All Along the Watch Tower

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Taylor Hebert.

I sat bored in Mr. Gladly's class.

"Today, we are going to talk about the Pact...



Taylor Hebert.

I sat bored in Mr. Gladly's class.

"Today, we are going to talk about the Pact of 1993 with the Neverman."

The second endbringer, the non evil one, the one who created the game. I was stuck sitting next to Greg again. He had sunken blood shot eyes with dark circles around them. He walked around nervously. Was he playing the game? You didn't ask that kind of question, it was not done.

"In exchange for protecting the 108 pact cities, the Neverman would be allowed to run the Game. Now, I'm sure at least some of you have played it or are planning to."

A couple of nervous chuckles.

"The terms of the Pact were simple, each state would get to chose two of their cities to be pact cities, and of course the nation's capital would be covered. The Neverman got to pick seven cities in the country. That's why California has seven pact cities and our state has three. Now why is Brockton Bay special?"

A raised hand.

"We were one of the seven cities picked by the Neverman."

"Correct. Now this doesn't mean that endbringers will not try to attack us like the other cities, but it does mean we enjoy far more protection. Which is why we are going to watch Behemoth's attempt to attack New York."

He turned on the TV and we watched New York city be engulfed in purple light, watched as fire was poured onto the field. Then we saw the Neverman, he was so much shorter then Behemoth was. His skin was chalk white, he looked thin and gaunt and did not have a face. He wore a black suit with a red tie.

And then we watched as Behemoth screamed as its limbs were torn off. We watched it run not walk but run in terror. The Neverman stood there, otherworldly and creepy, and then vanished, teleporting back to his floating city in the sky. The purple glow went away.

There was a message there: "Let me have my games and I will keep you safe". Pact cities always got an influx of people after an endbringer attack. I looked at Greg, he had a Neverman T-shirt on. Figures.

The lights went on.

"Now what are the games? There are two kinds of capes, Natural capes and Game capes. A natural cape gains their powers after a trigger event. Their powers can be anything. Any examples of natural capes?"


He frowned.

"Yes, Lung is an example of a natural cape Mr. Ling. An example of a game cape?"


"Yes Hospitialler is a game cape, a Pisces to be exact."

We know.

"There are twelve classes, Pisces is the best healer of the twelve, Scorpio can control sound and heal, Cancer can control water and heal, Gemini can create illusions, Vigo and Aries are both brute packages, Capricorn can control air, and Leo can control fire."

He pulled up the symbols of the twelve classes.

"The two tinker classes are Aquarius and Sagittarius, they are respectively the chemical and repair tinker classes. Taurus has the power to manipulate earth and stone, and finally libra the thinker class can memorize an entire book just by touching it."

He sighed.

"Like I said, I can not stop you from playing the game, I know it's got a lure to it. The prizes can be rewarding, but be careful of who you trust. The gangs play the game too and have been known to recruit people against their will. If you do win, talk to the protectorate and give them a chance. The wards are good people."

Some people scoffed, Greg's hands clenched. With that done the bell rang for lunch.
I avoided being tripped again by Sophia. She scowled at me and went off to get lunch. It was Monday, the trio never bothered me on Monday. I hated the thought of them getting super powers, that was the one edge I had over them.

I enjoyed my one day of freedom and went people watching. Pho said that there were generally three kinds of kids who won the game, Gang members, nerds, and the desperate. When you died in the game it hurt, most people could not work through that pain. Out of my eye I watched as the empire kids talked about the latest monster manual. The ABB kids were clutching some new RPG.

The two of them stared at each other, their eyes glared. I steadied myself, one of the empire kids brought out a guitar and strummed it threateningly. The ABB kids looked away, I didn't know if he was a Scorpio. You never knew but it was the kind of risk you didn't want to take.

I went into the library and went to look up PHO. I was bored and I went into the classes section, where the eternal argument over which class was better was taking place. Pisces was respected but it didn't have any offensive capabilities. There was a saying, 'every one wants a Pisces on their team, but no one wanted to be a Pisces'.

I used my bugs to spy around the room just in case. This was were the nerds held their strategy sessions. Maps, numbers and everything else was talked about. You never knew what the GM was going to throw at you. I learned quite a bit listening in, most of them were silver or bronze. Then they talked about what they would spend their in game money on.

You could get a gift card to almost anywhere. Airplane tickets, gas, groceries, hotels, even things like cars and occasionally houses could be bought with in game money. There was a good reason why Brockton bay was such a large tourist destination, and it sure wasn't the goddamned boardwalk.

Eventually classes ended. The streets were crowded. Tourists, locals, refugees, if you wanted power a pact city was the place to find it. If you just wanted some free stuff go to a pact city. If you were running from the endbringers, well, there were only 108 safe cities on the planet.

I passed a comic store, there were a lot of them. Most people were not there for the comics but it was the polite fiction that kept the city running. I paid for some water and brought out my book.

"Good, the thief's here."

That was Paul, he's a GM who wanted to go Pro. I didn't blame him, the money was good and he deserved better than running games in some rundown store in the docks for tourists and kids. I looked outside and sighed.

A man in a black suit with a sign.

"Religious nut at three o'clock."

one of the employees sighed.

"I will get it."

I saw the man, black suit, red tie, it was the traditional fallen dress code. Well, for the non-psychotic fallen. Neverman fan boys were annoying but harmless. The ones who worship the others? they're terrifying.

The cultist smiled at us and waved, he bought a Neverman t-shirt and left.

"How are we allowed to sell this stuff?"

The GM looked at me.

"The Neverman has stated that stores that promote the game are allowed to also sell his likeness. Hey Al."

"He paid he gets to say what ever he wants Paul."

"God damn it."

I looked at my watch as the game went on.

"Going home Paul."

"Take care Taylor."

It was starting to get dark, a masked cape was doing fire tricks for an oohing crowd of tourists, probally a Leo. The stores were still open, most of them would stay open until at least midnight, for the tourists.

It was dark by the time I got home, I cooked dinner and dad walked in late.



That line of familiar silence, he gave me a small stack of gift cards. We both knew what that meant.

"I'm going to be online all night, special project."

I nodded.




"Be careful."

He smiled.

"I will."
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I flipped through the channels. It was getting close, an endbringer attack was approaching. It had been too long since the last one. I watched a show about the protectorate heros fighting against villains. The show had a Gemini on board to help with the special effects, my dad complained about how there used to be an art to special effects before the games.

I didn't have an opinion, I didn't remember a time before the games. The villain of the week were some natural triggers. It was a nice change of pace from the evil Aquarius who gives kids tinker-tech drugs story line. I sighed as I looked at the show, the Pisces had to leave for some reason. I already knew what was going to happen.

There were two ways this would go; either someone would get hurt and the team would learn a lesson about how healers were an important, or if they were going for drama, someone would die and the team would have three days to get the Pisces back in town to bring the dead cape back to life. I frowned, it was going to be the later. I turned off the TV and went into my room.

Mom had the bad luck to have her accident during an endbringer attack. By the time the healers got back, it had been three days. That was the thing about game parahumans, every one knew their limits. If enough of you was intact and the Pisces got to you before the time limit, death was a slap on the wrist. If they were too late? Well too bad.

There was a medical drama called 72 hours that had been running for over five years now. My hands clenched in rage. I took deep breaths until my anger went away. I hated that show, the media went easy on Pisces. If you saw a show and the hero's didn't have a healer, and the bad guy was a Pisces. Well, he wasn't going to remain a bad guy for long. Even in the few shows were they were the bad guys, they were either bad guys against their will or the cool angst-ridden anti-villain.

You could have a Scorp as a straight up bad guy and have cool musical assassin duels, you could have a Cancer bad guy and watch the water and ice attacks. Both of them could heal but it was the Pisces that got the special goddamned treatment.

Yes I'm just a little bit bitter about that. I looked on PHO, every one was speculating about who was next, about which city would be attacked next. The Californian posters were smug as always. I re-watched the clip of the Simurgh's attempt to attack San Francisco. I watched as the city was covered in purple, as the two endbringers faced off.

Simurgh's singing was interrupted with a punch to the face. Neverman blurred as a flurry of punches cracked and wrecked the shell of her skin. I watched her scream as her wings were ripped of one by one. The beating continued, it was vicious, inhuman even, then the Neverman looked at the bleeding terrified angel.

It stared at her, you could hear the crying sounds it was making. Neverman leaned in close and then tossed her in the water. She never attacked a Pact city after that. The other two will try every now and then, but not her, never her.

The Neverman stood at the edge of San Francisco, the sun was setting the lights of San Francisco framed him as he vanished. No one died that day, my eyes went down and looked at the 20 million and rising likes, I added one to it. I lived in a Pact city, it was almost required. I went back to the PHO speculation.

A couple people had been banned for hoping that a Pact city would get hit. It happened around this time of year. I didn't take it personally, we all knew what happened when a non-Pact city got hit. I shivered in the darkness. I hated the game, I hated the effect it had on my family, on the city.

I shut down the computer, and knocked on my dad's room, I opened the door. The computer in his room glowed, but he was nowhere to be found. I shut the door and headed into the basement. My spiders were creating my costume bit by bit.

"Still nowhere near finished."

I sighed.

I wanted to be a hero, I needed it. I needed to prove Emma wrong, Sophia wrong, and goddamned Madison. I had the spiders hide their progress and I went to bed. The next day was Tuesday. The trio were back to form, it was horrible. I did my best to ignore the insults. Only four more days until the weekend.

Greg looked like hell. He always looked like hell, but he looked worse then normal. He had a smile plastered on his face, a grin, that wasn't normal. Greg's eyes always reflected some kind of inner paranoia, it was like looking into the eyes of a hunted animal. But now he was at peace, he even joked with Sparky during the group project.

He won... He must of god damned won. That fucking asshole won the game, or he was very close to it. I put a tracking bug on him, I held my breath. It was against the rules, trying to unmask a cape, prying into the game. There were rules against it, but I also knew it would be easier to have help.

If he was the right class then he would be invaluable to me. If he hadn't picked yet then I could still manipulate him. If he was a Gemini, illusions with my bugs would be an incredible tactical edge. It was a rough day but I kept an eye on him. After school I got on his bus, I kept my head down and sat in the middle.

Greg simply slept with his face against the window snoring, the bus moved into the suburbs and Greg yawned and woke up. I got off on his stop. My hands clenched around a Swiss army knife my mother gave me. I took out the best blade and followed him. He typed in a number at an apartment complex. I cursed as he escaped me.

I then walked and waited at the car exit, he was still with in range. When a car moved in I ran past the metallic door. I was in, I was in his complex. I sneaked up and found his apartment.

"Mom? Dad? Where are you."

Good, no one. He flopped down on the couch and started snoring. The window was not locked. I took out my knife and slowly jimmied it open. He didn't notice as I opened it and stepped into his apartment. It was small, two bedrooms. The apartment was sparse, I walked into Greg's room and noticed the mess.

Dice and source books were everywhere. Manuals, charts, maps and at least five calculators. Posters of famous capes were all over the place. His computer was off.

"Come on, be predictable."

The password is not power... Ugh, I can't get into it. I shut the thing off and looked for other telltale signs.

"Gift cards."

There were three of them, I looked in his closet and smiled, a sword. I pulled it out.

"Steel tree."

The steel had red veins going through it, there was only one place to get one of these. I put it back into its scabbard and crept up to Greg's sleeping form. I took out the blade and gently pressed the tip of it against Greg's neck. I could not show weakness, he had to know that I was in charge.

His eyes opened blurry and then filled with panic.

"Don't scream."

He nodded.

"I know your a parahuman."

His eyes narrowed.

"You can't prove."

"Only one place where you can get this kind of sword Greg."

"Lots of people play the game, winning's a bitch and a half."

I had him.

"But you're willing to do it aren't you? You want it, to win more then anything, then you finally pulled it off, yesterday."

I pressed the blade, not an Ares, he's bleeding, they're tougher than that.

"What class did you chose Greg?"

"Fuck you Taylor."

I slowly pushed the sword along his throat.

"I'm not playing a game with you Greg, what's your fucking class?"

He frowned, not talking. I closed my eyes and summoned some wasps, they did little figure 8s.

"You're a cape."

"Tell me your fucking class Greg."

I took the blade away from his throat and drove my wasps forward. They were stopped by a glowing wall of force.

A fucking Pisces, he had to be a fucking Pisces.
We stared at each other across the room.

"You don't have any offensive powers, drop the field."

I said it just above a whisper. Greg stared at me and my wasps, he could not keep it up forever. Pisces has limits after all and I knew them all.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

My mother's dead, my ex-best friend turned against me, there's an entire campaign by the popular girls to ruin my life, I got stuffed into a locker full of human waste, I go to school filled with drug addicts, Neo-Nazis, and wanna-be yakuza. Then to top it all off, I think the said ex-best friend is trying to get super-powers like you.

"A lot of things."

I kept the sword ready, and tried to think of how I could use his powers. The problem was the power-set. The field was useful, but it was also too showy and enough force could bring it down. The healing was of limited help in the field. No mobility powers either and that's what I needed. I stared at him.

"From now on you work for me."

Greg folded his arms.


I needed to pull on his emotions, make him realize that I was stronger then him.

"You don't deserve your powers, you didn't earn them."

The room was absolutely silent.

"How dare you."

His breathing was heavy labored, that field was going down sooner rather then later.

"Five years, it took me five god damned years to get where I am. Five years of acid burns, of being stabbed, set on fire, struck with lighting. I can't even count the number of times I have died, and yet you have the goddamned nerve to say I didn't earn it."

"It wasn't real."

"I felt every bit of it Taylor. Ever wonder why game capes aren't everywhere? that's why. Plenty of people have had natural triggers like yours during the game."

He knew about trigger events.

"You can't keep it up forever."

"What's this about Taylor, you Empire?"

I frowned.


"Then what do you want? Why are you fucking with me?"

I could see the sweat.

"I want to be a hero."

"Then join the goddamned wards."

"I need to prove myself, I need leverage."

Greg looked around the room.

"That's, stupid. You have a ticket out of Winslow, take it! I know I am."

I couldn't let him go to the wards, not until I proved myself.

"Why Pisces?"

The force field was getting weaker.

"Want to know how to beat the game? Play a cleric, or any kind of healer and then get into as many campaigns as possible. Because the game? It's all about numbers. At first I wanted a cooler class, something flashy and awesome."

He laughed.

"Now, now I just want to get the hell out of Winslow. I'm pretty sure you do too, so drop my sword, drop the bugs and we can walk over the the protectorate and sign up. I'm willing to let this go Taylor but you have to stop being crazy."

"I'm not being crazy."

"You snuck into my house and held a sword at my neck, that sounds pretty fucking crazy to me."

The field fell, I stepped up to him.

"Just work for me until I get a reputation and."


I felt a spray of liquid hit my eyes and I fell to the ground. The asshole maced me! I heard the door open and then slam shut. I went out of the door trying to catch him, I attacked him with my wasps. I couldn't let him escape, couldn't let him sell me out.

I pulled for the bees in the neighborhood and found Greg wheezing on the foot of a tree, breathing heavily.

"I'm allergic to bees."

I pulled out my Epipen.

"What do you know, I have the cure. Work for me Greg."

He spat in my face, his breathing was getting heavier.

"Life or death Greg."

He collapsed into himself in defeat.


I used the Epipen and Greg's breathing normalized. He stared at me with disgust.

"Do you feel like a hero yet?"
Cauldron interlude

I sat down at the table. My cybernetics needed a tweak again, my artificial lungs were giving me trouble. It was time for another meeting.

"I can't find my tie."

"It's on the hanger, on the bathroom shelf."

I smiled at her.

"Thanks Becky what would I do without you?"

She was in her costume.

"I don't know why you dress up in a suit for these things, just come in costume."

She gave me a kiss on the neck, our rings clinked together as we held hands.

"The costume means some thing, I won't use it for this."

She sighed.

"It appears I have fallen in love with a rather silly man."

I squeezed her close to me.

"If that's what it takes to make you smile."

We held each other close.


"Yeah, going to have to talk to a Sag and get my lungs tuned up again."


The group was there. The Numberman sat in a corner by himself, Doctor mother sat next to Contessa, and the other two members of the team sat next to me. Some times I wondered if Dave resented me and Becky's relationship.

Doctor Mother started the meeting.

"We are here to talk about the Neverman and the game again."

The same damned conversation.

"Our spies in Labyrinthia have their report."

Numberman sighed.

"Open up the sealed brown envelope."

I reluctantly did so, the actions lined up exactly.

"So you got your report before doctor mother?"

Numberman sighed.

"He does the same thing every day! I have known humans, no, computer programs that were less predictable then Neverman."

"We can't keep relying on him."

Numberman sighed.

"If the games stopped, over one hundred billion dollars of stimulus spending in the Pact cities will end; an oil supplier equal to the production of Saudi Arabia would stop, which would make the price of oil higher. This would have negative effects not just for the US, but also for Europe and East Asia. The protection provided by the Neverman would end, which would cause a panic. It would also eliminate over a million jobs."

He continued.

"The games are also our sole source of reliable healers, and that does not include the loss of all the repair tinkers who are needed to maintain our tinker-tech stockpiles. The pact is the single biggest stabilizing force we currently have. If it is undone, the predicted timeline until the extinction of the human race on earth bet will go from three hundred years to considerably less, probably to around sixty or so, though I would have to check the numbers."

The number man lit a cigarette and took a deep drag.

"If he's evil then he's currently the lesser evil. We will continue to spy on him, to observe him and his financial transactions."

"Have you studied the behavior patterns of the Game triggers?"

"Less aggressive and more cautious then a natural trigger, teamwork's better but the lack of a killer instinct hampers them in the field. The games also teach some bad habits that can get you killed on the streets."

Becky interrupted.

"Training helps to deal with that."

The vote was held, there would be no attempt to stop the games or cancel the pact.

"So, new topic of conversation, we need more healers."

The eternal conversation, I looked at Becky.

"Attempts to get more Pisces have raised the number of people who pick that class by 20%. We still retain control over the majority of Pisces class healers available. Cancers and Scorpio's have a more even split and Aquarius is still 80% villain."

Eidolon sighed.

"They're not healers."

"Some Aquarius have been able to make medical compounds, though it is mostly drugs. We have put out more propaganda to convince people not to take that class."

"Sagittarius? How can we increase the numbers?"

We looked at the Numberman.

"Studies show that the Sagittarius class is thought of as the old man class. Not completely true but most people who pick it are male, and they are on average 10 to 20 years older then the other classes."

"A hotter sexier one in a show?"

He shook his head.

"That might undermine the appeal that it has. The class has a conservative American appeal that some people gravitate to, undermining that may get us less Sagittarius classed parahumans instead."

The age old debate on how to manipulate the media to get the capes we needed. Oh we could create capes, we did that a lot. But while we had variety, the games had consistency. There was a reason why North America was the most stable continent out there.

"So what were we able to gather information wise?"

"The Brockton Bay Servers just had 20 new triggers. Three Pisces, five each for Scorpios, Ares and Leos, and two Aquarius."

I sighed.

"Aries is the empires most popular choice. The Leos are probably ABB, they like fire. The Scorpios, I don't know the break down on that but we may get a couple of those. Any Aquarius is almost guaranteed to work for the merchants."

That left three capes.

"We have to find and recruit the Pisces before the gangs get their hands on them. I will contact Armsmaster and tell him what's going on."

With that, we started talking about the other cities. New Orleans and Brockton Bay were the two problem children of the Pact cities. The gangs were organized, the merchants practically owned the states tinker tech drug empire. The ABB had lung and at least thirty other capes, and the Empire....

Kaiser styled himself and the empire as the white supremacist movements boot camp. They came from all over the world to be sheltered in his safe houses and trained to fight in the games. Thank god he burned through his capes so quickly, otherwise he would've already owned the city.


I collapsed on our bed.

"I have work."

She flopped down next to me.

"But it can wait until we're finished."

I gave her a kiss and turned off the lights.

Greg Veder

I woke up to the sight of Taylor Hebert holding a sword to my throat. I thought for a moment that it was that dream again. I personally liked that dream, but she wasn't wearing a chain mail bikini and I some how doubted it was going to end nearly as well at it normally did.

Then she cut me, the bitch cut me.

The most valuable currency in the world isn't the dollar or the pound, it is the fuck, and I was fresh out of them. Seriously, going into my home and threatening me? Really? I was one of the few people who wasn't trying to screw her, I mean screw with her. Look, she has really nice legs ok? And she's probably the only girl who is willing to talk to me, and goddamned that.

Wait, better concentrate. Thinking with my dick got me killed five times. The acid one was the worst, Denis stopped playing after that one. I missed him, his jokes were pretty cool, and he was an awesome thief too. So then, things got weird. Taylor's a cape, and she's ranting, and has the crazy eyes, and yet somehow still manages to be really freaking hot.

It's that voice, it's got this sultry undertone to it that just screams 'bad girl'.

Which doesn't help when she's threatening you with bees or whatever it was, it ends badly. I'm naturally allergic to bees, because what am I not allergic to.

Right now I've just been forcibly recruited into her plan to become a hero, which is retarded. You see, her plan is to make a costume and simply go out and do hero stuff. With no training, no back up, no clue and then somehow impressing people. Instead of you know, just emailing the Protectorate, or calling them, or just walking into their goddamned office. I don't think she's knows what to do with me, her plans were pretty much just 'become a great solo hero'...

'Never split the party', didn't she ever learn that? You don't cowboy up and expect to live, I learned that the hard way. Honestly though, I'm tired. I'm goddamned exhausted, so I'm going to treat this like a vacation. She's talking, coming up with a plan. My ability to breath oxygen is slowly returning.

Which is good.

"Useless power-set is useless in the field."

Yeah, that's kind of why I chose it. I'm tired, so I picked the class that maximized profit and minimized work. That being said though, really? useless? Yeah, say that after you have a couple bullets in you. The worst part of it though is that I'm still turned on. It's a brand new low for me isn't it? and I've had a lot humiliating moments, so many humiliating moments.

"You're going to heal me if I get hurt."

"Whatever, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed."

That pissed her off, but I left. There was the standard tattle on me and I will kill you bullshit, but I just didn't care. This is a vacation and I will treat it as such. I went to sleep. I woke up to the feel of cold metal.

I really need to lock that goddamned window.


Like her ex-best friend she was also hot. But where Taylor was thin and svelte and moved like a cobra, Emma looked like a pin-up model, probably because she was. The gun was too big for her, she would just end up hurting her wrist with it.

You learn a lot in the game.

"I want superpowers."

"I'm not helping you."

"I have a gun."

I sighed.

"You shoved your best friend into a locker with human waste."

"That wasn't me!"


Why are all the hot ones crazy?

"I died again."

"Everyone fucking dies Emma, its just how the game works. You want power? Put on your big girl pants and earn it the hard way."

The gun was still pointed at my head. I think It says something when I can say that this was not the worst moment in my life, it isn't even in the top ten.

"You must've heard something. Help me or else."

Why doesn't anyone in this town try to bribe me? Money, favors, or at least let me touch boobs.

"Yeah I have, its deep web stuff. Some tinkers claim they can give people super powers, it's rumors and a lot of people get killed or scammed. Just tough it out and take the sure thing Emma."


I sighed.

"Boo fucking hoo you died, big woop, everyone dies in the game."

"I want all your information."

"And how are you going to get the money Emma?"

"I have money in game, modeling money, I will figure out something. Get up."

I walked to my computer, she gave me a storage device.

"A zip drive, really? This old tech?"

"Put it on."

I turned on the special browser and looked around.

"Some tinker called Cauldron, he's got a couple recommendations and a couple of other people who says he's a scam artist."

I downloaded the website, it was a pain in the ass to get that IP address. I stared at her and the gun.

"You should have just toughed it out Emma, I could respect that, even if I think you're a stone cold bitch. This, this is the coward's way out, it got a little tough and you ran away."

She breathed heavily.

"There are predators and prey, and if you're a predator you take."

"Bull-fucking-shit, you're a poser and you know it. If you really were the bad-ass you're claiming you are you would've toughed it out, and not cash out at the first easy bit of power you see."

She stared at me.

"You won, what class?"

I stared at her.

"Fuck you Emma."

"I swear to god I will blow your brains out Greg."

I folded my arms.

"Whatever, I will get it out of you eventually Greg. As of today your ass works for me, or else."

With that she turned around. I looked down below, goddamned traitor. Why are the crazy ones hot? The door slammed and I locked all the windows and went back to bed.
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Watched. I like the easy to read writing style. Hope to see more in the future.
Very nice, normally dont like fics that are so AU but this looks interesting.
Poor Greg, he always end with the short stick :(

I can understand he folding to Taylor, she can easily overpower him and more with his alergies, but Emma ? even with a gun against someone that can shield ? sorry, that feels ... wrong

"There must be some way out of here."

I was unfortunate enough to be awake and online. I really should be a sleep right now, but I just had the chainmail dream again... To make it worse, this time Emma was in it too, stupid dreams... I looked at my old PHO account. I hadn't been banned in years, too busy getting my ass kicked in the game. I smiled at a familiar name.

"G-string girl."

She probably wasn't really a girl. I sent her my photo before, but she wouldn't reciprocate. I tried to meet up with her a few times too and that never happened either. I was definitely being used as some twisted game of hers/his, It had already happened to me a couple times after all. It said something about me that I still kept talking to her even when I kept hurting myself like this.


Hey. I'm developing feelings for someone I have never seen. Hello 40 year old man who enjoys screwing with my emotions, how are you doing?


I listened to her/him talk about their issues of the day.

"A girl went into my apartment today."


I had enough funds that I could probably have someone track the IP address, not everyone hid behind seven proxies like I did after all. I brought up another screen and went into the deep web. I sometimes sold gift cards and other things that I earned in the game in the deep web, you got at best a fourth of the value but it was money.

"Deep six I have a job for you."


"I need you to hunt down an IP address."

There were boundaries online, this wasn't really done. But hey, since no one's respecting my goddamned boundaries, then you know what, fuck it.

"300 bit coin."

"That's bullshit, this is an easy job for someone with your skills, 100 bit coin."

"150, and I want 200 dollars in gift cards."

I thought about it, meh.


I used a service to wash the stuff I sold and paid the man. I also continued my chat with G-string girl. We talked about how they killed off the Sag in City-scape, she liked Roy. I thought he was cool but he was the mentor guy, they always get killed off.

I looked at my message.

"I'm a man of my word."

She/he was close, they lived in a home for Case 53s, I sighed with relief; I could deal with a case 53, it beat dealing with another middle aged man.... God that was creepy. The conversation ended with more information.

Svetlana, her files said she had tentacles instead of arms.... oddly enough that's not a deal killer for me.

"Thanks Deep six."

With that done I paid the man the other half. Deep six could be pricey but he got the job done, thanks to him I have straight A's. Of course this would not work at a good school, but Winslow was where the city stuck all the bangers and losers.

God I'm going to be stuck in that shit-hole for even longer. I just wanted to get out of there, to get somewhere nice and safe and make some decent money. A girlfriend would be nice. Hell, while I'm wishing for impossible things, I want a mansion, a harem of cute girls and even Armsmaster as my personal butler. It would be just as likely. I looked at an Email.

"Need help with a quest help me or else."

Well fuck you too Emma.

"Fine, whatever."

She was probably trying to earn some money which would inevitably be taken away in a scam, but the little red head girl was not satisfied with being a model, with being one of the most popular girls at school. No, this bitch had ambition, she had to be number one, had to be a parahuman.

I don't know where she got the predator-prey bullshit from, but even I knew that the bay was full of predators. People who thought they were top shit always ended up being proven wrong, or died to learn that the hard way in the game.

"What's the campaign setting?"

"Apocalypse Stone."

I stared at the computer screen. I then calmly turned off my computer, barred all my doors and windows, and then went to bed. My phone rang and I looked at the number. How did she? wait, she has friends.


"No, Just no, in fact all of my no."


"The apocalypse stone is a quest that is designed to kill people off, it cannot be beaten. Please tell me you were not stupid enough to sign up for it."

"Well, um."

"Well... you're fucked aren't you."

"I need the money Greg."


"I will kill you if you don't help me Greg."

I yawned.

"What do I get out of it Emma? Seriously, what do I get out of it?"


I hung up the phone, it rang again.

"I can get you a girlfriend."

I laughed.

"We both know you can't pull that off Emma."


"Has limits and you know it."

"My dad's a lawyer, if you don't help me I will-"

I hung up on her again, the phone rang.

"I will get you Shadow Stalker's autograph."

I thought about it, I could get some money online for that.


Taylor paced back and forth in my room, her hair smelled like strawberries. God she's hot.

"Ok ok, I need help with my costume so you're coming to my place. My dad's not going to be there, so you have to remain in the basement."

"Going to chain me to the wall and have your way with me while your at it?"

She turned beet red, and made this sputtering noise, kind of like an offended kitten.

"I'm not into you!"

I sighed, and laid down on my bed.

"You sneak into my apartment, then you invite me into your house to look at your costume. Look, I'm flattered, but I'm just not into S and M, it just seems awkward and it doesn't do anything for me."


I yawned again. What, I'm tired.

"Look, like I said I'm flattered. You're a cute girl, I'm sure you will find someone else who's into that."

Her blush covered her face, and I nodded off, I felt her weight on top of me.

"Get out of bed."

The view was nice, but I was still tired. I could hear the buzzing of bees.


I put my arms around her and went to sleep, Taylor went limp, and for a moment nuzzled into me.

"No, wake up."

I looked into her eyes.


I walked with her to the bus station, I leaned against the glass and started sleeping.

"You're embarrassing me."

She poked me.


"You fell asleep on the bus."

"Well I tried to fall asleep on the bed, but you didn't let me do that did you?"

I closed my eyes again and continued my nap. Eventually like all good things, my nap ended, and I was forced to wake up and walk with Taylor to her house. The house was this two-story thing, much nicer than my apartment. The inside of it had a naval theme, with pictures of ships and captain's steering wheels placed throughout the place.

I saw a photo that was placed face-down, and saw a stern looking woman next to a smiling man and a little girl.


There were emotions that were shown on Taylor's face: guilt, self loathing, and longing.

"How did she die?"

She blinked.

"I called her about the endbringer attack and she got into a car accident and died."

Well that partially explained away some of the crazy.

"Why bother me?"


Taylor paced back and forth.

"Emma has everyone on her side, everyone, and she's going to get super powers too. I have to even the odds."

I let her vent, it was a pretty long rant and I didn't say anything when she started crying. This was healthy, well, as healthy as being her prisoner was going to get. I gave her a hug and she leaned into me, enjoying the sensation until she remembered something.

"Don't tell anyone."

Then the bossiness came back in full force, I was led by hand into the basement and Taylor brought out some black fabric.

"I'm not into S and M."

"It isn't like that!"

"You dragged me into your basement to show off your black spandex. Like I said, I'm flattered but I'm just not into it."

I'm going to spend my vacation however I want.

"It's made out of spider-silk."

"Which is horribly flammable, I hope you have some ways of treating it."


Memories of giant burning spiders...

"Oh yeah, this stuff will go 'whoosh', and with the ABB...."

"Ok, find ways to treat it, got it."

While looking around at the army of black widows and other spiders, I wondered, was it really a wise idea to screw with her? Meh, I would do it anyways if I land in the hospital. I can always sell her out to the protectorate, and if I die, then I will finally get some rest.

"So what martial art are you practicing?"


"Martial art, kung-fu, judo, Karate, boxing."

"I run."

I sat on a lawn chair that was not covered in spiders.

"Really, you're just going to go out there, with no hand-to-hand training."

"And what was your plan?"

"Stay in the hospital and heal people in exchange for this thing called money. I would then use this money to get my own place and many other things. Fighting was not a part of the plan."


I shrugged.

"I'm going to use my powers to help people."

"You can do that by calling the protectorate, I have their number on my cell."

"I don't have a cell phone."

"Borrow mine."

"I will once I have enough leverage."

I sighed.

"Your plan is a bad plan, it's going to have bad results, and then I'm going to say I told you so."

"Your plan isn't much better!"

I yawned again.

"You mean the one of going to the legal authorities who have guns, money, and training facilities?"

With that done I promptly went to sleep.

"You have to go, my dad's-"

"Hi Taylor!"

I walked up stairs and smiled.

"Who are you?"

Taylor's face was panicked.

"I'm working with Taylor on a project, she spent the entire time telling me about how my ideas were wrong and trying to have everything done her way."

Taylor blinked.

"I'm leaving. If my input doesn't matter then she can handle it herself."


He was a big man, but he seemed mollified by my statements.

"You have to work with your classmates. I'm glad you're taking school seriously, but in the future try to work with-"


"-Greg better."

"Yes dad."

I walked towards the bus station, Taylor walked next to me.


"I'm not going to lie to him for you."

I got into the bus and left.
Taylor is in a much worse headspace than canon. That's kind of impressive, considering this is Worm.
There's some interesting things here but a lot of flaws. I'm going to focus on the flaws.

1. Taylor. Having read all you posted, I think I get what you were going for here. Taylor has more issues than National Geographic right now, what with having caused her Mom's death, scapegoating it on game capes and having QA apparently boosting her controlling tendencies through the roof. Still, the fact is that she comes off as completely nuts at the beginning. Not in a good way that makes you want to read more and find out, but in a way that makes you think you don't have a grasp of how she works.

2. Expository writing. You're running with a radically different world and this provokes a lot of questions and worldbuilding. Cool. The problem is that the first few chapters feel more like poorly executed info dumps rather than anything worthwhile. I think you need less tell and more show here. Don't tell us how the world is different, show us. Tease us, draw it out, feed us tidbits and let us draw our own conclusions. We don't need all that info at the beginning of the story.

3. How the Endbringers are beaten down. I'm perfectly fine with them being chased off or avoiding protected cities. The way you do it doesn't really do them justice, however. The Endbringers are things that shouldn't be trampled like that or humiliated. They're great, horrible things that rack up killcounts and no sell (almost) everything. Yeah, it says the Neverman is powerful, but in the most clumsy way. It advances that in a way that smacks of trampling on the setting. Also, see point 2. This could be used later in a more powerful way, rather than just casually laid out at the beginning. It's like having a Cauldron interlude after the first few chapters of Worm. Sure, it's good for learning what's up, but it's a waste and undermines the tension in your story.

4. Canon rails. Despite these changes, Taylor's seemingly managed to trigger in the same way and with the same powers. Really? I can understand wanting the same powers for whatever reason, but when you're making this many changes to the setting, it strains belief a wee bit. This isn't as big a deal, and if you called it your unicorn in the garden I wouldn't blink, but it made me stop and wonder.


There's interesting things going on here. Despite the flaws I noted, I kept reading the entire way. But I can't help but think these good ideas would become great ideas if you supported them better. Hero surviving and marrying Alexandria? Neat, could have a bunch of fun changes to the dynamic. A Greg that's put himself through shit for powers and has clearly grown up a lot during that? Cool, it's a refreshing change of pace. A world where there are natural capes for variety while there is a pool of similar to identical game capes to boost the numbers? Interesting, adds a new wrinkle to things.

It's just that there's some issues with the story, ones that could be fixed to make it a stronger story.
Amy Dallon



With those words exchanged we went into the elevator together.

"Another day in the trenches huh?"

Hospitaller was a heavy set man with dark skin and intelligent black eyes. He was a friendly and kind man.

"So is the PRT still on your back about your weight problem?"

He nodded.

"Yeah, you know how it is; you got to be skinny, you got to be fit. Santa Claus isn't fit and everyone loves him."

We had our laugh and joined the others.

"Amy, Hospitaller its good to see you!"

Choir boy gave me a hug.

"Hey, how's it going Choir?"

He shrugs, his guitar slung over his back.

"Had a few burn victims, ABB's been at it again."

Our numbers varied. The PRT liked to have one Pisces in every city, so they got moved around a lot, but normally there would be at least twelve healers available to the hospital. I passed the water room and ignored the blue glow.

Choir boy walked with us to the break room, a bunch of other costumed people waved at us.

"You heard about the new healers?"

I looked up.

"What new healers?"

Choir boy smiled. He was a known gossip and I loved that about him.

"According to the thinkers we've got three new Pisces this month. Two of them have already clocked into the protectorate."


The hospital could always use more, the absence of the third one worried me but the two would make themselves useful before they were transferred. Pact cities were places where you trained your craft before being sent out to somewhere else.

Speaking of that, the director of the local protectorate was here. Emily Piggot was a thin svelte woman who looked a lot younger then she was. She moved with discomfort in her suit, this was a woman who looked like she would be more comfortable in camouflage.

Two people flanked her.

"This is Flounder and Hermit crab."

Pisces, when in doubt go for a fish name, I think they're starting to run out of names. With that the meet and greet started. Hermit Crab was an older man that was probably in his 60s or 70s. Flounder was a smiling black woman who talked about her children and how she wished she could raise them in a safer environment.

The director wrote down the hint, the protectorate would have her transferred out with in the month. Hermit Crab was cranky and stoic and kept talking about his days in Nam. I felt better here at peace here.

Everyone had a job to do at the hospital, there was a system for it. Doctors and nurses would diagnosis the illness or injury. If it was minor a surgery would be done and then they would be sent to the water room to recuperate. If it was serious they would bring in a Scorpio to speed up the process.

Pisces mostly handled disease control, their healing blasts could purge any viral or bacterial infection. Cancer was harder and took longer but that could be handled too. But they could not fix birth defects, that was where I came in. Everything else was handled by the others.

"How many today?"

The nurse escorting me watched the world with careful eyes.

"Nine, it's been slow."

I nodded, New Hampshire was a small state and people preferred to go to either their local healers, or one of the more impressive pact cities before they came to us.

I looked at the chart.

"looks like more MS cases, I thought they had medication for that."

"It's expensive."

I shrugged and handled each case one by one, after that I went to the break room to await the next batch. Hospitaller sat in a swivel chair and threw pens at the ceiling. I could see a heart taking shape. I took a chair and started working on some homework.

"Slow day?"

He sighed.

"Yeah, there was a fight between the empire and the ABB, but-"

"-they have their own healers. So civilians didn't get hit this time?"

"Yeah, fight happened late at night and the protectorate broke it up. They captured the Empire's new Scorpio, they're hoping to get him to turn."

We both knew that there was a big possibility he would take his strike and walk. As long as no one got killed, healers got off easy. Hospitaller's phone buzzed.


"What happened?"

"The BBPD got into a fight and three people died, better go bring them back."

"Mind if I tag along?"

Hospitaller shrugged. We were confronted by the sight of a dead police officer, his partner looked bored and disinterested.

"Mallory died again."

Glowing blue light emanated from the core of Hospitaller's being, the other officer looked at his watch. The dead officers eyes opened and coughed.


"Yeah Mallory, you died again."

Mallory sniffed.

"We're going to have to go back to the station Sanchez, I crapped my pants."

"You're going to have to file a report after that, you know the station hates issuing new uniforms."

The two officers nodded in thanks and left.

"You know what Amy, there was a time were that would have been considered a miracle."

"I know."

A couple bodies were brought in.

"Must be the bangers, security will be here to detain them after they get raised."

I nodded and looked at my cell phone.

"Hey, you busy?"

"What did you do?"

Vicky grumbled.

"He's dating someone else."

I leaned against the wall, feeling the anti-master ring on my toe just in case her aura worked through the phone.

"You dumped him Vicky, you should not be surprised that Gallant moved on."

"I know. But it's not supposed to happen, he was-"

"No, you can't expect men to just crawl back to you after you dump them. Move on with your life, date someone else."

"Why aren't you supporting me?"

Because I'm wearing an anti-master ring to keep your mind fuckery to a minimum.

"I am supporting you, and sometimes that means telling you when you're screwing up. Gallant was a great guy and you threw that away, if I don't call you on it you will throw away a lot of other great guys until you end up alone."

She hung up on me.

"Amy! we got some more people."



I stared at myself in the mirror.

"You are a predator, the enemy is prey, attack."

I combed my hair.

"You are a predator, the enemy is prey, attack."

This process would continue for another ten minutes, you had to get into the right mindset to be strong. My make-up was perfect, my clothing was stylish, and I was ready to strike. I was driven, no, chauffeured by my father to my school. I preferred to arrive early so I could make the rounds. I inspected the lockers.

Taylor no longer kept her stuff in them, an avenue to attacking my prey cut off. Unfortunate, but it would not stop me. Prey had to be reminded that they were prey. The strong did what they willed, the weak did as they must. I was strong, therefore my actions were righteous. Taylor was weak, therefore she deserved it.

Prey existed only to be eaten and devoured by their betters, it was the natural order of the world. Sophia would occasionally asked why I bothered, messing with Taylor bored her. There were more deserving targets, empire, ABB, and the Merchants, but I needed to become stronger. I was a predator yes, but a young one. Eventually this lioness would devour the greater prey, but until then I had to practice.

I brought out my maps and looked at her routes, she had a new hiding spot and I needed to find it; To crush her delusion that she would ever be safe from me. Taylor was forgetting her place in the world and I had to remind her of it. This was my duty given to me by nature itself. I placed another X and started reading.

Sophia liked the physical stuff and she was training me for it, but psychological attacks had their place and this new book would help me break her down more efficiently. I suppose a part of me will miss her after she's gone, when the hunt is over, but by then she would have served her purpose; Meat to make me stronger so I could hunt greater prey.



Sophia sat down.

"I was thinking about hiring someone to be her boyfriend, then when she's gotten attached, spring the trap and destroy her, like we did with that girl."

Sophia shook her head.

"She's going to be expecting that, and guys think with their dicks. What if he actually falls for her?"

"It won't happen, she's ugly and-"

Sophia sighed.

"You're starting to freak me out."

"She's weak."

"Yeah, so? Then punch her, hit her, send her letters written in pigs blood, do threatening phone calls, break her stuff."

"We can't allow her to feel safe anywhere."

Sophia pinched her nose.

"This is bullshit."


"The locker, you told me that would be the grand finale. I'm bored, this whole Taylor issue is boring. I've backed you up because I'm your friend, but it isn't worth it. Focus on winning the game Emma, Taylor's trash, let her remain in the garbage where she belongs."

"I can't let her think she's better than me."

Sophia shrugged.

"Lions care nothing for the opinions of sheep."

"Look, just help me out with this ok?"

"Fine, whatever."

We waited until lunch time. I had found her hiding place, she had to know that no place was safe. The girls bathroom I opened the door.

"Madison do you need to go?"

She shook her head.

"You need to go Madison."

She nodded my hint having been taken, Madison closed the door and I looked under the stalls for feet, I found nothing. I couldn't hear her either so she might be holding her breath. I opened the doors one by one until I found one that was locked. I kicked it open and looked into Taylor's eyes, which were opened and frightened.

"I'm done Emma!"

Good girl Madison, good girl. I looked at Taylor with disgust. Sophia dragged her out of the stall. She started kicking and moving but there were three of us and one of her. I moved the toilet seat up. I had to make this real, I had to make this hurt.

"You deserved this Taylor, you murdered your mother. You just couldn't wait until she came home could you."

I whispered the words in her ears and gently caressed her face. I could feel the moisture of her tears and I could taste the coming salt, my tongue slipped out to taste them. To taste her fear, my heart beat like a jackhammer, the thrill of the hunt in my veins.

"You are not safe Taylor, you will never be safe. No matter where you hide or where you go I can get to you, never forget that."

With those words I plunged her head in the toilet, She squirmed and struggled in vain. I smiled as her body started to go limp, just a little bit more. Sophia put a arm on my shoulder, she whispered one word.


I stopped and let Taylor breath.

"Always remember Taylor, you are nothing and you will never be safe."

I gave her a kick before I left the bathroom. Everything was fine now, the natural order was restored to its proper place.

My name is Emma Barnes, and I'm a Hero.
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Man, I wish nothing was an option...
She doesn't deserve powers...
I vote she gets an aura that makes everyone think she is ugly and weak