I have the idea of a timeline where there is a 3 way Cold War between a Dengist USSR, a Communist USA, and the colonialist Great Britain. The lore is that Stalin is more lenient towards different opinions, allowing for liberalization of the economy as well as allowing freedom of speech, pretty much avoiding the purges that ruined the Soviets in our timeline. Meanwhile, in the USA, the Great Depression causes the KKK to rise up against the government, killing a lot of non whites. With Herbert Hoover not doing anything about it, blacks and communists rise up in revolution in the deep South. Originally the revolution was to create New Afrika, but it spread throughout the nation, causing the mainland US to become communist. The American government is forced to flee to Alaska. The Philippines declares independence, Hawaii breaks away, takes control of US islands in the Pacific, and declare the Maritime Federation of Polynesia. Meanwhile, KKK remnants flee to Caribbean and take control of Guotama Bay. When Japan inedibly attack Polynesia, the USA and USSA declare war on Japan for "attacking American soul, because neither governments recognize Polynesia as a country and believe to be there own territory. Germany then declares war on the USA and USSA. The USSA splits there army in half while the USA completely focuses on Japan. Meanwhile, in Eastern Europe, Operation Barbarossa still happens, but the Soviet Union manage to more easily respond and defend better against the Germans. When World War 2 ends, the Axis lose and any sense of unity between the Allies fall apart. In the Pacific, the USSA, instead of returning the land to there originally pre war owners, instead establish multiple communist regimes throughout the Pacific. Meanwhile in Europe, Soviet competence leads to them controlling land all the way to the Rhine River. The Netherlands is divided East and West between the USSA and USSR, and the Rhine is under USSA control, and USSA, instead of letting Charles De Gaulle and his boys return home, instead install a Communist regime in France. In Italy, the country is divided between North and South, the North under the Soviets and the South controlled by the USSA, and Sardinia is controlled by the British. With British fear of Communism, particularly from the USSA, and the USSR and USSA hating each other for minor ideological differences, as communists do, a 3 way Cold War begins between Britain, the USSA, and the USSR.