An interview with a future historian

One would hope. But I'm reminded of a certain Freefall strip;
Circumstances probably. If nazis haven't been a major political faction since the Second World War and the corporatocracy since the Third, by the era of the Pax Australian they'll probably be considered as irreverent to everyone besides historians and historical fiction aficionados as the punic wars in the waning days of the first american empire. If on the other hand, World War Four consisted of the Australian Empire vs the technobarbarian feudal warlords of new zealand and the fifth reich* of norsefire, so records of their general dickishness remain common knowledge, they'll still be hated.

We need more backstory. Maps, histories, etc.

* The EU got classified as Germany's fourth attempt at conquering the continent.
Cannot say I disagree with them on that one
Colossal acts of authoritarian douchebaggery have a shelf life, such that eventually, the descendants of their victims will seize upon their imagery as propaganda to justify committing some colossal acts of authoritarian douchebaggery of their own, even when the various douchebags had been competitors in life.
metatron said:
wingren013 said:
marvelous stan said:
metatron said:
Crueldwarf said:
Teslashark said:
marvelous stan said:

Making Money by Terry Pratchett said:
They were indeed what was known as "old money," which meant that it had been made so long ago that the black deeds which had originally filled the coffers were now historically irrelevant. Funny, that: a brigand for a father was something you kept quiet about, but a slave-taking pirate for a great-great-great-grandfather was something to boast of over the port. Time turned the evil bastards into rogues, and rogue was a word with a twinkle in its eye and nothing to be ashamed of.
Throw in the complete collapse of civilization and historic knowledge and things will escalate. Or at least, that's my initial hypothesis, I'll need to learn more about this new world I've been defrosted in to confirm it.
Germany was never a significant after the Cataclysm War. A few marginal city states would emerge in the general area of Germany, France, Poland, Austria and the Czech Republic, but none of them would be form anything more than a few small scale federations and kingdoms. It was among the last areas the Imperial Commonwealth absorbed without much in the line of combat.

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the Imperial Commonwealth absorbed, largely without fighting
Still trying to make sense of how assimilation by Imperial Australia works. If I've got this right, the Empire is essentially a combination of the feudalism of the medieval HRE and colonialism of imperial britain, they show up and offer free trade with the local goverment in exchange for concessions (essentially, 'our laws supersede your own, pay us protection money taxes, get levied to fight alongside us if necessary and don't build weaponry technologies that are threatening on a specieswide scale, in exchange, we'll share some of the bounty of our technological civilization and defend you from anyone else who tries to conquer our imperial possession'), with being told to go away being met by offering the same deal to local rivals of the official local goverment, so that they can use their foreign backing to overthrow and replace the official local goverment. Since at the time of their world conquest, Imperial Australia possessed enough of a technological advantage (probably around eighteenth to nineteenth century britain equivalent) to make themselves a very attractive trade partner and effectively indefatigable in comparison to the scattered technobarbarian tribes of the rest of the world, they were able to eventually succeed at unifying the entire planet.

The Empire was ideologically motivated to do so, by the commonly held assumption that the existence of multiple rival civilizations possessing technological capabilities sufficient to end the world was an unacceptable risk, which could only be resolved by one civilization successfully conquering everything immediately, in the present era where everyone only possessed 'safe' levels of technologies, before doomsday weapons could be reinvented.

The duals showed up a couple decades, maybe a century at most, later, once the technologies to create them were invented, the implications opened by their existence causing massive chaos and ideological arguments among the highest levels of Imperial goverment.
  • The Empire knew it couldn't simply outright ban the technologies, since 'perfect health and triple baseline lifespan' was enough of a lure to keep people augmenting their progeny despite the illegality of doing so, which would inevitably lead to the existence of a persecuted and hated minority of genetically enhanced superhumans, which itself would inevitably lead to World War Five* in which said genetically enhanced superhumans developed a Master Race complex ideology around being oppressed by baselines and evened the score.
  • They knew they couldn't simply let the free market handle it, augmenting anyone able to afford it, like themselves, since they were smart enough to recognize that this would inevitably lead to a world where the baselines were permanently locked out of all but the lowest positions in society by qualifications raised unobtainablly artificially high by competition with the standards set by genetically augmented supermen, which would also lead to another version of World War Five*, global anti-apartheid revolution with genetically augmented supermen as the afrikaaners.
  • They knew they couldn't just make it mandatory without ticking off every single group from the perfectly reasonable paranoids who'd immediately suspect that any form of mandatory transhumanism was an excuse to forcibly addict the entire peasantry to ketracel-white and rule forever by monopolizing the supply to the mark-of-the-beast nutters.
In the end, making it voluntary but subsidizing it for everyone who wanted it was the best option.

* #3 was the Cataclysm War between the American Empire and China, #4, the Australian Empire Planetary Unification.
Colossal acts of authoritarian douchebaggery have a shelf life, such that eventually, the descendants of their victims will seize upon their imagery as propaganda to justify committing some colossal acts of authoritarian douchebaggery of their own, even when the various douchebags had been competitors in life.

Throw in the complete collapse of civilization and historic knowledge and things will escalate. Or at least, that's my initial hypothesis, I'll need to learn more about this new world I've been defrosted in to confirm it.

My guess is that Europe keeps on its current course and turns into a bureaucratic nightmare state
So if I'm getting this right, primary threats to Imperial stability are...
  1. While augmenting people's progeny into genetically enhanced Duals, which meritocracy makes essentially essential due to standards raised artificially high by genetically enhanced Duals is subsidized, it isn't mandatory. This means that the only people who wouldn't take said subsidized deal are those who'd refuse it for ideological reasons. Consequentially, there's an ever-increasing number of ideologues who've been functionally shut out of the system by meritocratic means, just waiting to radicalize against it.
  2. If the empire continues to colonize beyond its current territorial reaches, eventually the colonies will culturally and biologically diverge due to lack of contact. Lightspeed limitations and the colossal expense of interstellar travel make this unavoidable, save by never colonizing beyond a couple light minutes communication delay and decades of spaceflight. Which in itself leads to threats number three and four.
  3. Ideological civil war between true believers in the empire's supposed ruling ideology, that humanity and technological civilization must survive, which, in the long term, necessitates further colonization, vs the current imperial leadership status quo who fear threat number two. Artificially escalated into the political mainstream by the discovery of an ancient frozen american who's been using their celebrity status as the only ancient frozen american as a platform to argue for interstellar colonization and spout off about the history of the elites of monopolistic empires holding back colonization to avoid change that'd threaten the status quo of them running things and the inevitable catastrophic consequences for said imperial civilizations as a whole, with examples from the treasure ships of ming china* to the american apollo program**. And whose cryogenics pod provided a successful, proven, beta-tested over the timeframe required, reverse-engineerable prototype of the technologies necessary to build an interstellar colony ship.
  4. Cosmological Outside Context Problems. The Australian Empire is more resistant than the present day, yes, insofar as they've got self sustaining colonies on the moon, mars and throughout the asteroid belt so they could survive the destruction of earth, and the technologies they needed to establish said colonies in the first place meant they could deflect a dinosaur-killer asteroid strike, but it still isn't enough. Any colonies shielded from the electromagnetic effects of a solar CME behind the gas giants? There're still those radio waves emitted by pre-cataclysmic-war earth, that have traveled far over the past two millennia, we don't know what, if anything, might have overheard them, but in any case, sol's location is now pinpointed and so long as we don't have alternatives, that's bad. Eventually, if nothing else, the sun will go red giant.
* Consequence, china got curbstomped by european colonialism, to the extent that it took nearly a century for them to try to return to their desired position as World Power, with their attempt leading to competition from the prior world power of america with cataclysmic results, leaving them so weakened that australia of all nations was able to successfully conquer them.
** Not going all-in on space colonization and winning the cataclysm war with self sustaining colonies outside of IBCM range or avoiding it entirely with the orbital high ground and unlimited resources of the asteroid belt and powersats.
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Still trying to make sense of how assimilation by Imperial Australia works. If I've got this right, the Empire is essentially a combination of the feudalism of the medieval HRE and colonialism of imperial britain, they show up and offer free trade with the local goverment in exchange for concessions (essentially, 'our laws supersede your own, pay us protection money taxes, get levied to fight alongside us if necessary and don't build weaponry technologies that are threatening on a specieswide scale, in exchange, we'll share some of the bounty of our technological civilization and defend you from anyone else who tries to conquer our imperial possession'), with being told to go away being met by offering the same deal to local rivals of the official local goverment, so that they can use their foreign backing to overthrow and replace the official local goverment. Since at the time of their world conquest, Imperial Australia possessed enough of a technological advantage (probably around eighteenth to nineteenth century britain equivalent) to make themselves a very attractive trade partner and effectively indefatigable in comparison to the scattered technobarbarian tribes of the rest of the world, they were able to eventually succeed at unifying the entire planet.
This is close to the case of what happened with Europe: trade deals were struck with suitable local states for agreements, gradually this was used to leverage a greater degree of pressure and eventually the formation of a set of bodies to handle affairs in Iberia/Italy/The British Archipelago/etc. Noncompliant elements would be either brought into line as vassals to the vassals or absorbed into compliant local powers. Eventually the client states would be incorporated into the Commonwealth proper. The process took centuries to complete, but it did result in a fairly smooth integration of said region.

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This is close to the case of what happened with Europe: trade deals were struck with suitable local states for agreements, gradually this was used to leverage a greater degree of pressure and eventually the formation of a set of bodies to handle affairs in Iberia/Italy/The British Archipelago/etc. Noncompliant elements would be either brought into line as vassals to the vassals or absorbed into compliant local powers. Eventually the client states would be incorporated into the Commonwealth proper. The process took centuries to complete, but it did result in a fairly smooth integration of said region.

That takes care of all the technobarbarian rulers who prioritize the well-being of their subjects, recognizing that it'd be better under a functional regime than in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, who'll willingly surrender personal power. I mean, sure, there might actually be a few. What about all the others, who consider a smaller total pie to be an acceptable trade for themselves getting a bigger proportional slice?

Also, how does this apply to the space colonies? Are they entirely government-funded? Commissioned, with the imperial goverment paying billionaires to create them? Billionaires' vanity projects to create their own personal fiefdoms? A form of political trickery, where anyone rich enough to fund a space colony can get extra representation in the imperial senate from said colony?
, colonies? Are they entirely government-funded? Commissioned, with the imperial goverment paying billionaires to create them? Billionaires' vanity projects to create their own personal fiefdoms? A form of political trickery, where anyone rich enough to fund a space colony can get extra representation in the imperial senate from said colony?

5 dollars says a mix of all of them plus a few brake away states
What's the empire's policy in event of this? Invasion? Could that even work, if the breakaway states have the common sense to repurpose a couple ships into kamikaze drones for a MAD deterrent?
Honestly it's probably not worth there time especially the really far away ones and they probably make a good pressure release for those that hate the system hell I would make a few just for that reason