All Along the Watch Tower

Hey @Cherico, since you're not using the "SI has a final fantasy tactics job system power" idea can I re-use it?

It was actually pretty neat.
go ahead man we are all friend here, Im pretty sure your a better author then me so I want to see your take on it.

I belive in you, your better than me you can do it.

You can't see it, but I'm laughing because it would start with the SI and Taylor occupying the same head, and the SI would do his darnest to get Taylor to date him. Except it's pretty hard to date yourself.

Though, not impossible.

Perhaps the aftermath from the eyes of the Trio? We get a good contrast between the different member of the Trio. Dying moments from Emma, possible rehabilitation in the wards for Sophia, and the normal civilian from Madison.
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Emma was dead, my apartment was destroyed, Taylor was in a coma, and I feel like absolute shit. Overall though, it could've been worse. The wards were cool, there was another Pisces named Starfish around, and she was, well, cute I guess. The leader was some guy named Aegis, and I was told Clockblocker wanted to meet me.


I looked up and smiled.

"Denis! I haven't seen you in years man!"

I gave him a hug.

"Yeah, I triggered after that acid trap, so the void cowboy finally beat the game."

I laughed.

"Yeah, can't count the number of times I've died, but you know I powered through, and how are you doing?"

"Great, being able to slow or speed up time for myself and others really helps. The team could always use another Pisces, the gangs play fucking rough out there you know?"

We laughed.

"Yeah, I spent the entire night running for my life with Emma and Taylor."


"Emma's a red head summons a pirate ship."

Denis frowned.

"She's dead, killed a whole lot of the ABB before they took her down, but you know."

I shrugged.

"She was crazy, coo-coo for coco puffs crazy."

I sighed,

"But goddamned was she hot."

"You two?"

"No, thank god no."

I smiled at him.

"Its been a really rough week man, I could use some pizza."

"The pizza here tastes like ass."

"Still hungry."

I got up and let him show me around.

"So I heard about how you got here, you saw the endbringer fight?"

"Yeah the Neverman actually fished us out of the water and saved our asses."

I yawned.

"He's pretty chill, didn't talk to us, just got us out of the water, gave us a thumbs-up, adjusted his tie and then kicked Leviathan's ass."

"Makes you glad we live in a Pact city doesn't it? My mom's car got trashed during the riots, he's going to pay for a new one."


"Yeah, sometimes I worry about when the other shoe is going to drop."

I nodded.

"If he was going to pull something he would have done it years ago Denis. He's-"

I thought about the games.

"The Neverman is harsh right? but in the end I also think he's fair."

"But he's, you know."

I had to defend him he saved my life.

"He pulled me out of the ocean Denis, didn't have to do that but he did. No one was watching, no one would have cared. The other three endbringers, they're bad, all they do is take and destroy."

"And the Neverman?"

I sighed.

"I think all four of them are doing this as a game right? The other three, they destroy things and wreck our shit because it entertains them. The Neverman understands that a real game requires rules, that if you want to have fun you have to give back."

I remembered Leviathan running away.


"Look at Leviathan, he got his ass kicked, and now he has to hide under the water. Ziz she has to keep moving in the air, Behemoth's under the earth. They're alone, but the Neverman's got an entire city in the sky. He can go down and have a cup of coffee, and no one's going to mess with him. He has people who work with him, allies and friends."

I smiled.

"He won the game."

The home was located out of the way, in the countryside. The car I was in passed farm houses before we stopped.

"There no guarantees that she will feel the same way."

I nodded.

"I know."

The PRT had agreed to set up the meeting, Sveta initially tried to say no but, well, I just wanted to meet her. I was let out.

"Void Cowboy."

My costume was a mixture of white and blue, I had to wear a hat but I think the PR department approved it all because they were running out of fish names. I mean really, Flounder?

"She's waiting for you."

I walked into the waiting room.


She had the lower body of a snake and the upper body of a normal human being, her hair was shiny.

"I want to thank you for bringing in Panacea."

I had to blow all my in-game money on a bracelet of anti-master protection to get that favor. Amy was paranoid about them, had no idea why, but this is what I had to do to get her to talk to me.

"She couldn't?"

"She did, I used to be just a mass of tentacles with a face, it was difficult. This was the best that she could do and I would rather be snake girl than, well, that."

I sat down.

"I have feelings for you."

"We just-"

"I know, but talking on PHO that kept me going Sveta, I needed that, I needed you."

I put my hand on her hand.

"I'm a freak."

I kept her from taking her hand away.

"I want to give this, give us, a try."

She stopped moving her hand.

"You're a hero now, you can have anyone Greg."

I looked up at her.

"I want you."

The asylum was silent, there were only two of us.

"I'm sorry Greg, I'm flattered and you've done so much for me but, you're a ward right?"


"You might be too young for me Greg."

I looked up at her.

"I can wait, we can make this work."

"I'm sorry, you're a good man and you deserve to have someone who loves you, I just wanted a friend."

I slumped in my chair.

"It doesn't change how I feel."

She wrapped her lower end around me and I took in her scent as she hugged me. I could be happy with her.


"I'm sorry."

I left the place with sagging shoulders, I'm not angry, I don't feel used or anything. Life, life just sucks some times. I drove back home brokenhearted.

"You tried right?"

"Yeah, got shot down."

"Tough break kid."

Tears ran down my face.

"Yeah but, it meant something you know? I had to try, even if it didn't work out, I could look back and say I tried."

The city looks good as new, its been a struggle and the ABB is dead now. The Empire and the Merchants are vying for power. This new gang called the Undersiders has just robbed a bank and they kicked our asses pretty bad.

This is my life now, my name's Void Cowboy, and I'm a hero.
By Tzeentch, this is awesome.
That chapter was just bitter enough to feel like something from Worm, and yet it still managed to make me feel positive.
Poor Greg, only crazy chicks will pay attention to him now.