Wow, I'm amazed at how into the Mystery Investigation Club you guys are. I always thought SV Questers likes to play the field when it comes to choices, explore your options, but you've all latched onto this club. I'm not complaining-it means I did a good job selling the club. ;)

Mind if I ask what about this club has got you all so excited? What most intrigues you about it? Do you just really like the club members? Or the idea of solving mysteries? Or something else?
[X] "Could someone rescue me from this pit of crazy? Anybody?"
[X] Decline for now, see what the other clubs are like first

I'd rather at least check the other options
Wow, I'm amazed at how into the Mystery Investigation Club you guys are. I always thought SV Questers likes to play the field when it comes to choices, explore your options, but you've all latched onto this club. I'm not complaining-it means I did a good job selling the club. ;)

Mind if I ask what about this club has got you all so excited? What most intrigues you about it? Do you just really like the club members? Or the idea of solving mysteries? Or something else?
I'm simply allowing anime shenanigans happen.
[X] "Perhaps we could just keep it casual? As friends."
[x] Join the Mystery Investigation Club (You cannot join multiple clubs without permission from the staff. Joining a club will eat up your free time, but also unlock special quests and events. You also automatically gain level 1 social links with all members)
[X] "The brother thing could be true. I never knew my real parents."
[X] Decline for now, see what the other clubs are like first

The brother option could be interesting—though I could potentially choose other options if given a good reason.

Say—is CoreBrute still looking for Self-Aware Students?
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[X] "Could someone rescue me from this pit of crazy? Anybody?"
[x] Join the Mystery Investigation Club (You cannot join multiple clubs without permission from the staff. Joining a club will eat up your free time, but also unlock special quests and events. You also automatically gain level 1 social links with all members)

Male Tsundere won me over, tbth
Voting will continue for another 12 hours or so.
Adhoc vote count started by CoreBrute on Aug 8, 2018 at 5:21 AM, finished with 14 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x] Join the Mystery Investigation Club (You cannot join multiple clubs without permission from the staff. Joining a club will eat up your free time, but also unlock special quests and events. You also automatically gain level 1 social links with all members)
    [x] "The brother thing could be true. I never knew my real parents."
    [X] "Could someone rescue me from this pit of crazy? Anybody?"
    [X] Decline for now, see what the other clubs are like first
    [X] "You know I do feel like we've met before in another life."
    [X] "Perhaps we could just keep it casual? As friends."

Adhoc vote count started by CoreBrute on Aug 8, 2018 at 4:24 PM, finished with 16 posts and 11 votes.
[X] "Could someone rescue me from this pit of crazy? Anybody?"
[x] Join the Mystery Investigation Club (You cannot join multiple clubs without permission from the staff. Joining a club will eat up your free time, but also unlock special quests and events. You also automatically gain level 1 social links with all members)
[X] "Could someone rescue me from this pit of crazy? Anybody?"
[x] Join the Mystery Investigation Club (You cannot join multiple clubs without permission from the staff. Joining a club will eat up your free time, but also unlock special quests and events. You also automatically gain level 1 social links with all members)
Voting is closed!
Adhoc vote count started by CoreBrute on Aug 8, 2018 at 6:25 PM, finished with 17 posts and 11 votes.
Fall Semester: Intro to OVAs
[ ]"Could someone rescue me from this pit of crazy? Anybody?"
[ ] Join the Mystery Investigation club
"Blood brother? Past lives?" You look around frantically for aid. "Could someone rescue me from this pit of crazy? Anybody?"

"It's futile." Miyara notes. "He never stops."

"We're gonna hang out all the time dark soul brother!" Mrinthon laughs.

With a grunt you push him off you.

Further detail has been added to your social link with Mrinthon. It now reads:
Mrinthon Darkblade/Will Stubbs-Level 1: He's very clingy

"Anyway," You smile at the pair. "I'd be happy to join your club!"

"Hooray!" Mrinthon jumps up with glee. "Welcome to the Mystery Investigation club!"

"It's a pleasure to have you as a member Toryauna-san." She bows to you respectfully. "As a welcoming gift, please accept my Jade Magnifying Glass." The magnifying glass floats to your hand.

You look at the magnifying glass closer. It's handle is made of green jade, and the glass shines with a faint green glow.

"For an amateur detective, a constant stumbling block one faces during investigations is when a witness or suspect conceals information from you. Wielding this magnifying glass you will be able to see the presence of a hidden secret, and how deeply they are trying to hide it, when the topic comes up in conversation. They appear in the form of locks over their psyche."

"Psyche locks if you will." Mrinthon offers.

"OBJECTION!" Miyara says with surprising fervour. "I mean, I've never heard that term before, I have no idea what happened to Pearl Fay, no further comment, please speak to my lawyer." She regains her composure.

"However, just because you are aware of the secret, does not mean you know what it is. You need to investigate or probe deeper to discover what the secret is. The more clues you uncover, the more locks you will be able to break. If you break them all, the person will reveal the secret-or at least enough information for you to figure it out." Miyara notes.

"Wow, that's very handy." You note. It's probably even useful outside of investigations, when you're trying to get to know someone. "You sure I can have this?"

"I have long grown past the need for such a tool." Miyara states as a matter of fact.

Your report sheet rustles again as it adjusts itself.

You are now a member of The Mystery Investigation Club. Congratulations!
Your club currently has 3/5 minimum members. Current President of the club is Miyara Chikuma.
If your club does not have a minimum of 5 members within 3 weeks, it will be disbanded.

You have gained a Social Link Level 1 with Miyara Chikuma.
Unlock new special friend bonus: Jade Magnifying Glass
This glass allows the holder to detect when someone they speak to is concealing a secret, and the severity of the secret. If you investigate and confront the individual with evidence, clues or the right incentive, they will reveal this secret.

The sound of a bell ringing in the distance goes off.

"We need to head to class!" Mrinthon runs to the circle where you had come from. "Magic portal don't fail me now!" He jumps headfirst at the portal…and bangs his face into the ground.

"Will you forgot your barrier seal remember?" Miyara notes. "You have to wait for me to open it for you."

"Owww! My nose!" Will's eyes go teary, from the pain.

"Good thing you carry a lot of bandages." Miyara notes.

What kind of club did I just join? You think to yourself.

The three of you arrive in class just in time. Miyara and Mrinthon both take seats near the back next to each other.

"Hey Tori!" You say as you take your seat next to your exposition laden friend, Sue Torial.

"Good to see you too." She says with a smile.

"It feels like ages since I last saw you." You note bashfully.

"Yeah well don't expect an apology from the big guy." She mutters.

"Did you say something?" You ask.

"I said I feel the same way big guy!" She smiled warmly. "Oh look, a distraction!"

"Alright class," Your homeroom teacher Professor Henderson claps his hands together to get attention.

"Today is the class I'm sure many of you have been waiting for. Today is the day you'll be entering and applying for your first anime!" The class begins to cheer loudly.

"I will destroy any who stands in my way!" The armored boy lifts up a spear to the sky. "I will be the number one protagonist this season!"

"You don't stand a baka chance in baka hell baka!" The purple haired girl with twin tails shouts.

"Like any of you pathetic fools have a chance!" The regal woman from before announces. "The line for my harem starts here-you can all wait while I take the anime role for myself."

"Shows what you know!" The multi-haired card collector notes. "My grandfather's Hearthstone account has no pathetic cards!"

"Shizukani shite kudasai!" Mr Henderson yells, as all the attention turned back to him. "Oh excuse me, I don't know where that came from Yes you do Mofo, Sensei is still alive in here!" He coughs, before pulling out two white boxes from his desk.

"Today you will be competing for a chance to be in an OVA, rather than an anime series." Suddenly all the enthusiasm in the room dissipated.

"An OVA? You might as well ask us to perform erotica." Ochanomizu notes.

"What's the problem with OVAs?" You whisper to Tori.

"OVAs, or Original Video Animations, are direct to home animated programs." Tori begins. "Unlike normal Anime, they don't usually appear on the air and thus don't count when determining best boy or girl in anime. Additionally, barring exceptions, they are rarely longer than one episode of 30 minutes. There is little prestige for being in one, and it does little to raise your profile, as they mostly exist to promote a manga or light novel rather than tell a complete story."

"Come on now kids!" Mr Henderson said trying to keep up morale. "This is still good practice for understanding how to behave in an Anime, even though less people will probably see it. In fact that's a positive-it's a good opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them!" Despite his efforts, most of the class remained quiet.

"Come on, let's have a volunteer! Anyone?" Mr Henderson looks around, but there's no response.

"Oops." Tori notes, as her pencil falls on the floor, rolling over to yourside of the desk. "Could you get that for me?"

"Sure." You reach over, and grab the pencil, holding it up.

"Ah a volunteer!" You glance around to see who Mr Henderson is pointing at, when you realise he's looking at you. You turn to see Tori smiling warmly at you, with a glint of mischief in her eye.

"Top 10 Anime Betrayals..." You mutter as you walk to Mr Henderson.

"Now, here are the two OVAs available to us. Please select the one you wish to go with." You look at the white boxes and realise they have turned into VHS cases, with a synopsis of two different anime on them.

Genre: Suspense/Mystery/Drama
Synopsis: A private detective is on the trail of a missing Literature Professor, who believed that the stories of Lovecraft were foretelling the future.
Desired Stats: Opness: 1-2 Attractiveness: 3-4 Studious: 7-8 Self-Awareness: 5-6
Desired Traits: Bookworm, Hunted
Non-desired Traits: None
Protagonist-Private Detective [Mission: Find the truth about the Professor]
Antagonist-Cultist [Mission: Silence anyone who may reveal your plan]

Genre: Gag Comedy/Science Fiction/Slice of Life
Synopsis: An Alien and a very clumsy dinosaur are roommates. Shenanigans ensue.
Desired Stats: Opness: 5-6 Attractiveness: 1-2 Studious: 3-4 Self-Awareness: 1-2
Desired traits: Bumbling, Non-human
Non-desired traits: None

Protagonist-Alien [Mission: Try to have a normal day without the humans learning you're an alien]
Antagonist-Dinosaur [Mission: Comedic foil, accidentally ruin all your roommate's plans]

Which do you pick?
[ ] Professor Lovecraft
[ ] My Roommate isn't old fashioned-they're prehistoric!

Also, what role would you prefer to have?
[ ] Protagonist
[ ] Antagonist

"Great choice!" Professor Henderson puts the other OVA away. "Now, since it looks like we won't be getting any more volunteers," he glares at the class who all avoid his gaze.

"Why don't you pick your partner for this anime? They will take the opposite role of you, so if you are protagonist, they will be antagonist and vice versa."

"But how will we decide who gets what role?" You ask.

"Well, we'll do it as if this was a proper anime series. The one whose stats and traits more closely align with what the series is looking for will get first choice of whether protagonist or antagonist."
Knowing this crowd, you realise most would probably want to be protagonist if they get the choice.

"So, who do you pick?" You glance at the class.

You only know the stats of one person-Tori. Jad hasn't gotten back to you yet with Ochanomizu Takura's stats yet. Anyone else would be a crapshoot.

You could pick someone whose name you know-maybe one of your clubmates? Or perhaps this is a chance to pick one of the people whose been making noise and you haven't learned the name of. Or you could just randomly pick one.

[ ] I choose my partner to be…
-[ ] Darkblade, The bandaged Chuunibyou/wielder of incredible power
-[ ] Miyara, the magical gothic loli detective
-[ ] Sue "Tori" Torial, your exposition heavy friend
-[ ] Jad Inoue, the ninja crack shipper
-[ ] Yuuchi the friendly mechanic
-[ ] Ochanomizu the scientist with robot arms
-[ ] Armored Spear guy
-[ ] Regal Girl in armor
-[ ] Purple haired twintail girl
-[ ] Card game player
-[ ] Cute girl with plushie
-[ ] Overweight nerdy guy
[ ] Randomly decide (GM rolls a d20)

You might notice that some of the images might be different than they were 7 months ago. That's because I did change them, to be better suited to what I envisioned originally. I've also fixed the cast list with the new images if you want to see them there, instead of clicking the link.

Also this will be a block vote, so partner and anime can match up. Good luck!
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[X] My Roommate isn't old fashioned-they're prehistoric!
[X] Protagonist
[X] I choose my partner to be…
-[X] Miyara, the magical gothic loli detective
[X] My Roommate isn't old fashioned-they're prehistoric!
[X] Antagonist
[X] I choose my partner to be…
-[X] Miyara, the magical gothic loli detective

Professor Lovecraft sounds like the cooler of the two OVAs, but we're probably best suited for the My Roommate OVA, stat-wise.

Though that magnifying glass could be an interesting tool to use in Professor Lovecraft...

I'll stick to this for now, though I can be swayed to the Lovecraft side with some persuasion.
[X] Professor Lovecraft
[X] Antagonist
[X] I choose my partner to be…
-[X] Miyara, the magical gothic loli detective

Given our own stats aren't too hot, we might as well put Miyara in the role she's clearly suited for. Plus, even if our base stats aren't that well suited, I think the traits we've earned so far could work for a Cthulu cultist. Like, if you tilt your head and and squint really hard.

I am rather puzzled by why people are suggesting having Miyara with us in the Roommate OVA. Given the genre, I think it would make more sense to have someone like Ochanomizu (who probably can pull off a convincing alien) or the overweight nerd (who seems suited for gag comedy).
[X] Professor Lovecraft
[X] Antagonist
[X] I choose my partner to be…
-[X] Miyara, the magical gothic loli detective

Given our own stats aren't too hot, we might as well put Miyara in the role she's clearly suited for. Plus, even if our base stats aren't that well suited, I think the traits we've earned so far could work for a Cthulu cultist. Like, if you tilt your head and and squint really hard.

I am rather puzzled by why people are suggesting having Miyara with us in the Roommate OVA. Given the genre, I think it would make more sense to have someone like Ochanomizu (who probably can pull off a convincing alien) or the overweight nerd (who seems suited for gag comedy).
Point. At present, though, we're more of a mook than anything else.

My thoughts were to have her as the Straight Woman to our Wise Guy, though whether or not it would work is up for debate.