And Our Flag Was Not There: A History of the Second American Civil War.

Whatever intervention/naked land grab the Europeans do in the Russian civil war could, if added to their shenanigans in North America and likely elsewhere could see the rest of the world decide to make the symbolic change of declaring that Eurasia is just Asia.
I think it's time for this TL to officially wrap up, and I think this is a great way to wrap things up. Brought tears to my eyes. We can keep speculating and armchair generaling the future(I'm game), but I think it's time for this good thing to end, for these characters to live on and find happiness in their furry militias or queer anarchist poly circles or paranoid Survivalist town they are in. RIP America, Long live Turtle Island, and turtle power!
Agree. The zeitgeist that made this TL so hot and interesting has long since past and things are settled down for now, and this fiction has done more than enough to cement itself as a special one. It deserves to rest. But the next time the present starts to look FunTM​ and InterestingTM​, I expect a lot of us will be back, and more people might come with us.
How did the United Nations respond to the war? Remember, UN headquarters is in New York City, so I'd like to imagine that as soon as the Scramble started the United Nations began to make plans for an emergency backup headquarters in Geneva.
I'd wager there might be a drive to not have/undo European imposed/inspired exonyms; even if it's one of those movements that gets a few symbolic gestures and runs out of steam (its full of symbolics you know)
The Greatest Game Part One


The Greatest Game Part One

West of Komi, former Russian Federation, September 7th, 2037.

Herbert slumped his head back in his seat as the armored personnel carrier rumbled down the neglected and decaying road. The faux-nicotine pouch in between his left molars and his cheek felt ragged and had long been drained of any stimulants. But still he chewed, if only to feel anything that would dull his mind.

Jens looked at him from his seat parallel from him in the Bismarck APC and chuckled. "A little bit of Russki bush got you this rattled?" He declared in his wretchedly harsh English.

Herbert winced, "A little bit of bush? We're losing guys every day to fucking drones you asshole. I don't understand why we couldn't be somewhere nice like St. Petersburg, hardly any insurgents there."

Jens opened his mouth to protest but closed it again, "you aren't wanting to go up to Ingria are you?"

Herbert shook his head, "I'm not a Nazi if that's what you mean…don't get me wrong some of the best guys I've fought with are part of the…club, but I just want to be in Petersburg, not some godforsaken bog to the north running around naked in the woods pretending to be a viking."

Jens nodded slowly, "ya, I suppose you signed up for the federal' for a reason? And not one of the ideological groups or a company I mean."

Herbert shrugged as noncommittal as he could, now wary that perhaps Jens was talking to someone in Interpol, watching out for politicals, "just wanted the pay I suppose, and to get away from the olde' sod."

Jens nodded more vigorously, "they might be having to send men to England yet from what I hear, things are getting downright American there."

Herbert kept his face still, "you don't say."

Jens raised his hand in a mock swear, "not making it up at least, swear by your mum's cunt."

Herbert couldn't help but chuckle. "Well one thing ab-"

Herbert never finished his sentence, at that moment a wired FPV drone manufactured in Zhenjiang smashed into the APC from above, the shaped charge on the drone would penetrate the roof and fill the interior with fragments of molten metal and superheated air, both Jens and Herbert and the other six men in the APC died swiftly. A few more casualties of the Komi National Liberation Army and its attempt to prevent the European Union from rolling Komi into a restored Russian state.

The next year in May after a short referendum Komi was indeed allowed to be independent, and immediately would fall under the umbrella of NATO and the EU, soon to be the European Federation.

Northern Togo, north of Dapaong, near the Burkina Faso Border, April 12, 2038.​

Mildred briefly looked over her shoulder at the village burning behind them, they were used to the sight by now. They had entered the village earlier while half of the local militia was away in the nearby brush pursuing raiders who had launched a rustling operation on their cattle herd, already dwindling in the drought. They could not resist the dangling bait of the still-living cattle, fearing for their lives.

Lives dependent on animal slavery, Mildred thought bitterly.

The village militia was weakened and had fallen quickly as mortars descended on the mosque where many had gathered and her forces had entered on motorcycles armed with incendiary grenades, shotguns, and microguns covered by a few primitive drones. They had pushed the "men" and "women" apart and the children had fled into the bush with a few elders where they had been caught traveling down a creekbed. The elders had been dispatched swiftly, their minds had been too corrupted to be worth saving. The families were broken up, the "men" put down, euthanized as Mildred liked to say in post-mission cool-downs. The women were separated from the children, they would need to be deprogrammed elsewhere, where they couldn't corrupt the children.

Mildred briefly took a hit of their vape, needing the THC to steady their nerves, self-care as they called it to the rest of the group. They turned their motorcycle, an innovative machine able to run on crude biofuel, charge from compact solar panels, or even be pedaled if need be, around and went alongside the caravan of children at a slow pace.

It was unfortunate it had to be this, that they had to be gathered by force. But there was no other way, sometimes fire and blood was needed to cleanse oppression. And who could say these people weren't oppressed? Groaning under a false religion, as all religions were, Mildred held a particular contempt for Islam, and enslaving animals while they abused the soil with reactionary farming methods.

No here Mildred had saved them, feeling pride as the black flag fluttered from the back of their cycle'.

Mildred, perhaps, knew that the International Insurrectionary Total Liberation Front had split from the Pan-Americans, but then it was the Pan-Americans who were deviationists. Had they learned nothing from the struggles in North America? From the writings of the great Quinn who the Lakota had treacherously martyred?

No, what Mildred was seeking was true purity, liberation from the family, from patriarchy, from religion, from animal slavery. And it could be achieved here, where there was chaos as a result of some proxy war between the Nigerians, themselves supported by the Chinese, and the Europeans.

Perhaps Mildred on some level knew where the microgun, the miniaturized minigun, on their bike came from. That it was "provided" to their group by a "supportive class traitor" who happened to be the son of a major Krupp stakeholder. Perhaps Mildred knew the IITLF had received funds in crypto sloshed around through various shell groups but linked back ultimately to the Camorra, and through them to Interpol. But if Mildred knew they would only think the irony was delicious.

And of course, so would their benefactors…

Leeds, England, November 2nd, 2039.​

Stewart walked down the streets of Leeds cautiously, like a rat slinking from hole to hole. He didn't like skulking, before the Emergency he had been a tough guy on these streets, a bruiser who knew how to break heads with and shank skivs. But somehow Stewart had missed out when so many other hooligans had been quick to join a gang and then a militia with a flag during the riots over migration. He'd been slow on the uptake, managed to loot a Gregg's or two, and then been beaned on the head hard by a sponge grenade, not even one fired by a cop, some joy-rider had looted an armory and been firing at lads seemingly just for the hell of it.

Stewart hadn't recovered properly, he'd been abandoned by his boys as a weak link and in England now it was bad to be weak. So he skulked, he didn't care if the checkpoints he was skulking past were run by jeets', muzzies, nazis, secessionists, or whatever other gang was carving up Leeds. He would pretend to be whatever he needed to be in order to skulk by, he just liked to keep a move on, made him feel safer than sticking in one place in case someone decided they just didn't like the sight of him.

Stewart didn't ever follow politics, he didn't quite know how it had come to this, he guessed Labour had won the election before it kicked off? The Independent Party seemed right angry that the Tories had undermined them when they had been surging in the polls. Then there'd been those bad storms in the east that had people running. There'd been some sort of attack somewhere, had it been by a skinhead? By a Hindu? By an African? A Muslim? He'd heard a million stories all he knew was some bairns were dead and everyone seemed mad pissed. The cops had busted heads but then somehow rioters had weapons, real heavy shit. He never learned how that happened.

It'd all gotten out of hand he thought. Stores were burned, people dragged out of cars and shot in the streets like dogs, curfews were defied, some cops changed sides, soldiers too maybe, there'd been retaliation, people hit the streets with knives and whatever they could slap together. At some point government helicopters and drones seemed to start attacking buggers at random and a lot of people seemed to not know who was even doing some attacks. It'd all been bad.

Now as he moved down the street in a neighborhood held by lads wearing all black with red armbands he thought back on what he had last heard, something about Europeans landing in London? The government still held most of that right? Who knew. The Irish were in Wales, or was that a rumor? Was there really a caliph in Birmingham? Were they eating buggers in Liverpool? At least the rumors about Americans seemed to be true, he was hearing a lot of that accent these days, or were those just refugees from the last war?

Stewart didn't know. All he knew now was skulking and keeping his skull intact. Seemed practical to him. He wondered if more people should've been practical? Maybe that would've stopped all this mucking about…
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Europe marches east, Quinn's horrific ideology/perspective spreads across the world, and everyone OOC can rejoice that the fabled, retconned UK collapse/crash-and-burn has finally been resurrected after all this time.
Remind me, what chapter did we get to see Quinn's ideology actually explained? I really want to get a refresher so I can know how much more disgusted I should be with this group. Cause what I can see so far is pretty fucked up.
Remind me, what chapter did we get to see Quinn's ideology actually explained? I really want to get a refresher so I can know how much more disgusted I should be with this group. Cause what I can see so far is pretty fucked up.

And Our Flag Was Not There: A History of the Second American Civil War.

Fallout Milwaukee: Lysol "Do you see this shit? Nazis nuke Cali, now everyone wants to give Alex Lee, the AFL-CIO, and the Gonzalites a pass after in the name of unity! All after stabbing us in the back!" Quinn sighed as they took a long drag before massaging their forehead, tired and...
This form was crafted by dillente European and ex-American adventurists. Hence them by used by European intelligence as a sledge hammer since there's no risk of them building anything stable to oppose them.
Yeeeeeey! British Anarchy is back!

Also: Nooooo! Right-wing EU is too quick to back an literal Putinist Russia remnants against warlords and states that are either independent or backed by the PRC.
Yeeeeeey! British Anarchy is back!

Also: Nooooo! Right-wing EU is too quick to back an literal Putinist Russia remnants against warlords and states that are either independent or backed by the PRC.

In fairness, I would imagine that said Putinist regime has almost certainly been throughly buggered by the EU in exchange for its backing; starting with everything on Finland/Poland/Batlics/Ukraine's territorial grievances shopping list.
Remind me, what chapter did we get to see Quinn's ideology actually explained? I really want to get a refresher so I can know how much more disgusted I should be with this group. Cause what I can see so far is pretty fucked up.
"In orde to have true pure anarchy everyone who isn't immediately on board needs to be killer, preferably painfully. This is not oppressive because it's my friends doing it.