Alchemical Solutions [Worm/Exalted] Thread 12: Luminous Loom Lavishes Luxurious Largess

DragonBard said:
Are there some good sources for fan made Alchemical Charms to expand our potential selections?

If not, and maybe even if there are, we should make some, and if Grom thinks they're good enough (in other words, not broken) they can be added to what we might give to our later Exalts, and choose for ourselves.
I'm fine with fan-made charms and items, as long as they're still kept to pure Autochthonian tech-level (no wi-fi, etc.), are sufficiently balanced, and serve a purpose that would explain their existence. However, Autochthonia did make contact with Creation for a short while, so there is some opportunity for limited inspiration from what they saw there (before everything went to shit and they booked it).
Gromweld said:
I'm fine with fan-made charms and items, as long as they're still kept to pure Autochthonian tech-level (no wi-fi, etc.), are sufficiently balanced, and serve a purpose that would explain their existence. However, Autochthonia did make contact with Creation for a short while, so there is some opportunity for limited inspiration from what they saw there (before everything went to shit and they booked it).
Someone should revamp the Alchemical Ox-Body charm equivalents into something good instead of "mediocre at best".
Gromweld said:
I'm fine with fan-made charms and items, as long as they're still kept to pure Autochthonian tech-level (no wi-fi, etc.), are sufficiently balanced, and serve a purpose that would explain their existence. However, Autochthonia did make contact with Creation for a short while, so there is some opportunity for limited inspiration from what they saw there (before everything went to shit and they booked it).
That's was during the Great Contagion, right?
SpaceBattles' server has run out of disk space. More info HERE. I was sticking with SpaceBattles in the hopes that the server issues would remedy themselves, but at this point I feel it's wiser to move on to more reliable hardware.

Alchemical Solutions will continue on the spin-off forum, Sufficient Velocity.

The new thread, Thread 13, can be found HERE.