[X] Nowyoudon't
(Obviously Melissa would shout out "Now you see me!" before switching over and completing the phrase)

[X] Float up to its neck and try to plug out all of the pipes that are sticking out. They are probably vital.
-[X] Try to float up through it, rather than in front of it

[X] Float up to its neck and try to plug out all of the pipes that are sticking out. They are probably vital.
-[X] Try to float up through it, rather than in front of it
[X] Fade.

[X] Float up to its neck and try to plug out all of the pipes that are sticking out.They are probably vital.
[X] Missingno
[X] Float up to its neck and try to plug out all of the pipes that are sticking out.They are probably vital.

[X] Float up to its neck and try to plug out all of the pipes that are sticking out. They are probably vital.
-[X] Try to float up through it, rather than in front of it
Melissa seems to be far more detached in this form than she is as herself or Titania. I wouldn't say that she's malicious but they are very apathetic and efficient, and given how the Omnntrix is with ghost aliens I'm suspicious either way.

[X] Absence

[X] Float up to its neck and try to plug out all of the pipes that are sticking out. They are probably vital.
-[X] Try to float up through it, rather than in front of it
[x] Shadow Humanoid Adequate for DEstruction or S.H.A.De

[X] Float up to its neck and try to plug out all of the pipes that are sticking out. They are probably vital.
-[X] Try to float up through it, rather than in front of it
Melissa seems to be far more detached in this form than she is as herself or Titania. I wouldn't say that she's malicious but they are very apathetic and efficient, and given how the Omnntrix is with ghost aliens I'm suspicious either way.
Evolutionary causes have set this alien species to maximize brutal efficiency. It will actually affect Melissa's thinking should she "go hero."

Instead of saving one child, she will save three old people, because three is more than one. Unless she can rationalize that one child has more potential in it for society and its growth than three old people.
[X] Shade

[X] Float up to its neck and try to plug out all of the pipes that are sticking out. They are probably vital.
-[X] Try to float up through it, rather than in front of it
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[X] Psishade

[X] Float up to its neck and try to plug out all of the pipes that are sticking out. They are probably vital.
-[X] Try to float up through it, rather than in front of it
Let's see...
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Dec 24, 2017 at 9:48 AM, finished with 217 posts and 12 votes.
Volume 1 - And Then, There Were Ten: Part 10
You move forward, floating and turning visually undetectable. The robot fires laser beams in your direction, but since it has no means of visual contact, you dodge each attack. You move inside of the robot itself and climb up through the machine, brandishing your claws and manifesting them. You swing, cutting wiring and slicing vital circuitry apart. You make it to the top and see the robot fall.

Damn, this alien is powerful. You're not sure whether flower-girl could do this kind of thing.

You see people staring at you. The campers and park rangers stare at the mysterious phantom who beat the alien robots. You stare back, calculating with your gaze. They cheer, but you don't care about social renown since you will soon return to human form. The best course of action is clear: flee the scene and reconvene with grandfather Maxwell and cousin Glenn at a later juncture.

You turn impossible to break the people's visual contact. Many of them instantly stop cheering you in confusion. You fly away a kilometer away, near the road and patiently wait for the DNA-altering device to lose charge, so that you may turn into a human again.

In twelve minutes, the watch times out, just as Max and Glenn drive by for you. You enter.

"Damn, that alien is awesome," you exclaim upon entry.

Glenn looks at you. "What can it do? All I saw was going invisible and flying."

"It can go through walls and has these cool claws. Also, I think it can hypnotize people."

"Really? It sounds powerful," Glenn asks, raising an eyebrow.

You grin and sit down, relaxing. The Rust Bucket drives off into the distance. "So, where were you two?"

Glenn frowns. "Sorry to break it to you, party-girl, but we were busy helping and saving people from the danger you create."

"The danger I create?!" What he just said makes you mad.

"Sorry, I didn't see anyone else flinging dangerous debris around with no thought for collateral damage!"

Well, now that he mentions it, it's kind of true. That death-robot you defeated fell onto a car and pretty much wrote it off. But, according to your calculations, that price was small to pay for the lives of countless civilians. That's what you thought when you turned into Nowyoudon't. That fact kind of reassures you, so you grin at Glenn. "At least no one died."

He sighs. "True."

Max looks at the two of you with the edge of his gaze, smiling lightly. "Our next stop is in D.C."

"Something tells me this will be the best vacation ever," you say, sitting back with your hands behind your grinning head, supporting it.

On the way to Washington, you use the watch for...

[] The benefit of others. Heroism. Selflessness.
[] The benefit of yourself. Stealing. Selfishness.
[] A little bit of both. What you do for others, you can do for yourself.
[X] The benefit of yourself. Stealing. Selfishness.

Mel would definitely be selfish. And I want to take animo's hat.:V
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[X] A little bit of both. What you do for others, you can do for yourself.
[X] A little bit of both. What you do for others, you can do for yourself.