An interview with a future historian


More of a Zor than You
In this scenario, for some reason you get abducted by some rather unpleasant individuals which drug you and you end up passing out. Then you slowly come to in a strange hospital room with strange machines, strange writing and strange people in strange clothing speaking a strange language.

Gradually you come to full awareness and you are eventually met by someone who speaks English with an odd accent which is vaguely Australian in general who has come to ask you some questions. They is 173cm tall, has olive skin, dark green hair in a sensible bob haircut, is dressed in a green shirt, green pillbox style hat, dark green and black jacket with insignia on the breast and shoulder, medium green leggings and boots and looks like a broad shouldered woman, though they correct you if call them a woman as they are not "Stemline Binary". They are accompanied by an guard in black armor a a truncheon who watches things quietly and brings you a meal (tea, vegetable soup and noodles, they'd change the menu at your request). Their name is doctor* Kayin Thail, they're a Precatacylist historian and they inform you that it is Imperial Year 1538, or 4265 CE.

Basically during the 21st century climate change was left unaddressed which gradually led to increased political and economic instability which culminated in 2103 with the Cataclysm War. Billions died in the war and billions more died in the aftermath, leaving only about 250 million or so alive by 2120. Society regressed to a large degree to mostly preindustrial levels without the boon of fossil fuels. But enough information survived so that a recovery was possible by a federation of towns in what was once Queensland Australia to gradually pick up the pieces and rebuild from the Dark Age. It was a step by step process requiring careful management of resources, gradually developing thermal solar and hydro-power capacity while fighting off nomadic barbarians and city states to the south over the span of centuries, but ultimately they gained enough capacity to steamroll their foes, unify Australia and from their unify the world under the banner of the Imperial Commonwealth (name translated) ruled from Khenber (built on the remains of Canberra). Over the last two centuries they've begun to really reach out into the Solar System and have developed colonies on the moon, the asteroids, mars and venus, though the total population off world remains at less than a million people.

The Society which arose from the ashes is distinct from modern society in a large number of ways. The Commonwealth's language is about as removed from English is as French is from Latin and they use their own distinct alphabet. It has overtaken modern earth technologically and now the bulk of it's power is generated by fusion reactors. Much of it's economy (in particular heavy industry) is operated by governmental bodies, though there is still a market element and a lot of effort is put into sustainable development. The government has democratic elements, but also a strong technocratic element as well. Cities tend to have large numbers of apartment buildings and electric commuter railways. Electric Automobiles as something that your average worker could afford have only become common in the last two centuries, but single family suburbs don't exist. Arcologies are beginning to be built. It also has put into place a program which involved the genetic modification of humanity through various incentives for parents to remake humanity into a species of functional hermaphrodites with triple the lifespan, which is near universal in Australia, Asia and South America (the first areas conquered by the Imperial Commonwealth) and less so in the latter frontier regions. There are some remnants of Judaism, Shintoism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism that identify as such, but all of them have evolved to some degree over the past twenty two centuries (Judaism is still the most recognizable). More information is provided on a tablet with information translated into English. The Imperial Commonwealth's population is about four billion people.

But getting back to your story, about six months ago workers building a new set of apartment blocks found a pre-catacylsm chamber with a pod powered by a small Radioisotope Thermal Generator which contained a person in it. Inside it was you, they found instructions for safely decanting it's contents and now you are out. Basically Kayin is in the opportunity that a real world that a historian from out time would have if they managed to unfreeze a Roman from the time of Julius Caeser. The people of the Imperial Commonwealth largely look upon the USA, PRC, EU, British Empire, USSR, Napoleon and so forth in similar ways that we'd look at the city states of Greece and the Roman Empire. They show sympathy for your loss and never seeing your friends, children, parents and siblings again, friends and, but despite this they would still like to interview you to learn more about our world. After you are cleared to leave the hospital in a couple of weeks, they'd move you into a 128 square meter apartment in Khenber.

How would you describe the 21st century world to Kayin?

*title translated, so is much of the terminology.

"How'd you reestablish technological civilization despite all the oil and rare earth ores necessary for technological civilization that could be extracted without preexisting technological infrastructure already having been expended?"
"How'd you reestablish technological civilization despite all the oil and rare earth ores necessary for technological civilization that could be extracted without preexisting technological infrastructure already having been expended?"
Wow a few months of necromancy? Well since you bumped it I'll try and answer this later when I'm not on the phone.
In this scenario, for some reason you get abducted by some rather unpleasant individuals which drug you and you end up passing out. Then you slowly come to in a strange hospital room with strange machines, strange writing and strange people in strange clothing speaking a strange language.

Gradually you come to full awareness and you are eventually met by someone who speaks English with an odd accent which is vaguely Australian in general who has come to ask you some questions. They is 173cm tall, has olive skin, dark green hair in a sensible bob haircut, is dressed in a green shirt, green pillbox style hat, dark green and black jacket with insignia on the breast and shoulder, medium green leggings and boots and looks like a broad shouldered woman, though they correct you if call them a woman as they are not "Stemline Binary". They are accompanied by an guard in black armor a a truncheon who watches things quietly and brings you a meal (tea, vegetable soup and noodles, they'd change the menu at your request). Their name is doctor* Kayin Thail, they're a Precatacylist historian and they inform you that it is Imperial Year 1538, or 4265 CE.

Basically during the 21st century climate change was left unaddressed which gradually led to increased political and economic instability which culminated in 2103 with the Cataclysm War. Billions died in the war and billions more died in the aftermath, leaving only about 250 million or so alive by 2120. Society regressed to a large degree to mostly preindustrial levels without the boon of fossil fuels. But enough information survived so that a recovery was possible by a federation of towns in what was once Queensland Australia to gradually pick up the pieces and rebuild from the Dark Age. It was a step by step process requiring careful management of resources, gradually developing thermal solar and hydro-power capacity while fighting off nomadic barbarians and city states to the south over the span of centuries, but ultimately they gained enough capacity to steamroll their foes, unify Australia and from their unify the world under the banner of the Imperial Commonwealth (name translated) ruled from Khenber (built on the remains of Canberra). Over the last two centuries they've begun to really reach out into the Solar System and have developed colonies on the moon, the asteroids, mars and venus, though the total population off world remains at less than a million people.

The Society which arose from the ashes is distinct from modern society in a large number of ways. The Commonwealth's language is about as removed from English is as French is from Latin and they use their own distinct alphabet. It has overtaken modern earth technologically and now the bulk of it's power is generated by fusion reactors. Much of it's economy (in particular heavy industry) is operated by governmental bodies, though there is still a market element and a lot of effort is put into sustainable development. The government has democratic elements, but also a strong technocratic element as well. Cities tend to have large numbers of apartment buildings and electric commuter railways. Electric Automobiles as something that your average worker could afford have only become common in the last two centuries, but single family suburbs don't exist. Arcologies are beginning to be built. It also has put into place a program which involved the genetic modification of humanity through various incentives for parents to remake humanity into a species of functional hermaphrodites with triple the lifespan, which is near universal in Australia, Asia and South America (the first areas conquered by the Imperial Commonwealth) and less so in the latter frontier regions. There are some remnants of Judaism, Shintoism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism that identify as such, but all of them have evolved to some degree over the past twenty two centuries (Judaism is still the most recognizable). More information is provided on a tablet with information translated into English. The Imperial Commonwealth's population is about four billion people.

But getting back to your story, about six months ago workers building a new set of apartment blocks found a pre-catacylsm chamber with a pod powered by a small Radioisotope Thermal Generator which contained a person in it. Inside it was you, they found instructions for safely decanting it's contents and now you are out. Basically Kayin is in the opportunity that a real world that a historian from out time would have if they managed to unfreeze a Roman from the time of Julius Caeser. The people of the Imperial Commonwealth largely look upon the USA, PRC, EU, British Empire, USSR, Napoleon and so forth in similar ways that we'd look at the city states of Greece and the Roman Empire. They show sympathy for your loss and never seeing your friends, children, parents and siblings again, friends and, but despite this they would still like to interview you to learn more about our world. After you are cleared to leave the hospital in a couple of weeks, they'd move you into a 128 square meter apartment in Khenber.

How would you describe the 21st century world to Kayin?

*title translated, so is much of the terminology.

Alright, I guess I'd be shocked and tell her, that I did not expect climate change to get quite that bad. I'd ask who started the cataclysm war was it the U.S. or China? Though since humanity has advanced so much that people live till 300 and don't need fossil fuels because they have fusion. Also they probably don't have to worry about unchecked corporations and capitalism like America since they are an Imperial Commonwealth. I'd ask who the current Emperor/Empress is and how they are chosen is it the child of the current emperor, elections, military coup, etc.
How did they get to fusion in the first place from a starting point of post-apocalyptic barbarianism without oil as an intermediary stage?
Technology isn't like an RTS game where you need to advance to the next age to make something. For example a middle age black smith could make an AK47 and there are people in Afghanistan and Pakistan in the rural areas who have made those DIY assault rifles. They aren't as good as factory made stuff, but are better than flint lock muskets. Same thing could have happend here. While all the infrasturcture got nuked people still had knowledge and were able to do short cuts with renewable power like water, solar, geothermal, etc. until they could build the tools to harness fission and then fusion.
"Well, let's say I'm not surprised by the Cataclysm. We knew that our climate is fucked... well, that word means many things, including that something is damaged with no or almost no hope for a good solution. We just continued to extract oil and coal. This had a strong political or ideological reason, many people thought that sustainable energy is either a stupid idea or that it can't be done. We also knew that the planet is barely able to feed so many people, but our politicians worried about declining population. It was horrifying. We were like under the influence of a drug that makes you unable to see dangers. I don't think that you can imagine that. Do you have any materials about the Nazis who believed that they have to win World War Two when Germany was already invaded by the Allies? It must have been something like that."
"How'd you reestablish technological civilization despite all the oil and rare earth ores necessary for technological civilization that could be extracted without preexisting technological infrastructure already having been expended?"
In short it was a centuries long complex multi-generational project using primarily hydro-electric and thermal solar power in which every watt of output was squeezed and husbanded to expand capacity, including securing new territories to build new faciltiies in.

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I'd ask who the current Emperor/Empress is and how they are chosen is it the child of the current emperor, elections, military coup, etc.
I am forced to assume there is a House Of Lords, decended from the ancient pseudo-feudal nobility/warlords of immediately after the Cataclysm War. No real evidence for this, but it means we'd have a proper excuse for there to be a Lord Humungus (the seventeenth, descended from the original, only wears the official outfit on ceremonial occasions) and that is hilarious.
In short it was a centuries long complex multi-generational project using primarily hydro-electric and thermal solar power in which every watt of output was squeezed and husbanded to expand capacity, including securing new territories to build new facilities in.

So something like your ideas on solarpunk back in 2018? I get that archimedean mirrors can be used as a power source, but what about energy storage? Steam generators heated by focused sunlight producing electricity which can then be used more conventionally? I guess this goes a long way to explaining how Australia became a world power, you've got loads of barren desert wasteland suitable for mirror arrays.
Alright, I guess I'd be shocked and tell her, that I did not expect climate change to get quite that bad. I'd ask who started the cataclysm war was it the U.S. or China? Though since humanity has advanced so much that people live till 300 and don't need fossil fuels because they have fusion. Also they probably don't have to worry about unchecked corporations and capitalism like America since they are an Imperial Commonwealth. I'd ask who the current Emperor/Empress is and how they are chosen is it the child of the current emperor, elections, military coup, etc.
The Imperial Commonwealth is a centralized technocratic republic. Citizens have at their eighteenth birthday a single vote, but up to four additional votes can be procured by a variety of means. Higher Education is one route, service in the police forces or Imperial Bureaucracy is another. Certain elected offices can only be obtained by those with specific qualifications.

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The Imperial Commonwealth is a centralized technocratic republic. Citizens have at their eighteenth birthday a single vote, but up to four additional votes can be procured by a variety of means. Higher Education is one route, service in the police forces or Imperial Bureaucracy is another. Certain elected offices can only be obtained by those with specific qualifications.

So there is no Emperor? How can you have an Empire without an Emperor? All joking aside, where did the name come from why is it called the Imperial Commonwealth? I mean maybe it's my cultural biases. But if something is called an Empire I expect it to be large and diverse country with many nations in it which the future appears to be, but something with the term empire also evokes a type of quasi monarchy. As for commonwealth, that implies a degree of decentralization, since the most famous commonwealth is I know of is the British Commonwealth where the English gave self rule and independence to most of their colonies but Canada and Australia are still tied to England. So if the Imperial Commonwealth is a centralized state, why is it called a commonwealth?
So there is no Emperor? How can you have an Empire without an Emperor? All joking aside, where did the name come from why is it called the Imperial Commonwealth? I mean maybe it's my cultural biases. But if something is called an Empire I expect it to be large and diverse country with many nations in it which the future appears to be, but something with the term empire also evokes a type of quasi monarchy. As for commonwealth, that implies a degree of decentralization, since the most famous commonwealth is I know of is the British Commonwealth where the English gave self rule and independence to most of their colonies but Canada and Australia are still tied to England. So if the Imperial Commonwealth is a centralized state, why is it called a commonwealth?
They are Imperial because to survive and thrive, they needed to engage in an Imperial policy. Vassalizing, annexing, conquering, integrating and assimilating regions and population into their whole of their new state. The Imperial Commonwealth has been successful and has spread it's culture far and wide.

As for Commonwealth, two reasons. First of all is the fact that it called back to the Commonwealth of Australia. Second is that even though they pursued a policy which eventually led to World Domination, they did so with the goal of improving the Common Wellbeing of Humanity.

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They are Imperial because to survive and thrive, they needed to engage in an Imperial policy. Vassalizing, annexing, conquering, integrating and assimilating regions and population into their whole of their new state. The Imperial Commonwealth has been successful and has spread it's culture far and wide.

As for Commonwealth, two reasons. First of all is the fact that it called back to the Commonwealth of Australia. Second is that even though they pursued a policy which eventually led to World Domination, they did so with the goal of improving the Common Wellbeing of Humanity.

Hmm, so earlier you said that the Imperial Commonwealth had conqured Australia, Asia, and South America first, and that most people in those areas are hermaprodites? Does that mean in your society the people of Europe, North America, and Africa are still baseline humans? And is that the main focal point of conflict in your society, basically racism from genetic modification, while in my era we had racism based on skin color that seperated people.
...where did the name come from...
Possibly overthinking things, it might just be inaccurate translation. Ancient english has only one surviving native speaker, you, and the historians learned it from inevitably incomplete records. 'Empire' and 'Commonwealth' possibly are just the closest words to the actual Future Aussie terminology.
Hmm, so earlier you said that the Imperial Commonwealth had conquered Australia, Asia, and South America first, and that most people in those areas are hermaphrodites? Does that mean in your society the people of Europe, North America, and Africa are still baseline humans? And is that the main focal point of conflict in your society, basically racism from genetic modification, while in my era we had racism based on skin color that separated people.
Differences here are, the Duals are actually legitimately biologically superior (triple baseline lifespan!) and the Aussie goverment subsidies people getting their children augmented, presumably since healthcare for Duals is cheaper than for baselines to a degree where such subsidies would inevitably pay for themselves in time. If anything, I'm more curious why the Duals aren't more biologically superior. Increased lifespan and reproductive system modifications for restarting the species from small populations* to cut down the minimum population needed for starting viable space colonies would certainly be on my list of potential upgrades, but they'd be below more urgent priorities like superior intelligence. Why aren't the Duals all supergeniuses? Or was the peter wattsian posthuman superintelligence dystopian singularity held back since the Australian Empire is a worldwide political monopoly? In the multipolar modern world, if the technology to do so existed, any one nation which didn't use transhumanism to minmax would be outcompeted by their rivals who wouldn't likewise limit themselves, but here, that's not a problem.

* Hermaphroditism so any individual could reproduce with any other individual would certainly be one possibility here, along with voluntary self-fertilization with genetically identical clone-daughters or stored sperm.
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Possibly overthinking things, it might just be inaccurate translation. Ancient english has only one surviving native speaker, you, and the historians learned it from inevitably incomplete records. 'Empire' and 'Commonwealth' possibly are just the closest words to the actual Future Aussie terminology.
Hmm posibly, still Australia used to speak English and the new language they speak should be related from it just like how Italian, Spanish, Romanian, French, Portugese is descended from Latin.

Differences here are, the Duals are actually legitimately biologically superior (triple baseline lifespan!) and the Aussie goverment subsidies people getting their children augmented, presumably since healthcare for Duals is cheaper than for baselines to a degree where such subsidies would inevitably pay for themselves in time. If anything, I'm more curious why the Duals aren't more biologically superior. Increased lifespan and reproductive system modifications for restarting the species from small populations* to cut down the minimum population needed for starting viable space colonies would certainly be on my list of potential upgrades, but they'd be below more urgent priorities like superior intelligence. Why aren't the Duals all supergeniuses? Or was the peter wattsian posthuman superintelligence dystopian singularity held back since the Australian Empire is a worldwide political monopoly? In the multipolar modern world, if the technology to do so existed, any one nation which didn't use transhumanism to minmax would be outcompeted by their rivals who wouldn't likewise limit themselves, but here, that's not a problem.
That first thing you said is pretty dumb. It does not matter if a race is actually superior or not. I mean if scientific evidence (that is trustworthy not white nationalist bullshit) came out that whites are superior would that justify the history of slavery, and segregation and oppression towards blacks? Or what about people with mental disabilities they are not as intelligent as normal people yet no one says people with down syndrome are biologically inferior and should be mistreated and don't deserve equal rights. Hell saying that would get you branded a Nazi.

* Hermaphroditism so any individual could reproduce with any other individual would certainly be one possibility here, along with voluntary self-fertilization with genetically identical clone-daughters or stored sperm.
So futas? A future with chicks with dicks. It's just like my Japanese cartoons! So does that mean duals and baseline humans are compatible? If so will the baby be a dual or baseline? Can normal people get the 300 year lifespan or are we doomed to 100 years? Hey @Zor is the historian married?:D
Can normal people get the 300 year lifespan or are we doomed to 100 years?
I'm assuming the world just has baselines and duals, simply because if there were more options available, there'd have been a lot more posthuman speciation. Not just because people wouldn't be satisfied with the capacities of the duals, but because they wouldn't be able to agree on what traits were objectively better, so everyone would make their own interpretations of what a superior posthuman should consist of. Where are the various species of extremophiles for every environment from underwater to ultra-polluted wastelands still radioactive since the Cataclysm War to space? Or the totally-not-supersoldiers with backup organs and regeneration and increased musculature? Or the superintelligence powergamers who've basically became H G Wells-style martians?
Tiny pulsing brain monsters terminally dependent on their technology.
I'm assuming the world just has baselines and duals, simply because if there were more options available, there'd have been a lot more posthuman speciation. Not just because people wouldn't be satisfied with the capacities of the duals, but because they wouldn't be able to agree on what traits were objectively better, so everyone would make their own interpretations of what a superior posthuman should consist of. Where are the various species of extremophiles for every environment from underwater to ultra-polluted wastelands still radioactive since the Cataclysm War to space? Or the totally-not-supersoldiers with backup organs and regeneration and increased musculature? Or the superintelligence powergamers who've basically became H G Wells-style martians?
Or maybe the government was smart and banned that to avoid race/ class wars and creating competition and fractured humanity. If they want unity it makes sense to support duals and ban any other kind of augment and incentives for baselines to have their kids be duals without using force or violating rights.
Or maybe the government was smart and banned that to avoid race/ class wars and creating competition and fractured humanity. If they want unity it makes sense to support duals and ban any other kind of augment and incentives for baselines to have their kids be duals without using force or violating rights.
But then how can the imperial wealthy and powerful and politically connected abuse the system to make themselves biologically superior to the proles? I'd assume that either the duals had been genetically nerfed with decreased aggression or something to make them easier for baseline human leadership to control but that doesn't check out since apparently a significant percentage of imperial leadership are duals, or that duals were a genuinely superior genetically enhanced master race, but that doesn't check out either, since the imperial goverment is freely subsidizing the inhabitants of their conquered territories to augment their children into duals, which assuming their own position of authority came from being duals, would be creating increased competition for themselves.

The possibility that there isn't a scam, that such scammers took the blame for the Cataclysm War and the entire world hates them to the point of dedicating holidays to the death of the last of them in their bunkers is unbelievable to my 21st century mind.
Like post-WW2 culture was shaped by Godwin's Law(no-one wants to be compared to racist authoritarians), post-KW culture will be shaped by no-one wanting to be compared to the "suits and ties and flashing smiles".
Bassoe said:
"How'd you reestablish technological civilization despite all the oil and rare earth ores necessary for technological civilization that could be extracted without preexisting technological infrastructure already having been expended?"
It's hard to know the long-range consequences of a general war. Conceivably it could mean the end of the human race. The war and the years immediately after would be as terrible as advertised. But the race would probably survive. Such a war would be a great detour into darkness, but as the years passed and the survivors grew old, and their children's children became adults... the bad times would be remembered as a distant misfortune. There could be happiness and bright times for those descendants; the war might be the end of our world, but not of theirs. Most of our informational heritage exists in a million libraries, even more robust than humanity. And I don't buy the arguments that technology couldn't restart because our civilization has consumed all the easily accessible resources. With the exception of petroleum, post-debacle civilizations might well find Earth's resources more accessible than before. (Non-poisoned urban ruins make great open pit mines.)
In some scenarios, the post-war civilization might have high levels of education and a clear vision of the past. (If) luck finally runs out for our current civilization, (and) we have a general war and worst times than I can describe (or want to imagine) (...), at the far end of it all there is another opportunity for prosperity and progress.
Vernor Vinge, preface to The Ungoverned
The possibility that there isn't a scam, that such scammers took the blame for the Cataclysm War and the entire world hates them to the point of dedicating holidays to the death of the last of them in their bunkers is unbelievable to my 21st century mind.
One would hope. But I'm reminded of a certain Freefall strip;
So futas? A future with chicks with dicks. It's just like my Japanese cartoons! So does that mean duals and baseline humans are compatible? If so will the baby be a dual or baseline? Can normal people get the 300 year lifespan or are we doomed to 100 years? Hey @Zor is the historian married?:D
Offspring between Duals and Baseline Humans can happen, with the result being a Dual. Baselines can live for up to 150 years (current record), but most only last about a hundred with advanced medical technology. And yes Kayin has both a spouse and a child.

...avoid race/ class wars and creating competition and fractured humanity...
I suppose that's one theoretical explanation for Australia conquering the world. The way we see it, preemptive wars with the intent of conquest simply because you think your nation is better are morally wrong and if you don't attack someone else, they should in turn not want to attack you. The way the Aussies see it, the American Empire's anti-nationalist unrestricted capitalist ideology created their own greatest competitor with wealth and industry transfers to the Chinese Empire, then once its ideology of state-regulated-capitalism-calling-itself-communism started outcompeting them, blew up the world trying to keep themselves on top and with the biggatonage used, being a neutral nation was no defense against radiation and nuclear winter.
...considered like Communism in ours: a well-intentioned but failed ideology at best.
A History of the Twentieth Century with Illustrations by Kim Stanley Robinson said:
Message From The Future by Dan Simmons said:
He began by giving me words. Even while I was scribbling them down, I was thinking of reading I'd been doing recently about the joy with which the Victorian Englishmen and 19th Century Europeans and Americans greeted the arrival of the 20th Century. The toasts, especially among the intellectual elite, on New Year's Eve 1899 had been about the coming glories of technology liberating them, of the imminent Second Enlightenment in human understanding, of the certainty of a just one-world government, of the end of war for all time.

Instead, what words would a time traveler or poor Replay victim put in his London Times or Berliner Zeitung or New York Times on January 1, 1900, to find his fellow travelers displaced in time? Auschwitz, I was sure, and Hiroshima and Trinity Site and Holocaust and Hitler and Stalin and . . .

The clock in my study chimed midnight.

Jesus God. Did I want to hear such words about 2006 and the rest of the 21st Century from the Time Traveler?
Filtered through the perspective of an Australian Emperor who wanted to leave their mark upon history as the first warlord to successfully conquer the entire world living a couple centuries after the Cataclysm War in a world with only age of sail technologies sufficient to build an intercontinental empire but not destroy the world but the universal cultural knowledge that atomic bombs and engineered plagues and orbit-to-surface KKVs could exist and with the advancement of technologies, eventually, some engineer would reinvent or archeologist dig up and reverse-engineer them, the only logical conclusion would be the topic of a different Zor thread, to unify the world now, before such a war would mean another apocalypse, then do everything possible to stamp out any differences that could motivate such a war.

I'd criticize it, but I can't deny results, their era's system uplifted the entirety of earth to first world standards and colonized the solar system while my era's... ...didn't. Plus, more practical concerns, I'm terminally dependent upon them and don't want to piss them off. I don't speak the language, the country I was a citizen of hasn't existed for millennia and my current Imperial Australia citizenship status is unclear and I have zero understanding of the local techbase/employable skills.
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I think I'd get them to tell me what they know of us to see how much has been forgotten. Like there's always some random academic debates on this and that where multiple answers seem plausible. Maybe I'd describe animals and Roman Catholicism to them.
Offspring between Duals and Baseline Humans can happen, with the result being a Dual.
How does this work with fifty percent of the genome being Baseline? Or are Duals like whiptail lizards, where sex is just a biochemical trigger and only the mother contributes to the genome of the offspring? It'd slow down evolutionary change if every daughter is essentially a clone of her mother, but the Australian Imperial Regime doesn't want any change, even on evolutionary timescales, they've fond of the current status quo where they run everything and don't want anything that could upset it.
The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh by Greg Cox said:
"but the deflector screens also serve a more important purpose, namely shielding our own carefully constructed DNA from ultraviolet light, cosmic radiation, or anything else that might trigger random mutations." She frowned momentarily at the thought, then shrugged her shoulders. "Obviously, after devoting generations to refining and perfecting our genetic heritage, we can hardly leave ourselves vulnerable to unpredictable factors beyond our control."

"But random, unplanned mutations are how all living species evolve," McCoy objected. "By eliminating chance, you take yourselves out of the elementary process of natural selection." His dour tone and expression made it clear where he stood on the subject. "You're risking total genetic stagnation."

With an expansive sweep of her arm, the regent invoked the prosperous colony below. "We're far from stagnating, Doctor," she chuckled. "In fact, we've evolved more in two generations than Homo sapiens has in two hundred thousand years. Natural evolution has too high a failure rate; as a physician, you must be aware of all that can go wrong when chromosomes mutate."
Only explanation I can think of which justifies the lack of posthuman speciation beyond 'baseline humans' and 'long-lived hermaphrodites' or the fact that despite the presence of a ruling ideology willing to settle the solar system and cryogenics pods which can demonstratively preserve humans for millennia and defrost them with no ill effects*, nobody's colonized more than a few light-minutes beyond earth, well within the convenient range of communication, and if necessary, with the technologies first required to settle it being commonplace, weaponry.
Death's End by Liu Cixin said:
"Have you heard something?" The Elder began to riffle through Singer's thoughts, and Singer shuddered. Very quickly, the Elder found the rumor in Singer's mind. It wasn't a great sin—the rumor was an open secret on the seed.

It was a rumor about the war between the home world and the fringe world. Before, news about the war had been frequent, but then the reports stopped, indicating that the war wasn't going well, perhaps even heading into a crisis. But the home world couldn't coexist with the fringe world. The fringe world had to be destroyed, lest the home world be destroyed by it. If the war couldn't be won, then …
Pandora's Star by Peter F. Hamilton said:
After almost a century of starflight, and twenty-eight ships sent to the nearby star, the Primes finally had one return. It was the most heavily armed ship they'd built, and the first to have a force field for defense. MorningLightMountain had led an alliance of the three most powerful immotiles to manufacture the behemoth. Only its devastating firepower had ensured its survival as it was attacked by a swarm of warships on arrival. It had managed to capture a large chunk of wreckage from one of the attackers. The knowledge it contained was horrifying to the entire Prime home system. Not only had the immotiles controlling the earlier starships become independent, they had apparently incorporated alien concepts into their technology. Most alarming of all was the use of the new science of genetics. They were modifying their bodies, blending in alien traits to "improve" themselves. Their motiles were smarter and stronger, capable of making complex decisions, while the immotiles were sequencing refinement after refinement into their neural structure, advancing their thought-processing capacity far beyond their natural state. Machines were also being used to supplement body function, cybernetic additions that allowed immotile movement, and even separation from the group home. They were evolving artificially, diverging from pure Prime. They would be rivals, and their new nature would give them advantages impossible for the original Primes to achieve.

The discovery unified the entire Prime solar system into a single alliance. A fleet of warships were built and dispatched across the void to annihilate their enemies. A second, larger fleet followed. A third, the greatest of all.
Man after Man an anthropology of the future by Dougal Dixion said:
Five Million Years Hence said:
Moving Stars
Strange stars move in the frosty sparkle of the night sky. The eternal star patterns themselves have moved little in 5 million years, but now there are new stars superimposed upon them; and these stars are in gentle continual motion. They are ignored by the creatures below, who do not appreciate what profound changes are about to be inflicted upon their world.

The sluggish beings in the trees of the forests can comprehend nothing higher than the tops of the trees that they inhabit. Nor do they need to, all their food existing to hand in their own environment. Nothing outside can have any effect on them.

Out in the vast deserts, the members of the few huge hives that are left continue their lives in the familiar mechanical way. Permanently-manned foraging and gathering routes reach out, tentacle-like, from the massive hubs that consist of labyrinthine subterranean bunkers, all swarming with ordered and predestined life. Amongst these millions of individuals there is not one mind that can comprehend the heavens, let alone the significance of new moving stars.

The decadent parasites, embedded in the fat layers of their grotesquely misshapen hosts, care nothing beyond their hosts' continuing survival; and their hosts are mere feeding machines, dumbly eating, eating, eating.

The swift hunters, specialized for catching birds, small mammals, fish - or even the parasites' hosts - may wonder about the movements in the night skies above them; but they have not the wit to imagine that these events could possibly have any effect on them.

Out in the oceans, the teeming aquatics know little of what happens above their watery ceiling. They can hardly comprehend the existence of life on land, let alone the nature of the stars in the sky.

Only the possessors of the hereditary memory could have understood, but these have been extinct for millennia. Their religious refusal to use the knowledge that they all possessed meant that they could do nothing to help them- selves to improve their situation. When natural conditions changed they refused to change as well. The Earth's magnetic field reversed, continents moved, and changing sea levels cut off migration routes. Rivers changed their courses, volcanoes threw up new barriers, and climates altered from year to year. Creatures of lesser wit and no knowledge of the past survived these upheavals, which constituted disasters on a local scale, but merely inconveniences on a global one. However, amongst those with the memory, the changing conditions took their local environment further and further away from what they knew or remembered, and eventually, rather than change with it, they perished.

The coniferous forest is black and silent in the night. Hunters lie huddled, asleep. The trees jut up black spikes into the sparkling sky - the sky in which there are now, for the first time in 5 million years, slowly-moving particles of light. Overhead a star, one of the new moving ones, is glow- ing brighter than the rest. It expands and descends in a gentle arc across the sky, stringing behind it a fading trail of glowing mist. A shock of thunder eventually sweeps across the surface of the land beneath its path, rousing the birds from their trees, and shaking awake the startled hunters on the ground. The glowing descent is now accompanied by blasts of fire as its course is altered, and through the dazzling incandescence can be seen the vague shape of some kind of vessel. It slows, and directly beneath it a descending waft of hot air becomes a searing blast that incinerates trees and undergrowth in a spreading circle. The vessel sinks into the boil of smoke and flame that is produced, and very gently it touches the ground.

The Earth's long period of innocence is over.
Five Million Years Hence said:
Decades later the moving stars look down upon an altered countryside. At night the landscape glows. Buildings, the likes of which have not been seen on Earth for 5 million years, have appeared everywhere, but they are not like the structures of old. They are more like compact domes, or sealed cylinders and boxes, under pressure so that nothing of the natural planet can get in, or their contents get out.

What has happened? For 5 million years, since the extinction of technological man, the Earth has remained a reasonably natural place. Granted it has changed, with the enlarging and shrinking of icecaps, the rising and falling of sea levels, the reversal of the magnetic field, the creation of new mountain and volcanic island chains, the miniscule movements of continents, the replacement of forest by grassland, or grassland by desert, or desert by forest - but these changes have taken place with the incomprehensible slowness of the creep of natural processes. The only unnatural large-scale change has been the covering of the low- lands with algal mats for a time, but this also took many thousands of years to establish, and many thousands of years to disappear once more.

This is something different! In less than 100 years, since the coming of the lights in the sky, the world has been altered out of all recognition.

It would now be difficult to find a place on Earth that still had its natural vegetation. Everywhere is covered by the buildings. The first were brought down from above, but later they were made from the materials of the Earth itself. The carbon of the buried and fossilized algal mats was ripped up and used as fuel for all this change; and the minerals were gouged from the mountains and rendered down to make the great structures.

Even the oceans are partially covered. Huge rafts of floating cities, totally enclosed against the water and the air alike, mass on the surface of the waters.

Yet the builders, the occupants, the new masters, are never seen. They are so intolerant of conditions on the Earth's surface that they cannot expose themselves to it, so they remain in their sealed boxes. When they do venture forth, it is only in pressurized suits that disguise their true forms, confusing even the basic shapes of their suits by instruments and appendages that enable them to carry out some function.

It is difficult to realize that these beings have merely come home. Their ancestors left 5 million years ago in the great starships to seek out and colonize new worlds in other star systems. In order to build their ships, they drew upon the newly-developed science of genetic engineering, creating beings that could live and work in space, for the construction, and beings that could live and work in the oceans, for their provisioning. They took the knowledge of genetic engineering with them on their journey.

Far away from the Earth they found new planets, ones that could support life. However, the life that these planets could support was not the life of Earth, so from the offspring of the space-travellers new beings were engineered, ones that were able to breathe unfamiliar gas mixtures, subsist on the novel products of the new planetary surfaces, withstand the new forces of gravity and function under widely different atmospheric pressures than those to which their parents were accustomed.

Eventually these new creatures created their own civilizations on the far planets; but so great were the distances between them that they could never communicate with one another, and the development of each of the colonies proceeded independently. Most found conditions too harsh and perished. Some, however, established themselves and flourished.

Eventually a vastly different civilization, consisting of totally different creatures, and therefore based on unimaginable social and moral considerations, resumed exploration of the galaxy. On their travels, they met up with the other successful colonies, so completely changed that neither recognized the other as a cousin.

Now they have returned to Earth. Whether or not they recognize it as the planet from which their ancestors came is doubtful. If their bodies have changed totally, then so much more have their minds. It would be impossible for a mere Earth-bound imagination to understand the motives for their exploration, their attitudes to the life-forms they have found, or their long-term intentions.
* If it turns out the technologies of my pod were unknown until my discovery by archeologists, or that there are interstellar cyroships already en route, but none of them have reached their destinations yet, I withdraw said objections.