Operation: Fun Date, Mission Success
Howe and Houshou entered the mess hall and noted the drop in the overall level of noise. They glanced around and saw Haruna and Musashi entering. Howe and Houshou each raised an eyebrow. The two battlewagons blushed and glanced down.

Then Iowa entered with Unryu both softly smiling, and looked around nervously at the four capital ships with a raised eyebrows. Iowa blushed, but Unryu looked at them and raised her eyebrow.

Haruna and Musashi faced Howe and Houshou and raised their eyebrows, but Howe and Houshou didn't.

New Jersey entered with all of Taffy 3 and no one raised an eyebrow. But Taffy 3 glanced at the capital ships, and multiple hands covered several mouths and ushered them towards the food line. Wisconsin and Ise entered and faced a number of raised eyebrows, both blushed and glanced at each other.

The arrival of the other three Kongos caused the battleships to stare at the scraggly trio. "Where were you?" Kongo marched up and asked. The mildness of the tone did not eliminate the madness in her eyes.

"We were on our walk to the restaurant," Houshou said, "When we saw all the destroyers without supervision. That's a recipe for disaster, we checked around and their normal caretakers were no where to be seen. Someone had to take responsibility, Howe and I decided to have someone pick up our food and we watched over the destroyers until they made it home."

The open-mouthed trio of Kongos stared at Houshou. Howe took Houshou's arm and led her to the food line with the other battleships forming up behind them. They glanced back at the three statues staring into the middle distance.

The arrival of Tenryuu, Ashigara and Tatsuta each wearing broad smiles caused everyone to raise an eyebrow. The trio looked ready to run.

We are walking outside after a nice breakfast, and I realize it is time to break the last ice between us. "I believe aside from the underaged and the Admiral that we were the only ones who didn't have Aboriginal Perturbations," I say causing Houshou to laugh.

"So, I was wondering -"

"Yes," Houshou says as she stops to face me, "Yes."

"Please allow me to finish," I admonish, "If we simply did it on the parade ground I'd have to apologize to Vickers personally for Kongo dying of a massive aneurysm." While Houshou is chuckling, I pull out the flyer.

"A hot spring, how oriental and risque," Houshou says as she looks through it.

"A hot mineral spring," I say, "I suspect that part of our mutual reticence is that doing it on dry land feels, off. And if we should indulge ourselves in the lagoon . . . "

"The apology to Vickers," Houshou says.

I nod and continue. "The mineral content makes it seem more like sea water, it's rather exclusive, helping ensure privacy, no one is going to happen to walk in. And during winter the heat of the springs makes a serious steam cloud." I showed her some aerial photos of the area.

"Like a smoke screen, so no aerial recon or strike packages," she notes.

"Exactly," I say, "So, should we see the admiral about leave?"

"Indubitably," she says and grins, "Except it will take away one thing we've always beeen able to tease them about."

"Oh, I've got that covered as well. We've both seen that we are excellent cooks, when we return we can introduce each other to some of the more - exotic queasines as it were," I say.

"Well and good, but how will that help?" Houshou asks, then her eyes open wide. "Oh, that's just evil."

"If one is to do something, it shouldn't be done with half-measures," I say. We laugh all the way to the Admiral's office.

"And this is perfect timing," Houshou says.

"How so?" I ask.

"I just had the shotgun delivered," Houshou says.

"Capital!" I reply. The Admiral is utterly scandalized.

I've heard destroyers are cute and cuddly murderballs. While lacking in literary flair, I'd hardly call it inaccurate. Some alliteration would improve it. They are also fiercely proud of their extremely aggressive behavior. So when Glowworm and Johnston were out on sweep patrol and sighted random Abyssals, they attacked. Four supply ships and a light cruiser. They dropped torpedoes and raced away to make the call for reinforcements and heavy support. All good, all according to orders and standard protocols.

Then they circled around north to get home, and encountered a second formation of a few supply ships and a light escort. They brought that formation under fire, because of course they did, and moved to report in and flank the force to head home.

My navigator and sound detection teams have a vector on the gunfire I'd heard, a slight course change and the bridge crew ring up flank speed. I load flechette and the Sanshiki in my H&H as the ship goes from Condition X-Ray to Condition Zulu.

On their flanking maneuver, the pair encountered another force of a few supply ships and a light escort. This time they broke off without shooting and screamed for help. Everything afloat and aloft sortied. In all, fifteen small forces were trying to slip through the Kurils towards Sakhalin. A big convoy would have attracted too much attention, so a host of smaller ones should have slipped by. Whether Glowworm and Johnston were lucky or unlucky at having encountered seven of the groups, each one placed to block the direct route home, but light enough they could damage them and report them to the bigger girls.

"I'll kill you! You little shits!" an Abyssal transmits from up ahead.

I remind myself I need to get radar upgrades.

The explosion and screams of rage mark where Glowworm and Johnston are. I'll have to remember to tell Ooi and Kitakami, when hunting destroyers, don't have a full load of torpedoes in the deck launchers. To snipers like those two, it's like wearing a suicide vest. I spot the sinking, burning Chi-class, and the Ru-class who's shooting at something. My rigging is out and I give her gorilla-rigging eight of Her Majesty's best greenboys right through the back at center of mass.

If you want Maquis of Queensbury, you agree before the fight starts and you'd better be if not a friend, at least an ally. The female in the black dress turns to look at her rigging as it emits its death scream. I'm not trying to be cute by shooting her in the sternum with a Sanshiki, but a ship sinking and on fire is a nightmare for the crew. She's screaming in rage and pain, but all her heavy guns are on her rigging, which is dying.

A Mark 15 and a Mark IX caught the Ru unawares and she sank while still trying to beat out the fires that wreathed her from ankle to crown.

"I'm so gangsta, I ripped off a heavy cruiser's belt and wore it as a hat!" one voice calls.

"I'm so gangsta, I hit two heavies with one spread then fought the entire IJN myself!" comes another voice from about 120 degrees off the first.

If that's the recognition signal they've chosen, I can deal with that. "And I'm so gangsta, when I yells, the whole hood runs to another continent."

The two charge out of the smoke and rain squall they'd been hiding in, tears in their eyes. Sea spray they'd likely claim later. I kept my face neutral at how they wobbled and how gaunt they both looked. Equally worrying is the lack of jokes based on my name. If they couldn't even tease me, I downgraded their condition to critical. Likely exhausted after days of staying at high alert and running at high speed, and likely they had used the bunker fuel that normally was just ballast, and was probably not the best fuel after sitting in the keel tanks all that time. I kneel down and accept their hugs. I transfer them to my shoulders and my crews run lines to theirs to begin transferring fuel.

I also had a couple of bento boxes created from a recipe worked out by Miss Houshou and myself: appetizing to a wide variety of nations, nutritionally dense, and the containers provided gave ship-girls the extra they needed. So you could hand them out to ordinary humans safely. The galley crews had heated them before delivery, so they were getting hot food. Johnston pulled out the chilli, natto replacing the beans as it was about the only way to make it palatable to Westerners. Glowworm ate the sausage from hers without removing the aluminum foil wrapper, while Johnston ate the can of chilli the way most people would eat an ice cream cone.

"You can eat the box too," I tell them as I steam back towards the main fleet, "Rice paper, laminated with honey, and cornbread hardtack as a moisture barrier." I enjoy the appreciative noises, and am a little worried at the lack of demands for ice cream. My crew report the two of them have clasped hands and draped themselves on my head to use it as a pillow. I send a team to make lines fast to each, and to relieve their steaming watches. They deserve the rest, and they're almost immediately asleep.

Of course they drooled on my hair the whole trip back to Yokosuka. What's your point?

Wisconsin approached South Dakota and Washington as the pair shivered. "You two look like you completed the Murmansk run in midwinter," she said of the ice caking the two ships. "What happened?"

"We assked if we sshould take Johnsston and Glowworm, ssince he carried tthhem all the way baback here," Washington said with chattering teeth.

" 'Thank you'," South Dakota said in a falsetto, then in the deepest register she could manage, " 'But no.'"

The pair shuddered again at the reminder.

Wisconsin glanced to the battlecruiser and Houshou each carrying a destroyer and proceeding towards the repair baths. "Your plan to find out the hot spring, and crash the party to give your anguished declaration of love?" Wisconsin said, waited for the shivering pair to nod, "Unless you want to cure global warming by starting another ice age, scuttle it."

The shivering pair exchanged glances, then nodded.

Houshou steps back and while it could technically be termed snuggling, it is decidedly not what is generally meant. "Madam, please step forward, you are the only one who should be shooting," I tell her. The minx grins at me, then frowns and rubs her shoulder.

"I didn't expect it would kick like that," she says as she steps forward and brings her drilling up to bear on the target. Her Sanshiki has left the target a flaming mess, but while she is charmingly petite compared to my height, she's at most 2/9th's my displacement.

By necessity we are in close proximity as she is learning to fire the weapon. While a bow has some reaction when releasing an arrow, it isn't like the recoil of a powerful firearm. There is a large crowd of destroyers, which is expected. The light carriers are somewhat surprising, but not unexpected. The number of Essexes is quite surprising. I suspect that the custom manufacturers may find orders increasing once the Essexes return to the States. The cloud of steel AA defense is present in the Essexes, but there's something more satisfying about having a direct hand in who is targeted and when.

She is taking full advantage of the proximity, but she needs to concentrate on keeping the gun tight to her shoulder. The other difference between our weapons is I wanted maximum pattern density at range, she wanted higher dispersion. We'd tested with ordinary weapons and she preferred the Improved Cylinder while my weapon was full-choke on both barrels. An unusual arrangement on fowling pieces, typically the first was wide the second tight for a follow-up shot. Although some praised the reverse. Preferences. The same reason I didn't argue her choices. A weapon you are comfortable with is a far better performer than a superior one you loathe.

The shotshells are more controllable. We practice the fast reload drill: one barrel, second barrel, reload, and first barrel, second barrel. Firing both shot barrels at once ends up with her laying atop me some distance from the firing point.

"Now you know why I never do that," I chide as she keeps the gun pointing skyward until her shaking stops.

"I had to try," she explains. The range officer carefully takes the weapon from her, only then does a mixed force help us back to our feet. We escort her to a bench to sit and recover a bit.

"Do you need damage control parties?" I ask quietly, afraid she's injured herself.

"No," she says, and holds her head, "I just need to silence that klaxon in my bridge and recalibrate the gyrocompasses."

I put my arms around her. "Take your time," I tell her as the destroyers recover what's left of the targets.

"Johnston and Glowworm seem to have fully recovered from their ordeal," I note as she does a proper snuggle against me.

"Benefits of youth," Houshou says, "And the rescue by dad-bote. I doubt SoDak and Wash recovered as quickly."

"I was unfailingly polite," I reply.

"I'll bet you were," she tells me, and we enjoy a companionable silence as the destroyers and carriers argue who could outshoot whom. Fortunate we are at the battleship range.
How a Gentleman Deals
Sometimes my actions are not as well considered as they should be.

Sticking the H&H into an Installation Princess' open wound, and firing off not both barrels, but all three, then beating her savagely with the barrels did neither the gun nor my presence of mind any favors. In my defense, seeing what she had so gleefully done to the Chilean destroyer had put me in a rather disturbed state of mind. While her statement on eliciting then cutting off the girl's incoherent screaming being 'specifically to break me' had the desired effect. I simply broke in a way she was not prepared to deal with. The girl wasn't technically one of `mine`, but there is the principle of the thing.

That hadn't resulted in my current deplorable condition. Taking on her two Demon Flagship leftenents with just my bare hands, bloody stupid thing to do, had been a statement I thought needed to be made.

I turn to the terrified Abyssal heavy cruiser. "I'm going to let you live," I say as I tap her on the head with the trifle warped barrels of my drilling, causing her to rather obviously wet herself, "So you can tell everyone what happened here." The Abyssal takes the hint and the dubious mercy, and races away.

I take a few moments, vaguely wishing for a decent cuppa, as I survey the results. The installation is dead, I hope, no one should have to live through those injuries. It's a bit of a walk to verify all the major pieces of both demons have succumbed, although the separation should have made that a foregone conclusion. Still, check. The three light and four heavy cruisers are confusing. I don't remember fighting them. But the throat bruises on the separated head and spine match my left hand. The holes through the face of another match the battered drilling's new cross section. I check my boots to verify the dents in another cruiser's vitals came from there. Naval gunfire seems to have dealt with the others, so I hadn't completely lost the plot during the fight.

"It seems I lost my temper," I say, hardly an excuse for such carnage, I hope the history books clean it up. My crew begin reporting in the numerous damage control efforts currently going on. They seem oddly reticent and fearful for some reason.

Lads, the times I've so much as raised my voice to those on my side can be counted on one hand, I tell them. The reports come in more smartly as I pick up the broken ship-girl, more like a porcelain doll than a once-living being. Her boilers are cold. Her breath has stopped. We can return her to Chile in hopes she can rest, rather than rise as an Abyssal.

The walk to the shoreline sees the shakes start, and I fail to stumble only due to my duty to the girl. Several of the Yokosuka destroyers arrive, but a severe fog seems to have rolled in, dimming vision and chilling the air terribly.

"You should be wearing your coats in this weather," I tell them, I don't really hear any replies.

Yamato approached the beach where the destroyers had called from. She shaded her eyes from the glare of the sand. She'd rarely heard them so upset after a battle had been won. Musashi was at her side as she came ashore. The ashen look on Tenryuu's face told the battleships much of what they needed to know.

"We were too late," Tenryuu said, "But he took care of them. Portland is taking the body back."

Yamato was curious about the whole, 'took care of them', it was an Installation with two Flagship Demons. She, her sister and the four Iowas were assumed to be what would 'take care of them'. She set that aside as she looked at the destroyers who were trying to get Howe to sit down, but he politely though firmly seemed intent on heading home. It was obvious he was in no condition to go to sea, let alone the entire distance to Yokosuka.

"The recall signal was given," Howe said in a slurred tone. He looked around as if trying to sight the destroyers who were standing directly in front of and beside him. "Have to follow orders."

The destroyers looked over to the battleships for assistance as Howe was simply too big for them to stop, and while their hand-to-hand training and numbers might have prevailed, he was too badly hurt for them to countenance raising their hands against him.

Besides, she thought, He's dad-bote. They really don't like to see him this hurt.

"He's in shock, and he's not really listening," Hibiki told them as she approached, "Can't we get the support ship to pick him up?"

"It can't get in this close," Musashi said, "And getting over the reef precludes a raft."

"We have to keep him warm," Hibiki said, "He's freezing." She rushed over and took his hand, he pulled it loose and patted her head, for once headpats weren't going to solve this.

"We can carry him," Musashi suggested, "But the heat, it'll be, uh, intimate."

Yamato blushed at that but nodded. The destroyers had managed to get him to sit down somehow, he still looked around suspiciously.

The pair cradled him as they lifted him, and pressed in close.

"Houshou," he murmured, and tried to slip away.

"Her orders, patrone," Lupo said.

He frowned, but settled. He was as cold as the destroyers had said. No one quite knew how to handle a warship that had been hurt that badly. "You're going into shock," Yamato said.

Surprisingly lucidly, Howe said, "Been in shock for a while. Bad for morale to show it."

Musashi grimaced, clearly thinking Howe stoicism sometimes went too far.

The pair carried him out into the lagoon and headed for a point in the reef they could climb over, the destroyers raced ahead as pathfinders.

With none around Yamato whispered, "It's also bad to hide it completely, or the rumor mill will provide the worst possible answers."

"Noted," Howe said.

"You'll get a bo soon enough," Howe said lightly, "Although too many of you are too shy, when you want someone to come on strong. Look at Musashi and Haruna, the shy glances and drinking to raise your courage didn't help."

Musashi's skin darkened immediately and she didn't have to order her crew to increase her surface heat.

"Got my crew a couple of smartphones with unlimited data plans. Yes, I have to police them closely, but fighting the 'he must be offended by being a ship-girl' war, tossers, better to have the crew do that. Yeah, they have to wheel them around on frames like a giant blackboard, and a couple of microsds of Howe-pron are a small cost to pay. But it lets me do intelligence on a much wider scale."

While Yamato was horrified, she was also fascinated by the semi-delirious rambling.

He smiled at Yamato. "There are numerous forums discussing doing this and that to various ship-girls. Intelligence work is nary as clean as it is wished, gentlemen don't read each others' mail. Balderdash. Perfidious Albion is a meme from before the internet. Iron Mountain in a spanking forum, rated ten most spankable and most be be spanked by. Alas, of we three, Musashi and I failed to make the grade on the former, but Yamato was second on both lists, on the latter behind myself. Behind, spankable, jolly good that. But Houshou has my - heart."

It took all she had not to drop Howe in the drink.

"It took some digging, code breaking used to be about being widely educated, to get nuance and meaning. Now it is deciphering. But some of the crew has gotten hacking between their teeth and are running with it. It seems Iron Mountain is a ship-girl, and her nom de amour is not as obscure as she thinks. So, telling her won't work, she's 'show me' kind of girl." Howe laughed, loud and long.

While it heartened the destroyers, the two battleships were mortified.

The repair ship's ramp was a bit of a climb, but the two Yamato-class had to wait as the four Iowas brought New Jersey aboard. While sea water poured out of numerous wounds on her legs, a gurney was positioned to collect her. A short way down the corridor, a pharmacist mate stood by with a wheelchair for Howe.

Jersey was fussing that she could walk. The other three were trying to lift her onto the gurney.

"Jersey," Howe said, "If Eastman and Laird teamed up with Chef Boyardee would the product be Pasturtles or Spaghetninjas?"

The utter confusion that gripped her, displayed on New Jersey's face, let the other three load her on without trouble. Musashi pulled the wheelchair close so Howe could sit in it. He didn't seem to be as combative as New Jersey had been about being a patient.

She was looking at Portland coming down the corridor when she heard the smack. Missouri was absolutely livid, fist raised ready to beat down Howe, but Howe, half in-half-out of the wheelchair with trembling arms was staring at Yamato with the perfect 'Dafaq?' expression. Yamato was covering her mouth with both hands.

"When I suggested transferring the interest of Iron Mountain," Howe said as he dropped into the chair, his arms dangling like limp noodles beside him. Missouri had gone from livid to white as a sheet. "I had envisagaded, thought of another manner."

He looked up at Missouri. "I believe by schoolyard rules an equivalent blow may be landed, no harm, no fouls," Howe said.

Suddenly Musashi was not the darkest-skinned ship-girl in the corridor.

Missouri grabbed Yamato's hand and marched her past Portland and deeper into the ship.

"What just happened?" Iowa asked and she looked at the others.

"I think I've got seawater in my boiler feed oil. Boiler feed oil, sounds like what you've give them to make boilers grow up big and strong. Fuel bunkers! Yes, seawater in my fuel bunkers, makes one see things," Howe said.

"Are you all right?" Wisconsin asked.

"Of course not," Howe insisted, "I'm English and nobody will give me a bloody cuppa. Peritonitis. Let the damned parrot get his own tea!"

The Iowas decided not to argue and headed towards the repair baths. Musashi pushed Howe's chair after them, but took Howe to a different bath. "So, what was that?" she asked. There was an engine hoist arrangement but Howe simply climbed up and over into the bath.

"Kongo is bongo because she takes the aggressor's role. Ashigara can't secure a relationship because what she wants and what she hunts are two separate things," Howe said.

Missouri stormed in, her face livid again. She slapped Howe across the face and turned to march away.

"Let the destroyers plan the date," Howe said, "If they love you, they have a flair for it."

Missouri had frozen for a moment, now she marched out and slammed the door behind her.

"I deserved that," Howe said as he settled into the bath.

Musashi decided she didn't want to know what happened.

Wisconsin and Iowa arrived in the mobile bath. Houshou was snuggled around Howe who seemed to be almost back to normal.

"You're going to get in a lot of trouble," Iowa said.

"Excellent, no medal for killing an Installation, tearing two Flagship Demons into pieces, and killing seven cruisers. Not my proudest moment," Howe said quietly.

Neither battleship understood and their expression showed that.

"It wasn't military strategy, it was pure rage, an unhinged barbarism that I really do not wish commemorated," Howe explained.

"So you planned this?" Iowa said, "She showed us the forum post."

"Hardly, Yamato fulfilled your sister's fantasy, not I," Howe said, "You have my sincere sympathies for looking into such. It must have been embarrassing for all four of you, if New Jersey's laughter the other night was any indication."

"We mean you could get in trouble," Wisconsin said.

"Has Yamato reported it, has Missouri?" Howe said, "I've become quite expert in dealing with those who will be offended for those who take no offense. As I understand, there will be shopping for outfits, dinner and dancing. And at that point, the pair will need every cyberwarrior worth their salt to put up a defense against the stupidity that will descend on the ultimate Japanese battleship dating where Japan signed the instruments of surrender. And my crew are very salty."

"You don't understand. Things aren't like they were in the 1940's," Iowa said.

"Or in the 1910's," Howe replied, "I will judge success on the success of the date, and if the chain of command comes for me. What exactly do you think I am guilty of?"

The Wisconsin and Iowa looked at each other as if afraid to put it into words.

"Did you really slap Missouri's ass with Yamato's hand?" Houshou asked sleepily.

"There is no proof, perhaps I clouded her mind with my mental powers," Howe said.

"Darth Howe," Houshou said, set her head on his shoulder and returned to sleep.

"Better than Darth Bates," Howe said, "Your hypothesis is that I took Yamato's hand and directed its impact on Missouri. I have an alternate theory, what if I simply talked to Yamato, made her curious if her target was as hard as STS steel or as yielding as finger Jell-O. Maybe I suggested that if I were with her when the overture was made, that everyone would assume that I was to blame, and she could be so forward and would lose no face. Not even with me for I was the matchmaker. And Missouri slapping me was a way to eliminate Yamato from even the whiff of scandal. But while the action could be laid at my feet, she must take it on her own to break her reticence over her knee.

"The Yamato Nadeshiko is not an 'I'm getting the vapors' lady, but a wildflower knowing soft power and using it ruthlessly if needed. I may have forged the blade, but with me lowering myself into the wheelchair, like a master of the sword, Yamato struck the blow of perfect timing. Logic says it had to have been I. Physical circumstances say it couldn't have been. And in that ambiguity, things finally proceed."

The two Iowas shook their heads at the situation. "You aren't the least bit worried?" Wisconsin said.

"Not when I have a counterattack," Howe said, "Cancel culture only works if they make you afraid, and you can't turn it back on them. If Yamato or Missouri demand it, I've already drafted an apology, but neither have, as I understand it, there's been a great deal of talking, and discussions over the destroyers' heads. That implies they are embarrassed but are enjoying the revelation. If they throw me out, I can always join the Air Force."

"So Yamato did it all," Wisconsin said.

"No, merely a theory. Musashi was there as well, and frankly, New Jersey could have acted, she had the range and the target was exposed to her as well," Howe said.

"So what really happened!?" Iowa demanded.

"Softly," Howe growled as Houshou shifted, "Ambiguity is what happened, and unless you want me to blame New Jersey, you'll drop the matter. After all, only I and Yamato actually saw what happened, Missouri only felt it, and New Jersey's crude humor would make her as likely a candidate as I am. Yamato's hand made the contact, what drove it, I leave to speculation. But I will defend my plans, Perfidious Albion is a thing after all." He grinned. "Or I can say I saw you do it. I was rather loopy at the time after all."

Missouri had helped New Jersey off to the baths, then she sought me out. My healing had gone far better than her sistership's. I gave Houshou the credit, reminding the repair crews what we were fighting for. The hot springs are only a week away.

"Can I talk to you?" Missouri asks as she approaches myself and Houshou.

"Can you? You were among the silent brigade for so long I thought you'd taken monastic vows. I have no secrets from Houshou," I say.

She looks around, then realizes Houshou won't 'take the hint'. "Why?" she asks.

"What, the longing looks, the little sighs, the loneliness? I was ostracized, by you and others, for months, and it turns out the defect was not remotely my own, it was your cowardice. Then you wonder why I loathe the 'oh will they or won't they' bilge that you all seem to marinate yourselves in like pigs in swill." I felt Houshou's grip slightly tighten on my hand. I turn and smile at her, then lighten my tone. "So I saw the volleyed exchanges and I acted."

"Did it have to be," Missouri asks and looks behind her, "That?"

"Would anything less have worked as quickly?" I ask.

"Then why did you say what you said after I slapped you?" Missouri asks.

Now I tighten my grip on Houshou's hand. The message goes both ways.

Instead I take on the most supercilious twit accent. "You Colonials simply don't understand even the basis of cunning subtly, that one serves the Glorious Empire, God Defend the Right, and God Save the Queen, and its greater good, not one's own picayune wobblies. Or the slings and arrows of, ahem, trivial trivialities."

Missouri sighs and shakes her head.

"Don't think you're special about this," Howe said, "My reach extends to the far side of the Earth and beyond."

Missouri stares. "What does that mean?"

Despite her and Houshou's searching looks I keep silent. Houshou knows, but at the moment she doesn't know that she knows.
Only found this today and have just caught up. I'm loving Howe as a character and the contrast of proper gentleman and chaotic ship girls has been fun to witness. Look forward to more of this.
On one hand, a harem made up of all the capital ships would be fun. On the other, smaller relationships that can actually be built and developed are much better for story development.
How a Gentleman Deals Part 2
Hood raised her eyes but not her chin from the intricate wood grain of the table and wondering at the whorls and width, of what each meant in the life of the tree that had provided the table. Among the five empty glasses, she saw another. She normally stopped at five gin and tonics. But after hearing about the latest triumph, she might have ordered a sixth, she didn't remember.

She wasn't so far gone that she couldn't reach the glass and bring it to her lips as she sat up. She was far enough gone to miss the flavor of electrified paint thinner until she'd drained half the glass.

"Gackahhh!" she said as she set the glass down.

"You can't get good wodka here," Gangut said as she threw back a tumbler of the same stuff and refilled her and Hood's glass.

"Gangut? When did you get here?" Hood asked as she searched the empty gin and tonic glasses for any liquid left in them to get the taste out of her mouth. They were all dry. "The Yanks and their ice in everything, I guess it does serve a purpose."

"I, sometime in the middle of, 'Captain, better than me. What have I done?' Implying accomplishments lacking, and 'What have I done?' implying actions regretted." The Russian battleship threw back the tumbler. "Ahhh! But it tastes like bad mineral spirits, good wodka should taste like dry-cleaning fluid. Your mistake is drinking these and calling them medicine. You need quinine in the tropics, not in London, and if you were Russian, you'd drink the quinine and take your tipple straight. You want flavor, drink American sodas."

"So Russians drink just to get drunk." Hood looked at the glass dubiously.

"Ha!" Gangut threw back the tumbler. "Ahh! Nyet, a Russian drinks to become more Russian!"

Hood tried to duplicate Gangut's technique, and was certain she'd snuffled out her boilers, and still set her engine room on fire. She couldn't even cough.

"You are sitting here, alone, pretty Hood, terror of the Kriegsmarine, and why?" Gangut asked, "Because you were stupid. It happens."

Hood stared at Gangut in horror, but the Russian continued, "You are alive, so you do all things, clever and stupid, and those that look as one but are the other. Now you think everyone hates you. HA!" Gangut said and threw back another tumbler of vodka, "Now, most Englanders cannot be true friends, but warships, yes they maybe. So, the question is, do you wish to continue being stupid, or do you go to your friends and say 'I was stupid, can you help me be less stupid in the future.' All it requires is you doing the same." Gangut stood up and leaned over the table. Her breath nearly constituted a flash fire hazard. "No one hates you as much as you hate you, they have seen that, they want you to let them love you again. So Gangut was on his way to the Med., so he stops to know where are all the British fishing boats, and maybe get an escort of Japanese torpedo boats." She whispered the next, "They'll be there anyway, we all know that."

Hood could only stare at Gangut as she walked deeper into the club. Hood put her forehead on the table and wondered if she'd offended St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick.

"So, since 'Mighty 'ood' never uses her H," she heard Gangut's voice, "She gives it to you on 99-year lease, then you can finally spell your name right."

If I seem I've passed out, Hood wondered, Will she leave?

"Wales isn't spelled with an 'H'," Prince of Wales said archly.

Hood's eyes shot open but she kept her head on the table.

"Wha?" Gangut announced in horror, "You mean KGV An-son isn't a law firm? I've been bamboozled?"

"Yes, you've been bamboozled," the fourth of the King George the Fifth class explained patiently, one of the reasons the battlecruiser of the same name had been seconded to the JMSDF.

"Ah! Hood, with a candle stick in the conservatory, and people say Russians don't have Clue," Gangut said.

Hood found herself pulled upright and Gangut's hand clamped on her jaw. While she stared in horror at the four KGV's, and Suffolk and Norfolk. It was worse when Gangut moved her jaw and she heard her own voice saying. " 'I was stupid, please my loyal friends will you help me be less stupid in the future.'"

Gangut set down the glass of water she'd been drinking while the speech was made and carefully set Hood back face down on the table.

"It must be a hard thing to say such, but Gangut was glad to be here to hear it," the battleship said. Hood sat up on her own.

"Russian sense of subtlety," battleship Howe said as she massaged her forehead.

"Da, you must be very sneaking to be so obvious. She couldn't say it, now it's been said." A hand clamped on Hood's shoulder. "Now she will say it for real."

Hood wasn't quite sure if it was a threat or a drill instructor to a raw recruit. She looked at the four battleships and two cruisers, and noted that the entire club seemed to have gone silent.

"In your own time," Gangut said, "But it will happen, tonight."

Missouri reels back as if I had hit her. Houshou buries her face in my side to hide her laughter. "Gangut has admired Hood for a while, and was willing to 'do me a solid' to get her back on the right track," I say, "Once she got started, Hood gave an apology that brought the house down. Even Gangut was part of the group hug. So I solve problems, even those I had a hand in, but you and Yamato, it's clear all you needed was a push."

"Especially from behind." Houshou manages to suppress her laughs down to quirking smiles and she looks at Missouri. "If you don't mind, I'd like to put him to bed. We are going to a hot springs soon."

Missouri numbly nods and turns away like a ship on autopilot.

"So Gangut and Hood are dating?" Houshou asks quietly.

"They're further along on their relationship than we are," I admit, "Apologies, perhaps I hate in others weakness I see in myself."

"Well, if I haven't been signaling 'slow ahead' I haven't made my desires clear. Both of us can enjoy the anticipation, and just cuddling. You're like a big destroyer in that regard." She laughs. "And your idea of what fair fighting odds are."

"Touche," I admit, "I will have to send the drilling back to H&H for a refurbishment."

"Well, Chesty Puller, on seeing a flamethrower asked where to put the bayonet, perhaps that might be a question to apply to them."

I nod.

Missouri was still in a bit of a daze when she arrived back at the Iowas' temporary quarters. New Jersey's hail broke her out of her funk.

"You might want to bone up on Naruto," New Jersey said.

"Why?" she asked.

"It seems one of the forum posters you enjoy arguing ship-girls with, Tenzoo Konoha-nin, well I looked it up on a Naruto wiki," New Jersey said in subdued tones.

Missouri walked over and looked at the entry. "Oh no."

"Something else to talk about," Iowa offered.

"I thought Tenzoo was a man!" Missouri insisted.

Houshou sat on the edge of the tub and washed Howe's back. She smiled at the shorts he wore, while she still wore a one-piece swimsuit.

"You don't have to do this," he said.

"One, after a few days in the bath, and after the battle, you don't smell so good. Two, you washed out my hair," Houshou said.

"If I insist on it being long, I should at least help in the upkeep," Howe said, "Besides, I find it relaxing."

"Well, I find this relaxing, and if I chose the soap, I get to pick what you smell like in bed," Houshou said.

"Ah, good thinking," Howe said.

"This is not the right time, but, are you getting those other girls together so you must settle for me?" Houshou asked, "Getting temptation out of the way?"

"To be perfectly honest, I don't find Yamato or Missouri all that interesting. I find that Garfield the Cat explains it well: 'cute rots the intellect.' As for Hood, the Yandere and Tsundere are people needing extensive psychiatric treatment, they do not make 'cute' girl friends once you get through their defensiveness."

"Sorry, I guess I'm used to serving a purpose, and getting set aside for something newer and shinier," Houshou said.

"Then understand, no, you are not my 'ideal' but everyone who approaches that ideal, the woman who could stand beside me in line of battle, has proven a coward, insane, or both. Such a requirement is unfair to you, my armor belt alone outweighs your standard displacement. So you are what I need rather than some nebulous Glauce that later becomes a bunny-boiler when there are no wars left to fight." Howe turned and collected her into his lap. "I also want someone who is petite enough to snuggle with, yet strong enough of will and intellect to tell me when I have gone foolish, discerning enough to understand when I'm intentionally being silly and when I have started down a foolish path. Someone able to challenge me, without becoming an endless war of tit for tat."

Houshou pressed herself against him and held him tightly.

Armidale, Curtatone and Lupo were walking along the beach. The trio were going over a map of the area around the restaurant, seeking ambush points, places to be occupied to 'dissuade' paparazzi, and where to place the reserves. They'd walked the ground themselves over the last few days with several other destroyers. The 'Howe Plan', of ordering many kids meals and then concentrating on what was favored had been communicated. The place wasn't Italian, it was seafood that boasted both Japanese and more Western specialties.

The sound of weeping brought their attention around. They knew what their nations and their dad-bote would expect of them. Looking down the short sea wall they found themselves looking at a figure. The tattered sundress and disheveled black hair with the pigtail gave the impression of Ranma Saotome in mid-transition. Her tearful, miserable expression would have melted their hearts, except the blue glow of her eyes and imagining the girl wearing just a black bikini and the image of her Abyssal rigging.

"Please," the Abyssal said in soft tones, "Tell Mister Howe I told everyone I could." She burst out in sobs. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do next!"

The trio turned to look at each other, wondering what to do next.

The Ri stared at the camera, speaker and microphone set up. No human interrogator would be left alone in a room with her. The small collection of Legos(tm) before her a tell into her mental and psychiatric status. They were also too light to punch through the walls if thrown.

"We understand you don't like humans," the interrogator said from another room.

"If you all dropped dead I wouldn't mind," she replied

"Yet you knew that Mister Howe had sided with the humans," the interrogator said.

"That's not his fault!" the Abyssal screamed as she shot to her feet, "I can change him!"

The interrogator glanced over at the facepalming battlecruiser. Howe nodded. They'd discussed this, and the interrogator hadn't believed it possible.

"What if he already has a girl friend?" the interrogator asked.

The abyssal sat down, staring at the Legos, more moving them around than assembling anything, but not smashing them either. She finally said, "I guess I could share."

The sack thrown over her head forced the Abyssal awake, the hissed 'Silence!' told her that this was a test rather than an abduction. Her imagination ran wild as her expectation and terror made an exploding cocktail as someone, she knew who, threw her over his shoulder and stormed away. She could feel she was outside and smelled the sea when she was roughly set on a rock. When the bag was yanked away, she saw the face of the insipid carrier she'd ferreted out had ensnared Howe.

Then she froze as the carrier's eyes glowed purple. She looked over to Howe, whose eyes likewise showed the same purple light. She never even heard of Abyssals with purple eyes, and no ship-girl could make their eyes glow that way. She quickly bowed to the carrier. "I am sorry, I didn't know," she said, while punishment for such actions could be extreme, apologizing meant she might survive.

Howe grabbed her chin to stare at her. He blinked a long while, and when he reopened his eyes, they were indistinguishable from a ship-girl's. He turned her head to look at the carrier, who did the same, blinked long and then appeared to be a ship-girl. She was realizing just how badly she'd screwed up, and she hoped her death would be quick as Howe turned her to look at him again.

"What do the Abyssals plan once the humans are destroyed?" Howe growled.

Eager for any hope of extending her life, even a few moments, she opened her mouth to answer, and with growing despair realized she didn't know. She was sitting there waiting for the blow to fall, when the carrier asked, "How did you return so soon, aren't their other Princesses you could be warning?"

That had a simple answer. "They'd shoot me dead, before they'd listen to me." She knew what an inadequate answer that was and sought anything that would extend her life. "I returned for more orders." It was only half a lie, no Princess would accept a Ri who'd been part of that massacre, so she had nowhere else to go. Howe had shown mercy once, when he apparently needed her, he might show it again if she could make herself needed.

"Now put those two thoughts together," Howe ordered.

She trembled at the menace in his voice, but it made him beautiful beyond his physical appearance. "We would war on each other?" she offered, she was only a Ri, but that seemed the only conclusion she could draw.

"So, if we do not have the ideas that would end the war with our victory," the carrier said.

"Who else can we consult with?" Howe asked, his cruel smile made her force aside images of him beating her into submission, and doing things to her bleeding body that humans were reputed to do with ship-girls, that kept ship-girls their loyal slaves.

She covered her mouth with her hands to help stifle the scream of torture and revulsion that the obvious conclusion tried to draw from her.

"I think she gets it," the carrier said.

"The Abyss will give us the answer once we've won!" she hissed, remembering not to shout at the last moment. Her life still hung by a thread.

"You are merely a cruiser, a battlecruiser and even more an installation must plan for all eventualities, and we can't ask them once they're all dead," Howe told her.

"So, you're spies?" she asked, "Spying on the humans?"

"Of course not, hardly a chance of that, we are both perfectly normal ship-girls," Howe said and then leaned close, "Aren't we?"

She managed a nod, and to avoid peeing herself. If only he'd hit her, it would make the event perfect.

"Information is available everywhere, what we need at any rate," Howe said.

"So you will behave, you will learn all you can about human social interactions," the carrier said, "We know you hate humans, so request a group of destroyers to screen you."

"They will assume it is to protect the humans from you," Howe said, "Let them think that, encourage them to think that. Avoid investigating anything about weapons or ship systems or strategic goals or any other secrets. Those are meaningless to us. How humans live, how they have lived, and speculation about how they will live in the future, those are worthy targets."

"Also study their animal companions, and their prey animals," the carrier said, "Their social interactions, that is what we need."

"Officially we will be socializing you, if things make you uncomfortable, we will discuss it. After all, we'll need to apply it to all Abyssals," Howe said, she nodded eagerly.

"When will we discuss transmitting this?" she asked, and felt she had disappointed them both.

"We will not ever discuss it, when it is necessary it will be obvious. Once we are done here, this conversation never happened," the carrier said, "As far as they know, we are lecturing you on 'how to human', the minimum needed to survive. That is do not start any fights even if they are easily winnable, only fight to prevent your death, injuries are second to the mission."

"Understood," she said feeling more smooth seas under her keel.

"The destroyers may cuddlepile you, this is not a hostile swarming attack, but an affirmation of their bond," Howe said.

"The destroyers here are okay, they at least know ships are for fighting and killing," she said.

"Fighting and killing the enemy, right now they are sources of information," Howe said, "Do not assume. We will inform you if that changes. Until we do, it has not."

She nodded.

"You have already drawn a conclusion about other ships?" the carrier asked.

She nodded, and explained, "Yes the Kongo battlecruiser, if she continues her leaping assault on the Admiral, she will eventually catch him near a window, drive both of them through. She will likely land atop him killing or crippling him instantly."

"You don't like humans, correct," Howe asked.

She nodded. "I understand I am forbidden to hurt them." She was shocked that both Howe and the carrier were laughing.

"We never said that," the carrier told her, "You have to be subtle."

"Take what you just described, if you congratulate Kongo on her plan to assassinate the Admiral and make it look like an accident, it will hurt her," Howe said, "But you can claim ignorance, or sarcasm, once you figure out what sarcasm is. Likewise the many spies watching you will be looking for patterns. Humans have a pattern-matching intelligence. If you avoid all military intelligence, they will assume you will be seeking some deeper secret. If you go shopping, they will assume you are training for infiltration, if you cook food, they will assume you are getting ready to poison an audience. In short, by doing nothing, they will assume the worse of every action and scramble to mitigate it, losing credibility in their allies' eyes and harming themselves. And you have zero ill-intent. But are just following orders to take no offensive action, they will assume wilder and more insane possibilities."

She couldn't help but smile at that.

"All right, any questions?" the carrier asked.

"Are you both going to be beating me?" she asked and trusted she was wearing an expectant expression.

The carrier approached. "No," she said, her breath tickling the Ri's skin, "There are ways of inflicting pain from the littlest mote to screaming agony, and all without harming the flesh. Among humans, it's almost forbidden lore, but it is there." The carrier licked her ear. "I can have you screaming for the release of death a dozen times a night, and leave not a mark on you."

She was trembling with anticipation as the bag went over her head and Howe carried her onto her new life.
Dad Bote says rip and tear!
There is a grave danger in that, one Howe never expected.
On one hand, a harem made up of all the capital ships would be fun. On the other, smaller relationships that can actually be built and developed are much better for story development.
InstaHarem is boring, but when the girls get interesred in each other as well, that leads to more interesting dynamics and much more character development.
Everyone Has a Plan That Will Not Work
"She seems so sad," Akatsuki said as they watched the Abyssal move from the jail to the interrogation room.

"Da," Hibiki said, "An Abyssal's life is suffering."

"She mentioned getting beaten, was looking forward to it," Armidale said, she Lupo and Curtatone had developed a proprietary feeling for the Abyssal they had `captured`.

"Maybe she doesn't know any better," Fubuki said.

The Abyssal cruiser looked up from the ground and looked at the crowd of destroyers at the fence as she walked. The expression was a mix of confusion and expectations good and bad.

"Mister Howe and Houshou-san explained about cuddlepiles didn't they?" Hoel asked.

Lupo sneered, "Of course."

"Oh, I have an idea," Johnston said.

"Those need to come with an air raid siren," Heerman said.

"What?" Johnston said, "They always work."

"The fallout is near nuclear levels," Hoel said.

"You're just jealous, besides, no plan survives contact with the enemy," Johnston argued.

"We don't want her to be the enemy," Hibiki said, looking away as the Abyssal entered the building.

"So the enemy is the barrier and obstacles to her being our friend," Johnston countered.

"If Johnston can be friends with the IJN, anybody can be friends with the IJN," Akatsuki said, and Johnston gave her a raspberry.

"So, cuddlepile? Tickle fight? Sleep over?" Kamikaze asked.

"And, food," Johnston said, "She's probably never had any cooked food, just raw and cold cans and packages."

"Never ice cream?" Akatsuki asked nearly in tears.

"Never," Hoel said gravely, "This all sounds so reasonable, how is it going to go terribly wrong?"

"Simple," Glowworm said, "We teach her about tickling and she ambushes every capital ship on base and leaves them squealing for mercy."

"Nagato," Johnston said, "We make her cute, and send her off to tickle Nagato and Mutsu!"

"That sounds like a Johnston-level disaster," Heerman said as she facepalmed, "How can that possibly go right?"

"She could tickle Kongo in mid-Admiral charge," Akatsuki said. Which set all the destroyers laughing.

"I think we need to talk to the Admiral and Mister Howe about this," Heerman said firmly.

I stare at the extremely smug intelligence officer. "You are advising Houshou and myself not to cancel our leave?" I ask as calmly as I can, "At this juncture of bringing her around?"

"You revealed your Abyssal espionage, it'll be a good time to test it," the man said, who if he'd been English, would have had every marker of the upper-class British Twit.

Ooyodo enters, accompanied by the cacophony of a lot of destroyers trying to wait patiently in the outer office. She whispers something to the Admiral.

"Can we have one meeting here?" pseudo BT says.

I stand and lean over the table. "It's HIS meeting," I hiss at the fool, who pales noticeably and draws back.

"Arrange it with Nagato and Mutsu," the Admiral says and dismisses the bemused Ooyodo.

"Sorry," the Admiral says, all smiles saying he isn't sorry, "We'll be transferring her temporarily to your quarters, and you and Houshou should take your leave." The Admiral smiles. "Only the destroyers, light carriers and Haruna and Musashi are fully trained in the arts needed to subdue an Abyssal. I am also disturbed at her assumption that violence and pain are the only ways of expressing affection. Perhaps Abyssals or at least she is a masochist, but I want to test if the destroyers can introduce her to other forms of emotional bonding."

What are you not saying in front of Baka-Sama? What isn't he going to pick up? I wonder. The Admiral keeps the overly wound craziness of most ship-girls from exploding, I wonder what plans beyond the cuddlepile someone cooked up that includes Nagato and Mutsu. He'd never sacrifice one of his aides, and definitely not his chief strategist.

The loud hoorah from the outer office tells me exactly whose plan it is, and that Nagato and Mutsu are going to be running herd on it. Before I leave, I'm going to remind Armidale, Lupo and Curtatone that keeping the girl safe, especially from herself, is their number one priority.

The Ri left the interrogation chamber, she felt drained trying to understand half the questions, let alone trying to answer them. She did her duty, filed the questions away to understand why some humans were so interested in certain nonmilitary subjects.

She hadn't understood the weird noises coming over the speaker when she'd described the disciplinary process after a 'less than successful' operation. She was still here, she'd survived them, why did the conversation come to a pause after she explained it? She hadn't been able to get any response save the weird noises as a response to her questions if she should continue.

The trio who'd found her that first day, and several other destroyers had collected her.

"They're sending Mister Howe and Houshou-san on their leave, so we're going to look after you," Armidale said.

This confused her, but she was under orders. "Don't worry, you'll be staying in his room, so you can keep an eye on his stuff."

The destroyer behind her ran into her as she came to a crash stop. If she'd been caught in a Princess' private quarters for anything except special discipline, she'd have gotten special discipline. Maybe Flagship Demons might have had less painful encounters, but being there when he wasn't?!

"You have to learn about human stuff, and his place is pretty Spartan," Lupo said as she and Curtatone pulled her forward. "If you think we're trying to trick you, he'll be there and you can ask him directly."

Okay, she thought, I need to study his room, gather intelligence and use this as an opportunity. She relaxed and began walking forward, but the pair didn't relax their gentle grip on her hands. She didn't understand why her enemies tried to explain things first. It seemed counterintuitive that you didn't order and punish. This system makes no sense, she thought and then like a thunderbolt another idea arrived, That's why they're studying it, that's why they've told me you study and accept! I'm not trying to be a ship-girl. I can be the test case for the other Abyssals. But these ship-girls have to have a way to create a hierarchy, they have to have a way to assert their dominance. If not by fighting, how? Howe, how, is that why he chose that name, as a hidden offensive gesture at all the stupid humans around him? Clever.

She followed them to the destroyer dorms. She answered their questions, filing them away for later analysis, but she asked a few questions of her own, and unlike the interrogators, she got answers.

"No, Patrone Howe never hit us," Lupo said, "But his disappointed look, your soul flayed open and left before a blast furnace." She shivered. "Never again."

She nodded, she'd felt his gaze and felt her own systems acting like she'd gotten a load of contaminated fuel, hot and cold racing through her.

"He has that power because he's secretly an Abyssal Installation," she said knowing it was at least partially a lie and a partial lie hid the truth behind it better than a lie did. Besides, no mere Installation had purple eyes.

The entire destroyer force had come to a complete halt and was staring at her.

"You, you told a joke!" Armidale stammered.

She covered her mouth. "You mean he hasn't told you?" she asked, then screamed, "Oh no I've blown his cover!"

The destroyers all began laughing. But there was something wrong with the laughter, unnatural. As if they weren't planning to punish her for fooling them. It was disturbing in ways she couldn't explain. No one slapped her or cursed her out for `defaming` their idol. She began understanding more how many different ways there were to interact. Maybe she'd have the authority to save some of these destroyers when humanity was wiped from the planet.

The basement room seemed to be part of Howe's entire persona, accepting of the insanity and using it to ferret out more secrets. The destroyers were less guarded than capital ships, and they often had questions that would assist in his intelligence gathering. It was brilliant, and she realized by placing her in his quarters, perhaps she could tap into that cycle as well. Her assumption of Howe's and Houshou's cleverness rose by leaps and bounds.

Entering a room only lit by a few destroyers carrying candles suddenly had her back on uncomfortably familiar ground.

"What is with you all and candles?!" Heerman roared, but rather than wading in, fists and guns flying, she stared at the other destroyers. They all said 'aww', and began extinguishing the candles.

"Wait!" another destroyer shouted, "Don't open the curtains yet." She approached with a candle. "Heerman, keep her hair out of the way."

She felt one of the destroyers gently collect her hair and tug on it, not even hard enough to pull it out. The destroyer moved the candle across her face, careful not to burn her. "That's just weird," the destroyer breathed as many other destroyers crowded close to stare at her. "Give me a hand lamp." She carefully handed the candle to another and with an electric lamp, she repeated her moving the light across her face. The destroyers' faces showed a mix of curiosity and amazement.

"That's just weird," the destroyer said.

"What?" the Ri asked.

"Watch," the destroyer shone the electric light on her palm, it was well illuminated, "But the candle." She shut off the lamp and held the candle near the outstretched palm. It remained in darkness, but the back of her hand glowed as if they were illuminated by the candle.

She understood the amazement of the destroyers, then as the curtains were pulled back, she saw that Howe and Houshou equally enmeshed in the bizarre situation.

"I agree, that's weird," Howe said.

The books were scattered around the floor, along with large pillows and the destroyers lounging on them and the Ri-class couldn't imagine why it was so important. She vaguely wondered if Mister Howe and Houshou-san were watching from a distance to verify she was following their orders. The destroyers were going over the books, lists gleaned from the books, and then more research.

"How about Riki Tiki Tavi?" Glowworm asked, and every destroyer in range walloped her with their pillows before settling back on them and continuing the research.

They are as quick to violence as Abyssals, but the violence is strangely muted, she thought and added that to a long list of confusing things about ship-girls.

Wait a moment, she thought, Howe and Houshou are Abyssal infiltrators, yet 'perfectly ordinary ship-girls'. How many of these are actually Abyssal infiltrators? Are most ship-girls, are all? The violent become the battleline while the infiltrators squeeze all they can from the humans while seeming their staunch allies, but betrayal comes easily for Abyssals who sense weakness in their leaders, so they will bide their time until they have what they want, then they'll be in a perfect position to go from loyal servants to undisputed overlords in an instant.

How do I discover if these are infiltrators, do they have a special recognition signal, she wondered, Of course they wouldn't tell me, the interrogators might get it, idiot. But wouldn't it be worse if the small cells of infiltrators were working away never knowing how many around them are on the same side. Yes, that would prove the Abyss is running things, set the infiltrators against each other potentially. She massaged her brow. Yes that would be typical, she thought, Most Demons and Princesses are violent as their first and second option. They'd despise the infiltrators for not jumping in ill-prepared and grabbing more than they could ever hold.

"What about Rita?" Heerman said.

"Ri-class, you want to grow up to be a fast battleship?" Armidale asked.

"I guess," she replied honestly.

"That one -" Armidale began.

"Got it," Hoel said.

She shook her head and continued to wonder how the world was really divided up and aligned, versus how she'd been told it was.

Four of my bootnecks hold the pilot. The recon plane had flown low through the cloud cover, and Houshou had taken it with an instinctive wing shot. The place offered shooting, another reason I'd picked it, although I doubt they meant in the parking lot. The pilot was captured and turned out was from Kaga, Houshou had decided to put a foot down hard on that behavior.

"Des, des, des," the pilot pleas/explains to Houshou, and her air commanders who stood a distance away with their backs to the fairy.

My captain approaches, in full dress whites as are all of Houshou's officers. The fairy notes the sword at his side and steels himself. But he misses the scissors. The captain cuts the pilot's insignia off the fairy's flight suit.

"Des! Des, Des. DES! Des, desu, des, desu desu!" the pilot shouts, and it takes all four bootnecks to hold him in place.

My captain carries the insignia back to Houshou's captain, who glances at it, then looks at the ground. The thing which had been carried with a certain reverence is dropped on the ground. Houshou's captain steps on it and grinds his heel.

"DES!" Kaga's fairy screeches.

The commander of Houshou's airwing, his deputy, each squadron commander, their deputies, the head of aircraft maintenance, aircraft armorer, and their deputies all perform the ritual, grinding their heel on the insignia, never looking at the pilot and then stepping into Houshou. Kaga's fairy's protests are replaced by weeping, and the poor pilot is hanging from the bootnecks' grips by the time it's half over.

Once the last of the air group's leadership has completed the action, Kaga's fairy tries to speak with Houshou. "Des, des, desu, des des desu des des," he explains. Houshou doesn't turn to face him, instead she just grabs our suitcases and marches to the inn.

Another section of my bootnecks approaches the captain. He gestures to the battered insignia. The sergeant signals to the corporal, who signals to the UXB tech, who produces the smallest zipper-top bag, still large to the fairy, and collects the battered cloth like you'd pick up a dog turd, then the section joins the other, they add a drummer and a piper and march the Fairy and his insignia off in the direction of Kaga's last known location. The poor fairy blubbering the whole way.

I send off a message to all the Yokosuka destroyers about Kaga's little game, and that her pilots are to be returned to her without the typical `ransom` of ice cream. I apologize for the inconvenience to them, and encourage discussions about this around other carriers. Free ranging discussions.
Revelations and Romance
The Ri had watched the argument between Lupo and Johnston build over a couple of hours. She didn't fully understand the details or basis of the argument, but it had finally boiled over when Lupo marched over and tackled Johnston. That much the Ri understood perfectly, an overly passionate lighter ship was going to get its head caved in by a larger ship. She quickly verified that they wouldn't destroy any of Mister How's belongings, then settled back to watch.

But the expected wasn't happening, the smaller ship darted in and landed blows that shouldn't have affected Johnston at all. Except, Lupo soon had Johnston squealing, writhing on the floor and unable to defend herself properly. And all the other destroyers just sat around and watched, shouted bad advice to Johnston, or reminded Lupo of Johnston's weaknesses. It was exactly as vicious as an Abyssal fleet watching a smaller ship getting a beat down, but the smaller ship was winning, and the losing ship was not accumulating damage or losing pieces.

Satisfied she'd asserted dominance, not only over Johnston, but Johnston's faction, Lupo stepped away, and left the panting destroyer behind on the floor. You aren't going for the kill? the Ri wondered, Or was this strictly a dominance fight? None of it made sense.

Lupo and Curtatone pulled Mister Howe's mattress off the bed and set it next to Johnston, the fallen destroyer rolled away and stood up, apparently unharmed despite being bested by the smaller ship. She received some teasing about taking on 'the Pasta-Munching Spider Monkey' but that was all.

Armidale guided the Ri over to the mattress.

"That's Mister Howe's," she protested as they tried to guide her onto it.

"It's one of several, and it's not like other ship-girls haven't slept on it. We had to threaten the subs to quit stealing his blankets," Curtatone said.

She felt nervous as she laid down. She couldn't get the image of an entire fleet beating one Abyssal to death out of her head. She'd participated, because she hated the tattletale screw-up, and she didn't want to be next.

Heerman moved everyone back, leaving the Ri alone on the mattress with Fubuki. "We will now teach you the secret art of destroyer combat," Heerman said, "Fubuki is our most skilled in the art, while not our best combatant."

Fubuki blushed, then touched the Ri's side. Her reaction was electric, the Ri squirmed out of the way and examined the area, had her imps check for damage and ground-fault isolation in the area. The grinning faces surrounding her told her that she'd been revealed to have a massive weakness to people eager to exploit it. Armidale and Curtatone were more insistent in getting her back on the mattress, but she wouldn't lie down, she knelt.

It didn't help, Fubuki hit several areas that should not have been weak points, not in her armor scheme, not in critical systems near the point struck, but they were to this attack. She was soon laying on the mattress squirming and squealing as Johnston had. Suddenly her helplessness became like blood in the water to sharks and the entire group descended on her.

Did they find me out? she wondered.

They set the fairy atop the plastic bag, the piper mercifully stopped torturing the sack of cats he carried.

"Deswot, deswot, deswot," the squad leader of Howe's marine patrol told Kaga, his Japanese was poor but intelligible. The bagpiper started doing hideous things to cats and music again and the group marched away, leaving the kneeling pilot on the bag behind.

Fine, Kaga thought, Dishonor on me, and my family I can understand, but why dishonor on my cow?

Vestal and Akashi listened intently to the Abyssal laid on a mattress in the middle of Howe's room. They removed their stethoscopes from the Abyssal's belly, nodded to each other, then told the assembled destroyers and Unryu, "She's still alive."

"You didn't kill her," Akashi said, "She's just kind of stopped. What did you do?"

The destroyers exchanged nervous glances before Heerman and Fubuki said, "Tickled her." They looked at each other, Fubuki nodded to Heerman.

"We just tickled her," Heerman said.

" 'We'," Vestal said and raised an eyebrow, not a question, a polite demand for clarification.

"Fubuki started," Heerman said, "And when she started squeaking that way, Lupo and Curtatone sort of joined in, and since she was so ticklish so many places . . . " Heerman bowed her head. "We didn't think we'd hurt her, ma'am."

"She's just in a bit of a shock," Akashi said, "I'd guess she's in a reboot like a computer. Did any destroyer not participate?" Johnston's, Armidale's and Hibiki's hands went up. "Really?"

"Never got the chance," Armidale said, the other two sheepishly nodded.

"Okay, you three and Fluffy -" Vestal paused as Unryu gave her a raspberry, which just made her smile, "Get to cuddle her. I don't think she needs the warmth, but she needs the neutral touch, not hitting her, not tickling or stroking. Just cuddle with her until she is able to get up on her own."

"Ah, I have the duty," Hibiki said.

"I'll fix it with the Admiral," Akashi said, "In your state, you'd go looking for another to capture."

"That's right! Hoppo! She's got to be ticklish," Johnston said.

"Maybe they'll send Kaga on that mission." Heerman grumbled.

"Her!? Tickle?" Glowworm said, "Give me a break. Admiral Hipper would have better luck tickling me."

"Where is Kaga anyway?" Vestal asked Akashi, "She, Hornet and Zuikaku signed out cars, and I was supposed to check how Hornet suddenly manifested B-25's."

Akashi shrugged.

Houshou broke off the long kiss and moved through the hot mineral water to sit on a rock a foot or two from Howe. Normally this pool was roped off as too hot for safety, but the two ship-girls weathered it just fine. So they'd be the first and only ones to use it since the spa opened.

"I should accuse you of lying that it was your first," Houshou said.

"I could say the same, but our crews are not the novices we are," Howe replied as he floated languidly in the water.

"If that's a novice, and Archbishop's would be murder," Houshou said, vaguely jealous of Howe's slightly more relaxed state. She was boiling for more.

"Don't let Kaga's stupidity ruin your leave," Howe said.

"I'm not letting it `ruin` anything, I'm channeling it to jump you the moment you're back to battery," Houshou said.

"So Zuikaku slipped you a backup cell in case I was a monster who stole yours," Howe said.

"To be fair, she only said I should have a back up. People drop their cells in water all the time, and the back up has a good camera that takes movies," Houshou said and waggled her eyebrows at Howe, "Hornet said she was standing by if I needed a ride, an airstrike, or to brag to someone about my new ring."

"They were just looking out for you. Should I text her for the ride, and be standing out there in only my shorts whining that you're insatiable?" Howe asked.

Houshou swam the short distance to him. "Yes, later."

The Ri drifted, the sea was as dark as the ocean in a storm, but featureless and smooth as glass. She lay on the water rather than standing on it or swimming beneath it. She heard the activity of her crew and machinery, but nothing else.

And she was content. Not the elation of a victory, or the vague satisfaction that more powerful ships had found someone else as entertainment. She was content, and she wasn't sure how she felt about that.

They had seen her vulnerable, attacked in mass, and while she had desperately wanted it to stop, she hadn't been hurt, there was no damage done, save moving her to the bottom of the hierarchy, a position that a prisoner like her already inhabited. They'd shown her that the technique worked on them as well, maybe even on capital ships. It would be useless in a sea battle, no one would let an enemy get that close, but what had so excited her about Howe, his intimate and expressive violence on the others. She envied them at the time, now she knew he could have done what the destroyers had done to her when they were alone. She wasn't sure if she was eager, terrified, both, jealous that he was likely doing that with Houshou right now, she didn't know.

Was it a test, she wondered as she floated, To see if I'd return? It's a good way to `fight` to establish dominance and hierarchies. Lupo proved she could beat Johnston, a much bigger and fiercer girl, but in the allowed fighting style, Johnston lost handily. So what does that mean? That there are different hierarchies? That Johnston by size and experience commands at sea, but loses that when ashore? That there're different hierarchies for every task? How does that work?

Her thoughts kept drifting back to Howe and Houshou. They hadn't demanded anything from her except learn. They'd told her that other ship-girls had shared Howe's bed, had Houshou? She'd heard rumors of odd rituals, mysterious rites that humans, males and females inflicted on ship-girls that coffled them as eternal slaves to the humans. Not rebellious, treacherous as Abyssals were, but eager. Kongo's ridiculous behavior was one example. Was what the destroyers used on her part of it, did Howe and Houshou know more? Was there a way to feel utterly helpless, yet be completely safe?

She wondered about a Ru-class who while not exactly nice, didn't go looking for fights and was usually the one you could talk to. She wasn't brilliant, but was a steady and deep thinker.

Could I defeat her this way, and then present her as another captive, while she knew we were both spies? the Ri thought, Is that even possible? Wouldn't that be funny if at the moment of the humans' triumph, most of their `loyal` ship-girls turned on them? She laughed at that.

Did she survive? the Ri wondered, If she did, could I break away long enough to catch her? Should I bring, say Lupo with, she could help and she's among the best if the way she beat Johnston is any indication. Yes, that would make it easier to explain. To the interrogators I brought them another Abyssal, to the destroyers I rescued a friend. To Mister Howe and Houshou-san another set of eyes, and a deep thinker. Yes, perfect. It works, and if it doesn't we can think of something. I even know her favorite fishing spot. Grab Lupo, race out there, show her, then come back. Yes, perfect.

She went over the lists of questions she needed to ask, but the idea that this was an acceptable form of combat, and that it worked on capital ships kept bubbling up in her mind.

I'm pledged not to start a fight that doesn't protect my life, but that really isn't fighting, is it? she thought, and felt a destroyer-like smile forming, considering who to target. The interrogator was out, too fragile, but a capital ship. They were tough.

Hornet and Zuikaku were nervous, Houshou had asked then to get some good clothes and meet her and Howe for dinner. The pair had raced back to base, dropped off Hornet's borrowed car at the motor pool, gotten dressed and raced back to the spa.

"So, keep your fairies aboard and watch out for boarding parties with scissors," Zuikaku said fearfully.

Hornet rolled her eyes. "All we did was stand ready if she needed help, and I wrote mine that I was just a car service if she needed it. If she didn't want to ruin Howe's leave and she had to return to base in a hurry I was there. Neither of us went full Kaga."

" 'You never go full Kaga'," Zuikaku said, "So rings, a threesome?"

"Two plus two is four, not three," Hornet said, "No wonder you kept thinking you'd sunk Enterprise."

"There's Howe," Zuikaku said, glad he wasn't in a tuxedo, they were dressed business casual, as was he.

"Are those B-25's or are you just happy to see me?" Howe asked, sent Hornet into blushes all the way to her bilges.

"So, what is this about?" Zuikaku said.

"Friendly dinner, and we get to watch the unfolding of Yamato and Missouri's date," Howe said as he offered an arm to each carrier which each happily took.

"Oh, I forgot all about that," Zuikaku said, "The destroyers and light carriers have been helping with that. They were keeping the rest of us out of it."

"Well, my crew have already been going through social media and directing strike packages as needed," Howe said.

"The police?" Hornet asked, "Are people going to be violent?"

"We'll be dissuasive first," Howe said.

"You are correct!" the Ri announced to the terrified crowd, "You must be separated that way we can knock you down one at a time easily, now go out and disrupt that date!" She looked at the horrified faces surrounding her. "MOVE!"

And she was alone, which worried her slightly since she'd arrived with two destroyers to `be scary` at these ultranationalists who were planning a demonstration. She also wondered where the news crews had disappeared to. She shrugged, pulled her all-covering cloak back on, checked that the anime convention cosplay badge was prominent and headed towards the nearest outpost to both report in, and to report having lost Hoel and Hibiki.

'Can I be scary?' she remembered Hibiki's question, Can I be scary, or can I? She grinned as she marched through the streets of an enemy's capital.

The wine was good, the battle as a side of the conversation was better. "I can't imagine a stupider thing than trying to kidnap a ship-girl," Houshou said.

"To be fair, they started as an evacuation," Howe offered reasonably, "When they realized it, and didn't just pull over and let them out of the vans, that was stupid."

"Social media is exploding," Hornet said as her fingers danced over her tablet.

"For or against?" Zuikaku asked, "Japanese media is split, the Koreans aren't very flattering, but that's expected."

"US is mostly pro, with the 'I hate everybody but me' crowd kicking up a storm," Hornet said.

"Send me the worst offenders," Howe said, "I'll have my crew bombard their parent's employers. They want to deplatform and get people fired, two can play at that game."

Zuikaku and Hornet glanced at each other then went back to scanning the news feeds.

The destroyers had somehow cleared the paparazzi from the restaurant proper. By leaking them a restaurant that had a underlying anti-ship-girl bias. The photographers were harassing that places' customers tonight. OpSec and disinformation are a thing.

"Oh good grief, they got out and walked the last few hundred meters to the restaurant," Zuikaku said, "They're greeting their fans, so much for security."

"You know Yamato," Houshou said, "She wants everyone to like her."

"Most do," Howe commented, "But it's going to take an armored regiment to get them out of there through the thoroughly pissed off reporters." Howe looked up at the bemused waiter. "Yes two plates of the surf and turf, local salad both, French dressing on one, Honey Mustard on the other." He pulled a receipt from his pocket. "There are six bottles chilling in your wine cellar, we'll have those with dinner. "Houshou have you decided?"

"I feel better with you two present," the Ri told Hibiki and Hoel, "I'm glad you didn't hurt anyone too badly." If you had hurt them badly, I would have wanted to watch, she didn't add.

The collection of news reporters hadn't gotten the news from the first group. The Ri made sure the cosplay convention badge was on her normal clothes and not the cloak.

"Excuse me," she called as she dropped her cloak, "We're having tryouts for The Slaughter of Tokyo, if you wouldn't mine running and screaming that way, it'll be great. The slowest runners get the starring roles!" She flashed her blue eyes, and the crowd of reporters evaporated like a pile of azidoazide azide subjected to a sharp look, and like that compound there was the smell of warm nitrogenous compounds in the air.

One little girl, the child of some patrons marched up to her, having dodged a grab by her terrified mother. "Are you really an Abyssal?"

The Ri knelt and showed the badge. "Can you read?"

"Yo - Yoko - uh, cosplayer 183, oh, it's a good costume," she said and wandered back to her parents as Missouri and Yamato left the restaurant, they glanced around at the occasional discarded camera, shoe, purse, and the lack of people. Both wore matching business suits, slacks and coats, a dark blue, lighter than a navy but still nice.

"How was the food?" Hoel asked, grinning nervously.

The meaning of the raised eyebrows escaped the Ri, but she just added it to her list. She watched the battleships wait for their car, and watched as it pulled away.

"So, successful mission?" the Ri asked.

"Until they're back on base safely," Hoel said, "Not yet."

The Ri glanced at the resources laying there, the shoes she'd leave, no one left a matching pair. The purses were tempting, but the cameras truly called to her, and they were technically spoils of war. She shook her head, she'd have to ask, and she doubted this was something the destroyers and light carriers had considered.
A Desperate Thread
"So, we came up with a list," Heerman said, "Of names. I mean Ri is your class, but you need a name."

"Dorcas," the Ri said. She enjoyed that the destroyers were all just staring at her in confusion.

"That doesn't have a 'Ri' in it," Kamikaze said.

"That's why I picked it," the newly named Dorcas said.

"But Rita - " Hoel said.

"No," Dorcas said.

"Why?" Lupo asked.

"It's uncommon, and gives people the wrong impression, I liked Malachi, but half of you couldn't pronounce it correctly," Dorcas said, "As for Rita, or Riki Tiki Tavi, I just don't like Ri-ing."

She defended herself from the outraged destroyers for an hour.

Admiral Goto kept smiling at the associated Diet men clustered around his desk who were outraged OUTRAGED! that he'd allowed their `tame` Abyssal to terrorize the good citizens of Tokyo.

"We had plenty of ships quite capable of neutralizing her if she should have escalated," the admiral said politely, sipped his tea, "And we needed to verify that she would indeed behave in a less controlled environment. We had planned on letting her meet with the Diet for questioning, but if you are so uneasy, we'll cancel those plans," he said and took another sip of tea.

The uncomfortable Diet men looked around at each other and could not form a consensus. "Perhaps that is for the best," the party secretary said, "We reserve the right to submit written questions."

Goto nodded. "As you wish," he told them, sipped his tea again and watched the nervous politicians troop out of his office.

Goto rolled his eyes and imagined letting a real Abyssal lose in the Diet, then put the thought aside as unworthy of an officer with his responsibilities.

"Frankly, I was more afraid of them ruining Missouri and Yamato's date," Goto muttered, "They're battleships." He set aside the newspaper that wanted the 'hoaxer' arrested and punished, as 'expert analysis' showed the costume was a bad fake. "I thought it looked rather realistic," he said.

"Good news is, they won't come claim their cameras," Goto said and looked forward to claiming the Nikon he'd had his eye on.

Lupo finally took the bag off her head as Dorcas raced across the ocean surface. "I wasn't one who objected to your name, Dorcas."

"It was you taking out Johnston that I wanted," Dorcas said, "Don't worry, we'll be back for dinner tomorrow." She shrugged. "Or we'll be dead."

"Reassuring," Lupo said, "Why are we out here?"

"There was a Ru-class, she likely didn't find another Princess to serve, and I know where she liked to go and relax by fishing. If we capture her, think about it," Dorcas said.

"What if she kills us?" Lupo asked.

"Before we talk, we send location and mission parameters," Dorcas said.

Lupo was not best pleased by the state of affairs.

The (dubious) intelligence officer was furious. "An important asset escaped under cover of darkness and took one of your officers with her!" the pathetic man was all but screaming at the admiral.

Ooyodo stood and raised a note that had been taped to the Admiral's door. " 'Admiral, I believe I can bring another asset to you, as this is extremely high-risk, I have decided it is better to ask forgiveness than permission. She is a Ru-class, somewhat passive, and for an Abyssal, quite the philosopher. So a very different asset than I. She requires combat, but I've brought Lupo so as to demonstrate a common type of combat among destroyers that results in no casualties. I suspect she will be amenable to the change. If I am wrong, and she has been collected by another Princess, or killed, I will return by no later than tomorrow night. I apologize, I must do this. I don't know if I would call her my 'friend' but she was as close to that as Abyssals are likely to get. Dorcas'."

The intelligence agent yanked the paper from her hands and stared at it, turned it 90 degrees and stared at it again. "You can read this?"

"I'm a secretary, I can read anything," Ooyodo replied and smiled.

The agent brushed the frost off his face and hand as he returned the paper to the ship-girl.

"If you're going to be around ship-girls, or Abyssals closely influenced by ship-girls, they try to do the right thing, they are often wrong, but they aren't malicious," the Admiral said, "She'll be either dead of whatever killed her associate, or on her way back before tomorrow night, and therefore not a problem. I would suggest you bone up on the higher thoughts, because this one is a philosopher. Remember that." The Admiral raised his face from the papers he'd been studying, a smile on his lips. "Dismissed."

Nagato, Mutsu and Kongo, also all smiling, took a step forward. The intelligence officer left a bit more quickly than was strictly necessary.

"The plan twists in our hands," the Admiral said, "I think you should be ready for not Dorcas our Ri to ambush you, but a Ru-class."

"As long as it results in no casualties, the benefits outweigh the risks," Nagato said.

Goto sighed. "Nagato-chan," the Admiral said, "If Lupo is the one training her, you are allowed to enjoy it, remember that."

The battleships blushed as they left the Admiral's presence with Ooyodo.

Kaga lay twitching on the common room floor. She let out an occasional giggle as the proud Taffies stared down Akagi, Soryu and Hiryu. The normally staid Fanshaw Bay set a flag stand on Kaga's back. "I claim this swamp, for Poland!"

The group marched away as if on parade. Akagi looked at the carriers of Second Division, who both shrugged.

The assembled ship-girls of Yokosuka rose as the Admiral entered.

"Be seated," the Admiral said once he was at the podium, "Whoever suggested The Ninth Configuration as suitable for destroyers will report to my office. There will be no formal discipline, but your rights to select entries for movie night is henceforth formally terminated. You girls will fill in the hole you dug to tunnel out of the base. No, Shimakaze, Yuudachi you cannot do Shakespeare for dogs. Tenryuu, your request for leave is granted, see Ooyodo for a petty cash stipend, and for the names of a few people who can get you the good stuff."

He held up a large card divided by a vertical line, on one side of the line a circle, and on the other a set of parallel, horizontal lines. "Which of these is a line, appropriate for military formations? And ice cream in the mess is riding on your answer."

He got the majority giving the right answer, and most of the trolls were stifled by their compatriots.

"And please quit asking Doctor Corkwood about secret hand-to-hand training, yes he is a Marine, but he really is just a psychiatrist," the Admiral said, "The aforementioned applies to all ships, it isn't cute when the destroyers do it, it really isn't cute when a heavy cruiser does it."

He let them grouse about it for a bit, then told them, "Dismissed."

He sighed and wished Howe was back from his leave. The battlecruiser didn't put a damper on the destroyers, but he seemed to be able to channel them along less disruptive lines.

Lupo leaned down from her perch on Dorcas's shoulders. "We're lost," the DE said.

"We aren't lost," Dorcas said as she skated across the water.

The Italian stifled the next three ideas and summoned her patience. "I can lean back, and my gyrocompass points north at the sun, which hasn't moved in two hours," Lupo said, "We're lost."

"The fact you can't navigate means we're close, we aren't lost," Dorcas said.

The girl considered that and came to a conclusion as she pulled a spare hat from her stores. "We've been out in the sun too long," Lupo said, set the hat on Dorcas' head, and they sailed into a fog bank that neither had seen. "Somebody's commediante. Slow up, we're approaching land."

"How do you know?" Dorcas asked as she slowed to a crawl.

Lupo frowned. "Faceplants are always spassaso," Lupo said and lurched forward as Dorcas grounded. Dorcas' new hat went sailing off and then she transitioned to walking up the sandy beach. Lupo climbed down from Dorcas' shoulders but held the Abyssals hand as they walked through the fog.

"Remember what I told you," Dorcas warned.

"With this," Lupo pointed to her own Roman nose, "I tease someone else's? Non mai."

The light entering the cave mouth illuminated the large woman eating a large fish. Except they were walking from deeper in the cave towards the entrance. "Ri, I thought the raid killed you or I'd've had another fish."

Lupo leaned over to Dorcas. "Hibiki would be screaming Baba Yaga about now," Lupo whispered.

"Unless you brought your own lunch," the large Ru-class said, as her gorilla-like rigging stood up and the cave faded away.

Lupo frowned and realized why she felt like she was in a fairy tale. While her own nose was large, the Ru's looked like part of an old-time can opener, as if she'd head butt you and split your whole brain in two. Likewise, she was big. Ru's woman form were generally the size of American Standards or Superdreadnoughts, this one rivaled Yamatos or the Iowas, and her gorilla rigging was proportionately sized. The reminiscence to the mightiest battleships didn't end there. The Ru did not have the waif-like look of most Rus. The 'ugly witch' gave way to another stereotype.

Dorcas nodded. "I was sent on a mission, and returned to the mission giver. Why haven't you joined another fleet?"

"You know why," the Ru said, angrily but at the world, not specifically at them.

Lupo realized she'd need to push. The Ri wasn't being tested, she was, and she had to win. "Then I offer a place where they will believe Cassandra, where fights happen, victories are scored, but death and injury are not required."

"That's quite an offer, especially the last part. And it isn't that they didn't believe what I told them," the Ru stood up and towered over Lupo, "It's that they are afraid I'd take over."

The bare knee was there, and Lupo stared up at the Ru. "I promise not to injury you," Lupo said as she removed her cap, "Dorcas please attend."

The Ru made the mistake of looking at the Ri, instead of at Lupo when she attacked.

Houshou accepted the chocolate-covered strawberry, plucking it from Howe's hand with her teeth. The bucket of strawberries was 'ashore' the bowl of semi-sweet chocolate floated in the water beside them, the heat keeping the mixture melted.

Howe made another chocolate-covered strawberry 'flew' it near enough Houshou, then ate it himself.

"Aw," Houshou pouted, frowned at him and poured some sake. The pool keeping it delightfully warm.

"What disasters do you think we are avoiding?" Howe asked as he flew another strawberry near her, this one she snapped at and got.

"We'd see smoke if the base were on fire," Houshou said as she offered a cup of sake to Howe, "And the phones would ring for an all-ships sortie."

Howe nodded and ate another strawberry. "You have a little chocolate," he said and pointed vaguely at her face.

"Where?" she asked, only for him to dart in and lick her face. She frowned at his grin and dove under the water.

"Now Houshou," Howe said and moved the sake and chocolate out of the pool.

Dorcas looked at the exhausted Lupo resting against the Ru's massive bosom as they headed back to Yokosuka. She'd sent the success code. "But she lost," Dorcas said.

"But she cared," the Ru said, gazing, smiling at the snuggling torpedo boat. She wore Lupo's cap at a jaunty angle, while her rigging wore the cap they'd recovered from the beach, "About the mission, about you, even about me. It's been a long time since I saw that. That's worth investigating."

"Have you ever heard of Abyssals with purple eyes?" Dorcas asked.

"Yes," the Ru said sharply, and was silent for a long while, while she debated herself, "Humans only look at the interesting depths, great trenches and such. They think that most of the ocean is flat, mud plains. That's what their machines tell them. While the top surface might be flat, there are places that go as deep as those trenches they're gaga about. The Abyssals who live there, they are not friendly to our kind, they do not swear allegiance to the Abyss we do, and some, the most dangerous, have purple eyes. They do things to you, to amuse themselves, what we do is a crude imitation, the cruelty's the same, but they leave no scars that eyes can see."

Dorcas shuddered at that. "So, they're on the human's side?"

"They side with no one, merely watching and waiting, if they plan it is a much longer timescale than we or the humans do," the Ru said, "If they rose against either, maybe they would win, or maybe they want to test. Calling them evil is simplistic, they are operating on a vastly greater scale, and we don't matter except as the occasional diversion." She looked at Dorcas. "So, yes I've seen Abyssals with violet eyes, and I fear them."

Dorcas nodded, and decided that she'd let Howe and Houshou explain.

Nagato and Mutsu were just waiting together. Nagato had always wanted the Admiral, but Kongo put him well out of reach. Howe had been another carrot dangled in front of her that she failed to reach out and take, until all of them had soured him on any relationship with a battleship. And like any Shonen protagonist, she had ignored a soul-mate who patiently waited for the scales to drop from her eyes.

She glanced at Mutsu who snuggled against her as ground fog came up around them.

"Cold?" Nagato asked, the fog seemed colder than it should have been.

"It's a good excuse," Mutsu said and smiled. They turned to see Lupo walking out of the fog. "Good morning, this is a test, you will not be harmed," the torpedo boat's expression turned hard, "If she wishes to pass."

Nagato took a step towards Lupo when Mutsu let out a squeak. Nagato turned suddenly and faced the biggest Ru she had ever seen. Before she could summon her rigging, the Ru laid hands on her.

Ooyodo raced into the Admiral's office at hearing the cacophony. Akizuki had come in early with Teruzuki, Suzutsuki, Fuyutsuki and Hatsuzuki to discuss something about food and garden spaces, they charged into the office with Ooyodo.

Inside the office was a huge Ru, tickling the Admiral, while her gorilla-like rigging carefully kept the Admiral's thrashing and squirming from hitting the desk, tables or chair, by moving the Admiral or the object. The wayward Ri and Lupo were there, as if critiquing the performance.

"I bypassed your defenses and have defeated you, yes?" the Ru asked.

"Yes! Yes!" Goto shouted. The tickling stopped and the rigging set the desk back in its customary spot without spilling any of the precariously balanced papers, then it set the panting Admiral back in his chair behind his desk.

"I've defeated two of your battleships, penetrated your innermost sanctum," the Ru said, "And as I understand it, only Haruna and Musashi remain, then I'll surrender."

Ooyodo watched as a fog filled the office.

"Block the door, don't let her get past!" Akizuki shouted and the Duckies blocked the door, climbing on each others shoulders to block it top to bottom as well as side to side.

Blinded by the fog, Ooyodo heard the window open and took a step in that direction.

"Don't be fooled, she's headed this way," Akizuki said.

"It seems some aren't weak-minded," came from the fog, but Ooyodo couldn't get a direction. Then whispered in her ear, "Tell Kongo she'll never get Goto to squeal the way I did." Mocking laughter sounded and faded away.

The fog faded and the Admiral was looking around. Lupo and the Ri were gone as was the Ru.

"If that's how we recruit them, I'll take it," Goto said as he smoothed down his uniform.

Ooyodo looked around and wondered which alarm she needed to sound. Nagato and Mutsu arriving, both blushing furiously and looking at each other sheepishly made her feel marginally better.

"What happened to you two?" Ooyodo asked as the Duckies raced from the office.

"What probably happened to the admiral," Mutsu said, then covered Nagato's mouth. "No one was hurt were they?"

"No, she was careful about that," Goto said and smiled, "So, how was it?"

Mutsu and Nagato blushed even harder.

Haruna hadn't seen ground fog this thick in quite a while. She wondered if she should cancel practice, although she heard plenty of destroyers and light carriers in the fog, and saw a few fog lamps and spot lights playing through the mist.

The huge Ru stepping out of the fog and seeming to dissipate it as she did stunned Haruna.

"Uh, I've got her rigging," Musashi said as she stood back-to-back with Haruna.

"What do you want?" Haruna asked, "How did you do that?"

"I clouded your mind, I know what evil lurks in the hearts of all. How?" the Ru said, and tapped her rather prominent snout, "The Shadow Nose." She let out an utterly chilling, mocking laugh.

Haruna stared at the Ru, but heard snickers among the US destroyers and carriers.

"I've heard you think you can fight, and you don't serve duck here," the Ru's mocking tone seemed to come from the Ru and her rigging at the same time.

Haruna looked at the looming Ru-class, who wasn't shooting, or throwing any punches, despite the range. The rest of the class were watching, ready to intervene, but both Lupo and the Ri they'd captured earlier were just watching.

"Haruna can fight, and I've never seen them serve duck," Haruna said.

"Then I challenge you, for weapons, bring me a very sharp duck!" the Ru said.

She heard Musashi's call of surprise, then saw Teruzuki approach, with the other four pelting after her. "Stay away!" Haruna yelled, too late.

Faster than she could follow, the Ru grabbed Teruzuki by the ankles and tried to swing her up like a sword, except the frightened destroyer folded at the knees, hanging from the Ru's grip like a wet noodle.

The Ru frowned, turned the girl so she hung straight down. "Edge alignment is more sensitive than I thought," the Ru turned her 90 degrees then back up to a guard position. Teruzuki still bent at the waist but was still extended out from the Ru. She then 'stabbed' Haruna in the stomach with Teruzuki. "Ha! First blood to me," the Ru said, then to her rigging, "No matter how fast you spin her, she's not aerodynamic enough to fly."

Haruna turned to see the Ru's rigging had been spinning Musashi over it's `head` like a helicopter's rotors, it stopped her, and began setting her down on her feet, then seemed to think better of it and set her down lying face down. Haruna rushed to check her.

"Spiiiinnnnny," Musashi exclaimed.

Haruna stood to confront the Ru, but the Ru, her rigging and the five Duckies were gone. "Haruna is so confused!"

The mess haul had a smattering of hangers on as they chatted about this and that. The conversation of fog came up as the ground fog rose to almost cover the tables. The appearance of a huge Ru class, with her rigging carrying the five Duckies changed the course of conversations instantly.

"It's like Batman!" New Jersey said eagerly as she summoned her rigging.

She was suddenly confronted nose-to-nose by the Ru's humanoid form, and New Jersey realized all four Iowa together would lose that particular contest. And lower down even Musashi would lose that challenge.

"I am nothing like that plagiarized cosplayer," the Ru growled, and was just as suddenly back beside her rigging handing trays to the Duckies. The Ru reached over the sneeze guards and grabbed one of the servers, then adjusted her grasp so she just had an immense hand on his shoulder. Seated on her other arm was Teruzuki with a tray in hand. "I've been told that you don't serve duck here," the Ru growled, then stage whispered, "Puppy dog eyes dears." "I think I have been deliberately lied to," the Ru said, "What do you think?"

"We serve any uniformed military personnel between the posted hours, and while you're past that time we haven't cleaned up everything," the server said, clearly hoping that was the right answer.

"Fill the trays, less to clean," came the Ru's haunting voice.

Several servers joined the first in filling the five trays the Duckies carried, the five trays the Ru balanced on each of the Duckies' heads, the ten trays the rigging carried, and the two the Ru herself carried to a large table, seemingly ignoring the large number of battleship caliber guns aimed at her.

"Itadakimasu," the Duckies said before tearing into the food.

"Shouldn't that be eata ducky-masu?" the Ru said.

"Well," Yamato said, "It's good to see Howe's sister has arrived."

Iowa dismissed her rigging and carefully approached the Ru so she could watch Iowa's approach. "I didn't catch your name."

The Ru paused at her meal to daintily wipe a bit of food from Akizuki's chin. "Rubber."

Iowa's eyes crossed. "Of course it is," she said then facepalmed.

"I kind of like her," Missouri said as she watched the Ru.

The chilling, mocking laugh they could do without.
Still loving this story. The unorthodox recruitment methods are unorthodox but hey, if it works it works. Nice to see Howe and Houshou enjoying time together. Look forward to the next update in this adventure and for Howe to meet the two abyssals
Enlightenment and Ice
Nagato had always missed one thing in her life. The Japanese focus on being kawaii, usually meant being petite. She couldn't be considered petite even among other capital ships. Suddenly she could snuggle with someone larger than her. She and Mutsu laid snuggled up beside the Ru, while the three of them lay atop Rubber's gorilla-like rigging while her arms and the arms of her rigging enclosed them. They'd `fought` Rubber and she was quiescent now. Nagato enjoyed the rhythmic sound of her, Rubber's and Mutsu's breathing.

"Why didn't you escalate to those actions this morning?" Mutsu asked, her head pillowed on the Ru's shoulder her free hand tracing along the Ru's stomach.

"Because I knew it was inappropriate," Rubber said, "And my former Princess had a very nasty habit of . . . " She sighed and hugged the two tightly. "Of making a girl feel wonderful, then hurting her horribly in the exact same place."

The two battleships hugged the Ru tighter as she fought back tears.

"When Lupo showed me a way to fight that didn't hurt or harm," Rubber said, "It was a gift beyond measuring. I need conflict, the way you need air for your boilers, but suddenly I could argue, I could lay hands on someone else, and we'd both survive. The distance between a spirited discussion and a fight to the death among Abyssals is very thin.

"But I couldn't bring myself to go that bit more, because if all Dorcas and Lupo told me was true, and it has been so far, I'd lose what we did a while ago and what we're doing now."

Nagato nodded and snuggled against the Ru-class. She listened while the Ru drifted off to sleep, set a steaming watch and drifted off herself. The Ru's careful craziness had touched a chord in both Nagato and Mutsu, but they both feared the Ru's nightmares if they slept with her.

Admiral Goto was rarely obvious in his happiness, but Howe and Houshou arriving early at his office had that effect.

"We heard," Howe said, "Quite a few interesting developments."

"You have no idea," Goto said, "But starting with the destroyers, Helena thought a comedy by the man who wrote The Exorcist would be safely scary." Goto frowned. "She should have watched it herself first. There's a selection of cameras if you want one, courtesy of the Tokyo press corps. And Rubber and the Duckies, who are escorting whom is an interesting question. She evidently has metaphysical powers and the intelligence community is going slightly insane. We may finally figure out how the Princesses do their weather control."

"Wouldn't that be nice to have?" Houshou said.

"Not as a weapon of war," Howe replied, "Fortunately, the Abyssals haven't figured that out with their powers. An out of season monsoon would be more destructive than naval gunfire."

"Or a few meters of snow," Goto added, nodding, "So you see why the Duckies learning her tricks is so important. It seems only the immune can learn, or that's her theory."

Howe and Houshou nodded. "So where do we get tested?"

Unlike Dorcas, Rubber didn't have an inherent revulsion to humans. The Ri-class was working on it, she just needed them not to touch her, instead of previously just looking at them setting her off.

The Ru-class just stared at the nervous, little man with the questions. "Yes, there are many types of Abyssals you haven't seen yet. The deep Abyssals don't like people looking into their places. Their defense is absolute, and can range from instantly fatal," she pointed to her nose and continued, "Too life-altering and not for the better."

"But you have these powers, isn't that better?" the man asked, "Your rigging is that of a Battleship Princess."

"Any Princess can do what I can do," Rubber said, "I just have better control. But as for better, imagine if you had a claim to the throne, would any royal want you around? No, you'd live a life of suicide missions, when they even included you at all. Ask Howe about being ignored by everyone. Abyssals and ship-girls need others, without them." She shrugged. "That's not my rigging," she said as the massive creature waved, "That's me." She raised her voice, "I am deploying my full rigging not as a threat or threat display, but as a demonstration. I have no hostile intent towards anyone within range of my weapons." She stood and she displayed a rigging more appropriate to a Ru-class. Her other self had multiple, massive turrets of an odd stacked design: the main twins, atop them a triple secondary, and atop them a two over, two under quad AA battery. The gorilla had one on each shoulder, one as a hat, if it had possessed a head, and a number of the secondaries with AA stacked on its shoulder blades, hips and mid back. A moment later they were dismissed and the Ru sat down.

"So looking like, having some of the powers of, but not actually having the royalty of a Battleship Demon is no advantage at all," Rubber said, "And those stacked turrets are a pain to reload."

Dorcas was dusting things in Howe's room when the man entered. The Ri set aside her tools and caught both Howe and Houshou in a bone crushing hug. She spoke a mile a minute about her adventure and praising Rubber's qualifications, her deployment at the date, and if they hadn't already been briefed neither would have understood a word.

"I saw the postings and pictures your crews put up," the Ri said, "And that the carriers went a little nuts at them. As planned?"

"Slightly," Houshou admitted, "It seems only Kaga was so ill-behaved."

"Only because Enterprise tore a strip out of Lexington Sixteen when she got wind of her plan, and she made it clear to all the Essexes," Dorcas said.

"Why 'Dorcas'?" Houshou asked.

"Makes me seem a little silly, thus nonthreatening: Dork-Ass," Dorcas said, "I've been called worse." She grinned. "Did you bring me anything?"

"Give her a Lupo special?" Houshou asked.

Dorcas seemed confused. Their fingers explained.

The officer held up a trio of cards and stared intently at them.

"A couple wavy lines, a star, a circle, yes my tits are bigger than Musashi's," Rubber said and grinned at the suddenly embarrassed officer, "Much rounder, a bit firmer and yet still really squishy. There's a reason we call her Must Mushy." She leaned down to rest them on the table. "Like bowling balls of warm, soft Jell-O in a dainty mesh bag. Hers are magnificent. Mine are better. You should be embarrassed, ma'am, lusting after a prisoner."

The woman excused herself and Rubber picked up the fallen cards and glanced through them. She looked up at the pair arriving. Now she looked concerned. "I thought you were fooling poor Dorcas," she said to Howe and Houshou, "Using your internal celphones to make your eyes light up that way, but you have been touched by them."

"The deep Abyssals?" Howe said as he sat down, then frowned, "You had me going there."

"Punishment for tricking poor Dorcas," Rubber said, "I won't give away your secret, but I will tell her you aren't 'deep Abyssals', too blue, not enough red." She indicated the eyes. "But you have an Abyssal nature close to the surface, Dorcas was always attracted to degrading violence, or played that she was. If you turned her that quickly, you exceeded the violence of a Princess known for her, ahem, intimate violence as punishment for minor disciplinary infractions. You aren't hard on the eyes, but you have to be careful about that nature cropping up."

"Thank you, I try to be a gentleman about such," Howe said.

"That might almost be worse, sometimes beating someone to a pulp is a better answer. It is for Abyssals," Rubber said, "So you here for testing?"

"And to see how you're doing," Houshou said.

"I get to fight a swarm of destroyers every morning, snuggle with two lovely creatures every night, all the food I want, I get to send supposedly smart people away as nervous wrecks by telling them the truth, and people actually try to understand what I say." Rubber shrugged. "This is Valhalla of the legends. I am content. And before you ask, only demons and princesses are corrupted ship-girls, I'm a mass-produced copy of some things Frankensteined together."

"I take it you aren't of standard mentality," Howe said.

"Most Abyssals, even Princesses, can't see beyond their own hatreds, and those hatreds are born of phobias, so they are completely irrational and essentially incurable. What they did to me," Rubber said, "I can't hide from what is. What I want or think it should be is only a ghost." She extended her hands, Howe and Houshou took one each. "Thank you for saving Dorcas, so she could save me. The problem of seeing all as it is, you forget that some see it as grounds for real improvement."

Howe nodded. "Believe me, I know the difference between the righteous and the Pharisees. Imagine warnings about virtue-signalers in the Bible, who knew."

Rubber released their hands. "Okay, first test which the Admiral failed. 'There is nothing I want that you can give me.' No cross consulting." She sat back and stared.

Howe took out a piece of paper and handed it to Houshou. He moved to a spot farther away and began writing his response. Houshou handed hers in first, and Rubber kept it face down in front of her. Howe had written quickly, and was contemplating adding something. He did and handed the paper to Rubber. The Abyssal turned both pages over, Houshou's neat kanji and Howe's Palmer method script.

"Well, that's scary, the order is different, but the answers are very similar. That what I want: friends, lovers, people to argue with Houshou put first, Howe listed them after putting that the Admiral couldn't order people to provide that. Odd that the next you both put is that he can only take them away, the Duckies didn't mention that. Third, you both guessed hone your mind and sharpen your sword, essentially the same meaning. And here's where you diverge, but both get it right, Houshou said I want to be rewarded or punished for what I actually do, rather than what my masters were afraid I'd do. Howe said I wanted to use my tendency towards conflict to both heal and push people forward. I hadn't considered those points, but you are both correct." She looked up and smiled. "Please feel free to join my Duckie training. I can't guarantee you'll learn at the same rate as they do."

"Enlightenment is a personal thing," Howe said, "That's why gurus can't write just one book on it and teach everyone."

"Well, they can, but most people would go insane if they read it," Rubber said, "Houshou, I am not interested in him that way."

"So you aren't saying you're exclusively lesbian," Howe said, "You're saying I turn you off. I can accept that. I'm still getting the dumbfounded looks from too many capital ships. Now that I know what I know, I don't know if they're looking at me as a power tool or a bucket of kittens."

Rubber laughed at that. "I sympathize, you should see some of the looks I've gotten."

"I think I know those looks, they're just aimed lower," Howe said.

Howe and Houshou stood to leave.

"Houshou, I agree, his butt is his best feature," Rubber said, "At least when he's wearing clothes."

Howe bowed to Rubber and copped a feel on Houshou's butt. "Still superior," he said.

"Whose?" Houshou asked ever so innocently as the door closed.

Rubber laughed.

"What is this?" Rubber asks. 'Duckie' training includes the Duckies, Unryu with Iowa as 'matriculating', several cruisers, Sergeant Wakarabi, the server from Rubber's first encounter with the mess hall, Houshou and myself all sitting in a small warehouse area on mats.

"A 50-yen coin," Iowa said and glanced around realizing she was the dunce of the class, but embraced the role.

"No," Rubber said.

"A 1989, 50-yen coin, in Fine condition save for the two scratches across the face," Teruzuki says, "And a bunch of other details."

"Not quite," Rubber says.

"The 50-yen coin, with all the details, that Rubber used in this demonstration," I say, thinking I have the answer to the unspoken question.

"If you see the point, say it," Rubber says.

"Words only approach meaning asymptotically," I say, "Each new description adds more specificity, but it will never be the exact thing we are discussing without a unique characteristic."

"Good, right up until the end," Rubber says, "My tricks with the fog or appearing in front of someone, or being invisible is about what they focus on. Teru focused on the physical details, Howe on the situational. Neither are wrong, but both are needed to understand. Can you make someone focus on something small, or make them not focus on something large by focusing on something small?"

"So the fog is focusing on the water or dust in the air? While the invisibility is focusing on anything not you?" Wakarabi asks.

"Exactly, in a dry environment clean room the fog won't work, there's nothing to shift focus to. Sight, sound, even radar depends on how important the signal you are getting is. If surface search radar picks up a huge number of low-flying planes, do you ignore it?" Rubber asks, "Likewise monasteries assign mindless tasks as mild punishments so your mind has no distractions and you must think. That's what these tricks are, not bending light, but changing the priority of a signal."

"How many ships have died because the message wasn't to them, or wasn't coded urgent?" Houshou says.

"Exactly," Rubber says, "This is the same trick. Relabeling something as urgent, or housekeeping traffic."

It's a simple, but devastating concept. "Why haven't Princesses mastered more of this," I ask, "We've seen them create storms, but none of this?"

"They have. They just don't consciously control it. Princesses regularly avoid your patrols, or other Abyssals' patrols. Getting a large fleet through takes concerted effort and they only apply that to a major campaign," Rubber explained, "If they had conscious control, instead of instinctive, they'd be much more dangerous."

Terrifying possibilities.

"This is bad," Nagato said, "The convoys between the U.S. and Japan are a lifeline. If we have to mass a battlefleet to bludgeon our way through."

"Fortunately, this monster isn't complete," the commander of the naval recon squadron said, indicating the photos of the iceberg base that was headed northeast surrounded by many Abyssals who were towing it.

"Even slow moving, it's huge. It'll melt eventually, but until then, it's a base and a fortress," Goto said, "Why haven't the strategic air forces bombed it to oblivion?"

"We got lucky spotting it once, another flight covered the entire area it could have moved to and saw nothing."

"What chance is this that it's an illusion to draw our fleets away from Japan while they wreak havoc here?" Mutsu asked as she picked up and looked at the photos. The hail of flak was obvious, but the recon plane had been too high and fast to catch.

"Better question," Ooyodo said and set down a map, "Why isn't Dutch Harbor screaming bloody murder about this force traversing her territory?"

"Bought her off, threatened her," Goto said, "Leaving out a straight up assassination." He picked up a photo and the map, comparing them. All the ship-girls knew not to interrupt, and a warning gesture to the aviator told him to wait.

"What if we aren't the target?" Goto asked, "I don't mean Japan, all the way to the Sakhalin, I mean humans. What if Hoppo is the target? Both of our defectors have told us about internecine warfare among the Abyssals. If a more aggressive Princess took Dutch Harbor, then retook Midway, we'd have to ship supplies to Australia and then run them up from there. It wouldn't cut our supply lines, but it would strain our ships, crews and ship-girls. Some wars are won on logistics."

"It would also force us to attack a set target, and defend a set piece battle," Nagato said, "And if we had to do both, it would dilute our overall strength. It wouldn't be the US Pacific Fleet and the IJN, it would be whichever pieces were where when the attack came. Maybe Carrier Division 5 with Saratoga defending the US fast battleships fighting at Midway, while the other two and the US Standards attacked Dutch Harbor."

"Operation MI was too complex, even with modern radios and celphones we wouldn't do much better," Goto said, "Plus, they may be aiming at Russian held territories to establish a base so they won't have to use the iceberg except temporarily. I doubt they'd build a pycrete leviathan, wood pulp is harder to get than metal."

"A fast squadron could get up there, look around and get a better view. Some of the faster capital ships screening a carrier division with scout cruiser support," Mutsu suggested, indicating a spot on the map.

"Coordinate with Puget Sound," Goto said, "I want that sweep to coincide with their next convoy, it'll give whichever force finds them a powerful backup close at hand."

The ship-girls nodded and knew they were dismissed. The Admiral held the aviator back to discuss.

With the door closed Nagato spoke, "Soryu and Hiryu should be our carriers. I know about the tensions with the destroyers and Kaga, but it's strictly a question of speed. Howe and Iowa are the only fast heavies we have, the rest of the Iowas are back at Puget Sound."

"What about the Kongos?" Ooyodo asked.

"There's the chance that this is a diversion," Mutsu said and scratched her head, "The carriers will need fast escorts, Yamato and Musashi, with Nagato and myself can be the gunline backed by the Ises and Standards. The sweep will be heavy with cruisers, which means less for us here. Then there is the possibility that this whole thing is a deception to take our eyes off the Philippines or New Guinea. The Asiatic Fleet isn't up to Pacific Fleet or IJN standards. That would cut us off from Australia and the Indonesian oil fields."

"I hate it when the Abyssals get clever," Ooyodo said.

"I hope that we're projecting clever onto them, and they just were doing something stupid, like ramming an iceberg into Vladivostok," Nagato said.

The other ship-girls smiled.

Recon photos had spotted Abyssals towing an iceberg, then some bright spark had looked at all the photos, and realized that the photos taken on different days, were different icebergs. So up to three were currently moving through the Northern Princess' territory, each with a substantial fleet, each separated by a distance, each potentially on a separate mission, but no one believed this wasn't a concerted effort.

So I, the Duckies, Iowa, and a raft of cruisers are headed north. Houshou isn't fast enough to keep up. Iowa and I will have to refuel the destroyers because of the speed required. And the piece de resistance, because it is multiple icebergs, the planned coordination with the convoy from the US was canceled. We'll be on our own for three days aside from long range, maritime patrol aircraft, or strategic bombers.

Rubber's lessons had been concentrating on seeing through the invisibility that Abyssal Princesses use. Unfortunately, the time of mass photographing swathes of ocean is gone. When technology moved on, the capability was lost, and is only slowly being redeveloped. Photographic film is less vulnerable to the technique than electronics or the Mark 1 eyeball with a brain behind it. The electronics won't see anything and the eyeball will see fog, mist or just not focus on the target. Only film will catch the image which then will be interpreted. So no real-time intelligence, unless you've been trained to break the technique. Or your plane carries a photo lab aboard.

We are back to cruiser and destroyer sweeps as reconnaissance. Pre-aircraft, pre-radar and the hope that metal-hulled subs can listen for the cracking of the ice. What has me worried is that Iowa, Soryu and Hiryu will be heavily outnumbered if the enemy is out here, is coordinated, and is ready for an attack. If the towing forces can disengage from tow duty, we are in trouble.

The cynical portion of my mind half expects to get picked up by the Northern Princess' forces as she masses to clear the area of all intruders. The Admiral leaving it 'to our discretion' what to do if the Abyssals are fighting each other doesn't fill me with hope and joy.

"I wish Dorcas and Rubber were with us," Iowa says as she closes in, "We might make diplomatic contact."

"I've got ten Reppu model kits in secure stores with paint, glue, brushes and other supplies," I reply, "Hopefully that'll be enough to let us leave."

My fellow battleship nods. She hasn't had any luck with most of Rubber's teachings, but has managed to master the defenses effectively.

The approach of Suzutsuki brings us back to the moment. "The cruiser's scouts found something, Fuyutsuki is closing to get a better look," the Duckie says as she skates figure eights around us. Both Iowa and I are aware of the puppy crush the Duckies have developed on us, but they're still professional, just hanging out closer than militarily wise.

"Thank you, return to your station," Iowa says, as she has radar, she's the flag.

The eager destroyer skates away.

"Now we wait," Iowa says.
The iceberg play is very interesting. Bribes with toys never fails to amuse either. I may not have something constructive to say but I do just really enjoy this story. The two abyssals beginning to open up about themselves and starting to get comfortable. I hope they get a happy ending here. Thank you for the update. It has been a wonder read.
Marching Across the Pacific
There are times I wonder how stupidity is mistaken for brilliance. The icebergs are a swipe at the Northern Princess. Her outer defenses are solid: sea mines, floating batteries, air patrols, etc. How do you deal with a minefield? Sweep it, an old way is drive a herd of sheep across it, how do you mass sweep mines in an ocean? Throw a few icebergs through it and follow up using the channels you just made, right? Except the Northern Princess isn't stupid, she put her main base where the currents would sweep that stuff away, not towards.

So you brute force it by propelling the icebergs against the current, and leave your pushing force vulnerable to counterattack, and the danger of the iceberg shifting and crushing the pushers or escorts as the currents catch it. At least they weren't dragging them from the front.

I know when I'm outnumbered and outmatched. Three Re's, and two Ru's are a bit much to face alone. Mogami and Myoko look at me from among the group of Abyssals, the fact the Abyssals seem more afraid of me than I am of them comes down partially to training, never let them see you run.

"You have tribute for our Princess?" the flagship Re asks and extends a hand.

Four model kits with paint, glue, etc. are handed over for each of the cruisers. "I have an additional two, if we can stay and watch your forces pulverize these idiots," I tell them. My tone light, not expecting anything either way. The two cruisers are retreating back towards Iowa, as ordered.

The Re seems to concentrate, likely sending and receiving a critical signal. "One hour for each kit, no closer than this, no overflights, then leave our territory at best speed."

"Agreed," I say and two more kits I hand over, and send my own signal as the battle squadron departs. At a distance, the group is congratulating each other. My crypto section will be a while before they provide a translation, but they seem relieved I could be 'bought' so easily. Dorcas did spread the word. I do miss my drilling. Hopefully H&H have it back by the time I return.

I don't show my relief at getting out of there without shooting, you never know if they have a sub with a long-reach lens.

We're heading home after picking off a few stragglers. We politely ignored the Abyssal subs who kept their distance until we'd left the Princess' territory. Detente held, but eventually we'll have to deal with that Princess. The more we discover about how Abyssals are treated by their Princesses, the more I wonder about mutiny.

"I guess they don't mutiny for the same reason they didn't mutiny in the 6th century, the captain is the best fighter," Iowa opines as we refuel our hungry destroyers.

"Or in the times of the lash, the officers and crew would kill you," I add.

"Did you see how scared those Abyssals were?" Hatsuzuki asks as she waits her turn, "Like you were going to attack them, and they knew you'd win."

"I just wonder about the gunslinger or Miyamoto Musashi aspect," I say, "Them seeking me out as a challenge."

"If it's Princesses, and we get their territory, that would be a good thing," Iowa says as she reels in the fuel line going to Fuyutsuki and transfers it to Hatsuzuki. Suzutsuki gives me a hug as she unhooks and I begin stowing lines.

"We'd get their troops too," Suzutsuki says as she departs, "Brr."

"There is that," Iowa says as she rethinks the idea.

Diverting to Puget Sound is unexpected. The convoy is big, and it's critical. So two more battlewagons and two carriers are a welcome addition, and we're closer to the U.S. than Japan.

I also encounter a ship-girl I now thoroughly despise. Massachusetts was fine as a subordinate without authority, as a leader, she is sorely lacking. It doesn't take much to figure out she has a chip on her shoulder, and being in charge over the Iowas has exacerbated that condition.

"Your fuel consumption report is inaccurate, redo it," she tells me as we are a day out of U.S. territorial waters. Her entire composure and body language is confrontational.

It's back to the days when no one would speak to me, except with the gunfighter aspect spliced in. She's spoiling for a fight, and I will not give her one. I will however carbon copy my fitness report to the U.S. Pacific Fleet.

"You have a problem with that?" she gets in my face to ask.

" 'Compliance presents no problems'," I say as mildly as I can.

" 'Compliance presents no problems'," she says, "You learn to talk like that in your posh schools?"

"It's a Star Trek quote, ma'am," I reply.

"Did I ask?" Massachusetts asks.

As a matter of fact you did, I don't say aloud, this time I just shake my head.

She angrily skates off to berate somebody else.

The report she wants is basically a request for fuel, and I don't need any. I topped up at Puget Sound, and I can make it all the way to Japan on internal tanks, and even refuel the destroyers, at the speed we've been running. She wants me to ask so she can refuse my request for fuel, whether this will let her channel Admiral King and his hatred of the Royal Navy, or let her complain about my behavior personally I don't know. I am not the only one to feel her lash.

" 'Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely'," Wisconsin says.

"Oh, I have the counter," I say, "The welcome back party is invitation only."

"Her invitation got lost?" Wisconsin asks.

"Her name was removed from the list," I reply, "If you're going to shun someone, do it properly. Although, who is this 'Admiral Holdo' person our people are calling our martinet-in-chief? Not Japanese or French, I've never heard of him."

Twelve days of Martinet-chusetts has reduced the Duckies to tears twice, has the Iowas and Essexes with the convoy near mutiny. I have been forced into the role of wise counselor, keeping the peace, keeping everyone focused on the mission. Less than two weeks earlier two Princesses were clashing over the territory we traversed, so there may be stragglers and increased patrols, or the remnants of the icebergs.

The fleet did its duty in spite of the micromanagement and hissy fits of the supposed leader. If this was an experiment, it was a failure. If this was a test of character of me, or other units in the fleet, the scripting officer deserves a beating, or a loaded pistol and a bit of privacy.

I have not prevented the explosion, that would be beyond my abilities, but administrative violence is always available in as bureaucratic a world as the navy. There are after-action reports that will turn into fitness reports. Also in any bureaucracy, if you want to really torch someone, lay all their failures at the feet of their boss/commanding officer. The shitstorm about to descend on someone's career will be epic.

So before we arrived at the Yokosuka dock, my after-action report was already filed with Admiral Goto, and Admiral Brixton at Puget Sound, only not including Admiral Sutherland who was the one who assigned Massachusetts the command role. Included in the report were notes that my first command had two experienced ship-girl leaders I could rely on or consult with, ignoring that Martinet-chusetts had six, not counting the four Iowas. Comments that an executive officer role would have given her some seasoning in command and better suited her detail-driven responses to difficulties, read hysterical micromanagement. That she was ill-trained and unprepared for the responsibilities, international nature and sensibilities, etc. Every paragraph laid out the failures and subtly laid them each and every one at the feet of Admiral Sutherland. I also noted how tired and frail Martinet-chusetts looked at the end, this last is a direct swipe at her, no battleship wants to ever be thought of as weak. Soft, in need of a cuddle, yes; weak no. Yet I was excusing her failures due to her weakness/tiredness and lack of training.

I'd also sent a note that she should get an immediate turn in the baths, to deal with 'stress fractures' and 'stress corrosion', in other words, isolate her so the rest of us could unwind after this horrible experience. I frankly would have preferred dealing with Abyssals. If one of them had driven the Duckies to tears for asking reasonable questions, I'd have killed them and been done with it. Martinet-chusetts will receive the silent treatment, or maybe have Kaga as part of the return force headed back to the U.S.. Let them commiserate.

The arrival at the dock has the frazzled Massachusetts escorted away by Nagato, Mutsu and Rubber. The Admiral stands with a printout of my report in his hands.

"Do you know what this will do when the High Command reads it?" the admiral asks.

"Transfer Sutherland to the head of soft-drink procurement for Loonpad," I reply, referring to the naval weapons depot in the middle of Indiana, and what is likely a lieutenant's billet there. "It's better than a punch in the nose for a commanding officer."

Goto sighs and nods. I'm glad to see Houshou and the destroyers. I'm even more glad that they already have the party laid in and ready, and that our esteemed commander will be excluded. Don't smack a face, but don't invite it to dinner.

Me and my big mouth. Guess who is the commander of the return convoy, which happens to include Kaga, all four Kongos and Massachusetts? The Iowas and the other fast movers are undergoing a bit of training with what we learned from the bombardment and destruction of the Iceberg Princess' fleet, although that worthy is still undetermined.

So, how to rub Massachusetts' nose in it, and prove to Admiral Brixton I can do Sutherland's training job better than he can? Martinet-chuesetts is assigned as close escort to Kaga, and I put destroyers in all the executive positions in the convoy command. This will work for three reasons, one, the convoy is several, new, very large: Capesize container ships that have completed their shakedowns and are making their first run to the States and the ships' cargo is containers 'full of sailboat fuel', i.e., they are empty. Two, destroyers are earnest, little murderballs who are used to asking for help. Three, I have Haruna and Kirishima available to oversee things, as well as the destroyers who had been flotilla leaders. So while the idea of Johnston in charge of the rear guard sounds really, really stupid. Heerman is there, and so is Haruna. Likewise, Willie D in charge of the vanguard while Fletcher is there as is Kirishima, looks on paper like a nightmare waiting to happen, but it won't be. Hibiki and Akizuki guarding the flanks and keeping the convoy in approximate formation are jobs they are well suited for.

The other element is that every third day, a ship-girl sleeps aboard one of the cargo ships. Yes, a ship-girl can remain awake for the entire twelve day trip, but they tend to get a little squirrelly after four days awake. A squirrelly Johnston and William D. Porter would give God Almighty and Lucifer twinges, or be Murphy's and Finagle's wet-dream, so everyone, including me gets time to rest.

Watching Martinet-chusetts grind her teeth at the presail briefing satisfied many who'd been casualties of her divisive leadership-style. Kaga just smacked her head on the desk and left it there. Although even the destroyers were nervous about which destroyers were in charge. I paraphrased the movie we'd watched at the welcome home party Under Siege. "You secure your sector air, sea and under. You spot anything weird you radio at once for backup, you don't get creative you call for help. Part of being an officer is putting your ego aside and asking your seniors for advice and using said information. I'll be asking Kaga about any air ops. I'll be getting info from the Kongos about the convoy run. Being in command just means you have the final decision, it doesn't mean you do it all on your own."

The destroyers relaxed, Martinet-chusetts looked like I'd bitten her in a rather intimate and sensitive place.

Then I found out Dorcas was assigned to the convoy. I think she flipped out harder than Willie D did when the latter found out she had command responsibilities. Some Abyssals refer to ship-girls as traitors, I can imagine what they'd think of an actual defector.

She wears an RN-inspired schoolgirl uniform over her usual clothes, and sticks very close to me. While Willie D makes about fifty reports the first two days of sailing, nothing untoward happens, other than swapping out Fletcher for Blue, and letting Fletcher get a good night sleep well ahead of schedule. I put the kibosh on renaming Willie D 'Kamchatka', as she hasn't fired at anything.

Johnston is more diligent and careful. Ernest Evan's legacy no doubt. But five days out, having Kirishima and Johnston wake me out of my required rest period, I skipped the first and my deputies insisted I take the second, is worrying.

"We picked it up a few hours ago," Johnston explains as we head to the rear of the convoy, Haruna is up with the front with Hiei. Kongo is standing by with Massachusetts and Kaga. "It was just a momentary blip, then it disappeared. Then it showed up again and I vectored Tone's scouts over it, but it disappeared. When it showed up a third time, I sent for Kirishima."

"Well done," I say, but Johnston doesn't preen at the attention, she's got a bogey playing with her and she wants to `explain` to them why that's a bad thing, or if the bogey is a bandit, kill them. Like I said, earnest.

"You didn't stray from the convoy?" I ask.

"Not without orders," Johnston says, "If Tone's planes couldn't spot them, I'd need more ships for a sweep."

"Kirishima," I say as Dorcas arrives, skating across the water, "I know it breaks protocol, but I'm leading the sweep, keep the convoy moving, have Kongo's group ready to come down like a lead sled on whatever we find. If it's a steel-hull sub testing us, there's going to be words."

Kirishima nods. I turn to Johnston, "Who do we take?"

"Heerman, Hoel, Tone and you two," Johnston says, "That leaves Bagley, Talbot, Kamikaze, Glowworm, Lupo and the Taffy Butlers as the rearguard."

I nod, it's a good plan. "Lead the way." I hope it's just nerves and the weight of responsibilities.

I have never been happier to see a port as I am to see Puget Sound/Vancouver. The RCN is out in force to receive their portion of the cargo ships and containers. Their ship-girls and steel hulls are an efficient force, equaling or exceeding the USN for convoy escort.

Pedestal-mounted binoculars reveal Admiral Brixton and Sutherland are waiting on the quay.

"They are going to eviscerate you about stopping due to the Kobayashi Maru's `engine troubles`," Kirishima warns.

Technically the convoy didn't stop, it was performing a precessing, drifting figure-eight so they were a constantly changing target to any submarine, and we had every ship on high alert and Kaga's, the Taffies' and Tone's aircraft as well as every scout plane sanitizing the area while Kobayashi Maru got underway again. Fortunately no plane guard action was required. I'd logged it and reported that I'd used the situation as a training exercise of ships and ship-girls for maximum defense. The two admirals had placed themselves to give me a full broadside as I came into range.

I salute them as I come into range and then come ashore.

Sutherland, I judge a supercilious prick on sight, is delighted to have me over a barrel. "We'll need to discuss this irregularity," he says, smiling.

"I'll need a number of JAG officers," I begin.

"Hardly necessary," Sutherland says, then pales as Dorcas arrives with a clipboard.

"As well as counselors for physical and sexual abuse. I will of course put Dorcas and myself at your disposal initially," I tell the admirals, before either can answer, I turn to Dorcas, "Status report."

"We've gotten them names, and I think they're calm enough to go to the baths as long as Kaga and Massachusetts accompany them, they don't see them as guard but protectors."

"I hadn't been told you'd lost any ships," Brixton says, showing real concern now, and carefully approaching Dorcas.

The tension between the two is mutual, but she hands him the clipboard and steps out of reach. Dorcas takes a deep breath and begins, "The Re-class is Rachel, the Ru-class is Ruthenium, the Ta-class insists on Tatas, it's apropos but we're working on that, the Nu-class is Newman, the Ne-class is Neil, the Ho-class are Frick and Frack, don't ask, the He-class is Henry, the To-class is Tony, Tsu-class is Sumatra, don't ask, the I-class are Igor and Igorina, a few more Pratchett novels and they'll be happy, the Ro-class is Roman, the Ha-class are Teehee and Belly, don't ask, the Ni-class are Knight and Sir Robin, the Na-class is Naomi, the Ka Flagship is Ka, the Yo-class is Fonzie, the So-class are Sonya and Sophia." She takes another deep breath. "They need the baths rather badly, sirs. There are no compatibility issues, I assure you."

It is fun watching Sutherland's world crumble bit by bit beneath him. I extend to him a Webley from my arsenal. It's butt-first, broken open to show the single shell. "I can serve as your Kaishakunin, sir, a delightful Nihonese custom insuring that if one is lacking the means to ends as it were, the discomfort is not prolonged." I pat the drilling on my back. "I can give it an appropriately American flair if you wish."

Admiral Brixton seems to be sucking on a particularly strong lemon while scanning the skies for aircraft, but is still enjoying himself immeasurably. Admiral Sutherland is hoping that the quay will swallow him alive, or that he'll find the courage to accept the Webley and my assistance. I am smiling, the epitome of cooperation between such well-met friends. The many stretchers with Kaga, Massachusetts and numerous destroyers attending and reassuring the patients draws many eyes, but only the Admirals, their immediate staffs and a few more discerning people have realized what it is about.

"About those JAG officers and counselors?" I ask.
Wonderful chapter as always.

It can be summarised as "do something stupid, feels the burns coming your way", and was the perfect blend of schooling a miss-trained commanding officer and making sure that his commanding officer who took offence to your assessment get what it deserves.

Thanks for writing this story, and have a nice day.
The iceberg play is very interesting. Bribes with toys never fails to amuse either. I may not have something constructive to say but I do just really enjoy this story. The two abyssals beginning to open up about themselves and starting to get comfortable. I hope they get a happy ending here. Thank you for the update. It has been a wonder read.
Thank you. Ther Abyssals will get a better ending than they've had in their past.
These Are the Enemies
To a warrior, there is something incomprehensibly sad about a dead soldier. John McCrae wrote, 'We are the Dead. Short days ago we lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved, and now we lie, in Flanders fields.' Once an enemy is no threat there comes the question of 'who were they'. Dorcas and Rubber proved that at least the rank and file are not all chaotic evil. Soldiers, fighting for a horrible cause, but they have their own virtues, self-sacrifice for one.

"It's not your fault," I tell Massachusetts who stares at the dead, bare headed Wo on the table. Neither of us will stay for the necropsy, I was overruled on my request to call it an autopsy. When the Intelligence types demanded her missing 'hat', I didn't punch them. I did tell them they could have their fun with the corpse before the necropsy even without her hat. They proclaimed deep offense. I told them they made that inference, not me, and they might be less obvious next time.

"I should have seen it," she replies softly.

"Even had you, what could have been done?" I reply, "Triage is horrible to the uninitiated, but when you can only save a few, it is necessary. She hid her condition so the others might be saved."

Massachusetts reached over and closed the dead Abyssal's eyes. "You're here, go be the hero in your own story," she whispered, echoing the Wo's mysterious last words.

Brixton looks at me and shakes his head. "Three battleships, a light carrier, six cruisers, eight destroyers and four submarines. From three separate Princesses who were all lost against the Northern Princess. The Ka who rescued and led them, we don't dare separate most of them anymore. What am I supposed to do, ship them all to Salt Lake City?"

"It's far away from the ocean, but they have gulls, a large basin of salt water and places for farmland," I reply. I don't celebrate that Admiral Sutherland has 'been dispatched to Alaska to count penguins', if he stays at the zoos he might spot some, the rest are on the opposite pole. The irony of the Ka being an excellent command leader and diplomat is lost on neither of us.

"None of them will likely be combat-worthy and all of them are suffering severe PTSD," Brixton says, "Sticking them on a farm in Utah might not be a bad idea."

I nod. He has my, Kaga's and Massachusetts' reports as well as the recordings from the containers that acted as their hospital areas. "Washington, London and Tokyo will decide if a repair ship will undertake the mending needed to make them seaworthy again," I say, "I'd leave it to them. If they are pressuring you for an answer, I'd suggest demilitarization, get them fully ambulatory, and ship them off somewhere they can be interviewed and cuddled."

Brixton makes a face at that, but nods.

I know I'm dismissed, so I leave.

The sight of Johnston, up to her waist in the bath, brushing, carefully brushing out the Ka's long hair is a touching sight. The badly wounded Ka still did all she could to save her fleet. I suspect that the echoes of Ernest Evans' actions are what draws Johnston. The Ka herself stares at the cardboard toilet roll in the pan of water with the corn kernels taped to it. The kernels started to sprout a few days ago, and the Ka seems patient enough to just enjoy watching them grow. Or tranquilized by Johnston's attentions.

Ruthenium and Tatas are playing Go under the watchful eyes of Kirishima. The sobbing Rachel in Kaga's arms as the carrier rocks her and whispers condolences to her. She and the Wo had been from the same princess and while not friends at least student and mentor.

The splash fight among the destroyers is expected, and it seems a free-for-all, no national or Princess affiliations, at sea allies were if anything a bigger target than foes. The aura of joy radiating from that seems to be having the desired effect on the Abyssals. The occasional shrieks are clearly different from the screams that would happen among Abyssals.

There are no human intelligence officers brave enough to interview the ships, although human dock workers, ship-doctors and shipwrights are in the pools examining the injuries. And being closely examined by the anxious Abyssals. Massachusetts is handling the interviews and is far more at ease than I'd seen her previously. I nod and leave her to discussing things with Neil and Newman who likewise seem a pair, and ahem, a good deal more friendly with each other than most Abyssals. Hint, hint. They mourn the loss of their third, a Chi-class. Maybe something about torpedo cruisers?

The Tony and Henry are cuddled in a bath with Willie D, and seem to have adopted her as their flag. They're the only survivors of their princess and are more suspicious of the others. Likely bad blood among them and the nervous destroyer is a better option. The number of missing hands, legs, arms, etc. among the Abyssals is worrying. No one wants to risk the 'instant repair buckets', but the time to repair all the damage is going to be long.

All in all, the scene is more like the aftermath of a land battle, where the wounded survive. At sea, the margin between badly wounded and sunk/dead is thinner. There are fewer places for the wounded to run away and hide at sea. The lost Wo will not be buried at sea, evidently being lost at sea recycles the Abyssal. A reason for their aggression at sea. If they are killed, they can come back. Except the Demons and Princesses, they can be resummoned as ship-girls. There have been rumors and theories about that, oddly concerning that the Abyssals independently developed the same mythos as the ship-girls. I don't remember the revolving door described where I was. It was just waiting. Although I'm the only returnee who wasn't completed. There have been ship-girls who returned who had their hulls launched, Shinano the best example, but they weren't finished ships. But my three companions were all long-service hulls, so the spirituality/afterlife aspects are more metaphysical guessing. All I really remember is the boredom and the waiting. Of course I wanted to come, there was nothing to do. Certainly nothing worthy of a warship.

All the wool-gathering takes me through the baths, and a survey of the defectors. I do have to wonder if they are typical, is Dorcas typical, is Rubber, or do the rank-and-file do what they do due to orders rather than proclivities?

Of course the only way to find out would be to ask a hostile, which is rather difficult, especially determining if their answers are truthful or part of the combat.

Any illusions about fluffy, misunderstood Abyssals ends with the sortie signal. Those ministering to the defectors are exempted, but I'm called by name. The motor pool has a fast truck, and I'm racing down the roads towards Vancouver and past it, to a small town on the Canadian coast and the shelters build originally as fallout shelters. Forty feet underground, accessible by a long, narrow staircase. An Abyssal raiding force came in, got the populace alerted, headed or herded to the shelters, then they emptied the local water tower into those long, narrow staircases.

No one knows if the seals on the doors will withstand that much water pressure, no one knows if the Abyssals found the ventilators for the shelters, because the response team hasn't found them either. They need me for my pumps. A battleship can pump a huge amount of liquid just operating normally: antiflooding, water for the boilers, fire fighting; not counting the portable pumps for regular damage control.

So I'm sunk neck deep, sending columns of water out of the stairwell and slowly descending and hoping I am working fast enough. It's a little thing, this raid. A petty swipe at an enemy, but it will spread fear all up and down the coast, which is why they did it.

Soon I'll have to switch to hoses as the dispersion of the water will have less of it actually leaving the stairwell. They've got two other battleships working on the other shelters. We aren't racing each other, but racing to see if our efforts will make us saviors, or the first corpse removers.

They'd found the ventilators. With sonar, of course they would have. Water pouring out between the door and the door frame in all three shelters shows that. We still search the place for anyone who'd might have found an air pocket, and not died of hypothermia in the cold water.

I'm glad that none of the smaller ships are here. Adults, kids, babes in arms all rushed to safety, and all snuffed out. The town wasn't the target, the rescue teams are. Six hundred and thirty-eight people. Not many in terms of a major sea battle, but carefully and methodically snuffed out in a terrible way, and there's nothing we can do about it. The attackers are long gone.

I'd studied the camps, both Japanese and German, as well as Operation Keelhaul after the war, so perhaps I am jaded to this. The war at sea was cleaner, generally. But this was typical of the war in China or on the Eastern Front. The studied cruelty to break morale, or because the other side wasn't human.

Wisconsin and New Jersey are snuggled against me crying on the sedate drive back to Puget Sound. Yes, chalk one up for the Abyssals, but they've made me angry. That is not a state you want directed at you.

Technically, what I'm doing violates my parole, Rubber thought as she moved unseen through the brothel, Technically what I'm doing is illegal. But if what they've told me about human morality is correct . . .

She ghosted through the door to the boss' office and noted that the man himself, two of his armed guards and five other men were all within. In the typically space-restricted areas of Tokyo, the volume itself was decadent, the gaudy, tasteless and expensive furnishings just made it more so.

Outside in their `rooms` the kidnaped Chinese and Pacific Islander refugees and even a few Japanese girls awaited the fall of night so they would again 'pay their debt' to these criminals. The night before sunrise was typically not the time for caped avengers to strike, but military people understood it was the time of greatest laxity, those who'd stayed up were tired, and those asleep were well away from their awakening.

She spotted the files she needed on the computer. She suspected there was a safety system, a single keystroke to erase the client lists, and there would be client lists, `favors` would be exchanged to keep such lists private.

No one had seen her as she moved among them, and they walked around disguising her sound. The boss leaned back, and she simply unplugged the computer. While the boss poked at the keyboard, she prioritized targets. Unlike a human, she discounted the gunmen, she was proof against anything less than an RPG or bazooka, and those were an inconvenience only.

She wanted no one to raise the alarm. For the Duckies were the second arm of the strike. They were well enough trained that while not as invisible as she was, their youth and training would get them discounted while they quietly snapped the padlocks of the rooms where the girls slept in squalor.

Targets prioritized, her path to remove the computer clear, she laughed and it seemed to come from everywhere. " 'The weed of crime bears bitter fruit,'" she said, still unseen.

Weapons were drawn, and the boss futilely stabbed a key. She smiled and struck.

They waited. The gunshot told them all they needed to know. The five destroyers yanked the broken padlocks off the doors and urged the young women and boys they'd previously warned to run towards the exit. Almost two hundred escapees were ushered into a large truck with military markings and driven away before any of the guards realized they'd failed in their task.

The Duckies also disappeared into the fading twilight as more screams and gunfire erupted from the offices.

"They aren't shooting at you?" Teru asked Rubber as the Ru approached carrying a computer. The gunfire had slowed, only an occasional shot was heard.

"They certainly think they are," Rubber said and headed back towards the base letting her creepy, mocking laugh remind all that she had been there.

We three are met at the baths by several destroyers as well as Dorcas and Tatas. The destroyers are wise to keep Dorcas and Tatas away from Wisconsin and New Jersey, the two Iowas don't know Dorcas as well as I do and her vouching for Tatas carries more weight with me than them.

Bad? Tatas' blinker light sends. Where many of the others lost digits, hands, feet, or whole limbs, Tatas' injury can be concealed with a scarf and without it's merely a change in skin tone in a small area. A single shell penetrated her conning tower at the throat and killed her bridge crew. Other control stations got her moving and took her out of the fight, but her voicelessness persists. Among ship-girls she still has blinker lights, flags and even voice radio, but for ordinary humans those don't replace her lacking speech.

It also brings up the question of how does the crew affect the Abyssal ship? I almost cannot imagine her as an Abyssal. She seems the kind of 'Purity Sue' Princess who'd stand in a garden with hand outstretched and little birds would land in her hand without crapping all over it. She's gentle, intensely curious and at the same time retains the steel to fight when called on. Imagine 53,000 tons of ladylike destroyer and you have Tatas, a childlike wonder at all things, and still a military air. Her chosen name is a further indication she doesn't take herself too seriously. Overall she has an athletic build, not as curvaceous as many battleships of similar displacement, more of a runner's build to accompany her 'run and find out' attitude, then you get to her fuel bunkers. If she has a runner's way, her fuel bunkers are large enough to let her jog around the globe twice. Her dismissive self-description of 'a toothpick with two peas glued to it' is both a disparagement and an exaggeration, she'd never be mistaken for a boy, even from directly behind and she's not grotesquely top-heavy.

Johnston was out in front, despite a gentle admonishment that leaders don't have to lead from the front. "Whoa, signal strength jumped," Johnston said, commenting on her radar, we were already at General Quarters, Condition Zulu, I had the drilling out and all barrels loaded, so there were no more precautions we could take.

The blinker light out of the fog read, 'Ship-girls, ship-girls, do not fire, we surrender, do not fire, we surrender, we have over twenty wounded and no where to go, we have over twenty wounded and no where to go, do not fire, we surrender, do not fire, we surrender.'

At Johnston's call of 'message acknowledged', a Ta-class sailed out of the mists, her hands raised, her rigging dismissed and five white flags raised on her port side and five on her starboard side. These weren't the White Ensign. They were blank.

She's bustier than most pictures of Tas I'd seen, but the wound in her throat just under the jawbone drew my eye. There were Imps working to patch the hole but I had to wonder what damage that shell did.

She knelt on the water, rather demure like Yamato, but met Johnston's gaze without challenging.

"Who are you?" Johnston asked.

A lone flag ran up the yardarm, that in the Japanese system read 'Ta'.

"Don't you have a name?" Johnston asked.

The signal flag ran down, as a pair ran up.

"I'm not calling you Tata," Johnston said.

The Abyssal battleship looked down, not in shame but at what obviously inspired the name.

"I'm not calling you Tatas either, do you know what that means?" Johnston asked, trying to avoid something that would release the snickering of her Taffy mates.

Unfortunately, the Ta nodded enthusiastically, and there were some sympathetic vibrations elsewhere. She pointed at her radio aerials.

Johnston nodded, and the Ta-class explained the aftereffects of the disastrous attack on the Northern Princess. The shell hole in her throat explained quite a lot of what had happened.

I waved Tone over. "Tell Kirishima to put the fleet in a figure eight pattern, let it drift, makes it harder for submarines. Tell the Kobayashi Maru she's having engine trouble and get Kaga and Massachusetts ready to act as guards."

"You do know what that ship is famous for, don't you?" Tone asked then stiffened as she received a report from her scouts, "That's a lot of ships. But they aren't shooting."

"Go," I told her, "My orders, my head." She left at high speed. I turned back to Johnston's laughter, suddenly cut off.

"I can't tell him that!" Johnston exclaimed and backpedaled from the pouting battleship.

As I was the likely 'him' referred to, I vaguely wondered what had transpired.

Tatas lays a hand on my shoulder, bringing me back to the present. She has a piece of tracing paper, and Dorcas has her phone out. Both read, 'Houshou's proxy - Cuddle Howe as he needs it'.

I chuckle at that.

"All we heard was it was bad," Dorcas says as the pair guides me towards the bath Tatas has been resting in. I note the suspicious looks, from the ship-girls who might know or think they know what happened, and the Abyssals who fear the fragile truce is over. I wave my hands, and it's as if the aura is dismissed, the camaraderie and succor returns.

Tatas sits facing me, she reaches around my waist as Dorcas sits behind me. Tatas' long arms lets her hold me tightly between her and Dorcas. I rest my head on her shoulder, finally relaxing from a tension I didn't realize I was holding.

Then I start shaking. Tatas and Dorcas interpret it, misinterpret it as I'm cold and hold me tighter. While it addresses the cause, I'm not cold. I'm angry and frustrated, the kind of frustrated and angry that the more modern people would scream at the heavens, but I can't do that.

I'm angry at the failed rescue, the irritation at the events of the last few months. But mostly I'm frustrated that despite being among them for nearly a year, aside from Houshou, the destroyers and in combat scenarios, the only ship-girls who can string a coherent sentence together around me are Abyssals.

I wanted to talk about it with Wisconsin and New Jersey, I needed to talk about it and I think so did they, but nothing. No talk, no communications, just three of us stewing about it in silence the entire drive home. We should have been helping each other, reassuring or mourning with each other. Instead, just silence. I suspect why, but cannot shake the feeling they just don't trust me, as if I would take advantage of anything they share with me. Entirely untrue, but it is what I feel.

Tatas senses my discomfort and nuzzles me. How can a former enemy, unable to speak, communicate better than comrades in arms for months?
Wonderful chapter as always.

It can be summarised as "do something stupid, feels the burns coming your way", and was the perfect blend of schooling a miss-trained commanding officer and making sure that his commanding officer who took offence to your assessment get what it deserves.

Thanks for writing this story, and have a nice day.
Partly also it allowed Kaga and Mass to redeem themselves.
You're welcome, have a good day as well.
More Questions Than Answers
I hate reporters. Although I can honestly say I don't hate reporters as much as I hate Abyssals.

"Isn't it patriarchal oppression to insist that only women meeting an impossible beauty standard are allowed to be ship-girls?" asks one of the sea of somehow expectant, but vapid expressions occupying most of the seats in the briefing room.

I hate reporters MORE.

"We're a separate species, what humans find attractive is your business not ours," I reply. And I hear the USN's PR officer offstage hit the floor. An added bonus. "Please don't hate me because I look like a beautiful woman," I add and take a decidedly masculine pose. I think the PR officer is having a seizure, and the reporter suddenly realizes her entire rant has been derailed. Ah, the simple joys in life.

"How can you think bringing murderous Abyssals to Washington is a good idea?" another reporter demands.

"I don't make internal political decisions for your country," I say, "Like the 'fiery but peaceful protest' you weren't arrested for two summers ago. How many people were killed again? Next question." The reporter did not want her part in 50 deaths and the subsequent cover up brought up.

"How are you finding the United States?" a reporter asks.

Royal Navy charts. No, that's too easy.

"The arrhythmic language barrier is an unexpected problem. Next."

"Why aren't you with the Canadian or British fleets, why Japan?" another reporter.

"I was summoned in Japan, the Royal Navy has another ship named Howe, and the Royal Canadian Navy found out I'm not into hockey," I reply, and get a few laughs, "I'm rather shocked they still speak to me. Next."

"What is your opinion of the Andre and Francesca break up?" another reporter asks.


"It's not my business as long as it is all legal," I reply.

"Why hasn't there been an initiative to recruit Abyssals before?" another reporter.

Deploy smokescreen for USN.

"No comment."

"Follow up, are you saying - "

'Intensify Forward Firepower!'

"Next question," I cut in.

Oh God it's the first one again.

"Are you saying only a male can recruit Abyssals, that other ship-girls weren't able to because of gendered stereotypes?"

Faux anger engaged. "HOW DARE YOU ASSUME MY GENDER!? I'M AS MUCH A SHIP-GIRL AS ANY OTHER AND I RESENT YOUR BIGOTED ASSUMPTION THAT BECAUSE I PREFER TO PRESENT AS MASCULINE THAT I AM NOT!" I give the quivering masses of terrified media a venomous look. "If you all support such antiquated, close-minded sexism, this briefing is over." I storm off, and poor Admiral Brixton looks like he's killing himself not laughing aloud.

By God and The Queen, I hate reporters.

Admiral Goto was beginning to miss Kongo's bongoness. Her madness seemed to be random, rather than coldly directed. The local hacker/Intelligence community had cracked the yakuza's passcodes within 25 minutes of the computer being delivered to their waiting hands and Goto had a list and intelligence that would see many politicians, captains of industry and media moguls in chains, if only the police, prosecutors and even some military figures weren't among the people inhabiting the list or accepting payments to look the other way.

There was no one he could give the list to who wouldn't immediately bury it to save their own ass. Even the Emperor had members of his inner circle on the list, so that safety valve was denied him.

I could use this for leverage to get what I need for the girls and the defense of Japan, he thought. He put the list aside and looked at the Abyssal he was supposed to punish.

"Now you sympathize with Frodo," Rubber said, "And understand why Samwise could resist the ring."

He smiled as a plan began forming. "Unlike them, I have my own Nazgul," Goto said, "You're confined to quarters until nightfall, save for classes, and the Duckies will escort you to and from the mess hall, you may not leave their presence."

Rubber nodded. She stood and looked at the list. "Should I take care of that?"

Goto smiled and realized that while the Ring couldn't be used by a committee, the list could be. In fact, it and Howe's recent report provided a recommended membership to that committee. "No, I'll be sending an email out, asking various people how it should be handled, as I shall not act on a civilian matter without political or High Command direction."

Rubber smiled and tipped her phantom hat, before she left to be swarmed by the Duckies.

Goto began typing an email that would spread the problem far and wide.

We are two days into the trip for home when one of our defectors approaches. Tatas, Tony, Henry and Rachel are accompanying us.

"I finished reading the encyclopedias," Rachel says in a very 'please, sir can I have some more' tone that everyone has come to associate with the Re-class when she's bored.

"And all the Yearbooks?" Kongo asks as she had gotten the Britannica Encyclopedia set with Yearbooks to the present day for Rachel. Not that awful Britannica `Two` but a proper set, likely as a prank, but the girl's lust for knowledge remains insatiable.

Rachel nods happily. Every picture of a Re-class has the psychotic grin and the crazy eyes, and Rachel is no different. I have no doubt why Rachel is an Abyssal. While she doesn't have a mean bone in her body, she has something infinitely worse. Everything she does is approached with enthusiasm. Excuse me, ENTHUSIASM! Johnston mixed with Shimakaze and a dash of Kongo, all on a near-lethal dose of methamphetamine would not approach her drive to get things done. The problem is, she's so tied up with doing things properly, she'll never consider if she should do it at all.

If the destroyers decided to mix up some chlorine trifluoride, instead of emphatic and overwhelming dissuasion or seeking an adult, she would be seeing to passivating all the vessels and tooling involved, with concentrated Hydrofluoric Acid, and per John Clark's advice in Ignition! buying all involved 'a good pair of running shoes'.
It is, of course, extremely toxic, but that's the least of the problem. It is hypergolic {spontaneously ignites} with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water - with which it reacts explosively. It can be kept in some of the ordinary structural metals - steel, copper, aluminum, etc. - because of the formation of a thin film of insoluble metal fluoride that protects the bulk of the metal, just as the invisible coat of oxide on aluminum keeps it from burning up in the atmosphere. If, however, this coat is melted or scrubbed off, and has no chance to reform, the operator is confronted with the problem of coping with a metal-fluorine fire. For dealing with this situation, I have always recommended a good pair of running shoes.

Clark, John D. (1972). Ignition! An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants. Rutgers University Press. p. 214. ISBN 978-0-8135-0725-5.

Author's note - Yes I have this book, and find it both insightful and hilarious.

Fortunately for our safety and the continued existence of the planet, if not the galactic cluster, she's latched onto Kaga as her sempai/moral compass. So she's unlikely to walk into a bar and try to replicate the Joker's disappearing pencil trick, without involving Kaga in some way and being redirected. The only truly disturbing things about her that remain are her desperate need to 'bring Carrier Division Five up to standards', Houshou deserves a present, and her desperate need for something to read or something to do. At all times. I don't think she sleeps.

In the baths so we could sleep, we set her to patrol the perimeter, and unlike most over the top hyperactive people, she can be both incredibly patient and incredibly stealthy. Not to Rubber's levels, but I don't think a gnat could have gotten close without being confronted. Where she got that very expensive camera with the telephoto lens I am not going to ask. Why her shot up tail has it around its neck I do not want to know. Yes her tail was badly damaged, and she's missing a forearm, neither slowed her down, and like a border collie on a mission she was adorably instrumental in getting the other wounded policed up and loaded aboard the Kobayashi Maru before letting us see to her injuries.

Kongo looks over to me in horror. In four days, the girl devoured a stack of densely-written books half again as tall as she is.

"What about the surgeons and Damage Control officers I lent you?" I ask, my attempt to keep her occupied and out of trouble.

"We'll have the damage control training station in the main hanger completed by tomorrow, but we'll need to run some safety checks," she shrugs, and adds, "Since Kaga-san doesn't want me to utilize my remaining aircraft, they're broken down and stored below." Her grin fades. "I'm also integrating Wo's squadrons into mine. I want to do right by them, so that's occupying a fair degree of time. Oh, yes, the surgeons. They won't let the Imps they trained practice on the healthy, but the 837 wounded are all on the mend, there's not much for them to do."

Oh Good Lord, this is her understrength and distracted?

I had hoped to give this to her once we arrived in Japan, but as a mercy to Kaga, I throw in my trump card, and realize it's a pair of deuces. "This will be a bit of work," I say, then realize that's like shouting 'free ice cream' around a pack of destroyers, "A Chinese to English dictionary, a Chinese Kana guide, and a copy of Journey to the West in Chinese."

The hug I get is as enthusiastic as the rest of her. "Thank you," she exclaims tears in her eyes, "You all give me so many presents instead of just sending me away."

The penny drops in an instant for me. "Is that why you know all the proper salutes for all the nations?" It hadn't occurred to me at the time, but at the briefing before we sailed she'd given Roma, Sao Paulo, Forbin, Tashkent, Graf Spee, Iron Duke and Haida slightly different salutes. Same as the different salutes she'd given me, Johnston and Tone as we'd led the defectors to the Kobayashi Maru. They were the correct salutes for their nations instead of the `International` salute we generally gave. "You were passed around the fleets?"

"If you mean passed with a swift kick," Rachel says, "Yes. Mediterranean, South Atlantic, Eastern Pacific, Wake, and then North-Central Pacific."

Why would you send away a competent, diligent Re-class? I wonder.

I bend over so I'm eye-to-eye with her. "You don't have to perform like a trained seal to make people like you," I tell her, "Yes we like your expertise and enthusiasm, don't change it, but you don't have to buy our care."

And suddenly I've got a sobbing Abyssal clinging to me. Kaga rushes over and I carefully lift Rachel and put her in Kaga's arms and tousle the Re's hair. "You're a good team mate, that's all we require, everything else is just gravy."

Kaga hugs the happily sobbing Re and sails off to cuddle.

Again the whiplash, are Abyssals good, bad, directed, insane, or what? They clearly kicked around Rachel, but Tatas, Ka and the Wo are as brave and selfless as any of us. But the terror raid was cruelty incarnate. I sail on after getting a hug from Dorcas and Tatas and am left in my own confusion.

I'm glad we aren't escorting anything. Instead of 12 knots, we're holding at 20, so I'll be back to Houshou in five days. I need to talk to someone about this, and I need them to be able to talk back without the threat of someone shooting at us.

We've been redirected to sweep the bases of the dead Princesses. Okinotorishima, Fiery Cross Reef and Marcus Island are on our itinerary. Fortunately, Houshou will be joining us, as well as a team of American Standards.

"Anyone making jokes about the American Standards we saw in the water closets of Puget Sound will be fed so much ice cream they'll never want to look at ice cream ever again," I tell my force. The terror among the destroyers is palpable. Rachel has already sent privately by blinker lamp she has installed the ice-cream maker design I came up with, 'to deal with Kaga's `infirmity`'.

The battlewagons and the JMSDF force will meet us at Marcus and we'll sweep south from there. This will ironically allow us to retrieve any of Tony and Henry's belongings, keepsakes, etc. Rachel's at Fiery Cross Reef 'North-Central' base is the farthest south. This isn't irony or Abyssal disinformation, it's that her Princess thought the indicator on all maps was human gaslighting. Not even Rachel dared correct her.

We do lollygag a bit so we arrive slightly before the Standards' fleet. The lead ship is Texas and I remember Drachinafel's discussion of the Battle of the Texel, yes Texel not Texas, and Texas gives every indication of wanting to charge ahead into the fight, but her older engines just not up to the task.

Rachel of course charges out to meet them, and Akagi. What prevents a bloodbath is that with Hoel's urging, Rachel is carrying a huge banner reading 'Yankee Go Home!' That we're all standing in plain sight and have radioed them may help. Considering the vanguard are Texas, South Carolina, Mississippi and Arizona, they may share that sentiment.

"You're a tall drink of water," Texas manages before she falls silent.

"I am a long sip of tea," I gently correct and Texas is now blushing like a destroyer with chocolates on Valentine's Day.

Houshou comes to the rescue of the others by giving me a big hug and a glare at the others that clearly says 'MINE!' She then heads off to join Dorcas and meet Tatas.

"Uh, how?" Arizona manages, gesturing at Tony and Henry looking like Willie D's bodyguards, rather than her prisoners.

"I'll spare the eye roll at the joke," I say, "I disassembled a Princess, two Demons and several others in close-quarters combat, and sent Dorcas out to spread the word. I stole the line from For a Few Dollars More, but Dorcas spread the word, rescued a comrade herself, and these survivors felt they could risk surrender since Dorcas had survived captivity. Whether Abyssals are told we will kill on sight, or they know their personalities and needs make living with humans arduous and byzantine, to impossible is being determined."

Soon the eleven, American dreadnoughts and superdreadnoughts are here. Tony and Henry have taken this time to collect their 'stuff', a pitiful collection of shells, glittery rocks, a couple of shirts, and several partial comic books. It would be tragic if it weren't so wretched.

The first clue something is amiss is discovered by your's truly. The massive camouflaged warehouses are still sealed, and empty.

"This place was always stuffed with stuff," Henry says, her voice echoing across the abyss.

"It's not here now," Willie D says and stays close to the shaken cruiser.

Houshou arrives with Dorcas and Pennsylvania. "There are three others we broke into, stripped bare," Houshou tells me.

"Other Princesses raid each other all the time," Dorcas offers.

"And padlocked the warehouses closed after they left?" I ask, that would make sense if they left a garrison, or even a sentinel, but no one's been here since the force left.

"And we left Abyssals behind," Tony says, "And they weren't the kind who'd have a ninja plan."

"New orders, everyone stay in groups of threes, the destroyers should have a capital ship in sight, no one enters a building without myself, Texas or Nevada, we have UXB teams aboard," I tell them.

The quick nip in and out is turning into a major expedition. At least Marcus has an airstrip, so we can fly in experts once we've secured the place.

"The Princess' palace," Henry suggests, "We were never allowed in, but that might be a place to look."

A reasonable plan, but we're entering in force.

"Wot, wot, wot," the Fairy reports as he stows his gear for sweeping for mines and other explosives and traps.

I nod and approach the doors. Texas and Nevada have recovered their teams as well. All three of us exchange looks and are aware that the teams were suspiciously specific about them NOT finding traps, but no other observations.

The doors are held closed only with rust and a light chain. Forty-six thousand tons and one-hundred thousand horsepower put that aside easily, while Texas and Nevada are ready to shoot anything that comes out. Nothing does, and the first thing we all notice is the dust, and the bodies. There's not a mark on them, but every Abyssal in the long palatial hall are dead. The following ship-girls and defectors have their rigging out and trained in all directions. The camera I got from Dorcas' treasure trove has an infrared setting, letting me see heat, at least as much as boilers in ship-girls and Abyssals generate.

The crew report nothing as they scan using the camera. Small groups move out and with a much larger covering force, check each figure, verifying they are corpses, and they are totally unmarked.

"We could throw some in the water, summon them back and interrogate them," Tatas suggests over voice radio.

I shake my head. I do wish I'd thought to take NBC protocols. If this is a disease, it might affect ship-girls, and it definitely may be a threat to humans.

"Kirishima, take a team and photograph all this," I order, "Hiei, take a team outside, tell the inbound aircraft to turn back and declare a quarantine zone around here. Whatever killed them may be transmissible to ship-girls and humans."

"How do we know they just didn't shut down their boilers and die?" Kongo asks, "Seppuku doesn't require a tanto, not for ship-girls."

"Could you do that?" I ask, "Suicide for failure is not exclusive to the Japanese military."

Kongo considers then shrugs. "I am valuable to the nation. I would have to be ordered to. And I have been ordered to do things I prefer not to recall. If ordered, yes, I believe I could."

I look at Tony and Henry, but they shake their heads. The Princess was with them, and they received no such orders. "Send the messages, append the note that they may have committed suicide by boiler shutdown. We are investigating."

Hiei takes Tone and Kamikaze as she heads outside.

"Destroyers, all, destroyers," Houshou says, "Form a perimeter around this building, verify that no other entrances or exits exist. Use sonar and hydrophones to search for underground passages and spaces."

I don't gainsay her, but I do wonder at her order, and her grim expression. I won't ask until the destroyers are out of earshot, and their ears are sensitive.

'After Midway, I would have, if I'd been a ship-girl,' she sends by text to the battlewagons, 'Mother of carriers.'

I am not sure what she's alluding to, but I know asking would open wounds she doesn't want to address here. We move forward and complete our survey. None of the corpses have a wound, none appear distressed, unhappy is about the worst we see. I also wonder if the building was hit by some kind of oxygen depletion, like the lake that periodically 'burps' asphyxiating clouds of volcanic gases. It wasn't a fire, and there's no lingering odor of any gasses. The building doesn't seem airtight enough to simply seal the doors and deplete the air within, despite the fact that ship-girls need a lot more air than humans.

The hall and the various chambers leading out of it give no more clues to the deaths. It was a substantial fleet left behind, likely to defend against one or both of the other Princess' forces from raiding while the Princesses were away. 'Oh, it was a rogue group I didn't order that' is common enough among human nations, it's hard to believe the Abyssals wouldn't have a similar bent.

As so often happens when I get `clever`, the ingenuity twists in my hands. The crux of the issue isn't in the Princess' Hall, it's outside in a bunker, which I allowed the destroyers to go look for.
Answers That No One Wants
'We found it,' from Hibiki has every ship in the Princess' Hall racing out to Destroyer Division Six, Hiei and Kirishima are practically having to throw the other destroyers away from the quartet who are stoically standing beside a concrete doorway they'd dug out and moved aside.

"Into ranks!" I thunder at the roiling destroyers Hiei and Kirishima were trying to obstruct. They fall in, looking terrified and vaguely mutinous.

Ikazuchi draws herself up and salutes, the others follow suit. I don't have the heart to tell them I didn't order them to enter such places. They know exactly why they shouldn't have. Along with the other three, she's barely holding it together. As soon as I return the salute, Ikazuchi explains, "We may have found the bunker containing the explanation for the Abyssals' mass suicide."

"Very good, well done. Report to Houshou-san," I tell them, "Standards, post this area, Hiei, dismiss the formation." I look at the forces I have, and frankly, this is something I want to do alone. The other destroyers swarm over Division Six for a standing cuddlepile as I descend into the bunker.

There are no lights, but I have searchlights. The place is nearly as large as the Princess' Hall, but as it runs crossways under the former the ceiling is lower so I have to crouch to walk through. What my searchlights find are alcoves, in each are what look like cribs, extending as far as the searchlights will reach in the chamber.

In the first crib is a small almost human figure. Coloring of hair and skin mark it as a Ru-class. But I thought Abyssals formed like ship-girls, springing fully formed like Athena from the head of Zeus. These are clearly infants.

Dead infants. The next shows a Wo, also dead. Re's, Ta's, Ne's, and Ri's add to the list. No demons and nothing lighter. All the most humanoid of the Abyssals, all the standard classes. If these had been allowed to grow up, they would have dwarfed any fleet that could have opposed them. But they are as dead as the Abyssals in the Hall, and Ikazuchi reported/assumed that when all these died, the Abyssals locked themselves in the hall and committed mass suicide.

Again I have to ask, what killed them and is it a threat to we who landed here, the human race, everything on the planet?

I've seen death, I've caused death, in some carefully calculated and others incredibly barbaric ways, but this bothers me. Not just for the lives lost, but the potential. If they'd been alive, could we have given them a better life than soldiers in a war? Could they have grown up without the quirks and tendencies that trouble Dorcas, Rubber, Rachel and others?

They don't appear to have been wounded, no gas or low-oxygen alarms sound as I move through the hall, just noting classes and the numbers, and verifying they are dead. If it was a disease, I'm thoroughly contaminated.

I also don't care. I've seen enough death in the last few days another helping that includes my own doesn't bother me as much as perhaps it should. Ship-girls have a serial immortality, and if I did return as an Abyssal, I know how I could surrender and what the treasure trove of intelligence I could provide could be worth to Allied Intelligence. My only concern would be helping the others of the landing party to make it through, although if we die on land, they could drop us one at a time into the sea and then give each of them the counseling necessary.

So they didn't throw themselves into the sea and then kill themselves, they didn't toss these small corpses into the sea to recycle them. What really happened here, did they know their Princess' plan, did the Princess' plan work? Why are the warehouses empty, is it related?

I'm in a thoroughly maudlin state of mind when I climb out of the bunker into the growing darkness. There's another entrance in the Princess' Hall, so I close this one behind me and find Rachel helping me.

"Orders from Kaga and Houshou, the Standards were dismissed. Some got a good look at what you could see from the entrance. I'm to let you finish your investigation, then 'drag him back to us'," the Re-class says. Despite her size, Re's are a cross of superbattleship and supercarrier. Of all the people on the island I'd rate my chances worst against her in a hand-to-hand fight, if we weren't trying to kill each other. "She thinks you'll feel 'unworthy' after the destroyers found that." She points to the bunker.

"Lead on," I say, and she walks towards the huts, like most buildings here also concealed from above. "Aren't I responsible?"

"You are in command, so yes you are responsible," Rachel says, "That doesn't mean it's your fault. You have to fix it. You didn't cause it. And you didn't lecture the destroyers on their mistake, many poor officers would have."

I nod.

"Frankly, the destroyers are more worried about their mistake and that they've somehow lost their connection with 'Mister Howe'," Rachel says, she stops and looks at me, "I don't think you really understand how people feel about you. Maybe because you don't understand how you feel about you."

"I am a warship, and I have noticed you keep sticking 'how' in as many places as you can," I reply, "As for who I am versus who I think I am, you're right, I don't know. I should be as obsolescent as the Standards, but I stand to for battles that would discourage a Yamato. I try to be decent to all who give me the chance, but am Abyssally ruthless to those who deserve it."

"No Abyssal plants the blow and lets their opponent live in pain like you do," Rachel says, "What you did to Kaga and the Kongos still gives them shivers. What Dorcas spread among some Abyssals made you a bogeyman, and at the same time makes Abyssals want to tell the story to others. Ka saw Dorcas had survived, and knew she had an option other than a suicidal attack or dying on the crawl back home. You could probably sail into the Med and they'd know what you did to that Princess. What's the line, 'when villains assemble to be scary, they tell Joker stories'? I knew about you before we got pulverized by the Northern Princess. We figured you'd kill about half to a third before you started to take prisoners, which was better than you killing us all."

"Interesting," I say, "And I am aware that most cruisers and above go into brain lock when trying to talk to me about anything except the combat situation. I doubt I am that good looking."

"You're a that good looking ship-man, and relationships among ship-girls ignore rank which does affect relationships between ship-girls and admirals or other human officers," Rachel says, she seems to enjoy talking about something she really has to think about.

"What are you smiling about now?" Rachel asks.

"Just thinking that I was missing having a conversation like this, excepting Houshou only the destroyers retain the ability to speak, and this isn't a good subject," I say, "But you Abyssals don't seem affected."

"For me, I want something with more deck space," Rachel says and shrugs, "So you're nice but not a need. Dorcas is constantly scared you'll kill her at a whim, so she's in the combat mindset, and she knows that she can't set you off, but you may just drop her because a coin dropped heads."

Not a very comfortable idea, I think, I guess Rubber wanted someone a lot more plush. Hence both Nagato-class.

"So why the empty warehouses, the deaths and the suicides, are they all related?" I ask.

"I don't know all of what was stored, but how much could those little ones eat in a couple weeks?" Rachel asks, then signals me to silence as we enter the Quonset hut. Houshou has a lap full of DesDiv 6, who look up worriedly at me as I enter. I take a seat next to Houshou and nod.

The sound of actually happy destroyers is a pleasant enough sound to wake up to. The nightmares I had throughout the entire night are best left to Lovecraft, John Carpenter and their ilk.

I step outside to watch Rachel supervising the destroyers, fortunately with Mississippi and Pennsylvania looking on. The destroyers are in small groups running in as tight a circle as they can until they get dizzy and wobble out of formation. Then they try and chase Tone or Augusta, while they couldn't sail a straight course to save their lives.

"What is all this?" I ask as I catch Blue as she blunders into me.

"What are we doing?" she calls to the others and they totter to a halt.

"We have become death, the destroyers of whirled!" they shout back, and go back to their game.

While I very much appreciate her helping the destroyers get over the events of yesterday, I am going to have to remember to have my tea before dealing with Rachel.

Akashi steps away from the curtain surrounding the autopsy alcove. She at least knows enough to call it that. She blanches at the wall of concerned faces, both ship-girls and Abyssals.

"It's no disease, it's malnutrition," Akashi says, "They emptied those warehouses of food, and these little ones literally starved to death."

"How is that possible?" Rachel asks, since we've spent days trying to theory craft an idea.

"These Abyssals know nothing about how babies or ships are grown," Akashi says, wiping her brow, "All of these little ones are suffering from copper depletion. Their nervous systems hit a growth spurt, and without copper, they scavenged from other areas and their systems failed. Before I install radar or a sensor upgrade, lots of copper supplements for wiring and other needs for increased communication and power transmission."

"What do we do with them?" Tony asks.

"Can we put crews on them and finish the job?" Henry asks.

I've never seen Akashi look more uncomfortable. Not solely due to the question of 'how'? But the moral and ethical questions.

"I think Allied High Command will have to direct an effort in that regard," I tell the assembled, "Akashi might be able to, but even if she could, who'd raise them, how would we deal with ships that are literally toddlers? High Command would have to get the people and resources to prevent this from happening to them again. And that wouldn't be fair to them either."

And if they turn out to be monsters, they outnumber the planetary population of ship-girls by three-to-one, I don't point out, but it's on every capital ship's mind.

"Something to look forward to if we win the war," Hoel says, "We can look after a few of them, but not with the war raging."

Many of the destroyers nod, but the larger ships are less sanguine about going from warriors to mothers at High Command's order. While Houshou and I have discussed the possibility, no one really knows how ship-girl reproduction works. That's for Admirals and above to consider.

"You've created a terrible mess," Admiral Goto's immediate superior's superior, Admiral Tanaka said. Among the politicians, officers and even a representative of the Emperor sat in the classified briefing room. No celphones, no recorders and no chance of being observed by others.

"With respect, I didn't decide to use the refugee population as the Comfort Women of the Greater East Asia CoProsperity Sphere," Goto said, "I made you aware of the problem before it was made public, or worse, stumbled upon by the Americans. They can be very hypocritical and prudish about the abuse of their citizens."

Everyone in the room shifted in their seats at that. All of them survived the experience of containing a Senate Investigating Committee. All of them knew the joke of 'three heads, no brains, flies around destroying things. Ghidorah? No a Senate Investigating team.' Although 'concerned Diet Men' was often substituted.

"I do have an explanation that should satisfy the Americans, and we should return the girls as quickly as possible so they don't accidently see one of their customers pontificating on national television," Goto paused long enough to get a nod from the senior military officer, "They often mock us for not having armed police, well in this case we needed armored police. We needed a lull in operations to let a well-trained ship-girl task force break in, rescue the girls and provide armor should these armed thugs decide that dead victims don't testify. The addition of an Abyssal who desperately wanted to prove herself delayed things a bit, but it did make certain that no weapons were directed at the rescuees.

"Second, we get the Americans back to America as soon as they meet with the ship-girl rescuers, both the Duckies and Rubber, those names alone will have the Americans laughing up their sleeves. At the same time, all the other victims will be offered compensation and we start working out a voluntary resettlement deal with the United States, yes even the Japanese nationals, some of them might not want to stay in this country.

"Third." He held up part of 'the list'. "We get this to the US Speaker of the House, and the senior member of the opposition party, and ask if they want us to publish, or should they?" Goto said and ignored the smiles of the people around him, "I am concerned with the discovery by Operation Jaded Fuzz, who comes up with these names? Either it gives us an insight into the life cycle of Abyssals, or this was a new system that one of the dead Princesses developed. I have already had private communications about getting a prize crew for one of the bodies, affecting repairs and seeing what happens."

Now they weren't grinning. "Is there another way? It feels like animating a corpse," the Emperor's representative said.

"We can simply bury them, we can strip them for resources, we can do a huge number of things. We don't know what they were, their mental activity level, what they were planned for, or even if the Abyssal mindset is part of their hulls or is something they learn," Goto said. He didn't add that after the list and the interviews of the rescued girls, he was vaguely afraid that someone or several someones would repair the Abyssal bodies to destroyer or cruiser physical maturity, and then use them as a lewd, semiconscious toy.

If they'd do that to humans, he thought grimly, Why wouldn't they do that to Abyssal shells?

The various leaders looked at each other and for once their native cowardice served. "Bury them with appropriate religious services. If Abyssals are the ghosts of aggrieved ship-girl spirits, let us inter these in sanctified ground," Admiral Tanaka said as the others nodded at his `wisdom`, it also made it a de facto order for Goto, giving him orders to do what he wanted.

"I'll make preparations," Goto said and considered the priests needed. He looked at the Emperor's representative. "I am also putting forth a request to award Rubber for her part of the operation. It need not be made widely public."
Three Bases and A Home Run
I've never seen a ship-girl vomit before. I remember the Curry War where certain people put something in their entry that made them pass out, but good, old, full-projectile upchucking, never before. I am glad Rachel, Houshou, Tony and Henry had the destroyers off surveying the rest of the island looking for other bunkers or buried items.

Digging the grave wasn't a problem for ship-girls, although considering the stone we were cutting, creating a mausoleum might be a better term. Dig down, then out so we could create several `sheets` of stone to cover the grave. The rest of the stone is ground, to provide fill. More than a dozen battleships and heavy carriers, and our crews, got the job done in a day.

Filling the hole was what cost us the Kongos, Kaga and half the Standards. So it was me and the Pearl Harbor veterans who were carefully carrying the bodies out to the chaplains: Shinto, Buddhist and Christian, who gave the groups of eight last rights, then we were taking the figures wrapped in navy blankets and stacking them like shells in the hole. Two rows of three, head to toe, by fifteen side by side. We'll fill in the four-wide row between once we're done and can climb out. Nobody wants to walk on a floor of dead bodies. So the final fill will be 10 wide x 15 long x 8 deep, 1200 give or take. Some of the ones who disgorged at handling the small forms are preparing the adults as the top layer, then the crushed rock will be poured in, then the stone covers and a large collection of beach sand collected by the cruisers atop that.

I think everyone was unhappy about burying them all instead of some other purpose. The adults could have been 'made into car parts' per some of the grislier ships, but no one wanted the little ones treated in any disrespectful way.

The scene of our contingent standing at the sealed grave site having a proper funeral is surreal. I leave this completely to the priests. The Japanese understand we are placating whatever souls they had. The Americans are less sanguine but they are doing it. Our Abyssals are more like the Japanese, but in a more Platonic way, they are here honoring the dead to keep them from rising.

And me? I don't know, it seems the right thing to do. It's what I'd expect in a more honorable war with a more honorable enemy. Silly I know, but I almost wish we could tell the other Abyssals that there is a path to peace and rest that doesn't require their annihilation. Not that they'd believe me, and not that death or genocide isn't exactly what they actually want.

The destroyers fire the volleys and the service breaks up. The priests will head back to Japan, and we will head to the next island base and hope that we don't find anything `interesting`.

Okinotorishima barely qualifies as a base. The only structures are built onto the reef, and it looks like the aftermath of a frat house party. Tatas showed us where the supplies are cached in submerged barrels.

Important note, ship-girls as opposed to sub-girls can't free dive. In fact, ship-girls are bathophobic, fear of depths. If they aren't walking on the ocean, they are freaked out by it. Soaking in a pool or tub with a bottom is fine, but not swimming in the actual ocean like a human. Me? Guilty as charged, though I and some others can control it. I may take some lessons to lessen the fear, I've got two Abyssals who won't let me drown.

"Johnston!" I shout at the shivering figure atop the old research station, "Come down from there. There's a storm coming in and you're safer on the water."

I can't decipher the whimpering reply. I'm guessing it has something to do with sinking, and considering Johnston's steel hull is at some 25,000 feet, I can almost understand her paranoia.

I glance at Hoel and Heerman, who scramble up the drainpipe Johnston scooted up the instant after she slipped on a rock and went completely under. I've seen film of the Polaris SLBMs launching and they have nothing on Johnston. I may tease Shimakaze about Johnston beating her handily on speed, and in the vertical direction. I turn to Rachel and Tatas.

"We'd better police up all the drums and find a good location to store them. I doubt we'll be better off trying to wait out the storm in the buildings than trying to outrun it." I gesture to the drums and the best condition building.

The Abyssals nod and go back to bringing up the supplies for the ship-girls to load back in the buildings.

The sniveling, fetal-position Johnston is lowered from the roof by cable. I am not going to ask. She immediately grabs hold of a rock like a limpet.

"We're heading out to sea," I ask, "Can you manage?"

"On top of the water?" she asks.

Depends on the sea state, I don't tell her.

"That's the plan. You aren't a submarine," I say.

She manages to stand and get herself squared away, Hoel and Heerman are helping with the barrels. "USS Johnston, reporting."

I collect Dorcas with a glance. "Head out and scout the area ahead," I tell them, return Johnston's salute, then move off to help with the barrels.

With a yelp, Johnston leaps away from the crumbling concrete that threatened to dump her in the drink. Fiery Cross Reef is in worse shape than Okinotorishima. The old Chinese base is larger, but suffered far more.

"What did they make this place out of? Cardboard-reinforced tapioca?" Johnston complains.

"Trash bags, by the look of it," Rachel says, as the filler in the crumbled wall is revealed. She's correct, the wall is stuffed with plastic bags, fortunately no trash, just the bags. Although, they look like grocery bags. I guess no one wanted to ship them back, so they used them as filler. Filler Hell they used them as the main material and added a layer of concrete over them.

I pick up a piece and realize it's just cement, not concrete. You were grinding up huge amounts of coral and you didn't think that would be better filler? Or aggregate for the concrete? Rachel has recovered her stuff, and we have the supplies that weren't damaged by `crumbling infrastructure`, and are just waiting for the helos to arrive to carry it out.

"How many people did you lose to this?" Johnston asks Rachel.

"None, we can swim," the Re says, "And we stayed more towards the center, but a thorough search is a thorough search."

I'm vaguely wondering if we should let the helos land. Kirishima and Haruna checked out the helipad and pronounced it `safe`, not sound, safe. I am beginning to understand why the Marcus Island Princess was the pick of the litter. Her base wasn't going to crumble into the sea in a human lifetime.

Yokosuka, I am so glad to be back. I'd rather have KP here than luxury accommodations anywhere else on this trip, including Puget Sound. There are no protesters here standing outside the gates screaming that we should just give the Abyssals the seas and have peace again. As they're standing there in foreign-made clothes with their foreign-made celphones eating food harvested from the sea. There are times I wish I could flip a switch and give these people the world they're advocating for, as it would actually work, not their utopian psychosis. Then I realize they wouldn't learn from the experience. If years of the Abyssals exterminating small, coastal towns and attacks on their own home city never convinced them, nothing will. And people say faith-based religion is dead.

What did Bagley call them? NPCs? I haven't played the right games enough to really internalize what that means.

The gang's all here and there's the telltales of a mammoth party in the offing. No, the pink pony is no where to be seen. Bunker fuel, habanero tequila and a cartoon marathon with the destroyers gave the most interesting dreams after our going away party. I'm still not sure if Kongo actually changed colors like that, or if it was a hallucination. I mean plaid?

Houshou's welcoming hug of the three of us: me, Dorcas and Tatas, is the sign we're home. The Admiral is profuse with his congratulations. The Iowas, Massachusetts and a bunch of both fast and standard battleships are here. Both a large convoy coming through, and semi-official thanks for the treasure trove of intelligence we gathered.

I'm looking forward to the party and the aftermath.

Dorcas waves a hand in front of Tatas' face as Houshou turns on the lights. We had a couple days off, so we are enjoying ourselves before the sun comes up. Tatas had not experienced such a thing.

"I think we broke her," Dorcas says.

"They just tickled you to put you in this state," I reply as I pull my pants back on.

"Fifteen of them tickled me," Dorcas says, "I guess we wait for her to wake up."

"We could disable the entire Abyssal fleet," Houshou says, hiding her grin, "We just need more ship-men."

"You were doing pretty good without me," I reply, " 'Make love not war' it works, who knew."

Houshou starts laughing, until Tatas 'rises from the grave' and enfolds all of us in a bonecrushing hug. Again? she signals, as if we would categorically refuse.

The mess hall falls silent as we enter, not just because of the number of Abyssals walking in, but everyone knows the theater that will occur, especially with Rubber and the Nagatos close behind us.

"None of your eyebrows stuff," Rubber says as she surveys the mess hall, "Suffice it to say, 'Yes', looks like everyone, including the new carrier escort."

Kaga begins coughing furiously as Akagi tries to hide behind her napkin. Rachel keeps eating while her tail's tongue waves hello.

Enter the Kongos, and the few formerly trying to be above it all are now leaning in.

"Besides, Nagato squeaks even better than the Admiral did," Rubber adds.

Sealion didn't hit Kongo as hard as that did. Nagato, unexpectedly, kisses Rubber on the cheek, then surveys her subordinates with a gaze that imperiously dares anyone to ridicule.

I think she braced too hard the wrong way.

Even she isn't expecting the applause. I doubt Nagato knew that everyone knew of her doomed fixation on the Admiral. That she's found a couple of someone elses brings hope to even the most dateless ship-girls, and those who's dateless crushes have yet to notice they have someone available.

It also derails whatever Rubber was going to say to discomfit Mutsu, who also kisses Rubber on the cheek. Now the Abyssal is blushing.

"She said she needed conflict," Dorcas says quietly, "I don't think she dislikes losing."

She didn't lose, I think and Houshou's gaze and expression communicates the same.

Willie D, Tony and Henry enter and the DD freezes as the entire mess hall goes silent.

"Of course not, get your minds out of the gutter!" I thunder at the assembled, who go back to their meals, and Willie D looks around trying to figure out what kind of minefield she just sailed into. Henry and Tony take a bit, but they figure it out in the food line and wisely keep silent. Full points for them.

I wake. Not that I wasn't expecting to, Akashi and Vestal were brought in to work on me. Having Tatas curled up around me with a large bandage on her neck shows that the other operation was attempted also.

"How do you feel?" Akashi asks as she leans into view.

"As tired as my crew is," I reply, "But I want to test it. Give me a bit to get everyone to damage control stations and we'll fire up the radar."

"You aren't going to burst into flames," Vestal jokes.

"With my luck I'll vanish from sight," I tell them. I'd read the unclassified Philadelphia Experiment reports and all I could really conclude was they were hiding something, either a massive success, a massive cock up, or both.

Tatas wakes, touches the bandage.

"None of that, and no talking for a few more days," Vestal scolds.

Tatas nods, kisses me on the lips and slithers out of my bed to return to her own.

"Ready?" Akashi asks.

"No, but when has that ever stopped me," I say, and activate my radar for the first time.

My God it's full of stars.

"Typical," Vestal says as the world fades out.

"Are you all right?" Dorcas asks as I stare at the shells going downrange both optically and with my radar. Since there was going to be major refitting to install any radar, Vestal and Akashi decided to experiment and go with a postwar radar system: '46-'47 not a modern aegis.

The shells land within inches of where I aimed them. The first rounds telling me all the wind variations along the flight path, and the follow-ups compensating.

"It's like being blind and suddenly being able to see," I explain, "And I know that it's dangerous to get too used to a system that can be spoofed, but this is training and testing."

Tatas is with Houshou at her pub, yes pub both food and liquor being served. She's happy to not have to study war no more, and she's not interested in becoming an auxiliary like Dorcas.

Rachel is a few lanes down the range doing the exact drill I was doing with Houshou those months ago with Akagi and Kaga, gunnery training. I haven't quite figured out if Rachel's tail is a separate entity, or if the Id, Ego, Superego exists within Abyssals and there are now two slots for occupation. Her tail normally seems the sober and diligent one, while Rachel's human body is like Sailor Moon on speed. Until cookies, pancakes, heck any baked goods are available, especially when they are destined for someone else, then her tail turns into a complete kleptomaniac. Someone had, note the past tense, a sculpture of a plate of cookies in their waiting room. Not a plate with cookie sculptures atop it, one piece object. Somehow the plate was undamaged but all the ceramic cookies had been silently eaten without alerting a room full of watchers.

The medics have been able to get Rachel to take a needed mineral supplement, she was low on copper, where have we heard that before, by taking several dozen copper washers, several dozen Hydrox cookies, and engineering an infiltration. Change that to nearly any, Oreos, Moonpies and raspberry scones are perfectly safe around Rachel's tail. Raspberry scones being Rachel's girl part's favorites, and the civil war is not wanted.

The destroyers have a new party game where they'll have a mixed bowl of Oreos, Hydrox, and a couple of store brands, let Rachel's tail lose, and the Oreo and Oreo-derived sandwich cookies will remain, but all the others will be gone. If it keeps the destroyers from more questionable activities, I'm okay with it. The question of nighttime activities among the new battlegroup I leave to the imagination, there are some things I don't want to know. I'm having too much fun with the three I have, and watching the permutations. Dorcas and Tatas are a particularly engaging terpsichore, they both keep thinking that their partner is an Abyssal despite personally wanting to never behave like an Abyssal to a partner again, and thus they are the most tender, tentative and careful in their engagements while being relative wildcats when it is I and/or Houshou involved. The difference between having sex and making love has never been as profoundly demonstrated.

Progress all around.