An Eagle Falls From Grace (Wh40k Rogue Trader)

Should/can we use the Ship Roles from ItS?
I'd like to so long as everyone has access to the book/the roles can be clearly explained to anyone without.
One minor change: I'd like to make the Captaincy available to the Void Master's. I would prefer to have a PC captain, though I can work with an NPC one. It's just going to give you slightly fewer options during the prologue/first episode as I've got it planned thus far.

We do not have a Rogue Trader (Navy Captain) by the way. Please welcome @pspan as the surprise 5th player who will be taking the role of Navigator (at least, she has so far).
How limited are we on the Origin Path? There's currently a disconnect between the choices I want to make for Lure of the Void and Trials and Travails.
I'm happy to let people have a free row (just one, mind) of their choice if it suits the character better.
That should be mine done I think @HMS Sophia, if you want to check it over for discrepancies. I took a Storm Bolter as the Acquisition Item, since las weapons seemed to lack Enuff Dakka for Holt.
*scratches out current progress*

*starts working on a Navy Captain*

I will probably regret taking a command position, but let's see how it goes.
I was aiming for the Master-at-Arms/Master-of-Whispers generally maintaining discipline and shootiness on the ship roles.
I was aiming for the Master-at-Arms/Master-of-Whispers generally maintaining discipline and shootiness on the ship roles.
Master of Whispers is career-locked away from an Arch-Militant, but I think a Chief Bosun would also be rather appropriate for a Naval Commissar, given that the benefits involve better trained crew and eliminating Morale penalties.
Having checked that section, turns out I was building a Master of Ordinance without knowing it.

Before I go further with this, @HMS Sophia are we allowed to use the origin path options from Into The Storm? Also what groups are we likely to encounter, because my current build has me getting the Hatred talent three times. (And 1d5+1d10 Insanity)
Is there any way we can gain an additional starting acquisition, perhaps by giving up some of our starting gear?

I'm thinking of using my default one to buy a set of Good-craft MIUs for the entire party to let them plug into the ship and do their jobs better, but I find myself also eyeing the Cortex Implants or maybe a Conversion Field for myself.

Also, I went with point allocation instead of dice rolling for my characteristics, and I'll be able to post the sheet right after I get an answer here.
I'd prefer to stick with buying for self. ALso, with only two crew who aren't a navigator, a machine worshipper or a Orkney rebuilt soldier, I'm not sure you'd convince everyone.
Name: Captain Gaius Averill

Homeworld: Battlefleet
Birthright: In Service to the Throne (Born to Lead)
Lure of the Void: Duty Bound (Duty to Humanity)
Trials and Travails: Dark Voyage
Motivation: Devotion (Loyalty)
Career: Rogue Trader Navy Captain
Lineage: A Proud Tradition (Heir Apparent)

Ship Role: Lord-Captain

Weapon Skill: 40
Ballistic Skill: 40
Strength: 30
Toughness: 30
Agility: 30
Intelligence: 40
Perception: 30
Willpower: 40
Fellowship: 56

Wounds: 5/11
Fate Points: 2/4
Insanity: 5

Charm (Fel)
Command +10 (Fel)
Commerce (Fel)
Common Lore (Imperial Navy, Imperium) (Int)
Evaluate (Int)
Literacy +10 (Int)
Navigation (Stellar) (Int)
Pilot (Spacecraft) (Ag)
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy, Tactica Imperialis) (Int)
Speak Language (Battlefleet War Cant, High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int)
Trade (Voidfarer) (Int)

Air of Authority
Peer (Military)
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
Resistance (Fear)
Talented (Command)

Special Abilities:
Devotion: Loyalty (+5 to all Willpower/Fellowship tests aboard own ship)
Exceptional Leader (may grant one ally +10 to any one test per round as a free action)
Lord-Captain (+10 to Hold Fast! extended action)
Officer On Deck (+5 to all Command tests aboard any ship)
Ship-Bound Fighter (-2 Init and double BS penalty for firing at/beyond Long range when on planet)
Void Accustomed (zero/low-gravity is not Difficult Terrain)

Best Storm Trooper Carapace
Conversion Field
Plasma Pistol
Power Sword
Void Suit
Fine Clothing
Xeno-pelt Cloak

Total: 5150
Spent: 5100
Remaining: 50
In Service to the Throne: Born to Lead (200)
Devotion (Loyalty) (100)
A Proud Tradition (Heir Apparent) (100)
Simple Fellowship (100)
Pilot (Spacecraft) (100)
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Apologies to the group for the really butty posting, BTW. I haven't been sleeping well and I'm kinda working on limited functionality.
Thanks for being so patient while I chug my way through set-up.
Apologies to the group for the really butty posting, BTW. I haven't been sleeping well and I'm kinda working on limited functionality.
Thanks for being so patient while I chug my way through set-up.

No problem.

Also managed to get my character background in order. Basically the apprentice of a high ranking tech-priest who, because of the fact of his mildly unorthodox but not outright heretical tendencies and habit of pissing off the ecclesiarchy, got ordered to serve on a naval ship in the hopes it would help mellow him out a bit, until SUDDENLY ORKS, giving him a deep, deep hatred of greekskins in particular and the desire to find and kill(then taxidermy) the leader of the SUDDENLY ORKS.

Whole thing is with the charsheet. Mind giving it a once over to make sure I didn't accidentally heresy?

(Also, any idea on our starting profit factor? Need to know for my starting acquisition. Assuming its high enough, I might go fer some cybernetics.)
You don't, actually. You don't roll at all for your starting acquisition, you stack the modifiers until they're equal to +0 (or better), then just take it for free.

Oh. In that case, going for Good Quality Cortex implant. Gimme dat X2 Unnatural Intelligence.

...Aaand I just rolled for the insanity said implant gives and got 10. Vunderbar.
Unless there's an implant that boost BS, I'm probably just going to get a Recoil Glove so I can run around with my hellgun in one hand and make rude gestures at the Xenos with the other.

And if I'm reading things right I could drop one of my Hatreds to free up 50 XP, because right now I've spent 250 on my Origin Path, and the only thing that'll turn that into a nice round number is advancing characteristics.
Unless there's an implant that boost BS, I'm probably just going to get a Recoil Glove so I can run around with my hellgun in one hand and make rude gestures at the Xenos with the other.

I mean, you could always ask the GM if its possible to get a piece of equipment that isn't necessarily in the books, like a cranial implant full of targeting algorithms that provides, iunno, X1 Unnatural Ballistic Skill. Maybe use the availability of the Cortex Implant as a baseline since the two share a somewhat similar effect.

@HMS Sophia would that be doable?
I'd rather stick with what's in the books than just saying yeah to stuff. Seems the MIU's do what you want.
Ah I played Rogue Trader once and was the Rogue Trader, but we never actually did much. What would this entail, being someone with hardly much experience roleplaying with anything but just text.
Ah I played Rogue Trader once and was the Rogue Trader, but we never actually did much. What would this entail, being someone with hardly much experience roleplaying with anything but just text.
So this isn't intended to be a particularly traditional game of RT? The players are Imperial Navy crew and the theme of the game is small men and elder gods are just as good at starting fights.

I can add you to the reserve list if you like?
To be clear to everyone, as I've been advised to be:

- This is not an average game of RT. Acquisitions and mega-projects aren't going to be the focus for at least a little while.

- Player agency will be enormous very soon but initially it's going to be limited to personal actions. That's what you get for joining the Navy.

- When the time comes, Profit Factor will likely have to be built from scratch. You're going to be poor traders to begin with.

- Most themes will be player defined. There will be options for diplomacy, fighting, subterfuge, politics, even contact with chaos if you want. But following those themes are down to player choices. None of them is defined from the beginning.

- That being said, the core theme of the game (as mentioned above) is small people. Small people who make big waves by the actions they take. Selfishness, betrayal and self-interest are likely to be core themes.

- I hope none of these are disappointing to anyone and that you all still want to play. It's non-standard, but there's going to be a lot of choice as usual.
@jacobplm, don't forget the Special Abilities (page 72). The Explorator's entry starts off with a reiteration of the Mechanicus Implants trait, but you also get a free pair of Common implants, with an option to upgrade their quality with XP.