Knowledge is power. Besides, if we find something really interesting, we can both increase our general profits AND later on "persuade" her to give us her property.
no it's not man, like you know who says that? hot librarians and academics who haven't got it up in twenty years. and rare books would i guess, if we let them out of their pens anymore. look point is: knowledge isn't power,
power is power and that shop is full of it
now go nightstick this lady so we can all get rich
While normally I'd be in favor of the slow burn conspiracy build this is the pilot episode which means the audience isn't going to give a shit without a dastardly hook. Which means Murder or her cocktease of a sister Attempted Murder.
I'm in favour of our debut having us do nasty things to establish that yes, we are in fact the bad guys, but for maximum impact I'd rather go for Elimination than Acquisition.
Here's the thing though: a mugging? We can brush that under the table. It was a (probably black) drifter, someone from out of town, very tragic but what can you do? No leads turn up, no much the police can do, they're probably already in the wind. I mean they took her wallet so, odds are that it was just a robbery gone wrong. Which is what she said from her hospital bed.
'Cause lol, like she's going to shoot her mouth off about that. People are people and people can be brave but it's hard to be brave in a hospital bed when the dudes in the masks said that if you breathed a word they'd swing by your room in the dead of night. (Naturally she might fearfully whisper it to the protagonist though~).
Murder's an entirely different kettle of fish. And we don't exactly have the finesse or the talented manpower to make it look like a convincing accident (thugs yo, sure they have more brawn in their arms than you do in your
legs but clever cover up they ain't). And cleaning up a murder scene and making it more or less go away is going to involve a lot of work, a lot of resources, and a lot pull with the police we don't necessarily
have. It's an escalation I'm not sure we can or should meet. Protag and friends is one thing. Investigation by the local cops is another.
We have people in the civic government so with a mugging we can maybe like, y'know, have the Mayor make a speech about how we need to be on the look out for predatory
probably black "criminal elements" and then start burbling on about his policy platform and the homeless. We don't have anyone in the police.