally stood and stretched. "Of course, there's no reason we can't speed it up a little." she looked pointedly at Asuka, who grinned at the prospect.

"Not too much, though." Daniel cautioned. "No need to draw more undue attention than we already have."

Kaworu nodded. "I suspect that may take just as much work as the tomb will." he sighed quietly.

"Chin up," Daniel said, a slight smile growing on his face. "We don't need to disassemble the whole thing. Just open it up and slip the Eva out. It can't take that long, can it?"

- - -

4 Weeks Later, February 2028

Ymris stepped back as she helped fix the final connection to Unit-01's body, motioning the other technicians and engineers to do so as well.

Within the walls of the massive engineering deck, the Evangelion, encased as it was still loomed large over the whole space. Several levels alone were dedicated to the box that the rogue Evangelion would reside within, linked to the scavenged S2​ Engines of the Mark.04As that they'd installed in place of the ones that Unit-08's aiding in their escape had burned out.

There was quite a crowd still around her, of course. Daniel Theisman had risen quickly to become something akin to her second in command, often delegating tasks and groups to him so that she could extend some portion of her organization over to them.

Behind them were Captain Katsuragi, Doctor Akagi, Major Ibuki of Evangelion deployments, and several others of the senior crew. Standing close to the Captain's side, even, were the Evangelion pilots who had gone to such effort to retrieve the thing in the first place, Asuka Shikinami Langley looking up at the purple giant with an eye that looked, for the most part, bored, but that swirled with a hidden anxiety. Mari Makinami, for the most part, just looked excited to actually get a look at the thing, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen," she said, "let's go ahead and run the diagnostics on this, see if it'll work once we turn it on."

Daniel nodded as he and the others stepped towards the computers to begin a test activation process. Even if he hadn't seen the moment before, he could feel this was it. The moment when Shinji Ikari would come back to the world he'd had a hand in making.

He glanced up at the looming presence of Unit-01, his Sight showing three souls within the core. As expected.

He blinked the Sight off as he dove into his work, looking to the sides every once in a while to see his kids working as well.

He smiled slightly. They were doing better than he was expecting. Which was saying something.

As the S2​ Engines within the bay began to glow with power, Daniel looked back up at Unit-01 as he finished his part of the process, the Sight flickering back on as he watched one of the souls within it stirring. It was almost time, now.

Suddenly, an idea came to him, and he looked around himself to ensure that all eyes were on the Eva. It was a quick look, considering the situation.

So, he focused, his soul diving into the core of Unit-01.

He found himself in the midst of a prismatic landscape, the colors shifting like waves on the ocean. As he got his bearings, he caught sight of Shinji, this world's Shinji, turned away from him and slowly drifting off, his pace increasing as he raced for the horizon.

What had set Shinji on his present course, Daniel must have missed. What he didn't miss, however, was the sight of Rei, her hair, now ridiculously long compared to when she was when she entered, draped over the Entry Plug controls she sat in, looking out at Shinji as he went.

"Ms. Ayanami," Daniel said, watching as Rei turned to look at him, the closest word he could put to the expression on her face, muted though it was, being surprise.

"I do not know you," she said, matter-of-factly.

"You wouldn't," Daniel replied with a shrug. "The world has changed since Shinji drew you in here 14 years ago."

Rei blinked. "That is… quite a long time," she said slowly.

"It is." Daniel paused. "But some things have stayed the same. Frankly, some things have gotten worse. Shinji will emerge into a world that bears no small amount of resentment, even anger towards him for his hand in its making. The other Evangelion pilots will be locked away, weapons in a war against a fallen NERV."

Daniel paused for a moment. "They could use your help. Your presence. For Shinji, it would mean he didn't nearly end the world for nothing. For Asuka, it would mean someone else that understands her. For Mari… well, I just think she would be happy to have a new friend."

Rei looked down. "I do not believe I have the social skills to be what you say," she said quietly.

"Maybe not yet. But you were getting there 14 years ago. There's no better reason to restart your learning than this." Daniel said with conviction.

Rei looked back up at Daniel, her head tilted slightly. "You are…" she trailed off, searching for a word for what she saw in the thoroughly odd man before her.

"Optimistic?" Daniel said with a slight smile. "I have my reasons to be so."

He paused for a moment. "Would you be willing to go? The last thing I want to do is force you into this. You, out of all the people here, deserve the chance to choose, and not simply be ordered."

Rei's eyes widened a fraction as she took in what Daniel had said. She was silent for a heartbeat. For another.

Then, she nodded. "Very well. I will enter the world. For the sake of my friends. For Shinji's sake."

Daniel's smile widened slightly as he watched Rei float out of her seat. "Good. I'll see you out there. I can't guarantee you'll remember this. But if you do… seek me out. I'll do my best to help all of you."

With that, he pulled his soul o
ut of the core, just as alarms began to go off, the screens flashing warning messages.

Doctor Akagi stepped to one of the consoles, her lab coat flaring dramatically behind her as she studied what the system was in such a panic about.

Her eyes widened after a moment. "Impossible…" she said quietly. Then she shook her head. "We have two biosignatures in Unit-01's Entry Plug!"

Daniel wasted no time as Ymris looked at him. "Anna, Ken, come help me get whoever's in there out! Eleanor, go grab some towels."

Anna and Ken nodded as they followed him up the ladder that led up to the platform that ran behind the Eva's neck, racing around Unit-01 as they watched the Plug eject from Doctor Akagi's ministrations, coming to rest in the center of a circular gantry a pilot could step out onto.

"The LCL in the Plug is draining," Akagi said through the radios they carried, the trio hearing the gurgling as they reached the Plug itself. "You'll be able to open the Plug in 15 seconds."

Those 15 seconds seemed to stretch into an unbearably long period, the air now filled with the susurrus of the rest of those within the engineering bay muttering before the gurgling ceased.

Daniel stepped forward, grabbing the handles of the emergency hatch and twisting them with an almost contemptuous ease, the door swinging open to reveal a dark interior.

"Flashlights," he said through a link to Asuka and Kaworu's souls, the two behind him clicking on the torches attached to their belts to make twin cuts of light through the shadowed interior.

Within, they found the slowly, slightly moving forms of the young Shinji and Rei, on top of each other and completely nude.

Asuka sighed quietly behind him. "Why can't these things ever naturally toss you out of their cores with some clothes?" she muttered as she rolled her eyes.

Daniel didn't answer as he took off his jacket, throwing it on top of Rei's limp form before putting his arms under her, gently lifting the girl out of the Plug and setting her down on the gantry.

"Asuka, your jacket," he said as he did a quick check of Rei's vitals. "Kaworu, go tell the others that we're going to need stretchers."

Kaworu nodded before turning and running off as Asuka slipped off her jacket. "Getting Rei out was you, wasn't it?" she asked quietly.

Daniel nodded wordlessly as he took the proffered jacket and covered Shinji's nakedness.

"Good," Asuka said as Daniel hoisted Shinji out of the Plug. "Wondergirl doesn't deserve to get stuck in there."

Daniel nodded again, looking over as Eleanor approached with some towels. "No," he said quietly. "No one does."

Eleanor handed Daniel a towel, and he began to wrap up Rei, getting her prodigious amount of hair out of the way.

"Wow," she said wonderingly as she shook her head slowly. "It's a good thing I decided to bring an extra towel."

"I know, right?" Asuka said as Daniel took the second towel to wrap up the young Rei's hair. "I hope our Rei isn't planning on going that long."

Daniel continued in silence as he took the third towel, beginning to wrap Shinji. Then, the boy stirred, moaning quietly as he cracked open his eyes slightly. "Whuh…"

Daniel put a hand on the boy's shoulder as he looked into his eyes. "Hello? Can you tell me who you are?" he said, as slowly and clearly as he could over the noise that was present in the bay.

The boy's brow furrowed slightly as he slowly shook his head. "Shinji… Ikari…"

"Good," Daniel replied with a smile. "Do you know what year it is?"

"20… 14?" was the clearly uncertain reply.

Daniel let out a long breath as his eyes widened for a moment. "Okay. We've got some catching up to do, clearly. Right now, though, let's just make sure you don't need any immediate medical help."

The boy's eyes opened wider, a drowsy haze covering them as he tried to get up. "But… Rei-"

"Is fine," Daniel interjected as he put a staying hand on the younger Shinji's chest. "Right now… just rest. Don't strain yourself. Breathe deep."

The boy, to his credit, lowered himself back to the gantry floor, taking deep breaths.

"Good man," Daniel said softly, connecting his soul to the younger Shinji's Frames to put him into a quiet sleep.

"Is this them?"

Daniel and the others looked towards the voice behind them, finding two women behind them, stretchers in hand, nodding as he did. "Yes, it is," he said as he took stock of the duo.

One was a younger Japanese woman, with brown hair under a beret that sat above brown eyes set within a sharp, defined face, wearing a brown shirt and black pants over white shoes, with a white apron over top of the shirt and a blue bandana around her neck capping off the affair.

The other woman was maybe only a little older, black, long hair flowing behind deeply tanned skin with two prominent loops framing a somewhat rounded face with deep blue eyes. She wore a white lab coat over a deep blue shirt with a pocket lined with pens and blue jeans, a necklace with an eye-catching pattern swirled into a glass disk around her neck.

The woman in the lab coat looked over at her companion. "Go and make sure that our descent mechanism is secure, Sakura. I'll run a quick check-up on these kids."

Sakura nodded. "Yes, Ms. Aanderson," she replied, waving to the trio with a slight smile as she set her stretcher down before she turned and walked back towards the ladder up.

As she passed out of sight, Ms. Aanderson, as Sakura had called her, looked intently at Daniel as she knelt next to him. "So… Daniel," she said slowly.

Daniel looked back at Ms. Aanderson for a moment before slowly smiling. "You know, Katara, I'd be surprised if you were anywhere else but in medical." he chuckled.

Katara smiled in turn and put an arm over Daniel's shoulder. "You know, Kin, I think you look better without the beard. I hardly recognized my big brother," she said with a slight smile.

"Oh, so the whole 'big brother' thing has a lot more history than I thought." Asuka said with a wry smile. "Makes sense."

Katara looked up at Asuka, her eyes narrowing for a moment. "Wait a minute… are you…"

"Yes, she is," Daniel interjected, "but that's a secret right now, Ms. Kiana Aanderson. As to why is a long, complicated explanation I'd rather do with everyone present."

Katara nodded slowly as she looked back down at the younger Shinji. "Alright. I'll take your word for it for now. Is there anything wrong with these kids that your spirit vision can see?"

Daniel shook his head. "Nothing more than some mental fatigue, but-"

"What's this?"

Daniel and Katara looked up at Eleanor as she leaned into the Entry Plug, emerging with a grey brick with a pair of headphones wrapped around it, dripping LCL.

"It's his SDAT player," Daniel replied.

"That's right," Kaworu said quietly. "Rei took it into battle when Ze- the 10th Angel consumed her."

Both Children suppressed a shudder at the memory as Katara looked at Daniel quizzically. "Where did you find them?" she asked.

"A few worlds over. I'll explain when we all get together," he replied. "Right now, though…"

He paused as he looked down at the young Shinji. "I feel like we're going to have a lot on our hands soon."
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Already it is going differently compared to canon. I can only hope it changes for the better. Daniels past demons are back. Hopefully his friends can help him with that. Have the 4 pilots from the echo we know seen all four Rebuild films?
It can be very safely assumed so. Of course, a lot can happen on a 2-month journey between Echoes, but we'll get there when we get there. I want to get a few chapters out of the way before introducing the fic's overarching side story.
Chapter 2: On Wings and Strings of Light

Chapter 2: On Wings and Strings of Light

I can't help but be reminded, every time I get behind the controls of this thing, of when my father used to take us out sailing on the red ocean and let little old me get behind the wheel. "The sea may be a different color from when I started to steer," he said one time, "but the way the sea works remains the same. You have to work with the wind, and trust yourself once you know what you're doing."

I doubt he'd be able to say that of the vessel I'm going to be at the helm of for only a few months now. Simply learning how this maneuvers in two dimensions was complex enough. When we finally lift this into the air…

Even still, he'd tell me to trust myself. In this world… that seems to be the only sure thing. Everyone else…

- From the personal journal of Sumire Nagara

The Arctic, January 30th, 2028

The young Shinji Ikari's eyes snapped open as he took a quick breath, feeling like he was waking from a dream… or a nightmare.

He was in an enclosed space, a deep red light suffusing the almost coffin-like, suffocating box he was situated in. He thought he had a window, but it seemed to be tinged red as well. The space smelled like grease and machinery, almost clogging his nose with the stench as he heard a quiet, steady thrum.

"He… hello?" he said, looking around himself. It was all he could really do. There was no space to move, to reach out or stretch his legs, or… was there something around his neck?

"Hello?" he said again, louder this time. As the word finished ringing in his ears, the thrum built in intensity.

"Hold still." a cool, almost cold voice said. "This won't take long."

Shinji froze as the thrum continued to climb, starting to become a whir that drilled into his very bones. The voice sounded… familiar, somehow. But…

He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to remember. After saving Ayanami, after drifting off, there was… something. Something that had felt cold and hard against his back after so long without. And… something, someone, warm. Kind. It felt so… strange, after everything that had happened.

The whir settled back down to the quiet thrumming that it had been, and, it seemed at least, Shinji was left to his own devices again.

Time was nearly meaningless in the coffin. Eventually, whether it was his own tiredness or something else, he slowly drifted to sleep.

He slowly came to again as he felt the pull of movement, hearing the clattering of gurney wheels in an echoing hallway. A familiar sound. One that went with a familiar face. 'Where is Ayanami? Where am I?'

He heard voices surrounding him. Unfamiliar ones that went with the unfamiliar ceiling, along with what he thought were the barrels of guns flashing into and out of the corners of his vision.

"No tremors in the extremities."

"Eye movements are normal."

"EKG reading is within an acceptable range."

Then, a young woman, with brown hair and blue eyes, leaned over to look at him. "Do you understand what I'm saying to you?" she asked, the professionalism in her voice tinged with… concern.

"Yes?" he said uncertainly.

"Good. He's responsive." another woman's voice, a little older, said as the woman went out of sight before it paused for a moment. "What's the last thing you remember?" the voice asked.

Shinji's brow furrowed slightly. "Saving Ayanami," he replied. "Where is she?"

"She's safe." the voice replied, and Shinji heaved a sigh of relief as she continued speaking to… someone. "His memories do seem to have continuity."

The voices paused as a hand put a mirror in front of his face, and he saw the black band around his neck, a square of red right under his Adam's apple. "Do you recognize this face?" the woman's voice asked again.

"Uh… yes? That's me." Shinji said slowly.

The mirror retreated. "He's self-aware as well." the woman from before said. "Ma'am, for all intents and purposes, this is Shinji Ikari."

'What is this thing?' Shinji wondered. The collar around his neck, beyond simply physically resting around his neck, felt like… a noose, almost.

They passed through a set of doors, slowing to a stop. "Ma'am," a gruffer man's voice said, "the boy is in your custody now."

"Understood. Remove his restraints."

Shinji's eyes went wide as he heard the voice that said that, achingly familiar and yet… so cold. "You may go now."

He looked behind him, somewhat shocked to see four men in combat armor and carrying rifles walking out of the room. The two who remained were the two women who seemed to have spoken to him. But for now, all he gave them was a glance as his eyes swept the room around him.

It was an almost circular space, the wall in front of the room dotted regularly with windows into a view that was tinted red. In the center of the room, a platform on a diagonal rail took up most of its space, and several smaller platforms connected to it with metal struts branched out from it. As he entered, callouts and reports washed over him like a wave of words. The words slowly grew silent as he came into view.

On the platform and branches were several people he didn't recognize. And one who, regardless of her appearance, he did. "Ms. Misato?"

The woman who looked down on him, her eyes covered by dark purple shades, said nothing for a moment. "And you say that he's Shinji Ikari?" she asked… someone.

"Yes, ma'am." one of the women, the somewhat older one of the pair as Shinji looked back at them, said. "As far as we can tell, this is the same Shinji Ikari that entered the core of Unit-01 14 years ago."

Shinji blinked, then his eyes went wide. "What?" he said numbly. He looked back up at Misato. "What's going on?"

Misato simply turned to the woman beside her, a woman Shinji now realized was Doctor Akagi, her hair now cut almost boyishly short. "And the DSS Choker is activated?" Misato asked.

Doctor Akagi nodded as she handed something to Misato. "Yes. The collar has been linked to the controller, and encoded to your personal password."

Misato nodded silently as Shinji continued to look around in increasing desperation. "Ms. Misato… what's going on? Where's Ayanami? Where's Unit-01?"

He reached up towards the collar, a move that made Doctor Akagi visibly tense as he struggled with it somewhat. "What is this thing?" he said, beginning to breathe heavily. "Can I take it off?"

"That choker is never coming off," Misato said, a hard edge to her voice that Shinji had never heard before making him stop in his tracks as he looked up at her.

The two regarded each other silently, and Shinji wished he could see behind the glasses Misato wore. Something he wished he could have done with… his father.

Misato then turned away. "We're done here. Take him into quarantine."

Before Shinji could protest, several alarms went off on one of the consoles. "We've lost Tripwires 1, 5, 18, and 35." a woman's voice said from one of the floating chairs. "We're picking up a Pattern."

A pause. "What is this one again…"

Another voice, older, a little harsher now, but one Shinji distantly recognized, rang out. "It's a Pattern Blue!"

The voice continued. "Targets have been identified. It's the Mark.04C. Codename: Nemesis Series. No readings on their core blocks, so they're likely using stealth sheathes."

"They're caging us in from all sides." Doctor Akagi said. "They want to make sure we don't activate the ship."

"They should know we're going to anyway," Misato replied. "I want priority placed on main engine activation and crew boarding procedures. Everything else can come after."

"All hands, Battle Stations level 2!" Misato said authoritatively. "Target lock the Nemesis Marks as soon as you can."

Again, a flurry of callouts rose from the people in the seats, ones that washed over him with how utterly meaningless it felt to his understanding, what little of it there was, as a deep, powerful thrum of energy pulsed through the floor and walls like a slow heartbeat. "Securing bulkheads!"

"Integrating weapon defense systems, main guns coming online."

"Power flow nominal. Links to Engineering Bay are green across the board."

"Fleet is at full readiness, Captain."

As the chatter ebbed on the bridge, one of the women with him, the younger one, stowing away the gurney he rolled in on, stretched as she looked at him. "Going right now is probably dangerous. We should probably stay here."

"After all," the young lady continued, "this is probably the safest place to be during battle stations."

"Close, Ms. Suzuhara. You're in the same room, at least. That honor goes to the Hirnstamm module here." a voice said from the far side of the bridge assembly.

Shinji blinked. That voice was familiar too… somehow. Shinji walked forward, revealing that there were six arms flanking up and away from a central seventh, the left seat nearest the center of which held…

Shinji narrowed his eyes at the man that looked back at him. "Have I… seen you before?" he asked slowly.

The man smiled slightly. "Briefly, after we extracted you and Ms. Ayanami from the core of Unit-01."

Shinji's eyes widened in shock as the man paused, listening to a headset for a moment before looking over at Misato. "Roger. Captain, Unit-02 has been deployed to cover the Engineering Bay. Unit-08 will be following shortly after it's finished refitting. Their diagnostics are showing up clearly on my screens."

"Good." Doctor Akagi replied. "Protecting Unit-01 is our top priority."

Shinji's eyes widened still further as he looked out the window, watching the familiar form of Unit-02 float past. 'Thank goodness. Asuka's okay.' he thought with no small amount of relief, releasing a quiet sigh.

"Unit-01?" he said quietly as he looked back up at the bridge. "Ms. Misato, is Unit-01 ready? I can go out and help!"

Before anyone could reply, a powerful boom rippled through the ship's structure. "Pillars of Light, ma'am!" one of the bridge crew, a woman with terribly pink hair, shouted. "At our compass points!"

"Captain," Doctor Akagi said, a slight concern in her tone, "I'm not sure we'll be able to activate the ship in time before these Nemesis Marks are on top of us. I recommend we make a hole by targeting one of these Pillars and scattering the fleet."

"Not an option," Misato replied. "We have to get airborne. Otherwise, everything leading up to this point will have been for nothing."

"What about me, Misato?" Shinji asked almost desperately, drawing all eyes to him. "I could get in Unit-01 and go help Asuka, couldn't I? What can I do?"

Nearly everyone in the room tensed as he said this, and more than a few almost angry glares were tossed his way. But Misato finally looked at him, her lips pressed into a thin line as she took off her glasses, her eyes cold and almost… condemning. "You will do nothing, Shinji Ikari," she said, and the words plunged into Shinji's heart like a dagger.

The man who had spoken to him before dispelled the brief silence that followed. "Unit-01 is what's powering the ship, kiddo. It's what's hopefully going to allow us to get airborne. So right now, all you need to do is sit tight and enjoy the show until we get to safety."

He paused for a moment. "Maybe you could even be here on the bridge and have front row seats if you keep out of the way and let us work."

"And…" he paused for a moment as he looked up at Misato. "If the Captain allows it."

Shinji looked back at Misato, catching her jaw clenching as she regarded the man for a silent moment, then looked over at Shinji. Shinji couldn't decipher what she was thinking, her face level even as he watched her jaw unclench. "Very well, Mr. Theisman." she finally said, looking back out towards the windows as she put her glasses back on. "Ms. Aanderson, Ms. Suzuhara, remain on the bridge until we stand down from battle stations."

The name of the second woman finally clicked for Shinji as he looked over at her incredulously. "Suzuhara? Are you related to Toji?"

"Yes." Ms. Suzuhara said. "Go! I'll explain later."

Shinji nodded, scrabbling up the ladders and platforms as Misato looked back out over the bridge. "Battle Stations level 1! Activate the Hirnstamm as soon as Ikari's on the bridge."

Shinji made it to the platform that Misato and Doctor Akagi stood on just before it began moving, several displays and control boards folding out of the platform as it slowly moved up the track away from Ms. Suzuhara and Ms. Aanderson.

Once again, the bridge was a flurry of activity as a dome, like the petals of a massive flower, closed in on them, and a faint tinge of dried blood began to waft in.

"LCL Gas is at nominal density." one of the men on the bridge said.

"Initiate startup sequence," Misato replied.

The interior, striped with twin crimson warning bars, flashed with a brilliant, prismatic light, flashing through colors until a white circle wiped away the color and left only blackness for a large program window to appear.

"Starting integrated processor systems. No problems with initial contact with the Achiral System."

"All personnel on board, ma'am."

"Bulkheads confirmed secure."

"Gyrocompass coming online. S2​ Engines confirmed online. Starting gravity nullification process."

On and on the words rushed over Shinji's head as he watched the people below them working almost frantically.

"Tennison reports 75% power generation achieved. Liftoff in 5 minutes."

"Main monitor coming online."

The view finally flashed to one that showed a cold, white line, starting at the edge of a fleet of ships and stretching into the horizon, the ocean below a familiar red of LCL. In the distance, pillars of baleful, flame-like light, like the erupting of half a dozen volcanoes, spread before their forward view.

"Targets are still on approach." the pink-haired woman said.

"Unit-08 is now on standby with Unit-02." Mr. Theisman said. "AT Fields are reading at maximum intensity."

Then, in front of them, near the tops of the pillars, the lights distended, like opening eyes, a staring, almost evil orb in their centers. More and more eyes opened up upon the surfaces of the pillars, the tops growing in height to allow for more.

"Pillars are changing rapidly!" one of the men on the bridge, one with long black hair, said as the pillars grew branch-like arms, connecting to their companions to form a true cage.

Their energy is also increasing rapidly!" the woman with the pink hair rejoined.

"Allied destroyer has been vaporized!" the long-haired man called out.

Regardless, Misato watched the pillars creeping ever closer, silently waiting for some moment only she seemed to be able to see. Shinji glanced between her and the screen, waiting for her to pull out whatever miracle she always seemed to be able to take out of nowhere.

"I'm getting new signatures on the outside of the Pillar's perimeter!"

All eyes were drawn to the pink-haired woman as she scanned the screen in front of her. "4 of them, situated at the cardinal directions around the fleet. System is reading a Pattern… Near-Blue?" she said, her head tilting in confusion.

"Can we get any visual contact on them?" Doctor Akagi asked, her brow furrowed in stark confusion.

"Establishing visual feeds now." one of the men on the branches, the one with short hair and glasses, said, four screens appearing before all of them in short order, showing something… impossible.

"Are those…" Shinji said quietly, his eyes as wide as everyone else's were. "Evangelions?"

They certainly looked like them, for the most part. All were the same lanky, whipcord-like build, many of the pieces of armor looking much the same but… the similarities seemed to end there. Their pylons either glowed with AT Fields or seemed to be composed completely of them, and none of the Evas were in any way recognizable to Shinji.

One of them was an almost brilliant white, nearly blending in with the snow and standing stark against the blue sky. On its helmet, two birdlike wings swooped away from its brow, forming a crescent. Another was blue on blue, deep navy offset by a near cyan, the Eva's head crested with a wicked, blade-like fin. Another was, perhaps, the most ostentatious of the lot, gleaming like a brilliant golden flame, devilish horns sweeping over its head.

And the last one, directly in front of them, was a white and gold affair, streaked in blue, the pattern of the colors giving it a regal bearing. Two wings on the sides of its helmet swept up like stylized raptor wings, the broad, patterned profiles showing briefly as it looked around itself.

They wasted no time getting to work, the golden one's arms becoming encased in frost as it spread them wide, a deep crackling, rippling sound echoing out from all around them.

"What's going on?" Misato asked.

"Sonar is picking up a massive buildup of… what I'm guessing is ice all around us." the woman at the sensor station replied.

Shinji's eyes widened, and he looked up at Doctor Akagi to see she had similarly wide eyes. "The amount of power that they'd need to flash freeze all of that…" she said quietly.

Then, a quiet gasp went up around them as the cages seemed to grow darker and darker, all light and color seeming to fade away, the 'eyes' in the cage looking around wildly as they wailed. Their screens showed that the white Evangelion-like Unit had its arms stretched out towards the cage, the light of the cage seeming to be flowing across its forearms.

Then, as the last of the color drained away, the Eva lookalike clenched its fists as a circle of lights appeared between them, similar points of brilliant white light flashing into existence at the top of the cage before tearing down the main bars, shredding them as they tore into the ice with a series of mighty cracks, dull roars tearing out from under the ice.

"The cage has been dispersed! We're getting locks on the Nemesis series' core blocks! " one of the men shouted in utter disbelief, looking up at the main viewscreen as massive, cloth-like arms, terribly familiar to many in the bridge, crashed out from underneath the ice, flashing towards their apparent foes, whipping madly in the air as they flashed towards the lookalikes, and most importantly, away from the fleet.

The Eva-lookalikes burst into action, two of them calling up massive tentacles of pure, blue water that sliced through the arms, the golden one simply freezing them with bursts of what must have been utterly cold wind and shattering them as they drew near to it. The pure white one produced laser-like beams of prismatic light, lancing up from the ground and stabbing through the oncoming arms, stopping them in their tracks as they tore themselves to shreds trying to press on.

"Captain!" the radio in front of Misato crackled, a woman's voice, melodious and deep, "We're now ready to begin getting airborne!"

"Begin ascent!" Misato said firmly.

The thrum that Shinji had felt in his feet earlier now reached the pod that he found himself in as he watched the rest of the bridge crew frantically working, the pink-haired woman pulling out sticky notes, of all things, while a young man to his left flipped through several different books.

The thrumming continued to grow as callouts and reports reached a fever pitch, and Shinji flinched as he heard a low, almost mournful keening sound coming from… seemingly everywhere, as a prismatic light raced out across the surface of the LCL sea.

Across the gathered fleet, Shinji watched strings of light, centered on each of the ships, slowly begin pulling them into the air as hexagons of prismatic light faded away underneath them. His eyes widened as he watched the ships around them, along with them, lifting slowly from the surface of the sea, massive twin halos of light encircling the ship they stood on.

'Are we… riding on an Angel?' he wondered as they continued to rise into the sky.

Regardless of his thoughts, the battle that was now beneath them continued to rage, the white and golden one gathering water into a massive, two-handed battle ax that slammed into the ice, sending pieces of it flying as what must have been a massive amount of glittering water gushed up and brought one of their foes to the surface for the first time.

The Nemesis turned out to be a large, disk-like thing, easily half again the height across its circumference as an Evangelion, rows of pylons on the top and bottom of its edges looking like gaping maws of teeth. The tentacles it struck out with continued to sweep across the surface around them, the lookalikes slicing and shattering the tentacles regardless.

"3D control established! Ship's gravity has been locked!" the woman at what Shinji guessed was the helm shouted.

"Put us on our bow!" Misato said. "Present the guns!"

Shinji found himself surprised that he felt nothing as he saw the world seemed to tilt smoothly, the sea coming to a stop in front of them as the fleet began to move away.

"Setting guns for automatic fire! Feed systems updated!"

"Targeting systems are online!" the pink-haired woman said as the screen flashed to a saturated orange, the cores of these Nemesis Series things a deep red, almost black as circles eerily reminiscent of the targeting reticle of the sniper rifle he'd used to take down Ramiel darted across the screen.

"We'll use the Anti AT-Field rounds and take these things one at a time, rotating as we go," Misato said, "and these lookalike Evangelions better know when to get out of the way."

The world began to tilt slightly as the targeting reticles zeroed in on the Mark.04C in front of them. As they locked on together, a tone sounding, Misato wasted no time. "Fire!"

Streams of brilliant purple light thundered from the ship's four guns, the lookalike in front of their target dancing back as the Mark took the full brunt of the barrage, AT Field swept aside as it went up in a brilliant, almost blinding explosion.

"Rotate to port!" Misato said.

"Rotate to port, aye." the helmswoman replied, the world slowly rotating as the blast faded, the white and gold lookalike working with the entirely blue one to bring the next Mark to the surface. Again, the guns roared, the lookalikes dashing away as the Nemesis tore apart the ice around it with its death throes.

Turning and firing, turning and firing, and twice again, as the lookalikes restrained them, the last of the Nemesis Series went up in a series of thunderous, nearly blinding explosions.

"Alright, bring us about and link us up with the fleet," Misato said, the world beginning to turn the right way up again. "Hyuga, contact the lookalikes if you can."

"Yes, ma-" Hyuga began.

"They just vanished off my screens." the pink-haired woman interjected.

"What?" Doctor Akagi said incredulously as gasps and flurries of whispered incredulous statements flew about the space. "And you're sure they didn't cloak themselves?"

Mr. Theisman nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I can confirm that. There was a very large power surge around each of the lookalikes just before they vanished from my sensors. I don't think they just hid."

An older, bald man leaned back in his seat, a console covered in gauges and switches arrayed before him. "I wonder who they're with." he mused aloud.

"I don't care to guess." Mr. Theisman replied as the screen went black, the hemisphere blooming apart again as they slowly began to descend to the bridge area. "But I'm glad they seemed to be on our side, at least."

The bridge slowed to a stop, and Misato turned to look at Shinji again, her gaze still cold in a way that unsettled him. "You have now overstayed your welcome, Shinji Ikari. Return to Ms. Aanderson and Suzuhara. They will escort you to quarantine."

Shinji opened his mouth again, shocked that she could sound so much like his father. Then, he closed it, nodding slowly. "Yes, Misato," he said quietly.

. . .

Daniel looked up at the young Shinji as he clambered down towards Katara and the young Sakura Suzuhara. They were now flanked by a pair of guards, rifles at their side. Shinji paused for a moment, looked back up at Captain Katsuragi looking utterly lost, then turned away, following the guards, Katara and Sakura off of the bridge.

He turned back to his station with a quiet sigh. He had an idea. It would likely have to wait until after they'd gotten off duty, but… if it worked, then…

"So, dear, how did I do for my maiden voyage?"

Daniel smiled slightly as Eleanor connected herself to his soul, likely back at their shared bunk room due to her 'off shift' period. "You certainly used your simulator time well. You and Unit=10 really wowed everyone here at the bridge. I'll have to give my regards to Mana, Mayumi, and Hikari for their performances too, once I get out of here."

"So, why were you so friendly to him?"

Daniel blinked as he looked over at Midori, who looked back at him with a surprisingly condemning look in her eyes. "You know what he did to this world. All the lives he ended. We don't even know if it's really him. Why aren't you angry at him?"

Daniel sighed quietly. "Until someone can prove conclusively otherwise, that is Shinji Ikari. His soul went into the core of Unit-01. And unless I'm wrong, it was his soul that came out when we ran the activation trial."

Daniel looked back at Doctor Akagi, who looked down at him incredulously. "Can it be assumed I am correct, Doctor?" he asked cooly. "The Evangelion is a creature tied to human souls, after all, powered by them. Why couldn't Shinji Ikari's soul join the one in the core?"

Akagi regarded him for a moment before nodding slowly. "It can be assumed, yes, that Shinji Ikari's soul entered the core. But he has changed fundamentally from what he was when he entered it. He is no longer fully human. And until we can pin down what he has become, I will not draw any conclusions."

"That still doesn't answer Kitakami's question, though." Shigeru Aoba said. "Why are you so chummy with the guy that made this world what it is?"

"We all lost something when Near-Third Impact occurred, kid," Daniel replied as he looked up at the man. "But it took until now to see what I've seen in my own eyes every time I looked in the mirror for a long time."

Midori's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?" she asked, and Daniel turned his gaze back to her.

"He, like I was, is lost, confused, afraid, alone, all in a world that, if it knows his actions, puts their distance from him at best, or actively hates him at worst," Daniel said quietly.

"But the fact of the matter is, he's hardly military material, let alone pilot material," Daniel said, a hard edge to his voice as he shifted in his seat, sitting sideways to face Midori more fully.

Then, he looked back up at Captain Katsuragi. "So, the question arises. Why did we let a broken teenager sit at the controls for as long as we did?"

Misato said nothing, and Daniel continued in the silence. "Though Shinji Ikari may have triggered the near end of the world, we're the ones that gave him the tools to do so, left him in the dark as to his Evangelion's capabilities, and cheered him on to get to that point."

Misato's jaw clenched again, and Doctor Akagi looked down at him with narrowed eyes. The rest of the bridge crew was, to one extent or another, hesitant in their expressions.

"The blame is in our hands just as much as it is in his. To lay everything at his feet is to be lying to ourselves, those who are left, and those who have left us." Daniel said firmly.

He shifted in his seat to face his console. "I'm beginning coordination for Unit-02 and Unit-08's return to their gantries now, Captain."

As he began his work, those on the struts with him glanced at each other, and their Captain, with no small amount of wondering and concern. Captain Katsuragi regarded them all coolly, saying nothing.

- - -

Deep within the ruined Geofront, Commander Gendo Ikari of NERV, along with Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki, regarded the capture of the skeletal Vessel flying away. And the new, powerful combatants that had presented themselves.

"There's no feasible way that this WILLE organization could have produced so many new Evangelions, trained pilots to this level of skill, without our noticing it, Ikari." Fuyutsuki began after a long silence.

"Indeed," Ikari replied. "Thus, they are the bared arm of a new threat."

"Should we undergo any greater preparations for this development?" Fuyutsuki asked.

"The construction of the Mass-Production plant in Hokkaido shall be accelerated. The Mark.06H design will be utilized there. These will be used to guard against such threats." Ikari said levelly as he stood, coming around his far more weathered desk to regard the floating holographic picture in front of them.

"And what of the Vessel, Ikari?" Fuyutsuki asked. "It is more than likely the activation process has spurned young Shinji out of the core. Shall we send the Mark.09 to retrieve him?"

Ikari was silent for a moment, a slight tilting of his head the only thing that gave away his focus on the form of the ship. "Not yet."

Fuyutsuki looked over at him, his brows raised. "Why not, Ikari?" he asked almost incredulously.

"If Shinji Ikari has, indeed, returned, he will see the state of this world. See the desperation with which those he is surrounded by work to forestall the inevitable. We will leave him for a time among them, scrabbling in the darkness of this world."

He paused and turned, walking back towards his desk and sitting back down. "Then, when the time is right, we will extend our hand to him, and offer to have him help shine a light on this world. To make it as it should be. So desperate will he be to win my approval, and to fix his mistake, he will jump at the chance to assist us."

He said this without a scrap of emotion, barely a twitching of his lips up or down. "It is simply how the mind of Shinji Ikari operates."

- - -

Shinji Ikari found that 'quarantine' was a cell, little more than three solid metal walls, an outward-facing wall of similarly metal bars, a ledge across the back wall the only thing he could sit or lay on. He'd been given clothes that were familiar to the ones he'd worn before, but they, along with everything else, felt… alien, now.

For now, he faced away from the bars, lying on the bunk with his knees hugged to his chest. His SDAT player, his only true escape from the world around him before, was gone, now. Likely broken. The silence left him alone with his thoughts. Just like everyone else did.

Nothing made sense anymore. Misato had become the part of his father that he had hated. The world seemed to hate him in turn. And apparently, he'd missed a lifetime of events saving Ayanami from the Angel.

'What did I do? I don't even really know what happened while I was trying to save Ayanami.' he thought, the idea seeming to plod through his brain at a depressing pace. He wracked his brain, desperately trying to remember if there was something he had perceived outside of the mind-bending landscape that he'd saved Ayanami from.

"Go for it, Shinji!"

Distant words, seeming to echo through the space before he fully plunged into it. Words from Misato. "Don't do this for anyone else! Do it for you!"

'Do you regret saying that, Misato?'
Shinji asked the wall in front of him. The wall offered no answer, unsurprisingly. He doubted she would, either.


Shinji blinked, rolling over to look at Mr. Theisman and Doctor Akagi standing on the other side of the bars. Mr. Theisman had a sympathetic expression, his eyes glittering with pity and… kindness. How odd.

Doctor Akagi's expression was far more in line with what he expected, devoid of any sort of light, looking at him as if he were a lab specimen in a petri dish.

"The XO here and I would like to talk to you. Fill you in about what's happened." Mr. Theisman said as Shinji sat up.

Doctor Akagi said nothing for a moment, simply glancing over at the wall for a moment before the bars slid down. "You are to walk with us," she said. It was a command.

Shinji obeyed, standing up and walking out, the two adults flanking him as they walked down the long hallway out of… what was it called on a ship again? 'The brig. That's right.'

"So…" he began uncertainly, looking up at Mr. Theisman and hoping he'd be the more talkative of the two. "Has it really been 14 years, Mr. Theisman?"

Mr. Theisman sighed quietly. "Sadly, Shinji… yes," he said quietly. "It is now the year 2028. And a lot has happened in those 14 years you've been away."

Shinji's eyes widened for a moment, then closed as he sighed. "Well… thank you, I guess, Mr. Theisman."

Again the man sighed quietly, looking over at him with a slight smile. "I've been called that more than enough times over my lifetime by those who aren't in command of me. Please, just call me Daniel."

"O… kay, Mr. Daniel," Shinji said, taken aback by how at ease the man was.

Daniel chuckled softly. "You can drop the Mr. too, Shinji."

Shinji blushed slightly, looking away from Daniel. "Sorry," he muttered softly.

"There's nothing you said that needs to be apologized for, Shinji. You're just… getting used to things, is all." Daniel said, the last words coming quietly.

He felt he would be doing a lot of that over the next while.

They continued to walk in silence for a long while before the doors in front of them opened, and Shinji's eyes went wide as he studied the utterly massive space around them.

"This is the Engineering Bay of the Autonomous Assault Ark Wunder," Daniel said with no small amount of pride. "The beating heart of the ship that you now stand in, the flagship of WILLE."

Shinji blinked before his brow furrowed slightly. "WILLE?"

"Yes." Doctor Akagi finally said. "The Anti-Evangelion Group WILLE. Dedicated to stopping NERV, and eventually ridding the world of the Evangelion entirely."

They came to a stop in front of a massive sphere that sat halfway into the floor, a part of it open like a slice taken out of a fruit revealing the familiar form of the upper half of Unit-01.

"And this is how our ship is able to do what it does." Doctor Akagi said. "Thanks to Unit-01, this ship is able to work as it was intended to. All without the need for a pilot."

"So…" Shinji said quietly. "I'm not needed anymore." there was a falling tone to the words.

"Even if you were to somehow enter the Evangelion, it's likely that you wouldn't be able to start it anyway," Akagi replied. "We've received the results of your sync testing from before the Nemesis series attacks. We were not able to get any readings. Most likely, that means that you no longer have a sync score."

The news hit Shinji like a punch to the gut, his knees beginning to wobble slightly. "How…" he said weakly.

"However," Akagi continued on regardless, "this has been something of a detour, as requested by Mr. Theisman." she almost leered at the man as she said the last words.

"I simply wanted to get him to walk some," Daniel replied as he put up his hands. "Sitting around stewing for too long does terrible things to a man."

"Regardless, we'll be making our way to the reinforced examination rooms now," Akagi said, turning and beginning to walk away.

Daniel looked down at Shinji. "Come on. I'll answer whatever questions you have along the way."

Questions, for as much as they swirled in Shinji's mind, seemed unwilling to present themselves to Daniel as they walked. So, the silence was their companion as they entered another room, white and bright, a stark contrast to the rest of the ship's dull grays. Within, Doctor Akagi took a seat across from Misato, Asuka standing next to her, and Ms. Aanderson, the other woman who had been with him on the bridge.

Shinji found himself escorted to the other side of a thick pane of what could have been glass, Ms. Suzuhara waiting for him on the other side as the door hissed shut.

"Now," Akagi said, "as I've stated, your synch score is, if not completely null, then likely close enough to not matter."

Shinji took in the idea again for a moment before Akagi continued. "However, the fact of the matter is that you were awakened during the operation to retrieve Unit-01 for 12 seconds. That you could have initiated another Impact-"

"Wait." Shinji interrupted. "Another Impact?"

"Yes," Misato said, not even moving. "14 years ago, when you faced the 10th Angel, Evangelion Unit-01 awakened in response to your extreme emotions getting the better of you. As it awakened, it vanquished the Angel… at the cost of initiating Near-Third Impact."

Shinji's eyes widened, and Akagi took the chance to continue into the silence. "Thus, we have fitted the DSS Choker to you."

"What does that do?" Shinji asked, glancing down at his reflection at the black band around his neck.

"It monitors your emotions. If you allow them to overwhelm you whenever you might be in an Evangelion, and the risk of an awakening is greatest, the Choker activates, taking your life to shut down the Evangelion." Akagi said emotionlessly.

Shinji's heart nearly seemed to stop. "I'll… die." he nearly whispered. He looked around the room that was on the other side of the glass. Doctor Akagi, Misato, and Asuka, who he noticed sported a sports jacket over her Plugsuit and an eyepatch over her right eye, simply stared at him. Daniel and Ms. Aanderson, on the other hand, seemed outright horrified.

"You strapped a bomb to my patient?" Ms. Aanderson said incredulously. "I want it off. Now."

"It's on there by my orders, Aanderson," Misato said, standing from leaning against the wall, Aanderson clenching her fists as she turned to look at the Captain. "And as long as he remains in our custody, it will remain there."

"And what's to stop you from detonating it prematurely?" Daniel asked, looking intently at Misato. "What metric is he being measured against to ensure his survival?"

"What's it to you?" Asuka finally said, her eye narrowing as she stepped towards the man. "Why should you care what the Captain does or doesn't do?"

"Because I've had a long string of commanding officers just like that, Ms. Shikinami," Daniel replied, the words dripping with an unexpected venom as he looked back at Misato. "Commanding officers who have told me, to my face, that our performance in battle was the only thing that kept his finger off the button that would detonate the collars in our necks. We had to be the best. Or we were dead. It was as simple as that."

Shinji couldn't interpret the emotion that flashed across Asuka's face as she looked up at him, but Misato simply stared at him. "Should he not pilot an Evangelion," Misato said, "then the collar will not be activated. Think of it as an insurance policy."

"Insurance policy." Daniel spat, turning away. "You could fill a keg with the number of shots I could take from hearing that before."

The room went silent for a moment, and Shinji looked up at Ms. Suzuhara. "So…" he said quietly, the young woman looking back at him. "You're related to Toji?"

Suzuhara smiled, bowing slightly. "Yes. I'm sorry I'm so late in making a formal introduction, but I'm Lieutenant Sakura Suzuhara, your supervising medical officer under Doctor Kiana Aanderson."

She paused for a moment. "Thank you for looking out for my big brother."

Shinji's eyes went wide. "Wait. Are you sure he's not your…"

Then he paused. "Oh, right. 14 years and all that," he muttered, looking down for a moment.

"Hey, it's okay," Sakura said, drawing Shinji's gaze back up to her. "Toji's always had good things to say about you. I think…"

She glanced out for a moment, most of the adult's backs turned from the window as they continued to converse quietly. Asuka alone still looked at them.

She looked back to Shinji. "I think you mean well. It's just…" her smile disappeared. "Your actions had bigger consequences than you meant them to have."

Shinji nodded. "Yeah," he said, barely above a whisper.

Then, he looked up and saw that the adults had all left the room, Misato and Aanderson standing at the doorway as Asuka continued to look at them.

Shinji gathered his courage, standing and walking over to the edge of the room, Asuka not moving as he looked at her and wondered for a moment what to say.

"You…" he trailed off for a moment, clearly embarrassed. "You make the eyepatch look cool," he said, uncertainly.

"I got it because of you," Asuka replied coolly, tersely, her eye narrowing as he saw her jaw clench slightly, her hand becoming a fist and trembling slightly.

Shinji looked down for a moment. "I'm sorry," he said quietly.

"You really must be idiot Shinji, then. Because you keep saying that, every single stupid time." Asuka grated.

"I thought…" he paused and swallowed, looking back up at her. "Asuka, I thought I killed you. It's why I quit NERV. I… I hated my father for making the Dummy System do that to you."

"That's a nice excuse. But it still doesn't change what happened." Asuka shook her head. "You really never changed," she said, seeming sure of herself.

"Why didn't you? Change, I mean." Shinji asked.

"It's the curse of piloting an Evangelion, it seems. We never get to grow up physically." Asuka spat out.

Asuka's eye widened suddenly, and her hand flashed up. Shinji stepped back on instinct, his eyes widening as her fist hit the window, what was likely inches of glass rippling before it cracked, causing Misato to look toward them for a moment.

Asuka said as she kept her fist pressed to the glass for a moment, the room seeming frozen in time.

"14 years I've been waiting to throw that punch. 14 years of anger, all for you. You'd better count yourself lucky that the glass was in the way."

She nodded over to a table. "Your stupid music player's over there, by the way. It doesn't work, so don't ask."

With that, she lowered her fist, turning and walking back towards Misato. "I'm ready to go now, Colonel."

Misato said nothing as the two of them walked out, the door sliding shut, leaving Shinji and Sakura alone as Aanderson came back into the room.

They both looked at the cracked glass with no small amount of shock for a moment before Sakura looked over at Shinji. "Can… can you do that?" she asked quietly.

Shinji looked down at his hands, seemingly so thin and fragile. Then again, Asuka's weren't much bigger than his. "I… don't know."
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At least Daniel made sure to remind them they are just as responsible for what happened. That was something they needed to hear.
Chapter 3: And His Arms Stood Ready to Embrace

Chapter 3: And His Arms Stood Ready to Embrace

I've found myself looking up at my wall more often now. Seeing as I'm one of the lucky few to get her own space, I've dominated one wall with all the sticky notes I've had written by people as I've given them one with my name.

My sticky notes, all of them given to just about everyone I've actually talked to. There are some I haven't caught yet, but even still. It's a big ship. It's going to take some time.

I can't stop looking at Daniel Theisman's sticky note. The cheery note that he left on my copy as I gave him mine. I can't stop thinking about what he said about Shinji Ikari. The boy that ended my world. Whose actions took my family.

I've hated him for that. Now, though, with the confusion and the brokenness of him that Daniel described… I can't help but wonder if he should get a sticky note too, sometimes. Maybe he needs some cheering up as much as we do now. Maybe... it's time to start really trying again, after all that's happened.

- From the personal journal of Midori Kitakami

AAA Wunder, February 2nd, 2028

Daniel stepped out of the bunk room into the empty hall, pausing in the doorway for a moment to take a deep breath as he stretched. Hamar'ramah hadn't visited him again yet, but… the night had not been a restful one.

His Interfacing had kept him from being too exhausted these past few days, but he was hiding Vent Frames under his clothes now, thankful that the jacket he wore over his shirt, and the somewhat baggy pants, would conceal the veins of quartz-like crystal that could be found running up and down his skin for the next few hours.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, knowing who it belonged to as Eleanor squeezed gently. "You know you can't keep this up forever," she said, a gentle warning to her tone as she sighed.

"Yeah," Daniel admitted quietly, his sigh equally gentle. "But if I go to sleep, even if he doesn't appear again… the memories will. They always do whenever I even think about him. Having him visit…"

Eleanor drew nearer to him. "Then we'll help you through them," she said firmly as she shifted her hand to his right shoulder, and rested her chin on his left. "Me and Nynrya and the others."

Daniel looked down for a moment as he smiled slightly. "I don't deserve you," he said with a quiet chuckle.

"I don't care. You're stuck with me." Eleanor replied, and he could hear the smile in her voice without even having to glance at her.

"Now, seeing as we're off shift today," she continued, a slight smile still able to be heard, "we have a meeting to get to, do we not?"

"Yes, we do," Daniel said, a gleam of excitement in his eyes as he looked back at the others, still in the process of getting ready for the day.

"I do hope you're all ready to meet another bunch of big damn heroes. They've got quite the stories to tell," he said to the Children, a slight smile on his face.

"Yeah, maybe," Asuka replied, and Daniel didn't need to see past the curtain that they had set up for privacy to know she was rolling her eyes. "So do we. We'll see how cool theirs are once we meet them."

Daniel chuckled. "Well, they saved the world several times too, you know, between the bunch of them," he said, a playful pointedness to his words.

"Yeah, but I bet they didn't use Evas, did they?" Asuka shot back as she opened the curtain revealing both Shinji and the other curtain Kaworu and Rei were still behind.

Daniel opened his mouth, closed it wordlessly, then bobbed his side to side wordlessly for a moment. "You know what, I'll give you that much."

"Hah!" Asuka said in clear triumph as she and Shinji walked towards the door, ready for the day. "That's what I thought."

. . .

Daniel, Eleanor, and the Children made their way to the rec room that Toph had said, along with the rest of the hallway, would be clear of anyone else for the next few hours, the group weaving through corridors that shifted and zigzagged up and down and left and right, corridors that were becoming more and more natural to tread for a crew such as theirs.

As they walked the halls, boarding the central tram that would take them most of the way to their destination, and as the crew continued to live in it for longer and longer, they all had come to realize what was perhaps the ship's greatest oddity: its uniformity. Not simply in its mechanical aspects, which was something appreciated by Chief Ship's Engineer Takao, but in many of the more… fundamental things as well.

Though the ship was in use by a crew of many varied people, its designers (or perhaps designer, singular, as many people speculated) didn't seem to have many, or perhaps even any of them, in mind. The only partitions for bathrooms and bunks there were now had to be added by the vagabond crew, and areas that were usually cloaked in privacy or partitioned off for rather logical reasons to everyone else were found to have been laid open to those who could pass by, simple walls at times welded into the vessel itself as time could permit. Beyond a few physical fitness rooms, most everything was bare in a way that stretched beyond even the most dedicated military life. There were breathtakingly few personal amenities of… really any kind to be found anywhere around the vessel.

That it had taken this long for the group to start connecting the dots embarrassed them somewhat. But now that they had… the ship had started to take on a somewhat eerie character. Not quite unlike Rei herself had first been.

Finally, though, they reached the rec room, Daniel glancing around to confirm that no one had followed them to this point. Thankfully, they were alone here.

He glanced back at the others, a slight smile on his face betraying his excitement. "Here we go," he said, a gleam in his eyes as he saw the others smile slightly at him, and he opened the door and entered the room.

All eyes in the room turned to look at him as he entered, the others trailing behind him as Kaworu closed the door behind him. All in the room looked to be about their age, some a little older, sitting at a few scattered round tables. One, sitting next to Katara and being quite clearly related to her, with tanned skin and blue eyes that looked intently at Daniel, was silent with the rest of them for a moment before he chuckled. "You know, I always said you'd look better with a beard. Shame you were as good at shaving your face as Aang was at shaving his head." the man said with a shrug.

The others sighed quietly as they rolled their eyes, Katara shaking her head as she looked over at Daniel. "Thank you, Sokka. Hello again, Daniel," she said with a smile.

"Wait a minute." A fit woman, clearly from the same place as Sokka and Katara were from, said as she sat up, looking at Daniel with no small amount of confusion. "That's who Daniel is?"

Toph rolled her eyes as she punched the woman in the shoulder. "Yes, Korra, that's the Daniel I've been talking about to you, Zuko, Mako, Bolin, Suki… and nobody else. I'm sure you can guess why," she said the last sentence with a voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Well," a fair-skinned man with black hair, a clean-shaven face, and a red welt that stretched across his right eye replied, "it makes sense that Kin was just an alias, considering what we've seen of the rest of… well, whatever's beyond our world."

"So… how did he manage to not age then?" a man with a round, friendly face asked, green eyes under brown hair narrowing in confusion as he looked at Daniel. "Did you do the same sort of… spirit world nonsense that we did?"

"That's part of what I'm going to try to explain, Bolin," Daniel replied as he stepped forward into the room. "But first, I think a few introductions are in order."

He turned to the side as he looked at the Children. "Kids, these are my friends and found family from a world that is defined, in no small part, by the arts of elemental bending and something known as the Avatar cycle."

He looked over at Korra. "Korra here, at least, is able to bend the four classical elements where most can only bend one: water, earth, fire, and air."

He paused for a moment as his brow furrowed, then he looked at the other man that sat next to Katara. After a moment's examination of the thin man with short, black hair and friendly grey eyes, he blinked. "Aang. I didn't recognize you without the airbender tattoos for a moment," he said with no small amount of amazement.

Aang nodded as he smiled patiently. "Yes. There's at least a reason for that. I did die, after all, leaving behind my life as the last airbender, and as an airbender nomad. I emerged from the spirit world with a new life, one not tied to my previous one. A life that was free from many of my old obligations and traditions. It's…"

He hesitated for a moment before he shook his head slightly. "Well, it's still a little odd, I'm not going to lie. There may be many similarities to the life I led before, but there are some… significant differences."

Sokka chuckled as he looked over at Aang. "I'm not going to lie, watching you try meat for the first time…" he sighed as he got a dreamy look in his eyes. "I'm going to treasure that memory forever."

The woman that sat next to Sokka, who had light brown hair and blue eyes, jabbed at Sokka's shoulder with two fingers. "Focus, dear," she said patiently as he stifled a yelp. "They still haven't introduced themselves to us."

Sokka rubbed his shoulder as he looked over at the woman. "Sorry, Suki," he said sincerely, muttering under his breath about someone called Ty Lee teaching her something.

"So, you know us, Daniel, obviously. As for the rest of you…" Sokka said after a moment, glancing around the room as he launched into a rapid-fire dialogue. "I'm Sokka, this is Suki, my wife, this is Aang, he was the Avatar when I was a kid, this is Katara, my sister and resident waterbender who found him trapped in ice, that's Toph, she's an earthbender you've met before, Zuko over there is a firebender and was the Fire Lord, that's his wife Mai next to him, and…"

He blinked before he finally took a deep breath. "Well, that's the original Team Avatar and friends for you," he said with an easy smile and a swept-out arm.

Eleanor and the kids looked at Sokka with varying degrees of confusion, some small sprinkling of being impressed mixed in with the kid's expressions especially. "That's…" Asuka began. "Well, I'm sure I'm going to understand all that eventually."

Daniel, on the other hand, smiled slightly and chuckled softly. "Thank you, Sokka. Your skill with speaking didn't diminish, I see."

Sokka preened slightly as Daniel looked over at Korra. "Would you like to introduce yourself and your friends?" he asked with an arched brow and a bemused smile.

Korra nodded as she shrugged. "I mean, yeah, I guess."

She looked at the kids as she began. "I'm Korra. I was the Avatar after Aang. Part of that cycle Daniel mentioned. This is Asami, she's my wife and the resident tech genius we all get to share. Mako and Bolin over there," she continued as she pointed to Bolin and another man, with a sharper face and black hair, "they're brothers, a firebender and an earthbender, respectively. And…"

She shrugged. "That's really about it for us."

Shinji nodded slowly. "I don't really recall seeing any of you before now… besides Toph, of course," he said, equally slowly.

Toph shrugged. "I mean, I'm Chief of Security here, obviously. Most of us are in security as well. Aang's in logistics along with Mai, Katara's Chief Medical Officer, and Asami's in the tech department taking care of that Magi thing. She's about the only one who would have ever crossed wires with you guys."

She paused, leaning forward on the table as she looked at Eleanor and the kids. "Speaking of you guys… we have at least some idea who Daniel is now, but the rest of you…"

She trailed off, her eyes narrowing slightly as Daniel sighed quietly. "Well… that gets to the other side of introductions, then."

Daniel looked over at Eleanor. "This is Eleanor Theisman, my wife and partner in crime, as it were," he said as he put an arm around her and drew her close, Eleanor smiling as she waved.

"I told you guys I knew it," Mai said quietly, drawing the attention of everyone as they looked at her smiling slightly.

"What?" she asked, shrugging. "I make a good listening partner. So sue me."

Daniel waved the digression away. "Anyways…" he sighed quietly as he looked over at the kids. "This is where it gets complicated. Toph, you're sure this place doesn't have any monitoring of any kind?"

"Why do you think I chose this place?" Toph asked.

Daniel nodded. "Alright, kids, you can drop the disguises now."

Kaworu and Rei nodded, their skin becoming pale again, their eyes and hair returning to their regular colors. The sight of it widened more than a few eyes among the assembled gang.

"Okay…" Toph said slowly, saying what everyone else was clearly thinking. "That's a hell of a trick, I'll give it to you guys."

Then, she blinked as she focused on Rei, her eyes narrowing. "Wait a minute…"

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Shinji and Asuka Ikari-Soryu and Kaworu and Rei Nagisa," Daniel said, pausing as the people in question nodded their silent greetings.

"Wait," Mako said, as utterly confused as the rest of them were, "if you're who he says you are…"

"And now we get to the meat of the matter," Daniel said, stepping over to an open wall. "Something that's going to take a lot of time to explain."

As he spoke, he produced a long, tubular crystal in his hand, the end shaped like a delicate snowflake, and pressed it tip-first against the wall. After a moment, the wall rippled, and the crystal sank into it like so much water, a hollow ringing sound echoing for a moment as the ripple expanded, then parted down the middle of a doorway that led into a hall of blue stone, a set of steps leading downward.

The assembled Avatar gangs rose to their feet in utter shock as Daniel turned to look at them, a mysterious smile on his face. "Come," he said dramatically, stepping aside and sweeping his hand down the corridor. "We have such sights to show you."

. . .

As the assembled group entered the mysterious, seemingly sacred grounds of what Asuka had helpfully told them was called 'the Infinity Box', they all heard something that none of them expected.

Something clattered against a hard surface. "That's… 5 sixes. Rolling for invuln saves…" a young man's voice said. There was a pause, then the clattering again. "That's 4 more."

A dramatic sigh. "Farewell, sweet Boyz. You truly were the best at goin' fasta." a woman replied, a clear British accent to her voice.

More than a few confused looks passed through the gangs as they entered the main room, and found, in its center, a table, surrounded by six people. Three of them leaned over the table, looking down at what was apparently a miniature battlefield. The other three simply stood, seemingly less interested in their peers' game.

One of the players, a woman with brown hair and bright blue-green eyes behind red-rimmed glasses, looked up at them and waved. "Hello, there! Sorry if we're taking up space…"

She paused for a moment as Daniel came into view, a rippling of energy pulsing through the room as he stepped forward with a patient expression. "Hey, Danny boy! Brought some new friends, I see."

Daniel smiled slightly. "That we did, Mari. We've got some things to talk about, so I've lifted us out of time. You're stuck with us now, I'm afraid."

"Wait, you can do that?" Sokka asked incredulously.

The question went unheeded for the moment as Daniel continued. "Think you could move the game out of the way? We're going to need the space."

Mari looked at her opponent. "Would you be okay with pausing the game, Kenny? I'm kind of interested in meeting our new friends."

'Kenny' shrugged. "I don't see why not," he said, stepping back as the third person leaning against the table, an almost carbon copy of Rei save for her deep green hair, also stepped away and to the side, the table sliding into a cavernous opening that appeared as suddenly as it disappeared once the table had crossed its threshold.

Mari walked up to the Avatar gangs, coming to a stop in front of them and coming to attention, offering a sharp, palm-out salute. "First Lieutenant Mariah Marlowe of HERZ, at your service!" she said with a smile. "My mates here are Kensuke and Ichigo, 2/3rds of the Aida's, and Toji and Hikari, our dear Suzuhara's."

The majority of the group nodded, a few waved, and the two couples waved back. As greetings were exchanged, Daniel walked into the center of the room and turned to face the group.

"I'm sure you're wondering how there can be two Shinjis, Asukas, Reis, and such on a single world." he paused for a moment. "Well, maybe not so much the Reis, but I digress."

"It all begins with the place you traveled through to get here. A place that we call the Worldsea." Daniel said as Eleanor came to stand by his side, several benches coming into being surrounding them that the groups took a seat in.

"The Worldsea is a vast, basically infinite space that rests in what we call Physicality: the real world, as it were." Eleanor elaborated. "It contains what are called World Engines, things which form the basis for multiverses of a breathtaking variety of things."

As she spoke, the room dimmed, and a World Engine, shining like a massive star with shifting colors that seemed layered on top of each other as if they sank into an endless ocean, came into being in front of them. The Avatar gangs were utterly enraptured, staring at the sphere, and the tiny bubbles that flashed across its surface, with wide and wondrous eyes.

"Wait a minute," Hikari said, tilting her head slightly. "If you aren't from this Echo… is this your first time seeing a World Engine?"

"I mean… kind of?" Aang said. "We got here by riding inside of Appa's… soul, I guess. There wasn't much of a view from in there."

"There was the nice-looking blue sky that we saw," Katara said helpfully. "I guess that must have covered the actual view."

Toph shook her head. "Still one of the weirdest things I've done thus far."

"And wait a minute. You said multiverses?" Aang said, cupping a clean-shaven chin in thought. "That's fascinating. Does that mean that there are multiple worlds where I succeed in different ways? Or even… fail?" he thought aloud, the thought sending a slight shudder through his immediate friends.

"Everything will happen in a World Engine, Aang," Daniel replied. "And I don't just mean anything, I truly mean everything. The universes within which such things occur are what we call Echoes. The versions of Shinji and Asuka and Rei and all the others we have with us come from one such Echo on this World Engine."

"Okay, World Engines and Echoes, got it," Katara said with a nod. "So… why are you here, then?"

Daniel was silent for a moment, then sighed quietly. "We're here to try and stop a splinter group of dangerous people. People looking to revive a religious movement that seeks to take the Worldsea and smash every world together in a process that would kill a number of people I can barely express in a legible sum. A group called the True Scions of Unity."

"Wait…" Toph said slowly, a conflicted look growing in her eyes. "Ymris…"

"You've met Ymris before?" Eleanor asked.

"Yeah. She's been here for… nearly a decade and a half now. Since Near-Third Impact, at least." Toph replied.

Then, her eyes widened before she shut them with a weary sigh. "Oh, boy. Don't tell me."

Daniel nodded. "She is a part of the Scions, yes. But I think she sees the reality of what her actions might cost, now that she's become part of this crew."

"As for the rest of them, and our fight with them…" Daniel continued, pausing before sighing quietly, a stool appearing underneath him as he took a seat. "That's going to take enough explaining to justify lifting us out of time."

- - -

Captain's Quarters, The Next Day

Daniel stood at attention in the middle of Captain Katsuragi's quarters, facing her and Doctor Akagi. "Captain. Vice-Captain. Thank you for allowing me to meet with you." he said.

Katsuragi nodded slightly, bereft of her shades and her hat, revealing the neat bun her hair was in. "At ease, soldier. This is hardly a military affair, anyway."

She sighed quietly as Daniel went to parade rest instead. "Old habits die hard, I see," she said with a ghost of a smile.

Daniel's smile was equally slight, barely touching his eyes. "That they do, ma'am."

"So," Katsuragi said, "what is it you wanted to talk to us about?"

"I have a request to make, with the realization that I hardly stand in your good graces at the moment, ma'am," Daniel replied. "However, I believe that what I am about to ask, while also beneficial to certain members of this organization, may also mean, should the proper circumstances arise, the difference between keeping this world safe, and dooming it."

"And what would that be?" Akagi asked archly.

"I would like to take the pilots under my wing, as it were. All of them." Daniel said.

"Including those that have just emerged from Unit-01," Akagi said, an utterly level expression on her face.

"Yes." Daniel nodded.

"Why?" Katsuragi asked.

"Because, as we've seen, awakening an Evangelion is caused by deep, uncontrolled emotions deepening the synchronization of the pilot with the Evangelion. What we have seen is that anger is a potent trigger. But what about other negative emotions? Sadness or fear, for instance." Daniel asked as he looked at Akagi.

Akagi was silent for a moment before she nodded slowly. "It can be assumed that the Evangelion, along with the soul within, would respond to other such emotional stimuli."

"Thus, teaching them to control those emotions seems to be of the utmost importance, to ensure that no pilot, regardless of whether they're in or out of an Evangelion, has the easy ability to initiate an Impact," Daniel said, his gaze sliding between Katsuragi and Akagi as he spoke.

His gaze landed on Katsuragi before he closed his eyes and sighed quietly. "To help them master their emotions, however… it's going to take time. Because frankly, from what I've seen, these kids are all broken, psychologically and emotionally, in one way or another. I can't claim that I can fix them, or even relate fully to them. I don't know what it's like to pilot an Evangelion."

A blatant lie that Toph would have called in a second, but she wasn't here, after all. Nor would she have cared. "But I know what it's like to be a soldier without compare or many companions. I know what it's like to shoulder a massive duty alone. And I can at least start them on their way." he finished.

"How magnanimous of you, Vice-Chief," Akagi said.

"And you want to start this program with all of the Children now?" Katsuragi asked.

"Yes. On my own time, so as not to take away from my duties to this ship and to WILLE." Daniel replied.

"I'm afraid that Ayanami is not going to be able to participate in this… guardianship of yours," Akagi said, finally deciding on what she wanted to call Daniel's request.

Daniel's brow arched. "Why is that, ma'am?" he asked, a slight chill entering his voice as his eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

"Because she will be under my care, Mr. Theisman." Akagi began. "I'm still unsure of how large, exactly, her role was in initiating Near-Third Impact, and what changes the 10th Angel might have made to her that bled over to her reconstituted body. I will be running a thorough battery of tests on her to ensure that she is of no threat to us."

"Given what little I understand about young Ms. Ayanami's origins… I will admit to understanding your concern." Daniel finally said after a moment of consideration. "However, cutting off all social contact will do nothing but harm the girl's development, and leave her at greater risk of initiating an Impact should she be captured by NERV. I think the same of Shinji."

"And why would NERV want Shinji Ikari, a boy who we've found will likely never be able to pilot an Evangelion again, or the second in what we now know is likely hundreds, if not thousands of the Ayanami line?" Katsuragi asked as her eyes narrowed slightly.

"For one, ma'am," Daniel replied, "we are, at the moment, unsure of NERV's capabilities. That they are able to produce the Mark series of Near-Evangelions is a highlight of such. If they were to make a play at grabbing either of the pilots, it would likely be due to the fact that they could possess the ability to enable Shinji to synchronize with an Evangelion again."

"Given his readings, I highly doubt that," Akagi said coolly.

"And what were those readings, if I may ask?" Daniel asked with a slightly arched brow.

Daniel was silent in his satisfaction as he watched Doctor Akagi openly hesitate. "I will admit, the only readings we got, after repeated tests and multiple checks to ensure the instruments were functioning properly, were error messages. Several tests since we lifted off have done nothing but confirm such readings."

Akagi shrugged. "The only reasonable explanation is still that his sync score is too low for the sensors to register."

'And you, Doctor Ritsuko Akagi, former head of Project E, left it at that? I can't help but find myself somewhat disappointed.' Daniel mused.

"Even still, ma'am," he said aloud, "I must admit that I am a firm believer in Murphy's Law. Anything that can go wrong often does, without the proper preparations. Should we be able to prevent Shinji Ikari from reaching such a mental state that he does initiate an Impact, however unlikely, it is worth the time and effort spent, in my estimation. To say nothing of the potential sync score increases such efforts might present to Shikinami and Makinami."

'If there's anything that I'm sure will sway you, it's going to be an increase in effectiveness.' Daniel thought bitterly as he waited for an answer.

"An improvement to our current pilots' sync scores is a tall order to promise," Katsuragi said, an arched brow the only indication of any sort of reaction to Daniel's claim.

"Indeed it is," Daniel admitted. "But if the current pilots, with their current states of mind, are doing this good, I can only imagine what they'll be capable of when they are more mentally stable."

Katsuragi and Akagi looked at each other silently for a moment, deliberating with each other in a way only those who were as close as they were could. Daniel, without realizing it, held his breath as he waited for their answer.

Finally, Katsuragi looked back at him and nodded. "Very well. You are the pilots' guardian now. I trust that you'll do what you think is best with them, Mr. Theisman."

Daniel exhaled, nodding. "Thank you, ma'am. But what about Ayanami? Will she be released into my care following the completion of Doctor Akagi's testing?"

Akagi nodded. "As long as she is not deemed a hazard, I see no reason not to. However, the tests are rather in-depth. It will likely be about two months before I reach a conclusion that I deem satisfactory."

Daniel opened his mouth for a moment, then shut it and nodded. 'I'll take what I can get.'

"Very well, Doctor," he said aloud, coming to attention again. "Captain, Vice-Captain. Thank you for your acceptance. I'll return to my duties now."

As he turned, he celebrated silently, within himself. It was a small victory. But it was a victory nonetheless.

. . .

Misato watched Vice-Chief Theisman walk out the door and wondered at him, not for the first time. 'What an utterly odd man for this day and age.'

"I've got to say, Misato," Ritsuko piped up, "I thought you would be a little more conflicted that someone you barely know is asking that you give him your old job. I recall that, for a little while at least…"

Ritsuko paused for a moment as Misato looked at her with a questioning glance. "You enjoyed it." Ritsuko finished quietly.

Misato looked away. Ritsuko wasn't wrong. At least for the most part. But now…

"I'll let him have it, Ritsuko," she said with a quiet sigh. "Besides, I'm the captain of a ship now, fighting to save the world. I haven't got time to take care of the kids. If he wants to do it, more power to him."

Misato stood, replacing her hat and shades as she made her way to the door. "I'll see you on the bridge."

With that, she exited the cabin, leaving Ritsuko alone with her thoughts for a moment. The scientist stared at the door. She knew the look in Misato's eyes. She'd spent a decade and a half looking at her through every emotion she'd displayed.

'You were jealous of him. Guilty that you hadn't thought of it before.' Ritsuko mused. 'You may have hidden it from him. But you can't hide things from me anymore, Misato.'

She wondered, for the briefest of moments, whether that was a gift… or a curse.
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Ritsuko may be smart, but her wisdom is lacking. I hope Daniel can pull Misato out of the abyss she is in. As for the True Scions of unity, would they try to brainwash Daniel again? Or will they try to find a successor to that?
As for the True Scions of unity, would they try to brainwash Daniel again? Or will they try to find a successor to that?

Daniel is far more prepared for whatever tomfoolery might be used to try and bind his soul to something. Others, on the other hand, may not be, by incidence or design. We shall have to see who Hamar'ramah decides on.
Chapter 4: Stratagems of Choice

Chapter 4: Stratagems of Choice

I wish that there was a book that just made the world make sense.

I've been wishing that for the last several years, but it feels like forever. All my life, disappearing into one book or another. It's been… enlightening, to some degree.

But… I don't know how much longer I can keep running into worlds of fantasy and heroics and pure good and evil. How long I can run from the real world. From everyone else. From myself.

The world's always scared me. So I tried not to look at it. But when Mr. Theisman spoke up on the bridge after we lifted off… It made it so much easier to blame myself. They never would have wanted that. But even still…

- From the personal journal of Hideki Tama

AAA Wunder, Somewhere over the Pacific Ocean, February 4th, 2028

Daniel allowed himself to sleep tonight. He allowed himself to be open to his dreams. His memories.

He looked around, finding himself in an utterly empty white void once again. He looked down at his arms, finding luminous golden light tracing over them like strings, each one precisely aligned with veins, bones, and muscles.

He lost himself in that view for a time. Then, he felt someone, two someones, come to a stop beside him.

He looked up and to his right, seeing Eleanor as she took in the sight of his bindings, bindings he knew wrapped across the whole of his body, his soul.

He looked to his left and saw Nynrya, her robes a deep blue now, and a simple loop of silver around her right ear.

"What does the loop symbolize?" Daniel asked, trying to take his mind off of whatever he might see.

Nynrya reached up for a moment, feeling the loop. "It's a commendation," Nynrya replied. "The first one a Cradle Keeper would receive."

She looked down at herself. "This clothing… it must have been when I was on underwatch duty."

"Underwatch?" Eleanor asked. "Sounds like you had a pretty busy world to protect."

Nynrya smiled slightly. "You have no idea."

Then, any levity the trio might have felt dimmed along with the space around them. Whatever it was, it was starting now. And Daniel couldn't stop it.

The world went black. Then, a shifting, prismatic vista came into view, several of what Daniel and Eleanor recognized as World Engines flashing into existence around them.

And on the infinite ocean that was the Worldsea, the trio found themselves looking at a single blade-like vessel, tapered at the front and broadening as it went along, two cutouts in the middle thinning the width of the vessel before it flared out again at the back.

The back end of the vessel was an utterly enrapturing sight, 8 massive translucent sails that rippled with light, 3 on top, 3 on the bottom, and one to each side, stretching out into the open space, seemingly catching an invisible wind that propelled it along without a sound.

On the side that faced them, in bold letters, was what was, apparently, the name of the ship:

TSNV Adama
'So Say We All'

"What…" Nynrya asked, her mouth open slightly in amazement. "What is that?"

"The Battlefleet Carrier Adama," Daniel replied. "Simulation… well, 'simulation' number… 74,345, I believe."

"What's a Battlefleet Carrier?" Nynrya asked.

"Battlefleet Carriers are the biggest military vessels that the Tellan Seabreaker Corps fields," Eleanor replied. "Entire fleets carried in a single vessel, armed and armored with the best weaponry. Only 20 of them have ever been made, each uniquely constructed, along with their attendant fleets, for a specialized purpose. None of them fall under 10 kilometers long. The biggest of them, the Cao Cao, tops out at just a shade over 15."

Nynrya's eyes widened as she took in the understanding behind the numbers. "That's… big…"

Daniel nodded. "It is. The Val's only about a kilometer and a half long. The Wunder's habitable area is only a kilometer."

"Such a vessel, such vessels, would have to house… millions to function," Nynrya said as she shook her head slowly.

"They only need tens of thousands," Daniel said. "With automation and Spirits being what they are, to say nothing of Interfacing applied even in the simplest of ways, there are ways to make it work that don't require a crew the size of a small nation."

"So…" Eleanor said, the tone of her voice slipping into unease. "What is this 'simulation' about, then?"

"How to kill a fleet killer," Daniel whispered, his eyes drawn to a flash of light that signaled the arrival of the Wings of Rapture, tiny against the colossus it floated before. His ship. And if he focused hard enough, he could see an utterly tiny person striding across the top of its chisel-like forward hull, away from the ovoid saucer of the rear hull that was connected at the narrow edge, before coming to a stop.

"It started with finding and hiding from the vessel itself." he began as they watched nets of connected stars flare to life across the underside and sides of the ship, glowing with a deep golden light. "It's easy enough to detect a group of ship crews that large by the thought-weight of their crew members in Mentality. Most vessels of that size don't bother to go to the lengths needed to hide that. After finding it, it's a matter of hiding deep enough, somewhere close to Pneumaity, and getting the drop on them by making sure they couldn't deploy their fleet or any of their Aegis Drones."

True to Daniel's word, as the sails of the Adama began to fold and shrink away, a fleet of ships appeared, sliding out of tears in space that were diagonal to the directions they were pointed. All surrounding the ship. Lances of energized Metos, missiles, and fighter craft burst from the fleet, raking the ship from every side.

"After that, it's keeping the ship from releasing its fleet while disabling its weapons, propulsion, and defenses. Which, for a Battlefleet Carrier, is still a tall order." Daniel continued, more than a few of the attacking ships cooking off from the massive weight of fire thrown against them proving his point.

Even still, the dozens of ships, many of them far larger than the Wings of Rapture, proved too much for the Adama to bear, the superstructure cracking in half as the rear of the ship erupted in a brilliant burst of light that collapsed back into itself, the aft section seemingly gone from existence as the nets of stars faded away.

Daniel sighed. "Managing what you just saw is a long shot with slim chances of success, however," he said quietly. "And… frankly, that's one of the ones that Hamar'ramah didn't reveal to me whether it was real or not."

He looked over at Eleanor, a desperate look entering his eyes. "Did… did this happen? Did I kill…"

Eleanor shook her head. "No. An attack like this wasn't carried out on the Adama."

She paused for a moment, Daniel's sigh of relief catching in his throat. "Something like this did happen to the Scipio, though. The Adama went down in a stand-up fight 2 years later."

Daniel closed his eyes and sighed quietly, the rest of the simulation playing out heedless of his sorrow. "Thank you. For being here."

Daniel opened his eyes from the dream, wet with tears as he turned over in his bunk and quietly mourned the loss of a dear friend.

- - -

The Brig, Later That Day

Daniel stepped across the threshold into the brig and noted who was on guard duty, at least for this rotation. 'I hope brig duty isn't a heavily chased after posting.'

He made his way to the security desk and found Mako sitting behind it, looking up at him as he approached. "Mr. Theisman," he said as Daniel came to a stop in front of him.

"Captain Yama," Daniel replied with the last name Mako had taken, smiling slightly as he watched the man punch him into the system.

"Reason for visiting?" he asked, the tone of his voice betraying his foreknowledge.

"I'm here to inform Shinji Ikari that I've become his guardian," Daniel said, watching Mako nod as he typed on his console. "I plan to be visiting for a few minutes, but it may stretch on for a little while."

Mako nodded, well aware of how verbose Daniel could be from experience. "Got it. Lieutenant Yama will escort you to his cell," he said as he nodded over to Bolin sitting next to him.

Bolin stood, a smile on his face as he stepped out from behind the desk. "If you'll follow me, please."

Daniel nodded as they began to walk together through the remarkably large brig, stacked deep into the ship. "How's Shinji doing?" Daniel asked quietly as they walked.

Bolin shrugged. "I mean, he's been eating what we give him, which is a lot better than the slop he might have been getting. And we've been able to snag a few things for him. But other than that… he just lies down and faces the wall most of the time. It's… well, it's a little worrying, I'm not going to lie."

Daniel nodded. It was a familiar situation to him, all too brief memories of his first time on an Echo of this World Engine bubbling to the surface unprompted. "He's an awfully closed-off kid when he wants to be," Daniel admitted. "That he managed to open up to me so much before now is something I count as somewhat of a miracle."

As they drew near Shinji's cell, Daniel paused. "Let me in when we get there. I don't want to talk to him through the bars," he said quietly.

Bolin nodded. "Got it, boss."

Daniel snorted softly before he continued alone for the moment, gathering his thoughts and finalizing his plan of attack, as it were, before coming to a stop in front of a cell and turning to face Shinji.

As expected, Shinji was turned away from the opening, laying on the ledge. There were differences from before if nothing else. There was a pillow under his head now, and a tablet sat on the floor leaning against the wall. Even still, it was a terrible place to simply sit and… exist in.

Daniel looked back over at Bolin, nodding silently at the bars. After a moment, Bolin's eyes widened, a silent 'oh' being followed by an apologetic look as he swiped his keycard, the bars retracting into the floor and ceiling.

This finally seemed to get Shinji's attention, as he sat up and looked over, his eyes widening. "Oh. Mr., uh… Daniel." he said.

"Afternoon, Shinji," Daniel said, smiling slightly as he stepped into the cell, Shinji shifting to sit up fully and look at him.

Before he could continue, the bars slid back into place, securing themselves with a click. Daniel sighed as he looked up, closing his eyes for a moment before he looked out of the cell with an expression of longsuffering.

Bolin shrugged, again apologetic. "Sorry. Must be automatic," he said rather sheepishly.

Daniel sighed quietly and shrugged. "I'll let you know when I want out," he said patiently before he sat down on the floor, his left leg flat against the floor as he rested an arm on his right knee and looked up at Shinji.

"So…" Shinji began slowly. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, Shinji," Daniel said, "I'm going to be looking after you and the other pilots, now."

. . .

Shinji's eyes went wide in utter shock. "Y-you… how?" he said.

Mr. Theisman's smile grew slightly. "I went and asked the Captain. Frankly, knowing your history with her to a certain extent, I'm surprised she agreed so easily."

Shinji looked down and to the side. 'Misato…'

He'd suspected the years had something to do with making her as cold as she seemed, but… 'I was waiting for you, Misato.' he thought, the idea seeming to weigh on his soul like a thunderhead blackening the world.

"Shinji… I'm sorry, actually."

Shinji blinked, looking back up at Mr. Theisman, who had a sad look in his eyes. "I don't want to come off as another Ms. Katsuragi. Old guardians, especially when you become close to them… it's hard to shake off the times you've had with them. The expectations, the hopes, the fears that could be put on other people…"

Shinji simply nodded, remembering the times before… then. When everything had gone insane. "So… what do you want to be, then?"

"A friend is what I'm mainly hoping to be, at least to start." Mr. Theisman shrugged. "Maybe… the first friend you have here."

"I don't think I'll have any more beyond you," Shinji said quietly, looking down again.

"I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. After all, there are my friends here as well. I've been sticking up for you in front of them. And after over a century of living, meeting people everywhere of every kind…"

Shinji looked back up at Mr. Theisman as he trailed off, narrowing his eyes. "You don't… look that old."

Mr. Theisman paused, then chuckled softly. "I suppose I should break the news to you, then. I was born in 1914. After I came into contact with LCL, I… stopped aging. So… I kind of get a part of what you kids are going through, I think."

Shinji looked at him silently as he took in just how old this man said he was. He was tempted to not believe him. It was the easy thing to do. 'Then again, with Asuka…'

"Okay." Shinji finally said. "I guess there isn't much I can do about being with you then."

"Actually, if you don't want me to visit too often, you can say so."

Shinji's eyes widened at Mr. Theisman's apparently utterly serious request as the man stood. "I know what it's like to be pulled around and not given any say in anything. I spent most of my life as a soldier, following orders. So…"

He took a step across the already small distance that separated them and put a hand on Shinji's shoulder. "I want to give you a choice. However small it might be compared to everything, I want the time we spend together to be because you want to be there."

Mr. Theisman paused for a moment, the hand remaining on his shoulder. "So, should I expect to see you… tomorrow?"

Shinji's mouth opened, then closed, his mind a jumble as he tried to piece something together from the aftermath of the bombshell that had scattered his train of thought.

"I think… yes." Shinji finally said.

Mr. Theisman squeezed his shoulder for a moment, then released him as he stepped back. "I'll be happy to be here. I'll get you walking around outside of this cage tomorrow if nothing else. Is there something you want to do?"

Shinji was silent as he considered for a moment. As he thought, his mind kept coming back to the question that Sakura had asked him. 'Can you do that?'

"When Asuka talked to me, she punched the glass in the examination room. She… cracked it," he said quietly.

Mr. Theisman tilted his head slightly. "That glass is thick, too. I wouldn't be surprised if it was bulletproof."

"Do you think I can do that?"

Mr. Theisman regarded him for a moment. "As someone who gained that sort of strength right after my little brush with LCL-treated mutagens…"

Mr. Theisman nodded. "You've probably got a lot of strength with very little control over it at the moment. What do you say to some training?"

Shinji pondered on it for a moment, then nodded.

Mr. Theisman smiled. "Okay, then. My shift tomorrow is in the afternoon, so… how about in the morning?"

"I guess that works."


Mr. Theisman looked down at the tablet on the floor. "Been catching up?"

Shinji nodded. "As much as I can. There's… a lot that happens in 14 years."

"I know that feeling." Mr. Theisman nodded. "Hold on…"

He reached for the tablet, picking it up and accessing it. After a few moments, he handed the tablet to Shinji, and the boy took it and saw that a chatroom had appeared on the screen. "Now, you can chat with me anytime you want, about anything you want."

Shinji looked back up at the man, his brows slightly raised. "Anything?" he asked.

Mr. Theisman smiled. "Like I said, over a century's worth of living…" he shrugged. "Gives you a lot to be able to talk about."

Then, Mr. Theisman sighed. "Well, I have to get going now. I'll see you tomorrow."

Shinji nodded. "Okay. Thank you."

"Let me know if there's anything I can do to make your stay here more bearable. I can guess the guards have been helping some?"

Shinji nodded. "Kind of. It depends on the guards, I guess."

"Good to know." Mr. Theisman smiled slightly. "Some of those guards are friends of mine. I'll even let you in on a little secret."

He leaned forward, glancing around him as his voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "One of my friends is the Chief of Security."

He leaned back out with a smile. "I wouldn't be surprised if you got out of this place in the near future if I were you."

Shinji looked up at him as he waved outside of the bars, the bars sliding out of sight. As Mr. Theisman stepped across, a thought suddenly came to mind as the bars slid shut. "Mr. Theisman!" he reached out a hand.

Mr. Theisman paused, turning back to him as he leaned on the bars. "Yes, Shinji?"

"What about Ayanami? I haven't seen her anywhere."

Mr. Theisman shook his head slightly as he sighed quietly. "Ayanami is currently in Doctor Akagi's care. Without knowing how big of a part she played in Near-Third Impact, or how much of the 10th Angel might have rubbed off on her, the good doctor wants to be sure something won't happen before she lets her out."

Shinji lowered his arm, nodding slowly after a moment. "Okay then," he said, quiet in his resignation.

Mr. Theisman stood silently for a moment. "I'll try and get a video call set up for you, if not an actual visit. How about that?"

Shinji finally smiled slightly. "I think… I would appreciate that."

"Good." Daniel stood up from the bars. "You've got a good smile, kid. I hope to see more of it."

With that, Daniel walked off, and Shinji reached up and lightly touched the shoulder he'd put his hand on. Was it still… warm?

. . .

Daniel walked away with Bolin, leaving the brig behind in contemplative silence as he made his way to his duty station for the day, thoughts swirling through his mind.

'Not much better than the first time. Worse in some ways. But, as long as I have the time…'

He didn't know how much time he had. All he knew had come from a place where Commander Ikari had immediately snatched the boy away from WILLE. Now… everything was in a strange limbo. His strategy had to change with the times he found himself in.

'What is your game, Commander Ikari?'

- - -

Midori Kitakami was a woman on a mission today, as she stepped off of the sensor platform and the second duty shift worker relieved her of duty.

As she exited the bridge, she found herself next to one Sumire Nagara, just as planned. The woman barely even glanced at her as they continued to walk.

"So," Midori began, "grabbing something to eat?"

Sumire nodded silently.

"Got a favorite pack, at least from the ones that are still packed? I know everyone does."

"Why do you care?" Sumire finally said.

"Well, it's interesting to know, for one. Says a little about ourselves." Midori shrugged. "That, and I like meeting new people. Haven't really met you before."

Sumire nodded as she glanced over at her. "Alright. I'm Sumire Nagara."

Midori smiled. "And I'm Midori Kitakami. Nice to finally properly meet you. Now, there's something I'd like to do so we can remember each other."

She pulled out an old friend, a pad of bright yellow sticky notes, a pen coming along with it. "I like to give people a little reminder of me," she said as she wrote her customary message. "But it comes with a catch."

Sumire looked over at her, an arched eyebrow the only change on her level face. "And what's that?"

"Well," Midori said with a slight smile, "I like to ask people to write something short but meaningful, along with their names, on one of the notes. I find it helps me remember people that I meet more easily."

Sumire blinked, her other brow joining its sister. "I mean… sure."

Midori's smile grew as she wrote her name, and the message 'Nice to meet you!' on one note, lifted it off and handed the rest of the pad and the pen following to her. "Alright. Ready whenever you are."

Sumire looked up and down the hallway they were in, finding that the both of them were now alone. She looked back at Midori, silent for a moment, then down at the pad before slowly reaching out and taking the pen and pad.

"Can I… keep these while I think of something?" Sumire's question was accompanied by a change in her expression, her normal stoicism now… contemplative.

Midori blinked. "Well, sure, I guess. I've got plenty, so don't feel too bad. I'll check in in a little while to see what you've got."

"Got it."

Sumire turned and began to walk away, leaving Midori to watch on before she looked down at the sticky note she had written. It seemed… smaller than it usually did.

She wasn't hungry, so she went back to her cabin, opening the door to the sight of a shelf of origami, most made from her sticky notes, a few larger ones created from whatever scraps she could find either on the ship or from when they went on shore leave.

She walked over to her bed, sat down on it, and set the note next to her, picking up the tablet she left in her room as she set about distracting herself for however long it would take for Sumire to get the note back to her.

She looked up at the wall opposite of her, and saw the circle of notes taped up on it, a rainbow of colors reminding her of a raised AT Field marred only by the names and notes of those that she had brushed past. Most she only remembered now as she looked at, a few she knew somewhat without having to think for too long.

And in the center of the wall, laminated, was the sticky note that had started the wall, as it had been on every wall before. The one that had come to be nearly 15 years ago, that read 'Work hard, and make friends. We love you!'.

'I'm still doing that, mom. Dad.' she thought, a familiar needle of sadness pricking her heart yet again.

Soon, Sumire's message, whatever it may be, would join the wall, Midori making room so it would be next to the rest of the bridge crew.

A part of her was content to leave it at that: another simple victory, another acquaintance gained. Another way she, and they, would be remembered when they were gone. After all, who knew what could happen these days? Who knew who could disappear in a moment?

But a greater part of her wanted something more. Something beyond a name and a few words, a sight that had started to remind her of a tombstone in a graveyard of colored paper. Perhaps… she could go further. Just here, at least. Just this once.

The problem was, well… she had no idea where Sumire might have gone. It was only a ship, so she couldn't have gone too far.

'Even still,' she mused, 'this is a big ship.'

Who would know? She'd simply have to try and find out.

- - -

Daniel, now free of his duties for the day, stepped into the cavernous room that held the other pilots that would be in his care. He'd make his last stop after this. But this… this would be the challenge. He'd have to change tack, as it were, approaching this.

He walked across the catwalk towards the bright, lonely box that held who were now his charges, coming to a stop as he saw Asuka and Mari behind what was likely bulletproof glass between a spare bunk bed in the center of the room, one simply staring out at him, her brow quirking as she noted his approach, the other reading one of what looked to be several dozen books.

Asuka nodded. "Mr. … Theisman, right?" she said coolly.

Daniel nodded. "I'm glad to be remembered, Ms. Shikinami."

Mari looked up from her book, her eyes glittering with wonder as she put a bookmark in her place and leaned forward. "Oooh. We don't get many visitors down here in the depths. I don't think I've made your acquaintance."

Daniel smiled slightly. "A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Makinami. I'm Vice-Chief Daniel Theisman of Evangelion maintenance. And, as of yesterday, I am the guardian of the pilots, both active and inactive."

Mari tilted her head slightly as Asuka rolled her eye. "I didn't think that Colonel Katsuragi was feeling nostalgic," she said. "So, did she dump this on you, or did you get a say in this?"

"Neither, actually," Daniel replied. "I requested the position."

Asuka blinked, then scoffed. "Oh, come on. We're not toddlers. We don't need a babysitter. Besides, we're probably as old as you are."

Daniel chuckled. "Kid, I may not look like it, but I'm pushing 120. Compared to me, everyone on this vessel is a kid. Even the Captain herself."

Asuka's eye widened as Mari gasped. "Wow… you're almost as old as m-" Mari began.

She caught herself for the briefest of instances, and Daniel and Asuka's gazes turned to her. "Margaret Mitchell. Wrote Gone with the Wind. Interesting read."

Daniel's brow quirked up slightly. 'Interesting, indeed.'

"Can't say that I ever read it, sadly." Daniel shrugged. "Made a decent movie, anyways."

But, he looked back at Asuka. "As to why I decided to ask the Captain to take you all under my wing, well… I know what it's like to be a unique kind of soldier, with no one to turn to for experience or guidance. No one who knows what it's like to live like this for this long. No one who knows what it's like to have the power to end the world at nearly a moment's notice."

"And how exactly could one super-senior end the world like we could?" Asuka asked archly.

"My codes are likely very out of date by now, but there was a time during the Cold War where I essentially had the entire US nuclear arsenal in my back pocket."

Daniel's face fell somewhat, a distant look in his eyes as he looked down at the floor. "Holding on to that sort of power… it weighs on you. You walk a tightrope, having to make sure you're not one bad day away from turning the world to nuclear ash."

He looked back up at Asuka, seeing an odd look in her eye that he couldn't quite read. "I imagine that's the sort of weight you pilots bear every time you get into the Entry Plug." his voice was soft, and yet it still echoed through the vast empty space.

It was silent for a few moments, then Daniel continued. "So, I'm not going to treat either of you as children. But I am going to treat you all as adults."

"Do we get any say in the matter?" Asuka said.

"Actually, yes. I want that to be a defining part of our time together. I want you to be able to have a choice in how much time you want to spend with me. Heaven knows you don't get many of those around here."

Asuka was silent for a moment, looking down at the ground. Daniel was tempted to look in on her soul to see what she would answer, but he wanted to preserve the mystery for the time being.

"Alright, then. Answer me this." Asuka looked back up at Daniel. "Can we do stuff outside of this glass box?"

"As often as you want to. In fact, if it were up to me, I'd get you out of this… prison. But even if I'm able to get Shinji out of the brig with my connections… I don't know where the Captain's line is."

Asuka nodded slowly. "Got it," she said quietly.

"So… how about a spar tomorrow evening?"

Asuka's brow furrowed. "You mean… you want to try and match me, the woman who cracked a several inches thick pane of glass?"

Daniel smiled. "Ms. Shikinami, I spent most of my century of military service going through glass like that. You aren't going to hurt me in any way that lasts. Besides, it's been ages since I've found a new sparring partner. I love my kids like a father, but when you've trained as long as we have with each other, you get their every twitch down."

Asuka's brows rose, and Daniel recognized the gleam in her eye. "Oh, you're on." she smiled almost hungrily.

Daniel chuckled softly as he looked over at Mari. "Anything you want to do tomorrow?"

"Well…" Mari mulled the question over for a moment. "I mean, I'm sure that the lovely princess here wouldn't mind some time away from me. So, I think I'll sit this one out."

Daniel blinked, but before he could reply, Mari held out a finger. "However! There is one condition."

Asuka sighed quietly. "Oh, yeah. The book club," she muttered.

"I, dear sir," Mari continued regardless, "would like you to be the first member of the Illustrious Book Reader's Society. Asuka doesn't really like reading, I think it's the patch and all, and I've been positively dying to talk to someone about what I've read."

Daniel nodded. "I'd love to. But I'd hate to take from what looks like a rather meager collection."

Mari shrugged. "I've got the digital files of a whole lot of books on my tablet. I'm sure our lovely princess still has them on hers, too."

"Alright," Daniel said as he pulled out a phone. "I'll try and get a few others on board, too. Many voices make good discussion and all that."

He paused for a moment. "Can I actually connect to your tablets quickly? I've got something I'd like to give you two."

Asuka and Mari picked up their tablets as Daniel connected to them, sending the files to his chatroom to them. "There. Now, you can talk with me any time, about anything. And the kicker…"

Daniel looked around for a moment. "It's not connected to the ship's systems. Only I and those I give permission to can see what we say. The Captain is not among that number."

Asuka raised a brow. "That sounds almost like a recipe for sedition to me, Mr. Theisman."

"Please, just call me Daniel. I'm not here to be your commanding officer. Like I told Shinji this morning… I'm hopeful that I could perhaps be a friend, in time."

Asuka nodded slowly. "Alright then. I guess… see you tomorrow?"

Daniel nodded. "I'll see you then."

With that, Daniel began to walk away. 'You know… I think that went well.'

"Looking into your memories…"
Nynrya interjected. "I can see why you would think that."

. . .

Asuka watched Daniel walking away, and wondered what was going on inside her head.

If he was what he said he was, then at least things were finally going to be interesting outside of an Evangelion around here. 'I even get some time away from Specs. I can only thank him for that.'

And yet… a part of her was on edge. The darker part of herself, most likely. But as to why… she couldn't put her finger on it.

"He's a real cutie," Mari said, Asuka sighing as she rolled her eye. "I hope you enjoy your date with him."

"Come on, Specs," Asuka replied. "I'm not into him at all. I'm not even sure how genuine he is about this whole gooey 'friend' bullshit."

"I dunno." Mari shrugged. "He seemed pretty genuine to me."

Her smile became smug, and her eyes glittered. "And hey, who knows. Maybe you'll find out you have a thing for older guys."

Asuka opened her mouth to retort, then paused as something flashed through her mind. She wasn't sure if it was a memory or a hazily remembered dream… but it had to do with Kaji.

"Oh," Mari said, a dramatic hand covering an open mouth. "Or did you already figure that out, my dear?"


"Shutting up, princess."

- - -

Midori emerged from the exterior hatch of the vessel into an open sky she was somewhat surprised she could both stand and breathe normally. Likely something to do with the intricate AT Field that the vessel projected.

Looking down the way, she spotted the lone figure of Sumire Nagara, just as First Lieutenant Aoba, of all people, had told her she would find her. She sat down on the large 'head' of the Wunder, looking out at the sky and the clouds and the setting sun that was nearly the color of the ocean below them.

It seemed to her like a rather precarious place to spend much time, even if the ship had its own gravity. She advanced slowly regardless, her legs trembling slightly.

As she drew near, her boots clacking slightly on the hard metal surface, Sumire looked back at her, a mixture of surprise and annoyance on her face just noticeable enough for Midori to see. "I didn't expect you to come up here," she said pointedly.

"I didn't expect you to be up here, either." Midori retorted. "Walking on the surface of this thing feels…"

She trailed off, unsure how to describe the entirety of what she was feeling as she came to a stop by Sumire's side, looking out over the open sky and the sliver of red that was the ocean far below them.

"So, are you here to track down your sticky notes?"

Midori shook her head. "Not entirely, no. There's… something I wanted to ask you."

She took a seat and looked over at Sumire before she continued. "How long have you been at the helm of a ship? You seem to know your way around things fairly well."

Sumire blinked, looking out towards the horizon silently for a moment. "Since I was about 6," she said quietly. "My family lived near old Nagoya. Dad was a fisher before the seas totally died. But he still loved to take us sailing. He liked to put me behind the wheel of his old sailboat, talk me through how to steer the ship like his father taught him."

It was silent again for a moment as Midori looked down at Sumire's lap. There lay her pad and pen, along with what she assumed was Sumire's tablet.

"Can I get a note from my pad?" she asked.

"Oh. Sure."

The small square sheet was soon in Midori's hands, and they began to move almost on instinct, creasing and folding the paper in a familiar pattern. "What does it feel like?" she asked softly.

Sumire shook her head slightly as she pondered. "It's… like you've become something bigger than you are. With the slightest movement, you can change so much. And when you leave land behind… it may look the same, but you get this feeling like you could go anywhere. Find anything. I'd like to think that, even just the tiniest bit… it's a little like being in an Evangelion. There's such a potential, like the open sea can grant a wish to find something, or someone."

"And this ship…" she paused before continuing. "It's unlike any other ship I've ever steered. Sure, I've steered some big ships before, but this… it's massive, and it offers a feeling of freedom that's so much more than anything I could have imagined. It's like… being in a fairy tale, at the helm of a magical ship that sails through the sky."

Midori smiled slightly, looking down at the paper crane she had created for a moment. "That's nice. You should write that down somewhere."

"That's actually why I come up here," Sumire replied. "I write, too. The loneliness helps… clear my head."

"Oh. Sorry if I disturbed you, then."

"No, it's fine. I was taking a break anyway."

Sumire paused, then looked over at Midori. "What is being on sensors like for you?"

Midori rolled her eyes. "It's a handful," she admitted with a shrug. "I'm a civilian volunteer, after all, hardly trained for this specific job. I was going into a high school in Tokyo-2 geared towards tech jobs, where I could use the sticky notes that help me focus a lot more liberally than here."

"So how did the whole sticky notes as introductions thing start, then?"

"Well, my family saw that I loved making origami with it, and suggested that I give them to people to start up a conversation. The notes thing was my own spin."

"So…" Midori smiled as she presented the crane to Sumire. "Here you go."

Sumire smiled slightly as she took the crane. "You know… I think I've figured out what I could give you," she said after a moment.

She set the crane on her lap and took the pen, and wrote small, precise strokes on the pad she now held. Then, she peeled the note off, handing the note to Midori.

Midori looked down at the note, her smile widening as she read it.

'Sumire Nagara'
'Words, like magic, make me smile after so long'​

Midori looked back up at Sumire. "Thank you." she nearly whispered.

Then she blinked. "Oh! Here's yours."

She pulled a sticky note out of her pocket, a little rumpled now, and handed it to Sumire.

"Thank you," Sumire said as she slipped the note into a pocket in her jacket.

They sat there in silence for a few moments, simply looking out at the sky together.

Then, Midori blinked as she looked over at Sumire. "So, what do you write about up here?"

Sumire opened, then closed her mouth. "A… few things."

"Like what?"

- - -

Daniel stepped into the reinforced examination rooms, snorting softly as he found Rei Ayanami on a gurney, surrounded by machines and behind a pane of cracked glass.

As he stepped up to the window, he saw Rei turn her head and regard him silently.

'I wonder what made you so cold back then.' he pondered silently.

"Good… evening, Ms. Ayanami," he said aloud. "My name is Mr. Daniel Theisman. I'll be your guardian once you're released from Doctor Akagi's care."

Rei remained silent, then nodded after a moment. "Very well."

They simply regarded each other for a moment before Daniel sighed quietly. "I plan to visit you as often as I can while I work with the other pilots. Would you prefer otherwise? I'd like to give you the choice of seeing me as often or as little as you want."

The barest glimmer of confusion entered Rei's expression. "Sir?"

"I'm a firm believer that you kids should have a choice in something. Right now, this is the best I can give you. Would you like to be left alone until you are released?"

It was silent again as Rei considered.

"I would find regular visits… amenable, Mr. Theisman." she finally answered.

Daniel smiled slightly. "Good. I'll see when I can visit you next. I look forward to getting to know you better."

Before he could turn away, Rei spoke again. "Shinji Ikari, and Asuka Langley… are they… okay?"

The smile disappeared as Daniel sighed quietly. "Honestly… no. A lot has happened in the last 14 years. Something Asuka knows and Shinji is finding out."

"Could I, perhaps… see them as well?"

Daniel opened his mouth slightly, then closed it silently. "I'm unsure of how Asuka would feel about such a visit as of right now. And I'm sure that Doctor Akagi would object to Shinji visiting you in person. As I said to Shinji earlier today, I would likely be able to set up a video call, with the Doctor's permission. Would that work?"

"I can agree to such terms. Though…" Rei paused. "I wish to apologize to both of them. That I was not able to have them over for dinner."

Daniel nodded. "I'll let you say that to them in person. Whether that's when you get out or when I can arrange visits… That's something that needs as little in the way as possible."

"Very well. I look forward to whenever the occasion comes."

"As do I. And, for future reference… You don't need to call me Mr. Theisman. You can just call me Daniel."

He saw a flicker of surprise in slightly widened eyes. "Very well… Daniel."

Daniel nodded. "Good evening to you, Rei. I'll see you whenever we next meet."

With that, Daniel turned and walked away, ready to go to bed. The first battle, as it were, had been won. Of course, the coming days would bring more… unique situations. But he would use the time he had, regardless. However long that might be.
At the very least, this is a good start for Daniel. I do wonder why Gendo hasn't made a move yet?
"If Shinji Ikari has, indeed, returned, he will see the state of this world. See the desperation with which those he is surrounded by work to forestall the inevitable. We will leave him for a time among them, scrabbling in the darkness of this world."

He paused and turned, walking back towards his desk and sitting back down. "Then, when the time is right, we will extend our hand to him, and offer to have him help shine a light on this world. To make it as it should be. So desperate will he be to win my approval, and to fix his mistake, he will jump at the chance to assist us."

Put quite simply, he wants to ensure that Shinji is as hopeless as he can be before he comes and scoops him up. It's a matter of blatant emotional manipulation, plain and simple. Typical Gendo Ikari.
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Gendo did not do that in the canon rebuild timeline. What cause him to adjust his methods? Also, I hope Daniel's influence is the wild card Gendo didn't count on.
It has to do with the fact that the Rebuilds are Time Slinkys. This world hasn't fully reached the point where the actual Rebuilds are. Thus there are going to be differences small, like this one is, and far larger, like the Herald Units.
It has to do with the fact that the Rebuilds are Time Slinkys. This world hasn't fully reached the point where the actual Rebuilds are. Thus there are going to be differences small, like this one is, and far larger, like the Herald Units.
One thing I can say is that because Gendo does not know what is happening on the Wunder, he could be in for a nasty surprise.
Chapter 5: Questions

Chapter 5: Questions

I'm still puzzled somewhat by Shinji Ikari's readings. Senpai and I were exacting in taking the readings, and I know it frustrates her just as much as it frustrates me to only be getting error messages.

There must be something we're missing. But… a part of me doesn't want to pull the poor boy in for more testing, as much as I'm sure Senpai wants to. As much as I remind myself that he isn't fully human anymore… I have to wonder how much humanity he really lost in there. He protected Asuka. And he seems so… genuine in his reactions. Are we being played? Or are we hurting this poor boy by trying to protect ourselves?

- From the personal journal of Maya Ibuki, February 2nd, 2028

The Brig, February 5th, 2028

Shinji Ikari found himself doing something that he hadn't expected to be doing while he was here on the Wunder: he waited anxiously.

Anxiously might have been a strong term for simply sitting up and watching the bars, but he found it was a marked improvement over simply laying and facing the wall.

He looked down at his SDAT player by his side, still broken, and wished he could pass the time listening to the music within. The silence had become… deafening. Smothering.

Even still, his mind swirled with thoughts under the weight of that silence. Questions that even his limited amount of research hadn't been able to answer.

How had he done this? How did saving Ayanami cause Unit-01 to wake up, as it were? Could he fix it somehow?

The questions, joined by a whirlwind of others, never seemed to have any answers. No matter how hard he wracked his mind.

Even thinking about it made him sigh quietly in resignation. The words that Misato had said forced their way back into the front of his mind.

"You will do nothing, Shinji Ikari."

'But… I don't want to be useless anymore.'

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway, and he looked up to see two familiar faces stop in front of the bars, and one that he didn't recognize.

"M… Daniel, what is Doctor Akagi doing here?" he asked as he stood slowly.

Daniel sighed quietly. "Along with Ms. Ibuki and Ms. Suzuhara, she'll be along to study the effects of long-term internment in a core space on the human body. It's an unfortunate concession, for today at least."

"We'll endeavor to be as discreet as possible." Doctor Akagi said coolly.

Shinji nodded slowly. It made sense if nothing else. "So…" he began as his gaze shifted to the woman who stood beside Daniel, looking at him with glittering blue eyes and a calm smile.

"This is Anna Sanders. She's the team mom, and the one who keeps most of us in line." Daniel replied as the bars slid away and Shinji stepped forward.

"I made sure that they remembered their objectives, and not stretch themselves too much back when it mattered. Hardly a mom when the kids are throwing themselves into gunfire." Anna replied as she stretched out a hand, Shinji taking it and shaking it once.

'See?' Daniel mouthed as Shinji looked back at Daniel, who nodded in Anna's direction. 'Team mom.'

Shinji couldn't help but smile slightly as they began to walk out of the brig, passing Karra and Zane, two guards who had visited him upon occasion, as they waved. He still thought the red welt on Zane's face looked painful, despite the rather soft-spoken man's words to the contrary.

"So," he heard Daniel ask Doctor Akagi as they exited the brig, "what exactly do these 'experiments' entail?"

"For now, simple observation." Doctor Akagi replied. "Captain Ibuki has gone ahead to the designated gym and set up several sensors that will be taking multiple types of readings."

"Such as?" Anna asked.

"Measurements of his physical vitals, as well as those of his mind and soul. With the advances that have been made in the last decade and a half, remote detection of such things as sync scores, harmonics values, and other readings has become quite easy. We will be measuring him against the scans Captain Ibuki is currently making of herself and likely of Ms. Suzuhara."

They boarded the central tram that ran through the spine of the vessel, silence falling over them as the ride passed in a silence only broken by the tram's music.

Soon, they departed the tram, and after a short walk, entered an expansive gym, a seemingly clear floor hosting dozens of outlines of what was likely stored away gym equipment. In the center of the room, occupied by a standing punching bag, Captain Ibuki walked around it slowly, looking intently at a tablet and tapping at the screen.

She looked up as they entered, coming to attention. "XO," she said professionally. "The sensors are almost done calibrating."

"Good, Lieutenant," Akagi replied, Shinji only barely noticing the two women walking over to a pair of folding chairs by the far left wall as Sakura waved at him. He waved back, thankful for her slight, but kind smile.

"Alright then. Focus on me for a second." Daniel said, drawing Shinji's attention back to him as he walked over to stand in front of him. "Do you at least know how to make a fist?"

'In the Eva, I do…' Shinji thought as he looked down at his hand, slowly clenching it into a fist.

"Good," Anna said beside him. "You even remembered not to put your thumb in the fist. I've seen more than a few people break their thumbs real quick not knowing that."

Daniel nodded, taking a step back. "Alright. Good start. Now, let's see you throw a punch."

Anna stepped away from his side as Shinji thought for a moment, trying to recall what little training he'd gotten to pilot the Evangelion. 'If I can copy that…'

He settled as best he could into a stance, shifting slightly as he cocked his fist back, then punched forward.

Daniel raised his arms as he looked at Anna. "Look at him. Kid's a natural at this already."

Anna rolled her eyes. "At least he's confident in you," she said to Shinji as Daniel walked over to the punching bag.

"Alright, Shinji. Step up to the bag," he said as he got behind it and propped it up. "Let's see what you can do."

Shinji walked over in front of the bag uncertainly, and Daniel nodded as he patted a part of the bag at chest height for him. "Put everything you've got into this next one, all right here."

"Um…" he looked up at Anna, her brow furrowed slightly in concern as she continued. "Are you sure that's a good idea with you behind the dummy like that? You ended up with a few broken bones last time we did something like this."

Daniel waved her off. "I'll be fine. Now, Shinji. Focus. Then strike this spot whenever you're ready."

Shinji looked at the point Daniel had noted, and took a deep breath as he clenched his fist.

At that point, he visualized the face of the 10th Angel. Unit-03. His father. The feelings he felt for all of them. Hate, confusion, hurt. He sent all those and more pouring into his fist, the feelings seeming to bubble and froth with a boiling intensity.

Finally, as his vision began to tunnel, he threw the punch with all the might he could muster. He wanted to shatter that damn mask. All of them.

The strike connected, and the air was pierced by a loud thud.

And Shinji's eyes went wide as he watched the bag go flying. And Daniel going along with it.

The pair impacted the far wall, and Shinji's heart nearly stopped as he heard the crunch. "Mr. Theisman!"

. . .

'Well, that was a little harder than I expected.'

Daniel felt his bones knitting back together as he rested behind the rather heavy bag that he'd brought for this. 60 pounds slamming into your chest was nothing to sneeze at, even for an Interfacer.

"I think you even dented the wall," Nynrya observed, an impressed tone to her words. "Good job." she continued, her words now tinged with sarcasm.

Daniel rolled his eyes as he began to lift the bag off of him. His efforts lasted only for a moment as the bag was torn out of his hands and tossed aside, and he looked at Shinji, tears in his eyes.

"Oh, Mr. Theisman! I'm… I'm sorry! I didn't mean to punch that hard, I just… did. Do we need to… call…"

Shinji stuttered to a stop as Daniel waved him off, getting back to his feet, hands on his knees, as he surprised everyone with what he did next: he chuckled.

The chuckle escalated into full-blown laughter as he straightened up, and he let out a whoop as he arched his back.

"My, but you've got some moxie in you, kid!" Daniel finally said as he looked at Shinji, the boy's eyes almost wider than everyone else's. "I haven't taken a punch like that in decades."

He put a hand on the boy's shoulder and found that he was shuddering. "Now, we get to teach you how to control it so that you don't do that to someone you want to live through it."

He looked over at Sakura, Ibuki, and Akagi, two of whom were looking at him in shock, while the other looked intently down at her tablet. "I'm assuming you got some nice data from that?" he asked.

"I'm sure it will be once the system parses it," Akagi replied almost absentmindedly.

"Are you… okay?" Sakura asked.

Daniel nodded. "It's part of what we think the LCL did to our healing process. As long as we aren't blown apart, we can bounce back from just about everything."

Anna stepped forward and cuffed him lightly on the side of the head. [Just because we can do that doesn't mean you should just go and scare the poor kid, you idiot.] she said in German.

[Careful, Jünger,] Daniel replied, [your German side is showing.]

Daniel saw Anna roll her eyes for a moment before he glanced at Shinji, who looked at her with wondering eyes.

"She's German-Irish," Daniel said. "First-generation American. Just like all my kids. Besides Eleanor and I, everyone else was the children of immigrant parents."

Anna nodded, the others nodding slowly in turn. "Yes, I am. Anyway, let's focus on getting that strength of yours under control, shall we?"

Shinji nodded as Anna went over to go and pick up the punching bag, and Daniel looked over at Doctor Akagi. "Anything interesting so far?"

Akagi finally looked up from her tablet, looking at him intently as Anna led Shinji towards the bag again. "Well, once again, we aren't able to get any readings on his sync score and harmonics. They're returning error messages. As for the other readings we got on both his soul and yours…"

Daniel's brow arched. "And what kind of readings would those be?"

"Well, it's clear that something within both of you is doing something we've only seen AT Fields doing. Whether that has something to do with an extended—or in your case, concentrated—exposure to LCL, we'll have to see with the other pilots." Ibuki replied.

Akagi nodded. "This, of course, bears further research."

Daniel nodded slowly. "I see. Well, I'm going to get back to-"

He glanced over, and saw the bag launch into the air again, heading right towards him and Sakura.

In an instant, he grabbed Sakura's shoulder, jostling her to the right as he stepped aside, the bag whooshing past them and smacking into the wall again before landing on its base.

"You okay?" he asked a clearly frazzled Sakura, who nodded wordlessly.

"I recommend staying out of the way, now." Daniel continued as he walked past, looking back at the wall as Anna patiently went and easily hoisted the bag again.

"Man, I really hope there's nothing important behind that," he said quietly as he looked back at a Shinji who was quite clearly blushing from embarrassment.

"Sorry…" Shinji said as Anna set the bag down in its place.

Daniel sighed quietly. "It's okay. It's a tough old ship, and we've got some time before our duty shift starts. We'll get this figured out."

"Speaking of," he continued, "how's getting your strength under control feeling right now?"

"Not… great," Shinji admitted.

"Okay." Daniel was silent for a moment, stroking his beard thoughtfully as he glanced at Akagi walking out of the door. 'Interesting.'

"What kind of mindset are you in right now?" he asked, glancing over at Sakura sitting in the now vacant chair Akagi had left.

Shinji blinked. "Well, right now, I'm trying to learn to pull my punches."

Daniel nodded. "Alright. That's only going to get you so far, but that's not a bad line of thought."

He paused. "But for now, focus on mentally tuning it down. Close your eyes and picture something you can adjust, like a dial or switch, or-"

"Like a string on an instrument?" Shinji said, his eyes closed as his brow furrowed slightly.

Daniel smiled slightly. "Yes, actually. Just like that. Do you play?"

Shinji opened his eyes and nodded slowly. "Yeah. I used to play the cello."

"Good." Daniel smiled. "Maybe we should get you one sometime. But anyways, close your eyes and focus. Get the image of your instrument in your mind. Find the string that goes to your strength, and tune it down until it feels in tune again."

It was quiet for a moment before Shinji nodded. "Okay," Daniel said, "one more punch."

He found himself holding his breath without meaning to as he watched Shinji wind up his next punch. Then, the boy threw a fist into the bag, and it smacked the surface, the bag not budging an inch.

Daniel smiled as Anna patted him on the shoulder. "That seems to have done the trick." he nodded. "Good job."

"Thank you," Shinji replied, letting out a heavy sigh. "That… took a lot more out of me than I expected."

"Then we'll call it good for today." Daniel looked down at his watch. "Which leaves us plenty of time for the questions."

"Oh, boy," Anna said as she rolled her eyes. "The questions."

Shinji tilted his head, a confused and somewhat interested look in his eyes that mirrored Ibuki and Sakura's. "What kind of questions?"

"They're simple, really. Just two questions I've asked my kids and wife at a few points, and that I ask myself every day. They seem simple, but the first one has… hidden depths to it."

Shinji nodded slowly. "What is it?"

"Who are you?"

Shinji blinked. "Uh… Shinji Ikari?"

Daniel smiled slightly. "A string of names that could belong to any boy on the planet. Think more deeply. Who are you?"

He watched as Shinji cupped his chin thoughtfully, glancing over at a now thoroughly interested Ibuki and Sakura.

It was silent for several seconds before Shinji tried again. "Former pilot of Unit-01?"

"An occupation, thankfully, hardly defines a man in his entirety. It shapes how we think, and how we act, but when it comes to who we are in the moment, such considerations often become meaningless. So, who are you?"

It was silent again, the seconds stretching into minutes now as Daniel hoped that Shinji had picked up on the hint that he had dropped him.

Shinji finally nodded slightly. "I'm… confused. I'm a man who sees what's happened and wants to help. If I could get into Unit-01 and safely fix things, then I would. I'm a man who doesn't know how to, though. And…"

Shinji sighed quietly. "I can't do anything. And that… hurts."

It was silent again as Daniel walked towards Shinji slowly, coming to a stop in front of him as he put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Good job. It takes a little more thought than that from most before they reach the real answer to that question," he said softly.

"I have all day to think in that cell." Shinji shrugged. "I probably did most of my thinking before now."

Daniel nodded. "I understand. Now that you know the answer to the first question, I'll ask the second one. What do you want?"

"To fix this," Shinji said immediately. "To put everything that's been broken back together. To make…"

He paused as he looked down and to the side. "I just want to make everyone happy again." he nearly whispered.

Daniel nodded. "Someday, kid… I think you'll get your chance. Right now, though…"

Shinji looked back up at him as he paused. "Do what you can for yourself. If you aren't strong enough to support your own happiness, then the effort to ensure everyone else's will simply crush you. Trust me. I know."

Shinji looked up at him silently for a moment, then nodded.

Daniel nodded in turn, then looked at his watch. "And I'm afraid that's all we have time for today. We've got to get to our duty shift now."

Shinji nodded. "I guess we'll get more practice next time, then."

"Next time being tomorrow," Anna said as she looked at Daniel. "Right? I mean, it's not like we'll have much else to do on this ship anyway."

Daniel chuckled as he nodded. "As long as Shinji's up for it."

As Shinji nodded, he looked over at Ibuki and Sakura. "I assume you two are going to be present, at least?"

Ibuki nodded. "The XO has delegated the task of studying the pilots in your care. I'll be here this evening when you return with Pilot Shikinami. Barring any emergencies, of course."

Sakura nodded as well. "And, seeing as I'm his supervising medical officer, it stands to reason I should make sure he stays healthy."

Daniel nodded as the two women stood. "Very well. I'll make sure he gets back to where he needs to be."

They made their way to the door, Sakura turning and waving at Shinji before she disappeared from sight.

Ibuki, on the other hand, lingered in the doorway for a moment, looking at Shinji as she opened her mouth, then shut it wordlessly, following Sakura out as the door shut behind her.

Shinji looked at the door for a moment, then looked back at Daniel, a quizzical look in his eyes as he saw Daniel's contemplative look. "What was that about?"

"A good question. Perhaps something I said on the bridge was heard by more than just those that were on it."

Shinji tilted his head as the trio began to walk out the door as well, making their way back to the brig. "What do you mean?"

"I said that placing all the blame on you for Near-Third Impact was hypocritical, in so many words." Daniel paused. "That, as much as you were made to pilot Unit-01, that was the last place someone in your state of mind, what little I can glean of it, should have been."

Shinji nodded slightly. "I see," he said quietly as they boarded the tram system.

Daniel sat next to him, and it was silent for a moment. Then, Daniel looked over at him. "So. Seeing as we're going to be together for the next little while, I think I should get to know you better. So, tell me a little about yourself. What's your life story?"

Shinji looked up at the patient eyes of the man who had taken charge of taking care of him and hesitated for a few moments. "Well… it's probably not as exciting as yours before I got into the Eva."

"And yet, I treasure the nearly 20 years I got before I got injected with the superbug that started all this," Daniel said patiently. "So, I'm all ears."

Shinji looked over at Anna, who nodded silently. Then, he sighed quietly. "I… well, I didn't have… the best life, really."

- - -

Koji Takao had to keep fixing things.

Of course, part of that was that this ship, being incomplete as it was, was constantly in need of some repair or another. 'This damn thing is almost being held together by duct tape and prayers, and we haven't even had it for more than a few months.' he mused as he came upon a leaky pipe near one of the shower rooms, popping off the wall panel with a few tools from the belt around his waist.

It was a rather quick fix, really. A simple application of sealant tape, a few passes from a heat gun, and the leak was conquered for another few days as he replaced the panel and went on to the next problem to be conquered.

Such was how he spent his off time in the ship, wandering its halls, becoming familiar with them even as he passed the other people who walked through them without much more thought than a quick hello.

As he made his way through the ship, towards one of the gyms that someone said had a dented wall panel, he still couldn't help but marvel at the thing, though. It was utterly silent as they floated through the air, a ship bigger than any he could have ever even dreamed of serving aboard. It was like something from one of…

'No. Don't go there. Focus on the fixing.'

He left the possibility of thinking about… them behind, stuffing the void they'd left with concern for keeping the ship flying. For keeping something repaired that he could actually fix. It was becoming a rare occasion that he would be able to get off of the bridge, what with Misato keeping him at that station. He'd had to leave a lot of the work up to-

He blinked as he saw a flash of a person tucked away into one of the seemingly useless nooks that were scattered all around the ship, pausing after he walked by, then turned around and walked back to find…


The young, thin man in question looked up from a book he was reading, a somewhat startled look on his face only lit up by a pin-prick of light coming from above something he was holding. "Oh. Sir. Can I… help you?" he asked as he scooted out closer towards Koji.

"What… what're you doing in one of these?" Koji asked, glancing up and down the hallway for a moment.

"It's comfy in here, sir." Hideki shrugged as he closed the book over a finger. "No one really disturbs me, and I get to read in peace."

Koji tilted his head in confusion as he regarded the rather dark space within which Hideki Tama was nestled. "Read? In there?"

Hideki tapped a small light clamped to the cover of his book. "Well, I have this, sir."

Koji stood there somewhat in shock for a moment before he finally started chuckling. "So, you read for work and for play, huh, kid?"

Hideki nodded. "It's a hobby I've kept up ever since I was little."

"So, uh…" Koji trailed off before looking at the book Hideki was reading. "What's it about?"

Hideki blinked, then looked down at the book. "Oh. It's, uh… it's a fantasy novel. Temper of the Volcano Gods. An older one, and not exactly up to the level I usually read at nowadays, but… it's an old favorite of mine."

Koji nodded. The name sounded… familiar if nothing else. "What's it about?"

"It's about this boy from a kingdom between two mountains," Hideki began, "who manages to come across a seemingly ordinary stone. The two gods of the mountains, brothers, each want the stone for themselves, and it's up to the boy to ensure that his city doesn't get destroyed."

Hideki looked down at the book for a moment, then took a bookmark out from his jacket and slipped it in his place before holding it out to him. "I'd be willing to loan it out to you if you want to try it."

It finally clicked for Koji, and a memory sprang to mind unbidden.

Little Hachiro had come up to him with that same book countless times while he was on leave, at least what leave one could get in the middle of the Impact Wars. He'd always asked him to read it to him.

But he was often busy with one project or another, only ever reading a chapter or two at a time, something Nanami had often chided him about. "He isn't going to stay young forever, Koji."

"He'll grow up before you know it."

He never did.

"Sorry, Hideki," he said, looking away to not show the kid the tears welling in his eyes. "I've got to keep busy. I don't exactly have much time for reading these days. I appreciate the sentiment though."

"Okay, sir," Hideki replied, and he could hear a little sadness in the boy's voice.

Koji nodded, turned to walk away, and paused out of sight of the nook. "Don't stop enjoying it, kid. I haven't read much of it… but it's a good book."

With that, he walked away, rubbing at his damp eyes as he continued on his path towards that gym that probably needed to have the panels beaten back into shape if he could manage it on his own.

- - -

Asuka Shikinami-Langley watched the door that led into the room their cell was within intently, silent as she ignored Mari peering over her shoulder.

Her mind swirled with thoughts, all of them capped by anxiety that she was now sure came from her darker part. 'What kind of tricks are up his sleeve? He's been training since the 40s, so I'd expect a heavy influence from boxing to be present in his fighting style. That likely means his legs will be mostly static whenever he isn't moving. Easier targets. Then again, he's had a lot of time to pick up a lot of different styles. I'll have to stay sharp in case he has a few surprises for me.'

That line of thought tapered off as she began to wonder about something else. Something that she didn't really wonder about anyone else, now or even back then. 'I wonder what he's seen.'

His attitude, that of an American soldier, didn't fully surprise her. She'd been around enough soldiers during her time in the EU Air Force before she'd transferred to Tokyo-3. They were often brash and cavalier, a perfect fit for her style of piloting. But the depth of his vitriol towards those that commanded him, while not entirely unsurprising, still made her wonder.

Before she could ponder too deeply, however, the door opened, and two figures began to walk across the bridge towards their room. One was, as expected, Daniel, while the other was another man, a little taller than him, with black hair and a full, well-trimmed beard.

"Well, hello, Danny boy," Mari said as they came to a stop before the glass, Daniel holding a bag in his hand. "Good to see you're a man of your word."

She looked over at the man next to Daniel, and her eyebrows rose. "Well, then. Who's tall, dark, and handsome over here?"

Daniel looked over at the man, who nodded, smiling slightly as the light coming from their room glittered off of his dark blue eyes. "Name's Shawn. I'm Daniel's sparring partner, at least this time around. I wanted to show off what a fight between us usually looks like, and Daniel decided it was okay."

Asuka nodded slowly as she looked at Daniel, then at the bag he was holding. "What's in there?" she asked.

"A change of clothes," Daniel replied. "It doesn't look like you two have much of anything in here beyond what you're wearing, and we figured that sparring in a Plugsuit gets… challenging."

Asuka rolled her eye. "Oh, come on. It's not like this is all I have. I just prefer my Plugsuit. Turn around, and I'll get dressed."

Daniel and Shawn nodded as they turned away, and Asuka slipped off her bomber jacket and clicked the button on the cuff of her Plugsuit.

As it became baggy, Asuka slipped out of the suit, uncaring of Mari's presence as she threw on a tank top, exercise shorts, and a pair of sneakers. "Alright. Let me out of this box now."

Daniel and Shawn turned, and their gaze rested solely on Asuka's DSS Choker even as Daniel swiped his keycard, the transparent door sliding open. "So," Daniel said coolly. "You have a DSS Choker as well."

"I was the first one to get it," Asuka said as she stepped out of the cell, the door closing behind her as they turned and walked away.

"Bye-bye, princess!" Mari said behind them. "Have fun on your date!"

Asuka sighed heavily as they exited, the door shutting behind her giving her that rarest of treats: near silence.

The silence remained as they boarded the tram, the car empty. Then, Shawn looked over at Asuka. "So," he began, "how did you get that bomb collar?"

Asuka looked over at the man, at the hard look in his eyes that she was sure wasn't directed at her. "I got it because of my time with… the 9th Angel." she almost said the thing's name, nearly called it back to being apart from her, able to torment her. She could feel the narrowness of the miss.

"Ah. Bardiel, then." Daniel said offhandedly.

Asuka's head whipped over to look at the man, a part of her distantly aware that Shawn had done the same. "Where do you know that name?" she nearly whispered. The darker part of her was nearly screaming in fright now.

"We had a theologian who we worked with in close proximity while we were working on Unit-03," Daniel replied, and her eye widened at the revelation. "While the Angels were coming, and whenever we got the after-action reports, the guy would go and scrounge around to give them easily recognizable codenames."

Daniel tilted his head as he regarded her further. "The question that comes to my mind is, where did you hear that name? And why did you react to it so strongly?"

It was a shocked silence that hung unsteadily in the car for a moment before Asuka's eye narrowed and her brow furrowed. "Right now, that's none of your damn business."

Daniel nodded. "Okay, then. So it shall remain."

The silence returned, rejoining the uneasiness that Asuka's darker part had now begun to feel instead. He knew. He knew and he wasn't saying anything. What would that mean? What would he do?

One final, terrifying question capped off the rest. 'What could he do?'

Even still, she kept the thoughts to herself as the tram slowed to a stop, and they walked into the gym, Asuka's brow arching as she saw the panels on the far wall that had been taken off and set to the side. "Your work, I assume?"

"Actually, no," Daniel replied. "That's from when Shinji threw me into the wall underneath a 60-pound punching bag."

Asuka's eye went wide again as he continued, looking down at himself. "Broke, like… 6, 7 ribs before I healed back up."

Asuka shook her head slightly. "Idiot Shinji did that?"

She snorted softly. "For such a wimp, I'm kind of impressed."

"I am too," Daniel replied. "Kid's got a big heart."

Asuka rolled her eye. "Yeah? Look at where it got us."

"Maybe," Shawn interjected. "But that's on breathtakingly little training more than a big heart."

Asuka looked over at Shawn. "And how did you figure that out?"

"I talked to Daniel and Anna, who were with Shinji this morning," Shawn replied as he turned to face her. "You talk a lot of shit on a kid who got shoved into where he was without a clue about what was happening."

Asuka stared at the man. "And what do you know about piloting, huh?"

"Not that much less than what Shinji knew before he tripped the switch. He shouldn't have been in there."

"Finally, something we can agree on."

"Alright, then," Daniel said as he put a hand on each of their shoulders, gently pushing them apart. "Let's leave the fighting for the spar, alright?"

He looked down at her. "He didn't get the chance to live a normal life. He had no parents, no friends to look after him after Commander Ikari abandoned him. All that was expected of him was that he would come when he was needed and pilot Unit-01."

Asuka blinked in surprise. "Really?" she said somewhat numbly.

Daniel nodded. "Yes. Having talked to the kid himself… I doubt he's making things up."

Asuka looked down and was silent for a moment as she stewed on the revelation. How had she not realized this? 'Well, it's not like you've gone and asked him or anything.'

"But I won't say any more about it." Daniel continued as he took his hand off of their shoulders and walked further into the room. "If you want to know more, you'll have to ask him once we're done here."

Asuka leered at Daniel. "And why would I want to do that?" she asked, venom from a lifetime of loathing, of confusion, and anger, dripping into the words.

"Because not talking about something as big as this is like leaving a bullet in your side," Daniel replied with a shrug. "And this wound seems to have been festering for a decade and a half now. If you don't dig it out now… one of you is going to end up dead over it."

"I was planning on dying when we won anyway."

Asuka blinked as she saw the man's face change. He was… genuinely sad about it. She could see the tears forming in his eyes. 'Why do you care?'

Before anyone could say anything, the door opened again, and everyone turned to look at Captain Ibuki and Doctor Aanderson walking in. "Have we missed anything?" Ibuki asked.

"No." she heard Daniel say as she looked back at him. "We were actually just getting started."

He settled into a ready stance, body bladed towards her and hand open at chest height, bending his legs slightly as she stepped forward. "I hope you're not too proud to be beaten by an old man," he said, a slight smile twitching on his face even as the tears remained.

Asuka nodded, putting a foot forward and raising her arms, fists just above her chin. "We'll see about that. I'll even let you throw it back to boxing to start."

. . .

Daniel stepped back as Asuka pressed the attack, slapping away and counter-striking as best he could. Asuka, however, was living up to the sort of training only someone who had spent the literal entirety of their life preparing to fight could have.

She grabbed a gloved left hand and elbow and spun into him, executing a near-perfect judo throw and sending him slamming onto his back, stifling a wheeze. Before Asuka could continue her attack, Daniel grabbed her right arm and rolled, pulling her off her feet with a force he was sure surprised her, the two rolling into a grapple with each other.

For all her strength and skill, however, this seemed to be the area she was weakest in, as Daniel found purchase and flipped her onto her back with no small amount of effort and pinned an arm to the floor, putting her other one into an arm lock.

Asuka continued to struggle for a few moments before finally, the hand he'd pinned tapped the floor.

Immediately, he released her, stepping back slightly and offering a hand that she took after a moment.

"Man," he said, taking deep breaths, "I haven't seen anyone besides my kids and wife take me on like that. I haven't managed to only get a draw like that in ages."

"I haven't spared like that in…" he saw Asuka pause for a moment. "A long time." she finally seemed to settle on.

Daniel nodded as he straightened up, arching his back as he looked over at Ibuki and Katara. "Enjoy the show?" he asked with a wry grin as he wiped the sweat from his brows and eyes.

Katara nodded slowly. "Seeing as no one needed me to step in, I'll go ahead and say yes," she said patiently.

He looked over at Ibuki, who studied her tablet intently. "Having Shinji Ikari's readings as a base, this is going to prove… fascinating to study."

Daniel looked back at Shawn as he linked their souls together. "Alright. Ready for our turn?"

"I have been all day," Shinji replied as he nodded and stepped forward, the two falling into ready stances, shifting like clockwork.

"Good, Shinji," Daniel replied. "Let's give the girls a show, shall we?"

Shawn responded by dashing forward, Daniel blocking what was, to him at least, a completely televised strike.

They went back and forth, back and forth, the fight becoming almost a dance, a debate of motion and violence with point and counterpoint guided away from each other by the barest of margins.

"So," Daniel said as he blocked a right hook, stepping away from the following knee strike that turned into a kick, "what do you think so far?"

Shinji replied, "it's worse than I thought. If we're going to try and avert an Impact by helping these versions of ourselves, it's going to take time. And…"

Shawn stepped away from what would have been a punishing series of strikes to the chest and head, staying out of range for just a moment before stepping back in. "I don't know how much of that we have."

"I'm still wondering what Commander Ikari wants to do if he's not picking up this world's Shinji for this long."
Daniel sighed quietly in exasperation as he took a glancing blow to the shoulder. "We might not be in the part of the loop where he's so… immediate."

"Oh, joy."
Shinji presented an opening, which Daniel, of course, took. "Just what we needed on top of the Scions."

Daniel proceeded to sweep Shawn off of his feet, going to the ground and putting the man into a leg lock. "All we need to do is be careful, now. And make the most of what we get."

Shawn sighed and tapped out, the two getting back to their feet in short order as Asuka clapped overly politely. "Bravo. I guess that's what several decades of training are supposed to look like. Are you sure you two didn't script that for me?"

"I don't do scripting," Shawn replied. "I usually do winning."

He paused as he glanced over at Daniel. "Most of the time, at least."

Daniel chuckled as he rolled his eyes. "I think…" he looked down at his watch. "That's all the sparring we'll do tonight. Now, I get to ask you the questions."

"The questions?" Asuka asked, an eyebrow arched.

"What are the questions?" Katara asked.

Daniel looked at Ibuki with a wry smile. "I'd ask that you not spoil these for everyone, ma'am, seeing as you were here when I asked Shinji the same questions."

"And what are they, exactly?" Asuka asked.

"They're simple, but you have to answer the first one in order to fully know how to answer the other."


"Who are you?"

As expected, Daniel watched Asuka blink, tilting her head slightly. "Who am I? Surely you already know that."

"We'll see about that. So, Who are you?"

It was silent for a moment. "Asuka Shikinami-Langley."

"A name that could belong to any other girl in reality. Think deeper. Who are you?"

He watched her jaw clench for a moment as she stayed silent for a few moments. "I'm…"

She trailed off, seemingly uncertain, Daniel nudging Shinji to react to whatever came next appropriately as she appeared to set herself in resolve. "I'm the last of the Shikinami line of clones."

"The what?" three voices said in stereo.

Daniel raised his hands to forestall any comments, looking intently at Asuka. "Care to explain some? Cause… that's quite the bomb to drop."

Asuka blinked as she seemed to fully realize what she had said, then sighed quietly. "The Shikinami series of clone pilots was begun in Cologne, Germany in the aftermath of the creation of Unit-01. As there would be a Unit-02, NERV-Euro wanted only the best. So, they got approval to start a line of clones from HQ in Tokyo-3. The person they put in charge of the program was Doctor Jürgen Herschel."

"Herschel?" Ibuki interjected with a look of horror in her eyes. "The not-so-in-the-closet Nazi eugenicist?"

Asuka looked over at her with no small amount of confusion. "The what?"

"We'll talk about that later," Daniel interjected, motioning for her to continue.

Asuka nodded slightly. "I was part of a batch of… hundreds. Possibly even over a thousand, all given different last name designations for differentiation. Mine was Langley. And we were trained to fight and pilot the Evangelion."

"Then…" Katara asked, dread creeping into her voice. "What happened to the others?"

"They were 'retired from the program'," Asuka replied, derision at the sterile description dripping from her voice. "All on the down-low. All of us fought to be the one who got to pilot Unit-02. To be the best weapon we could be."

"And now… I know I'm the only one who has the true right to pilot Unit-02. Because I am the perfect weapon that they made me to be."

It was silent again as Daniel lowered his arms, regarding the woman in front of him for long moments. 'The perfect weapon that they made me to be.'

He could feel Nynrya's deep sorrow. Her pain at hearing the words through him, and the memories that they stirred. Through his link to Shinji, he could sense the wounds from seeing the story he'd seen on a screen grow deeper through the words that had been spoken here.

Thus, he took a step forward. Then another, then still more, until he finally came to a stop in front of Asuka.

"Ms. Shikinami," he said quietly. "I don't care what else you listen to me about, I want to be absolutely sure you know this. You are not a tool. You are not a weapon. You are a human being. It doesn't matter what your past is, or what your perception of who you are is. You are human, and with that humanity comes… possibility. Choice."

He put his hands on her arms. "I didn't learn that until I'd spent over half a century thinking like you do. I spent a half-century more pulling myself and my kids out of that. Don't waste the time I did."

He was silent for a moment as he took a deep breath. "That, and while your past defines who you were, it has surprisingly little to do with the present you. So, who are you?"

Asuka sighed heavily as she stepped away from Daniel. "How about we turn this around. Who are either of you?"

Daniel's brow arched ever so slightly as he looked at Shawn. "Do you want to field this one?"

Shawn rolled his eyes. "Great. Now you're making me think."

He cupped his bearded chin for a moment before he nodded. "I am someone who is trying to support the man who trusted me to be able to become what I am. I'm saddened by what I've heard. How it makes me remember what I was like. I am someone who wants to help."

Asuka regarded Shawn at length. "I see," she said quietly.

"I am…" she began before sighing quietly. "Tired. Tired of my body. Tired of my mind. Tired of… everything and everyone I have to deal with. I'm ready to just lay down and get this over with, whatever way it goes."

It was silent again. Then, Daniel nodded. "I see. Now you know who you are now. With that in mind… what do you want?"

Asuka was silent again for long moments. "I want to ask idiot Shinji a question. Why?"

Her jaw clenched. "Why did he spend so much effort on the doll, nearly ended the world for her, but couldn't save me? Why?"

The last word came out shuddering, and Asuka paused as she marshaled her emotions.

"I think," Daniel said quietly, "my associates and I can arrange that."

Asuka looked at him silently for a moment, then sighed. "I guess you could, huh?"

She shook her head. "I'm done here."

"Very well."

Daniel looked over at Shawn. "You can go, Shawn. I'll see you back at our place."

Shawn nodded silently, and made his way to the door, passing beyond with only a look back at Asuka. Then, he was gone.

Daniel looked over at Ibuki and Katara, both of whom were standing. "I'll likely see you both at some point in the future. Good evening to you."

They both nodded silently, and exited the gym, leaving Daniel and Asuka alone for the moment.

"So," Daniel said quietly, "how long have you been sitting on that?"

"Since I left Europe," Asuka replied, equally quiet.

Daniel nodded slightly. "I see."

"Word's going to get out quick," Asuka muttered. "This may be a big ship, but it's still just a ship. Now… everyone gets to see me for the freak that I really am."

"Maybe. But that's the point where you own it. After all…" Daniel chuckled. "The fact that me and mine are older than everyone else took some getting used to as well."

Asuka snorted softly. "I guess that's one way to look at it."

Daniel nodded. "So, when do you want that meetup with Shinji then?"

Asuka opened her mouth, then closed it. "Not for a while. Whatever the answers… I want to be ready for it."

Daniel nodded again. "Let me know when. Do you want to keep sparring like this, or is there something else you want to do sometime?"

Asuka considered the question silently before shrugging. "Well, I went into the EU Air Force for a reason. I've always wanted to fly. I wonder what it's like, just… being in the open air on this thing."

"With the AT Field for this ship being what it is, we can go and find that out at your leisure." Daniel smiled slightly.

Then, he sighed. "Well, let's hit the showers. Then I'll take you back to your cell."

Asuka nodded a weary thing in more ways than one.

- - -

Hideaki Tama lost himself in another world.

It was a well-worn path of escape. He'd taken it ever since he'd been shut away by his family in a nice, out-of-the-way countryside house. They could afford it, after all. Anything to make sure the Tama name wouldn't be soiled by a boy who would not care to date and marry a pretty girl with a lot of money.

Part of that anything had become funding the not-so-small library that he'd accrued. And thus, he escaped the walls of his spacious prison, often only accompanied by the one man who seemed to care for him then.

His mind, then in the city of Tahraman, in a land between two mountains, eventually returned to Mr. Datane. The groundskeeper. The man who had opened the books, and thus his imagination, to him.

He missed him. He remembered the last memory he had of the man.

For all he had read of the end of the world, he never quite imagined he would see it for himself.

The sky was red as blood, and he pressed his face to the window, feeling the pounding of his heart in his face for a few moments before he looked over at Mr. Datane.

The older man wiped a rapidly graying brow of sweat, dragging his arm across a forehead with a rapidly receding hairline, his black eyes narrowed as he glanced around him.

"I'm taking you to Hadano." Mr. Datane said. "I've contacted a few associates there who can make sure you're okay."

"Hadano?" he'd said incredulously. "Are my parents going to be meeting me there?"

"Hideki…" Mr. Datane had paused for long moments, Hideki's mind racing to fill in the gaps.

"Mr. Datane… what's happened?"

"Your parents, and the rest of your family… they were in Tokyo-3, overseeing a business deal. And… Tokyo-3's gone, now."

Hideki had blinked. Then, everything seemed to fall away. "What?" he'd said numbly.

Before Mr. Datane could answer, they both heard a screeching of tires. Then, the world going mad, sound and fury and motion, tumbling over and over before… nothing.

Next he knew, he woke up in pain, outside of the car. And Mr. Datane…

"You're still here?"

Hideki blinked, looking up from his book and looking over at…

"Mr. Takao?"

Mr. Takao rolled his eyes. "Please, we've worked with each other long enough, kid. Just call me Koji."

Koji looked at his watch. "It's getting real late. You planning on staying here, or…?"

Hideki pulled out his phone and checked the time. 2046 hours.

"No." he sighed quietly as he began scooting out of the nook that he'd gotten into. "I really should go to bed."

He looked up at Koji, seeing the bags under his eyes. "And I'm guessing you should as well, sir. Seeing as we're going to be in the engine room tomorrow."

Koji nodded. "Good thing I decided to pass back this way, then."

They began to walk together, the evening rotation leaving the halls empty enough that they could hear their footsteps clacking through the hallway. There was little need to take the centerline tram, with their rooms on this side of the ship.

As they walked, Hideki looked down at the book in his hand, then back at Koji, recalling something he had said earlier in the day. "I haven't read much of it… but it's a good book."

"So…" he began. "What got you reading this book? Do you have a kid who used to read it?"

He saw Koji twitch, his eyes widening before they closed with a sigh. "Yeah," he said quietly. "I did."

It was a silent moment before Hideki realized what likely happened. "Oh. I'm… I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's fine," Koji said in a way that betrayed to him that it really wasn't. "It's… well, damn, it's been 14 years."

"Yeah." Hideki nodded, looking back at the hallway.

"So…" Koji said. "Did you lose your family, too?"

Hideki shook his head. "The closest I really had to family was the groundskeeper for my hideaway. But… yeah."

"Groundskeeper… oh yeah. You're a Tama, aren't you? Like the Tama Heavy Defense company?"

"Not like they would have wanted me anyways," Hideki muttered.

It was silent again for a moment. "Ah. Got it." Koji said quietly. "Hence, the reading."

Hideki nodded wordlessly. If nothing else, at least he was starting to understand.

"Hachiro would have loved you for knowing that book."

Hideki looked back up at Koji, who was looking ahead, tears rolling down his eyes. "He loved all the fantasy he could get his hands on. And he loved it when I read to him."

The older man chuckled. "He always said I did the best narrating it."

Hideki looked down at the book in his hand, considered it for a moment, then pondered as an idea, one which a part of him knew was utterly ridiculous, coalesced in his mind.

"If you were up for it," he began, "I'd almost ask you to read to me, finish the story. If only to see what your son was so impressed with."

Koji slowed to a stop, Hideki pausing beside him as he waited for a response.

Then, Koji looked at him, tears in his eyes. "Actually, kid… I wouldn't mind that. If you don't, at least."

Hideki's eyes widened, then he nodded. "Okay. When do you want to start?"

Koji blinked, then chuckled. "Well, far be it from me to interrupt a guy's sleep. How about tomorrow during one of our off shifts? I'll make sure you can get the job done quickly. Show you a few engineering secrets that use your hands as much as your head so we can work more easily together."

Hideki nodded. "Alright. I'd better hope I'm a good student then, I guess."

"If you apply yourself to the job like you read your books? Something tells me you'll be a natural."
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Daniel was asking for it when he was sent flying. It will take a significant amount of time to heal the emotional wounds of them. As for the Scions, I wouldn't be surprised of the Gendo of this timeline becomes their new General/Destroyer.
Sic Transit Liberi Eva 1: A Thousand Miles, A Single Step

Sic Transit Liberi Eva: A Worldsea Side Story​

Chapter 1: A Thousand Miles, A Single Step

Gwynevere's Valiant Daughter, Earth Orbit, 2018

Daniel turned and looked at the teleport pad, waiting with bated breath, Eleanor at his side.

Then, the gathered Children appeared, stepping down from the pad, many of them with no small amount of wonder as their gazes swept the ship for what was the first time.

"Woah…" Mariah said as she spun around, watching their assorted luggage appear on the pad from the corner of her vision. "I still can't fully believe it. I'm going to fly in a spaceship," she said, utterly giddy.

Daniel nodded slowly, a small smile on his face. "In a sense, yes. Let's get you all stowed away."

They hastily grabbed their luggage and made their way toward their compartments.

"A thank you to Eleanor and friends would be in order," Daniel said as they passed bunks set into the walls, stacked three tall. "Part of getting the Val ready was making sure that all of you who could come were able to get actual rooms."

"And a big thank you indeed." Mari nodded as she and the others looked around themselves at the spaces.

"So…" she continued as she looked around herself. "How's this going to work, then?"

"Well, all the couples," Eleanor began, "or the trio, get a room. Which leaves you and Mana."

"Now, you can decide to bunk separately, but-"

"Oh, come on," Mari interjected, rolling her eyes as she looked over at Mana. "Miss out on a chance to bunk with my bestest battle buddy?"

As Mana looked back at her with a slight smile, Mari chuckled somewhat uneasily. "I mean, if you'd be okay with that." her continued gaze and raised eyebrows made it clear what she wanted the answer to be.

Mana chuckled softly. "I'd be okay with that."

Mari pumped her fist. "Top! Gonna miss Mayumi, but I think she'll be fine with Ken and her dear watermelon."

Mayumi rolled her eyes even as she took Kensuke's hand. "I'm sure you two will survive."

"Looks like we'll need an extra bed in Mari's room, then," Daniel said with a wry smile.

"Looks like it." Eleanor agreed as they came to the first of the rooms.

It was a rather spacious thing, especially compared to the bunks that they had passed, a bed and two desks the only decorations in a still spare room. "I guess we'll start here with Mari and Mana," Eleanor said, walking over to the wall and placing a hand on it.

An explosion of glowing lines raced out from her hand, tracing an outline on the wall that folded down into a bed frame.

Eleanor stepped back. "We're going to need to whip up an actual mattress, but it'll do for the moment."

She turned to face the kids. "Alright, you two, toss your bags anywhere. Once we get on the road, there's going to be plenty of time to unpack."

So it was with the others, some taking the invitation somewhat more literally than others. As Shinji and Asuka finished placing their luggage in their room, Daniel looked at all of them, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. "So, how about we go to the bridge, watch the transit from there?"

The children all nodded, and Daniel nodded up the hall. "Then follow me."

. . .

They emerged onto the spacious bridge, a half oval with the walls curving up in a dome stretching away from them as they entered from the flat portion of the room. Immediately ahead of them was a stand with an actual, honest wheel, utterly smooth on the outer curve save for a few handles at compass points on the surface. The rest of the bridge was a few steps down from the wheel, several seams in the ground that were likely stations that were stowed away surrounding a circular railing with two openings in the sides.

The Children were still utterly entranced by the sight as they filed in, Daniel looking over at Eleanor with a bemused smile as he walked forward and turned to face the group, spreading his arms. "This, as most of you have already seen, is the bridge. Here we've got the conn, represented by a delightfully anachronistic steering wheel that manages to fit all the controls for navigating a three-dimensional space onto it. If you'll follow me down…"

He noted Kensuke's wide, gleaming, almost teary eyes as he rushed over to the wheel, inspecting it even as he took care not to touch it. Mayumi and Ichigo walked patiently over to his side as the others followed him down one of the twin sets of stairs that flanked the bridge. "These stations under here, tactical, sensors, and all that are able to be fully automated, which they have been for the last… however long I've been alive. But the crown jewel…"

His smile widened as he stepped into the center of the circular rails, beckoning the rest of the group closer. "This is Combat Information Control. The crown jewel of this entire bridge. Through here, a captain or other commanding officer can get a full picture of the battle, making commands through the 3D interface that are sent out to the other stations of the ship."

"Like…" he trailed off as he tapped on the rail, a circle of hazy light transforming into a dome that faded from view. "So." he finished, putting his hands on his hips in obvious satisfaction.

"Uh, Daniel…" Asuka said, tilting her head slightly. "We're not seeing anything if that's not what's supposed to happen."

Daniel looked over at her, gesturing for her to join him. "Visibility measures for the wall screen. Step inside, and try not to lose your balance."

Asuka frowned slightly as she stepped forward. As she passed the threshold of the circle…

She stumbled into open space, grabbing Daniel's hand as she tried desperately not to fall over, her mind swimming with vertigo for a second before she was able to stabilize herself.

She looked around herself with wide, wondering eyes, staring right at Earth from what seemed like hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, glowing motes showcasing the slight stream of ships that were traveling to and from the nascent HERZ-Luna as well as those Seabreakers emerging from, and disappearing into, the Worldsea. In front of Daniel, a green line representing the Val floated at about chest height.

"Shinji." she finally said, overawed, as she reached out towards where she came from. "You've got to see this."

She smiled as Shinji walked in and took her hand, looking over at him as he looked down, his eyes wide. "Woah," he said, somewhat unsteadily.

After a moment, Shinji's eyes reflected the wonder found in Asuka's as Daniel began his demonstration. "This is a collated sensor map that can be manipulated in many different ways. For example…"

He grabbed the point in space that contained the Val and dragged his arms apart, the Earth growing larger and larger until the view stopped on a view of the Gwynevere's Valiant Daughter itself.

The ship was a majestic sight, with a narrow, thick chisel-like front section that sloped down from the view they had above that was connected to an ovoid saucer section, connected at the narrow top of the oval. The Val was an austere, gray thing, a fitting tone for a warship, former or not.

"It's also run by a Spirit dedicated to processing combat information, one who has now had years of experience in the business. Its name is Peladiran, and I try and make sure to keep it well fed with tactical situations to chew on."


The trio turned and saw Kensuke looking around the space of… well, space, eyes still wide as Mayumi and Ichigo poked their heads in.

"Okay, then." Daniel chuckled. "Perhaps we should let everyone cycle through for a moment, get a view of what this looks like."

And so, they cycled through, all marveling at the view of the world far below them, and the stars that held so much potential now.

"Wow…" Mari said as she and Mana stepped through, Eleanor now by Daniel's side as they stood there, seemingly floating, and looked at Earth slowly spinning.

"For here, am I sitting in a tin can… far above the world…" she began to sing softly.

"Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing I can do…" Daniel finished, a slight smile on his face as he looked over at Mari and they shared a chuckle.

"We'll have to play that together sometime," Mari said as she and Mana stepped out to allow Toji and Hikari to enter.

Soon enough, though, all had passed through the CIC, some interacting with it more than others, and they all took their place at the conn level, watching the far wall fade into a clear view of the space around them as Daniel stood at the wheel.

"Daniel?" Hikari said, drawing the attention of all to her. "I've been thinking about the Dip Drive. Why don't we just use that to get to our destination if it's a form of faster than light travel?"

"Good question," Daniel replied. "The closer you get to a World Engine, the trickier and more time-consuming Dip calculations make, especially those that only go into Mentality. All those souls, and all the thoughts that go with them, don't exactly provide the clearest path forward. And that influence reaches out a fair ways past the World Engine's surface as well."

"Thus, the 2-month slowboat," Shinji said somewhat ruefully.

"Thus, the 2-month slowboat," Daniel repeated with a sigh.

"Amaya," he said after a moment's silence, turning the wheel of the ship as the view of Earth disappeared in a smooth motion, "go ahead and count us down to breach-point."

"2 minutes to breach-point," Amaya replied. After a moment's pause, she continued. "Would you like our guests to be able to watch the sails unfurl?" the tone of her voice now dripped with bemusement.

"Let's give them a show," Daniel said with a smile.

"If you'll look to your left and right, ladies and gentlemen?" Amaya said, the Children looking over as the walls and ceiling around them faded into another view, an impossible view of the rear of the ship.

Points of light flashed around them, extending into lines that slowly began to extrude from the ship's hull at an angle, rising higher and higher into the vacuum of space.

"Metos Drive Sails unfurled. We'll be breaching into the Worldsea in 30 seconds." Amaya chimed in as the space a ways in front of the ship began to ripple and bulge, streaks of color beginning to create an angled pillar that sloped away from them. The rippling began to grow faster and faster as if it were the surface of an ocean stirred by a tempest.

"Breach stabilization in 5 seconds. 4. 3. 2. 1."

The rippling stilled, and a vibrant space opened itself to them. "Mentality Breach is open. Travel time to Worldsea is estimated at 4.5 seconds."

Daniel took a deep breath as he nodded. "Alright, then. Moment of truth."

He grabbed one of the handles, sliding it up the wheel and then twisting it forward. With the twist, the vessel began to slowly move forward, the breach getting larger and larger.

Then, they were in, and all the Children marveled at the twisting, spiraling sights of Mentality, stray thoughts and emotions flickering past and across their ship as pillars of ideas and groups of related thoughts stretched into forever and out of sight.

"It's a good thing that this thought space is calm," Daniel said as they lingered for but a moment, another breach rippling to life in front of them. "We'd have to extend the Stabilizer Cloak to make sure nothing tries to actively change the ship or us, and that'd pad the time spent here significantly."

"Wait. Like the Warp?" Mari asked uneasily.

Before Daniel could reply, they were through the new breach, and the vibrant, living Worldsea stretched out before them. Below them was a brilliant, multi-hued surface that was so massive, that it seemed flat as it stretched into the distance. Surrounding them were hazy, flickering orbs, far larger than their ship, that phased in and out of sight.

"Kind of, Mari." Daniel finally replied as they all got a nice, long look at the Worldsea with their own eyes. "The Warp is how it is mostly due to the gods of Chaos riling things up. Most other places connected to Mentality aren't anywhere near as bad as that."

They all simply looked out the forward window as Daniel let go of the wheel, someone or something else steering for him as they all just… watched the Worldsea go by.

Then, Daniel took a deep breath and looked around him. "Well, 2 months is going to take a while to pass if we just stand here staring."

He fell silent, considering things for a moment before smiling and nodding slightly in apparent decision. "So… who here knows about Magic: the Gathering?"

It was silent as everyone looked at each other for a moment before Kensuke slowly raised his hand. "I mean… I've dabbled in it. My last set was…"

He trailed off as he pondered. "Generation 10?" he finally finished.

Daniel blinked, then smiled slightly. "Well then. There are some interesting differences, I'm sure. But with 10th Edition coming out in 2007 in my world, and 17 more years of sets after… we're going to have more than a few new experiences, I'm sure."

He looked around at the other Children. "Anyone else want to try it out?"

Mari shrugged. "I mean, seeing as we're in here for a solid haul, I see no reason to turn down trying something new."

The rest of the group offered shrugs and somewhat uncertain nods.

"Alright, then," Daniel said with a smile, his eyes hiding a somewhat predatory gleam. "We'll let that be the first of our little adventures. Let's not waste any time, shall we?"

A/N: And thus begins our sidestory for this thread (and just in case you're wondering, no, these won't be replacing interludes). One of the things I've wanted to do in starting the tale of this journey is open it up to you, dear readers. Have a character interaction you want to see? A piece of media you'd like them to MST? Want to get into the moral dilemmas of playing a TTRPG in the Worldsea? Now's your chance to chip into their story. Either make a suggestion, or write something up, and it will likely appear here.

Some ground rules and expectations: Let's keep it PG-13. Nothing too raunchy, though violence, playful or real, is okay. Any submissions will be checked out and edited to fit the tone and word choice of the characters (don't worry, you'll receive a preview of the draft to ensure it's still what you want it to be). And other than that... have fun.
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Chapter 6: Centering Souls

Chapter 6: Centering Souls

Tests on Rei continue to prove… somewhat frustrating. Even with Shinji Ikari's readings as a baseline for what changes are made to the human body after long-term internment in a core, she still proves… mysterious.

Even with what little I knew about her mission from Commander Ikari, and what I know about what she is made of, as it were, so much could have changed with her contact with both the 10th Angel and with the awakened Unit-01 and Shinji Ikari. Perhaps there are other tests I need to be running. Or I need to expand the parameters of my previous ones. But by how much?

- From the personal journal of XO Ritsuko Akagi

Bunk Block 261, AAA Wunder, February 12th, 2028

"We spared them the assured death of the Reapers, Daniel. And the strongest of them now have had the chance to build a better, more unified galaxy. That is enough. The weak who would hold them back will build the foundation of a people ready to become all they truly can be. Together. That is Unity. That is what will make Reality pure."

Those words echoed in Daniel's mind as he opened his eyes and rubbed them. He'd returned last night. Eleanor could do nothing but watch, not interfering as Hamar'ramah had a long talk with him about the galaxy that said Reapers came from.

Memories of Mashor Vinis flashed through his mind as he sat up in his bunk and sighed heavily, reaching for his neck almost without thinking. 'He didn't quite get the memo, did he, Hamar?' he mused before he stood, drawing the curtain between him and Eleanor and Shinji and Asuka closed.

As Eleanor got out of her bunk and began to get dressed for the day, he could see her shudder.

As they finished dressing, Daniel walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. It was silent for a moment between them as they heard the others getting ready.

"It…" Eleanor said silently. "It was like…"

She took a deep breath as Daniel pulled her into a hug. "I know," he said quietly.

They stood there for a moment, both remembering the last moments of the Hollow Saint of War, in the ruins of the world of Tel. How lucky they were to be together as they were now.

Then, Daniel took a deep breath as he stepped back from the embrace. "Thank you," he said quietly. "And… I'm sorry."

Eleanor shook her head slightly. "Daniel… it was what it was."

Daniel nodded slightly. "That it is."

As they prepared for the day, his phone buzzed, and he took it out of his pocket to see that Shinji had texted him. 'I don't really feel like doing anything today. Training's left me exhausted, and I'd rather be by myself today.'

Daniel nodded as he tapped out a reply. 'No worries. We can just talk over this today if you want to. I'll swing by tomorrow and see if there's something different we can do.'

It was a moment more before he received another text. 'Thank you.'

In time, Daniel stepped out the door, turning right as the others turned left. He was back on bridge rotation, Ymris trading the engineering bay with him. It was an arrangement that they'd settled upon, if only… somewhat tensely.

He shook his head as he recalled the emotion of the moment, how close ready the both of them had seemed to be to drawing blades. He didn't know why she'd been so… on edge that day.

'I'm sure us being here isn't helping matters.' he mused as he found himself among Koji, Sumire, Midori, and Hideki as they stepped onto the bridge, relieving the night crew of their duty stations.

As he stepped onto the command platform with Aoba, Hyuga, and Hideki, he looked over at Captain Katsuragi standing there stoically, Doctor Akagi standing by her side. From when he'd last left the bridge, it seemed like she hadn't moved. As he stood waiting for his station to come to them, he looked over and noted her expression, the glasses in front of Katsuragi's eyes making little difference with how close they were to each other.

She was nearly exhausted. He didn't even need his Interfacing to see the bags under her eyes. How she picked herself back up from slouching with a twitch of her back every minute or so.

"Captain?" he said quietly, watching Katsuragi twitch as she looked over at him, silent as she expected a continuation.

"I'm not one to presume what's been keeping you up at night, and I'm sure you're as competent a commanding officer as they come…" Daniel began, concern evident in his tone as his station docked with the main platform.

"But speaking frankly, ma'am," he continued, "I like to know that my commanding officers are well-rested. It keeps the ones I like serving under alive, I find. I hope that whatever else, you find the opportunity to rest soon."

Katsuragi narrowed her eyes, then nodded slightly after a moment. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind, Mr. Theisman."

Daniel smiled slightly as he stepped onto the platform for his station which slowly extended back out as he took a seat.

Koji looked over at Daniel and shook his head as they came to their final positions, hanging in the air. "You know, I almost envy you over there in the Eva diagnostics chair." he chuckled. "Kicking back and relaxing while the rest of us do the heavy lifting of actually piloting the ship."

Daniel shrugged. "It's a nice place for a crotchety old man like myself, kid, making sure everyone knows if the Evas suddenly blow up. I'll try not to have a heart attack whenever general quarters sounds."

Koji rolled his eyes. "Says you," he grumbled in good nature.

With that, Daniel settled into his post, looking out one of the several eye-like windows on the bridge to watch the blue sky and the red sea pass by. Out of one corner of the windows, he saw the moon, large and crisscrossed with deep crimson lines.

As time passed, Daniel glanced over to see Koji looking down at his phone, Midori folding up a piece of origami from what looked like scrap paper, and Hideki reading a small book. 'Civilian volunteers indeed.' he mused. 'Not even Koji's fully immune.'

His pocket buzzed, and he pulled out his phone, smiling slightly. 'Not that I'm proving to be much better, am I?'

It was Shinji again. 'So, do you know what those Eva lookalikes were?'

He could sense the hesitation in the description. A part of him wanted to tell the truth now. Get this over with. This cloak and dagger stuff always grated at him in time, now. But there was a better than good chance that revealing himself and the others now would result in chaos. Chaos that would not only be able to consume them, but consume those that surrounded them as well.

So, as Daniel sighed quietly, he penned up what he knew everyone else knew. 'That's as good a question as any. If Doctor Akagi wasn't so busy making sure Rei was safe to be around, she'd probably be on trying to make heads or tails of what little we got on those lookalikes.'

He sent the response, then considered it further, and began to type another. 'Whatever they are, though… they're powerful. I really hope they're on our side when all is said and done.'

It was silent again for a moment, and Daniel considered the screens at his station. Two screens to his left and right showed the status of Unit-02 and Unit-08, both at the tail end of undergoing extensive armor refits, while the center screen fed him idle data as the Evas slept in their gantries. In Unit-02's case, such upgrades included a brand new mechanical arm, fitted with an AT Field-enhanced flechette launcher. So far as Daniel could tell, both of the Evas would then be in the Gamma configuration.

The phone buzzed again. 'What about Ayanami?' Shinji was found to ask.

Daniel again sighed quietly as he tapped out a reply. 'I'm going to visit her today. My visits have been too sparse. I'd like to get her at least acclimated to… whatever kind of life she's going to have away from your father and NERV. I'll try and set something up so you can see her soon. A visit. A video call. Something.'

It was a long moment as he considered the phone, waiting for a reply.

'Thank you, Daniel.'

'Of course, Shinji.'

With that, Daniel pocketed the phone again, leaning back in his chair.

"Talking to someone?"

He looked over at Midori, who had finished folding a paper tiger, and smiled slightly. "Just having a brief conversation with one of my kids who has some free time, is all."

He nodded at the tiger that she had set down on her station. "Nice art."

Midori smiled. "Thanks. It's…" her face fell slightly as she paused. "Well, it's for-"

Before she could continue, an alarm sounded on her console, snapping the rest of the bridge back into focus as she faced her screen. "I'm reading a line of 10 contacts 3 kilometers out, 15 degrees off the port bow heading southwest, ranging from plus and minus 5 degrees on our plane. Sensors are still processing ID, but I have a definite Pattern Blue."

"ID process complete," Hyuga said behind him. "They're all Mark.04As."

"Sound general quarters." Captain Katsuragi said from behind them, alarms beginning to go off in short order. "Take us to Battle Stations level 3. Prepare the Evangelions for sortie."

She looked down at Midori and Daniel as she continued. "Have they given any indication that they've noticed us, either through strengthening their AT Fields or heading towards us?"

"Not as of yet, ma'am," Midori replied. "They are maintaining their current course."

"And I'm reading no apparent changes to their AT Fields," Daniel interjected.

"Very well, then," Katsuragi said. "We'll keep our distance for now. Nagara, get us about 4 more kilometers away from them. We're only going to engage if we have to this time."

"4 kilometers away, aye ma'am," Sumire replied as the view of the world outside began to pan to the right.

Daniel looked intently down at his screens, watching the two Evangelions go through pre-activation checks as he noted Asuka and Mari hurrying towards the gantries.

The bridge, beyond its alarms, had now gone silent, a tense atmosphere building in the room as they watched as best they could and waited.

In time, even the alarms shut off, and Daniel resorted to looking out one of the larger windows, however useful it might have been.

He looked back at his station as he got a notification of the Entry Plugs for the Evas locking in. "Evangelions are ready to scramble," he said, looking back to see the silent nod that Katsuragi gave him.

The silence returned, stretching into long minutes. Daniel soon found himself sweating. He wouldn't have been surprised if everyone else was, too.

He could almost hear a clock ticking in his head, the seconds passing by more and more slowly.

As he scanned the screens yet again, looking at the display of Unit-08 on his right, he caught something out of the corner of his eye. As he turned his head to look, there was nothing on the floor below him. And certainly nothing on the gantry surrounding him. Odd.

He looked back at his screen, pondering on what he caught sight of. It looked like… a person. A slightly glowing person.

He shuddered slightly as he tamped down the memories of Instrumentality as best he could. 'We'll deal with it later. Besides, it didn't look like Rei.'

'Then again, if that's the case, what is it doing here?'

Before he could ruminate further, Midori sighed quietly. "The last of the contacts just fell off of the ship's long-range radar."

A sigh of relief quietly gusted through the bridge. "Stand down from Battle Stations," Katsuragi said from behind them. "Inform the pilots to remain ready for the next half hour or so until we can confirm they won't swing back around."

As the bridge crew finished complying with her orders, Daniel sat back in his chair. "Is that really the first time we've seen any of those since Operation US?"

"I guess so," Koji replied. "We cleared a lot of them out when we were setting up KREDIT. I guess they've finally started to build them back up again."

"Let's hope we don't see more of them soon," Hideki said quietly. "That already seems like a handful just for the ship and the Evas."

"Let's hope indeed, Mr. Tama," Katsuragi said.

. . .

Though they spent the rest of the shift keeping a close eye on the skies around them, the rest of the duty shift passed in relative peace.

As the oncoming duty shift relieved the current bridge staff, Daniel looked over as Midori walked over to his side. "So, I mentioned that this paper tiger was for someone," she said, raising the origami piece up to emphasize her point.

Daniel nodded. "Well, no need to keep us in suspense. Who's it for?"

"Well… It's for Shinji." Midori said quietly. "I figured, being where he is in the brig, he could use something to lighten things up."

"So… if you could give it to him when you next see him…" she placed the tiger in his hand. "I'd appreciate it."

Daniel slowed to a stop, Midori stopping with him as he looked at her with new eyes. Eyes that remembered seeing this self-same woman on a screen, her eyes full of fear and hate for the boy she now gave a gift to.

Daniel smiled slightly. "You know what? I'll swing by the brig right now, and drop it off for him. I'm sure he'll appreciate the gesture."

Midori nodded slightly. "I hope you'll be able to get him out of there soon. Staying in there for any length of time… doesn't sound great."

Daniel nodded. "I'll let you in on a little secret."

He looked around to ensure that the hallway was empty before he continued. "Chief Beifong and I actually go back a way. I wouldn't be surprised if I could start bending her ear to bend the Captain's."

Midori nodded. "I hope you're able to do so soon."

Daniel sighed quietly. "I hope so, too."

- - -

Unit-02 Gantry

Ymris wiped her hands on a rag she stuffed into a pocket before wiping a brow nearly dripping with sweat, looking around for a moment to ensure that nothing on Unit-02, especially its new mechanical arm, hadn't exploded as Asuka exited the Entry Plug at last.

As she found herself satisfied that, indeed, nothing had been blown up, her gaze skated past someone on the arm of the Eva.

'Wait a minute. No one's supposed to be up there.'

Her eyes darted back to see the… well, it was a person, if nothing else. Slightly glowing, the person looked to be a man in a gray business suit and a blue necktie, looking down at a watch with harried gray eyes and running a hand through thinning black hair.

She blinked… and he was gone.

She shook her head slightly, blinking again as if the act would summon the apparition again. When such attempts failed, she looked around her. Everyone else was distracted, either looking down at devices or consoles or heading out the door as a new duty shift opened up.

Everyone except Captain Ibuki.

Ymris walked over towards the woman, who was still looking up at where the apparition had been, others beginning to look at her and follow her gaze. "You saw it too?" she asked quietly.

Ibuki looked down at her, her eyes still wide. "You mean…"

Then, she closed her eyes and sighed. "Yeah. I did too. And…" she looked around for a moment at the others, who turned away and continued their work before she continued. "This isn't the first time, either."

"When was the first?" Ymris asked as they began to walk together out of the gantry, people getting off their duty shift passing them by with barely a glance.

Ibuki shook her head as she furrowed her brow slightly. "Weeks ago. At least before we got into the air."

"Is it just us, or has anyone else seen him?"

"I'm not sure. If anyone else has, they haven't told me yet." Ibuki said. She rolled her eyes. "It makes working with these young men a pain sometimes. Always wanting to appear strong in front of everyone. Especially me."

Ymris arched an eyebrow. "I can't imagine why they'd want to impress you," she said with a slight, knowing smile.

Ibuki opened her mouth for a moment, then shut it silently as she blushed slightly. "I expect them to act professionally. Just as I expected you to."

"Come on, Ibuki," Ymris said with a quiet chuckle. "We've been working together for over a decade and a half. I know you and the XO have a thing for each other."

Ibuki shook her head slightly. "Maybe." she finally sighed after a moment. "But we both know what we're in the middle of. Trying to keep the world from ending completely. There just… isn't really time for something like that right now. Not here, at least."

Ibuki then shook her head, a little more vigorously this time. "Anyway, that's beside the point. They aren't telling me. Are your engineers and technicians telling you if they see anything?"

Ymris shook her head in turn, her jaw clenching slightly. "No, not as of yet."

She pondered for a moment on who she could talk to who might know. Aaminata, for all her wisdom, when it came to the topic of Spirits, would have been helpful… if she wasn't all the way across the Pacific Ocean right now. That left the only other people who might be knowledgeable about such things here on the ship.

"Let's see…" she said as she cupped her chin. "Maybe we should ask Eleanor and her crew, too. She seems… forthright about things."

She pulled out her phone as she said this, dialing the number that Daniel had given her and waiting as the tone sounded.

"Yes, Chief?" the voice on the other end said as Eleanor picked up.

"Seen any ghosts lately, Mrs. Theisman?" Ymris asked rather flippantly.

The line was silent for a moment. "Yes. Out in a few of the corridors on our way towards the engineering bay." Eleanor said slowly. "Have you?"

"Yes. And Captain Ibuki as well. Here in the gantry for Unit-02."

Eleanor hummed on the other end of the line. "That's quite a ways from where I was. Were you planning on asking anyone else?"

"Well, with the three of us…" Ymris paused. "Perhaps we need to paint a picture of where, exactly, in the ship people have been seeing things. And trying to find out where they come from."

"Do you think they might show up on any sort of sensor?"

Ymris looked over at Ibuki. "Reckon they might show up if you studied them hard enough?"

"It certainly doesn't hurt to try."

"Should we inform the XO about this?"

Ibuki cupped her chin in thought. "As crazy as this sounds, I want solid proof before we take anything to the higher-ups. Even to Senpai."

Ymris nodded. "Well, then, let's gather our forces and go… bust some ghosts, I guess."

Ibuki arched an eyebrow. "Is that…"

Ymris shrugged. "Just something I heard from one of the crew members a while ago. Must have been about a movie or something."

- - -

Outer Hull

Daniel opened the hatch and stepped out onto the mahogany and gray-blue hull, taking a deep breath of the crisp, somewhat chill air as he took a few steps forward and let his hair down, the wind running invisible fingers through his hair.

He turned to regard the hatch after a moment, seeing Asuka and Mari stepping out behind him, looking around themselves. One's eye held a quiet appreciation of her surroundings even as it was disguised by a carefully neutral expression, while the other's eyes were wide, glittering with wonder and excitement as she hungrily took in all within her sight.

Her eyes focused with laser-like precision on one of the massive radar dishes that flanked them. "Oooh. I want to roller skate in one of those," she said, a grin on her face.

Asuka rolled her eye as she sighed quietly. "Oh, please, Specs. I don't think the Captain would want to risk us breaking our necks just to get a thrill that doesn't even compare to the stuff we can do in the Eva."

Mari began to pout as she looked back at Asuka, hands on her hips. "Aw come on, princess, it's the principle of the thing."

"Wow. That does look kind of fun, doesn't it?"

Daniel looked down at the hatch as the last person to accompany them emerged, running a hand through short black hair as he looked up at the radar dish with glittering gray eyes. "We're already getting enough air being up here as is. Imagine gaining more." he continued with a sly smile.

Asuka rolled her eye, groaning as she planted a palm in her face, Daniel chuckling as he shook his head.

Mari, on the other hand, gestured towards the man with both arms. "See? He gets it! You get it…"

She trailed off as she looked at the man, her eyes narrowing as he waited patiently for her to finish. "Alan. Right?" she said slowly.

Alan chuckled as he nodded. "Yes. Mr. Aanderson works too, but I do prefer Alan."

Mari shrugged. "Well, alright then." she paused for a moment as she blinked. "Wait. Aanderson? As in Chief Medical Officer Aanderson?"

Alan nodded, smiling slightly. "Yes. She's my wife, after all."

Mari nodded slowly, a smile on her face. "I see, I see."

She looked away, her gaze sweeping across the ship as she walked toward the back of the ship. "Well, I'm going to go exploring now," she called back. "I'll try not to hurt myself too badly."

Daniel sighed quietly, rolling his eyes as a slight smile tugged at a corner of his mouth. "I'll go after her, make sure she sticks to what she said."

He looked over at Alan and Asuka. "Do either of you want to come along?"

Asuka shook her head. "I'll take whatever time I can get away from her. You're on your own, Daniel."

Daniel shrugged. "Ah, well. Alan, do you mind staying here then?"

Alan shook his head. "Not at all. I'll take whatever chance to be in the open air I get."

Daniel nodded. "Alright then. See you all in a little while."

. . .

Asuka watched Daniel walk away, then turned to look towards the bow of the ship, closing her eye and taking a deep breath of the open air.

It smelled… clean. A world apart from the cloying smell of drying blood or the slightly biting scent of the air conditioners in her quarters. It reminded her of Village-3. Of the home that Kensuke had provided her. A part of her wanted to simply… fly away into this air. Be a part of the open sky like she'd thought about so many years ago in Germany.

She took another deep breath, almost like she was getting ready to dive back into the depths.

"Are you okay?"

She opened her eye, looking around for a moment before she looked to her left, finding Alan sitting cross-legged and looking up at her with no small amount of concern in his eyes.

"Yeah," she replied. "I just… don't get much in the way of fresh air. Or sunlight."

"Based on what I've seen of where you stay…" Alan shuddered slightly. "I think you need a lot more, frankly."

Asuka snorted softly. "Yeah, you and me both."

They regarded each other for a moment more in silence. "So what are you doing?" Asuka finally asked.

"I'm meditating, or at least planning on it. Care to join me?"

Asuka tilted her head. "Meditating…" her eye narrowed slightly.

"Have you never done it before?" Alan asked. "Come and join me, and I'll start walking you through a somewhat basic one I learned a while ago."

Asuka hesitated for a moment, then decided to sit down next to him, her Plugsuit squeaking slightly as she crossed her legs. 'It's not like I have much else to do, anyway.'

"Okay… what next?" she said, looking over at Alan with an unsure, somewhat guarded look.

"Close your eye." he began as he looked towards the bow and closed his eyes. "Feel the wind on your face, in your hair. Imagine it suffusing your whole body."

Asuka nodded silently as she did so, breathing in again, slowly, deeply. As ridiculous as this felt to her… it felt good to breathe deeply like this.

"Now, imagine flying through the open sky. Every doubt, every fear, every evil thought or memory, it's all beneath you. You are above it all at the moment."

"Sounds like a great way to run away from something. Not my style."

She could hear him smile slightly as he replied. "No one said that it was going to stay that way. Now, much of my training was centered around the wind. How it relates to us and our lives. Like the wind, our lives can follow the same path for ages before they blow us away, onto a path that we may have never expected."

"That's kind of sucked so far," Asuka said, rolling her eye behind her eyelid. "I was actually starting to enjoy the path my life was on."

"That's one of the funny things about life. Every path we leave, we take a part of it with us, laying it onto the new path we tread. Memories, habits, and people, all can join us on the path we follow. For good or ill."

Asuka sighed quietly. "Is there a point to all this near-mystical mumbo jumbo?"

"Yes," Alan said patiently. "Now, pick out something negative that rests within you. Something that has joined you on your path that might hold you back from getting to the one you wish to take. An emotion. A memory. An idea of a person. Envision it in your hands, what you feel it would look like."

It was silent for a moment as Asuka pondered what she would pick. It wasn't like there was a lack of things to pick up, as it were. She could almost envision flying over a vast, black sea, writhing and twisting, a hand or an Evangelion-like face reaching out to just miss her.

'Maybe that's what he looks like.' she mused as she willed her mental image to dip a hand into the inky depths, considering what she might try to retrieve.

What came to the surface most easily… was Shinji Ikari. Or, at least, what she felt about the guy. It was a similarly inky mass in her imagination, hate, confusion, and even a little guilt writhing and twitching in her hands.

"Do you have something in mind?" Alan asked.

"Yeah. I do." Asuka replied almost hesitantly.

"Are you prepared to let it go?"

It was silent for what seemed like ages as Asuka pondered the question. 'Am I?'

Now that she was considering it, figuratively holding her emotions in her hands… it felt… right to feel them. To continue holding on.

Beyond all that he had done to make the world into what it was, he'd hurt her. Torn her apart and crushed her in his Evangelion's teeth. The darker part of her screamed to hold on. Let that hate focus her so that she could make…

She nearly opened her eye as she tamped down that darker part as best she could. It hadn't been that outspoken for… years now.

"Not really." she finally answered.

"Perhaps you aren't ready to fully let go," Alan said. "But you can always begin the process. Consider why you hold on, then let go of as much as you can bear right now."

Asuka focused on her imagination again, seeing the feelings that she felt for Shinji in her hands.

She still hadn't gotten the courage to ask him the question. She'd heard his excuse when she'd punched the glass that separated them. And since then… she'd had time to think about it. Query what few records they still had from NERV's database. The camera footage didn't lie. And, so it seemed, neither did idiot Shinji. At least, to some extent.

She imagined the feelings in her hands beginning to stiffen, to dry up and start blowing away in that wind that Alan mentioned. And letting go, even a little, felt…

"No. NO!"

Then, he was there. And her mind felt like it was caught in a vice. "You will not deprive me of my last satisfaction! Feed me your misery!"

Control left her, and though she could feel her back hitting the hull, she knew that she could do nothing. It seemed her time had come at last. Would the Choker activate?

'I hope so. If nothing else… at least I'll go out without hurting anyone else much.'

Then… something. Someone. Beyond Bardiel and her, looming like a sun appearing in the oncoming void.

. . .

Daniel walked towards where Mari had decided to sit and look out across the ocean, the woman looking over at him and smiling. "Nice view, I've got to say."

Daniel nodded as he took a seat next to her, looking out with her. "I'd normally agree… except I remember when this ocean was blue. Full of life. Now… it's as dead as the bloody color suggests."


They sat there silently for a while, simply taking in the view.

"So," Mari finally said as she looked over at Daniel, "are you gonna ask me the questions?"

Daniel looked over at her, eyes narrowed slightly. "Oh, boo. Asuka spoiled them for you. I'd hoped to keep the surprise for our first outing."

Mari gave him a smug grin. "Asuka lives with me, papa bear. It was only a rather short matter of time."

"So," Mari continued as she crossed her legs, resting an elbow on a knee and her chin in one hand as she regarded him, "ask away."

Daniel sighed quietly even as he smiled. "Who are you?"

Mari looked up and away as she hummed quietly. "Well… I'm a woman out of time, as it were. Not exactly in her proper place, really. Kind of like you, I suppose, if what I've heard about is correct."

Daniel arched his brow. "And why is that?"

Mari opened her mouth, then closed it. "Well… you probably wouldn't quite believe it. You know how we read some pretty fantastical stories together, after all."

"Mari, we live in a world ripped straight out of some of those books. I'm willing to believe just about anything at this point."

It was silent again as Mari's expression became thoughtful. "I… remember. This isn't the first time this has happened."

"This? Like…"

"I've got these… memories. From the past. From the last first time I got into an Evangelion all the way up to… some point or another. Then it all begins again."

Daniel regarded her silently for a moment, then Mari shook her head and looked away. "I mean, it really does sound like something that shouldn't actually happen, doesn't it? Even with the Evas and the Angels and all this… actual time shenanigans?"

She shook her head slightly. "It's a little much. Even for me."

"When did the memories come to you?"

Mari looked back over at Daniel, her eyes widening at the utterly serious look in his. "It… well, it started when we were stealing this ship from its construction berth. They needed an Eva to get it off the ground. So I did it."

She shook her head slightly as she looked back out across the open sky. "It was a hell of a job. Like… trying to lift the solar system off your chest in order to keep it flying, right?"

Daniel nodded slightly, remembering a remarkably similar feeling from long ago as she continued. "I pushed and pushed, and there was this barrier that I… well, I didn't really see it. But I got past it. Now…"

She spread her arms. "The girl who knows how the world seems to work, at least somewhat, stands before you."

Daniel was silent for a moment, brow furrowed slightly in thought. "What do you want?" he asked, voice barely above a whisper.

Mari sighed quietly. "I want to find a way to stop this. Find a way to move on with things when the time is right. I've lived the same life over and over and over, and… All these people I know…"

She looked back towards the ship, seeming to stare past the hull plating. "Like Puppy-boy Shinji…" she shook her head. "I know his parents. I held him in my arms when he was born. At least, this time. To see him, to see them, suffer like this… it isn't right."

Daniel nodded slowly as he deliberated on what he now knew. There was a possibility now, dangerous though it might be, that she could be told at least some of the truth. 'I really wish that I could tell her, tell them all, everything. But then that tips our hand and Tavis and company come after us. What happens to everyone around us then…'

He shook his head. 'I shouldn't say much. Not before I can vet that she won't tell anyone. But… just enough to tip her off. Make her curious. Shouldn't be too hard to do, after all.'

"I see." he finally said aloud. "I wondered if someone else knew."

Mari's head whipped over to look at him, a wide look in her eyes. "What?" she said. "You… do you…"

"It's… going to take some explaining." Daniel began before pausing.


"Daniel! Daniel!"

They both looked over at Alan, racing towards them, and Daniel's heart stopped as he saw the limp form of Asuka in the man's arms.

In a moment, they were at his side, Daniel laying the back of his hand on her forehead, and finding her shuddering slightly. "What happened?"

"I don't know. We were meditating where you left us when she suddenly fell back onto the deck. She hasn't responded."

Daniel's jaw clenched as he looked at Mari. "Do you know the way to the medical bay?"

Mari nodded, a concerned look in her eyes. "Yeah," she said shakily.

"Go there now. We'll call ahead and make sure Doctor Aanderson is ready for when we arrive."

"But I don't-"


Mari, somewhat taken aback, nodded choppily and raced toward the hatch that they'd climbed out of.

As soon as Daniel was sure that Mari was no longer able to hear them, he looked, once again, at his friend. "Aang, what's going on?"

"I used my energy bending to try and connect myself to her and figure out what was going on. There's… there's something in there with her. Something that's… consuming her." Aang's breath shuddered as he said the last words.

Daniel nodded slowly. "Indeed. Were you able to do anything?"

"Well, I… pushed it off of her soul, for lack of a better term. It's still in there, but…"

Aang shook his head. "Whatever it is, it's malicious. Evil, almost."

Daniel nodded again as he put a hand on Aang's shoulder and began to guide him toward the hatch. "It seems there's more than just Angelic corruption within her body. I'll explain when I'm sure we won't be monitored."

- - -

Ymris hummed as she looked down over Ibuki's shoulder at the screen, observing the, frankly, eldritch readings that were scrawled on the screen of the tablet, outfitted with a case that held what she thought were cameras.

Eleanor was on Ibuki's other side, looking at the space, a long expanse of a well-trafficked hallway on the starboard beam of the ship, where they had found another 'ghost', a little girl from what seemed, at least to their brief visual observation, to have been from some part of Africa, dark-skinned and wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

"What did you get now?" Ymris asked, hopeful that their third ghost of the day would yield something more of note.

"I think I'm starting to see a trail, a disturbance of the space they pass through. It's like they're… radiating something from their souls." Ibuki replied almost absentmindedly. "If I calibrate the scanners just a little more…"

She tapped on the screen a few more times, then smiled slightly as an image of the hallway in a muted shade of gray appeared, a muted, shifting trail of dark colors like a wafting tendril of mist twisting through the hallway before reaching a stopping point where they'd seen the girl disappear.

"Aha!" Ibuki said, clearly satisfied. "Now, we can see where this ghost, and subsequently any others we might come across, seem to come from."

"Well then, lead on, Captain." Eleanor urged. "I hope that whatever this is, we can at least attempt to fix it."

They marched forward, losing the trail through the walls or even sometimes the ceiling before picking up at least another one, the trails, the paths seemingly uncaring of the paths already laid out by the ship. All paths that they ranged the ship to find, regardless of where they seemed to go, seemed to be leading towards the center of the ship.

"I wonder…" Ibuki said, her brow furrowing in slowly dawning realization as they began to approach the engineering bay, the trail they were following being joined by more and more as they came to a stop in front of the doors.

They paused in front of them, Ibuki's tablet tilting up to see a massive, swirling cloud of what she now guessed was likely Flux, evident even behind the doors. On the screen, it showed what were likely massive tendrils being drawn away towards what Ymris assumed was the S2​ Engines.

"Moment of truth," Eleanor said as she opened the door. "Let's see if we can contain… whatever this is."

They walked in, the people of the current duty shift sparing them only a glance as they got back to work.

They continued to walk toward the center of the bay, towards that dark, looming thunderhead, then they slowly came to a stop, Ibuki lowering the tablet as they all looked up at the still, imprisoned form of Unit-01.

"Well, then," Ibuki said as she handed the tablet to Ymris, "I don't exactly know if there's a mechanical solution to… whatever problem we're facing. But do you think you two could check it out quickly?"

Ymris looked back up at the silent purple titan. "We'll see what we can do."

The two women, so utterly small compared to the giant that they wished to keep in good repair, climbed up the gantry that surrounded the Evangelion, a gantry that was empty for now.

As they reached Unit-01's chest, Ymris looked over at Eleanor. "I'll fully admit," she said, "I'm not exactly sure what to do in this situation, either from a technical perspective or an Interfacing one. Would you know something we could try?"

Eleanor looked up at the Unit, then sighed quietly. "Frankly, I wouldn't fully know where to start. I've worked on Unit-01 before, enough to nearly know it inside-out. But…"

She shook her head slightly. "Take a look at it with the Sight."

Ymris blinked on the Sight, seeing Eleanor's Frames before she looked up at the core of Unit-01. It was awash with light, a far cry from the pinprick she had seen working up close and personal working with the other Evas.

She blinked it off, rubbing her eyes as she looked back at Eleanor. "That's a lot of people," she said quietly.

Eleanor nodded. "And we also have to consider the Pattern Blue detectors that are trained on this thing. Even the slightest Expression from either of us is going to get noticed. Then…"

"We'll have some explaining to do." Ymris grimaced at the prospect.

"With both our sides as dependent on discretion for the moment… it would make things very difficult for all involved."

Ymris clenched her jaw slightly. They were still on different sides of this, weren't they? And Tavis would make sure nothing would get in his way now. He even had the firepower to do it.

She sighed quietly. "Yeah. It would, wouldn't it?"

It was silent between them for a few moments.

"It's a rough position you're in."

Ymris looked over at Eleanor, her eyes narrowing at the sympathetic look in her eyes. "And what do you mean by that?"

"Caring for people on both sides," Eleanor replied quietly. "Were you ever a part of the Unity War?"

Ymris shook her head. "I saw pieces of the aftermath. Jameson saw to that. I never saw any action."

Eleanor nodded slowly. "I see. During the war, it wasn't just my fellow Worldstriders that I was worried about. Daniel and I both had plenty of friends that were Unitists, whether they became part of the crusade or were trying not to be torn apart by it. And with Daniel as the Hollow Saint…"

Eleanor paused as she looked down, sighing quietly. "It made the war so much more… personal. Knowing every report you could look at could have the name of a friend, or someone more deeply connected than that."

She looked back up at Ymris. "And now you're of two worlds as well. It can't last forever. Something has to give. I almost had to give up saving my husband to ensure that the rest of Reality could be saved. I got unusually lucky to be able to even find him again."

"So, when the time comes, I want you to think of what you want to give up. We'll be there if you need help."

"Aren't I one of your enemies?"

"Maybe. But everyone needs help making choices at some point."

Ymris stared at Eleanor for a moment before shaking her head. "What is it with you Theisman's and your odd wisdom?"

Eleanor smiled sadly. "It comes from learning it from hard experience."

Eleanor sighed quietly as she looked back up at Unit-01. "Well, we should probably tell Captain Ibuki we can't puzzle something out."

Ymris nodded, rather grateful that the topic had been changed to something more… present. "Let's."

They made their way down in short order, Ibuki turning to regard them from the computer terminal she stood over. "We're looking at something far beyond any mechanical help." Eleanor led out with a shrug. "Whatever it is, we can't just slap another armor plate over the core."

"We could possibly try some sort of ACC system as a jury-rig," Ymris interjected, "but that's spit-balling a possible solution. I can only guess at how well that would work."

Ibuki nodded. "I appreciate that you tried if nothing else. But we're going to need to come up with some sort of solution soon. Having done a diagnostic, there's a slight, but noticeable decrease in power. If this continues, there's a better than good possibility that we'll see a real impact on ship's systems."

"So…" Eleanor cupped her chin thoughtfully. "Is there possibly a solution the Achiral System could direct us to?"

"That's actually what I was trying to make work," Ibuki said with a quiet sigh. "But with a problem as odd as this… it's making it a bit hard to define to the system what's wrong, really."

She turned back to face the console. "I keep getting mentions of a 'White Cell-type Containment System', but I'm not entirely sure what it does or even what it looks like. Senpai might know. She's rather more versed in the technical specifications of the ship, which I'll admit isn't saying much."

"Well…" Ymris said, pausing as she looked back up at Unit-01. "Whatever it is, I can only hope it solves our little ghost problem."

- - -

Daniel walked into the reinforced examination bay, taking heart as he saw Rei up and out of her gurney. She was dressed in a simple medical gown, her long blue hair nearly touching the floor.

He found himself somewhat puzzled to see Asuka in the same room, thankfully also up and about, but obviously not enjoying her time here. Unlike her usual stalking, almost tiger-like temper, however, she simply sat on a fold-out bunk, knees to her chest and staring at the wall. It worried him to no small extent.

Somewhat unsurprisingly, however, was Doctor Akagi, on his side of the glass, looking over at him from the desktop console that she sat in front of. She'd discarded the thick fur-lined jacket she'd seemed to have taken to wearing during their time in the Arctic, seeming to now don her ever-familiar white lab coat.

"Mr. Theisman," Akagi said coolly. "I can imagine why you're here."

"As a scientist of your caliber, ma'am, I would expect no less," Daniel replied. "How are Rei's examinations coming along?"

"They are…" she sighed quietly. "Coming along, at the least. Having run some synch tests on her, I'm getting the same readings as I have with Ikari. Other than that, no traces of Angelic contamination thus far."

Daniel arched an eyebrow. "Has that revised the time of Rei's release?"

"Not yet. Perhaps it might after a few more tests."

"Okay, then." Daniel sighed quietly as he stepped towards the glass, looking over at Rei.

"Hello, Rei. How are you doing?"

Rei regarded him silently for the moment, head tilted slightly. "I find my situation… somewhat satisfactory for the moment."

Daniel nodded, smiling slightly. "Good. Is there anything I might be able to get you while you're still in here?"

Rei shook her head. "I am used to a station of living equal to this. I do not require anything at the moment."

"Are you sure there isn't something you want? Because more likely than not, I can get it."

Rei blinked, and Daniel saw Asuka look up at him as she pondered. "I want… to see Shinji Ikari."

Daniel sighed quietly as he saw Asuka's reaction, fists clenching, eye flashing for the briefest of moments.

"That's out of the question, Rei."

Daniel looked over at Doctor Akagi, who now stood and looked intently at Rei. "We still have barely any idea how you two interacted at Near-Third Impact. Not knowing how you two could interact in your current state means that I would rather keep you two apart until then."

"Perhaps a video call then, Doctor?" Daniel asked. "It would allow them to converse while keeping the risk of something unexpected happening low."

It was silent for a moment as Akagi regarded him. Then, she sighed quietly. "That is an acceptable compromise. You'll have to procure a device for her, however."

"I can do that."

Daniel walked over to the door. "Can I be let in? I want to talk to the kids face to face."

Ritsuko opened her mouth to reply, but her phone buzzed, cutting her off as she pulled it out and studied the screen for a moment. Her lips pursed slightly after a moment, and a confused gleam lit up in her eyes as she looked back up at Daniel. "Have you…"

She shook her head slightly. "Have you seen any ghosts recently?"

"Ghosts?" Daniel's brow furrowed as he thought back to the last couple of days. "N- wait…"

He remembered the young woman he'd seen in an empty hallway. One that was entirely out of place in the long, white wedding dress that she wore. "Yes, actually. A woman in a wedding dress a few days ago. Is she showing up elsewhere now?"

"Not just her. Captain Ibuki, along with Ms. Tennison and your wife, has been tracking them down. Apparently, they're coming from Unit-01."

Daniel's brows rose as she continued. "Ibuki's found mention of some sort of containment system and is calling me away. So here's what I'm going to do."

She pocketed the phone as she turned to the console and began to type. "I'm going to unlock the door and leave. I trust you won't let them wander out."

As the clunk of the disengaging lock emphasized her words, Daniel smiled slightly. "Scout's honor, ma'am."

Akagi looked over at him and nodded. "I'll take you at your word this time."

With that, she left, the door out of the chamber swishing shut as Daniel opened the door to the examination room and stepped in, the door shutting behind him.

He walked over to Asuka, sitting down next to her on an empty space on the bunk. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

"I'll be out by the beginning of next week. All my vitals are normal, the Angelic corruption is still where it was, and my synch score-"

"That's not what I meant. Are you okay?"

Asuka looked over at him somewhat incredulously before huffing quietly. "Well… I collapsed onto the deck. Lost control. You try feeling good after something like that."

"Do you know why?"

He saw Asuka's jaw clench slightly. "I… it has something to do with the Angelic corruption."

Daniel nodded. "The 9th Angel? Does it… still exist, within you?"

He saw her start to shake slightly. It was silent for moments that stretched into minutes.

Finally, Asuka seemed to get the courage to nod, a slight jerky thing that seemed entirely out of place for her.

"I see."

Daniel and Asuka both looked at Rei, who studied Asuka intently. "What do you mean, doll?" Asuka asked rather incredulously, her eye narrowed and her jaw set.

Rei's eyes narrowed slightly. "I am not a doll."

"Then who are you?"

The girls looked at Daniel, who leaned forward as he took advantage of his interjection. "I do not mean that in a harsh or demeaning manner. I am simply curious how you will answer the same question I've asked the other Children. So, who are you?"

It was silent again as Rei considered the question at length. "I am Rei Ayanami."

"That is your name, yes. But who are you?"

"The second iteration of the Ayanami line of clones."

Daniel tilted his head slightly. "Maybe so. But where you came from does not have to define who you are."

Rei tilted her head in turn. "I am a mix of several base genetic donors, the majority being Yui Ikari and Naoko Akagi. My soul is connected…"

She stumbled over the word for a moment. "Or, at least, it was connected to Lilith. How does that not define me?"

"It informs you, certainly, but you have perhaps one of the greatest things anyone could ever have, at least in my opinion. The chance to define yourself. So, perhaps the question is better phrased as 'who do you want to be'?"

Rei nodded slightly. "I wish to be… a friend to my fellow pilots." she nodded slightly. "That is all I wish for at the moment."

Daniel nodded slightly. "A good thing to aspire to. I hope I can give you the chance to work on that more soon enough."

"Wait a minute." Asuka said after a moment's silence. "Yui Ikari? Like idiot Shinji?"

Rei nodded slightly. "Yes. Yui Ikari is the mother of Shinji."

Asuka's eye widened, then she deflated slightly. "You're… you're his sister then."

She shook her head slightly. "I knew you were a clone, but… that's news to me." she nearly whispered.

Daniel nodded. "It's likely going to be news to a lot of people. I've got some digging to do soon, it seems."

"In the meantime," he continued as he looked back at Rei, "what else do you want?"

Rei considered the question, once again, in silence and at length. "I wish… to assist in returning the world to what it was. My time in Unit-01 has given me ample opportunity to ponder on my mission as given me by Commander Ikari. I… am not sure I wish to carry it out anymore."

Daniel nodded. "Alright. I'll see what I can do about that."

Daniel sighed as he stood. "Anything the two of you want while you're stuck in here? Asuka, any personal effects that you might want?"

Asuka shrugged. "I don't need much. Maybe my WonderSwan."

Daniel nodded. "I'll get it to you." he looked over at Rei. "Anything for you?"

Rei pondered for a moment. Then, she shook her head. "Beyond a method of communication, I require nothing in the way of personal effects."

Daniel nodded. "I hope that our time together changes that soon. I'd like to see what you become interested in."

Daniel looked at his watch and sighed quietly. "Unfortunately, that's all the time I have for a visit today. I'll swing back by first thing in the morning to drop off that WonderSwan and inform Rei about when Shinji plans to call."

He made his way to the door, opening it and pausing to look back. "I'll make sure to keep in touch with both of you. Let me know if you need me. I'll be there."

. . .

Rei Ayanami watched with a peculiar interest, at least as peculiar as her still muted feelings could allow, as Daniel walked out, the door closing behind him. She watched through the cracked glass as Daniel walked out of the room. Once again, they were alone. 'What an odd man.'

There was something… off about him. She still couldn't quite put her finger on what, but he felt… familiar, somehow. Like they had known each other for some great length of time.

"So… Rei."

Her attention was drawn back to Asuka, who looked at her with what she guessed was a guarded expression. "You never had… feelings for idiot Shinji, did you?"

Rei blinked. She recognized that Asuka was being purposefully obtuse. That she didn't know why was somewhat irksome. "I felt several emotions in the presence of Shinji Ikari. What kind of feelings would you be suggesting, pilot Langley?"

Asuka blinked, and Rei didn't quite know why she was blushing. "You know… romantic feelings."

Rei blinked as she processed what Asuka had told her, the pieces starting to come together. Then, she shook her head. "I did not, nor do I now, have any romantic feelings for Shinji Ikari. We are Evangelion pilots. Such feelings would have interfered in both our missions."

Asuka seemed… what was the emotion… relieved for a moment. Then, she tensed up again. "Wait. So what was your mission, then?"

Rei hesitated even now to speak of it. Revealing his plans, even at this late stage, felt… wrong in a way that seemed fundamental. Even still, Commander Ikari was not present. And, more than likely, Shinji's actions had upset such plans. Out-of-date plans, it seemed, were more palatable to her to reveal.

"Commander Ikari desires to be reunited with his wife, currently held within and powering the core of Unit-01. He desired to use a controlled Impact scenario to initiate Instrumentality, which would free all souls from their bodies to be reunited with Lilith, the mother of all humanity."

She paused for a moment as she observed Asuka's eye going wide, then continued without inflection. "My purpose was to act as a go-between as a daughter of Lilith, in conjunction with a son of Adam empowered by the Key of Nebuchadnezzar or a particular Evangelion, and be a tool of the will of Commander Ikari so that his desire could be fulfilled."

It was silent again as she watched Asuka presumably process the information she had presented, her opposite looking down at the ground after a moment and sighing as she closed her eye. "Well, Wondergirl… I think it's time to find a new purpose. I'd rather not have anyone ending the world after doing my damndest to save it."

Rei found the prospect… vexing. "That seems to be quite the task. After all, my entire purpose was to initiate Instrumentality."

She was quiet for a moment, and she looked down at the floor for a time before she nodded slightly and looked back up at Asuka. "Would you assist me in finding another purpose?"

She waited patiently as Asuka's eye went wide with shock, and she opened and closed her mouth wordlessly once, then twice.

"Wondergirl… I don't know if I'm the best one for that. My entire existence is dedicated to piloting Unit-02."

"Then perhaps it would be wise of us to pursue such purposes together."

Asuka stared at Rei, then shook her head as she chuckled. "This is payback for when I ruined your dinner by piloting Unit-03 for you, isn't it?"

Rei shook her head slightly. "I still wish to have that dinner. It may be with fewer and different people than I first anticipated, but I still wish to bring everyone together. To be… happy."

Asuka looked back at her. "Am I… invited?"

"You always were."

Rei wondered for a moment what Asuka was thinking as she rested her head on the knuckles of her clasped hands and stared at the floor silently. Then, she returned to her bed. There was not much for her to do now. But she was used to that.

'Perhaps I shouldn't be for much longer, however.'
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At least Asuka Skikinami is getting somewhere. That malevolence in her is most worrying. The ghosts that are appearing and the fact they are coming from Unit 1 implies to me they are a side effect of the cycle.
Chapter 7: The Blue Pinprick in the Blood of the World

Chapter 7: The Blue Pinprick in the Blood of the World

It's nice that we can keep tabs on things from way down here with what remains of the Magi's help. NERV has control of Casper, and it looks like they think that's the only node left. Which is good, seeing as we basically saved Balthazar in order to help us.

It keeps track of so much: the position of the Wunder, the various Safe Zones that Misato has set up…

Apparently, there's a hole in New Borneo's net of ACC Pillars. From what little I've seen of the place, it'd be a shame to undo all that work to make a nice blue sea.

Maybe, when this is all over, and I get to see Misato and Little Ryo again, we could take a vacation there. Relax on one of those beaches…

- From the personal journal of Deputy-Commander Ryoji Kaji

AAA Wunder
, Somewhere Over the Pacific Ocean, February 14th

Daniel walked into the brig, guitar case in hand as he nodded to Sokka and Suki. "Hello, there," he said with a slight smile and a wave.

Sokka, in his guise as Soren, waved back. "Hey there. Here for Shinji?"

"You know it," Daniel replied as he came to a stop in front of the desk, waiting for a moment as Sokka keyed him in.

The man, and Suki with him, were, rather unsurprisingly, drawn to the case in his hands. "What's that you've got there?" Sokka asked.

"Oh. It's a guitar."

Sokka and Suki both blinked. "A… what?" he asked. Suki seemed similarly puzzled.

Daniel blinked, then chuckled. "It's an instrument. A stringed one. No tsungi horns here."

"Ah." Sokka and Suki nodded slowly.

"So, I guess you're playing for Shinji, then?" Suki asked.

"In lieu of Shinji not having a different instrument that he knows how to play, yes." Daniel walked over to the door as Suki came to his side to escort him. "So, with this being my off day, I plan to be here for a while."

Suki rolled her eyes. "Word from the vine says we'll all be getting a few of those soon."

Daniel smiled as the door opened. "I'll let that be a surprise to him. No spoiling it if you decide to stick around."

Suki sighed quietly even as she smiled, the pair stepping through the door as Sokka waved at them with a cheeky grin. "Have fun, Suzie."

The door closed behind them, and they walked toward the cell as Suki sighed. "Suzie." she shook her head slightly. "Still feels weird."

"Did you choose it, at least?"

Suki shook her head. "Not really. It was a slip-up from one of the technicians we were friends with in Tokyo-3. I decided to stick with it. Suki's even a completely normal name here. But I'm Suzie as much as Suki, I guess."

Daniel chuckled. "That's the business of hopping worlds for you. You pick up a lot of names along the way."

Suki shrugged. "I guess so."

As they approached Shinji's cell, Suki lagged behind some. "Good luck," she said quietly.

"Thanks," Daniel replied with a slight smile.

Daniel slowed, then came to a stop in front of Shinji's cell, the boy within sitting up. "Oh. Hello, Daniel."

He looked down at the case in Daniel's hand. "Is that your guitar?"

Daniel nodded as he sat down in the hallway, placing his case in front of him as he undid the clasps. "The one and only. Acoustic, at least. I have an electric one I play with Shigeru sometimes."

"Shigeru?" Shinji tilted his head slightly as Daniel got out a guitar that was a rich, deep mahogany color.

Daniel blinked as he set the guitar on a leg. What he'd said had been true in its absent-mindedness. But it wasn't true here.

"Aoba. One of the former NERV members from Tokyo-3," he replied as he began to tune the instrument. "Like I said, it's a rare occasion these days. Everybody's busy."

Then, the guitar was ready, and he pondered what she should play first. "Let's see…" he murmured as he thought about what Shinji would like. 'What could remain on his playlist? What would the Gendos of two worlds share in musical taste?'

Daniel made up his mind and nodded slightly, his smile equally slight, setting fingers to strings as he plucked out a slower, ever-familiar melody that he was sure Shinji would recognize. 'Yui does have a soft spot for Led Zeppelin, after all.'

As he'd hoped, Shinji recognized the tune. "Wait a minute… this is on my tape."

"Your tape?" Daniel asked as he continued to play.

Shinji nodded, looking down at the SDAT player at his side. "Yeah. The one my father gave me."

"I see. For as much of a bastard as your father seems to be, he has a good taste in music, I'll give him that little."

Shinji blinked, Daniel seeing that the boy was obviously taken aback. "That's… harsh."

"It should be. No father should abandon their child like yours did. And that's before using you to try and essentially end the world."

Shinji nodded. "Yeah, sure. Even still…"

The playing slowed for a moment. "You still care for him, don't you?" Daniel asked softly.

Shinji opened his mouth, then closed it, shaking his head. "I don't know. And that's part of why I went to NERV. Because… perhaps I could find out who he was."

They regarded each other silently as Daniel finished the song. Then, a few moments of pure silence after, Daniel looked down at the SDAT player. "Is it broken?" he asked quietly. "I doubt being dunked in LCL did it any favors when we got you and Rei out."

Shinji followed Daniel's gaze, nodding silently as a sad look entered the boy's eyes.

"If I could take it for a little while… I could get my wife to fix it up. She's a genius when it comes to repairs."

Shinji continued to look down at the SDAT player as Daniel set his guitar aside and stood, taking a step towards the bars of the cell.

Shinji reached a hesitant hand out to the player, pausing as it hovered inches above the tape player. Then, he picked it up, slowly giving it to Daniel, who nodded slightly. "I'll get it back to you as quickly as I can," he said firmly.

Shinji smiled slightly. "Thank you," he said softly.

"Of course."

The both of them heard a thunk from Daniel's left, and all in the hallway turned towards the sound of rhythmic thumping, like a slowing, dying heartbeat that didn't know when to fully stop. Intellectually, Daniel knew what was coming, but the 8-and-a-half-foot thing that lumbered towards them still sent spikes of fear into his chest and stomach.

It was a pallid, white thing, with long, gangly limbs that ended in thin, stick-like fingers and shod feet. On its chest, a bony rib cage seemed to protrude from its skin covering a glittering red pit seemingly carved out of the space beneath them, a slight in and out motion from the bones a facsimile of breathing. Its head was a long, snake-like thing, with no eyes or nose or even much of a face, just a slit of a mouth, the lips blood red and puffy, across the front which allowed for an almost rictus grin to shine through.

It continued on its march, heedless of the pounding of Daniel's heart and the clenching of his fists. 'No. No, it's not an MP. But damn it all, it really looks like one.'

The thing walked past them, slowly, deliberately, Suki standing aside as it continued on, heedless of them.

Daniel took a deep breath. Then another. Then several more, just to be sure he'd gotten himself under control. Then, he looked over at Shinji, the boy's eyes wide. "First time seeing them?"

Shinji shook his head. "No. But… What are they?"

"From what I've heard, they're called White Cells. They're supposed to nip some sort of ghost problem we've been having in the bud."

"Ghost problem?"

Daniel sighed as he nodded. "Apparently, during Near-Third Impact, Unit-01 sucked up a lot of souls. From where we're not entirely certain, but they're there. And sometimes they like to wander out. Thus, the White Cells catch them and stuff them back into the Eva."

Shinji nodded slowly. "Are you… okay?"

"I mean, look at the things. They look like they stepped out of someone's nightmares."

Daniel paused, then chuckled softly. "But let's move on from that, shall we?"

Daniel walked back over to his guitar, thankfully untouched by the White Cell's passing, and sat down again, checking the tuning quickly before he breathed deeply again, his brow furrowing for a moment as he decided what to play next.

Then, he plucked out a note, then another, a slow, sure rhythm establishing itself.

Shinji sat back down on his ledge, sitting on a blanket and pad that had been added to his pillow. "What's this one?"

"A song I heard a long time ago, now. It's…" Daniel paused as he tried to figure out how to explain. "It's a love song, of a sort. About two people who could understand each other if they talked, but who faced seemingly insurmountable challenges. From without and within."

He let the music speak for itself now, the hallway otherwise silent as all within listened. It was… beautiful in its melancholy, even as a moment of what seemed like happiness broke through for a few moments.

The song slowed, then, with a few notes, it stopped, the last note echoing into the silent hallway.

"What's it called?" Shinji asked after long moments.

"Thanatos," Daniel replied quietly. "After the Greek god of death. Because, I've hypothesized, like death, there are many different ways for love to exist. And not all of them are easy all the time."

"But," Daniel continued as he saw Shinji's shoulders slumping, "unlike death, love often gives you something death rarely does. Meaning. We fight for what we love, we live on for what we love, and sometimes we even die for what we love. And we can choose what, and who, we love far more than how we die. That choice matters. Even if sometimes we have to choose something different from what we first want."

Daniel was silent for a moment as he watched Shinji ponder what he'd said. "I think… I get it." Shinji said.

"Don't worry about trying to get all of it. What matters is… think about what makes you happy. Who makes you happy. Now or in the past. Because… it's a lot easier to reconnect with someone you once knew than trying to find out about someone you don't."

It was silent again. Then Daniel took a deep breath and chuckled. "Now that we've gotten our philosophy out of the way, I can't help but commend your timing."

Shinji's head tilted slightly, a glimmer of confusion beginning to twinkle in his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Your call with Rei, 2 days from now. It just so happens to coincide with a pit stop we'll be making."


"The Borneo Safe Zone out in what used to be the Philippines. The smallest of the established Safe Zones, though certainly larger than some of the scattered townships and colonies that are out there. They asked Doctor Akagi to come and help them fix a problem with their ACC Tower network, so we'll be spending a day or two in paradise."

"What does that have to do with me and my call?"

Daniel rested his arms on the body of his guitar, leaning forward as he smiled. "I've been authorized by Chief Beifong to take you, Asuka, and Mari with us on shore leave. Provided we keep a close eye on you."

Shinji's brows rose as he remembered the rather blunt but ultimately kind woman Daniel had brought with him to their training sessions once, then they fell. "What about Ayanami?"

Daniel's smile fell in turn as he sighed. "Unfortunately, I couldn't sway Doctor Akagi on that. She's still unsure of what might happen should you two interact."

"Oh." Shinji looked down dejectedly.

"Which makes your call to her all the more important."

Shinji looked back up at Daniel as he continued. "After all, whatever kind of contact you two can get should be treasured."

Daniel's smile began to return. "That and, if I've been told correctly, should you three pilots who aren't being poked and prodded by the good doctor behave nicely enough, I think Chief Beifong and I can leverage to get all three of you out of your cages."

Shinji looked up and around himself at the cramped walls. "Well," he chuckled slightly with a weary smile, "at least it'll be better than this."

"That it will be, I'm sure."

Daniel's smile took on a bemused gleam. "Unfortunately, all the single-person cabins on the ship have been taken already. So, when you get out of here, and I'm sure it's when, we're going to have to put all three of you in a single bunk room."

The smile disappeared, and Shinji groaned. "Oh, no… maybe it would be better if I stayed in here."

Daniel chuckled. "I'll make sure that nobody ends up killing each other if nothing else."

He looked down at his watch, pouting slightly as he packed away his guitar and stood. "And you're sure you don't want to do anything else today?"

Shinji nodded. "Yeah. Chief Beifong…"

Daniel chuckled again, remembering the rather punishing regimen they'd both been put through and rubbing a shoulder that was still terribly sore. "No, no. I get it. If you need anything else today, let me know."

Shinji nodded, and Daniel and Suki walked away, leaving the boy alone for what he likely guessed was going to be one of the last times.

- - -

2 Days Later

Shinji Ikari stared at the screen of the tablet that Mrs. Theisman (Eleanor, he had to remind himself to call her out loud) held up for everyone's viewing, and wondered how such a sight could even exist in this world that he'd had a hand in making.

The screen that the thankfully small crowd of Daniel's friends and the other Children nearly crowded around showed a camera view of the outside world, somewhere on the right side of the ship. It was a view of the sea, the deep, blood-red color of his youth familiar to him as much as it was to everyone else around him. What was different, however, was the utterly obvious destination that they now headed to.

It was, as Daniel said, a small place, especially this high in the air. The only way it would have been evident that it was their destination was just how much it stood out. It was two pinpricks of green amidst a dot of blue, crisscrossed by slivers of silver and grey that, as they grew closer to the islands, became evident as massive bridges with roads and even housing evident atop of them.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Daniel said as they continued their approach, the view slowly lowering towards the brilliant blue water reminding Shinji of the aquarium that he'd visited so long ago, "welcome to New Borneo."

"Tropical. It's a refreshing look, I'll give it that."

Shinji slowly looked over at Asuka, who had, of all things, decided to stand beside him as they waited at the door. She wore shorts and white shoes as opposed to her Plugsuit, though whatever shirt she was wearing was obscured by the bomber jacket she wore zipped up.

Asuka noticed Shinji looking at her, and arched an eyebrow. "Got something on the contrary to say, washout?" she asked.

Shinji gulped as he shook his head. "No. I agree actually."

Asuka nodded once as she looked back at the screen. "Good. You've still got some sense after being stuck in Unit-01 for a decade and a half, at least."

Shinji looked back at the screen and suppressed as best he could a quiet sigh. 'And I'm going to be expected to live with this again?'

"Ah, don't worry too much, Puppy-boy," Mari whispered as she leaned towards him from his left. "This is the most excited she's been in ages. Even seeing you again isn't putting as much of a dent in things as either of you care to think."

Shinji nodded slowly as he considered their first interactions when they'd seen each other again. A part of him had expected her to actually try and punch him, now that there wasn't a pane of glass between them. But… something had changed. Daniel had told him about what had happened a few days ago, and what Asuka had first said to him, after all that time… still surprised him.

"Ayanami gives her regards, idiot Shinji."

That she'd do something like that for someone that even he could see she had a strained relationship with… it somehow gave him hope that things could possibly work out.

Then, he felt more than heard the dull roar of what must have been the ship hitting the water, pulling his gaze back to the tablet screen, the brilliant blue seeming… almost impossible to comprehend. 'There's so much…'

And... was that movement out there, in the distance of the camera?

"We're pulling up to the shore now," Daniel said. "The doors should open in about 4 minutes. Then it's all sun and fun for a little while."

They all heard the rhythmic thumping coming down the hallway to their left, the sound sending a shiver down their spines even as they did their best not to glance at the White Cell that would be passing behind them.

Shinji could even still feel his heart begin to beat a little faster, see Anna take Shawn's hand and grip it tightly. Then, the noise began to pass, and everyone breathed a little easier as the sound disappeared.

With a series of dull, loud thunks, the door they stood in front of began to disengage, slowly moving out and to the side as a long ramp extended beneath their feet, railings popping up as its end touched the sand of a long expanse of beach.

"Look at that." one of the other women in Daniel's group he hadn't met before said, her voice full of sarcasm. "The designers of the ship even cared about our safety."

She sounded… eerily familiar. As he looked at her, he couldn't quite put his finger on why. The woman who had said that looked like just about any other person on this vessel, running a hand through long brown hair. But her voice…

Then, they stepped out of the ship, and Shinji winced slightly at the sunlight, blinking a few times before his eyes focused on…

Well, it almost could have been paradise, were it not for the breathtaking amount of people that he took in walking towards the ship and gawking at them. Shinji almost felt their looks crawling over him, however briefly, like a blanket of needles.

"Too many people?" Daniel leaned over and asked him, Shinji nodding silently in reply.

"I get it. I'll see how long we're staying here, and where a nice, out-of-the-way hotel with a view might be."

Daniel pulled out his phone, likely contacting Doctor Akagi as they continued to walk down the ramp, Shinji looking to his left and right as other crew members exited the utterly massive vessel onto the shoreline.

Finally, they reached the sand, Daniel pocketing his phone with a quiet sigh as he looked over at him. "We're here for the next two days while the good Doctor figures out whatever bugs are in their system. Let's see where we can stay."

It took a while of winding through the rather more empty streets of New Borneo, most of the people out ogling the Wunder to clog them up too much. Eventually, with the help of those few locals who had stayed behind, they came upon a three-story hotel, tucked away on the east side of the island, a sign above the door denoting the name of the place as 'The View'.

For its out-of-the-way status, it was rather well kept, though the din of several dozen air conditioning units was quite evident as they stepped in from the heat of the day.

"How can I help you today?" the older woman at the desk, clearly used to the sun and the heat around here from the tanned, somewhat weathered skin on her face crinkling slightly as she scanned them with grey eyes and a smile.

"We'd like to book several rooms for our group, all on the same floor if it's possible," Daniel said.

The woman studied them for a moment more, then her eyes widened as she gasped quietly. "Oh, you're WILLE personnel, aren't you? You must have just come in with that magnificent fleet," she said, her smile growing. "Don't worry about the charge, then. With all you and KREDIT do to help us even exist here, you all deserve a nice little break."

The rooms, all next to each other on the second floor, were figured out in short order. And, Shinji noted with no small amount of anxiety, that all the pilots were sharing a room. 'Likely, this is the test that will determine how well we get along together.' Shinji mused.

As they finished putting what meager possessions they took with them off the Wunder, They gathered together in the hall. "Alright. What do people want to try and do today?" Daniel asked them all.

"It's been too long since I've been at the beach, I think." the other man that Shinji didn't know spoke up. "I think some time in the sun would do us all some good."

"Now, that's a plan I can get behind!" Mari said, dashing back into their room to presumably get a swimsuit.

"I don't see a problem with it either." Daniel shrugged as the rest of his group nodded and began to enter their separate rooms. "We'll try and find an out-of-the-way beach too, get some peace and quiet for all of us."

"Actually," Asuka said, causing Shinji to jump slightly, "I've got some things I want to talk about with idiot Shinji real quick. We'll follow behind."

Shinji looked at Daniel, somewhat afraid that he couldn't puzzle out the expression on the man's face. "Okay," he said after a moment, then he looked over at Mrs. Theisman. "You mind staying behind and waiting for them, darling?"

Mrs. Theisman shrugged. "It's no problem to me. We'll catch up with you when we can."

Shinji looked over at Asuka, who regarded him with a level gaze that somehow scared him even more than when she was angry at him. 'Is she going to… lay down some sort of ground rules or something?'

Before he could postulate any further, Mari burst out of their room, wearing a pink one-piece swimsuit and a white and green towel wrapped around her neck like a cape. "Alright! I'm ready for our adventures at the beach!"

"That you are." Mrs. Theisman chuckled as Daniel opened the door to their room. "Everyone else is still getting ready, so you'll have to wait for us."

With that, the two adults went into their room, leaving the Children in the hallway.

Asuka looked over at Mari. "Idiot Shinji and I are going to be discussing some things for a second."

Mari's eyes widened, then a smug grin crossed her face. "Ooooh, princess. Hope the air conditioner's working so it doesn't get too hot."

Asuka rolled her eye. "Oh, can it, Specs. You'll be seeing us in a few minutes."

She nodded back towards the entrance. "Go wait somewhere out of hearing, Mari. I want this to be between just the two of us."

Mari began to pout for a moment before her grin returned. "Is that all?" were the words that she said as she passed between the two of them, going down the hall.

Asuka sighed heavily, but Shinji could see the blush on her cheeks as she opened the door. "Alright, idiot Shinji. Get in here."

Shinji couldn't shake the feeling that he was walking into a lion's den, even as the environment seemed inviting. Two queen-size beds were accompanied by a pull-out couch mattress that would be his place for the next two days.

He turned to see Asuka close the door, shaking her head as she finally reached for the zipper of her bomber jacket. "Too damn hot here," she muttered as she shrugged it off.

He saw the yellow shirt that she wore, achingly familiar, as the jacket hit what he assumed was Asuka's bed. Then, his eyes were drawn to the terrible black and red collar that clutched her neck, and they went wide with shock and horror.

"So, you finally got to see the first one." Asuka sighed quietly as she took a seat on the bed.

"The… first?"

Asuka nodded. "Yeah. They gave me this one after they pulled me out of quarantine. After all, I still have Angelic contamination in my right eye. That's why I have this patch."

Shinji continued to stand and stare at the DSS Choker silently before Asuka rolled her eye and sighed. "Oh, sit down, idiot."

Shinji blinked, walking over to the bed in front of Asuka and sitting down. "What… what were you planning on talking to me about?"

Asuka opened her mouth, but the air conditioning unit was the only sound that pierced the silence that followed for long moments. Then, she shut her mouth and sighed. "You know… what you said after we'd lifted off from the Arctic."

Shinji furrowed his brow as he nodded. "Yes. And I meant what I said back then."

"Oh, good. At least you have some spine about something."

Asuka shook her head slightly. "It helps that you're right."

Shinji's eyes widened slightly as she continued. "I checked the footage from the 9th Angel's attack. And the security footage in Central Dogma. What your father did…"

She clenched her jaw and fell silent for a moment, and Shinji recalled the nearly boiling anger that had burned in his bones as he'd taken Unit-01 and stamped on that damned glass pyramid over and over and over again, desperately trying to avenge Asuka…

"So I'll ask you this."

He pulled his focus back to Asuka, who regarded him intently. "Why didn't you use that anger to try and save me? Why did you hesitate?"

"Why did you try to save Ayanami and not me?"

Shinji felt as if the question had physically struck him in place of her fist. 'How do I answer that?'

"I… like I said, I was afraid I'd kill you if I wasn't careful. I'd thought I'd killed you when Unit-01 crushed that Entry Plug in its jaws. I thought I'd killed…"

He trailed off, looking at the floor in silence for what was beginning to feel like ages.

"Well? Spit it out."

"I thought I'd killed one of the few people who might have actually liked me. And… if I could use my anger to save Ayanami… maybe I could be a little like you and not be useless like I was then."

It was silent again, Shinji stewing in it for a few minutes before looking up at Asuka, seeing that she also looked down at the floor, seeming deep in thought.

"Why would you think that I liked you?"

The question didn't have the bite, the fire he'd expected it to have as he saw her look back up at him. Saw the inscrutable look in her eye as she looked up and regarded him.

Shinji opened his mouth, and fear stopped up his throat. She was going to hit him for whatever he said, and he knew it. All of this must have been some sort of plot to make him comfortable before she did it.

Those and a thousand other doubts swirled in his mind before Asuka let out a quiet sigh and shook her head. "I don't think either of us are going to be able to answer that right now."

She stood, and Shinji stood with her as she went to the door. "Come on. Let's go try and relax on some beach, I guess."

With that, she exited the room, leaving Shinji for a moment to ponder not only the words of her question but the tone as well.

- - -

Daniel, along with the rest of the group, followed the guide that their hotelier had called up, through the trees and over the rather rough path, the green of the forest that surrounded them vibrant and obscuring, the impossibly massive, quickly rotating moon above them out of sight for the moment.

Then, the trees parted, and a small, empty beach with brilliant sand and a bright blue sea stretched out before them, the sight marred by the massive pillars of black and red out maybe a kilometer and a half into the ocean.

The guide, a weathered older man with graying black hair, looked back at all of them. "This beach has been my family's best-kept secret. My sister must really like you if she decided to have me show it to you."

Daniel nodded. "I'm thankful you could give us an opportunity to be here. It's a beautiful place. I'm sure our more socially anxious friends will appreciate your sacrifice."

The man chuckled. "Thank you. Let me know when you wish to go. I'll be close by here in the woods."

With that, Mari dashed onto the beach with a wild whoop, her beach towel cape flying off her neck to flutter onto the sand as she jumped into the water.

Daniel, along with the others, chuckled as they walked onto the beach, finding a spot to lay out towels and an umbrella that the hotelier had provided them with.

As they sat, watching the distance and taking in the smell of the clean ocean almost, but not quite overpowered by the stench of the LCL that surrounded it, Anna looked over at Daniel. "So," she said conversationally, "what are we going to tell her, seeing as she's likely going to ask you again?"

"As much of the truth as she needs. That we are aware of the looping nature of time in this world. For now, that will be enough. With our experience with Mariah, she may be curious, but she'll be satisfied, at least for the moment."

Anna nodded slowly, looking back out at the water as Mari frolicked through it. "Man… I've missed the beach. The last time we went was…"

"After the first battle of Tokyo-3," Rachel replied. "That was… fun. I especially enjoyed our volleyball game."

"Even your rather dramatic tumble into the sand?" Anna asked with a slight grin.

Rachel glanced out at Mari to ensure that she was still out of earshot. "Yes, Asuka," Rei replied with a smile. "Even that."

They all chuckled at the memory, then focused as Mari stepped out of the water, retrieving her towel and drying herself off vigorously as she approached them.

"Aw." she pouted as she sat down next to Anna. "Not enjoying the sea on a beach? That's no fun."

"I'm simply waiting for Eleanor, Shinji, and Asuka to get here." Daniel shrugged. "I don't know about anyone else."

Mari shrugged. "Okay. I guess."

She glanced somewhat conspiratorially at the others. "So… there was something you wanted to tell me. Back when we were still in the air."

She spared one more glance around at everyone. "Are they good to know as well?"

Daniel nodded. "Yes. They know as much as I do."

Daniel took a deep breath. "Basically, what it boils down to is that we know that time has been looping as well. We've only recently succeeded at getting anywhere nearly close to you pilots and the Captain. And for now… we'd like to keep our knowledge between us. Does that work for you?"

Mari traced a finger over her heart and raised a hand. "Cross my heart and hope to rock, Danny boy."

Daniel smiled as the others chuckled. "Good to hear, Mari."

Then, he felt Eleanor's soul connecting to his. "Here we come, dear."

He looked back, as he had a few times before, as Eleanor, Shinji, and Asuka emerged from the treeline, Shinji and Asuka taking in the sight of their sheltered cove as Eleanor walked over towards the group.

Mari wasted no time or enthusiasm greeting the other two Children, waving at them with a wide smile. "Princess! Puppy-boy! You made it!"

She stood and ran over to them, beginning to lament their lack of proper swimming attire as Eleanor walked over towards the group, Daniel looking past her for a moment as he saw Shinji's rather horrified reaction to Mari's DSS Choker before returning his gaze to his wife. "I've told Mari we know about the looping," he said simply.

Eleanor nodded as their soul-link provided the rest of the context. "I see. Now that that's out of the way, let's relax for a little while, shall we?"

The others nodded as Mari created a little island in the sand with their towels for the Children, and they all went quiet for a moment, savoring this ever rare moment of utter peace.

- - -

Across on what was once the island of Sulawesi, Ymris was having a rather less relaxing meeting, sitting in front of what were around two dozen people. They were tucked away, out of sight of the rest of the world, which allowed who were going to be the new crew members of the Wunder to showcase their marks, glowing cupped hands in the center of their foreheads surrounding a single diamond.

"So," one of them, a woman that Tavis had reminded her used to be Technician Tomomi Takeshi of NERV, began, "what is the will of the Guides for us on this ship?"

They expected her to lead them, she had realized long before they had arrived here somewhat secretly in New Borneo. But the question had crystallized it in her mind, sent shivers down her spine as she remembered what Tavis had told her when he informed them of her coming. "I trust that you will lead them as I would, and take care of them. They're excited to finally work with you."

"For right now, we are simply to serve aboard the Wunder to the best of our abilities," she replied. "The ship is a… rather unique one, so it requires a delicate touch at times. What will you all be going into? Do you know?"

Most, unsurprisingly, were mechanical technicians of one sort or another, but a few were going into the medical division or the logistics division. "Very well," she continued after a moment, "I look forward to working with you to keep the ship and its attendant Evangelions in good working order."

"But what about the preaching and conversion of the crew?" Takeshi pressed. "Is that not the greatest task we can be set to?"

'What is it that Daniel calls these sorts?' Ymris mused as she contemplated the question. 'Go-getters. That's right.'

"For now, we work silently, and by example. Should any ask us, then we shall induct them secretly. To let our work be so open is to risk revealing something which might leave us ostracized, thrust out of the positions that we might need to be in in order to let our plans come to pass."

Takeshi clenched her jaw, then nodded. "I understand your reasoning," she said in a somewhat mulish tone.

'And yet you do not fully agree.' Ymris considered the woman for a moment. 'I'm going to have to keep my eye on you.'

It would be easy to do, at least, seeing as she would, once again, be an Evangelion engineer.

After a few more minutes of orientation, the group dispersed, the marks flickering out like dying stars as they emerged from their room, and into the open air of a day that was beginning to come to a close, the sun starting to dip towards the horizon beginning to paint the sky red as scattered lights began to flicker to life, the largest being the city of New Balikpapan across the Makassar Strait.

Ymris began to make her way to the island of Borneo, and those lights, walking and taking methods of transit through streets that were crowded, but moved out of her way as they saw the blue armband, when she felt the subtle thrum of her earring telling her that Tavis was calling.

She linked her soul to the jewelry and felt Tavis' constrained excitement. "So, did you meet the new novices?"

"I did, actually,"
she replied, keeping her emotions in check as best she could. "I have to say, Takeshi in particular is… excited to do the work."

"She was one of our first converts, after all,"
Tavis replied. "I think she'll be a fine addition to your crew."

"I just hope she doesn't do anything unwise in her zeal. The consequences of our hotheadedness are what led us here, after all."

She'd struck a nerve, it seemed, as she felt Tavis' anger flare, then come back under control. "Perhaps," he said in a somewhat clipped tone.

That tone, that emotion soon gave way to excitement. "But there's some terribly exciting news, too. The Resurgent got a transmission on one of the old wartime channels."

She was sure his satisfaction was due to her surprise. "From who?"

"Another branch of Scions that shares the true purpose."
she could feel the triumph dripping from his voice. "We are not alone in our work, Ymris."

"Will you be contacting them soon?"

"Of course. We need to find out what their assets are. And whether they can come and assist us here. If they can… then the work can be done at an unprecedented speed."

It was silent between them for a moment, and Ymris guessed that Tavis felt her slight unease. "What's wrong? You seem unsure."

"These are strangers to us, Tavis,"
she replied after a moment. "I will fully admit, I have my doubts. And until we can vet them personally, I will continue to have my doubts as to their willingness to work with us instead of suborning us to some other goal."

Again it was quiet, then she could almost see Tavis shrugging. "I guess I can understand. But even with our converts in Matsushiro, we are few in number, and quite lacking in any sort of Worldsea-level equipment. I, at this point, am willing to take whatever I can get."

"I see. Well, I'll let you go, now. I have somewhere to be in the next little while."

"For the Unity, Ymris."

"For the Unity."

And with that, the connection vanished. Her confused feelings about the words she had said remained. Did she truly mean them anymore? She couldn't fully tell. 'Damn you, Daniel. Why must you introduce such chaos into my life?'

She shook her head slightly. She could ponder that question more fully later. Right now, she had one of Shigeru's poker nights to get to. This one was promising to be special, as a ready supply of good booze was rumored to be on hand here in New Borneo.

'I'll have to be careful if I'm playing a round against Sumire. She's got a terribly good poker face. Toph is also good at calling my bluffs, too.'

She hoped that Tavis would not prove as skillful in such areas.

- - -

Across the island, back at the hotel, Shinji Ikari looked at the tablet screen, and the video call that would soon be active, and tried not to appear nervous.

"Breathe, Puppy. I'm fairly sure no one's going to explode unless you let all that pressure make you."

He looked up at Mari, who smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up as he took a deep breath. Next to her, Asuka sat, continuing to regard him with an oddly thoughtful look in her eyes. She'd barely spoken to him since they'd made their way to the beach that afternoon. He wondered what she was thinking about. He himself had been wondering about the question she had asked him earlier today.

'Perhaps…' he mused. 'She's thinking about that question as much as I am?'

His focus jumped back to the screen as it changed, and his eyes lit up as he saw the face of Rei Ayanami.

"Hello, Shinji Ikari," she said, the barest hint of a smile on her face.

"Hello, Ayanami." a small smile was on his own face as he finally saw her safe again. "It's good to see you. Even if…"

"I understand that these conditions are not up to some people's standards," Ayanami said, "but I will bear the burden of isolation as I have in the past."

Shinji looked down and to the side. "I should have said something to Misato about your apartment. You shouldn't have been in there. No one should have been."

"The past is, Shinji Ikari. We cannot change what was."

Shinji nodded. "And don't I know it."

It was silent as they simply took in each other's presence for a moment, then Rei nodded slightly. "Shinji Ikari."


"I have a favor I wish to ask you. And of whoever else may wish to assist me."

"And what's that?" He could tell as Mari and Asuka stood and began to make their way over towards the couch that he was not the only one whose interest Ayanami had piqued.

"Whenever I am released into… Daniel's care, I would like your assistance in preparing a meal that can be enjoyed by those you and I wish to invite. I have spoken with pilot Langley, and while, by her own admission, her cooking skills are rudimentary, she is willing to assist in this venture."

Shinji looked over at Asuka, who now sat on his right, and she looked back at him as she arched an eyebrow. "What?" he asked, amazed that Asuka, high and haughty as she was, had attempted something that he'd found was one of the few things he'd had a passion for.

"Believe it, Shinji," she said. "It was 14 years ago. There's no real use hiding it. After all, all your piloting skill seemed to have drained into your cooking. I thought I could match it, see if I could beat you at your own game."

Shinji could do nothing but stare in open shock at Asuka for a moment, then he smiled slightly. "You know, you could have asked me to teach you some instead of trying on your own. I would have helped."

Asuka crossed her arms even as Shinji saw her blush slightly. "And risk you trying to sabotage my efforts in an attempt to stay on top? No chance, Shinji."

Shinji rolled his eyes as Asuka's proud bearing, something at least somewhat familiar, came to the fore. He looked back at the screen and at Rei. "Who were you planning on inviting?"

"As I am sure you can surmise, such a list of people has changed dramatically in the 14 years we have been interned within Unit-01. Captain Katsuragi was, and still is, on such a list, as are any former NERV staff. Is there anyone not on that list that you wish to invite?"

Shinji pondered for a moment. "Well, I'd like to invite Daniel. He's been kind to all of us, it seems. And whoever he might call a friend, too. Having met a few of them, they would at least be interesting to talk to."

It would be a lot of people when all was said and done, he thought. So many people, all in one room, because of him… it scratched at an old fear.

'Even still… to see Misato and the others smile…'

"So, blue skies," Mari began, "was there a point to all this that I missed, or is this a 'we just want to do this' sort of thing?"

"Yes, pilot Makinami," Rei replied, drawing Mari's attention to the screen. "The dinner party's purpose was to bring people together. To make them happy."

Shinji nodded. "It's… well, it's as good a reason as any," he said with a slight smile.

The rest of the world faded away as Shinji, ironically, began to describe what the outside world was like here in New Borneo to Rei. The sights, the sounds, the smells, all were relayed to her as best as he could.

"Is there any place that stood out to you, Shinji?" she asked at one point.

Shinji went silent for a moment, pondering both Rei's question, and her use of only his first name. "There was… a little beach or a cove that we visited. It was… so peaceful, compared to everything that's happened thus far."

It was silent again as Rei took in his description of the place, and Shinji wondered what she might have envisioned in her mind.

"I hope to, perhaps, see this place one day," Rei said quietly. "It sounds… beautiful."

"Once all this madness is over, and we've gotten rid of the Evangelions," Asuka piped up, "we can take a vacation there. It's nice, I'll give it that. But being there alone gets a little boring."

Rei, and the other two Children, looked over at Asuka with varying degrees of surprise. "Thank you, pilot Langley," Rei said quietly.

"Oh please, Rei, we spent two days in quarantine together. You might as well just call me Asuka."

It was silent for the briefest of moments before Rei nodded. "Very well, Asuka."

. . .

The night wore on, and Shinji found himself staring at a dark, unfamiliar ceiling. Something he'd been doing since he'd emerged from the core of Unit-01.

'I've been doing it for most of my life, really.' Shinji grimly mused. 'You'd think I'd be used to it now.'

He sighed quietly, looking around the dark room. It was, even in the darkness, an inviting, homely space. That quality reminded him of Misato's apartment. One of the more familiar ceilings in his life. Memories of what had become the good old days began to replay as he closed his eyes. The days before…

"Idiot Shinji!" he heard an urgent whisper from behind him.

He opened his eyes, somewhat startled as he sat up somewhat and looked towards the source of the words, his eyes widening as he found it.

Asuka looked at him, her single bright blue eye glittering in the moonlit darkness. "Idiot Shinji!" she whispered again, tilting her head back for a moment. "Get over here."

Shinji's brow furrowed in confusion as he got out of his bed, walking over to hers and coming to stop by the bedside. A bedside which was oddly open. "What is it?" he asked, equally quiet.

Asuka rolled her eye. "What are you waiting for? Get in, before we wake Mari up and she makes fun of us for the next ever."

Shinji was taken aback. "What? Why would I do that?"

Asuka sighed. "Because I hate sleeping by myself, and Specs likes to shift around at night. I know you at least are going to lie still."

Shinji was still radically unsure what was going to happen next, but he still slowly got into what he was now sure was the spot that she'd made open for him.

Asuka turned away from him as he settled in. "Turn away from me. Otherwise, this is going to be weird."

"As if this isn't already?" he said aloud even as he obeyed.

To his surprise, Asuka chuckled. "Maybe it is. But I don't care. I've lived long enough not to."

They simply lay silently like that, back to back, for what felt like ages. And Shinji recalled the last time they'd done this. After the 8th Angel.

He recalled what had happened when she'd come into his closet of a room. The question she'd asked him. 'Why do you pilot the Eva?'



"Do you remember the question you asked me the last time we did this?"

It was silent for a moment, and he feared that, after all this time, she'd simply written it off and forgotten about the experience.

"Yeah. Did you figure it out? Why you piloted the Eva?"

Shinji nodded slightly. "I think… I did."

"Well, what is it? It's rude to keep someone in suspense."

"I guess… I was piloting it to protect the people I cared for. Even if I failed, I wanted to protect you and Rei and Misato… even my father. I was useless outside of the Eva. So… I guess I felt I could actually make a difference."

It was silent again, and Shinji wondered, not for the last time, what Asuka was thinking.

"That's… a better answer than last time, Shinji."

Shinji was silent, then he blinked as he realized something. She'd just called him Shinji. Not idiot Shinji. Just… Shinji.

He contemplated asking her about the question she'd asked him today, but he heard the deep, level breaths of sleep behind him.

'Just Shinji…' somehow, coming from Asuka, it felt… precious. Like it might never happen again.

He drifted to sleep, unaware of the ever so slight smile on Asuka's face.