>Playing a character for the sake of min-maxing instead of for a compelling story arc

At least say you wanna be Kevin because you are intriuged by the way his character flaws will interact with ultimate cosmic power, jeez.
Okay, I want to be Kevin because I like him and I think his early life would be cool to change with the Omnitrix. I don't like Melissa because I don't find her as interesting as Kevin, and adding a major OC should only be done if necessary (by my own opinion).
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Okay, I want to be Kevin because I like him and I think his early life would be cool to change with the Omnitrix. I don't like Melissa because I don't find her as interesting as Kevin, and adding a major OC should only be done if necessary (by my own opinion).
Isn't that point of a lot of quests to make an OC to replace,or give a new personality to the canonical protagonist to tell a different story.

And I like Kevin too,but giving him the Omnitrix will just be overkill. And Gwen with an omnitrix will be considerly weaker than a Omnitrix!Kevin,but she still too powerful if she unlocks her alien and mana abilities early.(which SV will undoubtedly try to do.)
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[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and people's cars. Messing with those "adorable" losers and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick by your Grandpa Max for a summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to start a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)

@Birdsie Are you still there.
[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and people's cars. Messing with those "adorable" losers and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick by your Grandpa Max for a summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to start a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)
Isn't that point of a lot of quests to make an OC to replace,or give a new personality to the canonical protagonist to tell a different story.

And I like Kevin too,but giving him the Omnitrix will just be overkill. And Gwen with an omnitrix will be considerly weaker than a Omnitrix!Kevin,but she still too powerful if she unlocks her alien and mana abilities early.(which SV will undoubtedly try to do.)
Depends on what quests you like to read. I generally don't like OC's in non-original stories or universes, and I prefer the new personality to be built over time through choices in-story rather than a pre-built new personality as some AU's do, though that runs into the other problem of SV generally choosing similar personality types throughout multiple quests (brave, just, kind, etc).

There are many reasonable things that could be done about overkill. For one, he definitely wouldn't be able to absorb when transformed considering the fact that ability comes from his heritage, which he would not have when he's been turned into alien DNA.

Finally, I didn't speak up to argue. You asked for someone that wasn't voting Kevin for min-maxing; I spoke up because I fit the role. I hate min-maxing.
Tempted to go with Gwen, but Kevin seems pretty cool. It'll be interesting to see how his early life changes, and I have hopes for what happens to Ben without the Omnimatrix. (OTOH, it's been ages since I paid attention to Ben 10.)

[X] Write-in. (Character Creation.)
-[X] Pack your bags and run away from home. That loser's not your real dad. He can shove it. (Play as Kevin Levin)
[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and people's cars. Messing with those "adorable" losers and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick by your Grandpa Max for a summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to start a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)
[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around thecountry. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to a summer. (Melissa Tennyson).

How... interesting...
so when does this vote close?
@Birdsie Yeah,I been wondering that for while since it has been a couple of days.

Kevin has sixteen votes,and Melissa(The true winning vote) has about twenty.

Either way here's a vote tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Christyking1980 on Dec 18, 2017 at 5:44 AM, finished with 61 posts and 41 votes.

  • [X] Write-in. (Character Creation.)​
    -[X] Pack your bags and run away from home. That loser's not your real dad. He can shove it. (Play as Kevin Levin)​
    [X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)
    [X] Get picked up by Grandpa Max. The two of you are going on a long summer trip across the country. (Play as Benjamin Tennyson.)
    [X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and people's cars. Messing with those "adorable" losers and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick by your Grandpa Max for a summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to start a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)
    [X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to start a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)
    [X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to a summer.
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[X] Spraying graffiti and vandalising on some old buses and your least favorite people' cars. Messing with those adorable twats and dorks for one last time. And finally, getting pick up by your grandpa max for summer vacation around the country. Oh you know one awesome as hell way to start a summer. (Melissa Tennyson)
Sorry for the wait. I've been writing down alien ideas until I decided I was ready. Next update soon.
Volume 1 - And Then, There Were Ten: Part 2

End of the day. You're sitting in class, waiting for the bell to ring. Day after day, you always waited for the sweet sound of freedom, but never so eagerly as today. You can't help it. Every five seconds, your eyes glance up at the clock to see how much progress it made, despite counting the passing seconds in your head at the same time.

The teacher keeps talking smack about summer class. You just ignore her ramblings.

And, there. The bell rings. People pack up, put on their backpacks, and rush out the classroom faster than horses during a race. Naturally, you follow in suit in the middle of the crazed crowd of animals that the school refers to as 'students.'

You go outside the school. "Goodbye, Schlong-High!" you exclaim, as you walk down the stairs and turn around to give the school a smug goodbye. You go around to the back, where the parking is. If you hurry up, you'll definitely be able to perform some neat street art before any teachers decide it's time to go home and get into their slippers, or whatever they do.

You take out your spray can then shake it. "You've had it a long time coming, Mr. Brooks. Enjoy this phallic vulgarism."

"What're you doing?" You hear a familiar voice and turn with a sheepish grin, hiding the spray paint can behind your back.

Robert Walker, Student Council stuck-up, and 24/7 professional nerd.

"None of your business, Robbie."

Robert walks up to you, taking your hand and clenching it. For a nerd, he has a strong grip. You know that he started going to the gym somewhere in December. You let go of the spray can under the pressure. It falls to the concrete. Robert adjusts his glasses and picks up the can.

He gives you a disappointed look and walks off, then throws it into the nearest dumpster. After that, he goes inside.

You sure aren't digging the can out of the dumpster - you're not that shameless. No vengeance then, but that's fine. The summer vacation is still ahead of you, and you're still looking forward to it. Absolutely nothing can ruin this day.


"This sucks! You ruined the whole summer!"

"Spare me," your cousin; Glenn answers.

Grandpa Max looks at you. "I thought you'd be thrilled to spend a summer bonding with your cousin."

You want to say 'you thought wrong,' but this is your grandpa and you're not heartless. Instead, you grumble complaints under your nose and sit down near the table, opposite of dweeb number one. You avoid eye contact and support your disappointed face with your hand.

Glenn sighs. "See what I told you?" he says to Max.

"Oh? What's wrong?!" you turn to him. "You got used to being stiff and dull, so now you can't stand me?"

It's no secret. His biological relation to you has to be a coincidence. Or a mistake by the Lord Almighty. The truth is, Glenn is the very opposite of fun. He's a quiet, personal introvert that prefers loneliness and dislikes social gatherings. This lead to your always calling him Dull McPlain.

Glenn frowns. "Says the tolerant one."

Grandpa Max sighs and sits behind the steering wheel.


An alien being sits atop a throne. A metallic suit covering his body, with vile, red eyes that watched the bridge calmly. The space-ship with red, iron interior keeps shaking, as though the ship is in constant movement. The ship fights with another, smaller vessel near a planet of green and blue color.

The big, red ship fires a powerful energy shot from its main cannon. It hits the smaller vessel, dealing immense damage to the engines and shields.


"We hit the enemy vessel. Their shields are down!" an analyst answers.

"Prepare to board!"

Before anything can happen, the ship fires out a drop pod to ensure what it guarded won't fall into the wrong hands. After that, its top cannon fires a shot of its own, aiming for the enemy bridge. Everything explodes into ash.


You arrive near the forest, on an open field. On your ears is a pair of headphones, playing a song of your favorite rock band. Dweeb McGee is sitting with his back turned to you, writing something on his laptop. The two of you agreed to avoid contact as much as possible, since you don't synergize too well.

Grandpa Max approaches with a bag of marshmallows. "Anyone wants to––"

"No, thanks."

"Nope," you answer.

"What's wrong with you two?" he asks.

"What's wrong with me?" you stand up, looking him straight in the eyes. You point at Glenn. "What's wrong with him!? He just sits cooped up in a fantasy world all day." Glenn ignores you and keeps looking through the depths of the internet. You sneer. "Do you hear me?"

Glenn closes his laptop and looks at you. You broke him. His eyebrows are furrowed and his mouth contorted into a teeth-gritted scowl. "How can I not hear you when you're being so obnoxious!?"

"Pffft! Why don't you get a life? All you do all day is sit in your room and play video games. Solve that one real quick."

"All you do is piss people off!"

"Only in a literal sense."

"... At least my parents don't yell at me for having bad grades." He found the spot.

"What did you say?!" Your blood heats. You go forward, but Grandpa Max steps in before you can reach Dull McJustKilledHimself and feed him with fist.

"Hmph," you step back. "I'm going for a walk. I don't have to take this."

"Melissa!" Max calls.

You ignore him and walk away in the opposite direction.


You stroll through the forest. "It's a wrap for that freak," you mutter to yourself. What he said was true, but he doesn't hold the right to say something like that when he's a loser himself.

BZZZZZT! You look up.

In the night's sky, there is a light. It flies across the sky, from one side to another.

"Shooting star? Cool."

It snaps in motion, turning in the direction of the air - headed directly at you.

"Uh oh. I get the feeling that's NOT A SHOOTING STAR!" you say, as you run away.

The loud sound of the earth cracking and moving apart, along with something similar to an explosion of gas reaches your ears. You fall onto your chest and crawl further away, until you turn and see that the - whatever the hell it was - stopped chasing you and hit the ground, drilling a long line in it, like a meteor.

"Satellites don't turn like that, do they?" you ask yourself, walking forward. You go to the very edge of the crater and look inside. You don't see much. White gas covers everything. You squint and try to look through. The smell is horrible, like roasted rubber and fried iron. It's hard to describe, but it's really foul.

The ground under you cracks, unstable and incapable of keeping up your weight. You fall into the hole, into the gas. The smell becomes really bad. You start coughing, until the gas dissipates in several seconds. You see what fell from the sky now.

A... capsule? Of black, kind of greyish color, with a gray metallic cover on it. The cover slides open as soon as you take one step forward, making you stop and reconsider. You stare.

There's a green light coming from the capsule.

[] Approach.
[] Do not. Better go back and tell Grandpa Max and Glenn what you found.
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[x] Approach.

I'm going to be honest, I really don't like that Gwen was changed without asking us, but *shrug* oh well, let's see we're this is going.
[X] Approach.

I'm ambivalent on Glenn, but I now I'm going to be wondering about all the other characters Ben met in the otl.
[x] Approach.

I'm going to be honest, I really don't like that Gwen was changed without asking us, but *shrug* oh well, let's see we're this is going.
I always felt like there was better anti-chemistry between siblings/cousins of opposite gender. It can lead to more conflict. If I used Gwen, there'd still probably be conflict but there'd likely be less of it since they both have more in common.

Ben was more of a reckless, careless kid than a proper delinquent, while Gwen was more of a top-grade, intelligent student than a proper nerd.
Here, Mel is more of a proper delinquent and Glenn is more of a proper nerd/geek, who plays Dungeons and Dragons through the internet in his spare time.

Mel might even get along with Kevin more than Ben. Yes, we'll encounter Kevin.
Question does that mean that Glenn won't have magic?

I mean, it seens like magic is kinda stronger on females: Max have 2 sons with a Magic alien, both sons were normal, then they both have children each, the male one(Ben) was normal again, yet the girl(Gwen) *boom* great Magical power.
Question does that mean that Glenn won't have magic?

I mean, it seens like magic is kinda stronger on females: Max have 2 sons with a Magic alien, both sons were normal, then they both have children each, the male one(Ben) was normal again, yet the girl(Gwen) *boom* great Magical power.
Honestly, I just assumed it was a rare, recessive gene of some kind.

Charmcaster's uncle (forgot his name,) was a mage too, and extraordinarily powerful.
Honestly, I just assumed it was a rare, recessive gene of some kind.

Charmcaster's uncle (forgot his name,) was a mage too, and extraordinarily powerful.
It was Hex and fair enough, now I just wait to the moment that Glenn yells, "I cast magic missile!" otherwise I will be very dissapointed. :V