
Random Thought: Can you give us an estimated number on how many potions Roxas will find during this quest?
....well, I think we can assume Sora's the one who will become lost so...

Is Kairi the one cast aside?
In a way? that is an option.
That was a joke designed to be as vague as possible, seeing as how calling something "the heartless one" could refer to a nobody, Ventus, Vanitas, Sora's heartless, etc. It was designed to be as vague as possible in order to be smart-alecky by being "technically correct" :D
That was a joke designed to be as vague as possible, seeing as how calling something "the heartless one" could refer to a nobody, Ventus, Vanitas, Sora's heartless, etc. It was designed to be as vague as possible in order to be smart-alecky by being "technically correct" :D
Granted, but it's not exactly a person.
Day 01: Beginning Of Nothing Part II
Day 01: Beginning of Nothing

As the Figure two over from the speaker's right raised their hand, everybody turned to them, half of them whilst leaning away in case it was a trap by their leader. "I shall be happy to take V… ahem! I mean Roxas under my wing. Forgive my slip Superior, our new member just reminds me of an old friend. You said he was a chosen of the Keyblade, do you know what form his esteemed weapon takes?"

[Marluxia grants Roxas the Trait: Back To The Beginning. Roxas' Reputation with Marluxia ascends it's current limits!: Acquaintances -> Distant Friends. Roxas gains 50 Reputation with Marluxia.]

Waving the concern in the air away, the original speaker answered. "The slip of tongue is understandable Number XI, he also brings to mind someone I once knew as well. Unfortunately I do not know which Keyblade he possesses, although I can make a few educated guesses. Perhaps finding out while testing his combat capabilities ought to be one of the first matters you assess. Now, reveal you face and go meet your new pupil."

Nodding, the volunteer held his hand forward, summoning an undulating portal of Darkness. Stepping through, a new portal rose a few meters in front of Roxas, As the figure stepped out, they pulled down their hood revealing a feminine looking man with light skin, a shaggy light pink mane of hair that reached the base of his neck and clear blue eyes, that quite frankly were too clear. Spreading his arm as if for a hug, the man bowed. "Greetings Roxas, I am Number XI; Marluxia, The Graceful Assassin, and I will be your guide and mentor within Organization XIII. From the look on your face, you are one of the unlucky ones who lose all their memories and sense of self during the change. Although… You do seem quite shocked to see me… How peculiar… Why is that… ?"

He was right, as soon as Marluxia's face was unveiled, Roxas stumbled back a couple of steps, face pale like he'd seen a ghost. Suddenly he clutched his head and doubled over as if in pain. "I don't… know!.... Lauri… Lauria… Lauriam… ? Who's Lauriam!? What's an… Equus Union… ? Or a Lupus Union? Argh!" Falling to his knees, Roxas just sat there panting.

[Roxas loses the Trait: Hollow Shell. Questline started: History Of The Pack. Roxas loses 20 MP.]

Jumping at his sudden outburst, Marluxia ran to Roxas' side to support him. "Are you ok Roxas? Do you feel sore or just tired?"

Still panting, the younger of the two shook his head, headless of the eleven remaining watchers who perked up at his mutterings. "No, just tired. Granted, everything's much clearer now, whatever just happened seemed to have snapped me out of my near catatonic state. I still can't remember anything, but I'm properly aware now, just give me a minute to catch my breath and we can carry on."

Reaching inside his coat, Marluxia pulled out a small pouch full of small gummy-like cubes filled with an ethereal blue light. Opening the bag, he held it out to Roxas. "Take one of these, they're called Ethers. They give us a small boost of energy, it'll get you back on your feet."

Taking one and popping it in his mouth, Roxas made a face even as he stood up. "Blagh! That's sour! You could've warned me."

[Roxas gains 20 MP.]

Chuckling slightly, the pinkette put the Ethers away. "Sorry, I keep forgetting that the Organization uses its own recipe. Anyway, are you feeling up to a sparring match to assess your abilities?"

Tilting his head in thought, Roxas shrugged. "Sure, Something tells me I'm not at full power though. Lead the way."

Looking over his shoulder at the rest of the Organization, Marluxia received a nod from the main speaker, which in turn caused the others to start dispersing. With that, Marluxia started guiding Roxas out of the Round Room, once they were far enough away, Marluxia lent down to whisper in Roxas' ear. "Be careful around the Superior, Xemnas likes to play chess with people's lives. I sense a great Darkness within him, yet two tenacious Lights hold it back."

Looking at Marluxia out of the corner of his eye, Roxas furrowed his eyebrows. "I… don't really understand what you mean, but if you say he's dangerous, I'll trust you."

Nodding, Marluxia straightened up and continued steering his new charge towards the combat arena.

Entering the Hall of Empty Melodies, Marluxia told Roxas to stand in the center of the room as he went up the balcony. sweeping his arm out, he summoned an odd creature in front of Roxas. It resembled a human in the loosest sense; with silverish white skin, arms and legs that tapered off into tendrils, a cylindrical head with a zipper for a mouth, a torso the size of a baseball bat and seemingly no skeleton.

With that done, Marluxia turned his attention back to Roxas. "This is known as a Dusk, the second lowest form of Nobody, they can't do too much on their own but their close combat techniques are enough to hold out until reinforcements arrive, so be careful. What I want you to do is hit it five times with your Keyblade however you like. You should be able to call your Keyblade instinctively."

Hesitantly, Roxas reached out his hand and called up his will to fight, feeling something stirring within he pulled, along with the strange sensation he felt the echoes of two emotions, one good and one bad, as if from very clear memories.

What came to Roxas in that instant?

[] An Oversized Key,, Plain And Simple. Faith and Sadness.

[] A Twisted Key That Resembles A Bird's Wing. Joy and Confusion.

[] A Key Made Out Of Gears, Bound By Chains. Hope and Pain.

QM Notes: Here's the answer to my little riddle; Sora's, Ventus' or Vanitas' Keyblades, which one will Roxas borrow until Marly gets his ass into gear and awakens the kids' own? Do note however, none of them are inherently good or bad, think of it more as an extended Dive To The Heart rather than whose Keyblade it is. In fact, notice how I haven't uploaded Roxas' Character Sheet yet? That's because whichever Keyblade you choose determines his stats.

Regarding Roxas' little episode, a similar situation would've happened if Xemnas won, except about the BBS Trio instead of the Dandelions, Otherwise he would've been Zombie!Roxas from canon.
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[] An Oversized Key,, Plain And Simple. Faith and Sadness.

I wouldn't mind this one, since learning about Sora ironically helped Roxas define his own identity.

[] A Twisted Key That Resembles A Bird's Wing. Joy and Confusion.

This one I'm the most against since I fear it would just turn Roxas into a Ventus clone even if it's only physically. It just takes everything away from Roxas that makes him interesting.

[X] A Key Made Out Of Gears, Bound By Chains. Hope and Pain.

But Void Gear looks, really, really, cool and could throw around some curve balls for the People In The Know.
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