[X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[x] Little Extremely Awesome Fairy, or L.E.A.F. for short.
...What? You have something better? :V

[x] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[X] wait before naming this form you dont know its powers/abilitys
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[X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.

Plant manipulation and flight so far with this alien, nice :)
[x] Dryad

[x] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[X] Unseelie

[X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[x] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
Last edited:
[X] Titania
Let's have better names this time around.

[X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[X] Titania
[X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[x] Dryad
-seems like something Sir McPlain would recommend
[x] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[X] Fae
[X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[X] Titania
[X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[X] Titania
[X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[X] Fairywood

Ben 10 isn't Ben 10 without a cheesy alien nickname.:V

[X] Stay with Dull McPlainand try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
You are ignoring content by this member.
[X] Fairywood

[X] Stay with Dull McPlainand try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
[X] Titania
[X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
Name it like its your child
Okay, I might get in a short one now.
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Dec 21, 2017 at 4:54 PM, finished with 147 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Titania
    [X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
    [X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
    [X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
    [X] Fairywood
    [X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
    [x] Little Extremely Awesome Fairy, or L.E.A.F. for short.
    [X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
    [x] Dryad

    [x] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
    [X] Unseelie
    [X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
    [X] Titania
    [X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
    [x] Dryad
    [X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.
    [X] Fae
    [X] Stay with Dull McPlain and try to figure out what else this girlie can do. Plant manipulation seems to be one thing.

Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Dec 21, 2017 at 6:15 PM, finished with 147 posts and 17 votes.
Volume 1 - And Then, There Were Ten: Part 6
"So, is it just me, or does this awesome watch let me turn into monsters?"

"I guess?" Glenn slowly walks up to you, still hesitating to close in more than four meters. You aren't sure whether it's because you have four eyes, or because you're, well, Melissa Tennyson and he's Glenn Tennyson. It might be both, actually.

"I think I'll call this one... er..."

"What about Titania?" Glenn proposes.

"What's that?"

"The queen of the fairies in Shakespeare's––––"

"Spare me the nerd-talk. Titania it is then," you confirm. You have no better idea than him, so you might as well take the name that Glenn offers.

You look around, to see a patch of grass growing not far away from the Rust Bucket. It comes naturally. You extend your arm and move it up with all fingers closed. The grass grows taller. You move your hand to the left, and the grass follows the movement, becoming as tall as a tree, but as curved as a banana.

As soon as you pay no more focus to the grass, the extension you made begins to revert, due to the grass being incapable of maintaining that amount of living cells with its limited access to natural resources. How you know this remains a mystery. It just comes naturally... naturally, get it?

You flick your hair and it extends, following your thought. It appears you can control it as well.

You flap your pink fairy wings repedeatly, but you can't lift off from the ground.

"What are you doing?"

"Testing what this... thing can do," you answer. Your weight appears to be too much for the wings to work effectively.

"Try jumping. You won't lift off on your own."

He's right. You nod. You begin flapping the wings frantically, then you jump into the air. Indeed, you hover in the air, soaring and gliding several meters above the ground. It's faster than walking or even running, but it doesn't seem to allow you to go too high. You could probably make longer and faster jumps this way, or not fall down to the earth, but you doubt you'll be able to rise more than a few meters into the air.

Your wings stop moving. You drop from the sky to the ground, next to Glenn. Your feet gently land on the earth, as if accepted by it without any consequence.


You hear a loud sound, like the shrieking of an airplane engine, but slightly different. You look up and you see a red disk in the sky, adorned with lights. It stops mid-flight suddenly and stares toward you. You stare back, wondering what in hell that thing is.

"Melissa!" Grandpa Max runs over from the forest.

The red alien drone opens a hatch in its body, revealing a metallic barrel. From it, it shoots two bolts of roiling, crimson energy that race toward you at high velocities. You manage, to just barely, jump up in time and flutter your wings to avoid the result of what would have been.

The drone keeps firing, and you run to the side to avoid the fire. The drone happens to be comfortably close to the top of a tree. You focus. The tree 'extends' and whacks the red robot, knocking it out of the sky and toward the ground. It hits into the ground, but remains active, albeit broken enough not to fly or be a threat.

To finish it off, you order a local patch of grass to grow out and pick up a heavy boulder. Then you have the grass smack the drone with the boulder until it is completely destroyed.

Crisis averted.

You turn to Grandpa Max. "What was that thing?"

Glenn stares at the destroyed drone, shocked, while you run past him to grandpa.

Max looks at you. "An alien drone."

"Alien?" you query, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, what else could it be?!" Max says, dubiously. "You... are probably an alien too!" he adds, with a pint of suspicion in his voice. Overall, it's weird this is the first thing he'd say, or jump to as a conclusion, but it ultimately makes sense.

"I guess?" you exclaim. "What now?"

"These drones are designed to capture you, Melissa. They have to be after the watch," Glenn deducts. Max nods to his claim, pretty much confirming it. You know Grandpa Max to be a very wise man.

"What do we do about them?"

"Watch out!" Glenn warns before anyone can answer the question. You turn around at once, managing to barely avoid another shot of red energy.

Two more drones fly overhead, deploying their weaponry and preparing for combat. Perhaps you should too?

"Get in the Rust Bucket," you order Max and Glenn, stepping forward to fight.

You observe your environment to see what you could use to your advantage. There is grass absolutely everywhere. Pretty much the same thing goes for trees. In fact, this might be the best possible environment for this particular alien. You are in your natural habitat. This is your territory. The lion's den.

You use trees to whip the drones out of the sky, then you smash them with boulders like you did before. They fall like flies.

Soon, after you are done with the drones, you hear a buzzing sound.


A red light explodes from your body. Titania is no more, and in her place, stands Melissa Tennyson. You are back to your human body. You look at the watch, which is still on your left wrist. Its normally white or green symbol is now red. So it has a limited charge or something? Good to know, but you wouldn't have minded if a manual came with this thing. Had you took a few seconds more to beat the drones, you'd be gone from this world.

You turn around and proceed to the Rust Bucket.

Decide your course of action.

[] Try to convince Max and Glenn to forget what happened here and try to move on with the vacation. A watch that lets you have superpowers? You can live like this, alright!
[] Strategize on what to do should more of these things be sent your way. Maybe play with the watch a little to see what else you can figure out about it.
[] Write-in.
[X] Try to convince Max and Glenn to forget what happened here and try to move on with the vacation. A watch that lets you have superpowers? You can live like this, alright!

Not the most optimal, but feels like her alright
[X] Strategize on what to do should more of these things be sent your way. Maybe play with the watcha little to see what else you can figure out about it.

This seems to be the best long term option
[X] Try to convince Max and Glenn to forget what happened here and try to move on with the vacation. A watch that lets you have superpowers? You can live like this, alright!