An Engineer's Nightmare [Factorio SI x Multicross]

Hm... interesting story so far. I guess alien artifacts are a thing in factorio?

Anyway, thank you for writing,
Ur muh gud. I love both these shows and I can totally see the Reds living in Atlas. Lopez is the best robot.
I spent some time recreating the early seasons cast of RvB to fit the RWBY verse. Half my rewriting was on the specifics of what exactly they are. In the end, it made the most sense to make them all Atlas elite soldiers with Aura Training. They all have weapons and semblances that match their personalities and traits shown in RvB. I won't confirm who all I've brought into the RWBY setting.

Hm... interesting story so far. I guess alien artifacts are a thing in factorio?

Anyway, thank you for writing,
Yeah, sorry, I realize now that early on I did not do the best job of describing the mechanics of Factorio. Alien Artifacts are dropped by the Alien Growth structures of the monsters in Factorio. There are Mods that add small alien artifacts to be dropped by Biters and Spitters. I made the 'game' Leonard is running off of to be modded with extra things. Half of them are parts from actual mods the other half are things that I would like to mod into the game but lack the skill to.
I spent some time recreating the early seasons cast of RvB to fit the RWBY verse. Half my rewriting was on the specifics of what exactly they are. In the end, it made the most sense to make them all Atlas elite soldiers with Aura Training. They all have weapons and semblances that match their personalities and traits shown in RvB. I won't confirm who all I've brought into the RWBY setting.
Cool. Kinda curious about what their war with the Blues is then. Since I doubt you'd change things so much that atlas is actually at war.
Cool. Kinda curious about what their war with the Blues is then. Since I doubt you'd change things so much that atlas is actually at war.
Not so much War as Team Rivalry. They have animosity against each other, but can still work together. My initial thoughts were to have Blue from Vacuo, but ended up just sticking closer to their original concept. In simple words, I replaced 'High Command' with 'Atlas' and let the ideas trickle out from there.
Chapter 2.4
[---Chapter: 2.4---]

Entry 21

Got into Dry Gulch. It was almost stupidly easy to be let in. I basically knocked on the door and asked politely to be let in. Things were a bit more complicated than that, but that's the gist of it. How I got in isn't important, only that I did. I'm still working out what all I'm going to do here though. I realize now I didn't have much of a plan coming into here. Will write more once I've done something.

LAW Signing Off.


Entry 22

I've just realized Dry Gulch is one big Red vs Blue reference. It took about a day and a half and finally meeting the blue team to come to this conclusion. This is really telling of my memory situation if I did not make the connection to Red vs Blue after the Red team greeted me. RvB was one of my favorite shows, the reason I followed rooster teeth, which was long before they even thought up RWBY.

It was weird seeing the red and blue sides play off each other. There isn't a 'war' between the two groups here, like there is in the machinima. Instead, there is a very strong friendly rivalry that keeps both teams sharp. Seemingly usually around Grimm Kill counts or something random. I wonder if I can start up the Cake vs Pie war here.

War mongering aside, I haven't done too much yet, mostly just socializing and doing trades for 'petty' items. First of all, I got my hands on a scroll and a laptop equivalent called a Slate. Traded five ice dust crystal units in total for both of them. Each of my units are apparently quite valuable out here. Supplies are limited to a degree and it's on the edge of a desert.

The scroll itself, I can barely make heads or tails of it hardware wise. I'm going to poke at it a little more before I give it to the Labs. The device itself is very user friendly, it is after all a Smart Phone equivalent. It's also apparently a Hunter grade one, which means its designed to read aura levels and more durable than average. Which I know will eventually lead to an awkward discussion about my lack of activated aura and dustless machines. Thankfully, these 'Elite' Atlas soldiers are not too good at probing information from me.

With the Slate I got a basic Grimm Database. Learned the names of the Grimm I had never seen in the show. The Dragonfly-Wasp's official name is Oyenstikker, but its more common name is the Hell Hornet. The Lizard Grimm with the spiky tongue is known as a Monitor. The Tortoise is known as the Terrorpin.

The next major thing is I got my hands on is a standard issue dust weapon. The kind that the Atlas Robots use. It's basically a pulse plasma weapon. Well, I think it's a plasma weapon. Hard to tell WHAT exactly energized dust is.

Actually that's a thought, I wonder if Dust can be liquefied. Saving that for later inquiry and study.

Lastly, I've started to dive into Mechashift technology. God some of the basic things in it goes against my principles as an engineer and others make me almost tear up from the shear beauty of the concept. Still this is something I do get, even without full understanding of the dust portions. Their weapons workshop is something to behold, superior to my personally created one in many ways. I've blueprinted ALL the tools from it.

I've actually been taking blueprints of things left and right. Snagged most of their aircraft. A few loose weapons when people were not watching. It's just a wave of my hand really. I think the fact that I didn't sleep the night before freaks them out more than anything else. I really should be trying to seem 'normal', but at this point I can't be bothered. In fact, it's a little amusing to see some of their reactions.

Still, I have quite a few things to look through and really should be looking at them rather than writing this.

LAW Signing Off.
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what if any are the visual effects of something being blueprinted?
Mostly a few odd finger gestures, of which he's been doing since he arrived there. The actual blueprinting process is only visible in his HUD. He does need to pick up smaller items to scan them, but larger floor mounted stuff he doesn't even need to face to blueprint. Basically, he's not acting like anything is amiss, if anything he's just openly curious about everything. Which is strange in of itself, but he's mostly only been allowed to look at more public places. Nothing truly sensitive, mostly just a public 'tour'. Which while doing so he bartered for a few common items.
@Leon Don't forget to see if one of them is willing to be paid to awaken your Aura! Should be an interesting experience for everyone. :p
Pretty sure that Lopez is Sapient. He expresses his opinions many, many times and frequently uses the phrase (or its variants) "I thought..."
So is Lopez sapient? If so I'm curious what the difference between being sapient and having a soul is.
Pretty sure that Lopez is Sapient. He expresses his opinions many, many times and frequently uses the phrase (or its variants) "I thought..."
Lopez in RvB is very much sentient and sapient. To the point he has expressed attraction to something/one. In this it would be a shame for him not to be that as well here in RWBY. Lopez doesn't have an active aura, but make no mistake he is a person.

The main thing with the question of a soul. We have to compare Lopez to the 'Real Girl'. Penny was built explicitly to have an active aura and thus a soul. Basically an experiment to build a hunter rather than train one. Lopez on the other hand was just three dude working together one drunken night trying to make the dumb atlas knight better. They ended up building a Sentient/Sapient Machine. Though they didn't know it at the time, but given time Lopez learned quickly, but he does have a broken vocalizer. Which is what they were trying to fix in the first place, come to think of it.

Before you ask, the reason why Lopez was never replicated, was said drunken shenanigans. The three don't remember what all they did to Lopez and they don't feel like taking him apart after learning how smart the bot is. So they kept the true nature of Lopez a secret with Lopez is very good at acting like your generic Atlas Bot. The Red Team keeps him around as a 'mascot' with most people believing he's just a repainted atlas knight kept around as a good luck charm.
Chapter 2.5
[---Chapter 2.5---]

Entry 23

I would like to repeat that Mechashift technology is all kinds of awesome. Sarge, Maroon and Merando are all really damn good at the stuff. Each have their specialties. Sarge's specialty is mechanics, specifically their craft like the bullhead. Maroon is this world's Simmons of the Red Team, is the 'electronics' side of things. Which makes him the unoffical communication's officer. Very easy to get him talking about the relay and how it works. Merando, is actually part of the Vacuo hunter team stationed here. He specializes in complex Mechashift weaponry and is the go to guy for guns and dust based weaponry.

All three of them had a hand in Lopez's creation.

Might as well write down everyone in dry gulch who are references to RvB, just to help me remember. Everyone from RvB has their 'name' from the series as a Nickname here. In the Red Corner, we have Sarge who was born before the color naming thing, thus is actually named Sargeras. Donut is Salmon Rosado. Simmons is Maroon Simmons. Grif is simply Pumpkin, no family name. For the blues, we have Church, who's Barry Church, Navy Tucker, Cobalt Caboose and the team leader, the one guy I didn't recognize, Zaffre Flowers.

Then they have two specialists over them, Specialist Tex and Specialist Glenn. There's also the Atlas medic just simply known as Doc and the dust expert known as Andy, for Andesite. That's about everyone I've discovered that is a reference to Red vs Blue. There's plenty of people here from Atlas. At lease one other specialist and another 'elite' soldier team. This is not counting the numerous normal soldiers and atlas bots.

For the Vacuo side of things, there's actually four hunter teams. Though Merando's is the only one I've really interacted with, the others have kept their distance. Merando's team consists of, I actually didn't catch their names. I was kinda nerding out over the workshop and Red vs Blue being a thing, that the team's names kinda just slipped in one ear and out the other. Well that's going to be an awkward subject to try and broach.

The 'town' itself, is built here because this box canyon is mostly man made, since this plateau apparently has one of the largest fire dust veins in existence. The main portion of the mine, is one of the parts of the town they did not let me near. Then again, a big dust mine is only interesting to me because I could probably do it better. Still it's not a big issue and the rest of the town is almost more interesting, the people included.

I think taking both of my helmets off really was the right thing to do. Having a face for the people of Dry Gulch to look at. I know how important it is for people to have a face to interact with. A smile can get you pretty far in the world. Hell, I even convinced Andy to make a holographic face for human interaction.

For anyone reading this journal, I had a look at my 'self' before going up into space, since I had made an upgraded version of the survival suit, I had to take off the old one. The only thing I have to say, is that I dearly hope you are not in my situation. After reading the notes on my current body, I'm just glad that I still look human.

It's not pretty and I don't want to think about it. I'm going to go design something, bond with the Reds over violence, or something. This is really not the time or place to get caught up in an existential crisis.

LAW Signing Off.

A/N: Releasing this part because my father ended up in the hospital today. So just posting what I already have written and completed.
I hope your father's condition improves.

Thank you for keeping up with this story, It has been an enjoyable read thus far. I am interested to see where this is going.