Angel of Death (40K Astartes Quest)

Minor update to the most recent chapter.

Please update your votes to include the Company you all are part of.
[X] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)

Is the Blade of Rending supposed to be giving +1 to our enemy's armor rating, or -1? Right now it seems to read as +1.
[X] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)

Is the Blade of Rending supposed to be giving +1 to our enemy's armor rating, or -1? Right now it seems to read as +1.
Saves work like so:

A 2+ Save means that on a 2 or higher, you survive the attack, ignoring damage. Making it 1 point higher means the 2+ becomes a 3+ Save.

That makes it slightly more difficult to succeed against.
While the Lords Unforgiven were preoccupied with the main force, a small band of orks slipped by. Somehow, the orks managed to bypass the world's defenses in a bright purple landing craft.

You ever seen an Ork in a bright purple landing craft? Exactly!

[X] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)
[X] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)
A 2+ Save means that on a 2 or higher, you survive the attack, ignoring damage. Making it 1 point higher means the 2+ becomes a 3+ Save.

That makes it slightly more difficult to succeed against.

Just to be clear; this is an advantage for us, right ?

[X] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)
[X] Roaring Admonition [Heavy Bolter] (+1 BS when initiating combat, -1 WS when in melee)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)
Just to be clear; this is an advantage for us, right ?

[X] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)
Essentially, it means we have a chance at hurting them on rolls that would normally lead to them blocking the damage (I have indirect familiarity with the tabletop rules, and a 'save' is an ability type thinger that blocks damage on a high enough roll of a d6, so needing a higher roll makes them fail more often. Not an expert on details.)
[X] Roaring Admonition [Heavy Bolter] (+1 BS when initiating combat, -1 WS when in melee)
[X] 6th Company (Armoured Company, Few Promotions, Command a Vehicle)
[X] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)
[X] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)
[X] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)

Are we going to dual wield?
[X] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)
[X] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)
[X] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)
[X] Seal of War (+1 to WS or BS when initiating combat, -1 Initiative when ambushed)
[X] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)
Squad Patroclus
[8] Blade of Rending (Enemy Saves are 1 point higher when in melee)

[7] 7th Company (Reserve Company, Fewest Promotions, More Skill Gains)

Too bad you guys didn't pick the 6th Company. You could have gotten the chance for a Land Raider or something.

The ceremony of remembrance was held by the 7th Company, honoring the brothers who died in battle.

You have been welcomed into the 7th Company, taken under the command of Sergeant Patroclus. He has seen hundreds of battles and is one of the more honored members of the Chapter. You will learn much under his command. You are with your new squad members, kneeling in prayer.

Squad Patroclus are...

Pick One
[ ] Tactical Marines - You focus on providing support at all ranges of combat. [Frag Grenades, Rapid Fire - Double Range Attacks]
[ ] Assault Marines (No Jump Packs) - You are the first out, engaging any enemy in melee. [Melta Grenades, Drop Pod Deployment]
[ ] Recon Scouts - Heralding from the Great Crusade, you are scouts in power armor [Sniper Rifles, Nuncio Vox - Artillery Support]

...and the leader, an honored veteran, has...

Pick One
[ ] ...the favor of the Captain. Squad has access to more missions and the dead are replaced after every mission
[ ] ...ties to your progenitors, the Legion Penitent. Squad has access to hidden missions and ancient wargear
[ ] ...served in the Deathwatch. Access to Xeno Codex and specialist wargear

Squad Patroclus Initial Stats

[Gutter Rat Origin = Each astartes has a third weapon]
[Exposure Trial = Sergeant has a Rosarius]
[Pelt Trophy = Squad has 2+ Save]
[Chainsword Gift = Squad's Third Weapon (Chainsword)]
[X] Assault Marines (No Jump Packs) - You are the first out, engaging any enemy in melee. [Melta Grenades, Drop Pod Deployment]
[X] ...ties to your progenitors, the Legion Penitent. Squad has access to hidden missions and ancient wargear
[X] Assault Marines (No Jump Packs) - You are the first out, engaging any enemy in melee. [Melta Grenades, Drop Pod Deployment]
[X] ...ties to your progenitors, the Legion Penitent. Squad has access to hidden missions and ancient wargear
[X] Assault Marines (No Jump Packs) - You are the first out, engaging any enemy in melee. [Melta Grenades, Drop Pod Deployment]
[X] ...ties to your progenitors, the Legion Penitent. Squad has access to hidden missions and ancient wargear
[X] Recon Scouts - Heralding from the Great Crusade, you are scouts in power armor [Sniper Rifles, Nuncio Vox - Artillery Support]
[X] ...ties to your progenitors, the Legion Penitent. Squad has access to hidden missions and ancient wargear
[X] Tactical Marines - You focus on providing support at all ranges of combat. [Frag Grenades, Rapid Fire - Double Range Attacks]
[X] ...ties to your progenitors, the Legion Penitent. Squad has access to hidden missions and ancient wargear
[X] Tactical Marines - You focus on providing support at all ranges of combat. [Frag Grenades, Rapid Fire - Double Range Attacks]

[X] ...served in the Deathwatch. Access to Xeno Codex and specialist wargear

I'd like it if we didn't go headlong into melee skills alone and abandon everything else.
[X] Assault Marines (No Jump Packs) - You are the first out, engaging any enemy in melee. [Melta Grenades, Drop Pod Deployment]
[X] ...served in the Deathwatch. Access to Xeno Codex and specialist wargear