Alright, it's obvious you only have one reasonable choice. Even with the element of surprise, beating the Dragon of the West and the Fire Prince at once is far beyond you. If you make a scene and try to escape, you'll probably be swiftly caught. As unfortunate as it would be to have to slowly and quietly sneak back up to Aang and Kakaze all while the attackers are making their way in the same direction, it's your only option that isn't doomed to violent failure.
Slowly, you rise to your feet and turn up towards the Air Temple, moving quietly, gripping on to rocks or roots whenever possible to ensure you don't slip. Normally, you think you'd be cripplingly terrified in this situation, but for some reason you feel really good. You can feel your whole body tingling with energy, probably as a result of the experimental workout you were doing a moment ago. You feel like you could jump three meters straight into the air, your muscles wound like springs.
Near-silently, you maneuver up the mountain. It's not so steep that you can't walk, but it's steep enough that if you didn't move low to the ground and use hiking techniques, you'd be liable to slip and tumble, like the loud grunts and thumps you can hear from the firebenders below. Carefully, you continue, feeling that constant tingling of your pooled chi under your skin. You'd be worried it was dangerous if it didn't feel so good, and besides, you can't safely firebend to release the energy right now anyway, you'd be spotted immediately.
You continue to move swiftly up the mountainside in the darkness, even the moonlight obscured by the mountain face. As you approach the base of the Air Temple, you even start thinking you're home free, and that you and the others can be long gone before the royals even reach the Temple.
Your overconfidence gets the better of you, and you poorly choose where to place your foot, nearly falling as you send a rock tumbling out from underneath you and rolling down the hill. But, you think as you turn towards the firebenders below you, they're far away, perhaps they didn't see you?
Sure enough, the majority of them appear to be preoccupied with climbing themselves, unused to hiking. However, as you scan over them, you realize one of them is facing you directly, the shortest among them, brown eyes shining up at you like a hawk's in the moonlight.
For a few silent moments, you stare at each other. Maybe he doesn't see you? The moonlight is shining at him, not you, perhaps he only looked because he heard the rock, but he can't actually see you. If you wait, silent and still, for a few moments, perhaps he'll look away.
He still stares, wordless and expressionless, even as his fellows continue to struggle to climb. Although it's hard to see, his stature, topknot, and distinctive beard remind you of a face you've seen many times in illustration or imitation. Iroh. The former Fire Prince, firstborn of Azulon, brother to Fire Lord Ozai. The Dragon of the West, disgraced, dishonored, but still feared by his enemies and respected by his fellows.
He still stares, even as you grin, sweating dripping down your face, adrenaline, fear, and your intense excitement mingling in a confusing bundle of emotions.
He still stares, even as the other firebenders begin to leave him behind, and you see one of them begin to turn, presumably to ask him if he's coming.
Well, consider your bluff called! Raising your fist, you throw a strike that you lean into with much of the chi pooled in your extremities, and you feel the flame emerge with intense force in the direction of the firebenders, but there's something wrong.
Sparks erupt along the length of your arm, expanding into bursts of flame that pop like firecrackers, all in the split-second before the attack bursts forth from your fist. When it does, rather than coming out smoothly like a flame typically does, it erupts like a gunpowder explosion, not making it even halfway to the firebenders and rather crashing you into the mountainside at your back, leaving you briefly sliding down it before you right yourself.
"Ah, man…"
You hear the voice that you gathered belonged to Prince Zuko cry out as he points to you. "There! That must be the Avatar's traitor lackey! Get him, quickly!"
With that, as you try to clear the ringing in your ears, you see the group begin to rush up toward you at a much greater speed. Some even throw fireballs which, at this range, either miss by meters or just evaporate in the air. Zuko is ahead of the pack, moving with impressive agility. Iroh, on the other hand, remains at a comfortable walking pace, finally breaking his unbearable eye contact with a shake of his head.
Unsteadily, you get to your feet, looking at the right arm you used to unleash the attack. Your sleeve was blasted off completely, and your arm and fist already look bruised and mildly burned. Guess that's why firebenders don't overfill their bodies with chi before firebending.
Ignoring the pain and the continued tinnitus, you turn and begin to rush up to the Air Temple, yelling as soon as your voice returns. "Aang! Kakaze! Get up and get ready to run, we're under attack!"
You spot your groggy companions all rising to their feet in the distance, as you sprint toward them.
Aang looks like he's yelling something at you, but you can't make it out over the pounding of your footfalls and the ringing in your ears. "Just get on Appa, we need to go!"
At least quick to react, you see Aang and Kakaze swiftly escape their sleeping bags and climb, or in Aang's case, leap onto Appa's saddle. You can make out a "yip yip" as Appa begins to ascend into the air. Before he can rise higher than a few meters and turn to pick you up, though, you watch all the shadows in the area violently spin as a tremendous fireball flies over your head, passing just barely over Appa, forcing him to the ground.
You turn and see Zuko has reached the base of the Temple first. He's gained on you, which means he somehow managed to hike faster than you did. Well, your skills are probably a bit hampered by your stunned brain, so you don't take the loss personally. He's about fifty meters behind you, and Appa is a bit further away on the other side. Immediately, he sprints at you with a terrifying vigor, and you recognize without hesitation that you can't outrun him, you'll have to hold him off while the others come to pick you up.
The two of you both thrust out your arms and your bursts of flame meet in the middle, growing in intensity as he rapidly approaches, fading before the blaze at the center can burst and ignite you both.
Your chi isn't as overwhelmingly overcharged as it was before, but you can still feel that your firebending is stronger than usual in spite of your injuries. He hurls fireballs at you that you're able to deflect off to either side with relative ease and only superficial burns. You counterattack, a single jab sending a burst of flame at center mass. Seemingly surprised, he barely reacts in time to block it.
The traded volley of long-range fireballs stops as he gets closer, both of you firing continuous waves of flame instead, as in the distance you can see the other Fire Nation soldiers reaching the base of the Air Temple.
You continue to deflect, block, or overpower Prince Zuko's attacks, countering when possible, and it's almost hard to believe, but you think you might be winning. Sure, you had one heck of a warmup, but you're injured too, so don't those cancel each other out? You might be getting ahead of yourself, but you think you're actually fighting the Fire Prince on even ground, if not higher ground. You can't be sure, but for each narrowly-evaded scorching blast that passes centimeters by your face, you swear your counterattack misses Zuko by an even smaller margin. You see sweat dripping down his face, his furious expression highlighted by his infamous scar. They make it look bigger in the illustrations.
"How did you get in contact with the Avatar! How long was he hiding in the Fire Nation!?"
You grin to hide that you're gritting your teeth in pain from burns that continue to pile on, the other soldiers coming ever closer even as some of them split their attention to try to suppress your friends.
"I never had contact with him till like a week ago! He wasn't hiding, he was frozen in ice!"
Zuko overextends to send his biggest fire wave at you yet, but you have to focus on dodging instead of counterattacking. "For 100 years!? As if I'd believe that!"
You scowl, not interested in trying to convince him of something that doesn't even matter, and respond in kind, resorting to the same trick you used on the soldiers back at home, exhaling a mighty gout of flame directly at him from a relatively close range. He raises his hands to try to deflect, but you're hopeful he'll fail- until your entire range of vision is enveloped in dragonfire.
It's as if someone had filled a bowl the size of a house with kerosene, ignited it, and then spilled the bowl in front of your face. Your attack is enveloped like a match tossed into a bonfire, the maelstrom of flame sending you stumbling back and raising your hands to shield your face and eyes from the heat. Squinting in pain, you turn to see Iroh, closer than you'd expect from his previous pace, his left hand smoking. That wasn't even conjured from his mouth!? Still, that flame would have reduced you to little more than a skeleton- why did he only aim it at your attack and not you? You're sure he could have saved Zuko and torched you, and yet here you stand.
You won't be standing for long, of course, as soldiers rush you with raised blades and burning palms. Your power is gone. This would be a really good time for Aang to show up.
On perfect cue, a forceful gust of wind erupts from above you as Appa flies by, sending Zuko and the nearby soldiers falling on their rears. Aang lands weightlessly beside you a split-second later, grabbing your waist and leaping up with you in an updraft to land gently on Appa as he flies higher into the air.
Exhausted, terrified, but exhilarated and self-satisfied, you lean off Appa's saddle and yell down at Zuko tauntingly. "If you can't beat just one firebender on your own, Fire Prince, I think you'll need a little more training before you take on the Avatar!"
It's as much a self-affirmation that the Fire Prince himself needed to be bailed out from a duel with you as it is an insult to him. It seems the Dragon's reputation is far from an exaggeration, but you can't feel bad for losing to a living legend that's said to be the second strongest firebender alive.
"What's going on? How did those guys find us?"
"That was Zuko and Iroh, the Fire Lord's son and brother, they've been searching for you for two years, ever since Zuko got dishonored. Their honor is riding on capturing you. I didn't hear much of it, but it sounds like people saw us flying this way and they just guessed where we were headed."
Aang gives an anxious look down at the firebenders, shrinking to ant size as the distance from them increases. "Man… things really have changed."
Kakaze gives you a strange look that you don't know how to interpret. "Why were you down the mountain, by the way?"
Weakly, you shrug. "I was training, I wanted to go somewhere where the air wasn't so thin so firebending would be easier. I heard them coming up the mountain before I was done, tried to sneak up to warn you quietly, but I got spotted, so I just yelled and ran. Thanks for the save, by the way, Aang."
He turns back at you and grins. "We're even now, ever since what you did in Ojima. If I have to save you again, you'll owe me."
You chuckle. "Well, I hope we don't have to make a habit of saving each other's lives. Maybe I can pay you back by buying lunch?"
Kakaze sighs. "Don't kid me. Neither of you idiots even brought any money, so lunch is gonna be on me for the foreseeable future."
"Speaking of the foreseeable future," says Aang, "where are we going now? I guess the Air Temples aren't an option anymore."
Both of them look at you. OK seriously this time, who died and made you the team leader?
[] The Earth Kingdom. Its shores aren't far North, so you'll be able to make it there quickly, and once you pass by the Fire Nation colonies, you'll be relatively safe. Plus, you can find Earthbending tutors if Aang doesn't want to continue firebending training right now.
[] The Southern Water Tribe. It's the closest location of all, and while you don't actually know anything about it, you're almost sure to find waterbenders there to teach Aang at least. You need to consider, though, that it's literally the only thing South of here. The Fire Nation will know where you're going, and they'll follow.
[] Circle back to the Fire Nation. Those buffoons will never see that coming.
[] The Northern Water Tribe. It's a long way, and will take at least a week of travel, but that's the beauty of it. Appa is spectacularly faster than any boat, by the time news arrives in the Fire Nation of your direction and likely destination, you'll already practically be there, and it could take weeks or even months for the Fire Nation to even show up, let alone breaking through the yet-impenetrable North's defenses to get to you.
[] Write in…