All Along the Watch Tower

Armsmaster interlude.... I want to see him deal with Taylor and Emma.... I can just see him breaking up the catfight now...

As for Greg, I can see him being held in BB because he seems to be able to handle Taylor and Emma's crazy...

Lung is dead, and not the temporary kind either, the permanent kind. He was killed by two unknown capes, this disturbers me greatly. lung was the only thing holding the city's Asian gangs together, without him there will be rioting, and after that in-fighting.

I looked at the news, it's mid afternoon and the city is dead silent, it's going to be slow burn until everything goes crazy. I get a break in the form of a phone call from the missing Pisces, who gives me information that disturbs me. My software tells me that he is telling me the truth, Sophia Hess ,AKA shadow stalker, tortured a girl so badly that she triggered.

This is a cluster-fuck of massive proportions, I now firmly regret allowing the Director to handle my duties as leader of the wards. In my defense however, I had too many responsibilities. As a pact city we had at least triple the normal rate of capes, what made it worse was the fact that we were a donor-city.

We were expected to train our capes and then send then elsewere, transfers were forbidden. We were expected to make it purely on local talent, who was then poached from us. This made us heavily reliant on the wards, a resource that couldn't just be taken away at the drop of a hat.

I looked at my three Sagittarius aids and waved. It wasn't completely with out benefit though, not having to bother with the maintenance of my tinker-tech gave me more time to experiment, time to grow my craft, and time to mentor Kid win in the finer arts of tinkering. He was still raw, but his fundamentals were improving and he had people to help him maintain his equipment.

I called in Sophia Hess and stared at her, Miss Militia was already going in for a pick up. We were going to receive three new capes, the third Pisces would be a feather in my cap. The insect controller had promise, even if he was right and she does need therapy.

Emma... well, transfers were a thing.


She sat down.

"I'm informed that you stuck a girl in a locker with human waste."

She froze.

"That's a violation of your probation Sophia."

I stared at her.

"It gets worse you see, she triggered, as did your friend. So you're going to do me a favor and tell me exactly why you decided to make this very bad decision in life, and then I'm going to decide whether to transfer you to a containment zone, or put you in Jail."

Sophia took in a breath.

"I told her to stop, I asked her to stop, Emma I mean, she's obsessed with Taylor. But, she helped me out you know? If it wasn't for her and her father I would be behind bars. I, I knew it was a bad idea but she was my friend and I don't have very many of those."

I took that in.

"Your staying on base, we're going to contact your mother and have you transferred to another city, one where there are fewer negative influences. I'm very disappointing in you, but you came clean and you're not the first person to do something bad because of peer pressure."

I looked at my notes.

"Please stay inside until we have decided what to do with you."

"Thank you."

I went through my paperwork and then got a call, the entire city was experiencing a riot. I suited up and headed out, it was a nightmare; The ABB was out in full force, and even though I was collaring more perps then ever, I felt frustrated. Even with the Pact emergency funds this was going to be expensive to fix.

If the Neverman had to step in it would not look good, he hasn't done that since New Orleans. The protectorate did not want to look like we were dependent on him, we need people to believe in us.

"Armsmaster, the apartment complex with the Pisces?"


"Completely burnt down."

I felt myself collapse, this day just got worse and worse. The Pisces was probably dead now, a healer killed before he could help anyone. I continued to help with the riot until I had a thought. What if he survived? What if I got lucky? I still had his phone number, so I called.

He replied, he was alive, and heading towards the protectorate building. His odds were bad but they were better then nothing. I had responsibilities, we were stretched thin. I told him to make a run for it and informed our personal.

"Make it to the Watchtower."

I hope he makes it, I hope they make it, I looked at a PRT agent.

"Come on, there's work to do."
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I was pissed, Taylor killed me, me! It wasn't right, she defied the natural order. Nature has rules, and one of the central ones is that prey does not get to kill their predators. I have never felt so angry in my entire life. Unfortunately, now I have to work with her and that disgusting low life Greg.

The trash is out and they are hunting me in packs, even a lioness can fall to a pack of hyenas. Thus, I am forced to work with garbage. Greg has some use. He did, despite his limited capacity, earned some measure of power. When we get to the protectorate, I will permit him to serve me as is proper.

As for Taylor though, it seems like the universe itself serves to remind her of her proper place in the universe. Really, controlling bugs? I could not help but shake my head, an insect being granted the power to control an insect, it was fitting.

It was unfortunate that she was alive, I would have to make sure she had an accident later on when it was more convenient. We were then forced to walk and hide in a sewer, like a coward, instead of fighting and establishing my dominance.

"Don't do anything crazy Emma, we have already established that you are not fire proof."

We continued to walk, jumping from shadow to shadow as we made our way through the rioting city. The rain was ruining my outfit and making my hair into an absolute mess. I'm a cape I need to look perfect to show my superiority.

We continued to run until Greg saw a car with a broken windshield and a dead man inside.

"Keys are still in the ignition, move him to the back."

"Do you know how to drive."

Greg shook his head.

"No, but if you can think of a better option I want to hear it."

I put the dead prey in the back seat and sat with someone else's kill.

Greg gunned the engine and sped through the town.

"You're going too fast."

Poor foolish Taylor, typical prey response.

"If we get caught we're dead."

"Where are we going?"

"We're going through Empire turf, all of us are white, so we're semi-safe."


"Look, the ABB is going crazy right now, that means the Empire has much bigger issues to deal with right now."

He cleaned the sweat from his brow and went through another red light. A metal wolf like creature was in front of us, Greg braked. The creature was made out of thousands of blades, and it walked around our car.

"Who are you?"

"Some people who are running from the ABB."

The metallic creature sniffed the car.

"You're white."


The air grew tense. I could summon my ship and kill him, kill hook wolf. I itched to do that, I wanted conflict, I wanted battle.

"You may go through, but if you do any looting we will kill you."

Greg let out a breath of air.


The creature moved and Greg accelerated.

"That was scary."

"Don't distract me while I'm driving Taylor."

"But I need-"

We crashed into a wall and Greg stared at Taylor.

"Everyone ok?"

We nodded.

"Ok, that car ride took us through a big chunk of the city, we're going to have to go through the dock though to get to the protectorate."

"And the ABB control the docks."

"Yeah, we are kind of fucked, we might even be forced to fight our way out."

I laughed.

"Let them come."

We got out of the car and Greg rezzed the former driver. With that done, we ran into the night and the pouring rain.

The smell of blood, fire, and gunpowder got stronger as we traveled closer to the docks. The Empire-controlled part of town was empty and silent. Every door was barred, every window shuttered; the sheep were afraid. They should be, this was a night for lions, a night for the predators of the world.

We were getting closer, closer to my prey, my wonderful beautiful prey.

"I should be the leader."

Greg stared at me.

"This is not the time Emma, seriously, we can talk about this after we have gotten ourselves to safety, not before."

"I should be leader."

I stared at Taylor.

"Really? You?"

"I'm a master, I command bugs, I have better battlefield control and can get more information."

"I'm the queen-bee at our school, you're nothing. A leader is someone that other people follow Taylor, not trash that gets dumped on."

Greg grimaced.


He sighed.

"Survival comes first ok? Get to safety and then talk about who should be in charge. Priorities people, we have a massive gang of heavily armed parahumans who want us dead, and we have to go through their territory. Lets do that first ok?"

We continued walking through the rain, Greg brought out his phone looked at a map and then motioned for us to help him with a manhole cover.

"Into the sewers again?"

"Big fight ahead of us, Empire and ABB, we do not want to be caught up into that crap."

I reluctantly went down with him and we walked through the putrid stench of the cities waste.

"This is the worst day of my life."

The other two looked at me, Greg looked up.

"This, actually this isn't even in the top ten, maybe the top hundred of the worst days ever."


"The Game."

I nodded that was an acceptable reply.

"The locker."

I smiled.

"Some of my best work, it took me weeks to get all of those tampons."

"Why are you such a bitch?"

"Because you're weak Taylor, and it is the duty of the strong to remind you of your place in the world. Really, everything would be so much easier if you would simply give up and kill yourself."

"Fuck you."

I nodded.

"You're not strong enough to make it here Taylor, someones going to get you. Merchants, ABB, Empire, your death will be slow and painful. But if I push you, well, at least you can die peacefully and rejoin your mother."

She looked away, probably meditating on my kindness.

"You're sick."

"The strong do as they will, the weak do as they must. This is the kindest thing I can do for you Taylor."

Greg looked at his phone.

"Ok break it up, we're past the worst part of the fighting and deep inside empire territory."

His phone buzzed.

"Hey, yeah this is Greg, I raised the two girls."

He paused.

"We got out just in time, we're trying to get to the PRT building."

He paused.

"We're deep in empire territory, in the sewers, no it wasn't fun getting here, I, I understand, do what you guys have to do when we get there. Please don't shoot us, we just want to get somewhere safe."

He looked up at the manhole cover.


He turned off the phone.

"The protectorate is dealing with the riot, we are officially on our own."

He pointed.

"Ten miles that way is safety, we have to go through ten miles of ABB turf in the rain."

He went up the ladder and pushed the man hole cover out of the way. I could feel the rain as I joining him on the surface.

"Ten miles to freedom girls, let's not fuck this up."

We looked at the mass of ABB gang members and capes wrecking the city.

"Look, they're distracted."

Greg looked around.

"If we hide and move quickly we can get through them."


He stared at me like I was an idiot, he did not understand.

"I will not live as prey."

"The capes alone outnumber us thirty to one."

"Better a single day lived as a lion then a thousand as a sheep. You may run like the cowards that you are, but I am going to fight."

The two of them looked at me.

"You're on you own."

I expected that much.

"Go off and run, I have to teach these Jackals a lesson in fear."

They ran off and I materialized my ship, the guns came out and I blasted them. I laughed with triumph at their screams. Even if they killed me I would be true to my beliefs, I was a predator.

"I am the gnasher, the thrasher, I am the TEETH IN THE NIGHT! FEAR ME!!!"

I killed the first petty wave of capes and gang bangers, and smiled as their reinforcements came. The entirety of the ABB was coming to kill me. This was it, this was everything I wanted. That scared frightened girl in the alleyway was dead, gone forever, a lioness stood in her place.


I spared no one, man or woman. if I died then I would take as many of them as I could with me, this city would be purged clean.


More dying, more screaming, I saw some of them with cell phones.


I let the bullets pass through me as I smiled and tipped my hat at the dying masses before me. The minor gang bangers arrived first in their cars waving around their cheap AK 47s, I killed them by the dozens. The Leos came next with their fire, they got close a couple times but they died under my withering barrage.

In the sky, I could see a line of cars that were all driving into my direction.

"Bring it, ON!!!"

They did, the rain felt good, healing and refreshing. I felt clean, I felt alive. I saw Bakuda and blew her into pieces, I barely avoided the explosion but I felt great.


Then my world exploded, I had been knocked off of my ship and onto my back. The small army of ABB looked at me with fear as they readied their guns and powers. I laughed and chuckled. Whatever happened, a scared little girl in an alleyway had been avenged.

"Come on you cowards! Bring it!"
Poor Greg. He doesn't know it but due to his actions tonight he most probably will become their handler. Even with the incentive of being around 2 beautiful girls, I do not envy him.



We were expected to train our capes and then send then elsewere, transfers were forbidden. We were expected to make it purely on local talent, who was then pouched poached from us. This made us heavily reliant on the wards, a resource that couldn't just be taken away at the drop of a hat.

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I am sort of confused by how the mechanics of the Game work. So can you bring in-game items into the real world and use them? How is the Game played and won?

Also, if Emma tried to truly apply her messed up ideas to heroism, how fast would she be labelled a villain? I mean, she would not even be a normal criminal. With her philosophy I can honestly see her prime S9 recruit material.
I am sort of confused by how the mechanics of the Game work. So can you bring in-game items into the real world and use them? How is the Game played and won?

Also, if Emma tried to truly apply her messed up ideas to heroism, how fast would she be labelled a villain? I mean, she would not even be a normal criminal. With her philosophy I can honestly see her prime S9 recruit material.

The way it works is you can use in game money to by real life items.

The game is a virual world based on RPG mechanics were you feel every thing, make it to level 20 and you get to pick real life super powers, but death is common, so a medal system is in place.

Make it to level 5, 5 times and you get bronze status that means from now on you start at level 5
Make it to level 10, 10 times and you get silver status that means from now on you start at level 10
Make it to level 15, 15 times and your now gold status that means from now on you start at level 15

its a lot easier to get to level 20 from level 15 so gold status is important.

As for Emma if she survived her massacer she would have earned herself a kill order, but she didn't there was a vote and Emma is now firmly perma dead.

I felt guilty, we got away, we escaped, but we did it in a pretty fucked-up way.

"Rawhide, cut it out."

Our resident healer, we recruited her after Shadow stalker shot a crossbow bolt into my chest, I still had the scars from that. She was a scorpio, which Tats said was the best match up we could get with a healer. She could make us faster, stronger, heal faster, silent, and use sonic attacks.

Her love of country music was driving me goddamned insane.

"I'm sorry city slicker, but this country girl has to express herself! Yee haw!"

Rawhide was born in Seoul, South Korea, I somehow doubted they had a lot of cattle there.

"Look, it's been a rough day ok? Our daylight raid of the ABB's Casino was rough on all of our nerves."

Especially mine, I looked at Tattletale.

"We almost died."

"We lived!"

"You said Lung would not be there."

"It was an unknown unknown!"

"It was his fucking Casino, that is not a unknown unknown."

She pouted and I crossed my elbows.

"Look, we got the money, and the boss is really happy, plus we got a bonus. Lung is dead so the boss is giving us a bonus."

I continued to stare at her.

"You do realize that, that means we just pissed off someone who could kill Lung right? RIGHT!"

Tattletale lounged in her chair.

"Yeah, but I had a choice, her or us, and I chose us. It was a fucked-up thing to do, but it's a fucked-up world."

I left the Undersider's party, I didn't feel like celebrating, instead I brought out my phone.


"There's a massive riot, the ABB are going crazy."

"What? Please tell me you're safe"

"I'm, I'm doing ok. Its pretty far from us right now, they're looking for the cape that killed Lung. Brian."


"Stay Safe."

"Same to you."

I looked at the other members of my crew.

"We have to lay low, no missions, no scores, nothing. The ABB are out for blood, our blood, and the only way that we are going to be able to spend all of our money is by staying alive."

Regent looked depressed, as did Rawhide. Bitch shrugged, she did not care. We decided to stay in the warehouse, none of us wanted to leave until the riots ended. Rawhide and Regent lived here so no change for them. Bitch didn't care as long as her dogs were safe, and right now I could care less what Tats said.

Unknown unknowns my ass.

I played some video games with Regent, wasted some time and waited, and then I heard sirens.

"What's that?"

Tattletale looked panicked.


"What are you."

"Those are endbringer sirens."

I looked outside and saw a purple force field covering the city, I looked at the others.

"Let's hope to god he wins."

We ran as Emma fought the ABB in a suicidal rampage, I felt conflicted. Our chances of making it were better now, they were going to throw everything at her. The two of us ran in the rain and the night. Ten miles, ten miles until we got to the safety of the watch tower. We ran and ran until I fell to my feet exhausted.

"Goddamn it Taylor only five miles to go, just five more miles and we are safe. Please, please get up Taylor."


"Taylor get up."

"Why did she do that?"

"Taylor please get up."


I'm crying, I'm crying over Emma of all people, why am I crying? Greg has a pleading look on his face.

"Look, Emma was crazy right?"


"But deep inside, past all that crazy, was a girl who used to be your friend. She was a very sick girl, but a part of her still loved you, still needed you."


"Remember my cat? I loved that cat, but she got senile, she turned on us. It wasn't her fault, she was just old and dying, but we had to put her down. Same thing with Emma, a part of her still loved you, but she was so sick that she couldn't be your friend anymore."

I wiped the tears away from my face.

"Do you have anything worth living for Taylor?"

"I, I don't know."

He leaned against the wall and stared at the rain.

"There's this girl, Sveltlana, she's a case 53. I, I think I'm in love with her Taylor, I've never met her but I feel something."

I stared at him.

"What if its a lie?"

"Then I will cry like a bitch, I will feel terrible, but I will go on. Look, I think I forgot why I went into the games, but I know why now; I wanted someone to love me, I wanted someone to give a damn about me. It's just five more miles before we get there. Taylor, please, PLEASE GET UP!"

I looked at him.

"Look you have family right?"

"My dad, my mother died."

"You're all your dad has left. If you can't do it for yourself, if you can't do it for me, then for the love of god, DO IT FOR HIM!"

I took his hand and we continued our run in the rain. We were both tired and exhausted, but we could now see the glowing spire of the Watchtower and the long bridge that lead to the PRT's head quarters.

"I can do this."

The city was in chaos the world as we knew it was ending, the person I used to be was gone. There were just two capes running to safety and freedom, and the promise of a new tomorrow, behind us was a city burning in the rain.

We collapsed at the little guard tower, both of us wheezed as the armed PRT officer looked at us. I felt the rain hit my costume, felt the cool cleansing effects, and heard the lighting go through the air.


"I'm Greg Veder, this is Taylor Hebert, and we need your help."

The man looked at us and typed something into his computer.

"You're checked out, someone will be here to pick you up."

Greg took my hand and we laughed, we made it, we finally made it.
The way it works is you can use in game money to by real life items.

The game is a virual world based on RPG mechanics were you feel every thing, make it to level 20 and you get to pick real life super powers, but death is common, so a medal system is in place.

Make it to level 5, 5 times and you get bronze status that means from now on you start at level 5
Make it to level 10, 10 times and you get silver status that means from now on you start at level 10
Make it to level 15, 15 times and your now gold status that means from now on you start at level 15

its a lot easier to get to level 20 from level 15 so gold status is important.

As for Emma if she survived her massacer she would have earned herself a kill order, but she didn't there was a vote and Emma is now firmly perma dead.
What I am really confused about is where all the money and resources are coming.

So is stuff like the flight ring directly available through the Game or is it some third-party Tinkertech that can be bartered for using game currency? What about the Phoenix down? Where does it come from?

More broadly, where do the gift cards come from? Since Danny seems to be playing the Game a lot and giving some cards to Taylor, how much can you earn from it?

I looked at Greg in Horror as endbringer sirens roared, he looked at me.

"It's always something."

The city was slowly enveloped and cloaked in a royal purple. Lighting flashed and we screamed as Leviathan rose from the depths of the ocean. The Storm surge came, Greg grabbed me and covered us in a glowing blue bubble.

I saw fish and shark's outside of the bubble as we were engulfed by the ocean.

"How long can you keep this up Greg?"

"I don't know."

I could feel him straining himself we were already tired.

"I still have the flight ring."

He nodded.

I used every ounce of power it had and headed for the surface of the bay, closer and closer, then the field popped and the icy cold waters of the Atlantic covered us. We were at the edge of the bay, but we were both too tired to swim.

"I'm sorry dad, I, I lied to you, I didn't tell you everything I should have told you. Greg, I'm sorry I screwed with you, everything is my fault. I should have treated you with respect, I'm a horrible person. I'm so so sorry. God, God, if there's a hell, please be merciful."

I felt the ocean engulf us, I felt the end coming.

"Mom, mom I'm so sorry."

Then, I felt a tentacle grab us and lift us up from the ocean. I looked up weakly and saw a chalk white head with no face, a black suit with a white undershirt and a red tie.


Music blared from the floating city above us, I looked at the Neverman. He put us gently on the beach and carefully put his red tie back into place, he then gave us a thumbs up and walked on the water towards Leviathan.

Two glowing blades of purple light rose from his hands and the two endbringers stared at each other. Leviathan was bigger then him, so much bigger than him, but Leviathan froze. A white tentacle rose from the Neverman's back and made a beckoning motion.

We watched as the two giants fought each other, as the Neverman's blades cut into leviathans flesh. Leviathan fought back with water, with the ocean, with brute power, but the Neverman was fast, faster than him.

"Kick his ass."

I don't know if he heard me, but the battle continued, and eventually Leviathan leap back into the sea. The Neverman stood on the water with his arms folded, and the city at his back. Then he vanished, teleporting back to his city in the sky.

I felt awed by that display of power and might, then I looked at Greg.

"Thank god we live in Brockton Bay."

I agreed with him. We were tired and cold, but we saw a staircase close to us that would lead to the top of the bridge. We walked up the steps, supporting each other along the way. Sometimes I would fall and Greg would help me up, other times I would help him instead, but we both agreed that we would get the protectorate headquarters together.

I smiled, the Watchtower still stood, the bridge was still there, if soaked in water. We eventually made it to the steel shuttered doors, we pounded on them with all our might, begging and pleading to be let in. The steel doors rose, and we pushed our way through the glass doors behind them.

"Please help us."

We fell to the ground, my eyes closed and I fell asleep holding Greg's hand.
What I am really confused about is where all the money and resources are coming.

So is stuff like the flight ring directly available through the Game or is it some third-party Tinkertech that can be bartered for using game currency? What about the Phoenix down? Where does it come from?

More broadly, where do the gift cards come from? Since Danny seems to be playing the Game a lot and giving some cards to Taylor, how much can you earn from it?

The Never mans flying city takes carbon in the air and uses it to make oil, lots and lots of oil think about saudi arabias maximum capacity and thats it. The middle east is incredibly unstable, like even more so then our world so the price of oil has gone up. The Never man makes roughly 500 billion dollars a year from oil revenue its a little more then that but Im rounding down.

A 5th of that is held back to pay for any serious damage that happens to pack cities. Normally when some parahuman throws a car into your shop it comes from your insurance and its a pain in the ass. If you live in a pact city thats probally going to be covered by the pact and your shop will be paid for, the person who lost their car, that gets paid for too.

200-300 billion dollars is used to by prizes things like gift cards, cars and a lot of other stuff. 50 gold in game can be exchanged for 50 dollars. In a high level campain this can rank up to thousands of dollars in gift cards. A lot of poorer familys in pact cities pay for their grocieries clothing and other things this way.

and roughly a 100 billion is spent on personal, things like lawyers, purchasing agents, PR agents GM's and a host of other people. To give you an idea, the games employ roughly 1.4 million people who get work a six hour shift and get a very good wage and benifits. Their one of the biggest employers in the united states.

So imagine 200 hundred billion dollars in gift certificates being given out every year in 108 american cities and the effect that would have on the local economy.

As for the tinker tech, Never man has a crap load of tinker shards, he is fully capable of either building tinker tech himself of having his artificial minions do it for him. This tinker tech is sturdy reliable and expensive.
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I woke up in the hospital, someone was holding my hand.


Dad looked worried, tired.

"I've had a really bad day."

He gave me a hug.

"I know."

I saw a PRT officer in the background.


"In the Watchtower. I, I talked to the people here, and they want you to join the wards?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, I, I think I would like that."

He left and I went to bed, when I returned a blond woman in a suit stared at me.

"Miss Hebert."


She clicked her heels together.

"You held a healer hostage, and you are guilty of the crime of extortion against said healer. You are guilty of being an accessory to a murder, and of attempted murder, which was only foiled by the healer you extorted. These are serious crimes Miss Hebert."

I nodded.

"I still want to join the wards."

Her face softened.

"The good news is that Greg Veder has decided to not press charges and states that you were not in your right mind when you made that decision. Lung was a known mass-murderer and was attempting to kill you, that is covered by self-defense, the attempted murder was stated by Greg Veder to also be in self-defense."

Her eyes appraised me.

"I was in Ellisburg."


"A small town that is under the control of a madman. I thought I was going to die, the natural capes we brought with us left us to die."


"I was saved, we had a Pisces with us. He had just won the game, he was not that much older then Greg was. He told us that he would hold off the monsters and to run, he gave his life so I could live. He was just 18 years old, no experience, but he knew the meaning of sacrifice. Me and my unit walked out of that nightmare alive. He did not."

She opened the blinds and stared outside.

"I'm told I have a soft spot for the game capes, I don't, but I respect the hard work effort and pure dedication it takes to become one. Greg went through that and he vouches for you."

She walked back from the window and looked at me.

"I heard about what you went through and I'm going to consider that your punishment. You are as of today, an official ward, and Taylor."

She looked at me.

"Please never pull anything that stupid again."

"Yes ma'am."

The director clicked her heels together and walked out of the hospital. I heard a knock and looked at Greg.

"Hey, so I heard the news."

"You were snooping."

"Yeah, I kind of was. You were out for a week."

There was a moment of silence.

"So now what?"

Greg coughed.

"Well, right now the city's rebuilding, the Neverman's floating city is helping us with that. A lot of people died in the riots, but I think the city's going to make a comeback."


He frowned.

"She's dead, took half the ABB down with her before she went. The entire gang has collapsed, shattered into a million pieces. The Empire and the Merchants will probably take advantage of it."

"And you."

He leaned against the wall.

"There's a girl I have to meet."


"If it isn't real then that's ok, but I have to give it a chance."

I nodded.


"Yeah Taylor."

"Wish you luck."

"Same to you."

With that Greg left the room, I got out of bed and started my life as a ward. My time at Winslow was over, and my future at Arcadia beckoned.

"Sometimes we get a second chance."
Well I think you've won a medal for best Skidmark. And damn that was a hell of a week.
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