Animus Ex Nihilo - A God Quest

[X] Discourage the practice by returning the bodies to shore so that they can be buried in another way.

I don't particularly care. Death isn't something I want our god entangled with and nobody has presented a good enough pitch for it.
[X] Encourage the practice by giving blessings to the next of kind of the deceased.

Bringing the dead out to the Sea of Souls with the prized vessel they used in life...that sounds pretty rad. Dunno about all the mechanical implications, but it seems like the most interesting option :p
[X] Encourage the practice by giving blessings to the next of kind of the deceased.

Looks like we are going all in for God of the Sea anyway.
Part of me really, really wants to return the bodies to shore on the very, very small chance that they rise up again.

... Which they won't, unfortunately.
[X] Encourage the practice by giving blessings to the next of kind of the deceased.

We'll keep the bodies. Might need them later.
[X] Discourage the practice by returning the bodies to shore so that they can be buried in another way.
[X] Encourage the practice by giving blessings to the next of kind of the deceased.
[X] Discourage the practice by returning the bodies to shore so that they can be buried in another way.
[X] Give no sign one way or another for now.

What do they expect us to do with all these dead people, eat them?

... They don't expect us to eat them, right? I hope they realise that humans are terrible meat animals, much better to stick with fish.
Just now I saw this quest from the only person on this site who can write interesting civ quests. I wish you great failures with a drop of hope. After all, when everything is fine, it is not so interesting :)

[X] Encourage the practice by giving blessings to the next of kind of the deceased.
[X] Discourage the practice by returning the bodies to shore so that they can be buried in another way.

Despite the fact, that I really like this burial rite, I agree it will be ultimately very wasteful for our community.
Much better one-considering the long game, and our civilization potentialy achiving modern level technology-would be cremation.
Because modern day cemeteries take space and resources we could otherwise use.
Despite the fact, that I really like this burial rite, I agree it will be ultimately very wasteful for our community.
Much better one-considering the long game, and our civilization potentialy achiving modern level technology-would be cremation.
Because modern day cemeteries take space and resources we could otherwise use
Eh, it should be relatively easy to morph this ritual into something more resource-efficient, like having the newly departed get carried away(eaten) by sacred fish in the Bay and brought to Proud Waters.
On the topic of being wasteful, it's not really anymore wasteful than any other type of burial. A pyre also takes wood, tombs or necropolis take space and so on and so on.

Resources for burials only become an issue when there's a lot of people dying at once (in which case we'll have bigger things to worry about) or we hit industrial revolution level population (and by that point we'll have enough power to make more resource efficient).

Worrying about any resource other than food at this point is kind of pointless.