And You Sang "Pants": A History of Desire and Diligence

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Being a True and Accurate Chronicle of an Outpost of the Furnaces of Soaking, its Establishment in the Year One Hundred and Three during the Age of Myth, its Efforts, its Achievements, and its Eventual Downfall, scribed for the Edification of Posterity so that its Events may not be forgotten for as long as Dwarven-Kind lasts within the Realm of Omens.
102 Obsidian 7: Have Pick, Will Travel


[Note: This is a system playtest. If you would like tester credit, please PM me your details.
Also, I'm fairly inexperienced at DF, and quite a few things may be unintentionally different from normal. Some things will be intentionally different as well.]

You have arrived. After a journey from the mountainhomes into the forbidding wilderness beyond, your harsh trek has finally ended. Your party is to make an outpost for the glory of all of Sarvesh Aveg.
There are almost no supplies left, but with stout labor comes sustenance. Whether by bolt, hook, or plow, provide for your dwarves. You are expecting a supply caravan just before winter entombs you, but it is spring now. Enough time to delve secure lodgings, ere the wolves get hungry. A new chapter of dwarven history begins at this place. Strike the earth!

(Submit character and site plans separately. This is a first-round submission; any plan with at least two supporters will be an option for the second-round vote. The dwarf with the most votes at this stage will be the expedition leader and first protagonist, and the sites with the most support at this stage will be available to your civilization. This quest uses approval voting; you can vote for multiple options, and can submit multiple plans. Write-ins are allowed subject to QM approval.)

Choose a character.
[ ] [DWARF] Enter name and gender. You have one skill, one motivation, and at least two personality traits. A generator can be found here, if you need help with appropriate names:
-[ ] [SKILL] Architect. Whether constructing them from wood and stone, or mining them from rock and vein, you can create structures.
-[ ] [SKILL] Naturalist. Tree-felling, herb gathering, hunting, fishing, animal taming, predicting the weather; you are far better than most dwarves at handling yourself outdoors.
-[ ] [SKILL] Craftsdwarf. Whether with soft wood, bright gems, hard metal, or dull stone, you excel at making useful and beautiful things.
-[ ] [SKILL] Socialite. You can charm nearly anyone, and intimidate nearly anyone else. You know when you are being lied to, and how to lie without being caught. Literate.
-[ ] [SKILL] Medic. You can diagnose and heal the wounded and sick, no matter how unusual their afflictions.
-[ ] [SKILL] Scholar. You know many things of little immediate value, but that may be invaluable should something unknown arise. Literate.
--[ ] (Write in up to six areas of study)
-[ ] [SKILL] Farmer. You know all of the steps involved in producing food and drink, from putting it in the ground to putting it on plates.
-[ ] [SKILL] Chemist. Whether soap, dye, or stranger things, you understand how to mix things together and get something else. Literate.
-[ ] [SKILL] Mage. You have delved into deep places and forgotten lores to learn your Craft, and wield it in service of your new home. You must choose one sphere and one class. Literate.
--[ ] [SPHERE] Fortresses.
--[ ] [SPHERE] Jewels.
--[ ] [SPHERE] Metals.
--[ ] [SPHERE] Minerals.
--[ ] [SPHERE] Mountains.
--[ ] [SPHERE] Wealth.
--[ ] [SPHERE] Write in. Spheres other than those favored by dwarves will have a lower rating. Spheres are listed at DF2014:Sphere - Dwarf Fortress Wiki.
--[ ] [SPHERE] Eclectic. You gain five random spheres, at much lower ratings than normal.
--[ ] [CLASS] Wizard. Cast from time. Eclectic additional spheres.
--[ ] [CLASS] Witch. Cast from luck. High sphere rating.
--[ ] [CLASS] Cleric. Cast from sanity. Allied additional spheres.
--[ ] [CLASS] Druid. Cast from vitality. Can "borrow" sphere sources.

-[ ] [SKILL] Warrior. Axe, bow, sword, hammer, pick, fist. You have mastered them all, and will defend your people with all your strength.
-[ ] [SKILL] Explorer. Whether climbing trees, crossing tightropes, or sneaking around goblin camps, no one and nothing can keep you out of where you want to go.
-[ ] [SKILL] Administrator. You know how to manage groups of dwarves, managing tasks so that they have what they need in order to stay productive and motivated. Literate.
-[ ] [SKILL] Engineer. You can construct complex mechanisms, and might invent machines not yet known to the mountainhomes.
-[ ] [SKILL] Entertainer. You can keep the fortress's morale high, and find people in need of cheering. No beautiful art is beyond you.
-[ ] [MOTIVATION] The patriot. Like you said, you are here for the glory of all Sarvesh Aveg. You will go where the queen tells you, and she has told you to go here.
-[ ] [MOTIVATION] The pioneer. The mountainhomes were far too small for you. There is a large world out three, and you want to see more of it.
-[ ] [MOTIVATION] The misfit. You never fit in at the mountainhomes. Here, perhaps you will find acceptance, or at least fewer people who mind you.
-[ ] [MOTIVATION] The reformer. You know how things should work. You want to show everyone back home, and this fortress will be how you prove it.
-[ ] [MOTIVATION] The exile. Your crimes were too terrible for you to live, so you fled and joined a caravan. Here, you can start a new life and none will seek you.
-[ ] [MOTIVATION] The entrepreneur. You came here for two reasons only: profit and fame. This fortress has fresh mines and new markets, and you intend to take advantage.
-[ ] [MOTIVATION] The archivist. History will be made here, and you will see it made. You want to watch events unfold, and perhaps take part yourself.
-[ ] [MOTIVATION] The follower. You knew at least one of the other dwarves. When they decided to embark, you went so that you could stay with them.
-[ ] [MOTIVATION] The seeker. There is something at this specific place that is of great interest to you, and you have come to find it.
-[ ] [TRAIT] Write in a personality trait.

Pick a boon. You may pick additional boons by taking one menace per existing boon each (so the second boon will cost one, the third will cost two for a total of three, the fourth will cost three for a total of six, and so on). You may also specify neutral quirks that your fortress will have. Note that some menaces exclude certain boons, and that some menaces will grant benefits of their own.
All sites will be available for the second-round vote, but sites with the most support at this stage will be controlled by your civilization. They may be settled by Sarvesh Aveg later, or you may be able to select them if your current fortress falls to ruin.
[ ] [SITE] Write in name and general terrain type: mountain, valley, plains, beach, etc.
-[ ] [BOON] Good biome. Nature is more fantastic here, and not in a hostile way. (Multiple. Each time adds a good-aligned sphere.) A Good biome has its own dangers, though not as severe as Evil.
-[ ] [BOON] Dense vegetation. You have no fear of going hungry here.
-[ ] [BOON] Dense forest. You will be able to find wood easily.
-[ ] [BOON] Good soil. Provided you can get seeds, you should be able to grow just about anything.
-[ ] [BOON] Dense minerals. There are many and varied valuable stones here.
-[ ] [BOON] Nearby river. In addition to being a water source, the river can turn waterwheels.
-[ ] [BOON] Extensive supplies. Rather than setting out with only the bare necessities, you have a wide array of supplies, including several items that an expedition would normally manufacture on site.
-[ ] [BOON] Extensive skills. While your dwarves are skilled in their own fields, you have spent the trip teaching the basics of your skills to one another, and are all passable at skills outside your own field.
-[ ] [BOON] Large party. The mountainhomes normally only allow seven dwarves to an expedition, but you have managed to get one more.
-[ ] [BOON] Extensive library. You have brought much of the mountainhomes' knowledge with you. (Multiple. Each time adds a new topic.)
-[ ] [BOON] Moderate climate. The weather is comfortable for the entire year.
-[ ] [BOON] Allies. Another civilization gets along well with the mountainhomes, and will aid you.
-[ ] [BOON] Sand and clay. You can have a thriving glass and ceramics industry provided you can find fuel.
-[ ] [BOON] Favored outpost. The mountainhomes will support you more than they would other places.
-[ ] [BOON] Good omens. Fortune favors the fort, and things will go well for you.
-[ ] [BOON] Universal literacy. All dwarves, and most of your visitors, can read and write.
-[ ] [MENACE] Evil biome. Even from far away, you could see rains of blood and ash. Now that you're here, the grass is looking at you and cracking its knuckles. Some valuable things can only be found in evil biomes. (Multiple. Each time adds an evil-aligned sphere.)
-[ ] [MENACE] Savage biome. Monsters roam this place, and even ordinary life is far more aggressive than usual. Even the plants seem hostile. Some valuable things can only be found in savage biomes.
-[ ] [MENACE] Scorching heat. Water rarely remains liquid for long here, and in the summers you may find that it is simply too hot to work at all. (Exclude: nearby river, moderate climate)
-[ ] [MENACE] Freezing cold. Water rarely remains liquid for long here, and frostbite is a constant danger. You may even have layers of permafrost to dig through before reaching earth. (Exclude: nearby river, moderate climate)
-[ ] [MENACE] Aquifer. There is too much groundwater to dig safely past a certain point unless you can manage to drain it.
-[ ] [MENACE] Poor soil. You will have difficulty farming here, and there is little vegetation. You will have to either improve it somehow, or rely on imported food. (Exclude: dense vegetation, dense forest, savage biome)
-[ ] [MENACE] Small party. The mountainhomes normally send seven dwarves to an expedition, but you have only five. (Exclude: Large party)
-[ ] [MENACE] Impotable water. Safely drinking water will require either importing it or filtering it somehow.
-[ ] [MENACE] Volcano. You have set up near an active volcano. While the heat can power some special workshops and engines, the presence of lava is a constant risk and you have no access to the deeper caverns.
-[ ] [MENACE] Necromancer tower. You have set up at the doorstep of someone who prefers the dead to the living, and would very much like to convert you from one to the other.
-[ ] [MENACE] Prior attempt. You are not the first group to set up here. You will need to contend with the ghosts of the last several fortresses to claim this land, and whatever killed them.
-[ ] [MENACE] Dying civilization. You may well be the last hope of the mountainhomes. You cannot count on their help, and in fact they may need yours. (Exclude: favored outpost)
-[ ] [MENACE] War. Another civilization is at war with the mountainhomes, and that conflict will likely involve you sooner or later.
-[ ] [MENACE] Conduct. Your dwarves have a practice that is uncommon among dwarfkind, probably for good reason. (Multiple. Each time adds a new conduct.)
--[ ] Primitive. You shun all uses of high technology. Building, using, or producing mechanisms or advanced research breaks conduct. Magma workshops are fine, though heat engines are not.
--[ ] Mundane. Magic of all kinds is anathema to you. Using magic, whether spells or talismans, and whether the fort's own or an ally's, breaks conduct.
--[ ] Open-air. You like the great outdoors, and are hesitant to go below ground. Building a permanent underground structure not for mining breaks conduct. Direct support for a mine is fine.
--[ ] Pacifist. You scorn violence of all kinds, and will not allow it against intelligent beings. Starting a fight with an intelligent being breaks conduct. Individual self-defense is fine.

-[ ] [MENACE] Nobles. At least one of your dwarves is too important for manual labor, and requires lodgings and tributes appropriate to their station. Nobles may be useful, especially as your fort becomes involved in politics. (Multiple. Each time adds another noble.)
-[ ] [MENACE] Dread secrets. At least one of your dwarves has some awful secret: vampirism, unsanctioned witchcraft, criminal habits, or something similar.
-[ ] [MENACE] Madness. Your dwarves are more unhinged than usual, prone to both tantrums and insanity. This will also increase the number of strange moods.
-[ ] [MENACE] Colony. The mountainhomes require certain exports of you, once you have had time to establish the required industries. (Write in.)
-[ ] [MENACE] Ignorance. The mountainhomes have much speculation but little true knowledge, and you must overturn dogma before you can make progress. (Exclude: Extensive library)
-[ ] [MENACE] No supplies. You had barely enough food to make it here. Your first task will be to find appropriate resources. (Exclude: Extensive supplies)
-[ ] [MENACE] Bad omens. The fort's doom is written into the stars, and you will face difficulty. Attacks, hostile wildlife, and dangerous weather are more likely than usual.
-[ ] [MENACE] Dealer's choice. You don't know what awaits you at this site, but you have a bad feeling about it. You may select this menace multiple times.

-[ ] [QUIRK] Animist. Like the elves, you worship an abstract force rather than specific deities.
-[ ] [QUIRK] Cosmopolitan. While all of your dwarves are dwarves from the mountainhomes, many would mistake them for elves, humans, goblins, or even stranger things. (Names will be translated appropriately.)
-[ ] [QUIRK] Open government. Your nobles are selected by some process other than the usual method.(Write in.)
-[ ] [QUIRK] Independent. You are politically separate from the mountainhomes. You may still trade, but they have no obligations to you and you none to them. (Exclude: favored outpost, dying civilization, colony)
-[ ] [QUIRK] Artist's haven. You will attempt to make your home as beautiful as you can.
-[ ] [QUIRK] Aligned. This place carries a touch of divine influence. Some valuable things can only be found in aligned places. Good and evil biomes are always aligned; this will align them to a second sphere. (Multiple. Each time adds a new neutral sphere. Spheres corresponding to site traits will be chosen first.)

Example votes:
[X] Urist Smeltedgears (Female)
-[X] Mage
--[X] Rainbows
--[X] Druid
-[X] The misfit
-[X] Friendly. Urist wishes that everyone could just get along, and tries to do so with everyone.
-[X] Cultured. Urist enjoys art, and will always make time to appreciate it.

[X] The Rough Points of Wandering (Mountain)
-[X] Dense minerals
-[X] Extensive library
-[X] Universal literacy
-[X] Evil biome
-[X] Nobles
-[X] Aligned
Character Sheet
Personal Data
Name: Urist Constructedmine
Description: A short stout creature fond of drink and industry.
Age: 38
Birthday: Felsite 23
Attributes: Decent Body (Damaged), Average Mind, Passable Face, Passable Stealth
Skills: Journeyman Build (Mining), Journeyman Build (Clear-Cut), Journeyman Build (Construction), Apprentice Charm, Apprentice Convince, Apprentice Detect, Apprentice Navigate. Hobbyist Observer.
Urist is used to planning ahead. If he spends multiple Downtime in a scene on having prepared for something, the amount spent is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Psych Profile
Beliefs: Strong Meticulous, Strong Honest, Moderate Wanderlust
Drives: None yet.
Will: 2/2 remaining.
Side Activities
1/1 extended actions available.
0/20 Downtime available.

0/15 Advancement available.
0/3 Adjustment available.
Material Possessions
Basic items (clothing, packs, etc.)
1 pick
1 axe
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Fortress info
Attributes: No Military, No Politics, No Economy, No Relations, N/A Concealment
Skills: No Project, No Administer, No Stabilize
Scope: 0 (Not Established)
None yet
Material Resources
3 weeks of food
3 weeks of drink
Breeding pair of dogs
Breeding pair of cats
Breeding pair of alpacas
Unspecified tools and equipment
5 units Healing Herbs (Potency: 1d12+3d8+5d6+4d4)
3 units Wood
1 unit Soil

LV3 Storage (3/3) (Food) (Drink) (Tools and Equipment)
LV3 Hospital
LV2 Farm (1/2) (Cotton 12:0/36 10:0/9 8:0/0 6:0/0 4:8/9)
LV2 Cloth Works

Production Chains:
Growing Pit -> Pig Tails -> (No Kitchen)
Growing Pit -> Pig Tails -> (No Brewery)
Growing Pit -> Pig Tails -> Cloth Works -> Thread -> Cloth Works -> Fabric -> Clothing
Other Notables
  • Personal Data
    Name: Stâkud Shieldportal
    Description: A short stout creature fond of drink and industry.
    Age: 40
    Birthday: Galena 18
    Attributes: Passable Body, Decent Mind, Passable Face, Passable Stealth
    Skills: Trained Know (Astrology), Trained Know (Demonology), Trained Know (History) Trained Know (Sorcery), Apprentice Charm, Apprentice Convince, Apprentice Detect, Trained Intrigue, Apprentice Navigate, Journeyman Research, Trained Treat. Hobbyist Traveler.
    Stâkud can read and write, in a setting where such abilities are not taken for granted.
    (If all characters are literate, this will be replaced with Cram.)
    Psych Profile
    Beliefs: Strong Curious, Strong preference for field work, Moderate Independent
    Drives: None yet.
    Will: 2/2 remaining.
    Side Activities
    1/1 extended actions available.
    0/20 Downtime available.

    1/15 Advancement available.
    1/3 Adjustment available.
    Material Possessions
    Basic items
    3 units writing supplies
    Apprentice-grade personal library
    Reference materials (Treat) 1d12+1d8+4d6+1d4
    Reference materials (Fight) 3d6+6d4
  • Personal Data
    Name: Urist Smeltedgears
    Description: A short stout creature fond of drink and industry.
    Age: 29
    Birthday: Moonstone 5
    Attributes: Average Body, Decent Mind, Passable Face, Passable Stealth
    Skills: Trained Know (Anatomy), Apprentice Charm, Apprentice Convince, Apprentice Detect, Apprentice Navigate, Expert Treat. Hobbyist Survivor.
    Urist is used to injury, or simply doesn't mind it. She does not need to spend Will to take self-harming actions such as operating on herself or taking an attack meant for another.
    Psych Profile
    Beliefs: Strong Compassionate, Strong Brave, Moderate Obsessive
    Drives: None yet.
    Will: 2/2 remaining.
    Side Activities
    1/1 extended actions available.
    0/20 Downtime available.

    1/15 Advancement available.
    1/3 Adjustment available.
    Material Possessions
    Basic items
    5 units medical supplies
    Apprentice-grade field medical facilities
  • Asob "McFarmer" Anvilgranite (Skills: Trained Build (Textiles), Journeyman Build (Farming), Journeyman Build (Brewing), Journeyman Build (Cooking), Trained Build (Tanning), Trained Know (Nature))
    Solon "McChemist" Constructivetomb (Skills: Journeyman Build (Chemical), Journeyman Build (Burning), Journeyman Build (Glassware), Trained Know (Chemistry), Trained Investigate, Trained Research) (Attributes: Decent Mind)
    Ingish "McWarrior" Fencedblockade (Skills: Expert Fight, Trained Detect, Trained Navigate, Trained Command) (Attributes: Decent Body.)
    Datan "McExplorer" Bellbridge (Skills: Journeyman Navigate, Journeyman Detect, Journeyman Sneak, Trained Confound, Trained Compensate (Water), Trained Compensate (Balancing), Trained Compensate (Climbing), Trained Compensate (Freefall), Trained Compensate (Blinded)) (Attributes: Average Stealth)
None yet
None yet
Commanding Officers: None yet.
Static Advantages: None yet.
Other Traits
Building Clear-Cuts will yield more wood than usual.
Building Mines will yield more minerals than usual.
As long as the fortress has access to the outdoors, it can obtain water.
All Difficulty dice for Luck checks are upgraded once.
All Mind Stress taken is upgraded once. If a strange mood can happen, it will be preferred to other mixed events.
Certain creatures and resources are available. Wilderness dangers will be preferred to other negative events.
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None yet.
A dwarven kingdom.
Hailing from the mountains, dwarves are famed for their craft and their underground fortresses.
Adult dwarves begin with all Attributes at Passable, and the basic Skills (Charm, Convince, Detect, Navigate) at Apprentice. They also have the following traits:
  • Strange Mood: Dwarves will sometimes be taken by strange moods. While in a mood, a dwarf gains a constant Drive to create some legendary artifact, which increases over time; relevant Skills are set to Grandmaster if not already better.
  • Martial Trance: Dwarves can sometimes enter martial trances while in combat. While in martial trance, a dwarf upgrades all Fight dice once. However, all non-combat actions downgrade all dice once.
  • Alcohol Dependency: A dwarven metabolism does not function well without alcohol. A dwarf denied alcohol needs twice the usual time to take any action or heal any injury. However, a dwarf with access to strong spirits gains an extra action per week.
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Mechanics Notes
Votes in this quest use the following rules unless stated otherwise.

Approval Voting
When casting a vote, vote for as many options as you like. An option passes if it has a simple majority, unless it is specifically a supermajority option (see below). If resources (including time) only allow for X actions, the X with the most votes will be used; actions taken will always be executed in whatever order is most advantageous, and if this is ambiguous the order will be put to a vote. If only one option could be used, the one with the most votes will be, even if it does not manage a simple majority. You may also choose to reserve some amount of a given resource. If you reserve a resource, no action with fewer votes will execute if it would take the resource below the chosen reserve. All votes to reserve a resource will include votes cast for a smaller reserve.

No Plans
Except in a few cases, votes may not be in plan format. Votes allowing plans, usually those where individual options are strongly connected, will be explicitly noted. If you wish to support a slate of specific actions, vote for them as individual options.

Some actions, usually those that have extreme risks or substantially change the quest, require a supermajority. These actions do not pass unless they meet the listed threshold, and the overall vote meets a quorum. The quorum is (square root of threshold) times (mean voters over entire quest).
Taking Actions
Core Mechanic
You take actions by rolling dice. You roll the dice pool corresponding to the appropriate Skill. I roll a dice pool corresponding to the difficulty of your action. Anyone trying to stop you rolls an appropriate Skill. Whoever has the higher total wins. The total isn't the only thing that matters. In order to produce effects, you usually need to also spend dice matching or beating a target number, with the target number depending on the effect. (Some effects, such as overcoming a previous effort in order to outdo yourself, will require multiple dice.) The most common effect you will likely spend dice on is canceling out dice from the difficulty or opponents. You can do this even if you fail the action, and this can be done to you even if you win. A die may be spent to cancel out one die from each opposing roll showing an equal or lower number.

Stress, Cracks, Taken Out, Shattering
A common effect you might suffer is taking Stress. You can take an amount of Stress based on your Attributes; once you exceed this, you suffer a Crack. This will usually remove you from the conflict, and each Crack you have inflicts an ongoing penalty until healed. If you exceed a certain number of Cracks on any Attribute, you will Shatter. This usually retires your character.

Extra Effort, Full Defense, Defaulting
If you do not have enough dice to do something (whether because of penalties, because you don't have a high enough Skill level, or because something is capping your dice pool), there are ways for you to get more. You can make an extra effort in several different ways. You might take a risk, and decide that scoring an effect is more important than canceling out opposing dice. You might also exert your Will, and apply a relevant Drive. (More on this later.) When trying to stop someone else, you can declare full defense. This will substantially increase your dice pool at the cost of rendering you unable to score any effects other than canceling out dice. You can also default to an Attribute, or you can default a capped dice pool to its uncapped version. This will allow you to roll the better dice pool, but any die less than a certain number will be ignored completely.
Mental Influence
Your character's personality and worldview is described in terms of Beliefs, which each have a dice pool similar to a Skill. The effects of a Belief are:
  • Actions contrary to a Belief take a penalty equal to it. You can ignore this penalty at the cost of Mind Stress or 1 Will per scene.
  • Most social influence attempts are capped by a relevant Belief.
  • All social influence attempts are resisted by the strongest inappropriate Belief.
  • You can gain a Drive equal to an appropriate Belief at any time.
  • You can subtract a Belief from an inappropriate Drive once per scene.
Things your character wants to do right now are called Drives. Each Drive has a dice pool similar to a Belief. Each Drive is treated as a Belief, with these exceptions:
  • Rather than applying a penalty, going against a Drive inflicts Mind Stress directly. This ends the Drive.
  • Failing to act on a Drive when you have a clear opportunity inflicts Mind Stress as though you had gone against it. This does not end the Drive.
  • Completing a Drive heals Mind Stress, and also ends it.
  • By spending 1 Will, you can add a Drive as a bonus to any attempts to follow it for the rest of the scene. This grants the other benefits of spending Will.
Casting Spells
Casting spells is an action, and follows mostly the same rules as other actions. Any character can attempt to cast a spell, using the appropriate field (sphere) of the Evoke Skill; the difficulty of a spell is decided ad hoc. Difficulty effects will usually either require a cost to be paid in expensive spell reagents, add conditions to a spell that can cause it to fail, or add unexpected side effects. Characters with the Spellcaster Trick have specific alternate costs, and can force these costs to be paid instead. Advanced versions of the Spellcaster Trick can allow other abilities related to casting spells.

Over time, an item used in great deeds accumulates fame. Once an item has its own name, it has a chance of gaining spells based on heroic deeds involving it. This spell is available to any wielder, using the same Skill as is normally used with the item. Many of these talismans have alternate costs similar to those granted by the Spellcaster Trick.
It's also possible for a mage to deliberately create a talisman. This requires charging gemstones with the spell, which are then used to encrust the item.

Natural Magic
A sphere-aligned place has a chance of randomly producing magical effects from that sphere. This is similar to but separate from the chance of world events; evil rain happens independently from ordinary rain, and boogeyman invasions happen independently from goblin invasions. Note that these effects are random: good spheres are biased toward beneficial effects, but can produce harmful ones, and the reverse is true of evil spheres.
Sphere-aligned creatures such as dragons, colossi, or archmagi may gain spell effects from their spheres' influences. This usually either weakens with successive uses until the user has a chance to rest, or is not under the user's control.
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[] [Urist Abanavus] (Male)
-[] [SKILL] Architect. Whether constructing them from wood and stone, or mining them from rock and vein, you can create structures.
-[] [MOTIVATION] The pioneer. The mountainhomes were far too small for you. There is a large world out three, and you want to see more of it.
-[] Honest. Urist values honestly greatly, and is honest almost to a fault.
-[] Meticulous. Urist keeps watch for the little details and strives to do his upmost in his work no matter how minute it might be to others.

Urist was an architect at the mountain home. Meticulous and honest he often butted heads with the other architects there who cut corners or didn't do the best work possible. One day he had enough and decided he will build his own fortress that will be even greater than the moutain home.

[] The Ignorant Songs (Mountain)
-[] [BOON] Dense minerals. There are many and varied valuable stones here.
-[] [MENACE] Ignorance. The mountainhomes have much speculation but little true knowledge, and you must overturn dogma before you can make progress. (Exclude: Extensive library)
-[] [BOON] Nearby river. In addition to being a water source, the river can turn waterwheels.
-[] [MENACE] Volcano. You have set up near an active volcano. While the heat can power some special workshops and engines, the presence of lava is a constant risk and you have no access to the deeper caverns.
-[] [BOON] Dense forest. You will be able to find wood easily.
-[] [MENACE] Savage biome. Monsters roam this place, and even ordinary life is far more aggressive than usual. Even the plants seem hostile. Some valuable things can only be found in savage biomes.

The Ignorant Songs is a place filled with resources, a perfect place for setting up a fortress, if it weren't for it's quirks. The wildlife are savage creatures there a monsters that dwell within the site that make it unthinkable to settle for the faint of heart. The volcano (The Fiery Singing if that name fit within dwarf fortress) also looms over the site, threatening those who would dare settle beneath it.

However, those might not be the most damning faults if Urist settles there. The ingrained ignorance of the mountain home that led to Urist here might be the forts undoing.

Here are my plans for the Dwarf expedition leader and site we settle if anyone has feedback for it before voting opens.
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[] Mafol Windwall (Male), the Adventurer
-[] Explorer. Whether climbing trees, crossing tightropes, or sneaking around goblin camps, no one and nothing can keep you out of where you want to go.
-[] Relaxed. Mafol has an incredibly calm demeanor.
-[] Inquisitive. Mafol is curious and eager to learn.
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[X] Mafol Windwall (Male), the Adventurer
-[X] Explorer. Whether climbing trees, crossing tightropes, or sneaking around goblin camps, no one and nothing can keep you out of where you want to go.
-[X] Relaxed. Mafol has an incredibly calm demeanor.
-[X] Inquisitive. Mafol is curious and eager to learn.
Vote isn't open yet. Also, Mafol is missing a motivation.
[X] [Urist Abanavus] (Male)
-[X] [SKILL] Architect. Whether constructing them from wood and stone, or mining them from rock and vein, you can create structures.
-[X] [MOTIVATION] The pioneer. The mountainhomes were far too small for you. There is a large world out three, and you want to see more of it.
-[X] Honest. Urist values honestly greatly, and is honest almost to a fault.
-[X] Meticulous. Urist keeps watch for the little details and strives to do his upmost in his work no matter how minute it might be to others.

Urist was an architect at the mountain home. Meticulous and honest he often butted heads with the other architects there who cut corners or didn't do the best work possible. One day he had enough and decided he will build his own fortress that will be even greater than the moutain home.

[X] The Ignorant Songs (Mountain)
-[X] [BOON] Dense minerals. There are many and varied valuable stones here.
-[X] [MENACE] Ignorance. The mountainhomes have much speculation but little true knowledge, and you must overturn dogma before you can make progress. (Exclude: Extensive library)
-[X] [BOON] Nearby river. In addition to being a water source, the river can turn waterwheels.
-[X] [MENACE] Volcano. You have set up near an active volcano. While the heat can power some special workshops and engines, the presence of lava is a constant risk and you have no access to the deeper caverns.
-[X] [BOON] Dense forest. You will be able to find wood easily.
-[X] [MENACE] Savage biome. Monsters roam this place, and even ordinary life is far more aggressive than usual. Even the plants seem hostile. Some valuable things can only be found in savage biomes.

The Ignorant Songs is a place filled with resources, a perfect place for setting up a fortress, if it weren't for it's quirks. The wildlife are savage creatures there are monsters that dwell within the site that make it unthinkable to settle for the faint of heart. The volcano (The Fiery Singing if that name fit within dwarf fortress) also looms over the site, threatening those who would dare settle beneath it.
However, those might not be the most damning faults if Urist settles there. The ingrained ignorance of the mountain home that led to Urist here might be the forts undoing.
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[X] Stâkud Shieldportal (Male)
-[X] [SKILL] Scholar. You know many things of little immediate value, but that may be invaluable should something unknown arise. Literate.
--[X] Herbal remedies
--[X] History
--[X] Dwarven omens and superstitions
--[X] Astrology
--[X] Dawrven Court Etiquette
--[X] Basic demonology
-[X] [MOTIVATION] The misfit. You never fit in at the mountainhomes. Here, perhaps you will find acceptance, or at least fewer people who mind you.
-[X] [TRAIT] Curious. Stâkud will closely examine anything that catches his interest.
-[X] [TRAIT] Outgoing. Stâkud likes to take to the field, despite his other wise bookish demeanour.

[X] Whispering peaks (moutan)
-[X] [BOON] Universal literacy. All dwarves, and most of your visitors, can read and write.
-[X] [MENACE] Evil biome. Even from far away, you could see rains of blood and ash. Now that you're here, the grass is looking at you and cracking its knuckles. Some valuable things can only be found in evil biomes.
-[X] [BOON] Good omens. Fortune favors the fort, and things will go well for you.
-[X] [MENACE] Nobles. At least one of your dwarves is too important for manual labor, and requires lodgings and tributes appropriate to their station. Nobles may be useful, especially as your fort becomes involved in politics. (Multiple. Each time adds another noble.)
-[X] [BOON] Nearby river. In addition to being a water source, the river can turn waterwheels.
-[X] [MENACE] Dread secrets. At least one of your dwarves has some awful secret: vampirism, unsanctioned witchcraft, criminal habits, or something similar.

Edit: changed areas of study due to @jy3's info.
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--[X] Herbal remedies
--[X] Archaeology
--[X] How to commune with the ancestors (without looking like a necromancer)
--[X] Astrology
--[X] Dawrven Court Etiquette
--[X] Basic demonology
Herbal remedies would fall under the general medicine skill. This is allowed, but would not put you near the level of an actual medic.
Archaeology would be generalized to History.
Communing with the ancestors requires magic. Doing magic without being a proper mage is both expensive and difficult.
Demonology would be mostly theoretical knowledge.
Out of curiosity, how many times can you take an option labelled as "Multiple" for the site?
To avoid double posting, editing into this post a site that may be familiar. Who wants to have some !!FUN!!

[X] Boatmurdered (Jungle Mountain)
-[X] [BOON] Nearby river. In addition to being a water source, the river can turn waterwheels.
-[X] [BOON] Dense forest. You will be able to find wood easily.
-[X] [BOON] Dense minerals. There are many and varied valuable stones here.
-[X] [MENACE] Savage biome. Monsters roam this place, and even ordinary life is far more aggressive than usual. Even the plants seem hostile. Some valuable things can only be found in savage biomes.
-[X] [MENACE] Madness. Your dwarves are more unhinged than usual, prone to both tantrums and insanity. This will also increase the number of strange moods.
-[X] [MENACE] Bad omens. The fort's doom is written into the stars, and you will face difficulty. Attacks, hostile wildlife, and dangerous weather are more likely than usual.
-[X] [QUIRK] Artist's haven. You will attempt to make your home as beautiful as you can.
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Out of curiosity, how many times can you take an option labelled as "Multiple" for the site?
To avoid double posting, editing into this post a site that may be familiar. Who wants to have some !!FUN!!

[X] Boatmurdered (Jungle Mountain)
-[X] [BOON] Nearby river. In addition to being a water source, the river can turn waterwheels.
-[X] [BOON] Dense forest. You will be able to find wood easily.
-[X] [BOON] Dense minerals. There are many and varied valuable stones here.
-[X] [MENACE] Savage biome. Monsters roam this place, and even ordinary life is far more aggressive than usual. Even the plants seem hostile. Some valuable things can only be found in savage biomes.
-[X] [MENACE] Madness. Your dwarves are more unhinged than usual, prone to both tantrums and insanity. This will also increase the number of strange moods.
-[X] [MENACE] Bad omens. The fort's doom is written into the stars, and you will face difficulty. Attacks, hostile wildlife, and dangerous weather are more likely than usual.
-[X] [QUIRK] Artist's haven. You will attempt to make your home as beautiful as you can.
As many as you like, so long as you have enough menaces to cover all the boons. I'd suggest considering how many copies of something you really want, though, and wouldn't suggest getting more than four total of Good, Evil, and Aligned.
I´m stealing the example vote name but the rest is new:

[X] Urist Smeltedgears (Female)
-[X] [SKILL] Medic. You can diagnose and heal the wounded and sick, no matter how unusual their afflictions.
-[X] [MOTIVATION] The seeker. There is something at this specific place that is of great interest to you, and you have come to find it.
-[X] [TRAIT] Compassionate - Urist seeks to aid others almost to a fault.
-[X] [TRAIT] Brave/Reckless - Depending on who you ask, Urist is either a brave young woman willing to put her very life on the line for the things she believes in, or a careless fool who would not know safety or sanity if it bit her nose off.

And because this is a good hold:
[X] Whispering peaks (moutan)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by jy3 on Jan 4, 2022 at 9:16 PM, finished with 10 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] The Ignorant Songs (Mountain)
    [X] Boatmurdered (Jungle Mountain)
    [X] [Urist Abanavus] (Male)
    -[X] [SKILL] Architect. Whether constructing them from wood and stone, or mining them from rock and vein, you can create structures.
    -[X] [MOTIVATION] The pioneer. The mountainhomes were far too small for you. There is a large world out three, and you want to see more of it.
    -[X] Honest. Urist values honestly greatly, and is honest almost to a fault.
    -[X] Meticulous. Urist keeps watch for the little details and strives to do his upmost in his work no matter how minute it might be to others.
    [X] The Ignorant Songs (Mountain)
    -[X] [BOON] Dense minerals. There are many and varied valuable stones here.
    -[X] [MENACE] Ignorance. The mountainhomes have much speculation but little true knowledge, and you must overturn dogma before you can make progress. (Exclude: Extensive library)
    -[X] [BOON] Nearby river. In addition to being a water source, the river can turn waterwheels.
    -[X] [MENACE] Volcano. You have set up near an active volcano. While the heat can power some special workshops and engines, the presence of lava is a constant risk and you have no access to the deeper caverns.
    -[X] [BOON] Dense forest. You will be able to find wood easily.
    -[X] [MENACE] Savage biome. Monsters roam this place, and even ordinary life is far more aggressive than usual. Even the plants seem hostile. Some valuable things can only be found in savage biomes.
    [X] Stâkud Shieldportal (Male)
    -[X] [SKILL] Scholar. You know many things of little immediate value, but that may be invaluable should something unknown arise. Literate.
    --[X] Herbal remedies
    --[X] History
    --[X] Dwarven omens and superstitions
    --[X] Astrology
    --[X] Dawrven Court Etiquette
    --[X] Basic demonology
    -[X] [MOTIVATION] The misfit. You never fit in at the mountainhomes. Here, perhaps you will find acceptance, or at least fewer people who mind you.
    -[X] [TRAIT] Curious. Stâkud will closely examine anything that catches his interest.
    -[X] [TRAIT] Outgoing. Stâkud likes to take to the field, despite his other wise bookish demeanour.
    [X] Whispering peaks (moutan)
    -[X] [BOON] Universal literacy. All dwarves, and most of your visitors, can read and write.
    -[X] [MENACE] Evil biome. Even from far away, you could see rains of blood and ash. Now that you're here, the grass is looking at you and cracking its knuckles. Some valuable things can only be found in evil biomes.
    -[X] [BOON] Good omens. Fortune favors the fort, and things will go well for you.
    -[X] [MENACE] Nobles. At least one of your dwarves is too important for manual labor, and requires lodgings and tributes appropriate to their station. Nobles may be useful, especially as your fort becomes involved in politics. (Multiple. Each time adds another noble.)
    -[X] [BOON] Nearby river. In addition to being a water source, the river can turn waterwheels.
    -[X] [MENACE] Dread secrets. At least one of your dwarves has some awful secret: vampirism, unsanctioned witchcraft, criminal habits, or something similar.
    [X] [Urist Abanavus] (Male)
    [X] Boatmurdered (Jungle Mountain)
    -[X] [BOON] Nearby river. In addition to being a water source, the river can turn waterwheels.
    -[X] [BOON] Dense forest. You will be able to find wood easily.
    -[X] [BOON] Dense minerals. There are many and varied valuable stones here.
    -[X] [MENACE] Savage biome. Monsters roam this place, and even ordinary life is far more aggressive than usual. Even the plants seem hostile. Some valuable things can only be found in savage biomes.
    -[X] [MENACE] Madness. Your dwarves are more unhinged than usual, prone to both tantrums and insanity. This will also increase the number of strange moods.
    -[X] [MENACE] Bad omens. The fort's doom is written into the stars, and you will face difficulty. Attacks, hostile wildlife, and dangerous weather are more likely than usual.
    -[X] [QUIRK] Artist's haven. You will attempt to make your home as beautiful as you can.
    [X] Stâkud Shieldportal (Male)
    [X] Urist Smeltedgears (Female)
    -[X] [SKILL] Medic. You can diagnose and heal the wounded and sick, no matter how unusual their afflictions.
    -[X] [MOTIVATION] The seeker. There is something at this specific place that is of great interest to you, and you have come to find it.
    -[X] [TRAIT] Compassionate - Urist seeks to aid others almost to a fault.
    -[X] [TRAIT] Brave/Reckless - Depending on who you ask, Urist is either a brave young woman willing to put her very life on the line for the things she believes in, or a careless fool who would not know safety or sanity if it bit her nose off.
    [X] Whispering peaks (moutan)
102 Obsidian 14: Embark now!
Unilaterally breaking the tie for expedition leader. Due to lack of votes, all character submissions will be part of the expedition.

View: Music

You are Urist Constructedmine, and you are having yet another discussion with your shift supervisor, Momuz Sackvolcano. "Why are you working so slowly? We'll never get this level dug out if you insist on dragging your feet!"
"I'd go faster if I didn't have to do everyone else's work for them."
"How's that?"
You jerk your thumb at the tunnel he came down. "Had to brace that entire thing; it was already creaking when my shift started. Which meant I also had to rip out the supports already in place, since they'd fold if someone sat on them.
Then you point at the ceiling, at the small shaft you carved out. "And I just got done connecting this level to the vents. If they'd hit bad air, the entire floor would have to be abandoned."
"Listen, Urist. You are not the mine's safety officer. Worrying about this is not your job. Now if we don't get this excavated in time, heads are going to roll. Get me?"
"I'm not the mine's safety officer, but I'm one of the poor saps who's going to be down the hole if it caves in. Either you can have the shafts dug right, or you can find someone else to dig them." And with that, you head back to the main staircase.

You find one of your old friends in the tavern. Stâkud, as always, is drinking alone, and as usual, has his nose in a book. He nods to you as you take your usual place, and sets it down. "You're here early."
"Yeah, and I'm going to be early for a while now. Had a row with the boss again, and quit before he could fire me. What do you have there?"
"It's the latest from Armorymachine's travels, this one's about the failure of Oilfurnace Station." Bomrek Armorymachine is one of Stâkud's favorite authors, an adventurer who delves into ruined fortresses to find out why they fell to ruin.
A thought occurs to you, and you share it with Stâkud. Surely, as much as he knows about failed expeditions, he would have some idea what mistakes to avoid?

"Hey! Hold up!" A voice calls to you on your way to the temple. You turn and see a younger woman chasing you. "I heard you've had enough of this place?"
You nod. "Bosses who'd kill their workers for a quick coin, and crazy nobles demanding stones that don't exist." Though you've realized that was just the last straw; the actual reason is that you know there's a big world out there, and would like to see some of it.
"Have you got a site picked out yet?"
"Not yet. I'm open to suggestions, if you're joining us."
"There's a rare mountain herb said to cure any disease. I've tracked down rumors of a few sightings, and I'd like to look into at least one."
You nod. "What was your name, by the way?"
"Urist Smeltedgears." You blink; it's not the first time you met someone with the same first name, but it still feels odd each time.

You arrive at your meeting point, and find the two you already met and four dwarves unknown to you waiting there. It's time to make the journey to
[] Boatmurdered, Koganusân
A tropical jungle in the badlands of the Smooth Points of Pride. Something about the name gives you an uneasy feeling, and there's rumors about something in the water.
+River +Forest +Minerals -Bad Omens -Savage Biome -Madness ?Artists' Haven
[] Perplexinghabit, Sherikóruk
A conifer forest in the Ignorant Songs. There's a volcano here, and something feels wrong about the theories about how to use it.
+Minerals +River +Forest -Volcano -Ignorance -Savage Biome
[] Cathedralwreath, Lòråmstanïr
A nearly barren mountain in the Whispering Peaks. There's barely any vegetation or valuable stone, and it rains slime, but the priests assure you that your luck will be good. You have a feeling that your party will be the difference between success and failure, but you can't say which way.
+River +Good Omens +Literacy -Evil Biome -Nobles -Dread Secrets

When you arrive, you will focus on:
[] Getting your industry established.
Build a combination of underground and above-ground storage for your supplies, and then get to work on one of the following production chains. (Your starting supplies include all objects necessary to build the chosen production chain.)
-[] Food and Booze (Farm, Abattoir, Kitchen, Larder, Brewery) (Will give you a Farmer)
-[] Tools and Furniture (Carpentry Works, Warehouse, Masonry Works, Smelter, Smithy) (Will give you a Craftsdwarf)
-[] Machines (Masonry Works, Machine Works, Waterwheel, Power System, Crank Room) (Will give you a Craftsdwarf and an Engineer)
-[] Textiles (Farm, Plant Works, Leather Works, Cloth Works, Paper Works) (Will give you a Craftsdwarf and a Farmer)
-[] Trade Goods (Jewelry Shop, Trade Depot, Carpentry Works, Masonry Works, Smithy) (Will give you a Craftsdwarf and a Socialite)
-[] Medical Goods (Farm, Plant Works, Cloth Works, Hospital, Chemical Works) (Will give you a Craftsdwarf and a Chemist; you already have a Medic)
-[] Comfort (Dormitory, Tavern, Library, Temple, Offices) (Will not assign any new skills)
[] Building a defensible fortress.
Dig a single tunnel to act as a chokepoint, and build one of the following fortifications. (Your starting supplies include weapons and armor for each of your dwarves. Will give you a Warrior.)
-[] Arrow slits and murder holes
-[] Turrets and watchtowers
-[] Traps and locking doors
-[] A dedicated training ground

You have four dwarves whose skills are not yet decided; they will be assigned as skills are required. Or, you may assign one now.
[] Architect.
[] Naturalist.
[] Craftsdwarf.
[] Socialite.
[] Medic.
[] Scholar.
[] Farmer.
[] Chemist.
[] Mage.
[] Warrior.
[] Explorer.
[] Administrator.
[] Engineer.
[] Entertainer.
[] Leave unassigned.

(Reminder: Plan votes are not allowed unless stated otherwise.)
All our dwarves get to exist? Nice solution for a tie.

[X] Cathedralwreath, Lòråmstanïr
A nearly barren mountain in the Whispering Peaks. There's barely any vegetation or valuable stone, and it rains slime, but the priests assure you that your luck will be good. You have a feeling that your party will be the difference between success and failure, but you can't say which way.
+River +Good Omens +Literacy -Evil Biome -Nobles -Dread Secrets

[X] Getting your industry established.
Build a combination of underground and above-ground storage for your supplies, and then get to work on one of the following production chains.
-[X] Medical Goods (Farm, Plant Works, Cloth Works, Hospital, Chemical Works) (Will give you a Craftsdwarf and a Chemist; you already have a Medic)

I'm gonna go ahead and represent Smeltedgears priorities until she dies.
The classics will never fail I'm sure.

[X] Boatmurdered, Koganusân
[X] Building a defensible fortress.
-[X] Traps and locking doors