On Stunting and such, with a reminder that I am not in any way talented at it, so I may get this slightly wrong, but I doubt by much, if any.
FunkyE has the why of it. It is not supposed to be a laundry list of what you want to do. In fact, the reason for only having max. 60 words limit imposed is because people were using it like a laundry list of things you want to have happen, so it got dropped to, I think, 100 words, but people were still doing it, so it got dropped further to 60.
A Stunt, a good Stunt, is flashy and memorable and is supposed to be a momentary slice of pure Awesome. Either because of physical actions, or with spoken words (or both, in the case of the Kali riding FP as a flying surfboard Stunt).
So you don't get your laundry list of wants or desires into the Stunt itself, but if you mention it, Grom will probably see it and make note of it when he is writing the update. More importantly, I try to make notes of everything said and use said notes to make suggestions and such to Grom when he is writing.