Inattentive Idiot
I am still going hard on Team Lamprey, but if we had to make a non-Lamprey psychopump, I would like to put forward a whale. We've known about them since at least Turn 6.
There are always lots of dead people, and whales are both huge and known for swallowing immaterial things. Our burial ritual already includes having the bodies get "swallowed" by the sea (Proud Waters made a theatrical display of it and everything), so having a whale then carrying the wayward souls to their final resting place is a good extension of that. Plus, whales are cool and this way we get to make both Jonah and Pinnochio references! Yes, I know that neither of those were originally whales, but to my knowledge we do not have access to Basking Sharks, so whales will have to do.
And as an extra bonus, if our peoples ever get to the industrial stage, having whales be sacred guardians of the dead would probably do wonders to keep their numbers up.
There are always lots of dead people, and whales are both huge and known for swallowing immaterial things. Our burial ritual already includes having the bodies get "swallowed" by the sea (Proud Waters made a theatrical display of it and everything), so having a whale then carrying the wayward souls to their final resting place is a good extension of that. Plus, whales are cool and this way we get to make both Jonah and Pinnochio references! Yes, I know that neither of those were originally whales, but to my knowledge we do not have access to Basking Sharks, so whales will have to do.
And as an extra bonus, if our peoples ever get to the industrial stage, having whales be sacred guardians of the dead would probably do wonders to keep their numbers up.