Instead of any type of vegan or non vegan coffee shop, they are instead semi-seriously trying to buy a laptop for James. As in, James is wandering around looking at displays while Giselle sits in a corner and focuses on finally holding up her end of the deal.
Finding Noelle is much easier the second time around. Most of the people Giselle assumes are Trickster's team are out-- so there's only three people. Health risk: severe drug addiction, powered, Health risk: UNSTABLE/ Heath risk: unstable. Found them.
Actually, there's more than three people. There's some unpowered people a few hundred meters over. How big even is this underground base.
Well, not her problem.
High amount of distance, low amount of information. Trickster is lucky she can do anything at all.
Giselle stares into the reflective surface of a high tech television screen, and her own dark eyes stare back.
Okay. What are the possibilities for Noelle? What could she be?
Monstrous. More monstrous. She could grow more legs, more arms, more teeth. She could grow hungrier. She's got the same brain damage in her that Trickster does, even though she's got more than one brain. The damage has been replicated in each brain, which is fascinating but not fixable.
Possibilities for humanity.
She could unweave... Giselle's brow furrows. Noelle can dissolve her own bones. That's a lot of potential to work with. She flexes her hands. Alright. If Noelle can do it, Giselle can do it.
With Nilbog's creatures, it had been 'unweaving', because they were constructs. Stitched together masses of things. In some ways, this is similar. But it's not like Noelle's body is meant to just fall apart.
It's meant to grow. Dissolution is just a way of transforming.
Trickster's directive had been "as humanlike as possible".
She hears the scream carried through the earth. It shakes the fancy laptop shop. James yanks her back out of the way as the screen she'd been staring at cracks and falls forwards.
She'd gone after the secondary heads first, the ones with brain tissue. Hadn't wanted them to suffer. The half-horse, half-dog head collapses into just another tentacle. The almost-human one collapses next. Dissolved into a tentacle. They're the easiest route.
Noelle tries to form more heads, and Giselle clamps down.
No. Heads aren't needed.
Hands aren't needed. Dissolve. Transform. Another tentacle. Hooves. Claws. Teeth. Mouths.
Another scream, this one louder.
Giselle vaguely watches James casually steal several laptops from the display while everyone's distracted from the mess. Okay.
"I need to get closer," she says.
James looks at her.
"We could get lunch," he says.
"You take care of it," Giselle says.
Dissolve. She needs to find something stable. Forget a human lower body, she needs to establish a stable framework. She needs to find a likelihood that Noelle will stop changing.
She needs--
Health risk: unstable.
She's doing this all wrong. Prioritizing humanity when what she should be doing is prioritizing weakness.
James takes hold of one of her sleeves, careful to avoid touching his bare hand to hers, and starts tugging her in some direction.
"I'll--" James starts.
"Get back!" Giselle snaps. "The lunch isn't in that direction!"
That's it, that's the key she's been looking for. Noelle's weakness is her stomach, all the limbs are just a distraction.
Giselle dissolves Noelle's stomach, and feels her own head begin to ache.
"Your nose is bleeding," James observes.
There's another health risk: powered (like Battery, why are they all like Battery?) Nearby that wasn't there before. Healthy man in his late thirties. Some old scar tissue.
Once the stomach is dissolved, everything else collapses back into an effort from the body to reconstruct the stomach. The tremors stop, the tentacles disappear.
Giselle speeds up Noelle's digestion to the point where she'll never be able to avoid using all her energy to keep her stomach operational in order to live and decides that counts as stable enough.
Wait, what if she eats enough people to get out of the loop?
That would be bad.
But Giselle really can't do anything else from this distance.
"There's the lunch spot," James says. She wonders where he stashed the laptops he stole.
He ordered steak to celebrate that he'd managed to find a non-vegan restaurant, and she has carrot soup.
She's not wearing white today, so it's fine.
The phone rings for five minutes before she picks it up.
"Giselle!" Trickster yells from the other end. She doesn't know his out of costume name.
"Hi," She says. "Rick."
A single blessed moment of silence.
"My name," Trickster says. "Is Francis."
His real name sounds stupid too.
"But that doesn't matter, Giselle! What the fuck was that!"
James has ordered a second steak.
"I did my best," Giselle says. "Why don't you go over and see her."
"I would, but my boss is freaking out right now. Doesn't want his other major asset so close to my girlfriend anymore, does he." There's more than a trace of bitterness in Trickster's voice. "Saying that I'm the one who lied about how stable she was, when he's the one who promised he'd do everything in his power to help her!"
Had he just called her to rant?
"I have done everything possible to achieve without closeness," Giselle says. She considers it more. This has been a lot of dangerous work, but is it actually equivalent to her having asked Trickster to teleport her into Ellisburg? It's hard to say.
"She is always going to be hungry in exchange for less..." What on earth is she going to say about Noelle. "Less weight?"
Now she sounds like one of those shady plastic surgeons some of Heartbreaker's girlfriends went to.
"She uh..." Trickster swallows. "She was already. I mean--"
This conversation is ridiculously hard to make sound normal over a phoneline. But Giselle is eating in a public restaurant, so there's nothing to be done.
"She is no longer thinking with her lower half," Giselle says, which causes James to choke on the other side of the table. "As long as all of her consumption goes into maintaining her current...weight, she'll remain in this current state of affairs. So..."
"Don't let her eat anything spicy," Trickster says.
"It would be bad," Giselle says mildly. "But I have done what you asked."
She doesn't know if anything she's done will make it worse if Noelle goes out of control than it had been before.. Except, well, if Trickster becomes lax, and takes less precautions, then...
Well, this is what it's like to pay people's prices.
"No..." Trickster takes a deep breath, calming down from his rant faster than she'd thought he would. He's a mercurial man, Trickster. Never hanging onto anything for long-- except, it seems, for his remarkably unstable girlfriend. "This is... good. Thank you, Giselle."
It would be fine to hang up on him now.
"Francis," Giselle says.
"You don't seem like the kind of guy who would have stayed with a difficult, overweight girl."
Dead silence.
"A lot can change, I guess," Trickster says.
Giselle wonders, for a second, if Noelle has ever thought that Trickster might leave her once she stabilized. Probably not. Most of the women she's known always think the opposite-- that they'll be left behind the minute they fall apart, have a single ugly day, break all their carefully manicured nails scratching and screaming at the walls.
It's true enough for them, since her father doesn't really feel guilt.
But if Noelle ever "recovers" to the point where leaving her would not be disastrous.
Her boyfriend seems quite flaky.
"Is your Earth really such a nice place?" Giselle asks.
"It's gotta be better than here," Trickster says, and hangs up.
James has eaten his third steak by the time they leave the restaurant. Giselle tips their waiter who has long term arthritis in their knees.
Probably because they are a waiter.
The next day at the clinic, a line longer than twenty people are there, including, fascinatingly, people who are openly wearing ABB colors.
"It's only twenty per day," Giselle says dully, but the end of the line doesn't leave.
Chopped off finger. Honestly based on the finger, Giselle would assume cooking accident, instead of gang violence.
"Please," one of them says. "There aren't any open emergency rooms in this part of town anymore!"
"The closest one told us they didn't have any open beds," another man says. He is sweating to the point where Giselle has to realize that her mask might be an actual sickness prevention solution on her part and not just an aesthetic choice.
She exerts a careful effort to stop the contagion from spreading through everyone present.
"Twenty per day," Giselle says. "For diagnosis alone."
Hob steps forward from behind her.
James does, in Giselle's eyes, a reasonable job at coming across as a non threatening guy. It's the combination of slouching, of being middle aged and badling and vacant, of seeming like he doesn't have the energy to really care even if someone spits in his food.
It is all, naturally, a lie.
He lifts a red hand in the air and suddenly every single person in that line is dead quiet. The red mask over the lower half of his mouth has split open so that people can see the teeth of his smile.
"It's easy to diagnose the dead," he says, and giggles, an eerie, hiccuping sort of laugh.
"Twenty people," Giselle repeats one more time, and then goes inside with the first in line.
Sickness, old age, infection.
The pregnant woman is back. She meets Giselle's eyes.
"Can you get rid of it?"
Giselle'd thought she should come up with a price for the second half of her services, but then promptly forgotten about it. In Montreal abortion was covered by provincial healthcare. No idea as to Brockton Bay.
She arbitrarily adds a number on the end.
The woman pales, but nods. So that's... expensive but not impossible? Giselle considers slashing the price, but doesn't.
"I'll be back tomorrow with that much," the woman says.
The rest of them are simpler.
So now, it's... time to go shopping!
"The bus isn't working today," a worker at the bus stop duly tells Giselle when she and James approach. "If you want to head to the Boardwalk, you'll need to find another way."
It's getting late in the day..
Maybe it will be nice to walk through the evening streets. It hadn't been worth it before, her being a pretty young woman and Brockton Bay being a dangerous town, but James is here now.
"You look like you're limping," Giselle tells the worker, even though he isn't. "Something wrong with your knee?"
"Huh?" he says to her leaving back.
There is something wrong with his knee.
Such a flaw in the human condition, the hinge at the knee. It's almost like kneeling is something unsuitable and harmful, yet it becomes the easiest way to reach the ground.
As the light continues to drain away, and Brockton Bay's failing street lights sag under the burden of pushing back the night, Giselle detects something more than the homeless and mice and the rats that have been pushed away from the Boardwalk into its neighboring streets.
Not that she needed her supernatural abilities. She can hear them howling.
James licks his lips.
Health risk: powered. Assault style, two of them.
"Another king rules here," James says.
Yes, yes, this is Empire 88 territory.
"Not much of a king," Giselle says.
James is still looking towards the howls.
He looks hungry.
"Steak not enough for you, Coppelius?"
"Will you let me make a little doll?" He asks her. He's gotten brave, being out in the city. Being with her. "Just a little puppy. It will dance and do tricks."
She gets more powerful the longer she's in close proximity to someone, the more she knows about them.
Giselle grabs James's wrist, and her fingernails dig into his sacs where he eats, and she rips them open as if opening suicide scars to let the rid vicious liquid fall uselessly to the ground as he screams.
"You don't get to make more things that can love, Coppelius," she says, voice soft.
He stares at her with wide eyes as she wipes her red hand on her white jeans and leaves a huge stain behind.
The dogs are powered too.
And like the dogs, the capes involved too can be heard long before they are seen.
"I'LL KILL YOU!" Hookwolf bellows, voice harsh and grating, metal on metal. "You'll fucking wish you were dead when I'm through with you, Bitch!!"
The only flesh of him that remains is his eyes. It feels absurd-- surely if he can hear without ears, he can see without eyes?
But perhaps that's not how he sees it.
Giselle smiles a little.
There's a cold snarl from a bloodied girl wearing a thick jacket with a fur collar and a cheap dollar store dog mask that makes Giselle's own surgical one look like she put in effort. On either side of her, dogs the size of motorcycles jump at Hookwolf only to be bashed down by his blades.
Health risk: powered, old scar tissue. Some mental strangeness, but not anything very far from baseline.
"Excuse me," Giselle says politely, stepping forward as James stays close. "I couldn't help but overhear you."
Bitch looks over to her first, nostrils flaring as she sniffs the air and then takes a very large step away from the two of them, eyes wary. What is she--
Ah, she's transforming the dogs.
Giselle can help with that.
"Fuck off!" Hookwolf snarls. "More idiots in my territory? Is this a full on war!"
"Stay out of my business," Bitch snaps at them. "This has nothing to do with strangers!"
It's a lively night.
Giselle looks over at James.
He looks disappointed. And his wrist is still bleeding.
"Hob heard some dogs and wanted to play with them," Giselle says. "It's unfortunate that you two seem so occupied..."
"You're damn right I am," Hookwolf says. He looks at her and licks a metal muzzle with a bladed tongue. "Just wait a second though, missy. I'll show you what a real alpha can do-- oh wait, should I pay? That your uncle or your john?"
"You couldn't afford to pay for a single one of my shoes," Giselle says, not unkindly.
Bitch laughs.
That seems to spur him to action.
The pavement rips beneath him as he launches forwards towards Bitch, apparently having marked her and James off as more annoyance than active threat. An afterthought.
It's not as though turning his back means showing weakness when his back is just more blades and meathooks. And she genuinely can't do much to him at all.
As in, she can't touch him.
The dogs are even easier than Lung. Bitch is already putting her all into having them grow big and strong, but don't they just have so much potential in them? Bitch's power seems a little rough around the edges in its work, but nothing that can't be smoothed out.
Sleek, symmetrical killing machines, better in every way than their opponent.
Bitch's whistle cuts through the air in moments as all three of them jump him, bite through him only for him to reform as completely flesh for a second, eyes white before he shifts back again. He'd had a swastika on one arm and an iron cross on the other. Greasy blonde hair.
"You'll pay for this!" He snarls, but he doesn't stick around.
He'd been a healthy man, too. He must have good healthcare.
James sighs softly.
He hadn't even gotten to touch the man. Well, that's his fault for being so passive. If he's going to play at being a Brute instead of a Master/Tinker...
"Hey, you," Bitch finally says.
Giselle looks in her direction.
"Hello," she says.
"What did you do to my dogs."
She doesn't seem very happy.
"Gave them a good prognosis," Giselle says.
Bitch's nose wrinkles.
"Some shady shit," she says, mood darkening.
The large dogs are now turning towards Giselle, low growls in their oversized throats, a snap to their long, prehensile tails.
Then Bitch pauses and sniffs the air again, lips twisting even further in disgust.
"You.. one of Regent's girlfriends or something?"
Giselle pauses.
"Or something. Why?"
"He's got that same stink to him sometimes," Bitch says.
She doesn't stink.
"I wear perfume."
Bitch looks kind of offended at the concept.
"Keep that away from my dogs too."
It's scent.
"It's weird that Regent would smell like this," Giselle says flatly. "It's a woman's perfume, and it's cheap for him. Less than thirty dollars per ounce."
She can see James mouthing 'per ounce' beside her. He has no idea what actually expensive perfume costs.
Clearly Bitch agrees with her, because she has no reaction to the price.
"But he does. So, what? Trying to get in his good graces through me? Useless. I hate that piece of shit, and he'd be happy if I died. And who are you, anyway."
Apparently Jean-Paul's teammate does not watch the news.
"I'm Prognosis," Giselle says. "This is Hob. We have a clinic in the Docks."
Bitch bares her teeth some more beneath her plastic mask, not even a flicker of recognition in her eyes.
But then.
"So... the dogs. You could heal them."
Giselle looks at her.
"These dogs are perfectly fine."
"Other dogs. You could heal them."
"Not for free."
Bitch stalls out a bit at that, chewing her lip as her eyes narrow.
"How much?"
Is a dog life worth less than a human life?
No, Giselle decides.
"It's 60 for a diagnosis, 600 for healing. Per dog. If you take them to the clinic, instead of an actual practice."
"You think they let me into a real practice?" Bitch, wanted criminal under her legal name, snaps. "Whatever, Regent's or something. We'll see."
Is he going to care if she spills?
"I'm his sister," Giselle clarifies.
Bitch jerks to a halt.
"You're his fucking family."
A very apt description.
"I won't help you track him down," Bitch says, voice dropping even further.
"I have his phone number," Giselle says. "I don't need help finding him, and he doesn't need help finding me. Like I said. Hob just wanted to see the dogs."
Bitch looks over at him.
"He can't touch them."
She's got good instincts. Or simply the right amount of paranoia.
There's a large swastika that's being painted over in front of the hospital closest to the Boardwalk as Giselle finally gets to the shopping district.
Most things are closed, but she can still window shop.
"The wolf will snitch," James says, voice soft. "The clinic might get..."
It's very difficult to find white high end purses that don't look horrifyingly over detailed and ugly. It doesn't seem like this shop is the miraculous exception.
"If I was capable of worrying about consequences to my own health," Giselle says, hand placed on the glass as she stares inside at the brightly lit clothes, "I would have a very different life."
Health risk: powered. Walking slowly towards her.
Old damage from drug addiction.
In the reflection of the window, Giselle sees Jean-Paul wave at her, and sighs.
He's the same as always. Black t-shirt, white overshirt, distressed jeans, the same hair, the same eyes.
"Fancy seeing you here," he says, as if he hadn't come down to meet her.
"It's where I always go," Giselle says.
He stares at her, flat black eyes trying to discover everything that could explain her to him. Such evidence does not exist.
"Yeah," he says. His eyes flicker over to James. "This is..."
"Picked him up," Giselle says.
Regent's eyes widen and he takes a firm step further away from the man.
"Why the fuck does he have... does he look like a relative?"
He was going to say "why does he have Heartbreaker's eyes."
She looks over at James.
"I wanted eyes like a ghost," James says.
"Pick someone a little more dead, then! Jesus Christ."
James doesn't respond.
"Did your friend say that I showed up," Giselle says. She thinks she might be supposed to say Rachel, since it's back to civilian names, but it's impossible for her to think of Bitch of having another name.
"No, but I got the idea fine. You really put people off themselves, Giselle. She was giving me the weirdest looks and even hung around until someone else put on the news."
Giselle waits for Jean-Paul to get around to whatever he'd actually come to find her for.
Since he values neither her time nor his own, this takes a while.
"It's weird that you're healing people," he says.
Is this still a tangent?
"It's an expensive service."
"You're in the local news. You should be charging triple. You'd probably be overrun by people from uptown if they weren't so put off by the fact you work in some shady warehouse in the Docks with bloodstains on the walls."
"Why are you even down there? You like places like here. The Boardwalk."
It's true.
"This is E88 territory," Giselle points out.
"Who gives a fuck? You're white enough to be fine. Dye your hair blonde if you're still scared."
Her eyes shift away.
"I was working in one of the emergency clinics when Bakuda went for it," Giselle says, conversational.
Jean-Paul's hand drops back to his side.
"You had a real job. You."
Had he thought she'd keep up sleeping with men for things after she left their father's house? It's just more difficult than he realizes. And more dangerous without her father's distant protection.
She had slept with her supervisor at the clinic, though.
Then he'd died in some gang thing, and she'd kept the job.
"I sent emails," Giselle says gravely.
He still looks disbelieving, probably due to the fact that he's only ever done 'jobs' for their father, and now for whoever his current boss is.
"It's actually very easy," Giselle informs him.
"No, yeah.." Jean-Paul shakes his head. "Then you got hit, huh."
"Lost power and everything."
"Must have been nostalgic," Jean-Paul says distantly. "Dad used to lock you up all the time."
It happens.
"It's your fault for getting set off like that," Giselle says. "Gave him ideas."
Jean-Paul rolls his eyes.
"I don't have any ideas to give," he says. "Besides, if that were it, it would have worked on you years ago. Though, maybe..."
He trails off without finishing the thought. Due to him not having any ideas, no doubt.
"You know that guy I put you in contact with."
"Wow, you got his real name. Did you--"
Did she sleep with him.
Not that it's any of his business.
"I have more expensive things to trade now," Giselle says.
"Yeah," Jean-Paul mutters. "He's shortening your name."
To Prog.
"I assume it's some sort of 'video game' reference," Giselle says.
Jean-Paul starts to laugh.
"You are such a fucking alien," he says. "Whatever, I won't explain it until there's someone who can understand how nerdy he is. Just know it's stupid."
She had already come to that conclusion.
"Your expertise on the matter of stupidity is noted."
Finally, he turns serious.
"My team's being asked to do a big job earlier than I thought we would."
"Too big?"
Jean-Paul gives her a jerky smile.
"Balance of power's swinging hard with Lung being the sole guy in the ABB, and Armsmaster super fucked up," he says. "Think some people on our team are seeing this as the only shot to step up before--"
He gestures at another iron cross present on the Boardwalk.
"Someone else takes the first swing."
Giselle gives him a long look.
"I can't protect you," she says.
"No duh," Jean-Paul says. "You never could."
Giselle waits.
This is still a tangent. He won't have come here to talk about any of that.
"Your power," Jean-Paul says distantly. "It's like mine, isn't it? It's not like his, it's like mine. The more proximity, the more knowledge."
Had he ever explained that part of his power to her before? She doesn't think so.
Jean-Paul starts to laugh harder than she's ever heard him.
"I always knew you liked me best," he says.
"I can't love you best," Giselle says.
"Yeah, so what, I can't love anyone no matter what!"
He still seems happy, though.
"About that favor," he says carelessly. "You're getting actual good fake identification made, right? I want one too. I never bothered."
"What name?"
"Alec Willis."
She'd been going to suggest something like Alvaro for the first name, but somehow it seems inappropriate.
When she goes to the clinic the next day, there's yet more trouble.
Assault and Battery are both smiling brightly and trying to not upset the line of other people in line-- again, more than twenty--
The two protectorate capes are receiving a lot of hostile looks.
"Hi, Prognosis!" Assault says cheerfully. "Long time no see!"
Has it been a long time?
"Hello," Giselle says.
She looks between them and the line.
"You don't mind waiting?"
Battery opens her mouth and Assault steps on her foot.
"Of course not," he says. "Another twenty minutes or so won't hurt."
She doesn't really appreciate being put on a deadline.
Health risk: virus in the lungs, can be escalated to a deadly level.
Giselle has Hob take the money.
"You need to go to a hospital," she informs the man. "Get your lungs looked at."
"It's just a cough," he mutters.
But he moves aside and out of the way, so the line moves quickly enough. The woman is back with 600 dollars, crumpled and smelling like weed.
Giselle puts her gloved hand on the woman's shoulder. Pregnancy ended.
She keeps her hand there for another few minutes since she's being watched.
"All done," she says.
The woman breathes out a huge sigh of relief and practically bolts out of there, leaving only the capes behind.
Assault has been examining the white pointe shoe hanging from the window very closely, so it's Battery who first approaches her.
"You seem much more settled in," Battery starts.
Giselle nods.
"We would have come back sooner, but--"
"Our bosses just take Master/Stranger protocols so seriously," Assault calls, rolling his eyes. "Especially for trumps like you."
Then shouldn't it be Master/Stranger/Trump protocol.
"I understand," Giselle says.
She waits.
"You're absolutely sure you don't want to join up?"
Giselle looks over at Hob. Yeah, she's sure.
Battery follows her gaze.
"Having one piece of muscle is not going to be enough to protect you from a supervillain that doesn't like your attitude," Battery says, genuine concern slipping through. "No offense."
James looks away from Battery and Assault.
"I'll wait outside," he says.
Giselle also looks outside for a second. She can feel a familiar presence once more prowling around the block. Lung doesn't like her visitors.
She looks back at them. It will be polite of her to warn them that they'll need to start running once they leave her clinic.
Depending on how polite she feels when they leave.
"Not very reliable, is he?" Assault says. "I wouldn't leave a client alone with the cops."
Battery elbows him.
"Don't scare her," she says. "Prognosis... your trump and healing abilities have been cleared with PRT security. So if we pay you-- could you boost our capes? Like you did with me?"
"It's more limited than that," Giselle says, for once telling the truth. "Some capes, it's hard to tell unless I'm very nearby..."
She has done research, though.
"Aside from you, I could probably do something for... Aegis. Browbeat."
"You're not cleared for minors," Battery says.
"Aegis and... Triumph," Giselle edits. "Not sure about Triumph."
There is not a lot of publicly available information on PRT heroes, and none of it on whether their powers work through biology or through whatever is happening with Assault.
"We are prepared to offer you--"
"60,000 per," Giselle says. "Cash."
She blinks slowly.
"If the PRT is paying."
It's still cheap.
She's charging more than that if a supervillain asks.
"That's the big hangup," Assault says, and snorts.
Battery rubs her forehead.
"We'll see if that's doable," she says. "The other thing... Prognosis. You're not like Panacea."
"So does that mean you're alright with treating head injuries?"
Is this a trick question?
"The bombs were in people's heads," Giselle says. "What a useless thing if it couldn't do head injuries."
Battery winces.
"So," she says. "How much would you charge for healing Armsmater?"
Giselle does the math.
600 for a basic healing. 6000 for being a cape. 60,000 for being a rich cape.
"Would I have to go somewhere?"
"He's in a secure hospital."
One more zero.
"600,000," she says.
"You know," Assault says. "When you start all the numbers off of six, it makes it really obvious how arbitrary your pricing is. Makes people sad."
"Could you afford it?" Giselle asks.
"Mm.. it's a little high for a government salary." Assault glances over at Battery. "Suppose it would depend how injured I was."
"Not the healing." Giselle doesn't care about the healing. "The other part."
"If you offered it?" Assault shakes his head. "I'm good."
"What about you?" She looks at Battery.
Battery shakes her head even faster.
"Out of my budget," she says, something slightly uneasy in her eyes.
Why is the world divided into an arbitrary black and white line with Assault on one side and Battery on the other? An utterly invisible binary.
She opens her mouth even though she's not talking to them at all. A poor habit from her childhood.
"Have you ever heard of a ballet called Le Diable Amoureux?" Giselle asks.
Utter bafflement.
"No," Assault says.
"It's adapted from a book of the same name-- The Devil in Love-- where a young man invokes the devil, only for the devil to instantly fall in love with him, gain a female form, and attempt to seduce him," Giselle says. "Trying to get him to lose his virginity before marriage."
"The author was later guillotined during the French Revolution."
No familiarity, it seems.
"It's most well known for a single line that was left out of the ballet adaptation, since ballets are pantomime, and thus silent. Che vuoi, the devil asks, directly before permanently transforming."
"I don't know french," Battery says flatly.
"It's Italian. 'Che vuoi?' 'What do you want?'"
Giselle shrugs.
"So I think it's a bit unfair to say that the devil fell in love at all, when it starts with a question like that."
It's really been nagging at her. Even though nothing about her life can be unfair.
Such is the joy of love.