Fantasy An Indifference of Larks: A GliTch Quest

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Once upon a time, in deepest darkness, there was a terrible crime - namely, the creation of the world.

Once upon a time, you took it upon yourself to make the world pay for the enormity of its crime.

But you are so very, very tired.

Maybe you can't forgive the world.

Maybe you can't forgive love, or truth, or justice, or beauty; can't forgive the brightest and best things of this world, the shining exemplars Heaven and the Rules hold up as the standard to which all Creation should aspire to.

But maybe you can forgive the cattails by the river. The running waters. The sound of larks.

The taste of good bagels. The squeaky hinges of your apartment door. The satisfaction of a package sealed and stamped and sent off into the world. The little joy of receiving a four-and-one-half-star review from a satisfied customer.

The world is wrong; it is broken; it is ruined; it is a crime and an affront -

But maybe you can find a way to forgive some part of it, one day at a time.