Alien: Covenant

Only minor gripe I might have with this, even the lesser quality Terminator films are better than bad Alien films. Hell, Genesys, in spite its flaws, was actually pretty good. And 3 and Salvation were at least watchable.
It's the difference in genre. The Terminator films are action, so at least if the movie is bad you will get some sick firefights between humans and robots. The Alien films are horror, which means the bad ones are unwatchable slogs in which we follow unpleasant people getting killed one by one.
So that was terrible. I even kind of liked Prometheus and this film made me want to just neck myself.

"Director Scott sir, people are complaining about how dumb the characters in Prometheus are!"
"Damn them, for the sequel we'll make them two times as stupid!"
"No, that's crazy, forget I said that."
"Okay, thank God, we can---"

It may have been the worst film I've sat through in quite a while