Good chapter, @EarthScorpion. It was nice to get some insight into Victoria's mind.

The only thing that seemed weird was this:
Even her fear aura could be replicated by standard issue fear gas and even riot cops got that.
I can totally see fear gas being a thing, but does it really make sense to have it be standard issue equipment for riot control? I would think that adding chemically-induced fear to a crowd of people would be counter-productive. It really sounds like the exact opposite thing a cop should do in any situation.

Is this just a result of Victoria being an unreliable narrator, or is fear gas really used by riot police?

Victoria loved her sister dearly and told her as much, especially whenever it looked like she was dwelling on being adopted, but she did had a tendency to whine.
Change to 'have'.
China clinked as she put down her cup of green tea – 'rich in antioxidants!'.
Not sure on this one, but is the period necessary when you have the exclamation mark?
She wore her scars with pride – most prominently the long burn down her right arm, a gift from the Behemoth – but medical technology had left them little more than superficial marks she had chosen to retain of keepsakes of friends who hadn't made it.
Change to 'as'.
Carol rose, and stared down at her daughter.
There should not be a comma between two elements of a compound predicate.
At least hear what he had to see and whether he had a good reason.
Change to 'say'.
White whitebeaters and too much jewellery.
I'm fairly certain that should be changed to 'wife'.
Oh, Vicky.

The poster child for why you don't give teenagers superpowers.

Also, on the editing notes, you've been letting some British seep in again. "Mum" is much more likely to be "Mom" on this side of the Atlantic.

A couple of word choices that I'd probably change (Using "even" twice in the bit about fear gas) but I don't have the wherewithal to catch all of the typos.
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I can totally see fear gas being a thing, but does it really make sense to have it be standard issue equipment for riot control? I would think that adding chemically-induced fear to a crowd of people would be counter-productive. It really sounds like the exact opposite thing a cop should do in any situation.
It seems like it would be useful for turning a peaceful protest into a riot. As a bonus, it would be unclear after the fact whether the riot caused fear gas to be thrown, or fear gas caused the riot.

From a certain perspective, that's very useful.
It seems like it would be useful for turning a peaceful protest into a riot. As a bonus, it would be unclear after the fact whether the riot caused fear gas to be thrown, or fear gas caused the riot.

Well, yeah. In addition, fear gas would be guaranteed way to get at least few dozens of people killed in stampede.
I can totally see fear gas being a thing, but does it really make sense to have it be standard issue equipment for riot control? I would think that adding chemically-induced fear to a crowd of people would be counter-productive. It really sounds like the exact opposite thing a cop should do in any situation.

Is this just a result of Victoria being an unreliable narrator, or is fear gas really used by riot police?

Since their introduction in 1999, the use of phobic agents in the police arsenal has provided law enforcement bodies with a useful tool for de-escalating scenarios and breaking the resolve of large groups engaging in illegal or antisocial behaviour. In their most common form the phobic agents are introduced at a low concentration combined with higher concentrations of lachrymatory agents (that is to say, blended with tear gas) such that rioters suffer both the incapacitating effects of the tear gas and the morale-breaking effects of the fear gas. Indeed, this combination is particularly effective because rioters are left with the strong desire to minimise their exposure to the mixture - the fear gas aggravating the response to the tear gas. It is credited with dispersing large-scale riots with minimum damage to property or police, such as the Detroit Labour Riots of 2008.

At the concentrations commonly used, frequent effects include shortness of breath, loss of bowel control and nausea. These pass within half an hour of exposure to the agent ceasing. Following the Birmingham Riots of 2006, there were new guidelines setting minimum separation of dispersant sources after too many canisters were fired into a densely packed crowd in still air, which led to concentrations of phobic agents exceeding recommended dose limits, with more significant side effects including panic attacks and hallucinations. Likewise, the same guidelines also state that phobic agents should only be used when the crowd is given somewhere to run to, and that they should be used to defend places and prevent crowds from advancing. Dispersal should be done in front of the advancing mob to form a zone they are reluctant to advance into, not in the centre which can result in stampedes against police lines. One of the reasons that phobic agents are commonly blended with lachrymatory agents is that it de-incentivises exposure, since the tear gas inflicts immediate pain rather than the slower uptake of fear gas which can (depending on body mass) take multiple minutes to take effect - the source of some accidental overdoses with early uses.
You know, those guys she beat up are probably all going to think she's a new Asian cape, what with the Chinese cat mask and all.

Nothing could possibly go wrong from this misunderstanding lol
You know, those guys she beat up are probably all going to think she's a new Asian cape, what with the Chinese cat mask and all.

Nothing could possibly go wrong from this misunderstanding lol

Well, better to be mistaken for an Asian cape than a Nazi one, with the added benefit that anyone trying to figure out the identity of this new cape won't even consider the possibility that she's a platinum blonde Caucasian cheerleader.
Well, better to be mistaken for an Asian cape than a Nazi one, with the added benefit that anyone trying to figure out the identity of this new cape won't even consider the possibility that she's a platinum blonde Caucasian cheerleader.
Well, it seems like EarthScorpion's largely done away with the idea of a literal Fourth Reich emerging in not!Boston, on the basis that it's fucking stupid and even literal, actual American neo-Nazis don't behave in that way (and if they did they'd be the most acceptable target for police brutality ever) or receive any significant degree of public support.

So instead they're politically replaced by the not!Tea Party, and criminally by a bunch of different gangs, at least a few of which will have neo-Nazi motifs (like the "Iron Eagles" mentioned this chapter)... all of which are being united by a guy called "Caesar".

I suspect that's Max, because what kind of moron calls themselves "Kaiser" in America, seriously.
Hey, @EarthScorpion, do you want your shrine carved out of human bones or black onyx? Or maybe something red? Great update, as usual. Wish I had some artistic ability to speak of, so I could do fan art...
Well, it seems like EarthScorpion's largely done away with the idea of a literal Fourth Reich emerging in not!Boston, on the basis that it's fucking stupid and even literal, actual American neo-Nazis don't behave in that way (and if they did they'd be the most acceptable target for police brutality ever) or receive any significant degree of public support.
Eh with a large immgrant and refugee influx and a declining economy i could see neo nazis growing in both boldness and sympathusers.
New Wave openness and accountability until you decide to put a mask on and go out to bitchslap some criminals so you don't get in trouble for it.

She would argue, if it came down to it, that she never signed up for New Wave openness. And that the criminals are the bad guys, not her. And superheroes are meant to stop crime. And there are far worse crimes than vigilantism out there - and she made sure that the police were called and that they had the criminals to arrest and it's not like she was killing people or anything that's actually bad. She took care not to kill people!

I laugh and laugh when people call superhero comics apolitical. No, they come with a very certain set of assumptions and a particular view of the world. And Victoria is a naive idealist who's been told all her life that superheroes are there to stop crime, protect people, and that the criminals are the bad guys. All she's doing is applying the logic based on the axioms that culture has provided her.

(Ah, and isn't that appropriate? There aren't any great men standing against the flow of society here. Victoria's been programmed with one set of axioms by society, while the people she assaulted also are acting on logic based on rational axioms - like "money is necessary", "there aren't any jobs around", "selling drugs makes money" and the like. People act inside the invisible walls that society sets up for them. Superheroes aren't freethinkers - they're acting on cultural programming just as much as the people selling the drugs.)

Scarecrow: They called ME mad! MAD! But I've SHOWED them! I've showed them ALL! I've joined the Protectorate!

"Ah, Dr Crane. Why, yes, we do offer grants. Your speciality is the psychology of human fear, including the chemical basis? Well, well. I know some people from the CIA who will be wanting to talk to you about that. To be blunt - and off the record - play ball with us, and we'll play ball with you. Don't go off the reservation, and in return you're set for life. We offer a very generous salary, excellent benefits, full medical care - including dental and psychiatric therapy - and a final salary pension scheme."

"Final salary? But who gets those nowadays..."

"No more than a man of your talents deserves, Dr Crane. Of course, that's dependent on you keeping within our rules - but do that and you've got an easy life ahead of you. Much easier than robbing banks and factories to get cash and equipment for your production of fear gas, eh? Get us a reproducible tinkerfab formula, and we'll name the factory after you."

Well Glory Girl makes a much much better Batman than she does a Flying Brick Superman, what with the fear aura and the mobility and the ability to survive when somebody freaks out and shoots wildly into the darkness.

She also has the maturity level of some versions of Batman, going out and beating up the poor and unfortunate to deal with her family issues.

I must confess, yes, I did look at the Arkhamverse Batman's fighting style for inspiration for her. Because the way he does things basically requires you to bounce between foes hitting them very hard, in a way that a baseline human just couldn't manage. However, when you add flight to the mix, it's suddenly easy for her to move like that. Also... well, there aren't really any gargoyles in the Ormswood area of Brockton Bay for her to crouch on, but she's willing to improvise with chimneys and billboards.

(Her signature move seems to be working out as the 'I can fly, so I can pin you much more firmly than a normal human could". Which made sense to me - normally you're pinning someone using your own weight, but she has a thruster built in so can apply more force.)
The pin without any submission element is a perfectly viable way to win a judo bout. I.e. roughly equal weights, nice strong clothes to grip, no dirty infighting to deal with, only have to maintain it for 20s...
The pin without any submission element is a perfectly viable way to win a judo bout. I.e. roughly equal weights, nice strong clothes to grip, no dirty infighting to deal with, only have to maintain it for 20s...
That's fine in a competitive environment, but in a real fight, they won't stop fighting back after 20 seconds. It's easier to get someone to, well, submit if fighting back causes them pain. Of course, for Victoria, none of this particularly matters against an unarmed baseline human.
That's fine in a competitive environment, but in a real fight, they won't stop fighting back after 20 seconds. It's easier to get someone to, well, submit if fighting back causes them pain. Of course, for Victoria, none of this particularly matters against an unarmed baseline human.
Indeed. But on the gripping hand Victoria would apply pain and threats anyway because that's what Batman would do.
That's fine in a competitive environment, but in a real fight, they won't stop fighting back after 20 seconds. It's easier to get someone to, well, submit if fighting back causes them pain. Of course, for Victoria, none of this particularly matters against an unarmed baseline human.
Don't forget being blasted in terror. As with the fear gas, the tactic isn't necessarily effective on it's own, but coupled to irrational, pants shitting fear...reactions change.
Great Chapter as always EarthScorpion, really looking forward to seeing the consequences of Victoria's actions.

So did anyone else notice that Victoria is now a less fetishized Catwoman what with the all black outfit, a cat themed head piece, and fighting in a fashion not dissimilar to batman?
Great Chapter as always EarthScorpion, really looking forward to seeing the consequences of Victoria's actions.

So did anyone else notice that Victoria is now a less fetishized Catwoman what with the all black outfit, a cat themed head piece, and fighting in a fashion not dissimilar to batman?
Huh. You're not wrong. Can't believe I didn't notice that before now.