All-American Small Town Evil Conspiracy Quest

Hoh god damn it. That's some bad juju.

This better be worth it.

On the bright side, we could have just failed and died so this isn't the worst possible result.

I'm more in favor of using the government connections than the bar one, because I don't want to fail after all that, and 5d diff 2 will probably work but it's still slightly uncertain.

But I'll hold off from finalizing said vote for now.
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.

We're a sleazy corporation, let's do what sleazy corporations do. They show up in her room acting all conscientious and concerned and oh so charitable and really she should think of them as public advocates here to do her good by telling her about this amazing new deal. And basically just smiling and being comforting and understanding and steadily pushing bits of paper for her to clumsily sign while talking about how this new doublereverse reach around happy ending uberfinace mortgage on her bookstore will let her deal with those pesky bills now before they go to collections and completely destroy her credit.

(Or worse, what if because of her accident she loses the bookstore!? Not saying that that could happen but, y'know, she should just consider all her options.)

Basically call in the budget Patrick Batemans, they're still mooks because it's pretty obvious on close inspection that they're really just a bunch of oddly similar pretty faces stamped on pretty bodies, and that they're just reciting their pitch by rote. That their smile doesn't really reach their eyes and they seem to repeat themselves a bit. Failure would probably involve her calling her lawyer friend to look over this with her to make sure it's all above board, resulting in them bugging the fuck out. A complication would probably be this turning into a protracted court battle once someone goes "how the fuck was this legal?" before we get everything all sewed up and then realizing "Oh, wait, it totally wasn't."

I think the main point in their favor is that...we've already applied the stick in the form of the brute squad. Let's apply the carrot now. Attack dog lawyers, thugs, the solution isn't more outright intimidation. It's the judicious application of fear, fear of not having That Thing You Need but here's a pretty, pretty man who's willing to sell it to you.

Getting your hands on the Site
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.

Why yes, I did watch that new John Oliver. :V

Basically we bury it in local government minutiae. The government incorporates it as an area for infrastructural development for the betterment of the town, the local residents/vendors (in this case Anna) have the option to vote on the passage of this. But of course this election is held while she's in the hospital and fortunately Black Goat is now the majority owner of the land in question by virtue of these somewhat blearily signed pieces of paper. So our vote counts too.

We vote to give it to ourselves for development which means, obviously, it can no longer safely function as a commercial zone. The book store will have to be temporarily closed down until construction is complete (read: indefinitely). Tough luck Anna, should have exercised your civic duty and voted.

The reason for this over eminent domain is that eminent domain is a lot more likely to provoke a sort of backlash I think. It's a big, flashy decision that could have the town up in arms. This way we have reams of paperwork to fall back on that we can use to bore anyone to death with/stun any passing elephants. On close inspection it almost certainly doesn't hold up, but who's going to spend their entire weekend poring over old records at City Hall?

Not heroic teens, that's for sure.
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[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.

That sounds absolutely excellent.

"Have we got an offer for you!?"

" you?"

"Have I?!?!" "Do we?!?" "Oh, wow!??!"

"...I don't know?"

"Do we?!" "We do!" "Yes indeed!!"
So, slimy rubber monster salesmen in sharp people suits. Got it.

[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.

This is an area where we can exploit our control of the civic government. There's no real reason to not use those connections.
I can work with this.

As I said, I want to use the gov connections, and I doubt she'll be in the right state of mind to figure out that something's a bit off.

[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.

Poor Anna.

And when the complications inevitably arise, they take off their suits to reveal even more hypnotic eyes.
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.

I agree with Tenfold's reasoning, it's a solid way to deal with it in a way that isn't too dangerous to ourselves/doesn't risk Teenagers as much as other options.
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[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.

We are the slickest and best cosmic horror corp.
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.
You're halving your vote power, guys.

Hmm. But yeah, I'm going to agree with them both. Slick salesmen in sharp suits with slicker hair and sharper smiles because we have a lot of stuff that revolves around profit margins and big business, and thus sending in the corrupt lawyers is clearly BEST APPROACH, and the latter because it fits best with such a practice and also because it gets us moar dice~

[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.

The salesmen are in theme for our coporation and the civic government as our pawn should help to muddle the water a little bit.
One question that remains though is, do we employ lizardmen lawyers too?
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.

The salesmen are in theme for our coporation and the civic government as our pawn should help to muddle the water a little bit.
One question that remains though is, do we employ lizardmen lawyers too?

Lizardmen? We're not that kind of conspiracy.
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.

If only because I like Revlid's joke this gets my vote.
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.

Sending lawyers for this is actually pretty funny because they're literally evil lawyers (and we can justify having some of them have literally silver tongues, of some Eldritch sort, for even more mind control).

Burying the grab with tons and tons of paperwork is a good way to get more dice for it, because it's using the local bureaucracy in a way that seems pretty legitimate at first glance.

Also, the more power we throw around the more plot we generate, so we can't always go all out, which in turns means that we won't win all the time. Very clever.
Could we offer her some alternative job since she would lose hers by selling the store? Seems like something that could make the decision easier for her and we shouldnt have a problem arranging for some meaningless spot to put her in, wether in the government, the school or directly in the company.
Could we offer her some alternative job since she would lose hers by selling the store? Seems like something that could make the decision easier for her and we shouldnt have a problem arranging for some meaningless spot to put her in, wether in the government, the school or directly in the company.
With my vote we could easily provide her a token position as librarian in the new vanity library. Alternatively with the "special districts shenanigans" vote we could uh, get her a good job as a uh... coffin user?
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.
[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district.

Way too sleazy lawyers in expensive and tasteful suits doing sleazy, expensive, and tasteful things is very much in our lane. Civil gov't pressure is good too, but let's keep that relatively low-level. Don't want to give it away that they're too friendly with the Goat.
As for our newly motivated seller, how about a nice, well-paying research grant/fellowship to look into the local 'cultural backgorund', under our quiet monitoring, maybe?
In addition, you can only use Influence when it actually makes sense. Calling on the Girl Guides to help you search for a hidden site in the woods outside town? A very good cover and way of getting more people on the ground. The Girl Guides are probably less good at planning a kidnapping, though… although there might be some possibilities to drugged cookies...
......... ~sighs and takes off her glasses, then dramatically puts on her old Girl Scout uniform, Silver and Gold Awards flashing~ The term "Girl Guides" was only ever adopted in America during a short period back at the founding when the founder of Boy Scouts (a typical misogynist of the time who felt girls shouldn't be doing anything so "unladylike" as scouting) persuaded Girl Scout founder Juliette Gordon Lowe to change the name of her fledgeling organization to Girl Guides for a set period of time. While the name "Girl Guides" remains the standard for Europe and other locations worldwide, at the conclusion of the set time period Juliette very pointedly changed the name of the American branch back to Girl Scouts. Therefore, there are no Girl Guides in this scenario as you have put forth an All American Evil Organization.
Yeah, the lizardmen with their trained dinosaurs and prehistoric magics are based in the local shopping mall, just above the portal into the Hollow Earth.
Nice fellows, those. Pay their rent on time and still have the security deposits, show up to Chamber of Commerce meetings, keep the dinosaurs out in the park an hour down the highway...

[X] Slick salesmen with sharp suits and sharper smiles.
[X] Civic Government: Have the local government incorporate the slice of land the bookshop stands on as part of a new industrial zoning district

This plays to our strengths, and lets us keep a moderate distance just in case things get a little dicey.
(a typical misogynist of the time who felt girls shouldn't be doing anything so "unladylike" as scouting)
Given how the Girl Scouts were organized when my sister was in them, they still don't get to do anything "unladylike". Three pages of forms to fill out if they want a campfire. Boy Scouts just go "Do you have your Totin' Chit[1], Fireman Chit[2], and the approval of the site?"

Girl Scouts: Why would we do lashing? Boy Scouts: I think we may have made the trebuchet a bit big.
Girl Scouts: Guns? Guns are dangerous. No. Boy Scouts: Guns are dangerous, so you will demonstrate knowledge of range safety. You will demonstrate knowledge of first aid. Then and only then will we let you step up to the bench. You will wear your hearing and eye protection at all times, and listen to the range master. Today, we're going to be using bolt-action rifles with black powder, so...
Girl Scouts: Let's sit around and make blankets! Boy Scouts: You and you, take the sailbout out, swamp her, right her, and bring her back so the next pair can have a go.

[1]Marker indicating you know how to cut wood safely with an axe and saw. Only needed if you need to cut the wood.
[2]Marker indicating you know fire safety.